MOGADISHU, EAST AFRICAN AUTONOMOUS REGION - The Interplanetary Exploration Cooperative has begun a large expansion campaign in the balmy African region, seeking to capitalize on their successes in sending rockets past the edge of space…
SIOUX TERRITORIES, GREAT PLAINS - The Sioux peoples have begun working with the local immigrant population to introduce them to their ancestral methods of living with the land…
FRANKFURT, GERMAN FREE REPUBLIC - Reconstruction of Frankfurt continues apace as the radiation levels in the area decrease according to predictions made by scientists at the…
SIBERIAN TERRITORY, NORTHEAST ASIAN AUTONOMY - Bandits continue to plague trains moving across Siberia to the port city of Vladivostok. They are thought to be affiliated with Russian nationalists of several descriptions…
Penelope chuckled as she set her paper down. The IEC was in the news for the second time since it had been created!.. on page 20, behind the funnies. But, still, it was nice to be noticed. There would certainly be far more to talk about, if the IEC had its way. The facility was expanding at a breakneck pace, visible from her window, a collection of low-slung buildings made of local brick with roofs topped with metal to prevent damage from falling rocket debris, and constant road construction was just part of the way things were these days. She couldn't see them from here, but she knew that nearby the production facilities stood in the sun, corrugated metal prefabs that would be dreadfully hot when the summer came despite the massive fans that fought to circulate the air inside.
Maybe they would be able to improve those in the future. For now, they'd make do.
Resources: 85 + 55/turn
60 Political Support
1 Launch Stand (0-5 tonne) (+1 Operations die)
1 Assembly Complex (+1 Build Capacity)
1 Engineer's Hall (+2 Engineering Dice)
1 University Affiliate (+2 Science Dice)
1 Materials Lab (+5 bonus to projects tagged [MATSCI])
1 Chemical Plant (+5 bonus to projects tagged [CHEM])
1 Electronics Cooperative (+5 bonus to projects tagged [AVIONICS])
1 Construction Union Hall (+1 Facilities die)
Q1 1951 Results
[] Construct a Sounding Rocket 95/40
-[] And launch it (free action for Sounding Rockets) 65>50 SUCCESS
The engineers and technicians at the Mogadishu complex spent a decent chunk of their time this quarter throwing together another sounding rocket. A near-identical copy of the last, with the only major difference being a somewhat…
checkered paintjob, that they told you was helpful for gauging the speed of the rocket when combined with high-speed cameras. The scientific payload here was a geiger counter and a barometer, to record radiation levels by altitude. The rocket launched on a cool morning in late February, streaking into the sky on the first attempt and vanishing off into the east. Once they had determined that it had reached its maximum height and had begun falling, they listened for the tone that would indicate a successful separation of the nosecone bearing the instrument package - and got it.
Another successful launch for the books.
(+ scientific data on radiation loads by altitude (+2 to your next roll involving living creatures going to space))
[] Construct a Hardened Tracking and Observation (T&O) Complex 66/60
At this point in time, the greatest danger your rockets posed to your scientists was one of shrapnel - when they exploded, they tended to send it everywhere. When you graduated to larger and more powerful rockets, however, the primary danger would shift from shrapnel to overpressure, making them like bombs in that regard. (Not that the shrapnel from a detonation wouldn't still kill you, of course.) With that in mind, your people took into consideration what it would take for a T&O complex situated roughly two kilometers from the planned orbital launch site, and about one from the sounding rocket stand, to survive the explosion of several hundred tons of fuel and oxidizer.
Now, with the concrete set and almost fully cured, the new T&O complex has received its instrumentation packages and should be ready to use in the upcoming quarter.
[] Regenerative Combustion Chamber Development (Tech) [MATSCI] 103/100
The biggest problem plaguing Empire-style rocket engines was their lack of ability to deal with the heat generated by their own combustion reaction in the combustion chamber. This, of course, lead them to literally watering down their propellant in a bid to lower the temperature - and, thus, the efficiency of the rocket overall. The Soviets, however, had managed to make a prototype of a rocket engine using corrugated copper sheeting directly attached to the walls of their combustion chamber, where their fuel would flow through and absorb the heat before being pumped into the chamber to be burned.
Your engineers, with a great deal of effort expended, managed to replicate the feat in three months, thanks to one-half breakneck effort and one-half managing to acquire enough Soviet research notes to fill in the blanks. Now the trick would be improving upon the research already performed to further improve performance.
For that, they needed a test stand.
[] Research Program Outreach 10/120
Your research program outreach efforts were…
lackluster, this quarter. Letters sent weren't returned, phone calls were missed, meetings were missed for one reason or another. Your scientists were rather put out by their colleagues' lack of matching enthusiasm for the prospect of space science. They resolved, however, to continue when they were given the go-ahead.
[] Publications Office 59/40
The Publications Office was situated in a corner of the administrative building closest to the mail room. There, a flock of clerks and librarians kept tabs on the small but rapidly-growing amount of correspondence between the IEC's scientists and the various journals and scientific organizations to which they reported their findings. In addition, the Publications Office also maintained the IEC's subscriptions (though it was more of a mailing list these days) to those same journals, to make available to your science teams the latest research from around the world.
(+1 bonus to all research fields, +1d2 yearly for increase)
[Note: the 1d2 is a roll on whether or not the bonus increases. A roll of 1 does not, a roll of 2 increases your bonus by 1. Later on, you will be given opportunities to improve this.]
