Meguca Micro Empire Quest (PMMM)

What should I do regarding a change in system?

  • Notgreat's proposed simplification of hunting, leave rest intact.

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • Chapter system vastly simplifying everything.

    Votes: 4 44.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Welp, I feel dumb now.

Edit: There isn't really any reason not to bring Nagoya in then. Is there? I'm sorry.
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You guys are really focusing on the wrong things. I mean you've tunnel visioned so much on one single issue that you've lost sight of the big picture.

I'm contemplating making it blatant in the update I'm working on just to highlight it, but the problem is that I don't see how I could show it in the update without going into exposition monologue. (And I do enough tell instead of show as it is.) You're lucky because before I blindsided you with things happening off your tiny map and realized that people couldn't be relied on to get subtlety I'd have just blindsided you again here.

Part of the trouble with being blind is that it's hard to know what you aren't seeing.

2) Nagoya is looking into a Legendary of their own; they have the wherewithal to pull in Kesi by themselves and handle the aftermath without any help, though if they were they'd have mentioned something to us.

Doubt this one. Though I do wonder if they have discussed it with the Incubators, and if they know about Serena.

As for grilling Serena, I was waiting until we weren't having to do so over an international cell phone connection. We know enough about her power to figure out housing arrangements; the details can wait until we get her here and get conference lines set up. At least that was my thought process.

True, I thought that this would be part of our whole Training for Tokyo action.

This is a big one. Tokyo hasn't had much bleedoff because the Class 3s are staying where the food is. There's no real hard barrier keeping them there. The moat area 15/16 uses is essentially a discouragement because there's no food there it doesn't seem attractive, they can cross it if they want to. And the single one you fought decided to turn around and move away when it was outmatched...

Hmm... this will take some thinking about...

Well... for on thing, attacking through Yokohama into Downtown Tokyo is probably the right route then, as that is the most densely populated portions of the city. We should get a large number of the class 3 demons, and the ones that do flee will still be fleeing into Tokyo. It will be hard on the girls in those areas, but not much we can do about it.

That would be our initial strike. Then... well we should probably work our way north up the west side of Tokyo, and then circle around and try to drive the demons back towards the sea, and finally pin them up in Chiba.

We could really use those demon attraction and repulsion charms. Should have just tried to research those things...

Questions about specifics of Serena's aura is what I was really looking for, but since I'm fishing for it anyways I'll use it under powers. The key hint in the last update was she asked for a full grief cube allotment but said she could make do with less for a reason. Her aura is always on, but it's not always full strength. Someone wanted to ask about this before the last update but got drowned out in the arguing.

Her untransformed state. This is the usual observed state. At this point her aura simply strongly suppresses negative emotions to the point that only tremendous tragedy gets through and makes you very hopeful. It's an easily noticeable difference, but still vaguely in the human range. This is enough for her friends to survive and mostly be normal due to their degree of tolerance but they consume the normal level of grief cubes as well. Demons rarely give her friends any trouble at this level, but she doesn't usually fight herself because she's comparably fragile and her loss would kill them.

Okay... that's... not promising...

When transformed her aura is significantly stronger. The personality effects are dramatic. The "Hope Zombie" effects you theorized about before where the inability to get anywhere close to negativity is such that there's an uncanny valley effect on personality. You can't fathom failing at something. You feel like if you wanted to blow up the moon you could and you may decide to try to prove it. The average person is rendered pretty ineffective by the emotional shift. Similar in some ways to being very drunk. You decide to do things that you'd normally know you aren't really capable of because you essentially believe you can do anything. The average person might decide that they always wished they could lift a car and try it. If you wanted to be superman as a child, you may try jumping off a roof with a blanket again.

This is what gives Serena an edge in pvp combat. It's not that she is stronger than the opponent, but that when she turns her aura on to full blast she still functions normally and the opponent functions stupidly. Her friends are somewhat impaired at this point, but it's more similar to being lightly as opposed to heavily intoxicated due to their tolerance. This is the level where Serena would encounter demons personally and they'd be nearly dead. Magic cost is greatly reduced.

Well crap. This...

This completely blows the whole plan up.

Have to think about this and develop a new approach. But this basically means Serena & Co have to handle everything themselves. Because our girls would actually be likely to get themselves killed in her aura...

The Incubators are unaffected by either level of aura and while they can observe human irrationality being increased, don't quite understand it nor why that would be Serena's problem. Staying transformed should make more sense as it reduces the cost of her allies upkeep. Though her hardly ever transforming is at least beneficial to them in that it cuts down on how much they have to cover up.

You guys didn't really think I'd give you a legendary that scaled infinitely with additional manpower did you? You seemed to forget I have balance considerations in the background. :p Not going to give you someone that can convert you all to super saiyans. And I did say she isn't as bad at pvp as you thought.

On top of that this is still a sensible restriction without diminishing her status as a legendary because every magical girl is significantly weaker untransformed.

The limit of 8 hours exposure per 3 months seemed like a significant drawback already.

