Issue # 3.0: Aftershocks
Horizon, City of Leviathan's Rest – The Apiary – January 2, 2067

". . . I love you, Zi. You smug, fucking bitch. Now, goodbye."

Silence fills the room at the conclusion of the video. Menagerie Witch, Handyman, and Chaucer all stare, wide-eyed. Black Swan looks grim, but determined—she was already aware of most of this. Even Dr. Ibis looks thoughtful instead of manic for once.

However, it is Opale who speaks first. Or, should you say, it is Châtelet who speaks first.

Name: Châtelet, Opale Houdin-Reyes
Keywords: Fundamental Force Manipulation, Construct Creation
Faction: Justice Unlimited
Ibis' Notes:
Châtelet can create tube-shaped barriers in any location she can see, including around objects. The outside of the barrier can withstand strong physical damage, while the area inside the barrier has a gravitational orientation chosen by Châtelet. The barriers are not permeable, but the top and bottoms are not enclosed, allowing Châtelet to fire them like a "beam" if she so chooses. The barriers can be any thickness she wishes, but the gravitational effect occurs in a strength proportional to the size of the barrier. The more barriers she creates at once, the weaker they all become collectively.

"Lady Leizi, how certain are you that what Valiant Silver has to say in this video is accurate? I know this is a deeply personal message to you, but . . . you could see the Rebound starting to hit. Is this talk about a 'Stage' . . . reliable?"

Life in the Apiary agreed with Châtelet. Already, the maximized hormone replacement therapy provided by Mendicant was clearly having a visible effect on her appearance. But, beyond that, Châtelet just seemed more comfortable. She had grown out her hair, and had it pulled into a loose ponytail. She wore a snug, silver bodysuit underneath plates of black armor—a tribute to The Giant Slayer that did not go unnoticed. She had told you she was going for a "space-knight" aesthetic, and she seems to have nailed it.

But her question remained.

"It's real," Black Swan says quietly, "I saw it. I saw her. Before she died, I mean."

This prompted another round of explanations as Black Swan filled in your team about her temporal journey to help Nora defeat Catch-22-13, as well as the revelation about the clairvoyant spy you believed was watching you all.

"Leviathan's Blood, Double L, is that it? Any other revelations? Did the Leviathan have a kid who's walking around? Maybe twins?" Handyman says.

"Don't joke about that, Rhys," Chaucer sighs, "That's the last thing we need."

"Mona, have you seen the crazy-eye thing lately?" Menagerie Witch asks, "Cuz, if so, I've got a jar of embalming fluid I've been needing to fill. . ."

"Madeline, no."

"Madeline, yes!"

"No," Black Swan says, remaining serious. You nod in approval; she's done quite a lot of growing up these last few weeks, "I think the Apiary is keeping her out?"

"Yes," you agree, "The Apiary has always provided latent psychic defenses for us. It's why Le Petit Prince's power didn't work in these walls."

"Noted," Châtelet says, writing in a notepad.

"Darling . . . are you taking minutes of our meeting?"

"Should I not? How do you keep track of things then?"

"We mostly don't?" Handyman offers.

"That's a terrible system," Châtelet says, "Uhhh, sorry. I just mean . . . that's a terrible system."

"Well, feel free to improve it," you say, "That is why I appointed you as my second."

"Well, okay!" she says going back to the notepad.

"So then," Chaucer says, futilely trying to rein in the chaos, "What's on our docket then?"

"Nothing pressing," you say, "But we can't leave the . . . insult from Crusade unanswered. If only because they've made it clear they won't stop."

"How do they know about Project Prometheus anyway?" Menagerie Witch askes, rubbing her chin, "We never talk about it in public, and there's no documentation . . . unless a certain future jar-filler has been tattling to them."

"I've considered that possibility," you say, "But I don't know what information was kept in the EXCEED armor. That boy might have found a reference to it in there."

"Speaking of Ọsanyìn, from what Wolong told us, Uiara's sister needs help," Handyman says, "Also, have I mentioned how happy I am to have someone on our side?"

Name: Gentleman James, Andre Machado
Faction: New Dawn
Ibis' Notes:
Gentleman James can connect two points in space that he can see with unbreakable chains. He is able to shrink the chains at will bringing the points together, or extend the length of the chain as he so chooses. The weight of the objects does not affect the strength of the retraction, although it can be resisted by very heavy objects or objects fixed to the ground.

Name: Dreamcatcher, Juan Castellanos
Faction: New Dawn
Stats: HIT 3-9 (variable), ESPIONAGE 2, REPUTATION 4, OPERATIONS 4
Ibis' Notes:
Dreamcatcher is able to manifest one object or creature from the dream he had last night into reality. The object maintains its characteristics from the dream, but the more Dreamcatcher himself begins to question the underlying logic of the item the less effective it becomes. Unfortunately, he has no ability to control what he dreams about and firmly believes that lucid dreaming is "total bullshit". (Mechanics: Roll a d20 on any mission with Dreamcatcher to determine the strength of his dream item)

Name: Palisade, Renee Mathews
Faction: New Dawn
Ibis' Notes:
Palisade has an invisible forcefield around her body that she can freely reposition in any share or location within a thirty foot radius of herself. The barrier becomes visible when damaged, and is a dark, transparent shade of purple. If her barrier is broken, it takes approximately an hour to return to full strength, though she can use it in a diminished form before then.

Name: Miss Naught, Virginia Cunningham
Faction: New Dawn
Ibis' Notes:
Miss Naught can "mark" a target that she can see. The mark is physical and can be seen when placed. Any objects fired by her or her allies at the target will home in on the mark. To facilitate the most effective use of her powers, she carries a quiver of "trick" arrows with various effects.

Wolong's Insight—Once per mission where New Dawn is involved, Wolong can use his power to autocrit any OPERATIONS check.

"It is a boon," you agree, "But Yara has help. And we have other issues. Someone is going around calling themselves 'Justice Unlimited' and promising to grant metahuman powers to anyone who joins."

"That's . . ." Black Swan starts.

"Too close for comfort, I agree. And what's more . . . the Ghost Dragon Triad appears to be involved. My father's old Triad."

"Oh, poop," Black Swan nearly-swears, "That's bad."

"Indeed," you agree, "In perhaps more positive news, it seems someone else is moving against Monarch, but in a more measured way. Marvelous Shine has resurfaced."

"Marvelous Shine is back?!" Handyman shouts, "Yo, that guy rules!"

"Who's that, an old guy?" Menagerie Witch asks.

"Marvelous Shine was an active hero around the time of the original New Dawn," Chaucer explains, "He retired after the Susurration, but he was quite powerful. Said to be a peer to Novalight or King."

"Yep, an old guy."

"That may be," you say, "But he's asked for help striking a blow against Monarch. Apparently she's been buying serums from Lethal Anodyne, and he knows the date and location of the next purchase. He wants to cut off her supply."

"More heroes is a good thing, right?" Black Swan asks, "I mean, Maddie and I have been working on new stuff, but we can use all the help we can get."

In exchange for taking one injury level, Menagerie Witch may combine the clones of whatever members of her menagerie she has access to in order to create a beast with all of their traits. Said chimera will boost her HIT, ESPIONAGE, REPUTATION, or OPERATIONS stat by one for each member of her menagerie involved in the creation of the chimera. She may only maintain one chimera at a time.

Hypernovae Mode
If a sufficient source of radiation exists, Black Swan may spend the scene absorbing said source of radiation. Black Swan will recover injury levels depending on the sufficiency of the source, as well as potentially gaining "shielded" status. If Black Swan can absorb energy beyond that, she will enter Hypernovae Mode, adding +5 to her next HIT check.

Lightspeed Dash
Black Swan may fly at speeds approaching the speed of light. Doing so will trigger atomic fusion and explosions that will not harm Black Swan, but will cause damage to the areas through which she flies. If Black Swan is in Hypernovae Mode, she can absorb the energy of the explosions to continue Hypernovae Mode and prevent any damage, except for damage to what she flies through and where she stops.

"Yes," you agree. You truly want to move to crush Crusade underfoot, but that's inadvisable for many reasons. Chief among them, you're not actually certain who would win a fight. No, for now you must bide your time, build your strength, and prepare. As should Crusade, because you are coming for them.


Making the Rounds (AP 1, HIT 2, REPUTATION 3): The Worker's Mitt is a series of "blue-collar" neighborhoods in Horizon, and the former territory of Justice Unlimited. The strife there is not as bad as in other parts of the city—perfect for a rookie hero on her first patrol. Go show the flag and remind everyone Justice Unlimited is still here.
Lady Leizi: Reports are limited, but there's been some rumors of two Silver Rank Behemoths being sighted in the area. It's nothing our current Justice Unlimited can't handle, and it isn't immediately pressing. However, the bounties would be nice for our coffers as well as being seen taking appropriately heroic actions. Rumors also abound of local vigilante metahumans protecting the area. It might be good to make contact with some.
(Chance of permanent global +1 to REPUTATION, Income +1500, Random event off the events table)

Pest Control (AP 1, HIT 3, REPUTATION 2): Odd monsters called Behemoths live in the QZ. It's a fact of life in Horizon, but, since the Leviathan stirred, they've been more active than normal. A few have even tried to get into the city proper, which would be very bad. A general call has gone out to anyone willing to help thin their numbers near the border. It might be good training for a newly-revived Justice Unlimited.
Lady Leizi: Again, routine work for us and we will never complain about filling our coffers. More interesting is the potential to scout the QZ for possible routes to retrieve goldnine, as well as the possibility of making contact with the vanguard of the R-Train. It may help us establish a foothold for further contact.
(Income +2000, Chance of +1 to HIT, Intel about current state of QZ, Encounter with Gold-Rank Behemoth, Chance of Encounter with R-Train)

Cenotaph (AP 1, REPUTATION 3, OPERATIONS 2): You've had your private ceremony, but your team was beloved by many in the city. You owe it to them to let them mourn too. You owe it to your team. You owe it to yourself. Have a public ceremony to honor the fallen members of Justice Unlimited.
Lady Leizi: No public ceremony has been held in honor of those who fell in the QZ . . . or for Justice Unlimited's former members. The closest was that debacle at Christmas, and that self-indulgent insult cannot stand as the only memorial to those who actually gave their lives to protect Horizon. It would draw a clear distinction between Crusade and ourselves—namely that we actually served in the QZ—and it would give us an excellent opportunity to scout for potential candidates for Project Prometheus without arousing suspicion.
(Chance of permanent global +1 to REPUTATION, Recruit 2 to 4 low and medium tolerance candidates, Encounter with Crusade)

Meet the Rookies (AP 1, REPTATION 4, ESPIONAGE 6. OPERATIONS 5): The public needs to meet the newest members of Justice Unlimited. Surely, a carefully vetted interview will be a harmless way to introduce Black Swan, Menagerie Witch, Handyman, and Châtelet, as well as yourself? What could possibly go wrong?
Lady Leizi: Takanashi Chihiro was Nora's old roommate in college and a current anchor on the Ọsanyìn Centralized News. She is also a fiend for hero culture. She has been salivating at the chance of an exclusive interview with the new interaction of Justice Unlimited. Doing her this favor would put her in our debt, and perhaps let us poach her from OCN.
Following the advent of Crusade, she has been messaging me nearly daily. She's been begging me to let her "strike back". It seems she too feels enraged at the attack on a dead woman's reputation.

(Chance of increase to REPUTATION for Black Swan, Menagerie Witch, Handyman, Châtelet, and Lady Leizi, Encounter with Crusade, Chance of recruiting Takanashi Chihiro as a Public Relations Manager—+1 Global Action and New Global Actions Unlocked)

Smoke on the Water (AP 1, ESPIONAGE 4, OPERATIONS 4): The Demon Flamez were a gang of metahumans notable for their lack of concern for collateral damage and their fire-based powers. They were inmates of Wonderland until recently, and word is they've made moves to secure their former territory in the Old Industrial District. Which makes it all the odder that you've received a private communication from one of their members asking for a clandestine meeting.
Lady Leizi: We can thank our renewed control of the Worker's Mitt for the tip I received on the Demon Flamez. Certain elements of the OID are desperate to renew their contract with Justice Unlimited. With Powers keeping a low profile, any chance the Demon Flamez had of being legitimized has gone up in smoke. This has driven their leader, Phlogiston, to abandon the pretense of civility and to rule the OID as his personal fiefdom. Unfortunately, this has attracted the attention of another would-be-monarch: Le Petit Prince.
In the middle of this is Sparksurfer telling every one of my informants that he wants to get himself and his sister, Jorōgumo, out and needs our help.

(Unlocks mission Fire in the Sky, Intel on Le Petit Prince, Chance of new metahuman DNA, +1 to control of OID, Chance of eventually recruiting Sparksurfer and Jorōgumo) [2 Turns Until Expiration]

Mahou Shoujo no Justice Unlimited
(AP 1, HIT 5, ESPIONAGE 3, OPERATIONS 2): Good news! Justice Unlimited's new, affiliate hero-squad is a massive success. Bad news! Justice Unlimited doesn't have a new, affiliate hero-squad. What is happening?
Lady Leizi: . . . it appears a metahuman team themed like "magical girls" are going around and calling Justice Unlimited. Including taking contracts out in our name. To make things more unusual, my information network in their territory has been subverted. They haven't gone quiet—they're feeding me bad information. I would have no idea if one hadn't used his "duress" code phrase.
I have managed to get one piece of intel however: someone is going around and promising to give metahuman powers to any who joins "Justice Unlimited". At the same time, strange creatures made of ice have been staging increasingly coordinated attacks—creatures that look like pieces of The Frozen Throne. Something like this should rock Horizon to its core. So why is the Ghost Dragon Triad—the Triad my father used to lead—ensuring no information finds its way out?

(Unlocks mission Puella Magi Justice Unlimited Magica, Chance of new metahuman DNA, Chance of + 3000 Income, Chance of eventually finding supplier of goldnine, Chance of eventually recruiting high-tolerance candidate, Intel about the Frozen Throne, Possible Encounter with Crusade) [2 Turns Until Expiration]

Hero Worship
(AP 2, HIT 10, ESPIONAGE 6, REPUTATION 10, OPERATIONS 4) Following her sister's death, Yara Oliviera finds herself the new minority owner of 11% of the sharers of the largest megacorporation in the world. The exact number of shares her father, Jair Oliviera, needs to take control of said global megacorp. Even if it wasn't Yazmin's final request, it would be prudent to keep those shares out of his hands.
Lady Leizi: There have been numerous attempts at abducting Yara, all conducted by strange, armed men. Per Belle Sabreuse—the mercenary Yazmin hired to protect Yara until Justice Unlimited could get to her—the abductors are simple, unemotive, and poor improvisers. However, they're getting smarter and more dangerous, and the last batch even had a low-level metahuman in the mix.
These powers . . . it sounds like Socialite Butterfly has in interested in Yazmin's sister.

