Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
40K is more fair and honest about it's atrocities than either Marvel or DC.

Especially considering all the Passive deaths that Galactus would cause just by being there.

Both in the overloaded senses, moments where someone was in surgery and distraction from hell, planes falling from the sky and more... And the suicides afterword. People swimming and drowning as they got hit in the face with his full presence.

I expect a few hundred thousand just from that and the trauma of it all.
I'm not super up to date but if I recall correctly he's a planet-eater. Silver Surfer goes out to pick the tastiest treats and he follows along to CONSUME.

I'm not sure how much is artistic license and how much is canon, but from my limited knowledge this tracks with his character pretty well.

Source: some 90s cartoons when I was in my single-digits.
Um. What? Galactus showed up to eat the planet, I got that, and is telling Silver Surfer to fall back in line I think, maybe (bro's gone native or something, I guess?). And then he handed "THE -PUNISHER-" to a human? What does that mean?
…Okay, does Galactus's (wow, that's definitely a choice of name) dialogue make sense to anyone else? I'm not particularly familiar with Marvel.
Yes, it's Fantastic Four Volume 1 Chapter 49.

Long story short, Galactus came to eat Earth, a process he speeds along using a converter he builds out of the Baxter Building, the Fantastic Four and Silver Surfer disable or destroy the converter, then Galactus sends out a Robot called the Punisher which beats them down, at which point Johnny Storm breaks into Galactus's space station with help from The Watcher and steals something called the Ultimate Nullifer which Reed uses to drive off Galactus.
Um. What? Galactus showed up to eat the planet, I got that, and is telling Silver Surfer to fall back in line I think, maybe (bro's gone native or something, I guess?). And then he handed "THE -PUNISHER-" to a human? What does that mean?
We might be hearing everything Galactus says (probably has no inside voice, except in the sense that you could still hear it inside the bottom of a fortified mine shaft) but that's less than half the conversation. Anybody else talking, and whatever the actual action is, is well outside Noa's perception.
Galactus's space station
I sort of want to know why Galactus carries around a space station stocked with things that could be used against Galactus...
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…Okay, does Galactus's (wow, that's definitely a choice of name) dialogue make sense to anyone else? I'm not particularly familiar with Marvel.
Galactus is quite literally a devourer of worlds. As in he needs to consume a very specific type of world in order to keep existing. Problem is most of those worlds are capable of, and are, sustaining sapient life.

The Silver Surfer is his herald, and his job is basically to find planets Galactus can eat, in exchange for not having his own world eaten. He turns on Galactus after 'meeting' the Fantastic Four, and eventually they get Galactus to back off by threatening him with the only thing in the universe he's vulnerable to, the Ultimate Nullifier, which he keeps with him for stupid plot reasons.
...Ah. That might even make sense, assuming that the things are the kind of comics nonsense that can't just be disposed of.
It's probably more like a unique or rare variety of gun than something made to hurt Galactus specifically. Sure it can hurt him but it is also something to keep around for dealing with the occasional higher-level annoyance to him. It's capable of hurting him because it is capable of hurting many powerful beings similar to or like him.
Imagine you're Osborn here: first you get your face slapped with cleats cause you were being an abusive fuck. Then you're getting courtblocked on your ruinous lawsuit over being cleated. Then your attempts to show the opposing counsel the errors of their ways keep falling flat. Then you're outed to ALL the Alphabet Soup Divisions AND your competitors over your espionage. Then your put under a Death Sentence by a couple of Mutant Freaks. AND THEN GALACTUS.

Also, point of fact, I believe that Norman's misunderstanding over Noa being a mind controller might be just what causes the whole Clone Saga. Only in this timeline it'll be multiple Goblin Osborns. Because what's the simplest way for an insane rich monster to get out of a deadly geas? Clone themselves and download into the new body! But, of course, the New Osborn wants to be the Real Deal and rebels. And of course there will be multiple concurrent attempts, because why not.

In the next edition of the Amazing Spiderman, will Peter be able to stop the Green Goblin from killing Uncle Ben? What about the Greater Goblin attacking Downtown? Or the Grand Goblin holding Oscorp Hostage? Or can he stop the Goblin King from executing his lawyer Noa? And which one is the real Norman Osborn? Answer: ALL OF THEM.
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The story structure is kind of weird there. Starting with an in media res then going back and just... not going back to the start of the story before jumping into super dramatic ultra high stakes kind of brings everything down. We know nothing really bad will happen for at least six more years so the existential dread feels a bit cheap?
To paraphrase a certain starship captain: "How do you define 'really bad?'

As silentorphan said, a lot can happen in six years. We might know things might be 'okay' in the end but considering the source material, at least every other year there is a potential world ending event.

As much as Noa would want otherwise.
The story structure is kind of weird there. Starting with an in media res then going back and just... not going back to the start of the story before jumping into super dramatic ultra high stakes kind of brings everything down. We know nothing really bad will happen for at least six more years so the existential dread feels a bit cheap?
Given all the time travelers in the Marvel verse can you really say that for sure? ;)
It's probably more like a unique or rare variety of gun than something made to hurt Galactus specifically. Sure it can hurt him but it is also something to keep around for dealing with the occasional higher-level annoyance to him. It's capable of hurting him because it is capable of hurting many powerful beings similar to or like him.
It's called the Ultimate Nullifier, it will completely eliminate anything the wielder puts their mind to, though if their will isn't strong enough, it may eliminate them too, it is one of a few weapons that Galactus is nervous around.
We might be hearing everything Galactus says (probably has no inside voice, except in the sense that you could still hear it inside the bottom of a fortified mine shaft) but that's less than half the conversation. Anybody else talking, and whatever the actual action is, is well outside Noa's perception.
it also appears Noa passed out at least once, judging by the comment that the blood from her nose had dried

It's probably more like a unique or rare variety of gun than something made to hurt Galactus specifically. Sure it can hurt him but it is also something to keep around for dealing with the occasional higher-level annoyance to him. It's capable of hurting him because it is capable of hurting many powerful beings similar to or like him.
The Galactic Nullifier can basically annihilate what ever it's weilder wants it to.with the problem that it also annihlates said weilder (i'm unsure of just how 'big' the back blast effect is, if it would only have hit Reed, or New York, or Earth.)