Though we must consider now that any candidate could be a mole for Crusade. Even the fanfiction ones.
I don't think Bitterman would go that low. That's not something that would happen.

Besides, LL always vets the candidates very thoroughly before hand, so unlikely that any spies even get through the door.
Candidates are safe given how you vet them beforehand. Crusade wouldn't even know that your looking for people as they don't know what Project Prometheus is.
I don't think Bitterman would go that low. That's not something that would happen.

Besides, LL always vets the candidates very thoroughly before hand, so unlikely that any spies even get through the door.
Yeah. Theres a fine line between caution and paranoia. And we aint Batman, so lets trust our Esp specialist.
Honestly, just really wanna empower someone this turn. Since we have to choose a candidate when picking Project Prometheus, I guess that means John. Or would Bitterman let us just pick the project and decide the candidate later (after the missions)? Making plans with conditionals can get messy real fast
Yeah. Theres a fine line between caution and paranoia. And we aint Batman, so lets trust our Esp specialist.
We are offering people power
Candidates are safe given how you vet them beforehand. Crusade wouldn't even know that your looking for people as they don't know what Project Prometheus is.
Let us say that Crusade does manage to send a mole.... how likely is it that it will be a die hard idealist like say..... Stockpile (AKA VAliant Justice AKA the Thief AKA idiot poser). Only idealists would keep the espionage up in the case of being offered powers. In that case even assuming they could get a die hard idealist through.... How long would the idealist stay loyal to Crusade? People change once they get power
Here's two decent plans with the main variation being Hero Worship vs Grand Theft Person and thus the ND assistance targets, where Black Swan is patrolling, and Menagerie Witch/Black Swan's personals.

[X] Plan Aggressive Stance
--[X][MISSION AP 1/2] Break Glass in Case of Emergency (AP 2 , ESP 8, OPS 10)
---[X] Request Wolong and Miss Naught for assistance
--[X][MISSION AP 3/4] Hero Worship (AP 2, HIT 10, ESP 6, REP 10, OPS 4)
--[X][MISSION AP 5] Mahou Shoujo no Justice Unlimited (AP 1, HIT 5, ESP 3. OPS 1)
---[X] Black Swan patrols with New Dawn
--[X][MISSION AP 6] Meet the Rookies (AP 1, REP 4, ESP 6. OPERATIONS 5)
--[X][GLOBAL AP 1] A Spoonful of Sugar (John Henry Rhodes)
--[X][GLOBAL AP 2] eTraction!
--[X][GLOBAL AP 3] Project Prometheus (John Henry Rhodes)(6 tolerance)
--[X][LADY LEIZI] The Spider's Web (Monarch)
--[X][BLACK SWAN] So... How About Them Yankees?
--[X][MENAGERIE WITCH] Who Doesn't Love a Power Testing Scene?
--[X][HANDYMAN] Lost Lenore
--[X][CHATELET] You Live Like This?!
-[X] Total AP & Hero: 7 AP, HIT 15, ESP 23, REP 17, OP 22

[] Plan ND Early, ND Often
--[][MISSION AP 1/2] Break Glass in Case of Emergency (AP 2 , ESP 8, OPS 10)
---[] Request Wolong and Miss Naught for assistance
--[][MISSION AP 3/4] Grand Theft Person (AP 2, HIT 9, OPS 7)(ND)
---[] Black Swan patrols with New Dawn
---[] Request Wolong and Palisade for assistance
--[][MISSION AP 5] Mahou Shoujo no Justice Unlimited (AP 1, HIT 5, ESP 3. OPS 1)
--[][MISSION AP 6] Meet the Rookies (AP 1, REP 4, ESP 6. OPERATIONS 5)
--[][GLOBAL AP 1] A Spoonful of Sugar (John Henry Rhodes)
--[][GLOBAL AP 2] eTraction!
--[][GLOBAL AP 3] Project Prometheus (John Henry Rhodes)(6 tolerance)
--[][LADY LEIZI] The Spider's Web (Monarch)
--[][BLACK SWAN] Read the Manual
--[][MENAGERIE WITCH] Read the Manual
--[][HANDYMAN] Lost Lenore
--[][CHATELET] You Live Like This?!
-[] Total AP & Hero: 7 AP, HIT 14, ESP 17, REP 7, OP 25
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[X] Plan Aggressive Stance

Quick plan explanation, for those not read in:
  • Power up John with goldnine from Break Glass, right in time for Demon Flamez next turn.
  • Get on our first questlines and towards Noelle.
  • ND is summoned on the most dangerous mission, with a good mixture of Hit and Ops.
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I Fear Not The Man Who Has Practiced 10,000 Kicks: Lady Leizi has fallen behind in combat ability. Even to Menagerie Witch. This is unacceptable. One quick method would be to give her a weapon. She prefers fighting with her hands, but it might be better to not have to touch everything she wants to hurt. And she wants to hurt a LOT. (OPERATIONS check, Build a weapon for Lady Leizi, +1 to Lady Leizi's HIT, Unlocks Global Action I Fear the Man Who Has Practiced One Kick 10,000 Times)

Also 👀

+1 hit, a weapon, and a new global action for this is very spicy
--[X][MISSION AP 1/2] Break Glass in Case of Emergency (AP 2 , ESP 8, OPS 10)
---[X] Request Wolong and Miss Naught for assistance
Curious what the reasoning is for this? Is it to make 100% sure that the goldnine is secured successfully?

