At this point, Keith, the man with you in that vacant hospital room is the strongest parahuman on Earth. Technically. He has compassion and some common sense.
"Apollyon simply did not act like a liar." To be fair, no good liar does.

It has not. Though, as far as I know, the only one who's ever confirmed that in cannon was Scion, and I don't know how reliable of a source he can be considered.
Didn't their behavior change after his death?
The endbringers are nebulous cores of powers that act as a conflict bringer. David's power subconsciously created their forms as they came out. Having a hero complex meant he needed better challenges so he formed stronger endbringers based on what he wanted.

His ultimate personal danger however is that he also has access to be an energy vampire to agents, draining their powers for his use. He just needs a bit of a hint to get the right combination.
"There is no 'broker' or 'rogue agent' selling powers," Apollyon said, causing Keith's stomach to sink to the floor. "It was a convenient deception

Ward reveals there actually is another one of their workers betrayed them and somehow ran off with a really large amount of vials. Number Man tracks him down in ward because letting him run wild was useful to get more powers out there and to blame the case 53s on but they were running low on vials since Scion destroyed the ones in their main base so he needed the guy's stash.

didn't he use that on a red martian?

He used it on Miss Martian's foolish white martian brother that chose to do reincarnation thing as a red one.

It has not. Though, as far as I know, the only one who's ever confirmed that in cannon was Scion, and I don't know how reliable of a source he can be considered.

After he died they acted differently as in they all just went to the planet's surface and stayed in place tho it was part of Ziz's plan knowing Lisa would approach it to recruit it to fight scion. However, it is also revealed in ward that the one gun Ziz protected with it's body from scion somehow grew a baby clone of Eidolon and before he died Ziz shifted from the post gm dormancy into trying to get to it before acting on it's own accord after that one died while the others remained inactive.
Thanks for the chapter!
Vicky and Amy trying to sneak in and listen to the conversation is hilarious. Hopefully they don't hear any of the secrets and have to watch out for Contessa or something :D

Here's hoping the Billie situation works out too. He's gonna need a lot of therapy to unlearn what Mama Mathers taught him, and people might not give him the chance to adapt considering how he looks.
"Golden warriors and silver thinkers, both so strong in their own way. Neither paid much attention to the sneak-thief in black, licking their wounds and drinking their blood."

Uh-oh, Legend thinks Apollyon got his Shard from the third entity, Abaddon the Assassin.

Sometimes its hard to tell if Alchemist is oblivious to the misleading statements, or if he's doing it on purpose for his own personal amusement.

Right now, poor Alchemist so mentally stressed out from being in WORM that he might be too tired to care that he's giving off mixed messages to Legend.
Alec you dipshit he controls the endbringers. You need to get that motherfucker into therapy stat.

Great chapter. His emotional exhaustion is just so real.
Eidolon just wanted to be a hero. That's why he tried to join the Army, that's why "[he] needed worthy opponents", that's why he broke when Scion told him that.

I don't know what went wrong. Probably a long string of compromises "for the greater good" as defined largely by Doctor Mother and Contessa's Shard. Compromises like letting a villain walk because they or their power are (potentially) useful or appeasing a villain for the same. One at a time until you look around and wonder how it all went so wrong.

One 'compromise' at a time until, as Alec told Mouse Protector at the base of the Statue of Liberty, hope has died because people have accepted it as normal to permit blatant evil to exist.
Uh-oh, Legend thinks Apollyon got his Shard from the third entity, Abaddon the Assassin.

Sometimes its hard to tell if Alchemist is oblivious to the misleading statements, or if he's doing it on purpose for his own personal amusement.

Right now, poor Alchemist so mentally stressed out from being in WORM that he might be too tired to care that he's giving off mixed messages to Legend.
Does it matter where Legend thinks he got his powers from?

It's not like thinking otherwise would help anything, and Legend wouldn't believe him if he told the truth anyway.

"Yes, I'm the Champion of the Titan Gaia and embodied spirit from a different section of the omniverse entirely, reincarnated multiple times to troubleshoot a divine gaming system."

K.I.S.S. - "Keep It Simple, Stupid."

If Legend comes to his own incorrect conclusions, that's on him. If he wants to know more, I'm willing to bet that his reports from Mouse Protector have told him to just...ask.
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If Legend comes to his own incorrect conclusions, that's on him. If he wants to know more, I'm willing to bet that his reports from Mouse Protector have told him to just...ask.
It's technically on him for not asking, but in his defense, his mind is a bit busy trying to not have a mental breakdown with all the other info Alchemist is sharing. It can't be blamed for taking the only mental shortcut it sees.
Does it matter where Legend thinks he got his powers from?
If Legend comes to his own incorrect conclusions, that's on him. If he wants to know more, I'm willing to bet that his reports from Mouse Protector have told him to just...ask.

Nope, doesn't matter much if Legend comes to the wrong conclusions about Al's power source, what matters is that at the same time, he did come to the conclusion about Contessa's power source that Al was leading him towards:

Was that the source of Apollyon's powers? Was that why he was unseen and unknown to their Thinkers? Did he share some connection through it to Contessa or the black vials Cauldron kept in storage?

This is a big improvement in Al's communication skills (even/especially under stress) from back when he said his line about "Little blue men are scared of magic" in the early days of the main story. Good job Al!