I like that Alec describes pokemon energy flavors like you would Elemental(the creature) flavours and the Conceptual stuff.

Side thought: Pokemon could probably fit so many magic Ritual requirements, for example I half remember a evil magic thing in one of the old dungeon crawlers that I think wanted a creatures
of elements and a child of the gods for... something? Anyway, instead of stealing an Elemental and a Demigod you could just use a Metapod.
"Let's go rest up for a bit and then get ourselves the Boulder Badge."

QUESTION: Did Alec almost drown rescuing the Zorua egg because his new body isn't as buoyant and struggles to stay afloat?

Cerulean City:
Alec: (warily approaches pool arena)
Misty: "Don't be a scaredy-cat, nothing will happen."
Alec: (rolls eyes as he sinks to the bottom of the pool) :eyeroll:

For Celadon City, I speak from experience when I say never tell a perfume saleswoman you don't have a sense of smell, they will take it as a challenge to find a scent strong enough to force its way up your nose.

I figured "unwanted attention from perfume saleswoman" would get Erika riled up without offending her like Ash Ketchup did. The only other thing I could think would be Alec having an allergic reaction to perfume but that didn't seem too funny.

Celadon City:
Alec: "I don't have a sense of smell."
Erika: (aghast at Alec's "disability") :o ?!?!
Erika: :cry: "You poor thing, unable to enjoy a flower's fragrance!"
Alec: (rolls eyes) :eyeroll:
Does Pokemon!Al plan on spending the night with the bug pokemon? Will they talk? Will the pokemon be asking questions, maybe introducing him to their hive queen? (If such exist for beedrills, anyway.)

If Al strikes an accord with them, perhaps he could give them access to the moves he could teach some of them if they promise only to use them for self-defense (but not directly on children).

That might screw over the ecosystem at large, though, unless he does something similar for the combees and other pokemon around.
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Does Pokemon!Al plan on spending the night with the bug pokemon? Will they talk? Will the pokemon be asking questions, maybe introducing him to their hive queen? (If such exist for beedrills, anyway.)

I think he had no intention of having anything to do with them, after all, he kept going until he'd left them behind:

The buzzing behind Alec and his team faded as the Beedrill returned to their various tasks.

He's on his way to investigate and observe a bunch of Fairy types, which is a healthy and safe thing for someone who radiates big DRAGON energy like he does.
Side thought: Pokemon could probably fit so many magic Ritual requirements

Eldruin mentioned magic ritual requirements, Names of Powaaahhh(tm) can define our perceptions and shape reality, so I hope the nicknames Alchemist gives his Pokémon spell out SHAZAM.

S: Sirius the Houndoom.
H: [blank]
A: [blank]
Z: Zephyr the Dreepy.
A: [blank]
M: [blank]

Meanwhile in DC:
The Wizard: (feels someone tugging on the Power of Shazam)
The Wizard: o_O "Oi! What dah bloody hell is going on?!?!"
One week later:

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I'm lost, I just found this fic but I don't know where to start reading. The other Gamer project thread is not finished so this is probably not a continuation but the first chapter makes it seem like it's a continuation of another fic, plus the other thread is named Ver 2, would this be a remake of 1 or do I need to find and read version 1 first? By the title this topic is probably side stories, but I'm still confused as to whether ver 2 is where I should start reading or if there's a ver 1 that has been deleted.
I'm lost, I just found this fic but I don't know where to start reading. The other Gamer project thread is not finished so this is probably not a continuation but the first chapter makes it seem like it's a continuation of another fic, plus the other thread is named Ver 2, would this be a remake of 1 or do I need to find and read version 1 first? By the title this topic is probably side stories, but I'm still confused as to whether ver 2 is where I should start reading or if there's a ver 1 that has been deleted.
this is basically a series of Omakes from the main story.
If i remember right, the V2 Alpha bit is due to the gamer system itself being an Alpha build.
Alternate Start: So I'm a Spider, So What?
Snail Trail

Disclaimer Me Do: I own nothing you recognize. And most of what you don't recognize, I still don't own.



You ever wake up when you don't remember falling asleep?

Happens to me all the time.

You ever wake up on your feet?

Still happens to me, just less often.

The worst part of the experience is the disorientation. 'What happened?!' 'Where am I?!' 'Why is that car coming right for me?!'

Mind, wasn't a whole lot of that going on right now. I woke up on my feet and there's people all around me. Folks I don't recognize, folks that are acting about as confused as I feel.

Yeah, that don't help me none.

