Alright, what weapon should Akemi have?

  • Let her keep the gun!

    Votes: 9 33.3%
  • Give her a sword!

    Votes: 10 37.0%
  • More Magic!

    Votes: 6 22.2%
  • Hand to Hand!

    Votes: 2 7.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Man i missed a lot of rolls huh? Had to go to bed early since I have an exam today, but hot damn those rolls are awesome!
[X] [Akemi] Akemi will be called Nobelle Termina
[X] [Group Name] Lumina
[X] [Himari] Himari will be called Magical Girl Soul Hacker.
[X] [Himari Catchphrase] Her catchphrase will be "Surging from the web into battle, Magical Girl Soul Hacker is Here!"

forgot to vote.. im so tired this week…
I'm not voting partially because I'm busy as hell and partially because I don't mind any of the options.

Those are some great rolls though and from the sounds of it we have a new friend.
I was in class, but Zetakille's right— it's "to", not "on".

And yes, "Purpose" was meant to be capitalized. It's a whole magic thing, ask Kirata about it later.
Chapter out either today or tommorow. As a treat, here's a preview right below. Avoid if you dislike spoilers (even though there aren't really any here)

Next time on Perhaps For Love, Or Maybe Justice…

You are Rei Maruki, and it's about time that you did the most important thing that you can be doing this week. Working retail.

"Can't you just slap all four Glyphs together?" you ask, while going back and picking up the next box. One labeled "magical (???) supplies". Thanks, Jun.

"Pfft. You'd think that you'd be able to, since more Glyphs equals more power, but having a perfectly equal amount of every base Glyph just gets you nothing. Fizzles."

While you'd never call yourself a Kamen Rider (a masked rider? you don't even use your motorcycle more than once a week)…

"I don't even remember what the Kamen Rider was like, since he seemed to pop onto the scene about a minute after the monster showed up. But the man that came so quickly to save us… he faintly smelled of salt."

You both say it at the exact same time.

"Can't you just slap all four Glyphs together?" you ask, while going back and picking up the next box. One labeled "magical (???) supplies". Thanks, Jun.

"Pfft. You'd think that you'd be able to, since more Glyphs equals more power, but having a perfectly equal amount of every base Glyph just gets you nothing. Fizzles."
*Realm Noises of equal Grief and Questioning*
On the one side, they have the power of transforming justice. On the other side, they have the power of the encroaching void, professional assassination techniques, and more voices in their head than they can count on both hands. Who will win?!
Ah yes the age old question. Who would win, Pirates or ninjas?
... we need use SSS against them. Please let the pirate have a pierce/cut weakness.
Last edited:
Yup! And we still need to talk to The Maliss and SSS next turn to unlock even more. Maliss needs their last queen and SSS has apperently a secret? Move behind them, if I remember from a earlier post anyway. So Rei is gonna have a dozen spirits in her head soon enough (as long as the actions are picked next turn). So fun!
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Kermie on Oct 18, 2024 at 9:06 AM, finished with 99 posts and 11 votes.
Im honestly surprised more people didnt make their own catch phrases/name suggestions. But well. Say hello to Nobelle Termina and Soul Hacker (imo Pneuma is a great name but i domt think it fits Himari) members of Lumina! I wonder how kermie will write the girls reaching this conclusion.
Im honestly surprised more people didnt make their own catch phrases/name suggestions. But well. Say hello to Nobelle Termina and Soul Hacker (imo Pneuma is a great name but i domt think it fits Himari) members of Lumina! I wonder how kermie will write the girls reaching this conclusion.
Chapter's mostly prewritten, so I'll have Himari and Akemi mention it in later updates.
Pride 2.4: Where In Tokyo Are We Going Today?
[X] [Group Name] Lumina
[X] [Akemi] Akemi will be called Nobelle Termina
[X] [Akemi Catchphrase] "I am the Unbending Blade that will Cut forth a Brighter Tomorrow! Nobelle Termina!"
[X] [Himari] Himari will be called Magical Girl Soul Hacker.
[X] [Himari Catchphrase] "Surging from the web into battle, Magical Girl Soul Hacker is Here!"
-[X] Work at Animate, but only part time
-[X] Get situated. (Himari)
-[X] Explore Tokyo
-[X] Investigate a rumour you heard.

