Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
She is only not catatonic for the same reason that Sophie's eldest son somehow wound up in a hospital 30 blocks away from where his car was wrapped around a lamppost.

You shall learn more next chapter.
Someone with superspeed or flight could have moved the young man. Probably just a do-gooder rather than someone who knew him or Sophie. Hmm, if this source affected Noa too...

I'd guess a turncoat Silver Surfer, but this seems too big for him. And I assume he'll be working with the Fantastic Four rather than independent. The F4 were clearly busy with Galactus himself at the time. So another group of heroes? Perhaps one with a magic user who could ward New York to diminish Galactus' effects on local souls? So Scarlet Witch with the Avengers or an obscure hero team (again with a speedster or flyer).
Honestly, I think the Arrival kinda just shuts down the 90s as the glittering age of neoliberalism and bipartisan centrism, instead of the years and years of growing pains in between like in our universe the growth of the mutant hate conspiratorial right could make a direct leap from 90s militia movement guys and underground white supremacy straight to a kinda Tea Party style fundamental realignment, as a bunch of people who would have otherwise been condemned to obscurity as wacko state troopers and county clerks and city councilors and etc... all become state senators as state senators become federal congresspeople. I can already imagine the frothing X-Scare being churned up about mutants somehow presaging Galacticus and attracting his attention or even secretly aiding him as the children of the Beast, as like the equivalent to post-9/11 Islamophobia and birtherism.

And then likewise while this pretty much cuts the legs out from a bunch of blue dogs and dixicrats as the surprising numbers of Democrats in the 90s south crash immediately into like 2012 politics, you'll probably also see the end of the ghost of the patrician rockefeller republicans and a bunch of the rock-ribbed yankee or extremely Irish catholic types leave the GOP to go to the democrats or to do weird east coast fusion ballot and third party things. Plus outside all the high-falutin' politics of the political class and the superstructure of formal government, down on the ground would be a huge explosion of community mobilization and no little Occupy-style anger at the open dysfunction of gentrified suburbia and just-in-time globalization and what is probably Katrina levels of fundamentally flawed disaster response and emergency management.
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Why do you think I looked at the specific demographic?

Hmmm, this would help explain how Noah ends up a federal judge in about a decade. There's a massive hole in the top level administration, government as well as private, and Noah will likely look like a good candidate to a young politician looking to make a statement. Female, mutant, lesbian, and practicing Jew. Kinda hard to scream 'I support progressive politics' any louder as a politician than by trying to get her in as a judge.

Even better, Noah is both competent and good looking, and as much as I loath that the latter has an impact, and as much as that for Noah that is both an aid and a hindrance, being good looking helps for a lot of political action.
Galactus, to us, is a silly giant in purple with a dumb hat that likes to nosh on pretty fake planets. In universe? He's a memetic hazard elder god that radiates the power cosmic.

Noa is mystically sensitive and she was at ground zero. I'm frankly surprised she's not catatonic. She was just bathed in the death of millions of worlds filled with life and a sentient creature that pre dates the current universe.
Keep in mind, at least canon wise most of that comes from the people in 616 being from the Seventh Cosmos and him from the Sixth Cosmos.
You really have to think of how stupid Norman Osborn has to be to kidnap Gwen even after coming to the conclusion that he has a hynoptic kills switch that will kill him instantly if he does something exactly like that.
You really have to think of how stupid Norman Osborn has to be to kidnap Gwen even after coming to the conclusion that he has a hynoptic kills switch that will kill him instantly if he does something exactly like that.
"That Galactus guy really messed with my head. I wonder if that cleared out the mind control..."
Offhand guess; Quicksilver? Theoretically he could have brought Noa away from the danger area and brought some sick ppl to hospitals in the wrong places bc Nyoom