"Everyone awake?" a voice shouted, ripping right into my ears at a volume that, if I weren't awake before, I would be now. "Good! Great! Alright everyone, eyes up front!"

Someone jostles me as they move around me to get a better look forward. I step to the side, reaching the edge of the growing mass of people so I can get a clear look ahead.

There's this woman standing at the front, facing the crowd. Tall, blond, leggy and imperious, her eyes look like they're made of stone and there's not a shred of warmth or familiarity there. Lady's wearing some old-fashioned iron armor and has a spear at her side.

"I am Hrist! And I have drawn the short-straw in dealing with you miserable curs!" And my indecision on the matter abruptly ends.

I immediately dislike her.

"Why am I here?" One person within the crowd shouts at her.

"Who are you supposed to be?" Comes another one.

"I need to pick my kid up from school..." The last one is muttered by a small woman near me. Trying to look at her, I find it harder and harder to focus. I can't tell if there's something wrong with me but it looks like her edges are... Blurring?

"I have told you my name!" The armored woman shouts, anger creeping into her voice. "But to answer why you are all here: You are all dead! You and tens of thousands of others!"

The muttering, growing until that point around me, draws to a sudden and clear halt.

I'd like to believe she's lying but... Looking down at myself, I have a hard time making out the blue button down shirt and brown slacks I was wearing at work. The colors are bleeding together, like someone dropped some oil into water.

"They, at least, we were able to find a place for." The woman shook her head, those cold eyes surveying the fading souls throughout the...

Impossible black void? I'm definitely standing on something but there's nothing under me. Just a blue-ish fog hovering around the 'ground'.

"You, however, represent those we could not place. None of you died in battle, no great deeds to your names or enough faith in one of the many gods throughout the world. Finding enough space to house the others was a great task in and of itself. You, the dregs, are unwanted. Unnecessary. But..." The woman raised her spear before slamming the butt of it into the ground, countless white screens opening before everyone in attendance. "We do have one option for the lot of you, provided you want to do something more than just fade away into non-existence."

Looking at the screen, I can see it's got a few bullet points on it.


Is this... Some kind of video game interface?

"Why can't we go back?!" Someone shouted.

Because we're dead, I wanted to say. Dead or having one incredibly huge shared drug trip.

"Because the omni-dimensional attack the killed everyone involved, except the target, completely destroyed everything." Hrist answered calmly, her voice carefully neutral as she explained... Nothing.

Well, she explained what happened, technically, but not who did it or who the target was.

Still, the woman had offered them a clue. 'Omni-dimensional', sounded like something out of sci-fi or high fiction.

"What?" The woman who'd spoken earlier about getting her kid spoke up, her voice growing shrill. "What Omno-whatever attack?! Who was the target?! Was it the separatists? Did they do this?!"

"...The bright light that some of you may remember?" Hrist asked, her voice growing increasingly aggressive. "It was aimed at a goddess across a vast multitude of realities. It originated in the damned woman's home reality, broke through the isolation barrier, ripped its way through countless iterations of -Our- reality. It struck her, just as it was intended to do, but it failed to cause her any harm. Instead it just killed every mortal in between where it started and where it ended."

"...Unfortunately, during the confusion, the goddess managed to both steal away the souls of those nearest to her and then hide herself." Hrist definitely sounded unhappy. Was it because the yet-to-be-named goddess brought a boatload of work down on her? That was my guess, at any rate. "While we cannot do anything directly- The Celestial Bureaucracy is notoriously slow and hideously passive- This is where you lot come in."

The armored woman picked up her spear and walked around the room, her cold eyes scanning across the fading souls within.

"Do not assume that you have a choice in this matter, mortals. The shape of your destiny has already been decreed. The power that does rest in your hands is the ability to shape the details of your new life." I genuinely shivered when her frigid gaze slid over me. I don't think she noticed. More likely, she just didn't care. "The souls that this feckless fool stole away, she's already reincarnated upon the world she has control over. Each of them have been given 'Gifts', unique blessings or curses meant to make their suffering more entertaining for this wicked child."

Hrist settled herself into the center of the room, each and every eye on her. Looking around stoically, she nodded once to herself before continuing by first waving her hand in front of herself.

The action caused each of the glowing screens to stretch towards the floor as the different tabs on it expanded wildly, a scroll bar appearing on the side.

"You have half an hour to select one boon from the list before you." Hrist told them, her voice softening just a touch. "And then you will be placed upon the world operated by this goddess. Your task is, to simplify it enough for your mortal minds to understand, to ruin her fun. The girl is a sadist and enjoys the suffering of lesser beings like yourselves. Bring about world peace, hypnotize the entire world, commit genocide- I do not care what you do, so long as you do it. Those who make their selections sooner will find themselves placed in better and better positions. Those who wait... May find themselves rather disadvantaged."

