Alec gets to keep any power he levels up to 20 before leaving, whether Terra likes it or not. Because he asked, and Lucifer agreed.

Which also means he has all of his commonly-used spells and more besides sitting in reserve for when the time comes to break the setting instead of just the status quo.

If/when Lucifer Morningstar hosts a gala in honor of his daughter's resurrection, I can picture Alchemist wearing his Stranger-type business suit, along with Kary the Fallen Angel in a matching women's business dress suit.

Lower ranking demons and fiends will ignore Alchemist and Kary, while everyone of sufficient magical power can see through the identity obscuring effect. Fortunately for Alchemist, none of Lucifer's guests would dare strip away Alchemist's concealment spells when he's protected by Guest Rights a.k.a. the Laws of Hospitality ("Dresden Files" reference).

Why bother?

Alchemist wants to keep a low profile but cannot turn down a personal invitation from Lucifer Morningstar, so he shows up to the gala in clothes that hide who he is and downplays the social impact of his presence.

Bonus points if guests mistakenly think the anti-scrying [Mind Blank] enchantment comes from his Stranger-type business suit, when [Mind Blank] is a personal enchantment woven into his body, mind, soul, and magic by the [Permanency] spell.
He's already gone full Void Dragon, the status quo is missing in action.
He didn't really break the dragon out until he was dealing with Lung, so he can just hide it behind that. How did he become a void dragon before beating Lung? When did Void Dragons care about timelines?
been doing some rereading, I think it'd be great if Alchemist went to Abel's house of secrets and Abel acted as Alchemist therapist. Or if we just get a scene of Al telling Abel the story of his journey through worm.
Also With Al worrying about losing nonlethal stuff like Toad not working on people he could grab Sleep from dnd? its great for crowds and if im remembering right it scales pretty well when cast at higher level.
y'know know what imma make a list of spells that al should learn that would be great
And, with a great, gushing -Schlurp!- a significant amount of water turned to ice and floated to the top as the surrounding water levels dropped.

Then dropped further as the starbeast teleported the great chunk of ice out to the Atlantic, where it could chill out with Lung's remains.
Who wants to bet that the ice appeared under Lung's remains and floated them up to the surface where they'll be found shortly?
Finn, dunzo, too lazy to do higher lvl spells not gunna do any more
these are just from dnd beyond btw so 5e

Spells Alchemist Should Grab

Blade Ward: shitty in game but al can make the spell permanent
Chill Touch: preventing your enemy's healing is pretty damn important
Eldritch blast: in dnd the warlock evocations make this spell a beast Al can probably grab said evocations through feats
Guidance: I mean its just the the best
Resistance: again pretty shitty in game but again al can simply make it permanent
Shocking grasp: honestly in game one of my favorite for wizards cuz if thing are too close you shock them and they cant use a reaction to hit you when you run your squishy ass away
Spare the Dying: prevents people from dying
Vicious mockery: honestly it'd just be funny for al to kill someone with him just saying something stupid

1st lvl:
Absorb Elements: honestly great spell and al could make it permanent
Armor of Agathys: great spell especially when you upcast it
Bane: give you enemy's a lil curse
Bless: give yourself a lil boost to everything
Compelled Duel: makes the target have a harder time hitting anyone else but you
Cure wounds: don't know if al has grabbed this
Detect evil and Good: tells ya when threes creatures from another plane and undead near you
Detect poison and disease: you can sense the presence and location of poisons, poisonous creatures, and diseases within 30 feet of you.
Divine Favor: hit some stuff with a wee bit of extra radiant dmg
Entangle: no moving for you
Good berry: pretty great spell in general feeds you for an entire day and heals you
Healing word: quick lil healing spell
Hellish rebuke: big ol fuck you to someone that hits you
mage armor: al should already have dis
Protection from Evil on Good: protect yourself from aberrations, celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead only choose one, but all can make it permanent sooooo
Sanctuary: you wanna hit me? no you don't
Shield: +5 to ac till end of next turn.... Al could make this permanent
Shield of faith: +2 till concentration drop.... al can make permanent
Silvery Barbs: fuck you DM
Alright. We've got two choices for the next arc. Which one do we want to see first?

How Alec would deal with the Slaughterhouse 9?

Or his infiltration of the Birdcage and what he discovers within?
Alright. We've got two choices for the next arc. Which one do we want to see first?

How Alec would deal with the Slaughterhouse 9?

Or his infiltration of the Birdcage and what he discovers within?
Infiltration. It would give some space between putting down horrible people, at least on assassinating specific targets. Might actually have a calm tea party with a certain individual.
Slaughterhouse 9 makes me feel like Alec is about to get another daughter even more screwed in the mind than Yuffie.
Infiltration. It would give some space between putting down horrible people, at least on assassinating specific targets. Might actually have a calm tea party with a certain individual.
Slaughterhouse 9 makes me feel like Alec is about to get another daughter even more screwed in the mind than Yuffie.
Time to call in Dragon again.

She's gotten into the habit of taking Al's orphans, after all.
I like eliminating the 9 first so nobody is has to consider them when the birdcage situation is solved. No need to give the 9 more information on his capabilities.
I feel like AI would not rest easy with the 9 and their potential victims while he is in the birdcage. And started the armagedon in canon, that's too much risk for someone like Al
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Alec likes to leave things better than he left them, yes? Go for the 9 first. They are the ones who are roving around killing people just too busy going on about their day-to-day. The Birdcage ain't going nowhere and any possible escape became more difficult without the Iron Maiden tilting the scale in Teacher's favor. This will give Alec some breathing room and put out the greatest possible trigger of Scion losing whatever brain power it has.
I feel like Alex will want to take out the 9 before sneaking into the birdcage. He would be worrying about who would have been saved if he had gone after the 9 first and that would eat him up.
Between the two? It depends on what Alec would feel is more useful I think. He tends to go for more lateral work as opposed to full-power combat. The Birdcage gives him versatility, and considering its setup, I could see him wanting to get whatever kids had been born inside out. On the other hand, he's becoming rather overt, and everything I remember of the S9 is that they'd be looking for him, thinking he's a regular cape they can kill or turn. I vote birdcage, because that's what I would do in the situation.
I'd go for the birdcage because it fits better narratively plus Al isn't in a good headspace so let him have a break before tackling the nine who need to be tracked down anyway while the birdcage can at least be done pretty quickly by saying he left a marker in Canada. I also think I should mention that I recently learned Hawaii doesn't exist in worm because apparently Behemoth atked and destroyed it per a 2018 wog so Mouse Protector may want to rethink her vacation plans perhaps Florida for Disney World (assuming the nine or something didn't wipe that out too).