My Life as a Teenage Juggernaut... (Worm AU x Marvel)

Surely, cooking is just alchemy/chemistry, and instead of Monstrous Creations you get... Ah. I see what you mean, now...
(So, do skilled chemical engineers make good cooks? Just asking...)

((Can Taylor use any of her Unstopability to improve her cooking skills? (No need for oven gloves mentioned in story, ISTR.) Or, does she find her steps lead her to the phone and the family 'Fast Food Places' list???))
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No, skilled chemical engineers do not make good cooks.

They are different skill sets, even if there is some overlap.
Even in fiction, that is the case.

In Symphogear, we learn that Izak Malus Dienheim, for all he was a brilliant alchemist, was a terrible cook. He would be so focused on how nutritious the ingredients were that he never stopped to ask if the final product would taste good.
No, skilled chemical engineers do not make good cooks.

They are different skill sets, even if there is some overlap.
Bruce Wayne, who is a multidisciplinary scientist (including chemistry), is notable for being a terrible cook, though I'm honestly not sure what issues the idea was introduced in. It may just be a common fanon.
Bruce Wayne, who is a multidisciplinary scientist (including chemistry), is notable for being a terrible cook, though I'm honestly not sure what issues the idea was introduced in. It may just be a common fanon.
Might we suspect that it's a matter of interest and focus?

Bruce Wayne has many things to steal away his attention. Now, if it was a matter of cooking a perfect meal to defeat the Joker, he might step up to the challenge?
(Some people have... perfectionist leanings. So, cooking. It has to be right (or as good as the materials, tools, allow). Same person would work really hard to make their chemical processes right?

Alchemy, the Great Work - perfection of the alchemist as well as the alchemical products? Does perfectionism get in the way of self-improvement? Bit of a paradox?)

Taylor, of course, is already perfect. :)
(*cough* Ha! *cough*)
Taylor, of course, is already perfect. :)

"Thank you for the compliment," Taylor responds. "While I appreciate the sentiment, I am far from perfect. For instance, Vicky can still throw me in a sparring match every other time. I might be doing well in several of my classes, but Dennis does better than I do in History. And Vista is handling university level courses in spatial topology via the PRT.

"As far as cooking goes, I'm decent," she continues. "Dad and I trade off, if we don't go out to eat. He's good with things that need to be grilled or roasted, where I do better with things that are baked or fried. Neither of us are good at seafood, though. For that, we go out. I will admit though, that I'm no longer allowed to tenderize meat with a mallet," she says sheepishly. "Fortunately, some of my pay paid for the new countertop and the mechanical tenderizer..."
To be fair to Sophia, she might just consider taking her lumps simply because after having Taylornaught chase her through Winslow and nothing stopping her, doing so would be safer. She has a discount Predator-Prey mindset, and she now knows what it's like to be the Prey. She is also likely to get informed of nice little tidbits like the results of Taylor's power testing.

As for Eidolon getting the stupid punched out of him by Taylor, keep in mind that if she doesn't want him to die, he won't. And he won't think himself lucky for that.

Eidolon: "I have just learned how many bones can be broken or tied into celtic knots, not to mention how much pain one can be in, and still be survived. It was unsurprisingly a very painful educational experience."
Speaking of cooking, one "strength control" exercise I've used in a superhero RPG was the following

Phase One: pick up metal tumbler style cups without damaging them
Phase Two: Pick up hard plastic cups without damaging them
Phase Three: Pick up eggs without damaging them
Phase Four: Pick up thin bone china tea cups without damaging them

The setup for the game was that the players were using a "full dive" VR system which naturally ends up going a bit sideways. Depending on their chosen powers, they got a tutorial in how to use those powers. Running around a race track which progresses into running the track while it's littered with obstacles for speedsters, strength control exercises to teach someone with sudden superhuman strength how to not crush everything they touch, and so forth. The player who got super speed had the 'fun' experience of mastering running, turning, and avoiding obstacles... only to then be told by the Tutorial AI "Your doing great! Now there's just one final test... How about you try stopping?"

The person who'd chosen winged flight got a basic "learn to fly", which progressed into "learn to maneuver in the air", to "obstacle course", with the final lesson being "Land safely." The super strength tutorial on the other hand focused entirely on controlling strength. Once picking up bone china tea cups was mastered it was on to punching realistic training dummies (that had the same durability as a normal human) without destroying the dummy or causing major injuries such as broken bones. When the player complained the tutorial was useless, the training AI asked "would you rather get your strength under control now in safe conditions, or end up killing a civilian by accident?"