(Unlocks mission Reality Check, Chance of eventual sponsorship with Ọsanyìn—sponsorships grant Income and resources per turn, Chance of eventually recruiting a high-tolerance candidate, Chance of eventually recruiting Belle Sabreuse, Intel about Socialite Butterfly, Chance of Encounter with Crusade) [2 Turns Until Expiration]

Break Glass in Case of Emergency
(AP 2 , ESPIONAGE 8, OPERATIONS 10) Rakeem left you a cache of emergency supplies should the worst come to pass. He also left it hidden in a shipwreck at the bottom of the ocean floor. The ocean floor that has recently shifted due to the Leviathan's movement. This had better be worth it.
Lady Leizi: Rakeem took me fishing out here once. It was the first time we ever really connected. It might be nice to bring everyone else and see if the same magic still exists.
(+ 3000 Income, New Metahuman DNA, 1 of Mendicant's healing symbiotes, 3 of Valiant Silver's shield generators, 1 Ambrosia's worth of goldnine, a gift meant for Lady Leizi)

Train Kept a Rollin' (AP 2, HIT 6, REPUTATION 8, OPERATIONS 9) The R-Train is the main reason goldnine hasn't proliferated unchecked throughout the world. It is also the reason most Behemoths will never get anywhere near Horizon. It is automatic, unfeeling, and uncompromising. It has enough firepower to level nations and the ability to continue on indefinitely. And Nora believed you could talk to it. She better be right. Black Swan's extreme sensitivity to psychic fields should allow you to reason with it. Or, if you'd prefer to do it personally, Nora claimed there was equipment in her lab that could let you do so.
Lady Leizi: The R-Train is unrelenting, unfeeling, and provides a vital service to Horizon and the world writ-large. It's also the single-greatest metahuman-created construct ever created. Popular belief is that it was made by an Algernon-type who used their power unceasingly for a month straight until they hit the Rebound. That person was the "Trackmaster". Anyone experimenting with goldnine will inevitably come into conflict with the R-Train. Better, perhaps, if it is on our side.
(Unlocks Mission Tracking the Trackmaster, Eventual chance of establishing permanent supply of goldnine, eventual chance of alliance with R-Train, Chance of Encountering a Named-Rank Behemoth, Frigg of Drifting Mistletoe)

He's Got a Gun! (AP 2, HIT 7, OPERATIONS 10)
There is currently a high-speed chase ongoing as QUICK GORILLA has gone rogue. He's broken into the Dominion medical research facility where he was born and absconded with two "research subjects" who are also orangutans. Apparently they are quite valuable as Dominion has put out an "all-takers" assignment on Hero for Hire to capture QUICK GORILLA and return the subjects. And, yes, it appears QUICK GORILLA does indeed have a gun. One he knows how to use.
(Chance of alliance with QUICK GORILLA, Chance to expand Madeline's menagerie, Chance of +3000 income, Chance of +2 global REPUTATION) [Requirement: Menagerie Witch must be present on this mission].

Long Shadows of the Night
Shroud is a serial killer with the ability to fuse with shadows and move along two-dimensional spaces. His preferred MO is to smother his victims and then arrange their bodies in "artful" poses, as if they were still alive. He's announced his next victim will be a member of the Kelso family, of Kelso-Allard Heavy Industries. The entire family has gone into hiding at their villa near the Marajó Várzea, and have hired a number of metahuman bodyguards. Including Crusade. Douglas Kelso, the second son of the family, attended college with Nora and married her other roommate, Sadie. Perhaps he can get you on scene to stop Shroud before he strikes again.
(Chance of metahuman DNA, Chance of intel about Monarch, Chance of weakening Monarch's position, Chance of Income +1000, Chance of eventually sponsorship form Kelso-Allard Heavy Industries) [Must be taken within 3 turns]

Grand Theft Person
Third Person is a psychic parasite without his own body. He jumps from host to host every time his current body dies, and he's capable of inhabiting regular people as well as metahumans. His name comes from his strange ability to see from a "third-person" perspective around his host. His lack of a permanent identity or body has rendered him the ultimate solipsist—he does not believe the rest of the world is real aside from himself and appears to think this is all one giant game being run for his amusement and the amusement of people with "Sufficient Velocity". He has announced a grand tournament where he will surrender peacefully if someone can outdo him at a number of extremely dangerous tasks and demonstrate that they are a "real sigma".
(Chance of metahuman DNA, Chance of intel about Monarch, Chance of weakening Monarch's position, Chance of Income +1000, +1 to control of the OID) [Must be taken within 3 turns]

The Air in the Valley
Abarimon is a "reverse speedster". He moves at regular speeds, but his body automatically releases a gas that slows down the perceptions of everyone else. He has no control over this power and no way of reversing it once it takes effect. Eventually, his victims all mutate into a reverse-footed creature that is reduced to bestial intelligence. Abarimon is the only person to go into Wonderland willingly, and now that it no longer exists he is moving as little as possible. But he keeps running out of food and having to relocate. Wolong has so far managed to evacuate the populations around him, but the situation is untenable.
(Chance of metahuman DNA, Chance of intel about Monarch, Chance of weakening Monarch's position, Chance of Income +1000, +1 to control of the OID, Encounter with Crusade)

A new trio of heroes calling themselves "Trilogy" have begun to combat Monarch's forces wherever they can. Normally, this would end in disaster, but they're apparently led by Marvelous Shine himself. Marvelous Shine was a metahuman in the early days of Horizon, who was a peer of Novalight and King in his time. He retired and went into reclusion following the Susurration, but now apparently has felt compelled to return after the Movement. He's contacted you saying he has definitive proof that Lethal Anodyne is dealing to Monarch and has requested your help cutting off her supply of stimulants and enhancements. Who are you to say no to a living legend? (Unlocks mission The Towers Two, Chance of intel about Monarch, Chance of weakening Monarch's position, Intel about Lethal Anodyne, Chance of alliance with Trilogy, Chance of eventually recruiting a high-tolerance candidate). [3 Turns Until Expiration].

Take the Stage
Crusade has called for an audit. Fine. You have nothing to hide, and, when they find nothing, they'll be on the back foot. You're not being naive, you're taking the least expected path. Unless someone tries to invent some evidence when they don't find any. If you can catch them red-handed in the act, then you can turn this all back on Crusade.
(EXCEED-BEYOND, True Nature of the Apiary, the Stage, and Project Prometheus become public, All intel gathered by Lady Leizi become known to Crusade, Removes all maluses on REPUTATION as a result of Crusade, Chance to damage Crusade's REPUTATION)

Revelations (???): Someone tried to wake up the Leviathan. How? And more importantly, why? [Story requirements not met]

Wider than a Mile (AP 4, HIT 45, ESPIONAGE 36, REPUTATION 39, OPERATIONS 38): Moon River was the seventh member of Justice Unlimited. To the world, she was a super-advanced AI created by Valiant Silver. In reality, she was the world's greatest technopath, able to control technology like it was her body. The only problem was, she had no ability to sense the world aside from technopathy. She didn't even know where in the physical world her actual body was. And now she's disappeared. Everyone else is gone; you won't lose her too. Find her.
Lady Leizi: I will find you, Eve. I swear it.
Anansi: I know where Eve is. I can't tell you now. I took something . . . blocked it from even my own memory. It's hidden somewhere, but once I tell you then they will know. Let me know when you're ready and then be prepared to act immediately. Don't trust anything I tell you after this. It might not be me anymore.

(Recruit Moon River, Intel about Interlocutor, Intel about Valkyrie, Intel about King, Intel about the true nature of Jacob's Ladder, Encounter with Crusade, Unlocks mission Repatriation) [8 Turns Until Expiration] [RECOMMENDED: EXCEED-BEYOND and >= 3 Max Potency Heroes]


Lady Leizi (Action Locked)

The Spider's Web (AP 0): There are threats in Horizon that you know will only fester if left alone. With your intelligence network, you are a surgeon. Start cutting out the rot.
[X] Monarch

Black Swan

Whispers Through the Web (AP 0): Intelligence work isn't all glamor. In fact, it's mostly boring. A lot of sitting around, watching, and occasionally talking to the right person at the right time. Have the rookie go do some of it. (+1 ESPIONAGE for Black Swan)

Read the Manual (AP 0): Adamant was obsessed with creating proper procedure and protocol for basically every situation you could imagine. And he documented all of it. In 47 thick, thick volumes. If you had to suffer through reading them, so does Black Swan. (+1 to OPERATIONS for Black Swan)

So . . . How 'bout Them Yankees? (AP 0) Black Swan has received a DM on Hero for Hire from Scarlet Maturity. He's invited her to a social outing. Wolong has given himself multiple debilitating headaches picking apart every possible outcome, but it truly appears that Scalet Maturity is just . . . kind of bored and wants to hang out. (Chance of random reward off rewards table)

Menagerie Witch
Who Doesn't Love a Power Testing Scene? (AP 0): Madeline is experienced with her power, but it is probably a good idea to test how she can use it without further damage to her body. Hopefully, somewhere deserted. (+1 HIT for Menagerie Witch)

Whispers Through the Web (AP 0): Intelligence work isn't all glamor. In fact, it's mostly boring. A lot of sitting around, watching, and occasionally talking to the right person at the right time. Have the rookie go do some of it. (+1 ESPIONAGE for Menagerie Witch)

The Fourth Estate (AP 0): Public relations? More like public rela. . . shames? Right? Right. Something like that. Point is, you don't want to do it. Thankfully, you have a rookie for that. (+1 to REPUTATION for Menagerie Witch)

Read the Manual (AP 0): Adamant was obsessed with creating proper procedure and protocol for basically every situation you could imagine. And he documented all of it. In 47 thick, thick volumes. If you had to suffer through reading them, so does the rookie. (+1 to OPERATIONS for Menagerie Witch)

Ain't No Rain on My Parade (AP 0): Madeline has enjoyed the good weather lately. The suspiciously good weather. The good weather that seems to only follow her around, even when it's raining elsewhere. She tried to pose for photographs during a thunderstorm "for the aesthetic", but the rain ceased as soon as she was outside. She wants her gloomy days back, and she will get to the bottom of all this . . . sunshine. (Chance of random reward off the rewards table)


Whispers Through the Web (AP 0): Intelligence work isn't all glamor. In fact, it's mostly boring. A lot of sitting around, watching, and occasionally talking to the right person at the right time. Have the rookie go do some of it. (+1 ESPIONAGE for Handyman)

The Fourth Estate (AP 0): Public relations? More like public rela. . . shames? Right? Right. Something like that. Point is, you don't want to do it. Thankfully, you have a rookie for that. (+1 to REPUTATION for Handyman)

Read the Manual (AP 0): Adamant was obsessed with creating proper procedure and protocol for basically every situation you could imagine. And he documented all of it. In 47 thick, thick volumes. If you had to suffer through reading them, so does the rookie. (+1 to OPERATIONS for Handyman)

Lost Lenore (AP 0): Gus never told his parents that he was a metahuman, a member of SLAYERS, or that he had a boyfriend. He always wanted to come clean, but didn't know how. They don't even know how he died. Handyman feels like he owes it to them and Gus to let them know the truth.
(Chance of random reward off the rewards table)


A Face that Toils So Close to Stones is Already Stone Itself (AP 0): Châtelet could always use some practice. Now, more than ever. Have her take some time to train a skill, maybe see if she can improve yourself. [Must Choose to Train HIT, ESPIONAGE, REPUTATION, or OPERATIONS] (Chance of improvement contingent on how high a skill already is. Higher skills will have a higher DC to raise)

Bros Night Out! (AP 0): "Bro" is a gender neutral term, Mendicant insists. It can apply to a woman, a clay-man, or a non-binary icon. What it does mean is that Mendicant and Châtelet can finally make friends their age! And Rhys is there too! (Chance of random reward off the rewards table)

You Live Like This?! (AP 0): Justice Unlimited was never the most organized . . . organization in the world, even before the Movement. Adamant did what he could, but he was just one man. Châtelet is used to a clearer chain of command and things like a "duty roster" and "paystubs". Maybe she can be the ally Rakeem always needed and bring order to the chaos. (Chance of random reward off the rewards table)

Global Actions (Choose 3)

Justice Unlimited Wants You!: If you're going to make new heroes, you'll need candidates who are the best of the best. Your current crop is fine, but small. Get out there yourself and find new candidates for Ambrosia. (New low to medium tolerance candidates, number depends on DC, - 500 Income, DC 5 ESPIONAGE Check to avoid revealing Project Prometheus)

Project Prometheus: [No Ambrosia available, missing goldnine](Create new metahuman, -1000 Income)

A Spoonful of Sugar: Dr. Ibis believes he can use refined goldnine to artificially boost a candidate's tolerance. Now you just need a candidate who's willing to give it a try.
(-2000 Income, Increase on candidate's tolerance by 1)

eTraction!: Dr. Ibis has apparently been trying online dating to no success. However, he's recently been approved for a beta-test of a new matchmaking software called "eTracation". All he has to do is allow them to film his first date with his match for "data collection purposes". It's a reality show. Dr. Ibis has somehow accidentally signed up for a reality show. Also, he's supposed to be dead. (The Meanest Thing to Ever Happen to Dr. Ibis, The Best Thing to Ever Happen to Dr. Ibis, +1 Global Action and New Global Actions Unlocked)

Legally Distinct Shields: Nora's shield generators have proven to be worth their weight in gold time and time again. Unfortunately, they're not the most durable. Time to restock your supply. (OPERATIONS check, produce between 1 to 3 shield generators)

Undiagnosed ADHD: Nora was a brilliant mind. Said brilliant mind also frequently forgot to sleep and eat, let alone keep her lab tidy. Who knows what treasure lies beneath the piles of junk that litter her former space? Nora sure didn't. (OPERATIONS check, Random reward off Nora's Junk table)

Glass Menagerie: Madeline has quite the collection of animals. She could use more. (OPERATIONS check, Random animal off the Menagerie Table)

Move that Bus! (HIT) The Apiary is a massive building, who's space is mostly going to waste at this point. Spend some money and see if you can improve the training room. (-1000 Income, HIT Check, Chance to raise global HIT)

Move that Bus! (ESPIONAGE) The Apiary is a massive building, who's space is mostly going to waste at this point. Spend some money and see if you can build a listening post and find trustworthy employees to staff it.. (-1000 Income, ESPIONAGE Check, Chance to raise global ESPIONAGE)

Move that Bus! (REPUTATION) The Apiary is a massive building, who's space is mostly going to waste at this point. Spend some money on a community recreation center and let the public put it to use. (-1000 Income, REPUTATION Check, Chance to raise global REPUTATION)
Move that Bus! (OPERATIONS) The Apiary is a massive building, who's space is mostly going to waste at this point. Spend some money and see if you can build and staff an operations center. (-1000 Income, OPERATIONS Check, Chance to raise global OPERATIONS)

Why Didn't They Just Run Sideways?: Improve Prometheus. Project Prometheus, that is. Dr. Ibis has several promising avenues of research and can potentially improve your doses of Ambrosia. (Choose 1 research topic, -2000 income)
[ ] Gain the ability to guarantee the expression of a keyword in a sample (Unlocks global action Dr. Ibis Does Not Play Dice)
[ ] Gain the ability to give a large, one-time boost to tolerance (+2) at the cost of being unable to raise it again in the future. (Unlocks global action Fast Pass!)
[ ] Try to distill something useful from Apiary's DNA (Unlocks global action Rosemary's Baby).

I Fear Not The Man Who Has Practiced 10,000 Kicks: Lady Leizi has fallen behind in combat ability. Even to Menagerie Witch. This is unacceptable. One quick method would be to give her a weapon. She prefers fighting with her hands, but it might be better to not have to touch everything she wants to hurt. And she wants to hurt a LOT. (OPERATIONS check, Build a weapon for Lady Leizi, +1 to Lady Leizi's HIT, Unlocks Global Action I Fear the Man Who Has Practiced One Kick 10,000 Times)

The calm before the storm.