"Though, I suppose that's not entirely true." Hrist grinned, an ugly look on her handsome face considering it was entirely empty. Devoid of any warmth. "You'll all be starting with one skill; Mask. It will prevent the 'Evil' little shut-in from knowing that you are all reincarnates. However, it will also ensure that you cannot be scanned, Observed or Appraised by anyone else, either. Including yourselves."

What did that mean? I mean, I understood the words but what did it actually mean?

She'd barely finished speaking before someone near to me vanished in a pillar of light. There was some panicked screaming at that and I almost joined in.


Instead I began to frantically look through the menus before me.

Titles? Magic? Abilities? Traits? I had less than thirty minutes to pick one thing out of a list of literally thousands of entries!

My first goal was to figure out whatever theme or pattern existed in what I was looking at, though. I wasn't some pro-gamer like those guys winning tournaments but I used to play some stuff. Maybe that helped me keep calm. Maybe it didn't.

I just didn't have time to panic.

Not like the guy nearby who was praying to his ancestors for guidance.

Within the first few minutes of frantically poking at the screen in front of me, I'd figured a few things out. Firstly, that titles could be awarded for a host of different actions.

-Unlock Conditions: Succeed at a certain number (15) kills using sneak attacks.
-Effect: Increases damage inflicted by surprise strikes.
-Unlocks: Shadow Magic Level 1, Stealth Level 1

That right there told me that starting with a title would be worth more than just picking magic from the list. It was literally worth at least twice as much, depending on how difficult it was to unlock something.

On the other hand, I hadn't been able to find a title that unlocked certain kinds of magic. Time and Spatial Magic didn't come with a description of what they did but I could bet that they were the secret to just accomplishing more within the same amount of time.

Force multipliers. It was never a good idea to overlook force multipliers.

"Tick tock, people!" Hrist shouted, slamming her spear into the ground with a deafening boom. "Fifteen minutes gone, fifteen remain!"

Don't rush me! I haven't played anything in a while and creating a build with limited information isn't easy!

Focus, focus- Magic. Unlock conditions for magic involve literally just purchasing it from some kind of W System, no context there, great. Or else unlocking it through either rigorous study or the acquisition of a Title.

But magic also requires two prerequisite skills which we'd need to unlock on their own. 'Magic Power Operation' to manipulate magic and 'Magic Power Perception' to, drumroll please, perceive magic.

Close magic, set it aside. With the limit of one option, that's a dead end.

Looking at everything, I'm getting a vague sense of deja vu. Skills reflect magic but are more simplified. Lot more options, attack and defense alike but it's also covering the same stuff magic did in a different way. Magic does cover a lot of stuff that skills don't, though.

One kind of magic that caught my eye stood out because there's no equivalent Attack skill. Abyss, ooh, spoopy and edgy but important because there's no skill or resistance to it. Sounds like Almighty dam... age...

That's why this is all familiar! There's a lot of difference, yeah, but it also feels a lot like Shin Megami Tensei Imagine, an old online game that had its western servers shut down a decade or so ago!

Alright, focus. Time is running out and people are disappearing left, right and center. If magic is out of reach and skills are mostly redundant, what about traits?

Well, traits are where things like 'Magic Power Operation' got shunted.

"Five minutes!" Hrist shouted, distracting me as I scrolled through the available and unavailable options. "The window to be 'Human' has long since closed, mortals!"

What? But... That...?

So what will I turn into instead?!

No, no, focus! Not enough time to get concerned about what I can't do anything about!

The one trait I'd seen and decided on was pure utility. It wouldn't give me any amazing attacks or spells by itself. No, the focus of it was just to keep me alive long enough to hopefully unlock those other things by myself.

'HP Auto-Recovery'. Does what it says on the tin-

--HP Auto-Recovery (Level 1)
-Unlock Conditions: Purchase, lose 1,000 HP, acquire skill 'Vampire'
-Effect: Restore HP equal to Skill Level per hour.

Back up, back up, back up. Go check 'Vampire' instead!

--Vampire (Level 1)
-Unlock Conditions: Be turned by another Vampire or else be born as a Vampire
-Effect: Drink blood to rapidly restore HP and SP
-Unlocks: Title: Vampire

Back up further!

