So when we do find someone we can give the EXCEED-BEYOND armor to, will we need to actually make an attempt to convince them, or can we safely assume that to be handled off screen?
It's less convincing then than convincing Lady Leizi to let them use it.
Hmm that nakes noelle or boy most viable candidate. Even with wanting to give yara a power with invulnerability.

Both Noelle an Boy are in it shit situations both are doing what they can to help others. Noelle leading some sort of war against the mgs and fighting to save people. Boy doing he can to protect others despite the itch thats basically enslave him, he might think its just small things but in his situation its more common to full on become scum.

Not that yara isnt doing anything or worse than them its just the different in situation and what they can do.
You know, I had a thought: Mona's side effect is "Extreme Psychic Field Sensitivity", and it's a Major. Does that mean that in Minor there was "Mild Psychic Field Sensitity" and in Moderate, "Psychic Field Sensitivity"?
No, that's some of intel you need to gather. There's over hundred inmates, but you don't know who's with Monarch.
On a related note, did we ever actually learn what Monarch's initial crime was? Wulong implied it was minor (eg. shoplifting) and she was simply sent to Wonderland as it was the only place she couldn't escape.

Or did she not even commit a crime, and some powerful person stuck her in there out of fear?
I think it was said that she was a serial prison escapee, and that, like with the Defiance Unit, she was one of those choices that JU disagreed with attacking/imprisoning.
On a related note, did we ever actually learn what Monarch's initial crime was? Wulong implied it was minor (eg. shoplifting) and she was simply sent to Wonderland as it was the only place she couldn't escape.

Or did she not even commit a crime, and some powerful person stuck her in there out of fear?
Basically, she was a thief, but her particular power made it so it was nearly impossible to actually imprison her in any real way. So she got chucked into Wonderland, which COULD hold her, but required sticking her in prison along some of the worst of humanity. Had To Go To Prison To Be A Crook at it's finest, really.
...which does sort of beg the question of how she got charismatic enough to convince everyone that she's the best leader. Especially given that Third Person is literally a body hijacker who, presumably, could have taken over the whole situation. Or Petit Prince, who gaslight everyone into thinking he's the best guy ever.

If every cell is in a separate dimension, then she would have been alone until the very moment Cisma died and the locks broke. Meaning she had only a few hours to take command of the chaos, assuming that there was a brief unspoken "we're fighting Steelheart's robot guards first before we make any major decisions" quorum first.

...the Demon Flamez were also kept in Wonderland, and they split off from Monarch and are presumably not a part of the alliance. Maybe Sparksurfer will have a little info on the situation. Also, Powers wants them, and another overt move against them to limit their power will be a good call, once we have John in the mix.
...which does sort of beg the question of how she got charismatic enough to convince everyone that she's the best leader. Especially given that Third Person is literally a body hijacker who, presumably, could have taken over the whole situation. Or Petit Prince, who gaslight everyone into thinking he's the best guy ever.

If every cell is in a separate dimension, then she would have been alone until the very moment Cisma died and the locks broke. Meaning she had only a few hours to take command of the chaos, assuming that there was a brief unspoken "we're fighting Steelheart's robot guards first before we make any major decisions" quorum first.

...the Demon Flamez were also kept in Wonderland, and they split off from Monarch and are presumably not a part of the alliance. Maybe Sparksurfer will have a little info on the situation. Also, Powers wants them, and another overt move against them to limit their power will be a good call, once we have John in the mix.
To be fair, LPP and Third-Person don't follow her command. How she came to power will be explored but . . . man, if you can create portals that preserve momentum, then you can do some damage if you're creative enough.
...which does sort of beg the question of how she got charismatic enough to convince everyone that she's the best leader. Especially given that Third Person is literally a body hijacker who, presumably, could have taken over the whole situation. Or Petit Prince, who gaslight everyone into thinking he's the best guy ever.
To be fair, portals are actually a pretty big threat. Like not even "infinite fall" stuff, just drop them at Point Nemo. Or in front of Scarlet Maturity. Or right in front of R-Train.

I imagine she had to make a few nasty Examples before everybody started following.

If every cell is in a separate dimension, then she would have been alone until the very moment Cisma died and the locks broke. Meaning she had only a few hours to take command of the chaos, assuming that there was a brief unspoken "we're fighting Steelheart's robot guards first before we make any major decisions" quorum first.
This is actually pretty curious. I know the prison made her harsher, but if the cells are isolated it's not like she was interacting with other people. Was it just solitary confinement being nasty?

Also, I'm really curious about her goals. Why didn't she just portal away and go back to be a thief?
Alright, people, let's get our ducks in a row. We need an order of operations for our bad guys.

Short Term By Necessity: Shroud and Third Person
Slightly Less Short Term But Still Short Term: Abarimon
After These: Monarch and the rest of the Wonderland Escapees, maybe excluding Valkyrie and Petit Prince.

Mid Term: Stockpile and PREVAIL. Socialite Butterfly.

Extremely Long Term: The Philosophers, Faust, Scarlet Maturity

Can We Even Take Care Of Them Fully? Probably Not: Frozen Throne, Catch-22, Leviathan itself
Where is the little bastard in this
In exchange, Powers will share with you the results of our own ongoing metahuman development projects.
...assuming Faust isn't lying about this, what does it mean?

He could just be using the vaguest possible wording and meaning "how Scarlet Maturity powers people up", but I would not be surprised if the Philosophers/Powers were, in fact, researching Goldnine applications independently.