Put your plans in the following format:

[ ] Get Gonathan Out of the Well!

Black Swan must be with New Dawn for one mission. Please labor the mission she will not be present on.

If you wish to include New Dawn heroes on a mission, please note that and which two heroes you wish to include.

The vote will remain open for 72 hours.

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Behind the Heroes: The Entomon's (Canon)

Behind the Heroes: The Entomon's
By SolarGemX

* Entomophobia warning, viewer discretion is advised*
They slither… they crawl... they move unseen… or they just keep buzzing in your ear! Bugs. What can be said about some of the smallest creatures in this big blue sphere we call a home? To some they are pests, disease bringers and the sign of the coming apocalypse; to others they are fascinating creatures, pollinators, and custodians of the animal kingdom. Insects are a part of our daily lives, from the common fly and mosquito to rare specimens like the Franklin's bumblebee or The Panda Ant. Some insects are even used in our economics, like bees and their honey or silkworms with… well silk! These crawling critters are both loved and hated by plenty; some people may even find them cute! Well in honor of the beings that basically own the earth (10 quintillion and around 200 million different species) and the fact that there's probably more insects in a mile of land than theirs is people in a country (Yes, I now have nightmares because of that… suffer as well), we will talk about a heroic team that embodies the might of the Insect Kingdom. Today in Behind the Hero, we take a look at an Entomologist dream come true, the carapace wounders of the world, The Entomons.

A 6-member team as of the current date, The Entomon's are actually quite a young team by today's standards; while working as a group in California for over five years, the team has only worked for little over a year as hero team. The primary source of their notoriety is the fact that ALL members of the group have an insect influenced dysmorphic appearance to them. Formed by Jacob Steel, otherwise known as Steel Swarm, the insectoid leader formed the group as a way for insectoid dysmorphs to chat or socialize with each other. Although we live in a society where individuals can come in all ways, shapes or sizes, people are sometimes quick to judge others; especially if you look like a giant spider. So, Mr. Steel decided to build a place where individuals affected by their looks could chat with others suffering from similar issues. The Art Swarm Center, abbreviated at A.S.C had additional activities like painting, calisthenics and a library filled with information pertaining to insect related media or knowledge about every insect in the world, including some personal anecdotes from hero groups that have faced insect behemoths!

Everything was fine until the day a massive fire broke out near the A.S.C and the surrounding buildings. Due to damage done to the road due to a Fight between Heroes and Villains a few days prior, fire fighters were struggling to reach the local in time, and there were people still stuck inside in some people stuck in the burning buildings. In an act of heroism Steel Swarm leaped into the building and thanks to his fire-resistant carapace began rescuing the trapped civilians alongside his adopted daughter Christabel Steel, later known as Orchid Bloom. After the incident, the buildings, and the A.S.C were destroyed, but no lives were lost. Thanks to his showing Mr. Steel became a minor hero overnight and with some convincing from some friends and fellow members of the A.S.C, The Entomon's were born.

A Buzzing chain of events isn't it folks? From talk group to Hero Group, life has a way to give the weirdest of curveballs. But I know what you're here for: Hero names, powersets and fun facts! So, let's keep this tale going along; let's talk about the members, starting with the leader Steel Swarm.

Mr. Steel is the leader and muscle of the team, as shown when he easily jumped into a burning building and managed to escape the building with only cosmetic damage and soot covering him. Steels Swarms Dysmorphic appearance correlates to that of the Hercules beetle, a bi-pedal one at that. Black chitin from head to toe, well develop muscles and horn so majestic entomologist cry when seeing it. Jokes aside, Steels Swarm appearance is rather striking when only his face, hands and feet are mostly human in shape, not helped by the fact the *ahem* Dynastes Hercules can change his size from four feet tall to a staggering 8 feet. Making sure he is seen by anyone with a pair of eyes, if the enhanced strength and endurance don't do it for you. An interesting fact about the Herculean hero is that apparently, he was a fan of the hero Apiary.

The second member of this crew is Christabel Steel, and the 12-year-old adopted daughter of Jacob Steel; otherwise known as the pink warrior of the Mystic arts, Orchid Bloom! That's her own personal introduction if you didn't know. Fan of many Magical girl anime's including Magical Girl Gang: War. Miss Steel has decided to base her hero career emulating the warriors of love and justice. This can easily be seen in her gothic magical girl inspired outfit (Cute hat included!) contrasting her pink hair and arm scythes. Yes… arm scythes. You see the littlest member of the Entomon's has a slight orchid mantis based dysmorphic appearance, a pair of pink antennae, some transparent wings in her back and raptorial arms all wrapped in a windy package. Those little pink blades aren't just for show, they are the locations of Orchid Bloom's main form of offence: Sharpening. You see Ms. Steel's main offensive power is that those arm blades she has are constantly sharpening themselves. While only doing small cuts in the beginning of a confrontation, they rapidly sharpen themselves to the point they can cut through steel like a hot knife through butter. Additionally, with a bit of effort Orchid Bloom can slash with such speed that the air pressure she releases, becomes razor sharp sickles capable of harming mid-range opponents, this move has been promptly named Cherry Sickles by the young metahuman.

The third member of the group is Deborah Aurelie, also known as the golden weaver, Golden Tale. Ms. Aurelie started out as the local librarian to the A.S.C group, making sure all books were properly taken care of and only joined the world of heroics once the A.S.C building was repaired and transformed into the Entomon's main base of operation. Golden Tale is a spider Dysmorphic, taking the form of the Arachne of myth. The Top half of an adult woman, with 6 spider-like eyes in her face and the lower half of Gold Weaver spider, Gold Tale has several abilities seen in arachnids, including some very sharp nails. Ms. Aurelie is capable of producing some extremely durable golden colored silk from her lower half. This silk is extremely hard to break and needs either extremely sharp tools or Ms. Aurelie's claws to remove. This power in addition to her ability to stick and walk on walls makes her the capture specialist of the team. A little-known fact is that Gold Tale likes weaving using her own silk; by removing the sticky properties she is left with a thread similar in softness to cotton or silk. She has weaved several clothes for Orchid Bloom, fueling the fires of many Gold Swarm fans. (The internet, Ladies and Gentlemen… never change).

Our fourth member of the day is the speeding digger Anthony Pierre, also known as Bullant. At 16 years of age, young Mr. Pierre is the scout of the group. A red carapace covering most of his body and two red antennae in his head, Bullant's insectoid dysmorphic appearance falls into the same range as Orchid Bloom. But, unlike the pink-haired pre-teens, Mr. Pierre prefers the earth. You see, Bullant is capable of "Swimming" through things like earth and stone like it was made of water, somehow being capable of sensing movements in the earth while submerged, Bullant has made a name for himself by being perhaps the most "annoying member of the team to fight" for his tendency to never standing still an leaping at opponents like some "deranged mud dolphin"- some criminals after getting punched for the 15th​ time by Bullant.

The fifth member of the team is less of an action hero and more the Entomon's financial expert, say hello to The Buzzling Baker, Honey Silviana or Honeydew to the community. Ms. Silviana appearance invokes the image of a honeybee, Chitin, antennae, black and yellow, four arms and a fuzzy bottom with a stinger. She complements her look with some glasses and a bee-colored coded baking uniform (with a little bakers hat). While her main job in the team is to keep the Entomon's finances stable, she also does some sale son the side, mainly honey based desserts like honey pudding or honey cake and jars of her special infused honey. Perhaps in an ironic twist of fate, or maybe superpowers just like going for a theme, Honeydew is actually capable of producing honey from her body and she can infuse viscous liquid with additional tastes, depending on what she eats. Some of her most notable concoctions include a cocoa infused honey and a ginseng infused spicy honey (great for sore throats), all of which have gone through heath inspections to make sure they are safe for consumption. One the groups main forms of income are the jars of infused honey Honeydew makes.

Finally, the latest member of the Entomon's is The Virtuous Flying Knight, Papillion Knight, or Vanessa Vedalia in civilian clothes. Ms. Vedalia's dysmorphic appearance is like a Butterfly in nature, specifically the Luzon peacock swallowtail. Black wings with tints of teal, two antennae and oddest of all a very thin tongue in her mouth similar to a butterflies proboscis, in fact PK can actually drink from her tongue like a straw… a fleshy foot long straw… MOVING ON! Ahem, Papillion Knight's costume is inspired by the knights of old, and she also carries a wooden shorts word to hit her opponent. From witness testimonies, Ms. Vedalia seems to have an interesting hobby, wood carving. Apparently, this hobby is a long running past time for the heroine and is actually a class that was being offered in the A.S.C before it burned down.

There we go! What a colorful cast of Bugs, aren't they? Much like other teams that take their looks or themes and make them approachable, The Entomon's have create an interesting niche in the Superhero community. While the original building had been lost, it was eventually repaired and there's a rumor that a new Art Swarm Center is being built, and soon many of the activities previously done in the building will begin anew and will be expanded upon. So, if anyone is interested in insects or if you just want to talk to someone, make sure to keep an eye out for any news. This has been Behind the Hero, signing off.

Authors note:

I am going to make a season; we are already over halfway there. Here's episode 8 of BtH! Following the Insectoid Hero Group of California, The Entomon's! Based on insects Entomon actually has roots in the Greek word for insects or the different ridges in a insects thorax.

Steel Swarm was based on the Hercules beetle and the name came from the Yugioh archetype of similar name.

Orchid Bloom was based on an Orchid Mantis and magical girls.

Gold Tale was based on the Arachne of Greek Myth and a picture of an Arachne making clothes for her kids.

Bullant was based on the Bullet Ant and a stand from JJBA Golden Wind.

Honeydew came along when I had a sudden craving for sweets and the fact that apparently there are a lot of honey-based desserts.

Finally, Papillion Knight was based on Kirby's Morpho Knight.

Also next omake is not going to be a BtH one, its going to be something more... unbalanced.
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List of Known Heroes in Horizon
So who are all the curent Heroes in Horizon Currently?

Justice Unlimited
  1. Lady Leizi (Founding Member) (Leader) Inside Frozen Throne
  2. Black Swan (Promethean)
  3. Menagerie Witch
  4. Handyman (Promethean)
  5. Chatelet (Former Four Seasons Hiver) Inside Frozen Throne
  6. Doctor Silver (Promethean)
  7. Valiant Gold [Daughter of Heavenly Astrologian] THE TRUE VALIANT (Promethean) [Exceed-Beyond Armor]
  8. Belle Sabreuse
  • Dr. Mammoth Ibis (Director of Project Prometheus) (Officially Deceased) (Algernon-Type)
  • Dr. Massive Ibis, Daughter of Dr. Mammoth Ibis [Humie Genius] [Chief Research Assistant]
  • Famine Slayer (Director of Operations)
  • Takanashi Chihiro (Director of Communications)
  • Mendicant [World's Greatest Healer] (Ally)
  • Moon River (MIA)
New Dawn (Subordinate to JU)
  1. Wolong (Leader)
  2. Gentleman James
  3. Palisade
  4. Miss Naught
  5. Dreamcatcher
  6. Arc (In Recovery)

  1. Marvelous Shine (Leader) (Old Timer)
  2. Samsara [Niece of Marvelous Shine]
  3. Gerridae

Crusade (Villains In Disguise)
  1. White Hawk (Leader of Crusade) (Horae Guard - 3rd Hour)
  2. Plasticity (Former Global Justice)
  3. Perspective (Former Global Justice)
  4. Joules (Former Global Justice)
  5. Ronin (Powers) [Justice Unlimited Asset - Spy]
  6. The Brass Shield (Powers)
  7. Anansi (Powers) (Former New Dawn) (Mind Controlled/Drugged) (Algernon-Type)
  8. Sunlight Knight/Simon MacAllister (Horae Guard)
Silvio's Renegades?
  1. Silvio/Stockpile (Pretender Valiant Red, White and Blue/Valiant Justice) [Leader] (Former Leader of Crusade) (Algernon-Type) (Former Leader of Global Justice)
  2. Été (Former Crusade) (Former Powers) (Former Leader of Four Seasons)
  3. Edgar [Alt-Guts]
  4. Radiant Silvergirl [Former Justice Unlimited]

Powers (Dominion)
  1. Scarlet Maturity (Leader) (Former Guardian Wave)
  2. Blue Skies
  3. Earthen Owl
  4. Shell Game
  5. Marrow Spider [Assassin]
  6. Lethal Anodyne (Algernon-Type) [Drug Lord] [Supplies Wonderland] [And Dominion Calls Him a Hero]
  7. pHarreit
  8. The Bloody Slayer [OG Leader of SLAYERS]
  • QUICK GORILLA - On the Run from Powers
  • Unknown Worker's Mitt Vigilantes
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Omega Heroes: A Metahuman Trading Card Game - SolarGemX (canon)
Authors note: Got a bit inspired when watching Yugioh vids and reading Pitchouli's Omake. I don't think this is balanced enough to be considered canon in any way shape or form, but what do the card players of the forum think?

Omega Heroes: A Metahuman Trading Card Game
By SolarGemX

Unleash the Power of your favorite metahuman's, in this long standing TCG online game! My name is StardustTCG, and I welcome you to the channel! Here at STCG, we peruse and review different types of Metahuman Media including powerset analysis, dream team-ups, nightmarish fight scenarios, funny skits and of course, games. In todays, episode we will be speaking of the long-standing heroic trading card game, Omega Heroes. The hero TCG scene has been around for a very long time and has had its fair chair of IRL products, tournaments, and events, but thanks to recent developments in the las few years, Omega Heroes has joined the echelon of online simulators and games like MetaXChasers. Why don't we go over the rules of the game for any new time players or people that want a refresher? Let us start with the board and the rules.

There are a couple of rules here and there, but the main thing you need to know is that each player starts with 5 lives and both players begin with 5 cars in hand, and compared to other TCG's both players are not Allowed to launch direct attacks in their first turns. This little set up round as coined the unofficial term of "preparation phase" by the player base. As for those lives, each time you take a direct attack you may lose 1 or more of them and if you lose all 5, you're out. There are other win cons depending on what type of deck you use, but well cover some examples later. Like any card game, Omega Heroes has its own board to play at, with different zones to place your cards. These places are you're deck zone, the base/location zone, the contract zone, the equip zone, the K.O zone and the dead zone. A lot of places huh? Don't worry, let's go step by step.

The deck zone is just that, the place where you place your deck. A standard deck in Omega Heroes is composed of 40 cards, although you can go for 50 if you're feeling adventurous. In a deck you will find Hero cards, Equip cards, Base cards, and Contract cards. Hero cards are just that, your metahumans. These cards may have a lot of text on them so let me pick an example. Hmm… aha! Here's a favorite of mine Lady Leizi from the Unlimited Hero Works set, honestly, I still don't know how they manage to get permissions for so many heroes, seriously that Rider team in Japan has some insane lawyers. Where was I? Oh yeah, hero cards. A standard hero card kind of looks like this:

Lady Leizi- The Thunderous Martial Artist

6 stars

(A picture of the Hero)

Hit-5 Def-4

Esp 8 Ops 4

Effect: When summoned, search for a Hero, Equip or contract card and add it to your hand. Once this effect has been activated, place this card in the equip zone, as long as there are Hero cards in the Hero zone this card can't be targeted for attacks, if there are no heroes, place this card in the Hero zone. You can activate the first effect of Lady Leizi, once per turn.​

Oh boy, more info, let's see. At the top of the card is it's name, of course. The stars are an important mechanic, we haven't mentioned it yet, but Omega Heroes has a resource system. You get 1 fund each time you start your turn, and you need to use funds to summon your heroes, or you can use them for other advantages, but at its most basic: no funds mean no summons. Thankfully since Omega Heroes is online, we have a nice little counter that tells you how many funds you have, we will speak more of funds once we head to the contract section. The stars in a hero card go from 1 to 10, and depending on the amount is how much a hero costs to summon. 1-3 are worth one fund, 4-6 are worth two funds, 7-9 are worth three funds and 10 stars require special conditions to summon them, but they usually are capable of ending a game then and there once summoned.

