Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

    Votes: 10 1.7%

    Votes: 387 63.9%

    Votes: 141 23.3%

  • Total voters
So assuming we have enough fultons to supply both of them after the transition, what exactly are we supposed to do with all the tanks and gear that they send back? We could try refitting the medium tanks to replace our Sheridans, but there's only so many we could actually use and even then, the Leopard 2 is just so much better. I mean, we could take them apart, use the engine to kickstart a sort of coast guard or something. We could try scrapping all of them, but even that takes time.

Diamond Dogs yard sale? Or maybe just peddle them out to various towns and villages at bargain bin prices. We basically get them for free, so it's essentially all profit.

The blood ravenscould take notes from us when we get there...

It's a target AND loot rich area after all!!!
Do we get to bring all of our vehicles and such too? Tanks with depleted uranium shells and whatnot?

Also, chances that big boss eats it to save Ahab?
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Hero: Ahab decides to go it alone to fight LoD early, with Denuke, Ishmael is galvanized to act and remember that there's more worth fighting for. And more.

Mercenary: Ahab stands by with the choice to either send someone, go himself, or wait with a high yield nuclear device arriving on site. If a locked Mercenary mission was taken, he would've had an option to be at the head of a large combined arms force and forced LoD to arrive in a weakened state. Tactical nuclear strikes would be made available as the fight continued to further damage LoD at the cost of holding battlegroups being consumed in the blast.

Demon: The sheer level of bloodlust that coats Big Boss would've made LoD come out weakened on its own. With a hidden Demon mission, Sahe controlled by Mantis would've tackled it back in and immediately detonated. And other things.
That is really quite amazing. I wonder a lot more about those possibilities and others in plot along the Demon route.

Not so much of the Hero... if only because I feel like we're already living and going alongside it.

Glad to see that Boss wasn't going to keep us waiting any longer at this critical moment. Think you're doing well to build up that weight for what eventually must happen.
Nor could I react when per fingers uncurled, palmed my cheek and she lifted herself up on her toes to lean against me and press her lips against my own

I didn't ask for these feels.

One I didn't react to.

Couldn't react to.

I knew this grip.

"Going somewhere Ahab?" So said the voice of Big Boss with his customary, almost mirthful growl.

Oh.. this is..

What could the two of us do, together?

And as I stepped forth into the valley of the shadow of death, I heard her.

Our predecessor's comforting, singing call that she too wasn't far behind in the mission for humanity's survival.

'Jack… John… let's go home. Together.'

That was my name. Not Ahab.


The Second Big Boss.

A Phantom Brother.

Venom Snake.

Oh man. The hype is real.

Only way this would've awesome with just them but we got Boss ghost as well. This fight is gonna be nuts.
Oh, man. Oh fucking man!

VC's coming up soon...but, well, Kode's not gonna send us off without a big finale to it all.

Let's do this.
Huzzah! The Boss hath returned to kick ass and kill the LoD with the power of friendship!

That being said...

use the engine to kickstart a sort of coast guard or something.

Eagads no! The only two Dogs (that I can remember) that have any sort of sea-going experience are Cookie and Mako. The frigging Quartermaster and the Accountant.

Diamond Dogs yard sale? Or maybe just peddle them out to various towns and villages at bargain bin prices. We basically get them for free, so it's essentially all profit.
When we get to VC? Probably not as lucrative since nothing there runs on gas or diesel.
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Yeeeeessssssssss... yeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!

We've waited long enough for this!

We will wait longer if need be!

Give us this, konami! Give us this!
Can't wait for the next update in 4 months.

Edit: Probably going to start writing that omake again assuming updates doesn't take forever now.
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So is Big Boss gonna sacrifice herself to the Nanomachine network so that she can program the concept of death into the network like the AI did in MG Survive did? Cause that was a thing that was necessary there, on account of the fact that the LoD being made up of large clumps of nanomachines rather than anything solid, and thus blowing it the fuck up doesn't really DO anything other than make it need to pull itself back together.
To be clear, they were so far the only ones to be pushed out of a spatial opening like a horrifying replication of two grown men being ripped out of a womb.
I will admit, when I first read that, I mistakenly thought that meant that they were fused together.