Animate Akihabara
Wednesday, February 27, 2080. 3:30 PM.

You are Rei Maruki, and it's about time that you did the most important thing that you can be doing this week. Working retail.

When you work part time, your shift usually doesn't go much farther than the afternoon shift. Which is good, because after a certain time all the weird people tend to show up.

(You still remember your first days working in the store, when this one little kid tried to bribe you into giving him a M-rated game. Simpler times.)

Weren't you still actively on the run from the Guild back then?

Yeah, but back then you had to live in fear and get used to not killing people. Now you live in a slightly lessened fear and all you have to get used to is a brand new, extra shiny way of killing people. It's different.

You're snapped out of your thoughts by the beep of a scanner. It's not yours— it's Arata's.

As he puts the customer's print in the bag, he looks up from his counter. "How've you been doing, Rei? It's been a while since I've really had much time to talk with you."

You grab your own scanner, and look at the customers. Looks like all of them on this floor are still deciding on stuff, so you've got some time. "Pretty good. I've just been through some stuff."

He looks around, making sure nobody's listening, before leaning over his counter and whispering. "And the… weird stuff you've been getting into? The dudes with the skulls?"

You do your best to feign nonchalance. "Oh, don't worry about it. I got some investigators and some pretty damn good thaumaturgists on the case, so it shouldn't be that dangerous. It was just a freak accident that they came over to Animate." you say, keeping out the part where the investigators are your friends who are also assassins.

>It's technically not a lie, I suppose…

He sighs. "Alright, Mai isn't worried, so I'll just trust you for now. Just remember that if you need something to do, you can always talk to me and Mai."

Hmph. He's definitely too sweet for our problems. -Fuma

He's normal. Almost startlingly so compared to everyone else in your life. Hold on to him. -Hatsume

"Of course I will. I'll be clocking out now. See ya!"

"See you later!"

Rei gained +1 Capital! Sweet!

Jun's Place
Wednesday, February 27, 2080. 3:43 PM.

You are Himari Kuromi, and it's about time that you cleaned up your room. Jun says that while he's encouraging you to do it, he's not gonna help. Something about "running espionage on my clients so that they don't figure out that I'm harboring two fugitives right underneath my roof." Shame.

You have a small earpiece on. Your sister's on the other end, talking to you while she does… magicky things. You dunno. You're just packing some of the leftover model and computer pieces in the guest room away into boxes.

"Man, this spell's giving me trouble… how are you doing?"

With a hefty lift (use your legs, Himari, not your back) you heave a box of old PC parts out of your room into the living room, where Jun's absentmindedly working. "I'm just reorganizing my room. Not much to be interested in. What's that spell you're doing?"

On the other end, you can hear the sound of metal faintly scraping against something. Kirata clicks her tongue. "Just a prototype of a tracker spell, commissioned by the government. Apparently it's supposed to be able to detect the general locations of up to ten people at once… but while the theory and Runes are sound, they're idiots who can't figure out the Glyphs needed for a spell of that magnitude."

"Can't you just slap all four Glyphs together?" you ask, while going back and picking up the next box. One labeled "magical (???) supplies". Thanks, Jun.

"Pfft. You'd think that you'd be able to, since more Glyphs equals more power, but having a perfectly equal amount of every base Glyph just gets you nothing. Fizzles."

You open up the box to keep sorting the things. Inside, there's a Fire and Water glyph right next to each other, so close but just too far away. While the two metallic discs seem inert at first, they slowly flare to life, crimson red meshing with sapphire blue. Beautiful twin binary stars. "…And what happens if you put two opposing ones together?"

"…well, they might explode— Himari, DO NOT DO THAT WITHOUT THE PROPER EQUIPMENT—"


When you wake up, it's to the sounds of Kira in one ear lecturing you, and Jun dusting the soot off your face and applying a band-aid.