Since LL is a 6-star hero, I would require two funds to bring her out. Next is the cards stats, Hit, Def, Esp, and Ops. Hit correlates to a card's Attack power and Def to its defense. To defeat a Hero card, you need to have a card with higher Hit to your targets Def; so, if LL fought something with 4 def, she would beat it, but if she fought something with let's say... 6 def, it would survive and if the enemy Hero had more HIT than your attackers DEF, your Hero gets defeated. But there's a benefit to attacking with lower atk Heroes, defense also could be considered a Hero card's life points. Because LL attacked the 6-defense card and didn't destroy it, the target has been damaged, lowering its defense by the amount of LL HIT, so it now has 1 DEF, making it easy to take out with another attack.

Esp or espionage is a resource manager, if you have enough Esp on the field and some proper cards in the Equip zone you can do a lot, you can steal your opponents resources like funds, make them discard cards or even evade your opponents heroes entirely and attack directly. Esp is the counterpart to Ops or Operations; this stat acts as a source of defense against Esp tactics as long as its higher than Esp. Finally, some cards can have extra effects if summoned or if its in a particular zone, LL can stash herself in the Equip zone to keep herself safe and lead her team to victory or get more resources each turn using her first effect.

Next let us talk about the Hero and Equip zone, these zones are where we place most of our cards. There are 5 Hero zones and 5 Equip zones, a player can only use two hero zones to summon Heroes unless they have Base cards in the Baze zone (Up to 3), each base card unlocks a Hero zone to summon. Meanwhile, the equip zone can use all its spaces from the beginning. Equip cards are equipment, events or powerups that help you get more funds, modify stats, hinder your opponent, or help you protect your base or funds. Next, let us see the Base and Contract zones.

Bases are a very important part of any deck, you can place up to 3 bases in the Base Zone, not only giving you more Places to summon Heroes, but it can also grant bonus effects depending on the card. An example of this is New Dawn's Headquarters the Zenith, this card lowers the cost of summoning any New Dawn Hero by one.

Meanwhile, Contract cards are your Fund generators, the formula for fund collection is the sum of the values displayed in all contract cards plus one. So, if you had 3 base cards that give 1 fund each, you would get 4 funds every turn. Most Contract Cards give 1 fund, but there are ones that give out two or even three funds per turn. Funds are interesting since they have more advantages than just summoning heroes. Once per turn, you can use 3 funds to search for a Base or a 1 fund granting Contract card. This little mechanic was implemented to help players if they start with a "bricky" hand. Useful in a pinch.

Finally, lets talk about the K.O Zone and the Dead Zone. The K.O zone is where Hero cards go when defeated, once in the K.O zone you can pay twice the amount you previously used to summon a Hero and put them back into the field, Heroes never quit am I right? But if they are defeated again after that; they are placed in the Dead Zone, where they are lost forever… unless you have some VERY specific cards that interact with said zone. Additionally, one thing you need to know is that you can send a Hero card directly to the Dead Zone, if a Hero card is defeated by an opponent with twice the Amount of HIT to the defeated Heroes' DEF they automatically die due to OVERKILL Damage, so be careful.

Well, that's the board established now, let's see our deck again. A standard 40 card deck of Omega Heroes has a balance of cards. Most decks have around 10-15 Hero cards, 10-15 Equip cards, 3 Base Cards (With duplicates) and 10 contract cards; mind you, players may add or remove cards to their preference; so, these totals may differ from deck to deck, and with that you should be set to play. Before we let you go, why don't I show you some different decks and their win conditions?

Some players don't like to go UNGA BUNGA with their decks, instead focusing on defeating their opponents via deck out, these players will stack their decks with plenty of Esp cards to let them out resource their opponents, remove their contracts or shuffle their bases to the deck. Another type of playstyle is resource Turbo, where a player will use cards to generate as many resources as possible and try to avalanche into a victory.

I've seen players prefer to circumvent the opposition wholesale, so a deck with cards from the Irregular Vespids pack like the Entomons, are their cup of tea. These cards specialize in swarming the field and if they have 5 Hero cards at the same time, they can ignore the opponents Hero field and attack directly for game.

An example of a 10 star… "hero" is Scarlet Maturity, who has a set of conditions to summon him. You need 3 or more "Powers" Heroes on the field and need to use 15 funds to "pay" for his contract. After that you need to use 4 funds every turn to keep him in the field. Expensive huh? Theres a reason for that, this card has 10 HIT, 10 DEF, 5 Esp and 5 Ops, making it one of the highest stated cards in the game; not only that, but he also regenerates 4 DEF every turn. Making it the king of Beat sticks and Walls, making it very costly to remove him.

Finally, there's probably the most… controversial deck currently in the game… Behemoth decks. An alt condition/ necromancy deck, Behemoth decks have a special win condition in the form of their Base card: Leviathan's Corpse. Every time a Behemoth card sends a hero to the Dead Zone the Base gets one counter, and if the counter ever reaches 10, the Leviathan wakes up and the behemoths win, in exchange for that, Behemoth cards take an additional point of damage from ALL Hero monsters and any Behemoth cards that get defeated are killed instead; although they have some cards that let players fish out more behemoth cards from the Dead Zone by using Leviathan corpse counters. Some Hero cards can do even more damage to behemoths. An example of this are, Hero Cards-Like Blood Fang or General White from the Bloody Fable set, who have effects that deal additional damage to behemoth cards, making them quite popular during the game's story mode.

Its kind obvious why people would find this type of deck controversial, it originally was a CPU exclusive deck for events in the game, but it was recently released about 2 years ago. Although, its use has lowered drastically in recent months, due to the "Leviathan Incident." And that's that; hope you are now interested in the game, and I hope to see you all again, next time. Take care!

Authors note 2:

What the hell am I doing… Hey SGX here and I made a thing! Say hello to the Metahuman TCG Omega Heroes' inspired by other card games like Yugioh, Magic,and Digimon TCG , I have made a horrific blend that is probably as bad as modern tcg's (I'm a casual Master Duel player).

This is probably insanely unbalanced. But I think I managed to translate some of the quest's mechanics into a TCG pretty well...

Some additional cards that may come to the game (in world) would be Project Prometheus (If the truth of that ever comes out, hopefully never) being capable of searching for any hero on the deck, probably a Justice Unlimited exclusive. As for the rest of the team… Menagerie Witch could slot in as either needing 1 or two funds and have an ability to summon tokens that act like her creatures, Handyman could be a 1 fund creature with a regen effect so it can "tank" enemy hits and also have an effect that lets him change his name to another Hero Carda name (If that little secret comes out), Opale would probably be a 6-7 star with a defensive effect and Black Swan would be 10 Stars (Don't know what her summoning condition would be… maybe having 3 or more JU heroes in the field plus and having The Apiary in the base zone? IDK.) And Scarlet Maturity is getting an Errata after a certain set of documents got leaked into a certain other game site, he probably would get the OG Yubel treatment, requiring you tribute a Hero in the field or the K.O zone to keep him around.
Fallout and just drink tea — Crazyone47
Fallout and just drink tea
By Crazyone47

Lady Leizi spymaster of the previous iteration of and now leader of the reconstituted hero team Justice Unlimited poured herself another glass of cold tea from her stash as she prepared to continue her work in her office.

Wolong walked in and went, "Hmmm. You know there are certain snobs who say cold tea is a perversion of the noble art of tea brewing."

Leizi glared, "They haven't heard of cold brew. Besides the little darlings drink commercial tea soft drinks by the gallon."

Wolong picked up a cup, poured himself a cup and let out a satisfied sigh. "I prefer wine but this is a good palate cleanser. Matcha tea, ginger, honey and a hint of cinnamon."

"I can't drink alcohol right now. Too much work to do. This is a little pick me up and guilty pleasure of mine," said the lady as she opened up her office's mini fridge to reveal it stocked with glass thermoses of tea.

"And what has kept you awake right now?"

"Who says I am being kept awake?"

"People sleep in their offices when they need to work and be up early. They stay up late in their offices even though they have to be up early when they can't sleep. People can't sleep when they have something gnawing at their systems."

Leizi just stared at Wolong. Then she leaned back and turned arund blocking Wolong's view of her face. "I am not calling him by that damned stolen title. Stockpile was a more important element and bigger threat than I anticipated. I underestimated him, thought he was just some sheltered kid in over his head. Turns out even the scraps of armor Nora left behind made him better than him and Global Justice has any right to be."

Wolong sighed after a big gulp. "We've all been scrambling these last 2 months. Honestly that we are in as good a position as we are is honestly amazing to me. By the odds we should be down and out by now. If you hadn't taken the actions you have ... well what is done is done."

"We needed to retake the Apiary, Reassure Worker's Mitt, pick up Doctor Ibis's equipment, meet with you, and rescue Chatelet. Honestly that we haven't had a fatality among us so far is... .amazing to me."

"Yes and again what is done is done. But honestly you might be overestimating Stockpile and Crusade. What do they really have? Joules the coward? A kid in a suit he doesn't completely understand? Powers's minor grunts? Ete is a minor player at best as is Brass... Something. Ronin might be a threat but she is more suited to fighting mundanes than metahumans. As for the Horae guard even if they have considerable powers do you honestly think that a bunch of neophytes from up in Elysium will translate themselves into a fighting force down here? Granted American support for Dominion is unusual but at the end of the day we are the heroes of Horizon not them. And once we get Anansi back... I look forward to exacting retribution."

"Underestimate your opponents at your own expense. Horae Guard might be new but they definitely sent down someone with skills. And White Hawk is definitely someone to watch. He has the feel of someone with ambition and is not afraid to use their power. As for Stockpile... I was expecting him to fail by now. And then offer to absorb what's left of Global Justice. That he hasn't failed so far speaks to hidden depths in Global Justice."

"Hmph. I'll take your word for it. One thing that does concern me. Where did Faust go?"

"One of many things I would like an answer to. In any case our PR campaign is going to need a boost. We could use your help with security."

"Not enough time I am afraid. Though I would like to be present for John's ... special day."

"Of course. We have had some close calls. Rhys nearly bought it. That Named Behemoth was a threat. And Menagerie was a close call for me personally. Still Chatelet has proven to be .... most beneficial."

A/N: I'll take my payment in small bills (joke). A late night talk with Leizi and Wolong. I don't know what I was thinking.
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Starfall — Suleverf (canon)
I have a new omake, inspired a bit by talk of heroes working outside of established teams. A branch in Samuel's story, though it can be read standalone. No unusual trigger warnings compared to last time, but still has a dark tone.


"Samuel," says a cold voice filled with static. "This month we have another job for you. A client of ours has irreconcilable differences with the hero Gallop, and would like to settle the matter."

"Another named hero from that area? Is this the same client from last time?" You aren't quite sure what to think of repeat business like this. It's good for building reputation, but two in a row is sure to draw heat. You know better than to carelessly toss your personal concerns into the abyss of your microphone though.

"That is none of your concern. The client has also prepared a dossier on her powers, so that should simplify the job."

You sit back in your chair and glance out the windows of your dinky little stakeout room. Overcast skies, a gloomy day for an outing. Your fingers tap the oak table silently. "Let's hear it then."

After a few moments of crackling, the voice responded. "Her primary powers are construct creation and energy manipulation. She uses them to conjure up her namesake horse and always fights while mounted…"

Some of what follows could've been guessed from her name alone. Still, every little detail counts. Without a magic third eye, powers are an enigma at times. Even for highly publicized metahumans, the crucial facts that decide life and death can't always be known in advance.

"... it is important that the blame be pinned on another syndicate. For this reason, she must be lured into their territory. Are you clear on your mission?"

"Yes." You take your fingers off the transmit button and stow your radio handset inside your pocket.

Standing up from your chair, you step over the dusty carpet surrounding you and kneel in front of multiple hardshell travel cases, all neatly stacked on laminate flooring. You pause to reflect on how much you have invested into your equipment up to this point. Not all of it is here, but still there's a diverse range of price points represented here. From typical gangster guns to more exotic military hardware, they each have a place.

But for most of them, it wouldn't be out in the field today. Each mission has a distinct set of constraints that you must adhere to, and few tools are useful in every situation. For example, the best chance for you to kill a named metahuman is usually when their mask is off. But that is not your mission right now. Gallop is the target, not Mila Salazar.

Luckily for you, Gallop is a Hero for Hire. And like you, she has a price.

Under the cover of a decrepit old warehouse's awning, tattooed men shuffle to and fro a small boat at a nearby dock. They carry unassuming wooden crates, dropping them off onto pallets for a forklift to take deeper into the warehouse through a rolling shutter door in the side. And somehow they do it almost wordlessly, leaving the oddly serene sounds of creaking wood mixed with seagulls and gentle waves. But something causes their ears to perk up, and the crates to be set down abruptly.

A deep crashing, almost like a wave making landfall. Then chaotic shouts and gunfire.

"A hero's attacking!"

"Out front!"

It doesn't take long for the boat to unmoor and speed off, her crew unwilling to stick around. The men on the dock scramble, either running into the building or through the side gate to face the intruder.

Now that all the guards are busy, you take this as your cue to slip in amongst the chaos. You hop out from the boat you were hiding in. Running across wooden planks and in through the opened chain link gate, you dart from crate to crate and make your way up to the warehouse. With the help of the fire escape and some footholds in the walls, you deftly climb onto the top of the roof.

Ideally, you would like to immediately find a skylight or other perch looking into the warehouse. But you can't neglect checking on the situation out front as well. You quietly dash along the roof until you reach a ridgeline, and then lie down to take a peak.

Another crash. You are just in time to see a group of men tossed aside like bowling pins by the force of a charging horse. It is made of gleaming light, the same light that envelops its rider in a shining suit of armor.

The other gangsters stagger backwards, wary.

"Foul villains, prithee release your captive unharmed and thou mayst yet walk with your bones unshattered," says Gallop.

"What the hell are you talking about?" asks a man clutching his arm.

"An innocent boy thou hast cruelly abducted!"

"A boy? Listen goody two-shoes, we only keep weapons here. We don't deal in that other shit." His comrades glare at him, but he ignores them.

Gallop turns her gaze to the ocean. You catch a glimpse of her face, hidden beneath a slotted visor. You cannot see her eyes from your vantage point but you almost certainly know what she's looking at, somewhere in the horizon. "Lies!" she shouts.

Some men draw their pistols and fire, while others start running like hell. The bullets glance off the horse and armor, and she casually chucks a burning lance in response. Another man tumbles onto the pavement.

Right, you must prepare. You stop gawking and rush back to find a way into the warehouse's uppermost level. It's simple enough to shimmy open a window and drop down onto one of the top catwalks inside. There's a pair of lone guards up here, but they don't even cover each other's sightlines. Amateurs.