Otherwise I think Mahou Shoujo could use support since Black Swan is not participating.

Black Swan is already capped at Rep 10, so she doesn't need the benefits of Meet The Rookies.
That's actually a good point. It's easy to spin, as we can say Black Swan has already introduced herself through her public fight against Scarlet Maturity and her drop-in at Crusade's debut. She would be legitimately busy with patrols in collaboration with New Dawn to help keep the city safe.

On the other hand, I bet Chihiro is chomping at the bit to actually talk to Black Swan.
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That's actually a good point. It's easy to spin, as we can say Black Swan has already introduced herself through her public fight against Scarlet Maturity and her drop-in at Crusade's debut. She would be legitimately busy with patrols in collaboration with New Dawn to help keep the city safe.
Yeah, Black Swan not being on Mahou Shoujo while we're going against pieces of the Frozen Throne doesn't sit well with me. Besides, Crusade wouldn't risk a PR loss by barging into the news station for a fight.
Curious what the reasoning is for this? Is it to make 100% sure that the goldnine is secured successfully?

Otherwise I think Mahou Shoujo could use support if Black Swan is not participating.
Mostly that Mahou Shoujo shouldn't actually be amazingly hard per our statlines and ND on Hero Worship is unfortunately dubious due to them having been copied in some aspect. Where Break the Glass is actually pretty high on Ops and Espionage, where Ops is by far our worst general stat.

Maybe we could swing Black Swan as having made her proper debut in some aspect to shift her off of Rookies instead but remember we are having an encounter with Crusade there. We want to have a shining performance as a group to have the maximum possible Rep benefits for people, which does lead me to thinking we have Black Swan ready so we can put our best foot forward.
[X] Plan Catch up before the date and Mystery Boxes
[X] Plan Aggressive Stance

I'm approval voting for anything that does Hero Worship and the dating show

Edit: new plan that does that

[X] Plan Against False Heroes
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I completely disagree with the current winning plan using Wolong on Break Glass instead of the Magical Girl mission; the fact that the Frozen Throne is involved in the latter makes me want to minimize risk as much as possible. Anyway, here's the plans I said I'd post:

[X] Plan Preparations:
-[X] Making the Rounds (AP 1, HIT 2, REPUTATION 3)
--[X] Black Swan helps out New Dawn
-[X] Pest Control (AP 1, HIT 3, REPUTATION 2)
-[X] Cenotaph (AP 1, REPUTATION 3, OPERATIONS 2)
-[X] Meet the Rookies (AP 1, REPTATION 4, ESPIONAGE 6. OPERATIONS 5)
-[X] Mahou Shoujo no Justice Unlimited (AP 1, HIT 5, ESPIONAGE 3, OPERATIONS 2)
--[X] Call Gentleman James and Wolong
-[X] Break Glass in Case of Emergency (AP 2 , ESPIONAGE 8, OPERATIONS 10)
-[X] (LL) The Spider's Web (AP 0)
-[X] (BS) So . . . How 'bout Them Yankees? (AP 0)
-[X] (MW) Read the Manual (AP 0)
-[X] (HM) Lost Lenore (AP 0)
-[X] (CL) A Face that Toils So Close to Stones is Already Stone Itself (AP 0): OPERATIONS
-[X] A Spoonful of Sugar: John
-[X] Project Prometheus: John
-[X] eTraction!

[X] Plan Helping Wolong Out:
-[X] Cenotaph (AP 1, REPUTATION 3, OPERATIONS 2)
-[X] Meet the Rookies (AP 1, REPTATION 4, ESPIONAGE 6. OPERATIONS 5)
-[X] Mahou Shoujo no Justice Unlimited (AP 1, HIT 5, ESPIONAGE 3, OPERATIONS 2)
--[X] Call Gentleman James and Wolong
-[X] Break Glass in Case of Emergency (AP 2 , ESPIONAGE 8, OPERATIONS 10)
-[X] Grand Theft Person (AP 2, HIT 9, OPERATIONS 7)
--[X] Black Swan helps out New Dawn
-[X] (LL) The Spider's Web (AP 0)
-[X] (BS) So . . . How 'bout Them Yankees? (AP 0)
-[X] (MW) Read the Manual (AP 0)
-[X] (HM) Lost Lenore (AP 0)
-[X] (CL) A Face that Toils So Close to Stones is Already Stone Itself (AP 0): OPERATIONS
-[X] A Spoonful of Sugar: John
-[X] Project Prometheus: John
-[X] eTraction!

The first plan is my preference since it gets us a foot in the door with R-Train, but I'd be fine with the second one winning as well. Guys, I really, really think we should talk to R-Train since we know he was supplying Nora already; if want tom clear her name it's one of the few leads we can follow.
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I completely disagree with the current winning plan using Wolong on Break Glass instead of the Magical Girl mission; the fact that the Frozen Throne is involved in the latter makes me want to minimize risk as much as possible.
I feel like I should point out that Mahou Shoujo is literally an Ops 2 mission. If you want to use ND on it to cover Black Swan that's perfectly valid, but Wolong is arguably the worst member to grab for it barring maybe Dreamcatcher?