Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

    Votes: 10 1.7%

    Votes: 387 63.9%

    Votes: 141 23.3%

  • Total voters
[ ] Activate the dimensional fulton and escape. One of you must live on and Ishmael has passed the torch to you.
we made this far with the phantom so why not continue the story with him?
I mean, there's a 'chance' that we might see Boss/Big Boss again.

But the whole update feels a lot like Naked Snake/Ishmael + Boss well... this is where they resolve their beliefs and actions so to speak.

In terms of fun 'I wish' votes.
[:V] "I know you're here Ocelot."
[:V] Activate Radio: "Anyone got a spare fulton to toss through.... hello? Crap I'm on the wrong frequency again. I should've saved first..."
My feelings on this are:

Ishmael: He wants this absolution, he could do it another way if he lived, but only one person is getting out of here alive, and he doesn't want it to be him. He has nothing to go back to except an organization and would be friends he lied to and left behind. I'd say respect his desire to atone.

Ahab: He's been the MC the entire time, we're connected to his story, and his desire to be a Hero. He's the heart and soul of DD, he has friends and loved ones waiting on him, he's the one who has a future

Eli: Frankly, he's a shit right now, and while he could grow up to be a great man and leader, we're about to drop into VC land and the start of WW2. He's not ready for leadership of the DD, let alone fighting an entire world power, and the people of MSF wouldn't follow him.

The Boss: Frankly this is the option I dislike the most, because she's had her time, and she made her choices. She lived and then she died. Her students shouldn't sacrifice their life to somehow bring her back, when all she wants is to finish the mission and finally rest.
Is this art Selvaria?
Giving us the chance to bring back The Boss?
It's not The Boss anymore, nor is it Best Girl. Her ghost got fused with one of the original Valkyries, and so her mind is a complete half of what makes up the new entity. And from what we saw of Brunhild, she's pretty much all 'worthy warrior' and all that schtick.

We'd be getting Boss, sure, but in the same deal we'd be getting a Valk from the start of the transition. Given she used Final Flame, probably a debuffed Valk that'll need actions to fix, but a Valk is a Valk. Even then, she'll have a great many benefits when making contact with the locals.

And assuming Big Boss wasn't BSing, we can get the other two back with Dimension tech down the line.
And assuming Big Boss wasn't BSing, we can get the other two back with Dimension tech down the line.
....Their about to drive SAH into the Lord of Dust and activate the nuclear self destruct. The Big Bosses are incredible people, but like Ishmael said last update, at the end of the day their just human, and human's can't survive standing next to or on a nuclear bomb when it goes off. Heck VC Valks can't do that either.

If we don't bring aleast one of them back now then both Big Bosses will die here.
[ ] Stop him, knock him out and portal him if that's what it takes, but Ishmael can't die here.

I want to believe.

...also, MGS world is fucked, the patriot are still running around and there is no big boss, or Ocelot.
[ ] … No. Both you and Ishmael have failed your progenitor's vision and you will see this to the end.

Because it's the Boss. Betrayed before her time, let it be as it always should have been.
I propose to vote for The Boss .

She sacrificed everything .

For Us .

For World .

For Peace .

We were close to making a World better place .

And we failed .

Failed as Soldiers .

Failed as Torch Bearer's .

Failed as Sons .

She gave everything and even more for her ideas .

Her Body .

Her Soul .

Her Mind .

We ?

We just sacrificed our Future .

For what ?

For better World .

We owe her everything .

Time to pay this Bet .

Give her chance to make the wrong right .

To Save .

Everything .

SV you want to be Hero ?

Here's your chance .

Becouse what Hero won't sacrificed himself to Save someone ?

Do the right thing .



Save her for everyone who we couldn't Save .
[] Activate the dimensional fulton and escape. One of you must live on and Ishmael has passed the torch to you.

Big boss has suffered enough. Let him go back to his friends and his mom.

But we've got people we still need to take care of, and a job to do. Let's go home.
God damnit.

Let's see.

Being Ishmael means turning the Original Big Boss around and letting him redeem himself. We're both Both Boss but ultimately we choose once again to save him over ourselves like we did at the end of Ground Zero.

I don't really like the choice, if we could bring someone with it'd be him but I dislike the thought of Ahab dying and essentially having Big Boss return instead.

Being Ahab means we continue on as who we are. Ultimately we accept the title of Big Boss and that we have inherited a legacy that isn't fully ours nor do we even wholly understand. Honestly it might be for the best that we let the past die.

Also this let's Ishmael go full circle with it being his turn to be the mentor that dies for the sake of their student.

No one leaving is...I really don't like it. Ocelot and Miller aren't as split as in canon and Eli has Wolf but goddamn if I don't trust them to raise him.

Boss is...a Valkyria I think. I thiiink the name given was of the Eldest Valkyrie, wife (and killer) of Siegfried.

Like, holy shot. She's probably a goddamned Demi-god at this point and I wouldn't be surprised if she could go head to head with Selvaria...but she doesn't have the connections to the modern world.

Which is both a good and bad thing I suppose. There's strong thematically on the idea that the Diamond Dogs are literally lead by a dead woman, a Valkyrie no less.

After all, for all their glory the gods and their warriors were fated to die in Ragnorok and leave the world to a new, more peaceful generation.
[ ] Activate the dimensional fulton and escape. One of you must live on and Ishmael has passed the torch to you.

In the end, The Boss had her time, Eli's has yet to come, and Ishmael has picked his redemption. It's time for us to get back to our people. They need us.

But damn. @konamikode this is just mean.
While the idea of the boss having a return. I'd rather it be either an omake series or an alternate path story. But i'm invested in Ahab right now. Eli is an asshole who doesn't learn from his mistakes, and Jack wants to choose to go out as a hero, and I don't wanna take his choice away from him.