Ah well. At least you learned something today!

Random Rewards Table:
Via the power of fucking around and then finding out (and some help from her big sis) Himari gains +3 to her Magical!

Tokyo, Shibuya
Wednesday, February 27, 2080. 4:03 PM.

You're Rei Maruki, and you need… a freaking break.

You've heard rumors about a Kamen Rider in the area from that one forum you lurked on two weeks ago.

>Something called Bizzare Tokyo?

Yeah, that one. While you'd never call yourself a Kamen Rider (a masked rider? you don't even use your motorcycle more than once a week) you need some allies, and someone that can help you without asking too many questions seems like a good starting point. But you've got some spare time in the day, so you're making a stop over here.

The AccelTech Explorer is a sleek vehicle, but what really gets it to the next level is its mapping. Using some of the outroads and being able to dodge traffic thanks to a satellite overview gets you over to Shibuya quickly, and saves some time as well! As you begin to see the typical crowds from this ward, you put away your motorcycle into the cloth of the Hammerspace bag Jun gave you, spiriting it off to who-knows-where.

As you look around, you notice that everyone your age is dressed fashionably. Which, damn. You've got a bland jacket, a t-shirt, some pants, and discount sneakers on. Good for running, but you have absolutely no style.

>The coolest thing that you've worn this month is the hood from our Armor.


No, she has a point… -Kizaru

Vacantly half-agreeing with the voices in your head, you turn your attention back to the real world. In the distance, you can see the Shibuya Crossing. Both parts of it. The Crossing Lower is the same as always. You can see some tourists walking around, salarymen getting off their belated lunch break… nothing out of the ordinary.

Overhead, you can see the Crossing Upper— a bridge made of hard light connecting some of the buildings. You're pretty sure that an Archmage worked on it though you can't remember which one off the top of your head. You can tell who's a tourist and who's a Tokyo local by if they're looking down and bumping into the walls. It's hilarious.

>Also definitely a government point of pride that they wave around at all the big international meetings.

Oh yeah, and that as well.

You walk around, a bit dazed, a tad bit aimless, and just looking for your target without giving it too much effort. But then something catches your ear.

"Hey! Mom? Where's my mom?!"

A lost kid? Here?

Almost automatically, you turn towards the sound. A few more paces gets you through the crowd and over to the sources of the noise— a small girl standing next to a lamppost. She can't be older than 12, maybe 11. Nobody else seems to have taken notice. You walk up to her, before getting on one knee. "Hey. Are you ok?"

The girl stops her pouting— was she about to cry? She looks up at you. "I dunno where my mom went. She just made a turn, and I didn't hold onto her hand long enough. I'm from the country, so it's been new…"

You think about what to do for a second. Then it hits you. Her mom's probably still in the area, can't have gone farther than a few feet. So therefore, it makes sense to do that thing. "Piggyback on my shoulders, then! It'll be quick, and you'll be able to spot her easily."

Her eyes widen. "Seriously?!"

"We're both girls, so I'm pretty sure it won't look weird! Now c'mon, get on. Besides, I've got places to go, so climb on if you wanna see your mom."

She hesitates for a second, but gets on your shoulder as you lift her up.

Lift with your legs!

>Don't drop the small child, please!

You slowly spin around, and the kid even puts a hand up to block out the sun as she searches for her mom. After a few seconds that feel like an eternity, she points a hand out. "There! That's my mom!"

Her mom, a tall and skinny woman with black hair and a gray jacket, practically sprints through the crowd (well, as much as you can sprint through a Tokyo crowd) and hugs her kid as she comes down from your piggyback ride. "Oh my god! Thank you so much! We're new here, so I almost lost my kid…"

You wave her off. "It's nothing, Mrs…"

"Linh. Call me Linh." You notice how the bags underneath her eyes seem to clear up as she holds her kid's hand tight. "Thank you so much! We've got to go somewhere now, but from the bottom of my heart, thank you."

The little girl waves at you, happy. "I'll be like you when I get older, miss! Thanks a lot!"


