I'm assuming prisoners in Wonderland had some contact with each other, because long term solitary confinement tends to be extremely bad for mental health and while they aren't chill or stable Monarchs gang is managing logistical concerns and making and honoring trade deals and long term plans. So the timeline doesnt necessarily rule out Valkyrie as a mom
Wonderland was also gender segregated. This isn't necessarily a full bullet in the theory, there's the possibility of a pre-op trans woman who was put inside the women's side, but it is worth noting.
Finally finished reading, good stuff as always @Bitterman I'm really intrigued by Monarch having an adopted daughter and the band of criminals caring for her. Gotta say, I love Warpstar's dialogue. Scarlet Maturity as well, he's a giant behemoth of a man who's out of control, but he's also so hung up on strength and winning it winds up making him look so silly.

Honestly I would say go BS/MW and VG/DS for the interview. I will however accede to some of the plans with BS/VG pair depending on who else is there cause they're so fun to watch. Personally, I think Handyman did fine in that situation, considering he held Heracles for a time.

Remind me if Marie Marionette is potency 13? I kinda suspect Princess is potency 13 as well, with major side-effects showing in her appearance.
No, it is adding a few interesting elements for sure. Also half making me wonder if you played Fear and Hunger given who White Hawk shares an expy of + the existence of the daughter, but very much adding some depth here.
This is probably unlikely considering what Bitterman said few posts below, but man, as someone who's familiar with FaH lore, that got me thinking.
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Remind me if Marie Marionette is potency 13? I kinda suspect Princess is potency 13 as well, with major side-effects showing in her appearance
I don't think Marie is Potency 13 based on how she did here and back when fighting Black Swan.
There's the two Algernons, Monarch was announced as being Potency 13 awhile back, and the last one is either Heracles or Warpstar (probably Warpstar).
I also have to say, White Hawk? The more I listen to him, the more I'm "mmm, yeah, kinda wanna throttle this guy." Considering who his expy is, that's a good sign.

I don't think Marie is Potency 13 based on how she did here and back when fighting Black Swan.
There's the two Algernons, Monarch was announced as being Potency 13 awhile back, and the last one is either Heracles or Warpstar (probably Warpstar).
I also think Warpstar is Potency 13, yeah. So that's Monarch, Warpstar, Acid Rain, another Algernon, and another metahuman. I suspect Princess is a non-combatant potency 13.
It's the constant smiling that really makes me unnerved about him. Seraph and Starlight Knight are probably actual Horae Guard members. But White Hawk could not scream "plant" any more than Overgrowth from my DMU omake, and he's literally a walking tree!
So, just realized there's a potentially interesting synergy between Rhys and Opale: their struggles coming from non-LGBTQ homes, the effects family have had on them and their loss of their romantic partner during the Movement.


The above was the order I thought of the rest of the combos would logically be, not the order I think they should be interviewed.
Princess catches you staring.

"Don't look! Don't look! Please, don't look at meeeeee!"
Hey, doesn't this remind you of someone ?
The person Mona met way back when she got her powers.
We thought it was Lantern, but Lantern never mentioned seeing Mona to the rest of the Philosophers.
Everyone will know Princess and Princess, no matter where Monarch goes. And if people like the Horae Guard are after her . . .
This sentence is structured oddly.
So, just realized there's a potentially interesting synergy between Rhys and Opale: their struggles coming from non-LGBTQ homes, the effects family have had on them and their loss of their romantic partner during the Movement.


The above was the order I thought of the rest of the combos would logically be, not the order I think they should be interviewed.
Still risks failure with a nat 1 though good point on Chatelet and Handyman having an interesting narrative.
[] Plan Autopass
-[] Black Swan and Valiant Gold
-[] Handyman and Menagerie Witch
-[] Chatelet
Fwiw I'd probably have Black Swan and Menagerie Witch/Handyman and Valiant Gold as the pairs rather than that. I think those pairs would be able to have good chemistry and get roll bonii, I think both of these options have the basis for bonii too. Just based off of how the former pair acts around each other and the recent talk Handyman and Valiant Gold had.

The main reason I'd push for this is BS/VG has 16 rep at base, while H/MW has 6 rep at base. Comparing that to 14 and 8 rep while ideally still having roll bonii feels like a decent safety proofing method. Chatelet being the solo here off the recent speech, needing Black Swan to cover, and not really feeling comfortable with Valiant Gold going solo here with 6 Rep.
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Holy shit, what an update. Missed the rolling session last time so I decided to wait.

Did I mention that I hate Crusade? Because I really hate those assholes right now.

Anyway, whatever we choose for the interview, please let's not put Valiant Gold and Black Swan together.
Mona constantly fumbles around Ellie and the last thing we need is our new Face fumbling on national television.
Black Swan CK3 Character Sheet
How dare you fuse 2 of my strongest hyperfixations, now I need to do it too!

Power 20(Lady Leizi is one of the greatest martial artists on the planet. Unfortunately, her body is human in a field where many simply aren't)

Heart 7(Lady leizi has started to come further out of her shell to keep the friends she has in memory of the ones she's lost. To say her past is rife with hardship and trauma is almost insultingly reductive. But no matter what she says, Lady Leizi has come a long, long way)

Logistics 21(Creating a nationwide information network is not a small feat!)