[] Outreach Program (Rolled 98+10=108) 98/40
The Public Affairs Office hit the ground
Before the paint was even finished in their new office space, the former PR guys had barnstormed your science and engineering crews, trying to find out 'Hey, what would have made you, as a kid, excited about space?' Then they went to the clerks, the librarians, the janitors, the technicians, asking them the same question, and others.
Then, they put together what they termed, "the Rocket Box".
Each of them was a repurposed wooden weapons crate from the demilitarization lockers, already heavy and stout for transit, in which could be found dozens of half-meter cardboard tubes, pre-cut cardboard fins, nosecones, pre-packed black powder rocket motors and twelve-gauge steel rods for guiding the rockets. Instructions, too, were printed and sent with the crates, along with illustrated prints of fantastic rocket ships out of science fiction, with blurbs describing facts that would amaze young minds - the furthest star known, what a galaxy was and how big it was, and so on. Once packed, the crates went to schools around the world, starting in Africa and working their way out from there.
Their focus wasn't just on the kids, however. The PAO designed leaflets for the adults, extolling the virtues of space, and was in early draft on a short television series that would lay out a vision of the future the IEC would like to usher in - once you had that mapped out, of course.
They also acquired the services of one Walter Cronkite, who agreed to be the IEC's first choice for any televised rocket launches. A respected journalist, Cronkite was currently anchoring news broadcasts in the New England area.
(+5 Political Support, gain Public Affairs Office (PAO), gain Outreach actions, Future ???)
[] A Helping Hand (Rolled 67+10=77)
The search for an assistant went about as well as could be expected - no major hiccups, and a list of candidates hit your desk fairly quickly. You'd have to pick carefully who to extend the offer to…
[] [ASSIST] Sergei Korolev - A scientist and political dissident from the former USSR, Korolev has the credentials and the knowledge to be able to work with your science teams more directly, as he 'speaks the language'. He is quite passionate about his safe liquid fuels and rather dislikes hypergolics(+5 to Science and Engineering rolls (unless researching [HGOL][FUEL] projects, then it becomes a -15), +1 Science dice, +1 Engineering Dice. Request: Build an Orbital Rocket within 5 years; build a Scientific Complex in former Ukraine within 10 years.)
[] [ASSIST] Alan M. Turing - A computer (of the electronic variety) scientist of some renown, Turing was persecuted by the monarchist government of the Unired Kingdom prior to the revolution for his sexual preferences. He comes highly recommended by your entire avionics team. (+10 to AVIONICS- and COMPSCI-tagged projects, +2 Science dice. Request: invest in improved Computer facilities and technologies within 5 years; build an unmanned Orbital satellite within 10 years.)
[] [ASSIST] Jack Parsons - A formerly-American chemist and rocket engineer, he founded Aerojet and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory prior to the Revolution. Word has it that he was even briefly a Marxist. What we do know, is that he likes the occult, and he likes things that go boom. Maybe a bit too much. (+10 to FUEL, ENGINE and MATSCI rolls, +1 Engineering Dice, +1 Science dice. Request: Build a Test Stand within 6 months; finish Exploratory Propellant Research (Phase 4) within 2 years; build an Engine Development Center within 10 years)
[] [ASSIST] Yao Xia - A Chinese rocket engineer who studied in the Empire under Werner von Braun, Xia is new and relatively untested but has an innate knack for aerodynamics and lightweight structures. She is fascinated by the idea of a spaceplane, and wishes very much for the IEC to pursue the idea to evaluate its worth. (+10 to AERO, MATSCI and Vehicle development rolls, +2 Engineering Dice. Request: Build a Hangar and Runway within 4 years; build and fly a Spaceplane within 10 years.)
[] [ASSIST] Aretas Abdul - A Palestinian fighter pilot who had won some great renown, flying first for the Royal Air Force and then for the Palestinian People's Front during the Revolution, he is credited with enough air to air kills to grant him the title of 'greatest fighter pilot alive'. He also, as it happens, is a huge fan of science fiction and one of the biggest reasons the IEC was formed by the World Communal Council - after all, when the Lion of the Mediterranean, the man who shot down the Luftwaffe's greatest ace and killed the Empress, wants something… (+10 to Political, Outreach and CREW-tagged projects, +1 Political dice, +1 Outreach dice. Requests: Conduct high-speed high-altitude crewed flight tests of a vehicle within 5 years; Perform a crewed spaceflight within 10 years.)
[] The People's Program (Rolled 61+10=71)
"The capitalists and the imperialists advantaged themselves and, to a lesser extent, their home countries by stealing from those at the edges, ladies and gentlemen. We cannot repeat this same mistake. We must give back to them the opportunities that have been denied them."
Those were the words you had left the hiring teams working to expand your ranks with, and, for the most part, they had delivered what you'd asked for. While significant portions of your scientific and engineering teams were still white, European or American, the overall ratio had vastly improved thanks to their efforts. It would, of course, be an ongoing process, and you would need to push the WCC to make the kinds of investments into schools and infrastructure necessary to get aerospace engineers and astrophysicists out of places like Somalia that had been systematically deprived of those resources to get full benefit from it, but the effort was being made. For now, that is what mattered.
(+5 PS, unlocked options to influence WCC infrastructure funding)
[NOTE: to make things a bit easier on everyone, please wait to vote for your assistant until the Turn 2 vote opens. I will retroactively apply their bonus to anything that would have taken it that quarter.]