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[X] Take up full defensive formation, give the Beastman a bloody nose and then retreat in good order.
[X] Take up full defensive formation, give the Beastman a bloody nose and then retreat in good order.
However, how would these large numbers move around us? We have the forest only on one side, if they try to go through the plain/hill nearby they would be visible already, and that is not the case.

I don't think it matter if we see them or not? If we are in a static defensive formation than we are committed to staying in one place until we win the engagement; have a smaller group pin us while the large cuts is off is just as effective if we can see it but not stop it.

[X] Get moving immediately, you'll deal with the pursuers if and when they catch up to you.
I don't think it matter if we see them or not? If we are in a static defensive formation than we are committed to staying in one place until we win the engagement; have a smaller group pin us while the large cuts is off is just as effective if we can see it but not stop it.

[X] Get moving immediately, you'll deal with the pursuers if and when they catch up to you.

If the Beastmen send only a small group to engage us, than the smaller it is the easier it becomes for us to defeat it, essentially causing their own defeat in detail. Furthermore we have a force of close to four hundred people here. They'd need a force probably a fair bit larger then that to encircle us, while the thinner they make their encirclement, in order to make it wider, the easier it becomes to break through.

And again, these are tired, demoralized Beastmen, per the update. We have the advantage if an engagement begins now.
And again, fighting against the Beastmen now means we get Fanriel at Prowess 40 + the bonus from Rune of Purity and with no fatigue penalty thanks to Lightfang. Word of god from when we were choosing who to have fighting the Jarl is that against Chaos Fanriel is a better fighter then even Dorial, and this time we won't get penalties for being outnumbered and surrounded, but we will have our swordmasters and seaguards fighting with us together with the Westerlands who can keep us from getting outnumbered penalties.

Than you remember that the Beastmen will be getting the penalties this time around due to fatigue penalties.

Not to mention that every Beastman we kill here is one less Beastman the count's army needs to fight when it tries to take the Beast Path.
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Also, they are Beastmen.

Not exactly well known for disciplined actions, tactics or military skill.

Beside ferocity and brute strength, they don't have many advantages over normal humans.

They are basicaly Orcs but worse, because Orcs have their impredictabiliy.
And they are running face first into a ready line of Seaguard bows and human crossbows. Beastmen are big and strong and fast, but there is one thing they consistently suck at.

Beastmen lack good ranged attacks short of cygors throwing rocks like catapults.

If a cygor was chasing us we would know.

The beastmen WILL take significant losses due to ranged attacks and because the seaguard are also spear troops, and thus not squishy ranged troops, they won't be able to rush the squishy ranged troops as beastmen want to do as their solution to ranged attacks.

I suspect the worst we will face are bestigors, maybe a minotaur who charged a long with the others.

And while a minotaur is a threat it is not a "survive being hacked to pieces by 9 Swordmasters and a Loremaster" level threat.
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[X] Take up full defensive formation, give the Beastman a bloody nose and then retreat in good order. Order the Ogres to pile up the log bundles to create improvvised barricades and blunt the charge of the Beastemen, creating kill zones for the crossbowmen and chokepoints for the infantry. Summon as many Ghyran Eelementals as you safely can and use them as meat shields to support the frontline, then lead the Swordmasters were the fighting is fiercest.
Having the earth wall spell would have been useful here😁

Beastmen are big and strong and fast, but there is one thing they consistently suck at.

Beastmen lack good ranged attacks short of cygors throwing rocks like catapults.
Another weakness of the beastmen is their overall lack of armour. Against crossbows and elvish bows they will pay for it.

[X] Take up full defensive formation, give the Beastman a bloody nose and then retreat in good order.
[X] Take up full defensive formation, give the Beastman a bloody nose and then retreat in good order.
Also, they are Beastmen.

Not exactly well known for disciplined actions, tactics or military skill.

Beside ferocity and brute strength, they don't have many advantages over normal humans.

They are basicaly Orcs but worse, because Orcs have their impredictabiliy.
While they are not very good at complex battlefield maneuvers, Fanriel's experience is that Beastmen are very good at pre-battle maneuvers, fieldcraft, using the terrain to their advantage and ambush tactics. They're very much not just "Brown Orcs", if you have to make the comparison to Greenskins Fanriel would say that they are closer to "Faster Orcs with the cunning of Goblins, but lacking the psychological resilience of Orcs and held back by their pathological hatred for the concept of building things".
I certainly wouldn't fight goblins under the assumption 'we'll force the first bunch back then retreat while they are in disarray'. That's begging for an ambush.
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