The writing was great, as is usually the case, but I really dislike the options for this update. I'm not enthusiastic about any of them. 'Go loud' is the only option that feels at all satisfying after all that build-up, but it really doesn't seem like a great idea. We're probably going to lose the fight because we didn't bring Black Swan and even if we manage to win, we're still screwed. The A-Train questline has at least two stages, so we won't be able to set things up in time to save everyone if we actually beat Qilin. (Edit: We should win, but it risks blowing Ronin's cover)

'Refuse to pay and leave' is a complete nonstarter because of the 'Abandon Ellie' part and how much that goes against LL's character arc. I doubt I could convince people to vote for it even if I thought it was a good idea.

The safest option is 'agree to pay Yellow Qilin for now', but it really doesn't feel good narratively. It also gives Crusade dirt on us and indirectly supports Monarch.

The one that benefits us the most short-term is 'press your luck', and it feels a bit better than just paying her, but the risks of failing that reptation check are awfully high.
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She smiles at you as if she knows her entire existence here is one great insult.

It probably is.

You look over at Ronin who remains expressionless except for the slightest narrowing of her eyes.

Very well. You'll have to settle things after this.
After some shuffling, the room is empty except for yourself, Ronin, Ellie, and . . . her.
"Does one blame the blade or the one who wields it?"
"Not everyone cares," you say looking at Ronin.
And three, no one, no one, has ever had you cornered.
That's all the implicit evidence I could find in the update. No wonder Lady Leizhi frustrates the Philosophers, a literal mind reader could have stood next to her and not known shit about Ronin, that's crazy.
"Only I control the flow of goldnine."
No you don't, you just said Monarch did it. Are you stupid?
"I point the gun at the world's heart. It is mine to do with as I please."
It is true that the power to kill a thing is absolute power over it, but darling, borrowed power doesn't count. Man, I'm actually disappointed in this villain reveal, I thought I'd get someone with an actual interesting plan.
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Hmm with Ronin here I do think we can risk pushing thing to get Goldnine for 2 more Heroes next turn.

Wed need to take down the MG next turn while ronin buys us time with Crusade but it might be a smarter play.
I don't really see a reason why we should pay when Crusade is also here recording our dealings? Their angle is "JU is working with criminals!" so why provide them evidence to support that?

Kick their ass and deal with the consequences later. Our full team ain't here, but we came as prepared as we possibly could have.
Well on the bright side, it seems talking to R-Train seems to have a 100% approval rate for next turn! It's good to know I won't have to argue furiously for such an obviously critical option. Man, imagine if we had talked with R-Train this turn though!
Your junior members move to follow your orders as Châtelet approaches you.

"Odds that this goes loud . . . Double L?"

"Please don't call me that."

"Oh, thank god," Châtelet breathes, "It's such a silly nickname. I was worried you actually liked it."

"Heavens, no. And to answer your question: good enough that I wish we Black Swan wasn't patrolling with New Dawn."
Opale, my GOAT! You agree with me

Also I know it's been confirmed for a while, but I fucking called Heavenly Astrologian's daughter Noelle being involved in Mahou Shoujo, and our high tolerance candidate.

Anyways, before that vote call-off, I was gonna discuss about how we deal with Ronin and whether she could be an ally or enemy in case we go loud. Her response was fairly neutral imo, at least compared to Brass Shield who bought the kool-aid.

If we could rely on her, we could potentially take on Yellow Qilin if we want. Also this update has convinced me to go R-train next turn and maybe even the following.
[ ] . . . agree to pay Yellow Qilin for now.

(-6000 Income, +1 dose of goldnine, future quantities of goldnine can be bought at a rate of -3000 Income per dose.)
This is the kick the can down the line option in some ways. The income cost and 1 dose are ultimately negligible here, this is just going through not trying to rock the boat while we get the R-Train questline done. With the knowledge of Ronin being Leizi's agent I do believe this is probably a minorly worse version of pressing our luck. We don't care about the stats check or future worse income cost for buying goldnine with Ronin on our side and the added incentive to push for the R-Train alliance.