However, this means that Serena might not be able to handle Tokyo anymore.

Maybe we should abort the whole plan and just let Tokyo die.
So, the class 3s are somehow simultaneously attracted to large groups of meguca, and the c/t's of Tokyo dogpile on any that try to attack; and are afraid of large groups of meguca, and will try to run if confronted. The implication of the threat of large-scale escapes is that they don't only run from those that are immediate threats, but that there might be a cascade effect.

This also has implications with respect to needing to teleport to catch up to an escape attempt. That beholder puts a major crimp in any plans to manage a controlled extermination.

If it's a cascade effect, we can expect it to have a lot of energy loss over distance, though if we kill the beholder it might have a large enough impact to cause a mass scattering. Basically, as long as we focus on a relatively contained area, we should not cause escape attempts on the other side of Tokyo.

Potential strategy change: Controlled honeypot.

Select a target and attack. Teams would be all of Serena's group, most of our elites, and one or two vet teams with prepared tandem barriers.

Serena starts off detransformed, and protected by Rae's barrier and a tandem barrier team (basically shielding all of a vet team, who don't get involved in the fight at this point). Once a couple c/t adds show up, Serena raises shields along with the command to "kill the demons" (ie: focus everyone's thoughts on that, so they don't get distracted by other "hope" issues).

A small group like that shouldn't trigger the demons' escape attempts. This would allow us to kill them before they try to run, and have a controlled effect on the area we're working on.

We may even want to minimize our push into the area, and limit things to one strike per day (but only as long as we're still killing c/t adds). Pull back into a guard position in case there's any demon rebound in the area we entered from (ie: protect 15/16).

Our push in towards Yokohama (more or less) should push any fleeing demons: east (should lose momentum) and north (lose momentum on the eastern edge, but flow outwards on the western edge). South is into the ocean, and we're blocking the west. As things get more disturbed, there's risk of demons escaping on the near side — west towards Kofu, or northwest towards Nagano/Niigata.

We flat out do not have the manpower to control that much space. We need additional help set up to catch attempts to flee. This is what Nagoya would be strongest at. They take 5 to 10 elites on their strikes, which means both that they feel a group of 5 is capable of taking on a demon, and that they have the resources to field two such teams. That would make them capable of covering the west corridor and the northwest corridor.

Those fleeing demons should be unsupported by adds, which makes Nagoya's job easy enough. In the event that they end up with multiple targets at the same time, and we have properly controlled for the beholder, we can tandem teleport our entire group sufficient distance that we should be able to effectively be an air strike they can call in when necessary.

By the time we close in on central Tokyo, there's likely to be enough disturbance that a large portion of the remaining demons will be spreading out towards the northeast. This makes them very difficult to chase, particularly if the beholder hasn't been dealt with yet. I think that if we reach this point without the beholder coming to us, we need to go after the beholder ourselves. Plans for that are beyond the scope of this, so I'll skip to a post-beholder cleanup.

Once the beholder is out of the way, we can move towards using Serena's suggested strategy of teleporting directly to target demons. Once we're in control of central Tokyo, our clairvoyance range covers almost everything that's still considered Tokyo proper, so we can make precise strikes at the fleeing units. At this point we can bring Seto back in, so our tandem teleport range should be the same as our tandem clairvoyance range. We probably want to focus on those that are furthest out, first, to minimize the risk of any getting away. We can also give guidance to Nagoya for targeting remaining demons within the city.

As long as the honeypot strategy works for taking out 3 demons (target plus 2 adds) three times, and as long as Nagoya kills at least a handful of fleeing demons, and as long as we successfully manage at least one demon per day, it's viable to clear Tokyo out within one month. The beholder might delay things a few days, but even worst case, we shouldn't have more than a small handful of class 3s escaping by the time the month is over.
No way. The addictivity of her aura is directly correlated to how unhappy someone is before they enter it. We got confirmation that using her aura on a spiraling girl will always end in addiction, in that sense.

Uh... no we didn't. We got the information that how addictive the aura is depends on how depressed a girl is. It's not clear if a girl who is not normally depressed has a grief spiral, and then is exposed to Serena's aura for say... 15 minutes, is suddenly addicted.

It might shock her out of her grief spiral, and then she can leave before becoming addicted.

Also, if a girl has passed the 8 cube grief spiral limit, the alternative is death.

Hoo boy. I almost loathe the necessity of testing how impaired full blast makes our elites, but we need to ensure Serena doesn't get overrun by demons, and to do that we need our teams to make it through her aura to help her. Either she's untransformed and dramatically weakened, an easy target for the 3's, or she stays transformed and allows her team to fight at full strength, while being nearly impossible to help...

@inverted_helix What effect does Serena's transformed aura have on girls? I assume the vets will still fight as vets? Will they no longer be effected by the demon draining/despair aura at least?