Crouching down, you sneak up on one of them and whip out a garrote in front of his neck. Not a sound escapes from his throat, strangled as it is by the constricting wires. Once you do the same to his partner, you drag both of their bodies to a stairwell, out of sight. There you slit their throats for good measure. Can't have them waking up and messing up your shot.

Now back on the catwalks, you look down on the ground level. It's as you thought. The remaining goons have dug in and pointed all their available firepower at the obvious shutter door where Gallop will breach. Makeshift fortifications and popped-open crates are strewn across the floor. You spot heavy machine guns and even an anti-materiel rifle lined up. They are so trained on the threat they're anticipating that they would probably mistake your shadowed silhouette for one of their own were they to bother to look up.

Maybe it would be good to line up with them on the upper level and join in with the firing squad. It would make it easy to blend your shots in. However, you have something different in mind. High above the shutter door entrance, there is a separate room with its own partition wall connecting to the catwalk. Some combination of structural support and overlook, judging from the enclosing pillars and tinted windows.

A perfect fit for the gun you brought today. The space is tight, but you are able to set your long-barreled revolver down on the window sill, just barely fitting the bipod. Counterintuitively, it is pointing directly away from the entrance and at the emplacements the gangsters have set up. You look down the scope and verify that the crosshairs are in the right spot.

All that is left to do is wait. It isn't very long until—

CRASH! Thin corrugated steel down below yields to what you assume must be a lance and a horseful of solid light.

The inside of the warehouse lights up with a hailstorm of lead and muzzle flashes. You hear the distinctive boom of the bigger rifles being brought to bear. But none of them can stop the galloping knight charging directly into the defensive line. She inexorably barrels through, and men and equipment alike are cast aside. After the line is punched through, she proceeds to mop up the rapidly collapsing flanks.

This is what you've been waiting for. Her hardlight armor parallels that of a tank, but like the knights of yore there must exist weakpoints. Like the narrow gap between her helmet and cuirass that you see from behind. Eventually her momentum will run out, and her charge must come to a halt.

Into your crosshairs. You pull the trigger.


But the bullet deflects, blocked by a flick of the horse's tail. Damnit.

The windows concealing you break, given that you just shot through them. You squeeze the trigger for follow up shots, but they are all swatted away. All you can do is duck down and hope that no one has seen you.

Luckily, you are still ducking when a flash of light comes in through the broken window and scorches the wall beside you. But the din of gunfire is dying down rapidly. The thugs are probably scattering like the wind beneath her hoof. You'll have to gamble, or you'll lose your chance. Too bad the dossier never mentioned anything about an autonomous creature.

More blasts hit above your head.

Nevertheless, you have one more plan. You shuffle through your pack and retrieve a half-dozen smoke grenades. While Gallop has free rein running down the long aisles of the warehouse, she is still too fixated on the ground and punishing the enemies beneath her. The gaps in her suppressive fire give you an opportunity to toss the grenades all around the warehouse. Those same shelves that corralled her enemies will box her in with the smoke.

Judging from the blind lance shots coming from the smoke, she herself doesn't have any special senses. The overturned debris she so enjoyed kicking up will now come back to bite her.

You scurry along the catwalks, trying to track her position through the dim glow of light in the clouds of thick smoke. If you could just find a place on the shelves and make one precise leap…

Here's a good spot to intercept her next run. Your feet jump from the metal platform and down onto some stacked boxes. An oncoming light draws nearer, rushing through the smoke to escape.

Closer, ever closer.

A moth to the flame.


Adrenaline floods into your muscles and springs them into action. Dagger in hand, you plummet through the smoke toward the lighted silhouette. Her face comes into view just as you do for her.

Pupils in the eyes, widening in surprise. Glint of metal hurtling towards them. An armored gauntlet shoving it away just in time.

Still, you grapple the rider and wrestle with her for control. All on top of a horse that has gone wild.

Beneath that armor she is no stronger than you, but she does have the benefit of riding a horse friendly to her. In the brief tussle, she and the horse successfully kick you off.

But you grab her sides and use your superior weight to drag her down with you. Her own lightweight armor cannot anchor her, and you both tumble and separate. Momentum from riding horseback carries the both of you out of the smoke.

As soon she touches the ground, her armor and her lance vanish into thin air. The horse follows, and when you come to a rest you see nothing but a normal human before you.

Both of you stand up. She realizes what has happened, and her pointed gaze becomes seething contempt.

"Do your worst, slinking coward. Justice shall fall upon you inevitably."

You pull out another dagger, ready to strike. In a single lunge, it should've been over.

Again, your knife fails to land on target. This time she crosses her forearms and blocks. Suddenly her personal armor blazes back to life in time to shatter your blade.

"The true armor of a knight is her will!" she bellows. Her hardened fist crashes into your gut, sending you flying into a wall. Pain shoots through your nerves, but your brain is already numb. For now you stay down, trying to reassess her powers in the few seconds she takes to walk over.

As if pleading for mercy, you weakly raise your hand.

"Hast thou the good sense to yield? Tell me where Julian is headed to and I shall only mostly break your bones."

You consider telling her that the boy she's supposedly saving never really existed. That it was a trap you laid to kill her. But you decide against such a pointless exercise. Better for her to die as the naive hero she is.

Your hand briefly lowers like you are about to say something. But with a flick of the wrist, a concealed pistol flies out the sleeve and into your palm. Barrel pointed directly at an eye slit in her visor, you fire.

Her armor fizzles once more as her body slumps to the ground. You already knew from the dossier, but only when looking into her lifeless eyes does it fully hit you that she is college-aged. Far too young to have someone put out a hit on her.

The job is done. Dusting off your coat, you collect your tools and leave before any reinforcements arrive.

Inside your room, you pack your equipment while a television drones on. The light outside has already dimmed enough to be smothered completely by the clouds.

"In other news, the hero Gallop has turned up dead in an abandoned warehouse. According to investigators, she attempted a solo raid into criminal territory in pursuit of an abducted boy. No such boy could be found, but there is evidence the warehouse had been involved in human trafficking and used as an illicit weapons cache."

Generally you don't track the media reaction to your missions, but this may end up attracting the attention of the local hero teams. You are not so suicidal as to try and target groups or any of the big names, so it's time to move on. There is but one target you must reach in the end.

"In an official statement from Dominion Security, they give condolences to the family of Mila Salazar. However, they disclaim any responsibility for her death, stating that it is impossible for the threat level rating of Hero for Hire job postings to always be accurately attuned to an individual's unique powers. They advise that a seamless function for sharing mission rewards among teammates exists and that it's recommended for heroes to band together if they feel a lethal risk exists…"

After a poorly timed commercial break, you listen to the last part of the report before tuning out entirely.

"... They have stated they will consider petitions in the Hero for Hire forum, such as proposals to place stronger checks on the accuracy of job postings or restrict the missions available to certain age groups, once those petitions have reached a sufficient number of verified signatures."

The last latch on your revolver case clasps shut.

In the coming weeks, you might hear about the meteoric rise of a hero named Gallant if you bother to linger in the area. Residents will find it a strange coincidence that the other two rising stars died due to criminal activity. But they will also be desperate for a protector to rally under.

However, that is no longer your concern.

Originally I was going to write an interaction with my actual DNA submission character, however that matchup was rather one-sided. So I instead went with an older idea I had of tying Samuel into the personal history of my other candidate. I swear Mila wasn't intentionally the expy you might be thinking of like the other candidate was, she just turned out strikingly similar as soon as I thought of her background and power set.

<<Previous: Until Death | Starfall | Next: Elegist>>
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Behind the Hero: The Performa Crafter's - SolarGemX (canon)

Behind the Hero: The Performa Crafter's
By SolarGemX

Lights, Camera, Action!

Movies, games, books, Art! Since ancient times people have created ways to entertain the masses, from classical fantasy, Thrilling novels, spell bounding dramas, riveting story lines and more; the arts have been an ever-expanding field in many different cultures, and modern day continues the trend. With the advent of Metahumans, media has of course shifted to cover the modern-day stars. Hi! Guilty as charged. But that doesn't mean normal media is dead, people will still write books, people will still watch normal tv shows or paint or draw other things unrelated to metahumans. Nonetheless, Superpowers have been shown to help people in even the most mundane of ways, just look at Double Bubble, and speaking of, todays "team" actually falls into the same wheelhouse, not actually doing normal hero work like going out to punch criminals in the teeth. These empowered individuals used their knowledge and powers to make learning the arts entertaining, that's right viewers, were going back to school.


Oh, calm down! Were just visiting. You see, this New York team actually owns a university! The Luminary University of Design and Art (L.U.A.D for short) is a college that concentrates on the different arts. Literature, Music, Painting, Cinematography; the works. While there are a lot of normal professors, some of them are actually metahumans, who sometimes use their powers in their lessons, making them quite popular. While usually you would need to make an appointment to visit the campus if you aren't a member or student, today there is a school festival going on, so the public is free to explore and see what the students are capable of, and I've been granted permission from the Dean to talk about the metahuman faculty members as we explore the campus. So, without any more delay, let us talk about the artistic mentors of New York, we take a bow and introduce to you: The Performa Crafter's.

The Performa Crafters or PC's, for short, are a 9-member team of faculty members making sure the Uni stays in tip top shape, alongside all the other staff. So, let's start with the leader of this cast of misfits, the Dean of LUAD Osmund Onyx, also Known as Professor Stasis. At 48 years old, Mr. Onyx is actually the oldest metahuman member of the staff, previous to his integration into the staff, he actually worked as a cinematographer in a couple of intermediate level films, before retiring and becoming the school's dean. While he rarely uses his power is his work life, he has on occasion used it on various objects throughout the school. Prof. Stasis has an interesting power, temporal object freezing. In other words, he is capable of freezing an object in time for an unprecedented amount of time, this only works on object no larger than a car. One of the biggest examples of its use is the statue at the foyer of the main campus building, this statue was made from sugar glass by a fellow member and due to how impressive it was, Mr. Onyx used his power to preserve it inside a Glass Box so people can see it, and its easy to see why, over ten feet in length with red scales and heterochromatic eyes, the Visage of a Dragon is quite the impactful first impression. People are still discussing if Sugar Fairy has a secret power because of just how massive her sculpture is, even with multiple supports carrying its weight. The new sugary statue has been around for about 3 years now and has somehow become synonymous with the school.

The second member of the PC's is the school's sculpting expert, who bakes at the side, Sugar Fairy, or Maryssa Astraud. Well, isn't that a familiar surname? Yup, we found a new Astraud ladies and gentlemen. At 21 years old, Sugar fairy works as a teachers aid at the college, so she is a common sight among the faculty. When she isn't working or doing her own studies, Maryssa is usually sculpting small sculptures using sugar glass, these small works of arts are highly detailed thanks to both her skill as a sculptor and her Metahuman ability, Perception slowing and enhancement. Sugar fairy much like the Hawaiian hero Iron Sight's can enhance her vision to zoom in on objects, but she is also capable of slowing her perception of time to make sure she doesn't do any mistakes while performing her craft, it's the reason why many of her sculptures are extremely detailed, from the scales of a dragon to the individual feathers of a bird.

Next let us talk about the second in command and the 30-year-old Vice-Dean of the school, Priscilla Parker, or Madame Float. Ms. Parker is capable of levitating objects with her mind, up to an average adult males weight. While her power is useful, just like Prof. Stasis, repeated use over short periods of times lead to massive migraines, so the Vice-Dean uses her power during set periods of time where it is most useful. Examples of her power use include carrying a small cart's worth of documents, carrying a couple of new printers for the school, putting on a show with stuff dolls for visiting children and carrying a student that hurt themselves after a nasty fall.

The fourth and fifth faculty member's at LUAD are the artistic power couple who works literally come to life, Ink Trail and Smoke Trail or Prof. Sumi Sakanoue and Prof. Maurice Hart while in the classroom. 27 and 28 respectfully, these members of the Performa Crafters specialize in art and literature. Ms. Sakanoue teaches art classes for freshmen aspirants, and on occasion uses her Metahuman power while in class to give students a new perspective on their drawings. For those unaware, Ink Trail can create constructs using ink, paint, crayon, etc… Anything she draws can leap from her canvas and follow simple commands, just as long as it is not larger than a tiger. Not only that, but she can also bring to life paintings she hasn't created as well, sometimes during her classes she takes the drawings of voluntary students and has them move around in the classroom, keeping them small in order to prevent accidents, after a couple of minutes the images return to their original spots, undamaged. Meanwhile, her husband Mr. Hart can blow out a type of smoke that has an interesting effect if it covers a book, written paper or piece of literature, the smoke coalesces into highly detailed figures and they act out whatever is written, these "Smoke simulacrums" are quite expressive too the point of looking real, as long as you don't walk through them that is. Another feature is that the smoke can expand into a "screen" where everything that was written appears as form of movie, with sound included! This was a favorite activity in literature class and Smoke Trail usually used his power whenever one of his students asked, as long as he was free, that is. This little tradition has slightly fizzled due to a… "incident" when a sleep deprived student gave the teacher a set of papers during class in order to see if the play, she was writing would look good. However, she accidentally gave Smoke Trail something else; something…"interesting" *Cough* NSFW Fic *Cough*, this little incident taught both Mr. Hart and the student body to make sure to LOOK at what they are holding, before using the Metahumans ability.

The next member of the group is apparently a teacher aide that is working behind the scenes for the universities computer design, music and instrumentation courses. The virtual idol of the campus, Trickstar Synth. Nobody knows who Trickstar Synth actually is, since she only helps with online courses, where she uses a Virtual Avatar of her Hero Persona, but from a couple of interviews from some of her students, we at least know her power, Voice modulation. TS can change the tone and sound of her voice at will and even make it sound like a synthesizer, much like a certain musical program we all know. The young heroine uses this power in her free time in order to make music covers of popular songs, including videogames and tv shows. From what she has revealed in her channel and during her lessons she is actually hoping to create a virtual idol group under the Trickstar name and has actually recruited two of her friends into her plan, a female that has donned the name Trickstar Steel Soul (A rock enthusiast) and a boy, Trickstar Ring-a-Bell (wind instrument enthusiast), her channel has a steady following of fans and here's hoping she can reach her goal.

Seventh on the list is the Campus tech specialist and repairman, Handycraft or Steve Lauvier (age 35) to his co-workers. Handycraft's power is quite simple in execution, he is capable of sensing if a piece of machinery or human level technology is broken, triangulate what's the problem and detail what is necessary to fix the problem. Crowned the "King of Tech Support" by the student body, Mr. Lauvier has helped fix and/or replace a multitude of faulty computer systems, printers, and air conditioners, among other things. (Man, what wouldn't I give for that quick service…)

The eight member of the team is the spectacled pyrotechnics experts, Firecracker, or Kenna Yaeko. Mr. Yaeko (Age 25) is the only pyrotechnics expert on the campus grounds, and teaches proper safety when managing flammable objects. Students that are interested in his elective learn the ins and outs of fire safety and overseeing dangerous substances that can produce a detonation if mixed. Since this particular course counts as an elective Mr. Yaeko is both strict and lax with his teaching methods. Extremely strict in order to make sure his students understand the dangers of pyrotechnics and lax, since as long as you follow instructions and do your work, he actually gives you extra time to do your work and is less strict during some written assignments (Don't worry about punctuation). His metahuman power is the ability to create colorful sparks from his hands and shape them at will. While he usually keeps his displays to palm sized illustrations, he is capable of channeling additional force to his palms, turning them into platforms that launch his sparks high into the sky, creating awe inspiring fireworks. These "Firecrackers" take a bit to make, giving ample time for students to move away from the detonation zone.

