Okay, crunched some numbers, did a bit of math, here's what I'm thinking of. Nuclear studies gives +4 to PHYS, and I'd point out that PHYS is showing up in a lot of key places. We probably won't finish it in time, but when we design our second-generation satellite, it'll be useful to have. I chose the R-1s because they're cheaper; 3 dice on a R-3 puts us over our budget cap by 10 R, while this is 20 R below, giving us room to play next month.
Total cost is 245.
[] Plan: A bit of nuclear power for dessert
-[] (3 dice) Construct an R-1 Snow (15R per dice, 3/35, costs 1 Build Capacity until complete)
--[] And launch it (free action for Sounding Rockets) (gains Scientific Data, launch experience, results to show the people funding you) (Unlocks Weather Observation Campaigns)
--[] And launch it (free action for Sounding Rockets) (gains Scientific Data, launch experience, results to show the people funding you) (Unlocks Weather Observation Campaigns)
--[] And launch it (free action for Sounding Rockets) (gains Scientific Data, launch experience, results to show the people funding you) (Unlocks Weather Observation Campaigns)
--[] And launch it (free action for Sounding Rockets) (gains Scientific Data, launch experience, results to show the people funding you) (Unlocks Weather Observation Campaigns)
-[] (3 dice) Construct a Hangar Complex and Runway (20R per die, 29/250, +2 Operations dice, allows constructing spaceplane prototypes, launching and landing air and spacecraft)
-[] (1 die) Construct a Wind Tunnel (10R per die, 37/80, +3 to projects labeled AERO)
-[] (1 die) Build a Scientific Complex (25R per die, 363/450, opens up new research possibilities, +1d5+5 bonus in the associated field, +1 Education for the region
--[] Dnipro Aerospace Metallurgy Centre (MATSCI) [Korolev]
-[] (3 dice) Conduct Design Studies (R-4 Dawn) (Phase II) [AERO, PHYS, FUEL] (15R per die, 257/300 (Phase II), 0/300 (Phase III))
-[] (3 dice) Nuclear Power Studies [PHYS] (15R per die, 0/400) (-15PS on completion, +4 to PHYS) (Opens further nuclear research)
-[] Engineering Job Fair - (0/150, 5R per dice, -5R per turn on completion. Gain +1 Engineering dice)
-[] (2 dice) There is Power in a Union (0/150, 5R per dice, -5R per turn and -5 PS on completion. Gain +1 Facilities dice, +5 to Facilities rolls)