Tokyo Random Event Table:
Thanks to a random act of kindness, Rei gained +2 to her Social!

The two of them walk away together. As you watch them go, you take a sigh of relief. It's good to see that the girl didn't have to wander around Tokyo.

Now, where were you? Oh, right. There was somebody you were looking for.

Wednesday, February 27, 2080. 5:05 PM.

You have a lock on your target. You know exactly where they are.

As for why you're so sure about that? Well…

7 Min Ago…

[Social Check; DC 45/70/90]
[d100=90! Incredible Success!]

Kamen Rider… you don't even know their name, you'll just call them Sea. Which roughly matches up with the grade that they'd get if they were in your part of the Guild, but you digress.

Rei. Focus up. -Fuma

Right. From what you can tell, Kamen Rider Sea is operating between somewhere in this area and in Minato, the ward right next to this one. Considering that today, more shops and attractions are closed in Minato than in this part of Shibuya, there's a better chance that you'll find them here today, since Umbra might try and target a populated area again.

You walk around, listening to the crowd's hustle and bustle. Nothing sticks out until…


"Hey, have you heard about that new Kamen Rider in the area?"

You tune in your senses, focusing as much as possible on the rumors. You wish you had a hoodie or some sunglasses, but you don't, so getting on your phone is a better choice.

"Yeah, I heard the guys here still haven't figured out where or who he is…"

"Man, they never figure out who the weird masked dudes are! Like, how can you get into a fight by that big ramen store down by the Gundam statue and not get photographed by anyone?!"

"Hell if I know."

You pull up Yelp, search up a few things and walk instead of getting in a taxi. Just to be that much more careful.

5 Min Ago…

Full-Feast Ramen

The shop in front of you is still decently packed, which surprises you. According to Mai, Animate had way less customers for a while after that first fight between you and the Skull Faces, so this place must be uber-popular.

You push open the doors, and the ringing chime of a bell and the smell of ramen broth greet you. You take a seat by the bar, and look around. There's a good mixture of young and old people here, and the decor is very homey. Yellow Glyph-lights gently illuminate the room, and the chairs are supremely comfortable. Very nice!

One of the employees immediately comes up to meet you. A man with round glasses and a bandana— you suspect that he's bald underneath there. "Good evening! What would you like to order?"

> Quick, act natural!

"Uh, what would you recommend for me to order?"

He laughs. It's a big, hearty sound, full of passion and care. "You must be new around here! Our signature is the chashu ramen. You should try it, it's delicious."

"Alright then, I'll have that to-go with a side of… nah, I don't need a side dish."

As the man returns back to the kitchen, you half-wonder what to ask him about. After some deliberation, you just decide to just be honest.

As he walks back up to your side of the bar with a styrofoam container containing your dinner, you pop the question. "By the way, have you had any weird monsters attack your restaurant recently?"

He squints his eyes a bit. "...why would you ask that?"

>And quick— say something good!

You've been taught how to lie before. This is nothing to you. "I'm actually a mystery blogger. I've got a few government connections- but I decided that I need to ask the locals for clues. If you can remember any, and I mean any details about the monster that you saw, or the masked hero that saved this restaurant, I promise that I'll try and put in a good word for this restaurant. Hell, I'll even try and get an Archmage to recommend it!"

The man scrunches up his nose for a second, and closes his eyes. When he opens them again, there's a tiny recollection in his gaze. "I don't remember much about the strange monster, since it seemed to disappear as soon as it appeared. I don't even remember what the Kamen Rider was like, since he seemed to pop onto the scene about a minute after the monster showed up. But the man that came so quickly to save us… he faintly smelled of salt."

Salt? How interesting. Definitely could be… no, that's not possible. Then again, a lot of impossible things have happened recently, so you can't dismiss that possibility just yet.

"Thank you, mister! I promise that I'll put in a good word for you in a bit!"

2 Min Ago…

Right Outside Full-Feast Ramen

You sit on a bench outside, slurping down your ramen. The employee back there was right- this ramen is delicious. The pork almost seems to melt in your mouth as you greedily slurp it and the noodles down, just barely avoiding getting any soup on your shirt.