Brains 14(you learn a few things as an Algernon's confidant)

Trickery 32(When Lady Leizi couldn't fight her foes, she made damn sure they couldn't hide)

Ears to the horizon: Nothing escapes Lady Leizi's notice, or so they say. +20 to ANY Trickery Check to sus out information in Horizon, Leizi may personally investigate a topic to lower the investigation check by 10 and double the information gained from a success.

You can be more: Lady Leizi wants to believe. That an open hand can exist beside the closed fist. That your worst deeds don't define you. That the only good in the world is whatever we give eachother. Leizi's struggled with this idea her whole life, and expects she will continue to do so to her dying day. But one thing is certain; if she can't fully internalize this philosophy then she vows to externalize it tenfold. Lady Leizi has unique opertunities to see the best in people, and can recive +5/10 to reach out to them; especially if said person has committed heinous crimes with good intentions. [THIS TRAIT CAN BECOME MORE]

Strike like lightning: Lady Leizi can cloak her body in electricity to enhance her blows. +5 Power in combat

Power 40+ (Mona's powers make her an nigh-invincible, hypersonic high output partical cannon)

Heart 33(Mona is a natural at pulling people into her Orbit, and an expert at getting what she wants from who she wants, even if it makes her look silly)

Logistics 13(Buying rare pieces of justice unlimited merchandise can be surprisingly expensive, especially on an intern's salary)

Trickery 8(Mona can fool others, but has trouble with her own subtext, much less that of others)

Brains 16(Mona's a sharp gal)

Relativistic Viscera: Mona starts every battle with +40 Power. This bonus lowers by 1d8 with every attack. If an opponent somehow manages to hurt Black Swan, reduce this bonus by a the square root of their roll over 10(so if an enemy injures her on a 90, they remove 3 points from her bonus). At -40+X Power, Mona is reduced to her core and cannot battle until she has regenerated

Lightspeed Dash: as Mona's speed approaches the infinite, the world burns away. Mona adds 1/2 the bonus of Relativistic Viscera on top of itself in exchange for doing an "attack" on her immediate surroundings with RV's bonus. The higher the roll, the more she destroys.

Hypernovae Mode: Mona attacks with 2× her max RV bonus and makes 2-3 attacks per round.

Extreme Psychic Field Sensitivity: +20 Heart when communicating with psychic phenomena, -20 Presence when defending against it.

The fumblerrrrrr: Half Mona's Heart if she's infatuated, and half it again if she's in love

Power 3(Madeline is still recovering from severe malnourishment and minor osteoporosis)

Heart 12(she's cute and not a pushover)

Logistics 13/??(Madeline has a talent for quick thinking, multitasking, and generally having her life together, but no one who loves her would ever make her use it.)

Brains 9(she's smart for a 9th grader)

Trickery 14(Madeline is deceptively frail and has control over her shadow)

Menagerie, the Black Pack: Madeline can roll Heart+Logistics+10 instead of power on power rolls

Echidna: Menagerie can sacrifice 1 hp to add +10 to combat. If Echidna isn't destroyed, they can stick around for further engagements.

A kid? Nah-: Most people are hesitant to immediately go all out against a child. The first attack against Menagerie Witch only uses 2/3rd of their power. This will not work on Metas or factions that are familiar with her capabilities

Power 28(Rhys's body can take any shape and mimic any organ or tissue)

Heart 13(Rhys is always willing to comfort a friend)

Logistics 14(he's got his life together)

Brains 12(Rhys's cover makes him familiar in several topics)

Trickery 37(Rhys is a professional intelligence operative with the ability to shapeshift)

Crafty Clay: Rhys rolls +5 in combat and gives his enemies -1/2 of his Trickery to detect him.

Power 23(Opale can manipulate gravity via tube-shaped forcefields. It's as effective as it is confusing.)

Heart 27(Opale is painfully aware of how to leverage her public perception)

Logistics 22(Opale is doing a fine job tackling Justice Unlimited's...everything)

Brains 18(Opale took advanced physics to enhance her control over her power)

Trickery 12(Opale was able to hide a loophole in faust's contracts until the very last moment)

Tubular bells: Opale can spend a free action to defend an area once per encounter

Power 13(why the fuck is this 40-50 year old nerd so shredded?????)

Heart 21(John Henry has a very daily aura
also? kind of a dilf)

Logistics 25(John can balance multiple projects at once very well)

Brains 33(John is one of the world's leading experts on Powers and Psychic phenomena)

Trickery 16(as a father, John Henry can get away with lying to people for fun. He doesn't, for many reasons, but that just means you won't expect it when he does)

The Hustle: John can defend 3 people or objects at once, giving attacks against them -POWER until they take 1 level of damage, reducing his maximum number of defenses by 1. John can recharge a defense charge by selecting 1 target to [not] defend.

The Second Silver Scientist: John knows more about Nora's work tha anyone else. +10 to studying the Psychonautical or Metahumanity.