Another question: Given the pumped aura makes people high as a fking kite, more similar to a manic episode than a drug-induced haze, I'm not even sure we can use it to clear Tokyo, given it's more likely to kill people than demons are with as little as five minutes of exposure. If we can't transform Serena, is her group collectively just 'an elite with a slight demon weakening effect' rather than a full Legendary?

Her weakening effect is only when transformed. She's going to have to be transformed, no choice.

I don't think this is a tenable solution. There's only so much room in Serena's aura, and with how often magical girls spiral, especially as we get bigger, that is going to fill up and they will start dying.

Huh? We haven't had an 8 cube grief spiral in forever. Not every grief spiral would go to Serena, just the ones that are critical. Also, note that teleport anchors only work as long as Serena is with in 35 kilometers. So we'd have to come up with a new plan.

She can't give you a specific amount of time, it varies too much dependent on how the person was to begin with. Generally she considers the average muggle is probably safe for eight hours, though she avoids lingering that long in any populated area regardless. Magical girls overall tend to lead worse lives and be more vulnerable, she tries to limit to two hours. She considers a good rule of thumb is the more giggly a girl is when exposed the less time she can handle.

Is this 2 hour limit for her transformed state or her untransformed state? Do they have different safety exposure rates? (They might not, some drugs it's not how much you take, but how often you take it).

Well that depends. If the Class 3s disperse then they aren't nearly as much of a threat. Most any big magical girl organization should be able to take down at least one. Also, we have teleporters and Kyuubey is offering bounties on them. We can teleport kill teams of elites to where Kyuubey says they are, and take them down on our own terms.

Definitely glad we got the large magical girl organization list. Going to need to go talk to a lot of them now...

Meanwhile, we can't expect to use support combat teams inside the field. That is, we could, but it would have to be at her detransformed level, which puts her at inordinate risk and leaves the demons at full strength. So kinda pointless. At full strength aura... We can't count on them to behave reliably. We absolutely cannot count on the Nagoya team to behave reliably, so combining them with our group is of limited value.

Yes. Absolutely can not bring Nagoya in with Serena. Might be able to offer support.

However... if we also consider the "escaping demons" problem, we may want to get Nagoya in on helping with that, since we can't be everywhere at once. Basically, we go in, stir up the hornet's nest, kill a few, and then some of the remainder start trying to escape. However, in trying to escape, that means they aren't trying to support each other, which would give Nagoya's team the opportunity to take down demons without fear of being swarmed by adds.

That's a good idea. Needs refinement though.

Their escape path is almost certainly going to be almost exclusively over land. That means we need particular control points. We don't want anything to slip past us and head to 15/16, but that's mostly on us. We would like Nagoya to help cover the western corridor, towards Kofu. We will need to give Sendai a heads-up for anything that tries to escape directly away from us, however there's quite a bit of distance between Tokyo and Sendai, with a half dozen intermediary towns. There's also Nagano and Niigata to the northwest, with a combined population of about 1.2 million (so maybe 50-60 girls in those towns, combined).

We might need to rethink our attack route...

This will take quite a bit of thinking...

Why are people so damn intent on giving Tokyo to Nagoya?

We need to save Tokyo first. And I doubt we can keep Nagoya out of Tokyo entirely. My focus (after saving Tokyo) would be on trying to secure as much of Yokohama and downtown Tokyo as possible. That's the most densely populated part of Tokyo, and it's also geographically closer to us.

Welp, I feel dumb now.

Edit: There isn't really any reason not to bring Nagoya in then. Is there? I'm sorry.

Serena's aura?
As an aside, this again shows a bit of the strange balance between the original game intent, and what it eventually turned into.

If there were no names and no personalities, there would be no one to ask about these sorts of things. It would just be moving pieces around on a Risk board. With the characters, there's more to personally get involved with.

Yet even having been the impetus for that, the players still have a bit of the board game mentality coloring our perceptions. And we don't always look at things from the 'correct' side.
This also has implications with respect to needing to teleport to catch up to an escape attempt. That beholder puts a major crimp in any plans to manage a controlled extermination.

Yes, actually, this makes me think that the first strike needs to be against the beholder. Kill it, and then the rest of the effort becomes easier...

Potential strategy change: Controlled honeypot.

Select a target and attack. Teams would be all of Serena's group, most of our elites, and one or two vet teams with prepared tandem barriers.

Okay... honeypot might be a viable solution.

Serena starts off detransformed, and protected by Rae's barrier and a tandem barrier team (basically shielding all of a vet team, who don't get involved in the fight at this point). Once a couple c/t adds show up, Serena raises shields along with the command to "kill the demons" (ie: focus everyone's thoughts on that, so they don't get distracted by other "hope" issues).

Uh.. what? I don't... I really don't understand what you are saying here. "raise shields" Do you mean Serena transforms to fully expose everyone to her hope power? Give a command to "kill the demons" her power isn't mind control. Serena doesn't give commands and people don't have to follow them.

@inverted_helix Can you confirm that's right? Does Serena gain some sort of control over girls exposed to her aura? Such that she can give them commands and have them followed instead of people doing foolish things?

This plan doesn't seem well thought out to me...