As for why you're sitting outside? Well, if you're correct…

[Mental Check; DC 50/70]
[d100=51+21=72. Great Success!]

There's only one group of people that always faintly smell like salt even when away from the beach. It's rare, but people like you (and apparently that employee) can detect that smell off of the people of the Shonai Settlement. A rumored aftereffect of the deeply-ingrained Glyphs that allowed them to breathe water. Or perhaps an aftereffect of the Kamen Rider transformation, that could still be lingering on your target.

And if your assumptions are still on the right track, there's also another clue to who Kamen Rider Sea is. From what you've been able to tell, the Void has some sort of memory erasing property to it. Let's call it cognitohazardous for now. If what you heard from that one website, Bizarre Tokyo was correct… it might apply to Kamen Riders and Magical Girls as well.

Bizarre Tokyo said:
There are a good few pictures of actual Magical Girls, and Kamen Riders with helmets partially broken off or completely gone. Not blurry or low quality either. But whenever you look at those pictures… your brain can't seem to keep track. It's like you're looking at someone extremely special one second, just another civilian the next.

The BT community has called these occurrences "Unmasked Johns/Janes". Honestly, not a bad name.

However, it probably only could have applied in a limited capacity, considering that you've also heard plenty of speculation about the identities of the Riders. Meaning that in order for Kamen Rider Sea to have gotten in and be forgotten except for their signature smell of salt… they had to have been familiar with the location, and the routes to get here. Maybe even a regular here. So that's why you're

It's a bit of a stretch, but all good espionage needs to go out on a stretch sometimes. Let's try it. -Fuma

You wait for a bit longer. It seems like an eternity; you even manage to finish up your food and toss it away. It was delicious, though. Five out of five stars.

Eventually however, something changes. Maybe it's luck, or maybe it's the fact that you're full now. But you perk up, as just the faintest scent of the beach comes into your nose. It's subtle, so subtle in fact that you'd have to be either a talented cook or a trained killer to notice it. But the scent points towards one face in the crowd. A small scrawny dude, can't be older than you, definitely doesn't look like a surfer or someone that just came from the beach. He adjusts his rectangular glasses, looks anxiously towards Full-Feast Ramen, and then turns down an alleyway.

That's your man.


5:05 PM
Still In Shibuya

You tail the guy slowly, stealthily. Hiding behind the lampposts, taking cover by pretending to be on your phone. The works.

Eventually, he turns down another alleyway. You stop, and go down another alley parallel to his. Eventually, you and him both get to a rare part of Shibuya where the streets are empty— for now.

You'll likely only have one chance at this. Make it count. -Hatsume

He doesn't seem to have noticed you. At all. You quietly walk up to him, making sure not to scare him by surprising him from behind or anything. You instead start walking on his right side, and look at him curiously. "Hey there."

He seems startled by your approach, but doesn't run away. He looks up from his phone. Was he reading something? "Uh, hey? Do I know you?"

You bite your tongue for a sec. How to explain best…

[Social Check; DC ???]
[d100=97! Crit Success!]

"No, you don't. But I think you'll want to know me. I'm Rei Maruki, and… well, I should probably just show you this instead of telling you."

You tap your hip, and your belt appears around your waist. The glass screen on it glows a faint purple, hungry for a card.

The dude's eyebrows and glasses would be flying off of his head right now if they could. When he speaks next, there's a sort of careful reverence in his tone. "You're… like me? A Kamen Rider?!"

Ah, you should probably clear up the misconception… -Kizaru

"Um, no, but close."

"But you've got a Driver like I do!"

"That's the term for it?"

He blinks in disbelief. "Uh, you didn't know? How long have you been doing this superhero thing?"

>Carry the one, take out the two…
>Four-ish weeks? So, start of February.

"Almost a month now. And I don't really consider myself a hero in the traditional sense, though that's getting ahead of myself. I came here because I heard that you needed help, and lucky for you, I got here before anybody nasty tried to snatch you up. What's your name, man?"