maybe unlikely but it's all I can think of rn

Good gods, can you imagine what that would have been like for him? Spending subjective days or weeks or even longer under the burning gaze of Galactus, running around moving people to safety until finally there was nothing left to do or he just burned himself out?
And worse, knowing that Galactus can see you at the same speed you're seeing him. And doesn't care.
Actually, THAT sounds like a phenomenal basis for a What-if Divergence. What if GALACTUS did care? What if, during that respective time expansion, GALACTUS and Quicksilver hit it off? GALACTUS' current Herald is committing moral treason, why not offer the same deal to THIS isolated Hero?
The more things change, the more they stay the same. Well done, didn't think that the Goblin would use the moment in that way…stupid fox was stupid thinking that.
Honestly, I think the Arrival kinda just shuts down the 90s as the glittering age of neoliberalism and bipartisan centrism, instead of the years and years of growing pains in between like in our universe the growth of the mutant hate conspiratorial right could make a direct leap from 90s militia movement guys and underground white supremacy straight to a kinda Tea Party style fundamental realignment, as a bunch of people who would have otherwise been condemned to obscurity as wacko state troopers and county clerks and city councilors and etc... all become state senators as state senators become federal congresspeople. I can already imagine the frothing X-Scare being churned up about mutants somehow presaging Galacticus and attracting his attention or even secretly aiding him as the children of the Beast, as like the equivalent to post-9/11 Islamophobia and birtherism.

And then likewise while this pretty much cuts the legs out from a bunch of blue dogs and dixicrats as the surprising numbers of Democrats in the 90s south crash immediately into like 2012 politics, you'll probably also see the end of the ghost of the patrician rockefeller republicans and a bunch of the rock-ribbed yankee or extremely Irish catholic types leave the GOP to go to the democrats or to do weird east coast fusion ballot and third party things. Plus outside all the high-falutin' politics of the political class and the superstructure of formal government, down on the ground would be a huge explosion of community mobilization and no little Occupy-style anger at the open dysfunction of gentrified suburbia and just-in-time globalization and what is probably Katrina levels of fundamentally flawed disaster response and emergency management.

The response could very well be the opposite. We are in a comic book universe but are no longer strictly operating on comic book logic. They're after all isn't a clear line that leads only things like galactic visits earth and is defeated that makes everyone… push back against a globalism that isn't self-evident yet. Everyone on Earth just saw that the world is a fragile blue ball. Hell The OTL version of Lexus and the Olive Tree hasn't been written yet, we're in the late 1990s and more broadly it's hard to see people hold botched disaster response and just in time logistics, or offshoring personally responsible for the Galacticus entering their lives and breaking things. Especially as theirs not really much that could be done without forewarning.
Like the end of the Rockefeller republicans is already in motion but a big enough shake up could change that. Instead people might take away that divisions are insignificant in the face of apocalypse or the shake up might in some way benefit the more socially progressive RR's in a way that averts their slowly encroaching predetermined irrelevance.

Maybe people could come together. I don't know but I guess I'm just hopeful like that.
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Honestly, I think the Arrival kinda just shuts down the 90s as the glittering age of neoliberalism and bipartisan centrism, instead of the years and years of growing pains in between like in our universe the growth of the mutant hate conspiratorial right could make a direct leap from 90s militia movement guys and underground white supremacy straight to a kinda Tea Party style fundamental realignment, as a bunch of people who would have otherwise been condemned to obscurity as wacko state troopers and county clerks and city councilors and etc... all become state senators as state senators become federal congresspeople. I can already imagine the frothing X-Scare being churned up about mutants somehow presaging Galacticus and attracting his attention or even secretly aiding him as the children of the Beast, as like the equivalent to post-9/11 Islamophobia and birtherism.

And then likewise while this pretty much cuts the legs out from a bunch of blue dogs and dixicrats as the surprising numbers of Democrats in the 90s south crash immediately into like 2012 politics, you'll probably also see the end of the ghost of the patrician rockefeller republicans and a bunch of the rock-ribbed yankee or extremely Irish catholic types leave the GOP to go to the democrats or to do weird east coast fusion ballot and third party things. Plus outside all the high-falutin' politics of the political class and the superstructure of formal government, down on the ground would be a huge explosion of community mobilization and no little Occupy-style anger at the open dysfunction of gentrified suburbia and just-in-time globalization and what is probably Katrina levels of fundamentally flawed disaster response and emergency management.