I think that first we kill the beholder. Then we can work with a honeypot tactic of drawing demons in, then teleporting our teams out, followed by Serena going full LOVE ME AND DESPAIR on the demons.

A small group like that shouldn't trigger the demons' escape attempts. This would allow us to kill them before they try to run, and have a controlled effect on the area we're working on.

We may even want to minimize our push into the area, and limit things to one strike per day (but only as long as we're still killing c/t adds). Pull back into a guard position in case there's any demon rebound in the area we entered from (ie: protect 15/16).

Is the demon fear response based on size of meguca groups or on meguca threat level? Might the demons be scared off by Serena's aura? Have to think about this some more.

Our push in towards Yokohama (more or less) should push any fleeing demons: east (should lose momentum) and north (lose momentum on the eastern edge, but flow outwards on the western edge). South is into the ocean, and we're blocking the west. As things get more disturbed, there's risk of demons escaping on the near side — west towards Kofu, or northwest towards Nagano/Niigata.

And north to Sendai. Need to contact the Sendai gorup, and maybe the Niigata groups as well.

Once the beholder is out of the way, we can move towards using Serena's suggested strategy of teleporting directly to target demons. Once we're in control of central Tokyo, our clairvoyance range covers almost everything that's still considered Tokyo proper, so we can make precise strikes at the fleeing units. At this point we can bring Seto back in, so our tandem teleport range should be the same as our tandem clairvoyance range. We probably want to focus on those that are furthest out, first, to minimize the risk of any getting away. We can also give guidance to Nagoya for targeting remaining demons within the city.

This is another reason to prioritize killing the beholder first.

As long as the honeypot strategy works for taking out 3 demons (target plus 2 adds) three times, and as long as Nagoya kills at least a handful of fleeing demons, and as long as we successfully manage at least one demon per day, it's viable to clear Tokyo out within one month. The beholder might delay things a few days, but even worst case, we shouldn't have more than a small handful of class 3s escaping by the time the month is over.

If we can do it in a month, great. But I think we ought to make plans for something more like 2 months.
Her weakening effect is only when transformed. She's going to have to be transformed, no choice.
Her untransformed state. This is the usual observed state. At this point her aura simply strongly suppresses negative emotions to the point that only tremendous tragedy gets through and makes you very hopeful. It's an easily noticeable difference, but still vaguely in the human range. This is enough for her friends to survive and mostly be normal due to their degree of tolerance but they consume the normal level of grief cubes as well. Demons rarely give her friends any trouble at this level, but she doesn't usually fight herself because she's comparably fragile and her loss would kill them.
Colored for emphasis. The girls are denied the vast free magic that the full aura provides, but are still basically risk-free in hunting demons.
Uh... no we didn't. We got the information that how addictive the aura is depends on how depressed a girl is. It's not clear if a girl who is not normally depressed has a grief spiral, and then is exposed to Serena's aura for say... 15 minutes, is suddenly addicted.

It might shock her out of her grief spiral, and then she can leave before becoming addicted.
While she wouldn't say no to it if the other option was their death, they'd almost certainly not be able to leave again.
Seems pretty clear to me. You use Serena's aura on a spiraling girl, she stays there.
The limit of 8 hours exposure per 3 months seemed like a significant drawback already.

However, this means that Serena might not be able to handle Tokyo anymore.

Maybe we should abort the whole plan and just let Tokyo die.
You're conflating two balance concerns is the issue. The legendaries are all big balance issues for me that require a lot of attention. This is meant to be a hard mode quest you know, I can't give you something that just switches quest to easy mode.

The exposure issues is what balanced her recruitment difficulty with the others. The ineffectiveness of people in her aura is what balances her combat strength with the others.

Without the ineffectiveness manpower would allow you to scale up her strength far beyond any of the other legendaries.
So, the class 3s are somehow simultaneously attracted to large groups of meguca, and the c/t's of Tokyo dogpile on any that try to attack; and are afraid of large groups of meguca, and will try to run if confronted. The implication of the threat of large-scale escapes is that they don't only run from those that are immediate threats, but that there might be a cascade effect.
It's not as contradictory as you're making it sound.

@inverted_helix What effect does Serena's transformed aura have on girls? I assume the vets will still fight as vets? Will they no longer be effected by the demon draining/despair aura at least?
Yes to both essentially.

Huh? We haven't had an 8 cube grief spiral in forever. Not every grief spiral would go to Serena, just the ones that are critical. Also, note that teleport anchors only work as long as Serena is with in 35 kilometers. So we'd have to come up with a new plan.
You guys have been really lucky on rolls. IIRC you've only ever had one eight cube spiral during the whole quest. Even though it is a 12.5% per spiral.

Is this 2 hour limit for her transformed state or her untransformed state? Do they have different safety exposure rates? (They might not, some drugs it's not how much you take, but how often you take it).
No difference she's noticed, though she doesn't spend a whole lot of time that way anyways. (OOC I'm not going to hit you again on that point so don't worry about that, this is a sort of drug that's exposure and individual related rather than intensity of the drug use.)