The main question is to what extent does Ronin need to explain to her fake superiors our actions or lie about them. Since if she can downplay it or lie about it successfully, then this is not needed. If its wholy necessary for keeping her cover, then this is far easier to explain as just us giving into the blackmail rather than pushing it.

[ ] . . . press your luck.

(Attempt to extort extra goldnine from Yellow Qilin. DC 10, ESPIONAGE 6. Followed by a DC 15, REPUTATION 5 Check, Upon success: -6000 Income, +3 doses of goldnine. Upon failure: -8000 Income, no doses of goldnine. Future quantities of goldnine can be bought at a rate of -4000 Income per dose.)
So, Leizi has a +1 on the Esp check and a neutral on the rep check. Giving us Ronin and Noelle's stats these are probably not super hard checks to make, while giving 2 more doses of goldnine for the same price compared to buying it. The conversion rate is worsened but frankly 3 extra doses would likely last us through doing the Train update.

The con here is well, optics first and foremost and how this interacts with Ronin's cover. Its one thing to give into the blackmail that Yellow Qilin is doing, its another thing to press her into giving us extra goldnine for the same price. How much can Ronin hide here without blowing her cover matters when it comes to taking this choice versus just paying Yellow Qilin for now.

[ ] . . . refuse to pay and leave.

(Abandon Ellie. No loss of income, option to purchase goldnine in the future.)

No, just no. This is the only option I'm not going to put any thought into, we are not abandoning her.
[ ] . . . go loud.

(Attack Yellow Qilin and the rest of the Ghost Dragon Triad. Immediate DC 13, HIT 15 Check. All nearby allies will participate in the attack. Future HIT checks to follow.)
So I would expect Ronin to be a Hit/Esp character considering she was able to work her way through large swathes of organized crime in the city and what we know of her power. Leizi is hit 5 so she is rolling with a -5 on this action before we take into account Ronin and Noelle, which likely would shift it to the -2 to 0 range if I had to give a guess.

That helps though I will admit to having it still be slightly concerning in terms of being up to the dice, plus I wouldn't be surprised if the Crusade member would go for our team over the criminals in the other room. Barring those, my first concern is Ronin's cover getting potentially blown for helping JU in any capacity, even if to deal with someone messing with the Frozen Throne and benefitting Monarch. The second concern is a question of what does this do for the girls. If we go loud, we cut off any supply for the girls which could cause them problems. As we need to do likely 2+ sections of a R-Train mission to get a permanent supply of goldnine to help at least keep the girls stable and there is the question of if they would have the time for that. Yeah, they stole some from the warehouse recently but we don't know how long this is likely going to last them in practice.

I know the QM is going to be doing analysis himself tomorrow but this seemed fun and necessary to do and I had already started writing this. :V
Hmm its a question of ap cost in mg follow up mission.

If MG follow up is 2 we might need to delay it and go for the r train mission instead. If 1 we can do it aling with demon flamez.
I'm not going to say I knew ronin was on our side, I didn't, but I did find her involvement here odd considering the whole charcuterie board thing and that answer ties everything together. I love playing the esp hero.
@Bitterman, would we have not had disadvantage if we had brought Wolong and only Wolong?
Yep! Uncle Gabriel was the only one she liked.

The updates are done, I'll open the vote tomorrow, sorry this was such a mess, now I must bed. For those who don't want to re-read everyone, the new stuff is:

Translation: Crusade will stop this obviously insane girl, but they will make sure you take the blame for it as well

Ronin has been your agent for ten years now, ever since she helped you exterminate the Ghost Dragon Triad. She was your mole in Powers, and, although she's gone dark since the incident at Balthazar, you trust that she is on your side even now. Her removing The Brass Shield from the room ensured only she could report what was said and done her—and she would ensure only the minimum necessary would reach the ears of Crusade.