The final member is another aide, but unlike the previous ones, she actually works at the campus cafeteria and doesn't have a hero name, she is known as Silvia Figueroa. At 18 years of age, Ms. Figueroa is a part-time worker at the college, helping with meal preparation. As she worked in the kitchen, she became more relaxed around the staff, to the point she revealed her, in her own words, "Lame as all hell power," Juice control. Now we've seen weird powersets in Behind the Hero before, but I can honestly agree that Silvias is among the weirdest. She is capable of controlling different types of fruit or vegetable base juices with extreme precision. Not exactly an eye-catching power true, but as she began experimenting during her free time and with encouragement from the head chef, she found out she can mix the juices she controls in... "Weird ways." You see, a mixture of apple, orange, grape, pear, and mango juice would sound horrible on paper, but Ms. Figueroa's power SOMEHOW mixes them perfectly, making entirely new tastes. Some students that have tasted her concoctions describe it as the great-great-great grandson of whatever juice she used, it should not work, but it does. Some weird combos coined by the student body are pe-ma-nana (Pear + Mango + Banana), or Peacher (Peach + Pear), among others. However, her most popular blend is the "Arcanciel mingle" a 7-fruit blend that once mixed, looks like rainbow in a cup. Once the drink is ingested, the flavor profile changes as it enters the mouth and the throat, making quite an interesting experience, especially after one of the cooks suggested making it into a gelatin dessert, which is now served on special occasion in campus.

Well, that was an interesting collection of powers, some could be considered quite strong under the right circumstances, but their use in the arts is actually much more impressive. I know what my destination would be if I ever wanted to learn more about art. But it does look like its about time to end this little visit and go searching for the next team. Thank you all for watching, this has been Behind the Hero, Signing off.

Authors note:

And I do think that's episode 9 of BtH done. Thank you Crazyone for this little suggestion. So, say hi to the Performa Crafters, an art inspired team that owns an art's college in New York. My original plan for this team was a traveling circus type of aesthetic, but as I made more characters, I thought a college with eccentric faculty members would work, that and I had MHA on the brain, so here we are.

Prof. Stasis was based on Odd-Eye magician, Ozpin from RWBY, and the stasis power from Breath of the Wild.

Madame Float was based on Witchcrafter Vice-Madame from Yugioh and Glynda Goodwitch from RWBY.

Ink Trail has a bit of Sai (Naruto) and the FF painter class inspiration, while Smoke Trail has Handsome anime Smoker dad vibes. (…that's a sentence).

Trickstar Synth was based on V-tubers, idols, Hatsune Miku and the Trickstar Archetype from Yugioh.

Handycraft was based on crafting… and strangely the skill of similar name in Monster Hunter.

Firecracker was based on Crossete from Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

Silvia was based on potion crafters, but with a fruity mix. Also, the Rainbow Fruit from Toriko.

Sugar fairy was based on… well sugar glass sculptures. Also, the Sculpture she made for the school is a totally not Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon.

Extra note: Planned on making a mime character that actually worked as a security officer in campus, miming invisible things into existence like, rope, man sized walls, a bike, a bat, etc…,all of which could stop a normal human, but would be immediately broken by anything resembling a metahuman with a modicum of strength. He would basically be a criptid living in the walls and ventilation shafts of the Uni, making sure everyone was behaving and safe. Ended cutting him out, but if you want to think there's a French clown living in the walls of a college, you do you. Maybe make them help during improv classes.
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Issue # 3.1: Largesse
[X] Plan Aggressive Stance
--[X][MISSION AP 1/2] Break Glass in Case of Emergency (AP 2 , ESP 8, OPS 10)
---[X] Request Wolong and Miss Naught for assistance
--[X][MISSION AP 3/4] Hero Worship (AP 2, HIT 10, ESP 6, REP 10, OPS 4)
--[X][MISSION AP 5] Mahou Shoujo no Justice Unlimited (AP 1, HIT 5, ESP 3. OPS 1)
---[X] Black Swan patrols with New Dawn
--[X][MISSION AP 6] Meet the Rookies (AP 1, REP 4, ESP 6. OPERATIONS 5)
--[X][GLOBAL AP 1] A Spoonful of Sugar (John Henry Rhodes)
--[X][GLOBAL AP 2] eTraction!
--[X][GLOBAL AP 3] Project Prometheus (John Henry Rhodes)(6 tolerance)
--[X][LADY LEIZI] The Spider's Web (Monarch)
--[X][BLACK SWAN] So... How About Them Yankees?
--[X][MENAGERIE WITCH] Who Doesn't Love a Power Testing Scene?
--[X][HANDYMAN] Lost Lenore
--[X][CHATELET] You Live Like This?!
-[X] Total AP & Hero: 7 AP, HIT 15, ESP 23, REP 17, OP 22
Somewhere on the Atlantic Ocean – S.S. Dauntless – January 5, 2068

Underneath the water, a predator lurks.

Unchanged by evolution for 35 million years, nature's perfect eating machine silently stalks its prey. There, up above where the light touches, a pair of legs belonging to a young girl idly kicks as she treaded water. Her friend hovers above the ocean just next to her, a Judas in disguise. Said young girl had recently developed a little bit of an attitude after training and had forgotten her place in the pecking order.

Menagerie Witch's HIT increases by 1!

So, she must be reminded.

"Mona, sharks don't just attack people, dummy! You're more likely to get attacked by a cow than a—aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiie!"

Menagerie Witch lets out an unearthly shriek as a great, platinum blue megalodon nibbles on her foot. Barkavious Rex woofs from his position on the deck of the ship you've chartered, Mittens asleep on his back.

"Mr. Rhys! You dickhead!"

A shrill sound cuts through the air as Miss Naught blows a gym whistle she had found somewhere. She's wearing a bikini with a bullseye pattern while lazing in a deck chair with a lifeguard float across her lap. When she had heard about your expedition to find Rakeem's emergency supplies—and that it involved being out at sea with little to no expectation of danger—she had literally gotten on her hands and knees and begged to tag along. She was "making herself useful" by serving as your lifeguard.

"Hey, party foul! That's a yellow card!"

"Exactly, screw you Mr. Rhys!" an irate Menagerie Witch cries. She's wearing a jet-black, one piece swimsuit with a frilled skirt and screaming at the shark which Handyman had transformed into.

"Not Sharkboy! You little Miss Goth!" Miss Naught cries, "No fucking swearing!"

"But you just swore!"

"I'm mad with power!"

Mona doubles over laughing while hovering mid-air, also in beach attire. She's wearing a long, white sundress with a big, floppy hat.

Rakeem had hidden his cache in the shipwreck of the ironically named S.S. Unsinkable, which was located on the edge of the continental shelf of Marajó. However, the seismic activity caused by the Leviathan's activity had dislodged it and sent it into the continental slope. Your boat was currently docked at the Unsinkable's last known location as you tried to discern where it ended up. A task that has taken longer than you would have cared for, leading the members of your team to grow bored.

Hence the horseplay.

Not that you begrudged them. Things had been tense in the Apiary since Crusade's accusations—for which they would suffer—and it was a relief to see everyone able to relax.

While the junior members carry on, Châtelet and Wolong diligently pour over bathymetric maps to determine where the Unsinkable had come to rest.

Châtelet had abandoned her usual costume as well, although she said she wasn't yet comfortable in swimwear. She wears shorts and a lightweight, short-sleeved hoodie in the most casual outfit you had seen her in yet. Her focus was a godsend, and you felt you did very well making her your second. She points at a spot on the map and says something to Wolong, who nods while sweating profusely in his usual robes.

The poor dear had actually come and apologized to you for Miss Naught's attire when you first boarded. He had wanted to make sure that New Dawn conducted itself "with all due professionalism" during the first joint mission of the alliance. His embarrassment at his subordinate's actions had persisted until you went below deck yourself and changed.

Then he was embarrassed for an entirely different reason.

You adjust the angle of your tanning reflector as a cloud partially blocks the sun. You're currently lounging in a deck chair, wearing an elegant swimsuit with a cutout that exposes your abdomen. It is your favorite shade of purple and it has been sitting in your closet for years. Wolong had nearly swallowed his tongue when he saw you in it, Miss Naught had let out a wolf-whistle and cheered, and you've caught everyone but Menagerie Witch sneaking peeks at you.

You allow yourself a smirk. It's nice to see you still got it.

* * *

The timer goes off, and you sit up and flip over onto your back. You hum in contentment. You still had no earthly idea why Adamant had invited you out here, but it was nice to take an afternoon off.

Said bore of a man was determinedly facing away from you, attempting in vain to catch something with his fishing pole. You fancied you could see a flush in his skin at some point, but it was hard to tell. Certainly his face gave nothing away—the man was a brown boulder for all the emotion he would show.

Which was why it was a shock when he invited you to "go fishing" with him in the first place. You half expected this to be an ambush or plot of some sort, but, no, he genuinely seemed to think you would spend the day handling worms and staring at the ocean.

No, thank you.

Honestly, you're not even sure why you agreed to come. Adamant was no friend of yours. He had strenuously objected to you joining NuGen on the grounds that you were "an unrepentant criminal." You could have forgiven that—he wasn't exactly wrong—if he hadn't been so arrogantly uptight.

He and Nora had been butting heads over leadership of NuGen for nearly two months now. Everyone but Adamant seemed to understand Nora was in charge. Apiary and Moon River were fanatically loyal to her, Uiara was in love with her, and The Red Huntress would follow whatever decision Uiara made.

Wait, was that why he brought you out here?

"As much as I enjoy working on my tan," you say from the chair, "If you're looking for someone to help you supplant Nora, I'm afraid you've made a miscalculation.

"Hnn," Adamant grunts, not looking over, "No. Valiant Silver's in charge."

That makes you sit up. "Oh? Why the change of heart?"

He reels in his line a bit before speaking. "We had it out in the training room. She put a railgun in her armor and shot me with it. Wasn't much to argue after that."

"So that's what happened to the Bastion's gymnasium," you muse, "So, that's all it took? She beats you in a fight and you agree to let her be in charge?"

"No," he says, "She's in charge because she's the best person to lead. The fight was just something I asked for."

You've already exchanged more words with Adamant than you have since joining NuGen. Despite yourself, you find yourself intrigued.

"So, if it's not palace intrigue, then why invite me out on this . . . expedition?"

Adamant goes quiet again, and is silent for long enough that you nearly give up on the conversation. Finally, just as you write of this whole day, he rumbles out an answer.

"I don't understand you."

He doesn't follow up. You look at him over your sunglasses.

". . . and?"

"I need to," he says, "Nora does. She understands everyone. It's how she slouched into being our leader by default."

"Oh?" you say, "So I'm a test for yourself?"

"That's not what I mean—" Adamant lets out a great sigh, "I don't understand why you would agree to follow the two women who defeated you. I now realize I judged you too quickly at the start. It wasn't fair. There is more to you."

Oh? Curiouser and curiouser. Perhaps there was more to the stoic boy in front of you as well. But, truly, you had to ask—

"So you invited me to go fishing?"

This time you can see Adamant flush as he grabs the back of his neck.

". . . it worked last time."

"You've done this before?" you say with a raised eyebrow.

"No. Yes. What I mean is that, someone once brought me out fishing. My dad."

He sighs in frustration and abandons his line altogether to turn and face you. You can see talking about himself is unfamiliar for him, nearly painful. Still, with a willpower you can't help but find admirable, he forces the words out.

"Dad wasn't around much when I was a kid. He and my mom never got married, and I lived with her in the OID. He spent his time with Global Justice in the Foot."

You nod. You knew Adamant's parents were Dragonsteeth and Steadfast, but you had never really thought about it much before.

"He still tried to be in my life though," he explains. Then seeming apropos of nothing, he adds, "When I was a teenager, I got into a lot of fights."

"You?" you snort. You have a hard time picturing it. Adamant was as stiff as the metal that was his namesake.

"Yeah. People used to talk out of turn about my mom," he explains, "A lot of folks still blame the original New Dawn for the Susurration. That led them to speak with disrespect about the original members. Someone had to teach them that speaking disrespectfully had consequences."

"Oh? And what would happen?"

"Lessons would be learned. And I would get arrested. It was after the third or fourth time when Dad brought me out here for a 'real father-son talk.'"

You find yourself trying to imagine your father doing such a thing, and the image is so absurd you have to stop yourself from laughing in disgust.

"Well, did your father correct your errant path?"

"No. I wound up punching him in the jaw. Like I said, I used to have a temper."

This time you do laugh out loud. "How did your father take that?"

"Have you ever tried to punch someone who is invulnerable? He barely reacted. He did, however, catch me with a right hook that knocked me senseless."

"Oh." Your smile disappears. The story suddenly feels too familiar and you pull your legs on the chair and wrap your arms around your knees. But Adamant continues, seemingly lost in the memory.

"He apologized immediately—he hadn't meant to hit it. He had just done it on instinct. I honestly thought he was about to cry."

Adamant walks over and sits down at the chair across from you.

"It was the most emotion I'd ever seen from the old man. He thought I would be devastated, but all I wanted to know was how to throw a punch like that. He signed me up for boxing that night, and I learned a more constructive use for my anger."

He looks up and stops as he notices your discomfort. He tilts his head and simply says "Hey?"

"Don't mind me, darling."

He looks for a second longer, but doesn't apologize or ask any more questions—something you are profoundly grateful for. Instead, he continues.

"Ever since, I've thought of fishing as a way to get to know someone. It worked once, right?"

"Hmm," you reply, not sure how to react, "And fishing is an enjoyable activity for you?"

"No. It's boring."

That makes you laugh.

* * *

The search for the Unsinkable continues well into the afternoon. The ocean floor had apparently been more altered than anyone anticipated, rendering nearly every map you had useless. If it hadn't been for Wolong, your mission may have been doomed to failure from the start.

DC 12

Stat Check: OPERATIONS 25. Justice Unlimited has OPERATIONS 26 + 6 (Miss Naught).

You rolled: 5.

Wolong has [
Analytical Precognition]

Wolong can spare (1) charge of his power for this mission.


It is truly amazing to watch this feat of deduction, as Wolong traces every possible path the ship could have fallen and determines which one is the most likely. Châtelet ceases trying to help as Wolong falls into a fugue, and even the swimmers come back to watch. At the end, he has the ship's probable location pinned down to the exact millimeter, and everyone lets out a great cheer as Miss Naught brings him lemonade she had acquired from . . . somewhere.

"Thank you," he says as he accepts. He has removed his hat and the top layer of his robes and sips as he gives you a sheepish smile. "I supposed I should have gotten into the spirit of today earlier."

"No time like the present," you tell him. Châtelet heads to the boat's captain to inform him of your destination, and you're moving toward the coordinates in no time.

"Hell yeah!" Miss Naught shouts, "Now, let's throw my boss into the water!"

This is followed by more cheers as a sputtering and shirtless Wolong lands in the ocean.

* * *

To your horror, you find that Adamant—Rakeem—is actually fairly charming when he isn't doing his best impression of a statue. What you had initially taken as arrogant standoffishness, you now realize was simply a reserve that was missing from most people. It wasn't that he didn't wish to speak with you. Rather, he just naturally never said more than was necessary.