As an aside, this again shows a bit of the strange balance between the original game intent, and what it eventually turned into.

If there were no names and no personalities, there would be no one to ask about these sorts of things. It would just be moving pieces around on a Risk board. With the characters, there's more to personally get involved with.

Yet even having been the impetus for that, the players still have a bit of the board game mentality coloring our perceptions. And we don't always look at things from the 'correct' side.
Yes it totally does. I've rolled with the punches though as a GM. Even if it meant flushing all my original plans down the toilet and rewriting them all. But I'm still duct taping together balance in there for now, sometimes (often) to the cries of despair from the players.

@inverted_helix Can you confirm that's right? Does Serena gain some sort of control over girls exposed to her aura? Such that she can give them commands and have them followed instead of people doing foolish things?
It's not a mind control, what he means is that when her power is at full strength to most it's going to be pretty intoxicating, he's essentially wanting the only one that isn't hope drunk to remind the others what they're supposed to be doing.
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You know those cubes you've been selling Nagoya? Where did you think those were going? They certainly aren't relying on external sources for their own sustenance. They are taking those cubes and giving them out to the girls in Tokyo.
This bit got edited in, and I didn't see it originally. Gives a hint of why Nagoya is paying so much more for cubes than the other groups.
The limit of 8 hours exposure per 3 months seemed like a significant drawback already.
On the other hand, this does alleviate a lot of the worries we had about exposure levels. I'm guessing that the addictive properties of the untransformed aura are very minimal. @inverted_helix?

Uh.. what? I don't... I really don't understand what you are saying here. "raise shields" Do you mean Serena transforms to fully expose everyone to her hope power? Give a command to "kill the demons" her power isn't mind control. Serena doesn't give commands and people don't have to follow them.
1) It's not mind control. It's a command, like any other in combat.
2) It doesn't have to be Serena who says it. Could be Mami. I just didn't want to overcomplicate the sentence with too many extra conditionals and variations.
3) The purpose is to give them focus, so they don't get distracted and try something stupid. Go look back at the analogy for her PvP style.

And north to Sendai. Need to contact the Sendai gorup, and maybe the Niigata groups as well.
Contact them, yes, but the risk during the early phases should be minimal. As I said, I expect escapes to lose momentum relative to the perceived threat and pursuit, along with the assurance of the strength of nearby demons (ie: they now have backup to fight back with). If we don't chase them, they'll slow down and stop somewhere still in the Tokyo area. If we don't push real hard all at once, we don't create a huge threat that most of the demons in the city try to flee from. Keep things controlled, slow and steady, to minimize full escape flight.

For a more physical analogy: a game of billiards. A small tap into a nearby ball, or a huge smash that scatters balls all over the table?
You know those cubes you've been selling Nagoya? Where did you think those were going? They certainly aren't relying on external sources for their own sustenance. They are taking those cubes and giving them out to the girls in Tokyo.

This basically means that once Tokyo is cleared our Cube market is going to dry up. Which means it basically has to be the Akiya.

Maybe we should abort the whole plan and just let Tokyo die.

Fuck that weak ass shit. The Serenes go to such lengths to keep their girls safe out of idealism, not out of cowardice. Now that I realize this I realize that we have to save tokyo, even if we don't get anything out of it other than warm fuzzy feelings and some corpses, our morality can't countenance otherwise.
We might need to rethink our attack route...
I think our current planned route is the best possible. A narrow segment of urban area stretches out towards us, giving us a focused target and almost no room for them to sneak past us, while we can consider the ocean side as almost completely safe (as minimal a risk as anything we have options for). Further, the space north of it goes to rural pretty quick, which severely limits threats in that area. It also limits our attack surface, keeping us relatively safe, while still giving relatively easily-predicted target zones for Nagoya to cover.

If we entered from the west, we'd be open to attacks from north and south of us. Some escape attempts would move weakly south towards 15/16, which means it's not a great spot to leave Nagoya, but it's still probably going to send a class 3 at 15/16. Other escape directions are very unfocused, which means we can't leverage Nagoya's strength, because we don't know where to put them.

Trying to attack further north would be a logistical nightmare.

Taking a page from Nagoya and attacking via Tokyo Bay has potential, as it's likely to significantly minimize escape attempts. There will be more demon forces in place, making the fights harder, but also keeping them from considering fleeing. It also gives us the strongest position to do scouting from, as we'll have coverage of all the major urban density areas. However falling back is difficult, and liable to lead to casualties. And if they take Serena's full aura right in the center of their territory as a serious threat, the scattering becomes completely uncontrolled. We'd be pushed into panic mode to locate and eliminate demons, and we do not want to be in panic mode before dealing with the beholder.
I don't think this is a tenable solution. There's only so much room in Serena's aura, and with how often magical girls spiral, especially as we get bigger, that is going to fill up and they will start dying.
You can fit a lot of people in a 1km circle, especially in that village that has a number of houses in it. Our current morale is pretty good, but we can expect to have an average of 2 fatalities over the course of our year (and maybe another 8 more from Tokyo). That's a lot of deaths that can be averted, but we won't have to worry about overcrowding for years.