Yeah... that would be a little bit different.

Uhh, I guess I still need to finish making my OC... someday... kinda forgot about that......................

between now and the heat death of the universe :V

I'm hearing frustration about the lack of VC. Well... to be honest, there is base to that, I mean, if it is labeled as such, and it still hasn't come around. I get it. But try to look at it a different way. Here, we have an already super-cool MGSV quest with the lvl1337 Bigger-then-Space Boss to end all bosses that will seque to a super-cool MGSV quest within VC. If you know what KK can do, you know that this (slow-ish?) buildup will lead to some pretty hype things. It's investment. Nurturing it to a fine wine, and we know KK will like that. It will be a beverage to surpass metal gear.

And yeah, KK's life comes first, so if he has to go on hiatus because of studies or whatever, that sucks, but what can you do.

If I sounded patronising (?) during any of that, then I apologise. I'm just offering my own thoughts on it.

EDIT: psst, I made an update on my OC in the character making thread. Feedback would be appreciated.
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kinda of a dick move.
I'm sorry if I sound that way but I'm increasingly vexed by the lack of progress, especially given that it's been months since the last update and we're still haven't even reach the point where the cross-over universe is involved. Even worse in this case, especially since the participants put in so much effort in writing OCs and omakes because they're genuinely interested to see this quest going and how awesome everything's going to be but if there's radio silence for months where we can't even be certain the next update would be up in the foreseeable future, I can't help but feel frustrated that there's a real risk that the quest may just die without warning despite everyone's efforts, and there is precedent to this because the original quest did just fade almost without any warning.

I know real life has priority, and @konamikode has a lot on his plate IRL right now, but it would be greatly appreciated if @konamikode could just update us more frequently on when the next estimated update will be out so the we understand that he's still sorting out some stuff and the quest isn't abandoned.

I want to see this quest succeed, I want to be hyped about it and I want to write more to flesh out the side-stories for Chronicles of Outer Haven, but I've seen how the original quest died, and I'm starting to see the same pattern here and that makes me incredibly worried (and frustrated) that we're seeing history repeat itself once again.
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I know real life has priority, and @konamikode has a lot on his plate IRL right now, but it would be greatly appreciated if @konamikode could just update us more frequently on when the next estimated update will be out so the we understand that he's still sorting out some stuff and the quest isn't abandoned.
The way I got around this in my quest is if I know I'm going to miss my stated deadline, I spend a week or two putting something together. Not just a 'hey, still not done, still on X step', but just a mini-essay of info. What certain lost vote options might've resulted in, stuff that never left the drawing board, that sort of thing.
The way I handle sadness at something not being updated for a while is looking at other stuff to read... which numbers way too high. I have a folder with almost 200 bookmarks filled with stuff I want to read in the future (a lot of which is pilfered either from tvtropes recs, this website or spacebattles. Hell, a fanfic rec for the original quest for this was how I found SV, and boy was that a hell of an introduction to a loving relationship :V). And I have to commit, because if I stop reading it for too long, I forget what happened, and I have to read or skim it over again. It happened with Tower of God, and I'm really annoyed by that. Might come back to it someday, though.

EDIT: My OC got accepted, woop woop!

In the middle of the zombie apocalypse.


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/People complaining about the update rate.

Oh no months between updates whatever shall I do.

/Goes back to read through "Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest" again.
So...I've forgotten.

Are we technically on a Turn Result series of posts or in the process of playing out a Turn Post? 'Cause I remember Kona declaring DB omakes open back with DDog's post but I can't remember if he's said the periods closed or not.
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I believe he is accepting DBs for anyone unless of course it is confirmed that they are dead.