-Unlock Conditions: Have the 'Vampire' Skill
-Effect: Add 'Vampire' to race.
-Unlocks: HP Auto-Recovery Level One, Night Vision Level One

I've already been told I'm not going to be a human, I don't know what else I'll be but at least this should help make sure I live long enough to find out!

--You have selected 'Skill: Vampire'
--Are you sure?
-- Y/N?

My finger, more a whisp of smoke instead of anything definite hovers over the selection for a long moment. There was one thing I hadn't selected, though I did read it. It couldn't be purchased, only earned but...

Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained?

"Hey, Hrist!" I shouted, anxiety in my voice as I felt the clock ticking away, felt the seconds slipping through me.

"What is it!" The woman shouted, looking directly at-

Oh. I was the last one left.

She didn't have anyone else to look at.

"Does this technically make us your champions in this new place?" I ask, hoping that this won't take my choice away from me.

"If you want to call it that, fine. You're my 'Champion' in D's world-" The woman said, her words trailing off as words rang in from somewhere else.

I couldn't tell if it was a woman's voice speaking directly into my ear or else right inside of my head.

--Title Unlocked!
-Unlock Conditions: Be recognized by an Administrator as a Champion
-Effect: Cause the Heresy Status Effect: Fear on anyone who looks at you
-Unlocks: Destruction Enhancement Level 1, Status Condition Resistance Level 1

I frantically slam my finger on the Y for 'Vampire' as the last few seconds slip by, my form dissipating into blue smoke more and more before a pillar of light consumes everything and I fade...


--Skill Obtained!
--Vampire (Level 1)
-Unlock Conditions: Be turned by another Vampire or else be born as a Vampire
-Effect: Drink blood to rapidly restore HP and SP
-Unlocks: Title: Vampire

--Title Unlocked
-Unlock Conditions: Have the 'Vampire' Skill
-Effect: Add 'Vampire' to race.
-Unlocks: HP Auto-Recovery Level 1, Night Vision Level 1

--Title Unlocked
-Unlock Conditions: Be a 'Vampire' from birth
-Effect: Remove 'Sunlight' vulnerability. Remove 'Weakness' effect from blood starvation.
-Unlocks: Undying Body Level 1, Five Senses Enhancement Level 1


"Well then..." Hrist mumbled to herself, looking at the spot where the last mortal soul had vanished from.

Had the foolish thing waited any longer, it would have fully dissipated, losing cohesion and truly fading away.

"That was... Interesting." Hrist opened a screen of her own and reviewed what the last soul had done. For a long moment she stared at the list of things it had unlocked before grinning and shaking her head.

With a casual wave of her hand, the screen closed. Someone that was clever enough to 'trick' her into gifting them an extra choice? That would bear watching, that would.

Of course, it would only matter if they lived through their first few days as a Elroe Gastruch, whatever that was supposed to be.
"You'll all be starting with one skill; Mask. It will prevent the 'Evil' little shut-in from knowing that you are all reincarnates. However, it will also ensure that you cannot be scanned, Observed or Appraised by anyone else, either. Including yourselves."

"Oh look, a person with an absolute block on observe and appraise for all power levels. That isn't suspicious at all..." :rolleyes:
"Does this technically make us your champions in this new place?" I ask, hoping that this won't take my choice away from me.
Play of the game.
Heresy for being a champion of a divine? That doesn't make any sense to me.
Heresy for being a champion to a divinity who is the enemy of the head god of the pantheon. Not unlike being a heretic on Olympus, because one was champion to Typhon.
Heresy for being a champion of a divine? That doesn't make any sense to me.
Heresy in Kumo desu ga means soul-based attacks. More info under spoilers, I guess?
Basically, it all goes back to the way the system works in the world. It's an artificial overlay that pretty much casts magic on everyone in it to simulate things like enhanced attributes, poison and such, as well as assist in casting magic.
The aim of this system, for various reasons that aren't really relevant right now, is to lock souls into a reincarnation loop and harvest them for power - this, over numerous cycles, damages these souls. Ergo, soul-based attacks are classified as heretical because damaging an already scarce resource goes against the purpose of the whole thing.
I could be wrong, it has been a while since I read it, but Kumo definitely has one of the more interesting worlds out there in the isekai trash sea. It really stuck out.
That's just cruel. Kumo's great though, hope to see more!

eh on the plus sides their evo tree is completely unknown so anything can be made up and while they are at the very bottom of the power tiers they only get eaten as a last resort.

So what's stopping Al from transforming into a Void Dragon?
Is this before Young Justice?

The threadmark is called alternate start so it's an au where he died to the atk instead of his canon death to a stroke I think it was.