Voting is open
[X] Eöl Aufanglith
[X] Nobody

Either pick nobody so the candidates can prove themselves, or pick the guy who can be trusted to give us an actual second opinion after they've proven themselves.
[X] Yethis Wildrunner
[X] Nobody

She seems like the least likely to be a spy for Aislin.
Edit: Adding in nobody vote too.
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Honestly, I think Thevan is the least likely to be a spy. Her whole vibe just screams being the most earnest out of all of them and just here to kick ass.

[X] Nobody

I do also think that as the best field commander she's probably the best option if we keep the Lightfangs majority elves, as she's the one actually best at field command.

However even if we do start recruiting humans, the current position is for commanding the Sea Guard. We wouldn't have to promote Thevan to commanding humans just because she commands our Sea Guard.

I just want to get the all clear from Eol first about how none of these people are spies and if we get to learn more about the three from the time Eol spent with them before making our decision then all the better.

We could put Thevan in charge of command over the Sea Guard and Yethis in charge of human recruits we get later for example.
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[X] Yethis Wildrunner
[X] Nobody

I like the Eöl plan, but I kinda think it's better to either lead and vet them ourselves for now, or start the Yethifying process now
Wouldn't be disappointed if Eöl wins either tbh
Not necessarily. This is an era of leading from the front, especially at our small scale for a long while, personal combat strength is not unrelated to leadership.
It is, but the whole point of Lothern Sea Guard is that they're high-quality archers who can repel a cavalry charge, and are thus unlikely to be charged by cavalry. At most I could see us putting a mage (if we had one) in their ranks, and doubling down on their role as elite ranged firepower.

My vote is Yethis, simply because we will want to hire on some human mercenaries to be a meat shield to our high-value elves, and having a leader who can avoid saying that quiet part out loud is vital to the continued willingness of the meat shield to do its job.

[X] Yethis Wildrunner
[X] Nobody
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[X] Eöl Aufanglith

I have been persuaded to have Eol has a temporary officer. So we can make a more informed decision later.

I also agree with those proposing to nominate both a main officer and a second in command. Redundancy helps, especialy if the main leader is wounded and unable to lead for a time.
Eol is the biggest double bluff of them all. Guy ruined his reputation and risked execution by taking part in a Pleasure Cult just we could arrest him, just so we could ensure his pardon so we have our guard down when he springs Aislinn's trap.
He even went back in time to before Fanriel pissed Aislinn off just to avoid suspicion, the fiend.
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Nice! That was my personal headcanon. The Asurs are famed for the speed of their armies, which couldn't be justified without mages when fighting in the wilderness that is the majority of the world.

Cothaerion leads the mule by a short rein
Of course the Eliryan volunteered to lead the pseudo-horse :V

The infantry arm of the Royal Navy are recruited exclusively from Lothern
Wouldn't that make the recruiting pool too small for such a large organisation?

The final candidate that comes to your mind is Swordmaster Eöl. He is a Lothernite and trained to become a Sea Guard in his youth, but most importantly, he is the last elf you believe would ever betray you. Even Dorial, the absolute rock that he is, is loyal to you as a Bladelord must be to his Loremaster. Eöl, you suspect, would defy even the Phoenix King should you ask that of him.

There is a nontrivial chance that one or more of the Sea Guard are disingenuous in their professed dislike for Aislinn's actions, and are in fact here to prosecute the Sea Lord's agenda. Placing Eöl at their command would make it easy for him to keep an eye on them, and intervene before they can execute whatever sabotage they intend to commit.
I choose him. Temporarily putting him in charge would allow him to better ascertain their true loyalties.

Also Eol is a member of the elf FBI. If we, temporarily, put him in charge with instructions to vet them for leadership I give good odds he determines if someone is a plant or not.
He's not only a part of the elf FBI, but also the one member of our group that specialised the most in hunting and unmasking cultist. Putting him in charge of a group with potential traitors in it is the best solution.

[X] Eöl Aufanglith
Voting is open