Metal Gear Solid V: Chronicles of Outer Heaven (MGS/Valkyria Chronicles)

Kept you waiting huh?


    Votes: 68 11.2%

    Votes: 10 1.7%

    Votes: 387 63.9%

    Votes: 141 23.3%

  • Total voters
[X] Plan Think of the Animals, Snake!
-[X] R&D 10: War Dogs (Advanced Infantry Tree)
-[X] Side Ops 10: The Girl Who Cried for a Wolf
-[X] Side Ops 8: Draw!

We gotta check in on people, and our Ocelot, our Dogs, and our Dog/Wolf Whisperer.

Anyway I kinda thought we'd have enough to get 4 actions but I must've miscounted :(
[X] Plan Peacekeeping and Animals

- [X] PMC Ops 4: Operation Conservation

- [X] PMC Ops 5: Kurdish Turnaround

- [X] PMC Ops 6: Contra War
[X] Plan Missions and Puppies
-[X] R&D 10: War Dogs (Advanced Infantry Tree)
-[X] PMC Ops 4: Operation Conservation
-[X] PMC Ops 5: Kurdish Turnaround

Convince me?
I kind of want to do Contra. While it's true that there's not really a right or good side in that conflict, i don't feel like that's an excuse to just sit back and do nothing either. We should be fairly capable of being the last needed boost to decide a winner and stop the fighting. And if there's no good side then we might as well just go and end the damn thing. Besides their does exist a small chance that we could recruit Amanda, and i for one would really like to have her on side for when we go to another world.

The operation in Afghanistan is to assist the Afghani people fighting a Soviet occupation. The operation to aid the Kurds is to help the Kurdish people liberate a homeland of their own in the face of Turkish (and Iraqi and Syrian and Iranian) repression. In both cases you have a weaker side representing a particular people fighting against a much stronger foreign enemy.

The Contra War is Nicaraguans fighting Nicaraguans to determine the course of their country. Both sides have support from the superpowers but when it's all said and done it's brothers fighting against brothers over an ideology. Leaving aside the public damage that picking the Sandinista side would do the the message of Big Boss, I don't think we have the right to choose the winners and losers in a purely internal war. We'd be violating the agency of the Nicaraguan people, interfering in their internal affairs; the destiny of their country would be determined by a foreign force fighting for pay rather than the efforts of both sides.

Not to say that the PR cost shouldn't be considered. Or the consequences for Diamond Dogs. Civil Wars are the most brutal and ugly conflicts one can face. And the Nicaraguan civil war is high intensity enough that you could hardly guarantee (say a bad dice roll) that the Diamond Dogs won't wind up tainted. It's easy to imagine gaining some Demon points and infamy as a failure worse than just straight up losing.

I don't think Amanda is owed that much. And the success of the Denuclearization option is more important than whatever she is owed. We've also had no indication she might be recruited and there are lots of reasons to suspect she won't be. Her importance to the FSLN and her ideological commitment to seeing through the war, and the reminder that Chico did sign on with Big Boss only to get himself killed. And if she is the incorruptible element among the Sandinistas then she needs to stay in place so the war might eventually come to a negotiated end; people like her will be needed for Nicaragua to build its own future.
[X] Plan Missions and Puppies
-[X] R&D 10: War Dogs (Advanced Infantry Tree)
-[X] PMC Ops 4: Operation Conservation
-[X] PMC Ops 5: Kurdish Turnaround

Convince me?
Most people seem set in helping the Kurdish, which I agree, I'd like to save the actions and money required to built the Conservation Strut in VC Land, and I made a post about the War Dogs earlier.

Way I see it, we got a stupid amount of money this turn, even with repairing SAH, and we're making more with the PMC Ops while also increasing our rep as Heros. So I figure we might as well get the War Dogs down now so we have a few extra turns to train them up before we start fighting the Empire.

Edit: After all, just because we finish the research, doesn't mean suddenly every Soldier at Mother Base will have a full grown and trained War Dog. It's gunna take time to get results from this so we should start now before WW2 starts.

You realize we're doing this on a bigger scale regarding nukes right now? Except the 'for pay' part?

No one's political system will change as a result of denuclearization, or if it does it'll be because the people of those countries seized a chance for change. What it does is force those countries to give up pointing a gun at each others heads as a means of deterrence, instead of conducting diplomacy and learning to live together.
@AlysPower @The Zog

Thanks for voting for my options, glad you like them, but Konami wants this by plan. If you want to keep voting for those actions, please use [] Plan Missions and Puppies

I actually beat you to that exact plan, and since people have already voted for my version, would you mind swapping?
[X] Plan Missions and Puppies

Edit: if anyones worried about developing relationships between the main cast the beach party explicitly mentions building relationships between the main cast
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No one's political system will change as a result of denuclearization, or if it does it'll be because the people of those countries seized a chance for change. What it does is force those countries to give up pointing a gun at each others heads as a means of deterrence, instead of conducting diplomacy and learning to live together.
Look, forget your own iews about it. As stated, the action is neutral at worst. If it's not us, it will be another. Whatever damage to reputation you can think of, well, guess what? I'll say it will be good for us.

No one is a saint, lest of all Big Boss. If people try to demonize us about it, it's easy to point out we DO need money for our operations. And that's a human thing.

Furthermore, if it's a different thing than denuclearization, then why would it taint the message then?

It's been debated enough. Just let the votes speak. Not like it's winning right now anyway.
[X] Plan Missions and Puppies
-[X] R&D 10: War Dogs (Advanced Infantry Tree)
-[X] PMC Ops 4: Operation Conservation
-[X] PMC Ops 5: Kurdish Turnaround
[X] Plan Missions and Puppies
-[X] R&D 10: War Dogs (Advanced Infantry Tree)
-[X] PMC Ops 4: Operation Conservation
-[X] PMC Ops 5: Kurdish Turnaround
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[X] Plan Missions and Puppies
-[X] R&D 10: War Dogs (Advanced Infantry Tree)
-[X] PMC Ops 4: Operation Conservation
-[X] PMC Ops 5: Kurdish Turnaround

I like dogs, platforms and kurds.

So this works well.
On another note... Guys? It IS the last turn to grab modern manpower and tech. Is Wardogs -really- the priority here?
The other options do state possible recruitment, not garunteed, and as I said twice now.

Just because we finish the War Dog research now, doesn't mean everyone on MB will suddenly have a fully trained and fully grown War Dog. It will take time to give everyone a Canine Partner, so we should start now, so we can start partnering up our soliders before WW2 starts. Not to mention who knows how crazy the next few turns are going to be after we get ported or what fire's we will have to deal with. So I'd like to get it done now before more pressing subjects appear.