I think that the big issue is a lot of the sorta 'counter cultural' right was produced by the right's losses in the 1990s and 2000s. If the X-scare and the arrival pushes enough people right then they're going to not have the same level of counter culture.

If it doesn't... well then the counter cultural elements will develop over the same time period as the right grows more and more disgusted by the acceptance by most of the population of gays, blacks and mutants.

The big issue of course is that sentinel program aside, the right is perhaps going to have a lot less belief in its ability to defeat a left that includes the X-men.
Peter's word choice, I suspect.

I don't know. I could easily see a mutant from a anti-mutant household reacting that way, trying to feel around if they'll be safe there or such.

Still, remember that Dr. McCoy is actually very good with tech, and there are sensors that can detect whether or not somebody is a mutant. Why it'd detect mutants and not mutates, I don't know, but that's marvel bullshit for you.

The fact that Spiderman can hang around with A-list mutants should be a big clue that, in many cases, mutant specific resources should be more suited for him than non-mutant, non-special ones.
I thought Sublime (the virus not sure about the guy) got retconned out for this story.
I don't remember there being a firm statement either way but honestly, any story that engages this heavily with both sides of the Marvel universe has to explain it somehow. Yeah, Sublime is stupid, but what's the alternative? The basic fact pattern from the setting that had to be explained away with Sublime doesn't actually stop being stupid or needing explaining if you retcon it out, and this story doesn't seem to have done away with that.

EDIT: I'm wrong, Sublime is retconned, and the author has another explanation in mind (which as far as I know has not yet been shared with us)
There is NO SUBLIME in this timeline. No telepathic anti-mutant hate virus.

There IS a reason why mutants get extra hate. Most of it is purely reflexive, as the actual mechanism only happens in-person, and is subtle enough people may not notice until and unless they're informed someone is a mutant.

(I'm not sure this is satisfying though - if it mainly works on an interpersonal level, that doesn't explain why actual bigoted policy like the registration act and the Sentinel program don't spill over to other powered groups - or how it happens at all unless a lot of people in power have had a lot of personal interaction with mutants)
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(I'm not sure this is satisfying though - if it mainly works on an interpersonal level, that doesn't explain why actual bigoted policy like the registration act and the Sentinel program don't spill over to other powered groups - or how it happens at all unless a lot of people in power have had a lot of personal interaction with mutants)
How it happens is easy. Wealth has no impact on the likelihood of a given individual being a mutant. From a percentage standpoint, a lot more people are poor than rich. Therefore, a proportionate majority of mutants come from financially modest backgrounds. Power in the hands of the poor makes mutants a greater threat to the hegemony of society's wealthiest than any other demographic. That mutants are predisposed to be the target of bigotry just makes things easier for those at the top.

As for other supers... Wealthy hobbyists, extraterrestrial busybodies, and statistical outliers. They're nowhere near as threatening (or intimidating to the public) as a demographic that can be clearly classified.
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to nitpik but Peter is a Mystic Metahuman...his empowerment comes from the ascpect of the Spider that he gained when he was infected by the spider that bit him...otherwise he would have died and not gained Meta powers. His gene's weren't mutated they were spliced with those of a Spider...
Okay, but all of that only woks because of the radioactive elements that the spider was exposed to, which makes Peter a Gamma Mutate.

Or, more accurately.

Spiderman sits on the precipice of where magic and science go to die
Huh, I wonder how McCoy could tell. Smell?
That gave a hilarious image of Xavier replacing Cerebro for finding mutants with Beast going around sniffing people.

Anyone with a neurodegenerative condition, like dementia or Alzheimer's? Dead. Almost instantly. (As an aside, a LOT of football players also died… CTE is real, folks)
And after she saved sports. What a, supremely minor given the circumstances, shame.