Asset revealed: Ronin is an ally of Justice Unlimited!
But how to deal with the madness here? There is a certain appeal in just ending the matter now and going loud. Only, you are currently trapped in a vault underground with Yellow Qilin, her constructs, her subordinates, and dozens of innocent magical girls between you and freedom. Not to mention any failsafes she might have. At the same time, it would ensure she did not ensnare any other girls into her scheme.

You could pretend to go along with her extortion. No doubt, she believes Ronin will ensure it is used to paint you in the worst light possible despite the opposite being true. She could supply you and her victims with goldnine for a long time until you were ready to act against her, unknowingly sowing the seeds of her own doom. Yet, any money you paid would fine its way into Monarch's coffers.

Lastly, you could press your luck. Get as much goldnine as you can with this transaction and prepare immediate action to ambush Yellow Qilin once you've used it. A sufficient enough quantity and you could keep some for Project Prometheus and supply the girls until you discover an alternative source. But it is risky. Yellow Qilin is unstable and spiteful. Push too hard, and she's liable to spite you.
Honestly, press your luck looks like the best option if we think we can handle the checks. Next best is probably just taking the transaction as is. There's a certain point where adding more money to Monarch isn't going to make her much of a bigger problem and she probably hit that point before we even found out about her.
I think go loud is ultimately pretty short-sighted without having R-Train already done, and especially without Black Swan here. Plus, like, they have literally every combat advantage they can get here.
We might as well pay lip service to an agreement here and then orbital strike the place with Black Swan later. (Not a real suggestion, obviously that doesnt really fit our Justice Unlimited's mo lol.)
Hmm...yeah, I'm more in favor of Press Your Luck now. It's definitely risky, but if we could get a whopping 3 goldnine all at once, then that makes things easier for us. We'd need to try contacting the R-train next turn, obviously, but we'd still have a decent supply, and we'd be able to bring along Black Swan when we actually decide to kick Yellow Qilin's ass up between her ears. Plus, depending on recruitment and power granting, we might be able to have some really useful powers with us.
Well, I only started considering to Go Loud once I realize we could use Ronin (this was before she was revealed to be a spy). If we wanna play it more safe, we could may as well Press Our Luck since it at least secure us a bit of goldnine. Both for ourselves and the girls.
I mean,we do have a shapeshifter?

He can sit down. Hide the rest of his mass as floor. We have her lieutnant as a loyal ally, nobody knows what is happening in here? We dont need to pretend for long.So,maybe?
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Press Your Luck seems like the best option even with the high checks: I don't think we'll get enough Goldnine to help the girls if we Go Loud.

And for all Crusade could use this as a PR victory, the only actual member of theirs here is Brass Shield and Ronin is probably going to do her best to obscure things.
Even with the new information, I still don't see why we should bother playing this game when we have the opportunity to finish this once and for all right in front of us.

[] . . . go loud.

We have Handyman, Chatelet, and Menagerie Witch outside. We just need to get out of here and make contact with them again to bring this entire operation down. Goldnine supply for the MGs? They have a bunch stored around the OID. We beat the triads' heads in and claim it for ourselves.
"Because I told you to," she replies, "And because my other buyers have fallen behind on their payments. If someone doesn't step in to make up the difference, then I'm afraid these poor girls may face unfortunate consequences. Consequences suffered at Justice Unlimited's hands."
I have a feeling that if we attack her, she's going to force-hijack the gems or something and both kill the girls and empower the Frozen Throne.

The extortion thing comes with an ambush too, although I don't know if it's going to be this turn or the next.
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Also we only have
Press Your Luck seems like the best option even with the high checks: I don't think we'll get enough Goldnine to help the girls if we Go Loud.

And for all Crusade could use this as a PR victory, the only actual member of theirs here is Brass Shield and Ronin is probably going to do her best to obscure things.
Yeh in terms of protecting the current girls and Having GOldnine on hand for next turn. Press your Luck.

The downside is it gives Qilin more time for new victims and The Dice Roll.

We need to roll atleast 5 in esp and 10 in rep to succeed. We can burn bonus to pass with those.