He looks at you in… awe? "Oh my god— you must be that Kamen Rider from Akihabara! But you seem so nice… Whatever, I'm Fuji. Mako Fujiyama! It's so nice to meet you. I've been trying to protect my friends here in Shibuya, but it's really hard to fight off people like that fire guy from yesterday…"

Geez, definitely not the jock type.

Kinda rambly. -Hatsume

Mako Fujiyama

A bit of a nerdy boy, with an interest in marine biology. He comes from Shonai, though whether he's a temporary resident there or was born underwater, you don't know. Definitely not the fighting type, though.

You blink in confusion. "Wait, guy from yesterday?"

He sighs, before getting back into his spiel. "Yeah! I fought him off, but this fire dude that went by my favorite ramen place… he ran away! And I tried to go after it, but then I got too exhausted from my fight and had to slink off to detransform, and then by that time me running through the crowd would have gotten me laughed at. So then…"

He's rambling. You've gotta cut him off. "Shit, kid, no— where's the monster?"

"I just got off of studying! I don't know! I was looking for him, and he has to be—"


Both of you slowly turn away from each other, and there's the other man of the hour, perched up on a cellphone tower. A Shade clad in armor. But unlike Gargoyle, you can't see the armor's color. Because the entire Shade is completely on fire. Just looking at it hurts your eyes.

"I… see you Rideeeeerrrr…"

Fuji flinches back. "Shoot! I'm not prepared— I was planning to tail it and study it from afar, since nobody was noticing it!"

You put a hand in front of your new partner. Friend is a bit of a strong word here. "Kid! Don't worry. Just stick behind me!"

He seems stunned for a moment, but shakes his head. He pushes your arm away. "Nope! Not an option! I got this power for a reason— even if I'm not very good at this right now, I've gotta get better for when innocent lives are on the line! Also don't call me kid."

I know his type. He's not going to quit. Just let him help out!

You bite down on your lip, as the Shade leaps off of the pole with a grace that a thing that much taller than you should not have. It begins to slowly walk towards you. "…fine! But let me take the hits, alright?!"

This is a nuisance. But at least you gave him proof, so he doesn't think that you're mentally insane. He poses, one hand over his eye, chuunibyou style. "That's fine with me, Rei! Now c'mon, fight with me! For Justice!"

>Why did that last word sound like a proper noun?

A belt manifests onto his waist, just as yours does as well. His belt seems to be adorned with… a tiny treasure chest? He opens it up, puts in something from his pocket, and slams it down so fast that you don't even get to see it.

>He totally practiced that!

Driver On! Set Sail!


You grab the card of your choice, and slam it in as well. The Shade clenches its fist, and the walls around you burst into flame.




No need to tell us twice!

>We're ready when you are!
Here we go! -Fuma

You both say it at the exact same time. The Shade begins to charge at you, and you both stand to face it, fists at the ready.


Plan Phase!

(A little note: Since Rei can make detailed plans now with much less risk of going crazy, you'll be getting a different overview.)

Environment Info:
Streets of Shibuya

-Space is pretty moveable.
-You can see the roofs of tall buildings from here; you could jump onto them and snipe from far away.
-Seems fireproof enough.
-The walls are on fire, but unless you get yeeted into the flame, it won't be an issue.
-The gravel on the ground doesn't seem like it's very slippery, but it would be easy to change that.

Available Weapons:

-Centurion Overlay
-Malice Overlay
-Secret Six Samurai Overlay

-"Flowing Fluidity"

Assassin Techniques:
-Silenced Pistol "Shinigami"
-Body Recalibration

Kamen Rider Voyager

Physical: 22
Magical: 48

Over Damage: 3

Health: 46

Resistances: Fire, Water
Weaknesses: Sound, Grass


Has low Physical. On rolling a 20 or less, this character's attacks may hit himself or his allies.

[Pirate Code]
This character has multiple forms, each with unique movesets. Form Changing is a free action for him which he can trigger at the start of his turn, but he gets no stat boosts from it and it has a cooldown of two turns.

