- Location
- California
I will be honest here, Ahab and Ishmael are two sides of the same coin, brothers in all but blood.
Neither of them would be able to bear the thought of the other dying in their stead.
I think that it is time for a proper send off to determine who will be saved.
[X] Stop him, knock him out and portal him if that's what it takes, but Ishmael can't die here.
Will the legend truly return, or will his phantom become something more?
Neither of them would be able to bear the thought of the other dying in their stead.
I think that it is time for a proper send off to determine who will be saved.
[X] Stop him, knock him out and portal him if that's what it takes, but Ishmael can't die here.
Will the legend truly return, or will his phantom become something more?