It meant he was an excellent listener, and you find yourself opening up to him in a way you never expected.

"—Father was not gentle. When I displeased him, he would arrange for 'sparring' sessions with opponents ten years my senior. Unfortunately, when I began to regularly defeat them, he began to see me as an 'asset.'"

"Hnn. Dirtbag," Rakeem hums. He had gone back to fishing, but you had little doubt he heard every word you spoke.

"Quite," you agree, "However, it did have one unexpected benefit. He decided to have me 'prove myself' in front of his lieutenants by making me fight him. I don't believe any of his men ever forgot the sight of a fourteen year-old girl beating their patriarch into the ground."

You give a content smile. It's one of your favorite memories after all. "Ah, it was so worth the punishment afterwards. Even if I still must cover up the scars."

Rakeem looks over at you and meets your gaze. He studies your face and then gives you a single nod before turning his attention back to the ocean. There are no words of sympathy, no pity in his expression, no asking if you need to "talk about it." Just an acknowledgement of what you said and silent promise that he's available if you do wish to talk.

It's a kind of support you've never had before, and it puts a lump in your throat.

You two fall into a companionable silence until Rakeem disturbs it.

"Y'know, I see why Nora admires you now."

"Come again?" you say, incredulous.

He shrugs at your tone. "Is it better to be born good or to choose to do the right thing? I'm not sure, but one is harder."

You're left speechless at that and you fall back into the quiet between you. Then you say, "Oh, so you enjoy admiring me, darling? I thought I caught you taking a long look earlier."

"That's not what—" Rakeem's words die in his throat as he turns around and looks at you. You've brought your legs up and bent one slightly while twisting your waist, giving Rakeem an eyeful of your bottom. He freezes in place, then flushes and turns to the water with nary a word.

"Oh, Rakeem, no need to be shy. Please, admire all you wish."

He says nothing but hunches over more intently. Your laughter rings out in the air.


* * *

The area on the continental shelf is deeper than nearly all of you can easily travel, so it is just Black Swan—who doesn't need to breathe and is immune to decompression sickness—and Handyman— in the shape of a shark-octopus hybrid—who disappear beneath the surf to find the Unsinkable.

They're gone for twenty anxiety-inducing minutes, which is only made worse when gigantic blooms of light erupt from under the surface. Eventually, Handyman resurfaces with the corpses of two great creatures in his tentacles.

DC 10

Stat Check: HIT 8. Black Swan and Handyman have a collective HIT 19.

You rolled: 8.

8 + 5 = 13. Success!

"Silver-Rank Behemoths," Handyman explains, "A bunch of them swarming around the boat. Look like overgrown cuttlefish. Nothing me an Black Swan couldn't handle though. I swear, thank God she's on our side, 'cuz yeesh did she destroy these things. She stayed behind to make sure she didn't miss any."

Handyman discards the corpses and joins you on deck.

"So, yeah, Wolong hit the nail on the head. The boat's down there, all in one piece. We couldn't figure out how it managed to stay undamaged until I went up and touched it—seems like Adamant coated the entire outer layer of the ship in adamantium and sealed it tight as a drum."

Miss Naught tilts her head curiously as Wolong nods in approval, "Wise of him to ensure nothing leaked out."

"Yeah," Handyman agrees, "But the issue now is: how do we get in? The boat's balanced on a rock—any blasting and the whole thing is bound to fall."

Rakeem's final words to you echo in your ears, "Just be warned—you'll need someone who's either invincible or able to level a building to get to it."

Someone who is invincible or able to level a—you sigh. You need either someone who can cut through the adamantium shell or could survive delivering a bomb to break through it. Of course. However, Rakeem never anticipated this complication.

"Hmm, troublesome," Wolong says examining the data packet Rakeem had included in his final message, "We'll need to be careful—"

DC 15

Stat Check: OPERATIONS 25. Justice Unlimited has OPERATIONS 26 + 6 (Miss Naught).

You rolled: 16.

16 + 3 = 19. Success!

"Just blow it up," Miss Naught interrupts.

". . . excuse me?" you ask.

"Just blow it up, guys. Come on. If I'm reading this thing over Wolong's shoulder correctly, the stuff we care about is in the captain's cabin. So, blow up the rest of the ship, send Châtelet down to keep the part we care about from sinking, have Handyman squeezes inside, he grabs the goods, and everyone gets out. Duh."

"Hmm," Wolong says, stroking his chin, "The Unsinkable is just at the edge of the continental slope, but that's still much deeper that is safe for most divers. We have the miniature submersible from Allard-Kelso, so it's not impossible. . ."

"It's . . ." you start, ". . . probably the best idea we have."

"Yeah. That's why I said it. Duh."

Menagerie Witch brings Miss Naught a glass of lemonade with shining eyes, "I would like you to take me on as your student in the way of sass."

"Of course! Rule #1: Become Ungovernable."

You ignore the very, very foreboding thing that's happening in front of you and turn to Handyman and . . .

"Where is Châtelet?"

Said mistress of gravity walks up from below deck, already wearing diving gear and carrying the keys to the submersible.

"If I die—" she squeaks, and then coughs into her hand, "Sorry, still working on vocal training. Ahem. If I die under there, make sure Gwen doesn't get any of my stuff. Or Ophèle's stuff. Or speak at my funeral. And please make sure they get my name right on my death certificate—I'm still waiting on the judge's order to make everything official."

"Of course, darling. Anything else?"

She narrows her eyes. "I want a raise . . . ?"

"Should be doable after our bounty today."

". . . and I want a pony."

"Do you? Do you truly?"

"Levithan's Blood, no," Châtelet says, shivering, "Horses are godless killing machines. Now, stop being so nice to me all the time—it's throwing me off."

* * *

". . . there's something about being completely exhausted that makes it easier to think. Clarity."

"Absolutely," you agree, "Part of the reason I took to combat arts so keenly as a child was to keep my stress from overwhelming me. That it deterred those who would do me harm was merely a bonus."

After your little prank, Rakeem had steadfastly refused to look at you. So you were now conversing with his very chiseled back, muscles visible even through his jacket. Despite this, the conversation flowed naturally as you both realized you had a number of things in common. Among them:

"Nora and Yazmin have been sleeping together."

"Is that news, darling? I assumed everyone knew. They're hardly subtle."

"Yes, but they're sleeping together again
after their last breakup."

"My goodness," you laugh, "Did I miss an entire "breakup and get-back-together" cycle? They're positivity accelerating."

"Hopefully they'll wait until after this upcoming trip to the QZ to fight again," Rakeem says, "Yazmin always rushes out of formation, when she's upset."

"Does she now?" you say, genuinely interested, "I can't say I've noticed."

"Yes," Rakeem says, "I suppose I'm the only one of us who has experience fighting along other metahumans. You have to keep a certain level of battlefield awareness, if only so powers don't interact in an unexpected way."

"Is that why you always stay so close to me in fights?" you ask, "I had assumed it was because you didn't trust me."

" . . . that's part of it," he admits. You give him points for honesty. "But the other part is because of how vulnerable you are."


"Don't take offense," he sighs, "But on our team? Nora has her shields, Yazmin and I have invincibility as part of our powers, Red Huntress turns invisible and gets stronger over time, Rosemary has back-up bodies, and Moon River isn't even there."

He ticks each of you off with his hand as he speaks. "You're the only one who is as durable as a normal person. So I have to be there to take the hits."

"You've been protecting me?" you say in disbelief, "I don't believe I've ever asked or indicated I wanted such a thing."

"Doesn't matter. I'll get back up again. You won't. We're teammates. We all have jobs. Mine is making sure everyone comes home. That means I watch your back, and you watch mine."

The lump comes back and you feel a strange warmth in your stomach. He just admitted to not even liking or trusting you . . . and he had been thinking about your safety this whole time? Just . . . because?

"Why?" you ask. You don't elaborate.

You don't need to. He replies. "Because I want to."

Suddenly what was a dreary fishing vessel bobbing in the ocean becomes the place you've felt the safest since your mother was alive. A knot that has been coiled in your chest for over a decade comes loose and you nearly gasp in relief. Rakeem hears everything, you're certain. But, as always, he lets you work it out on your own until you want to come to him.

The emotions are intense and you curl up into a ball as your eyes water. Eventually, at some point, you drift off to sleep.

The sun is low in the sky when you awake, and Rakeem has draped his jacket over you. He still hasn't caught any fish.

You feel a rush of embarrassment, but you're too warm and relaxed to care. Rakeem is as motionless as ever, and you smile as a wicked idea comes to mind. Impulsive? Maybe. But so was your decision to follow Nora onto NuGen.

"What a gentleman," you say as you stand up, "Taking care of a vulnerable girl as she slept. But are you sure you didn't take a small peak?"

"I would never," he growls, sounding genuinely offended for the first time today, he whips around and stops as his eyes go wide.

"Pity," you say as your swimsuit pools around your feet, "Well, there's no time like the present to make up for lost opportunities."

His pupils dilate as he drinks you in. Then his brain reactivates and he looks away.

"Now, none of that," you say, walking over and moving his chin back to face you with one finger. "Why don't you come over here? Fishing is so terribly dull, don't you agree?"

That night was the first of many between you and Rakeem. It wasn't a permanent arrangement —you two preferred to leave things unsaid and eschewed regular labels. Goodness knows, everyone didn't need the drama of two intra-team couples. Sometimes you two were close, sometimes you drifted apart, but Rakeem was always there.

You even met his mother on a few occasions. Rebecca was a delight.

Still, sometimes Rakeem's gaze would linger or his touch would be particularly delicate. Sometimes you hold him tight for just an extra second, trying to take all from the moment you could. He never pressured you or expected anything. He was happy with what you were and waited for if and when you wanted something more. For you to decide you can be more.

It was just a pity you waited too long.

* * *

The actual execution of your plan is somewhat anticlimactic, as you're not able to directly observe it yourself. There is another pair of blooming, blinding lights, and then another dimmer, but steadier, glow that lasts for some time before winking out.

DC 15

Stat Check: HIT 15. Black Swan, Handyman, and Châtelet have a collective HIT of 26.

You rolled: 19.

19 + 5 = 24. Critical Success!

Châtelet radios immediately to tell you that the recovery was a total success. Also, apparently there was a Gold-Rank Behemoth hiding in wait that was inadvertently killed by the ship's destruction. She tells you they're securing enough of the body to collect the bounty and then returning to the surface immediately.

+1000 Income!

Miss Naught approaches you as you stare at the water.

"Heck of a team you got here, Double L. Especially that Maddie. She's going places."

You raise an eyebrow at the mention of Menagerie Witch's civilian name.

"Ah, we bonded! Don't worry LL, I'm on the up and up." She gives you a wink before her expression fades to something more serious, "Especially with whatever big plan you have in the works."

You keep your face perfectly neutral. "I haven't the faintest—"

"Come on, don't bullshit me. Gabe was keeping a stiff upper lip, but we all knew it was losing battle. Now, suddenly he's smiling again and has time for fishing trips? Right after you come and Maddie kicks him in the verbal crotch? Something is up. Something big that's given him hope again."

"Quite the deduction," you say, sincerely. You then turn back to the waves.

"Look, I get it. I'm not gonna demand all the answers now. I just wanted to say: thanks."

There's a sniff and you turn to realize Miss Naught has teared up.

"Thanks a lot. It's nice to know there's a light at the end of the tunnel."

You hum again and, perhaps stricken by the memories this trip has evoked, you pull Miss Naught into a hug.

"Hey," she says, "I got a kid. He's eight. If anything—"

"The Apiary's doors are always open to him. And you. Always."

"Thank you," she whispers, "It makes me mad how hot you are."

"I've been told before."

* * *

Horizon, the City of Leviathan's Rest – The ApiaryJanuary 5, 2068

You sit alone in your room, tired after a long day at sea. Menagerie Witch fell asleep on the way back, unable to even say goodbye to her new "mentor", and was quickly shuffled off to bed. Black Swan helped cut through the adamantium-lined safe, and she, you, Handyman and Châtelet categorized the contents within.

+ 3000 Income!

+1 healing symbiote!

+3 shield generators!

+1 goldnine!

Name: Fast Track, David Rhodes
Keywords: Self-Enhancement, Ally Enhancement, Enhanced Speed
Faction: Independent hero.
Potency: 3
Creator: SaberFail
Ibis' Notes: Fast Track was a relatively unknown figure, mostly due to the fact he had only been active for a few weeks before the Movement. He could project an invisible, two-foot tall and long field around himself, which would rob anything that entered it of its "speed". The "speed" would be transferred to Fast Track, who could in turn use it to increase the speed of himself or allies and objects he could touch.
His power kept him safe from the effects of his increased movement, but nothing else. If he struck someone at sonic speeds, his hand would shatter and so forth. Hence why he mostly sped himself up to escape rather than attack.
In order to steal the speed of an object, that object had to be fully inside of the field. If any part remained outside of it of the field, then it would continue as normal. This limitation led to his death as he died during the Movement when a Behemoth ran him through with its arm—the creature was too large to fit inside the field.
There is no relationship between him and my best friend, John Henry. I checked!

Name: Golem, Samson Road
Keywords: Elemental Manipulation, Invulnerability, Enhanced Strength
Faction: Independent
Potency: 5
Author: wing101r
Ibis' Notes: Ah, Behemoth Hunter Golem. Golem primarily specialized in hunting the odd Behemoth that escaped the QZ. He tended to avoid contracts within boroughs, although, like all heroically-inclined metahumans, he could not resist combating villainy when he happened upon it. In any case, he debuted shortly before The Susurration occurred and survived the events in the QZ, though it appears to have soured him enough on New Dawn that he remained independent throughout his whole career.
Golem's power allowed him to cover himself in an armor of earth and rocks. Doing so granted him a level of enhanced strength and invulnerability, and the more material he used in the creation of the armor the more powerful he became. He could also separate from his armor and remotely control it. While Golem could freely control any earthen material he could touch, he could not produce it ex nihilo. Thus his preference for contracts outside of Horizon proper. He died at the QZ taking down the Named-Rank Behemoth Endlessly Explosive Armordillo, sacrificing himself to use his armor to contain the explosion when it turned its entire body into a bomb.

Name: Frostbite, Randolph Lindstrom
Power: Elemental Manipulation, Enhanced Strength, Invulnerability
Faction: Independent
Potency: 3
Author: ScorpioSting
Ibis's Notes: I must say, this one does not surprise me in the slightest. Frostbite was a prickly hero at the best of times. One could say he had a cold heart, even! Hahahaha!
. . .I digress. Frostbite was a cryokinetic, able to create ice with a thought. An odd facet of his power was that it was self-focused. He had quite a bit of range, but attacks had to extend out from him. For example, a ranged attack would cause a slick of ice to slide along the ground before spiking upwards. He was unable to freeze anything without some point of contact back to himself. Frostbite was also stronger than average, though nothing to write home about. He used his strength to wield a blade of ice he created as a melee weapon, and he'd often stab it into the ground to freeze things at range. He also used it to create an armor of ice around his body, which was more resistant to cold than average.