However, he may use the first move from each form freely, without it being restricted by which form he's in. So while he's in SharkBuckler form, he may use SquidGunner's Cannon Barrage!, but not SquidGunner's Special Ink Strike.

[Under The Sea]
This passive may have special effects underwater…

All Form Moves:

Basic Attack
DC: 40

Try and either tackle or stab at an opponent for 1d10 Blunt/Slash Damage.

Oceanic Opera
Finishing Move, AoE, Magical, Once Per Combat
DC: 140

For each Form this Rider has used this combat, this attack gains a +30 bonus. Deals 4d8+5 Water damage to up to five characters, one of which must be this character. Because he can't aim. (Over Damage for this character subtracts instead of adding!)

SharkBuckler Form
An offensive moveset. A melee brawler who can regenerate his own health and slowly ramp up.

Slash Slash Slash!!!
DC: 70
(2 Uses Per Scene)

Gives self Taunt 2, and then deals 3d6+2 Slash damage. Then, gain Physical equal to the highest result on the d6s+4 until the end of combat.

Take A Bite!
DC: 50
(2 Uses Per Combat)

Deals 2d8 Piercing damage, and heals for half of the damage dealt by this move. Recharges all uses when this character hits quarter health or ???

Smelling Blood!
DC: 60
(4 Uses per Scene)

Can be used every time after Slash, Pierce, or Blunt damage was dealt, even outside of this character's turn. Gain +5 Temporary Health, and for the next two attacks this character does, deal +3 Water damage. Stackable.

SquidGunner Form
A utility moveset. A ranged attacker who specializes in Blinding and debuffing the enemy.

Cannon Barrage!
DC 60
(Once per Scene)

Deals 3d6 Pierce damage, ranged. Hit enemies become [Marked] for three turns: after each attack they take, they also get hit by an extra 1d6+2 of piercing! For every 20 this character rolls over DC, it goes on for one extra turn.

Take This Tentacle! (Not In That Way!!!)
DC: 75
(Three Times per Scene)

Slaps an enemy with a tentacle made of water, dealing 3d6 Water damage. The next Fire or Water attack that hits them deals 1.5x damage!

Special Ink Strike!!!
DC: 90/80
(Once Per Scene)

Roll a Magical roll to charge up; for every 10 this character rolls over DC, he gets +10 to his next roll. Then roll a Physical roll and deal 1d8 Dark damage and 2d8 Water damage by spraying your enemy with blinding ink. Target enemy is then [Blinded], giving them -x for their next two rolls, where x is 2 times every 10 this character rolled.
Greater Shade: Pyrophobia

Weakness: Water
Resistances: Slash, Blunt, Pierce, Fire

Physical: 45
Magical: 60
Over Damage: 5

Health: 68/75


Physical attacks (Slash, Blunt, Pierce) deal half damage against this enemy, and making physical contact against it deals 2d6 Fire Damage to whoever did that. Ten guesses why, the first nine don't count.

Fuji already hurt it a bit. Starts with less health than it should have.

Fire Blast
DC: 50

Deals 2d6+4 Fire damage. Ranged.

DC: 80

Targets one enemy, deals 1d8+4, and [Grapples] them until your next turn. While they're [Grappled], they take 2d8+3 Fire Damage after each action they take, and they roll with -30 to their attacks.

Flaring Up!
DC: 70

This attack may be used multiple times in one turn, but each time it's used in one turn, its DC goes up by 30. On failure, this character's turn ends. When used successfully, this character's next attack deals 1d6 extra fire damage.

Until Everything Burns To Ashes!!!
Magical, AoE
DC: 110

Deals 4d8+4 Fire damage to enemies on the field, as this character takes 15 Dark damage. If this deals more than 20 damage to enemies, this character regains 20 health!

[ ] Destroy! [Centurion]
It may be made of fire, but our new friend confirmed that it can bleed. It's able to die.

-Start in Centurion form.
-Shoot the Shade.
-Transform using Wake Up, since you can tank a hit or two.
-Do an attack in Gargoyle form or two, before finishing it off with Emblema Atonement.