Power 10(35 in the armor)(Noelle's armor turns her from an ordinary Young Adult into a jungian juggernaut of justice!)

Heart 16(26 in the armor)(Noelle can reach people's hearts, but she can reach their minds when she takes Center Stage)

Logistics 15(Noelle was able to ration her supply of goldnine without drawing the R-Train's ire. Not impossible, but hard all the same)

Brains 12(Noelle went to a private school, right?)

Trickery 11(she can fool preteens with ease)

Presence ?(?? in the armor)(Noelles mind is portal to the Stage Itself. So it must have some sort of metaphysical oomph of its own right?)

EXCEED-BEYOND: Noelle gains +25 Power, +10 Heart, and ¿+? Presence. This trait changes depending on the suit's active module
->Paper: +10 Power/Logistics
->Scissors: +10 Power/Trickery
->Rock: +10 Power/Heart
->Dynamite: +20 Power/+20 Presence

REACH HEAVEN THROUGH VIOLENCE: Noelle can't be caught flat-footed. +10 Power in Response to Sneak Attacks.

What it means to be Valiant: to take a piece of their heart and given them all of yours

Extreme Psychic Field Sensitivity: +20 Heart when communicating with psychic phenomena, -20 Presence when defending against it unless you're wearing the armor(unless that bit's always on)

Stubborn: Noelle stays true to her convictions come gell or high-water. Chance to no-sell enemy or allied actions that go against them.

If you're curious about why I've renamed Martial, Diplomacy, Stewardship, Learning, and Intrigue, that's because I'm using the naming schema from Scrambled Eggs! Why? Because I just typed 1.3k words, that's why! Now go read that too, my friends and I worked hard on it!
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Holy shit, what an update. Missed the rolling session last time so I decided to wait.

Did I mention that I hate Crusade? Because I really hate those assholes right now.

Anyway, whatever we choose for the interview, please let's not put Valiant Gold and Black Swan together.
Mona constantly fumbles around Ellie and the last thing we need is our new Face fumbling on national television.
NO the fumbling is the point since it would give Bonus for being an interesting combo.

That said for I just Realize an Interesting Combo.

Plan Black Pass
-Chatelet and Handyman
-Valiant Gold and Doctor Silver
-Black Swan

Have the Trans and Gay work together with 10 Rep while having an interesting combo. Have Black Swan solo instead since 10 Rep means she can handle a solo interview.
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[] Plan: Building a Narrative
-[ ] Black Swan
-[ ] Handyman
-[ ] Menagerie Witch
-[ ] Châtelet
-[ ] Doctor Silver
-[ ] Valiant Gold
-[ ] Handyman & Châtelet (10 REP, LGBTQ, Lost Romantic Partner, Represent continuing despite past losses)
-[ ] Doctor Silver & Valiant Gold (12 REP, Valiant Silver legacy, unofficial adoption???, represent continuing the work of those now gone, 'subtle' rejection of Crusades claims)
-[ ] Black Swan & Menagerie Witch (14 REP, youngest yet first to appear after Movement, practically sisters, represent the future and hope)

Funnily enough, been working on this since I pointed out the combinations before. The idea of the pairs is not only create pairs with good dynamics(potentially), but the specific order tells it's own story: the loss from the movement, followed by Nora's legacy will create a subtle effect. "These people who lost so much due to the Leviathan are working with Valiant Silvers legacy, who are heores? Maybe Crusade was wrong..."

Followed by two who represent hope for the future: Menagerie Witch, a kid who suffered horribly due to LPP, accidentally hurt people yet became a hero, showing that no matter how bleak things are, they can get better. And Black Swan, the invincible, kindly yet goofy Angel, who embodies pure silver age heroism. And as bonus, it goes from least to most REP total, a sort of building importance and charisma.

Of course, that requires a viewer to sit through them all, when the first impression is arguably most important. So maybe BS/MW should be first insteas?
Anyway, whatever we choose for the interview, please let's not put Valiant Gold and Black Swan together.

No, we should put them together because it's funnier that way.

I'm not entirely convinced about Handyman though, especially since he's a former CIA asset so the Americans would be suspicious that their agent has spontaneously developed powers that weren't on file.
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My probem with this plan is it risk failure when we can make sure to pass it no matter the roll if we just remove 1 member. Considering how Critical keeping Prometheos Hidden is the chance for rep gains arent worth the risk.

Still I do like the combos but I think we can just have BS go for a solo interview she does have the rep for it.

Anyway I'll be sleeping soon So I'll post my plan here.

[] Plan Swanpass
-[ ] Black Swan
-[ ] Handyman
-[ ] Châtelet
-[ ] Doctor Silver
-[ ] Valiant Gold
-[] Handyman and Chatelet
-[] Doctro Silver and Valiant Gold
-[] Black Swan
No, we should put them together because it's funnier that way.

I'm not entirely convinced about Handyman though, especially since he's a former CIA asset so the Americans would be suspicious that their agent has spontaneously developed powers that weren't on file.
I don't think we have to reveal his name; even his relationship with Vulcan was very private. As a shapeshifter it's nearly impossible to verify his identity anyway.