Name: Féth Fíada, Saoirse Brennan
Power: Elemental Manipulation, Clairvoyance, Invisibility, Ally Empowerment, Mental Manipulation
Faction: Independent
Potency: 6
Author: Suleverf
Ibis' Notes: Féth Fíada was a fairly free-spirited metahuman who chose to do hero work or petty crime on a whim rather than for any specific goal. Her refusal to join any metahuman organizations or stay firmly in the civilian world was well-known, though it left her with few friends in the end.
She had fine control over fog in a wide area, though what exactly qualified had a hazy definition, including mist and even smoke at times. Ha! Get it? Hazy. Dr. Mammoth Ibis is truly a great mind and wit.
Anyway, for sunny days she was capable of generating a special fog that shrouded her and slowly filled her zone of control. Unlike natural fog controlled by her, this shroud couldn't be dissipated by external forces like strong winds or hydrokinetics.
Inside her fog, she could turn herself and others invisible to light, including infrared and radar. Scents and sounds coming from them could also be masked selectively, and other clairvoyant abilities trying to peer in the fog became fuzzy. On the flip side, she could perceive anything inside her fog, but couldn't bestow that power to allies.
It was rumored that she could also turn into mist to dodge attacks, but, as you can clearly see in this report, that is not the case. The rumors were likely the result of her most bizarre ability: she could "curse" those in her fog, causing torpor and hallucinations the longer they spent in it. It wore off outside her fog, and she mostly only cared to use it to terrorize tourists in accordance with urban myths.

Name: Solferina, Linh Nguyen
Power: Energy Manipulation, Ally Empowerment, Mental Manipulation
Faction: Independent
Potency: 4
Author: Kermie
Ibis' Notes: This is an interesting one—a metahuman who did the opposite of most. Unlike the average metahuman, who might find a normal job after their hero career (like Chauncer! Hey, I remembered that!) she became a metahuman after 10 years of being a successful street and stage performer. Even so, she and Crimson Soprano weirdly never held any enmity towards one another— they were even seen having a friendly coffee with each other once. She perished in the QZ, fighting a Behemoth and punching it in the eye while she was on her way out.
During her short time—5 years—as a metahuman, she proved how well a weak power could do in the hands of the right person. She could either weaken someone and make them depressed or apathetic, or strengthen someone and lift their spirits. If only I had gotten her expertise on my serotonin implant… ahem. These effects would be implanted based on the mood of whatever she was singing, as long as any person she was aiming to affect was within hearing distance and as long as they could understand the words. Notably, anyone who would hear her song would be affected unconditionally, so she used her services to hunt down a few Behemoths as an independent hire, and managed to get both of her kids full rides to their preferred universities before her death.

But there was still one item unaccounted for. The special one, meant specifically for you. After you dismissed everyone else, you brought it to the privacy of your room and opened it.

You had sighed. It was such a Rakeem thing. As was his note:

"Zixuan, hopefully I dove back down here and retrieved this so I could give it to you myself. If not, I just wanted to make sure you had no questions about how I felt."

You hold up your hand and admire his gift on your hand.

A diamond ring, sized to perfection.

Hot tears burn in your eyes as you wonder if things could have been different. Or would you have not grown into the person you were now without the Movement forcing you to? The person who was ready to say yes?

Ah, regrets. They'll do you no good now.

Still, as you smile and admire the sparkle in the light, you can't help but feel that it tells you nothing that you didn't already know.


Your next mission involves investigating someone claiming to be "Justice Unlimited". Also, magical girls(?). Black Swan will be on patrol with New Dawn and unavailable. You have 4 shield generators and 1 symbiote. You may assign up to one symbiote and one shield generator to each person. We've already done the rolls for the next update—no one was in a position to really get hurt. However, that may change in the following update. Assign as you wish:

[ ] Lady Leizi

[ ] Handyman

[ ] Menagerie Witch

[ ] Châtelet

Additionally, you now have enough goldnine for one dosage of Ambrosia. I've decided to let you make heroes more quickly—Dr. Ibis' personal action this Issue will give you the ability to either make a new hero at the start of an Issue, or two new heroes at the end of an Issue. However, that leaves John Henry. Technically, if I moved up eTraction! You would be able to do Project Prometheus before the end of the issue.

However, this feels unfair because of how much planning was based on the idea that he could not be empowered until the end of the Issue. So, I'm gonna leave it to a vote. The current order is:

  1. Break Glass
  2. Mahou Shoujo
  3. Cenotaph/Meet the Rookies
  4. Hero Worship
  5. How 'bout Them Yankees?/eTraction!
  6. Lost Lenore/You Live Like This?!
  7. Project Prometheus
The new order would be:

  1. Break Glass
  2. Mahou Shoujo
  3. How 'bout Them Yankees?/eTraction!
  4. Project Prometheus
  5. Cenotaph/Meet the Rookies
  6. Hero Worship
  7. Lost Lenore/You Live Like This?!
You would have John Henry for Hero Worship. Which would people prefer?

[ ] Change Order

[ ] Keep Order the Same
Last edited:
Last Bows — Kermie
Last Bows
By Kermie

This has been a long time coming.

I can't run away anymore, not from this one. No more going back home. No more pictures to save me.

I'm sorry, Bidu, X, Camdyn. Sorry, Gaspard. I didn't want to be seeing you all so soon.

I hope that someone remembers my memory. All the things we tried to do as the Defiance Unit… hopefully someone got the right impression.

Sorry guys. I'm coming home now.

—Marcos Medeiros de Canto, AKA Memoria of the Defiance Unit

Dammit. This is the end, isn't it?

You'd think that a hydrokinetic like me wouldn't die like this. But I can't… get out of these binds. Can't… get away from the goldnine!

Oh. Oh god, that's Ami. Oh Leviathan's Blood, I'm dead. I'm dead as well.

There goes my arm. I wish I had gotten to see Nora's face one more time.

Wait— Leizi. We left her on overwatch. Oh no— her, Nora and Eve are going to be the last three left of Justice Unlimited, aren't they?

…This never should have happened. But at least everyone's gotten here thanks to me. We should be able to still put the Leviathan back to sleep.

I hope.

Leizi. Nora. Eve. If there was a time to pray, it's now. I… hope that you three can save Yara. Please.

…Huh, doesn't hurt as much as I thought.

I hope I'll see you on the other side, Avo.

—Yazmin Olivera, AKA Uiara of Justice Unlimited

I… got the beast in its eye. That's good.

I can't see anything. Can't feel anything either. Behemoth probably bit off my legs.

It's a crying shame. I'll never get to see my grandkids. Or my kids. Hey, I shouldn't give up so easily. Maybe something good will happen. Maybe some hero will swoop in and stop time, heal me and tranquilize the Leviathan.

Oh, who am I kidding? It's over. It's getting dark in my vision. Will bà nội be proud of me when I see the other side? I hope so.

…Addie. Leah. Raising you two, and being a mother, was one of the best experiences of my life.

If I could have lived this life a hundred more times, I'd have chosen to have loved you a million times more. In a heartbeat. As I'm going out, thinking of you brings me some of the deepest comfort I've felt in years.

I know you can't hear me, but I still hope this gets to you somehow. I love you girls. Live happily, ok? Momma loves you. I'm proud of you.

—Linh Nguyen, AKA Solferina

This is the end. It was going to happen soon enough, anyways.

There's a reasonable chance that this last gadget will cause a… thing. And then I'll be dead.

I've saved the world a few times. But doing this? Unfortunately, it still isn't routine. It would definitely stop the quivering in my hands.

There. It's done. Now to wait five seconds. Just close your eyes and wait, Nora. You can do that, just once at least. Just once.


I wish I had gotten to kiss Yazmin, or just see her face even, one more time. I wish that I had gotten to play games with Rakeem and Leizi one more time.


I wish things were like they were five years ago.
Back when I was with Justice Unlimited in the field. Just one more day like that would have been a dream.


Not enough time. Never enough. But Project Prometheus is still there. Leizi can figure it out. For all our sakes. One last shot.



Goodbye, everyone. Take care, Lei.

—Nora Kim, AKA Valiant Silver of Justice Unlimited

Author's Note:
I was feeling poetic (and a bit moody) when I wrote this one. Could you tell? Hopefully it made you sad.
Dysmorphic Metahumans United — ScorpioSting (canon)
Dysmorphic Metahumans United, an Omake by ScorpioSting
Dsymorphic Metahumans United, or DMU, is only slightly younger than New Dawn itself, even if it's scale and purpose is much more specific and focused.

It all started with a mother. Xiomara Nunez, a single mother and a nurse, had a daughter named Maria. A few days after her 15th birthday, she awoke to the metahumanity that slumbered inside her, an awakening that was dysmorphic, turning her into a feline metahuman with some degree of agility.

Three months after awakening, Maria took her own life, hanging herself in her own closet. She had been bullied relentlessly by her classmates. This was still relatively early into the world of metahumans- Valiant Red and the rest of New Dawn were only about 5 years into their careers. The path to broad metahuman acceptance was still being paved, still being worked on.

Heartbroken, grieving, angry, and wanting to fill the void, Xiomara started a local group in Horizon, seeking an end to bullying in the wake of this.

It started out as a mixture of youth outreach and pseudo-AA meetings for dysmorphic metahumans to discuss things, a support group. Eventually, Xiomara rented a shelter for those who had lost their homes and families to hateful prejudice, from runaways to those kicked out. As New Dawn recruited more metahumans, a small partnership was arranged. Given that metahuman awakening happens in the teenage years, often, internships and part-time jobs would be closed to those with a dysmorphic appearance. New Dawn started hiring part-timers and interns to assist with clerical work, manning the desks and phones, and when they graduated high school, they could be brought on full-time- some as full heroes, some as auxiliary staff. Xiomara maintained DMU separately, the New Dawn drive was just a way for the disenfranchised to avoid the school-to-prison pipeline.

As the DMU grew, naturally, there was some pushback from the more conservative aspects of Horizon. But Xiomara stood firm. She maintained that this was an organization intended to help youths who were struggling. She held businesses accountable for discrimination based on dysmorphic appearances, including New Dawn themselves. She was highly involved with meetings, attending them when she could to help them. DMU helped pay for medical bills for those whose dysmorphic condition caused medical problems. They were also involved in dysmorphic births, for the rare few that were born with abilities. Xiomara's medical experience helped this part of the organization go smoothly, as a nurse herself. Eventually, Osayin themselves stepped in, establishing specialized neonatal wards and pediatric care centers for those cases.

But alas, even with a chunk of public support, backing from both New Dawn and Osayin, and a kind but strong leader, things could not go smoothly forever.

The shelter was firebombed by a hate group. Nobody was hurt thanks to a smart evacuation, but Xiomara decided to get more serious about security, hiring Ryan Murphy aka Headstrong- the first of many teens who had used the shelter- as their first chief of security. Xiomara stood strong, appearing with speeches, making further connections with New Dawn and Osayin, hiring more people to help with clerical work, and keeping the numbers afloat.

And they needed to be one step ahead of the enemies they had.

"This is Headstrong. In position." Headstrong put his hand to his ear, speaking into the earpiece.

"This is Geode. Ready for assault." Geode's voice, smooth and sharp, rang through.

"Overgrowth. Ready to assist, as well." Overgrowth's calm tone came in clearly.

"Camouflage is in position for infiltration." Camouflage's quiet voice whispered in his ear as well.

"Darkwing! Ready for extraction!" Darkwing's chirpy voice stabbed through.

"Alright. Breaching in 2 minutes. Get ready." Headstrong took a few steps back, psyching himself up.

New Dawn had assisted, but the ultimate breakthrough came from Radha Singh, or "Third Eye", one of the more mild dysmorphic metahumans, in that, she had a third eye in the center of her forehead.

She was an astral projector, able to enter a trance where she could move around like an invisible ghost. After a few starting leads from New Dawn that narrowed the locations down, Third Eye was able to scout around until she found their base.

They had been hiding in the Corporate Playground. Naturally. White collar. From what they had been able to tell, more than a few of their members had been Neo-Nazis or Klan members (no difference, really). They had non-dysmorphic metahumans, but they didn't parade them around like the active supervillains.

Of course, they were hypocrites about metahuman abilities, too. If you looked normal, it was a gift from God. If you didn't look normal, it was something to shun and destroy.

His head clear, Headstrong took a runner's starting position to ready himself for a charge.

Headstrong's metahuman abilities were fairly straightforward, all things considered. He was strong. He was tough. He healed a little faster than average.

But his appearance-a rhino-like appearance, complete with a big horn-belied a true strength of his.

Running into things really hard and fast.

"BREACH!" Headstrong sprinted into the glass doors of the shell corporation's building, breaking through it with ease and knocking the tasteful lobby furniture in every direction.

The secretary at the desk dove under her desk, panicking as she slammed a button. "A FREAK IS ATTACKING!"

Suddenly, twin streams block the elevator doors. A line of purple crystals flows across the ground, covering one elevator door. A large collection of branches, leaves, and vines, stretched across the lobby and barred the other.

Two other dysmorphic humans, one 7 feet tall and made of purple crystal in the shape of an exceptionally well-toned man, the other looking like a tree grew legs, moved in.

"We are here because we have proof that a planned attack on a DMU rally. You're under arrest." Headstrong moves to handcuff the secretary, as the elevators open to a wall of crystal and a net of foliage that the people inside try to break down, one more successful than the other.

A bat metahuman carries one that looks like a gecko through the air in the night sky, toward the building their comrades are assaulting.

Darkwing and Camouflage have a smaller goal-infiltrating the offices in the building, and gathering intelligence on leads. Who's funding this group? Who are their allies? Do they have anything further planned? Do they have other sites or bases?

Third Eye had managed to get intelligence on their active move by astrally projecting into a meeting, but digital or physical evidence would be what they needed to lay the smackdown.

And so, while the others raided the ground level, Camouflage would be infiltrating the offices in search of useful intelligence.

Darkwing was the extraction, for when he had to pull out.

"Launching in three… two… one… NOW!" Darkwing, in position, swung Camouflage, who was holding her arms, back and forth before letting go, sending him flying into the glass windows.

Camouflage turned invisible and gripped the vertical surface with his sticky hands and feet, climbing the walls to ascend to an open window. He crawled inside and began his search throughout the floor, sticking to the walls and ceiling to get out of the way of fleeing employees and security guards.

Eventually, he found his way to an abandoned desktop in an office room. He copied some very juicy-looking data to a USB stick before stashing it away inside the shoulder bag that his invisibility field covered alongside his clothes.

After that, and grabbing some unsecured papers, Camouflage moved to the open window, climbed back out, and crawled up to the rooftop, turning visible to signal to Darkwing that he had retrieved it.

The bat metahuman swooped in and retrieved him, speaking into her comms. "Camouflage extracted!"

As soon as the communication came in, Headstrong, Geode, and Overgrowth started to back off, and the assault trio ran back to their transportation, Geode growing crystalline spikes along the ground to dissuade anyone from chasing with a car or motorcycle of any sort.

The group would disseminate the information among themselves and New Dawn, arrests would be made, and the tide would shift in favor of them.

DMU stayed open for a while, maintaining its connections. Xiomara would transition into politics, and DMU shifted into smaller branches: when it became clear they no longer needed as much defense, Headstrong, and the others would shift to their own independent hero group. The shelter stayed open but allowed non-dysmorphic, non-metahuman teens who were disowned or kicked out or ran away a place to stay and three square meals a day. The Osayin connections would remain intact for dysmorphic births, pediatrics, and helping those who awoke to dysmorphic circumstances get medical assistance for their new needs. DMU now focuses on maintaining accountability in dysmorphic hiring for all businesses, conducting investigations for cases of harassment or underpay. The fact that it does not need to do much more is seen as a great step forward.