[ ] Maximum Wonderland [Malice/SSS]
>We never did get to show our power, Hearts…
Perhaps we can help with that. -Fuma

-Start in Malice form, and use as many debuffs as possible on the Shade.
-If it starts to get more aggressive/powerful, swap to SSS, use Ninpo Dash to give it Disadvantage, and then swap back.
-Then, finish it off with either one of your finishers!

[ ] An Elegant Solution [SSS]
I mean, it can't hit us if it can't see or touch us. Basic stuff, really. -Hatsume

-Start in Secret Six Samurai form.
-Activate Flowing Fluidity at the start of the fight, to increase your chances of not getting hit.
-And put up the Getaway of The Samurai just out of sight, so that Fuji doesn't get cooked.
-And then use Ninpo Smoke Bomb on the Shade, just to be extra safe.
-After that, keep on throwing shuriken until it's dead!


[ ] (Write-In)
-Try not to have your plan go over five sentences, please.

What does your ally do?

[ ] Full Assault!

-Fuji will stay in SharkBuckler form, and focus on dealing slash damage to trigger Smelling Blood.

[ ] Squid Blast!

-Fuji will start in SquidGunner form, and attempt to debuff the enemy with all of his moves from that form, swapping the SharkBuckler once his options there are exhausted.

[ ] Wash Away!
-Fuji will start in SharkBuckler form, and attempt to buff himself up, using as many moves as he can in both forms.
-Once it seems like he has a shot at killing the Shade (45 HP or less), he'll use Oceanic Opera to turn it back into a pile of ash.

Plan Template:
[ ] Plan Whatever The Opposite Of Getting Cooked Is
-[ ] Rei's Actions
-[ ] (If you made a write-in for Rei, explain it here.)
-[ ] Fuji's Actions
-[ ] (If you made a write-in for Fuji, explain it here.)

Author's Note:
You fool!!! You thought that you'd have to fight against the Pirate Rider, but it was me, a Crit Success!!!

Before you all start asking, you'll get your plot-mandated new form from Fuji next update. Feel free to begin speculation.

But it's nice that you finished up this Rumor Questline early! These little side adventures will be how you'll meet some of the other Riders and Magical Girls messing around in Japan. And who knows? Some of them may become your allies for when it matters most.

Happy voting heroes. Try not to get killed this early on.
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On an unrelated note, I've been rewatching Kamen Rider Gaim recently. Did you know that the Kamen Rider season about fruit samurai was written by the same guy behind MADOKA MAGICA?

Funny, ain't it?

This episode brought to you by me having a boring weekend.
Got to this late since I got stuck reading a wonderful starwars fic- but oh gosh this was a wonderful chapter! I love love love it!

The magic explosion was really funny-

But I also have a funny idea! I only need one thing answered

If we were to get on a tall enough building... could we see the ocean? : )


-[ ] Rei will step close to Fuji and quietly say she's going to step up a teleport into the ocean, Fuji needs to buy her time.
--[ ] Using Secret Six Samurai's form, set a Gateway to a tall building and warp. From there look for a large body of water and set a portal there before racing back down with Fluidity of Water. If she can't make multiple portals then break the first one.
---[ ] If the first part of this chain fails, Rei will provide combat support until she can attempt it again. If the second part of it fails Rei will try sniping until she can try to create the second portal again.
--[ ] Fuji will don SquidGunner and focus entirely on keeping their foe from moving from afar by pelting them with water. If Fuji starts getting hurt or runs out of ammo, he will switch to SharkBuckler and play defensively.
---[ ] If any Water Attacks miss, see about aiming them at the ground instead. Making the group slippery could help to stall for time.
--[ ] Once the portal is set and Rei is back, both Rei and Fuji will attempt to grapple the Shade.
---[ ] The moment any sort of solid grasp is held by either, both will warp to the set portal.
----[ ] It's time for FUN.

This is inspired by it being 2 o clock, the music Kermie chose for this chapter, the giddyness I am feeling, and the fact that this:
[Under The Sea]
This passive may have special effects underwater…

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