However, we should start researching ways to cure the addiction. I'm thinking the following:
1. Conduct counseling for any known issues (i.e. the direct trigger for the initial grief spiral). Some issues might not be solvable (e.g. dead family members), but others (e.g. worrying about going to Tokyo for a spelling bee, for instance) can be easily dealt with.
2. Have the girl stand outside of Serena's range for a short time (e.g. 30s), then rush her back inside and clear the grief she has accumulated.
3. Conduct counseling for any additional issues that were exposed.
4. The next day, have the girl stand outside of Serena's range for a longer time, before rushing her back in for counseling.
5. Repeat until she can bear to live outside of Serena's range indefinitely, but keep a close eye out in case of relapse.

So, the class 3s are somehow simultaneously attracted to large groups of meguca, and the c/t's of Tokyo dogpile on any that try to attack; and are afraid of large groups of meguca, and will try to run if confronted. The implication of the threat of large-scale escapes is that they don't only run from those that are immediate threats, but that there might be a cascade effect.

This also has implications with respect to needing to teleport to catch up to an escape attempt. That beholder puts a major crimp in any plans to manage a controlled extermination.

If it's a cascade effect, we can expect it to have a lot of energy loss over distance, though if we kill the beholder it might have a large enough impact to cause a mass scattering. Basically, as long as we focus on a relatively contained area, we should not cause escape attempts on the other side of Tokyo.

Potential strategy change: Controlled honeypot.

Select a target and attack. Teams would be all of Serena's group, most of our elites, and one or two vet teams with prepared tandem barriers.

Serena starts off detransformed, and protected by Rae's barrier and a tandem barrier team (basically shielding all of a vet team, who don't get involved in the fight at this point). Once a couple c/t adds show up, Serena raises shields along with the command to "kill the demons" (ie: focus everyone's thoughts on that, so they don't get distracted by other "hope" issues).

A small group like that shouldn't trigger the demons' escape attempts. This would allow us to kill them before they try to run, and have a controlled effect on the area we're working on.

We may even want to minimize our push into the area, and limit things to one strike per day (but only as long as we're still killing c/t adds). Pull back into a guard position in case there's any demon rebound in the area we entered from (ie: protect 15/16).

Our push in towards Yokohama (more or less) should push any fleeing demons: east (should lose momentum) and north (lose momentum on the eastern edge, but flow outwards on the western edge). South is into the ocean, and we're blocking the west. As things get more disturbed, there's risk of demons escaping on the near side — west towards Kofu, or northwest towards Nagano/Niigata.

We flat out do not have the manpower to control that much space. We need additional help set up to catch attempts to flee. This is what Nagoya would be strongest at. They take 5 to 10 elites on their strikes, which means both that they feel a group of 5 is capable of taking on a demon, and that they have the resources to field two such teams. That would make them capable of covering the west corridor and the northwest corridor.

Those fleeing demons should be unsupported by adds, which makes Nagoya's job easy enough. In the event that they end up with multiple targets at the same time, and we have properly controlled for the beholder, we can tandem teleport our entire group sufficient distance that we should be able to effectively be an air strike they can call in when necessary.

By the time we close in on central Tokyo, there's likely to be enough disturbance that a large portion of the remaining demons will be spreading out towards the northeast. This makes them very difficult to chase, particularly if the beholder hasn't been dealt with yet. I think that if we reach this point without the beholder coming to us, we need to go after the beholder ourselves. Plans for that are beyond the scope of this, so I'll skip to a post-beholder cleanup.

Once the beholder is out of the way, we can move towards using Serena's suggested strategy of teleporting directly to target demons. Once we're in control of central Tokyo, our clairvoyance range covers almost everything that's still considered Tokyo proper, so we can make precise strikes at the fleeing units. At this point we can bring Seto back in, so our tandem teleport range should be the same as our tandem clairvoyance range. We probably want to focus on those that are furthest out, first, to minimize the risk of any getting away. We can also give guidance to Nagoya for targeting remaining demons within the city.

As long as the honeypot strategy works for taking out 3 demons (target plus 2 adds) three times, and as long as Nagoya kills at least a handful of fleeing demons, and as long as we successfully manage at least one demon per day, it's viable to clear Tokyo out within one month. The beholder might delay things a few days, but even worst case, we shouldn't have more than a small handful of class 3s escaping by the time the month is over.
Sounds like a decent plan. What do you think about asking Serena to make a few hope anchors and handing them to some of our Veteran teleporters who are given orders to stay out of Serena's aura and to teleport the anchors directly to the Beholder the moment we detect it?

