My Life as a Teenage Juggernaut... (Worm AU x Marvel)

See, that can't possibly be true. If it was, then anything he used his power on would be locked in one position in space as the planet moved away from it at incredible speeds. Shards also can't manipulate time, any time manipulation they appear to do so is pure trickery using dimensional shenanigans. Since Clockblocker isn't causing people and objects to go spinning off into space every time he uses his power, it can't be a complete freeze of all movement. Hell, if he was completely freezing all movement like that, he'd be killing anyone he used that power on for longer then a few seconds because they would be unable to breath and their blood would be unable to flow.
So, what your saying is the shard locked the object in place relative to the planet Clock is on?

As far as I can tell, when a person becomes locked, they literally stop EVERYTHING including thought, otherwise they'd remain aware of their surroundings and people talking near them. From every instance we've seen of a person being locked is "Oooo, stuff moved while I was 'locked'".

Why didn't power testing show that an object could be superheated while locked? You'd think that would be something he was aware of, and had probably done at least a couple times while "playing" with his powers. I can't believe Armsmaster wouldn't try to burning a piece of paper while it's locked, just to see what happens to it. As soon as it goes critical when the lock stops, you immediately know that's a really, really bad idea to try again unless you're prepared for a really high energy event.
See, that can't possibly be true. If it was, then anything he used his power on would be locked in one position in space as the planet moved away from it at incredible speeds.
As observed, all things, motion included, are relative. Immobilization relative to the Testing Environment established by the Entities would have the "locked" object seem immobile relative to the immediate environment, based on how said test area is centered upon a single world and it's dimensional equivalencies. This is, after all, why Parahuman Powers don't work off world...
Shards aren't allowed to tell their hosts what Eidolon is up to. He is a blindspot to all Shards that were properly deployed, and seemingly to vial capes, too. Cyttorak has no such restriction.


My main point in my first post was along the lines of "why wont taylor tell anyone?".

My main point in my first post was along the lines of "why wont taylor tell anyone?".
Because at the moment, she's not quite realized it's actually real info. She probably thinks Cyttorak is deliberately trolling her into mayhem with the biggest and baddest cape out there. Think about it. 'ol Cytto likes destruction, in any form. Setting her up to take a swing at Eidolon sounds like something he *might* do, from her limited point of view. She doesn't know Cyttorak's personality well enough to rule it out as fake or not.

Once she has a chance to actually think about it, she'll send it up the chain.
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"There's been nothing about the covert van not picking me up, so not yet,"

"Lemme get my books and jacket, because the courtesy van just showed up."

Her courtesy van had stopped to pick up Chris and Carlos before making its way to the building, and they'd all costumed up for the briefing.

You've got the van listed as 'covert' once, and 'courtesy' twice. I suspect one of these should be changed...
See, that can't possibly be true. If it was, then anything he used his power on would be locked in one position in space as the planet moved away from it at incredible speeds. Shards also can't manipulate time, any time manipulation they appear to do so is pure trickery using dimensional shenanigans. Since Clockblocker isn't causing people and objects to go spinning off into space every time he uses his power, it can't be a complete freeze of all movement. Hell, if he was completely freezing all movement like that, he'd be killing anyone he used that power on for longer then a few seconds because they would be unable to breath and their blood would be unable to flow.

We do not know that Shards can't actually affect time. As far as I'm aware, whether it is actual time manipulation is addressed only twice in canon, with the full Path Shard being able to look at the actual future, locate one that meets a set of criteria, and then find a way to reach that future, and the second being a comment about Grey Boy's time loop at the start of Golden Morning. The first is described as being absurdly energy intensive to run, at least when looking forward 300 years, but it is described as looking, not modelling. Fanon says that the time stuff is all advanced modelling, but that is just that, fanon.

Moving to the specific case here, locking an object relative to a gravitational reference frame is fully supported by some models of how gravity works, though we know less about the time aspect of that equation. Since the entire object is frozen simultaneously, the inability for blood to flow or breath to be drawn is absolutely meaningless, since none of the processes that rely on those to happen are, themselves, happening.


My main point in my first post was along the lines of "why wont taylor tell anyone?".

We know this is why Thinkers can't read Eidolon. Taylor has no reason to think her power is unusual in returning any answer at all, since she, who has had powers for a month, most likely has never learned that. They aren't just inaccurate about him, they return no answer at all, or so it seems from the little canon has to say on the matter.

The other side of this is that the author responded that Taylor is going to tell somebody, in the next chapter. What exactly that will entail, we can only speculate. My guess is another round of power testing.
Why didn't power testing show that an object could be superheated while locked?
Because it shouldn't be possible? No energy is imparted to objects he locks. Heat is energy. Ergo a 'time-locked' object does not accumulate heat.
You can't have an object that is entirely impervious to energy still accumulate heat.
Unless stove-tops are the secret achilles heel his shard included in his power for a laugh, anyway.
More likely, why would they test for that if the default assumption is "locked in time" rather then just "locked in relative space"
It's not exactly played for laughs, and remember to Cytorrak, every problem is a nail to be pounded down. And, as you'll find out in a month, she does take it a bit more seriously, and reports it. It'll fit in better when there's some context from people who were also at the Endbringer battle. Plus, it allows me to introduce Dragon to the story. :)
"If your problem can't be solved by punching it, then you're not punching it hard enough." Cytorrak, probably.
Hmmm. You suppose a flier would try harassing her, like Rune maybe, only to find out that Juggernaut is Naut Amused and quite capable of throwing a rock or loose brick with considerable force?
Hmmm. You suppose a flier would try harassing her, like Rune maybe, only to find out that Juggernaut is Naut Amused and quite capable of throwing a rock or loose brick with considerable force?
I seem to recall Kaiser explicitly warning the E88 capes that Juggernaut is fully capable of throwing things so don't assume you're safe just because you are in the air.
Hmmm. You suppose a flier would try harassing her, like Rune maybe, only to find out that Juggernaut is Naut Amused and quite capable of throwing a rock or loose brick with considerable force?

i ask if she could do the hulk jumps up thread. Because if she can, and you combine it with her power to prevent her from getting to a point she wants to, anti-flying cape guided missle.
Cain Marko, to my knowledge, never used Super Jumps as a transportation method. Which isn't to say he couldn't, just that it never occurred to him to try. Then again, nobody other then Hulk tries to do that. So that is maybe a case of "it requires Hulk levels of BS strength".
Well, yes and no. He was suppose to just jump and run fast. But when the Fleischer shorts started airing, those often showed him changing directions in mid air. As did the comics on occasion. And not just in a "hit the apogee of the jump and is now coming down way, but "Was going left, and is now going right" way. He didn't officially start flying till later though.

While modern viewing of those shorts will have the watcher think "Of course that makes sense, he can fly"... At the time, flight wasn't part of Superman's known capabilities. Nether was super breath, heat vision, x-ray vision, and the like. Thus the famous intro of "Faster then a speeding bullet, more powerful then a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound." That description plus invulnerability pretty much was Superman's entire power set
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