Also, Serena and her group have never faced any Class 3 demons before, so possibly we should have an initial push where we try to find a single Class 3 on its lonesome and destroy it. Then we retreat back to base and consider what we have learned. This will give Serena's group some experience fighting a Class 3 and it will give our group some experience fighting with Serena before the big day. We can add some training to deal with any issues that are exposed by this initial hunt.
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However, we should start researching ways to cure the addiction. I'm thinking the following:
1. Conduct counseling for any known issues (i.e. the direct trigger for the initial grief spiral). Some issues might not be solvable, but others (worrying about going to Tokyo, for instance) can be dealt with.
2. Have the girl stand outside of Serena's range for a short time (e.g. 30s), then rush her back inside and clear the grief she has accumulated.
3. Conduct counseling for any additional issues that were exposed.
4. The next day, have the girl stand outside of Serena's range for a longer time, before rushing her back in for counseling.
5. Repeat until she can bear to live outside of Serena's range indefinitely, keep a close eye out in case of relapse.
That sounds much more likely to kill addicted girls than help them.
Incidentally up to 1100 words on the expedition and not even close to done.

Also Niigata groups plotted vaguely now, the area is split between two groups with only minor conflict between them:
The Enlightened
The Magick Company

Each of these are pretty small groups though. On the scale of Kofu rather than you.
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You know those cubes you've been selling Nagoya? Where did you think those were going? They certainly aren't relying on external sources for their own sustenance. They are taking those cubes and giving them out to the girls in Tokyo.

Okay. I already commented on how this impacts our economics, but this doesn't seem at all like the "evil empire" we've been assuming Nagoya to be. They might well be good guys, even though they're playing xcom.
Okay. I already commented on how this impacts our economics, but this doesn't seem at all like the "evil empire" we've been assuming Nagoya to be. They might well be good guys, even though they're playing xcom.
I'm not really trying to make any group all bad. Everyone just has different sets of motives. Even the most "evil" group I've got plotted out is actually pretty protective of its own (just you know, everyone else can go die so long as it doesn't affect them).
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Time for another review pass on the plans.

✓ Hunting
✓ Support
✓ Jobs
✓ Morale (grief management is fine for now)
✓ Research still on hold
✓ Production fine for now, but we need data from how things went with Kyouko and Nagoya
✓ Training
✓ Scouting
✓ Trade
✓ Purchases - mostly, but probably needs another review, particularly with respect to expected future income
⤫ Diplomacy

For Diplomacy:
✓ Serena
✓ Safe Passage with 15/16
⤫ Gossipmonger - need to rethink approach
⤫ Nagoya - Given the new info, we probably want to completely rethink our interactions here

So how do we approach Nagoya? This is a first pass idea.

First, they're buying cubes because they're using them to help the magical girls in Tokyo. Our plan and assistance is going to be worth vastly more than 20 cubes. Further, after clearing Tokyo, the cube market is going to completely crash, both because Nagoya isn't going to buy extra to support them, and because a massive surplus is going to be generated in order to raise DS back up to neutral levels. So I say skip the cube trade entirely, and go for a more serious negotiation.

They've been doing what they can in Tokyo for a year now, but have barely slowed things down. We want to end this problem entirely, but to do so, we need resources — in particular, cash — which Nagoya can help provide.

We know that they are going to be doing a Tokyo run next month anyway, so we'd like their cooperation in managing the probable fallout of trying to do a full cleanse of Tokyo. Because of the nature of the people we have handling the heavy lifting on the fights, we unfortunately cannot allow them to assist us directly. Instead, we need them to protect areas that are likely to be hit by fleeing demons, since we know their strike teams are capable of defeating isolated demons.

If our plan goes as expected, we will be completely clearing out the demons in Tokyo in a month, maybe two. We were considering selling cubes and research to them to fund what we need to buy, but if the cubes were just going to be used to help the Tokyo survivors, we could just as easily pass them out as we move through the city. It's only a tiny short-term stopgap, and next month the girls in Tokyo are going to need to start overhunting like crazy anyway to get things back in balance.

Instead, we'd like to ask for a straight-up cash grant, in anticipation of the work we're about to do, for the value it holds both to all the magical girls of Tokyo, as well as all of Japan.

Of course we'll be giving a whole bunch of it back immediately, in order to buy a bunch of armor, and a large chunk will be dedicated towards helping Tokyo out in getting their lives back together.

[Not going to request any specific amount initially, as we have no idea how much money they have, nor how much they might think this is worth. Am hoping for something like $250k, but could make do with $100k. How much they provide now impacts how much deference we give them later.]

[This will require Mami's full attention. Hopefully our vets can be convincing to 15/16.]

[Edit: Negotiations of additional terms, such as friendly research trade and such in the future, is of course also on the table.]
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@inverted_helix are we the only other big group that is helping with tokyo?
I'm not entirely sure what you're asking.

Listing of Top groups based off what you currently have heard (accuracy variable):
Nagoya Magocracy (Has been providing assistance to Tokyo for ~1 year, little effect beyond delaying)
Osaka Junta (Doesn't believe Tokyo affects them)
Heaven's Chosen (Believes Tokyo falling would actually increase the population of Kyoto and thus benefit them)
Magical Republic of Japan (Doesn't believe Tokyo affects them, possibly could be convinced to help but needs its martial forces at home due to other Osaka/Kyoto factions)
Magical Queendom of Sendai (No Information)
Serenissima Imperium Magicum Puella (Whatever you end up doing)

All other groups are going to be around half your size or less. The groups around Tokyo are largely trying to survive in various ways, mostly similar to area 15/16.
Yes to both essentially.

Doh! I realize I made a pretty important typo.

I meant when Serena is untransformed, that vets around her still fight like vets. Do they also resist the demon despair/drain effect?

Do her friends fight as vets or elite level when she is transformed?

No difference she's noticed, though she doesn't spend a whole lot of time that way anyways. (OOC I'm not going to hit you again on that point so don't worry about that, this is a sort of drug that's exposure and individual related rather than intensity of the drug use.)

Okay, so that's good to know, we can use the transformed state without addicting girls in Tokyo... although we have to keep the battles under 2 hours...

It's not a mind control, what he means is that when her power is at full strength to most it's going to be pretty intoxicating, he's essentially wanting the only one that isn't hope drunk to remind the others what they're supposed to be doing.

Okay, that... seems a little too hopeful. I think we need a better plan then to hope that the non-drunk can keep the drunks pointed in the right direction.

On the other hand, this does alleviate a lot of the worries we had about exposure levels. I'm guessing that the addictive properties of the untransformed aura are very minimal. @inverted_helix?

No. The opposite. The addictive qualities are much worse than we thought. 2 hours exposure max for magical girls, not 8 hours. Whether she is transformed or not does not effect addictiveness or safe exposure lengths.

That means 30 minutes of exposure for training? That's 1/4 of our safe exposure time.


We have to rethink our safety procedures... a lot.

This basically means that once Tokyo is cleared our Cube market is going to dry up. Which means it basically has to be the Akiya.

Uh... no. It means that when we expand to Tokyo we need to prioritize cube production and money production in proportion instead of jsut prioritizing cubes.

I think our current planned route is the best possible. A narrow segment of urban area stretches out towards us, giving us a focused target and almost no room for them to sneak past us, while we can consider the ocean side as almost completely safe (as minimal a risk as anything we have options for). Further, the space north of it goes to rural pretty quick, which severely limits threats in that area. It also limits our attack surface, keeping us relatively safe, while still giving relatively easily-predicted target zones for Nagoya to cover.

Good point. Still the best plan, but will need to make more plans for how to do this.
No. The opposite. The addictive qualities are much worse than we thought. 2 hours exposure max for magical girls, not 8 hours. Whether she is transformed or not does not effect addictiveness or safe exposure lengths.

That means 30 minutes of exposure for training? That's 1/4 of our safe exposure time.


We have to rethink our safety procedures... a lot.
That's 2 hours for a typical morale 1-2 magical girl. I think morale 5 is close to typical for normal humans, so our exposure limit should be similar.
You can fit a lot of people in a 1km circle, especially in that village that has a number of houses in it. Our current morale is pretty good, but we can expect to have an average of 2 fatalities over the course of our year (and maybe another 8 more from Tokyo). That's a lot of deaths that can be averted, but we won't have to worry about overcrowding for years.

However, we should start researching ways to cure the addiction. I'm thinking the following:
1. Conduct counseling for any known issues (i.e. the direct trigger for the initial grief spiral). Some issues might not be solvable (e.g. dead family members), but others (e.g. worrying about going to Tokyo for a spelling bee, for instance) can be easily dealt with.
2. Have the girl stand outside of Serena's range for a short time (e.g. 30s), then rush her back inside and clear the grief she has accumulated.
3. Conduct counseling for any additional issues that were exposed.
4. The next day, have the girl stand outside of Serena's range for a longer time, before rushing her back in for counseling.
5. Repeat until she can bear to live outside of Serena's range indefinitely, but keep a close eye out in case of relapse.

I think the we have to understand this aura a whole lot better first. We have three paths to research:

1: Protection against the aura and/or reducing it's effects (Is it entirely magical? Mental component? Etc.)
2: Spell Bindings plus activated hope charm = allows the addicted outside the safe kilometer distance
3: Charms that dispense a smaller amount of the hope effect as a way to counter grief spirals that 8 cubes can't reach.

Sounds like a decent plan. What do you think about asking Serena to make a few hope anchors and handing them to some of our Veteran teleporters who are given orders to stay out of Serena's aura and to teleport the anchors directly to the Beholder the moment we detect it?

We don't have any hope anchors. We haven't researched how to yet, and it will take at least a month to do so. Probably more.

Also, Serena and her group have never faced any Class 3 demons before, so possibly we should have an initial push where we try to find a single Class 3 on its lonesome and destroy it. Then we retreat back to base and consider what we have learned. This will give Serena's group some experience fighting a Class 3 and it will give our group some experience fighting with Serena before the big day. We can add some training to deal with any issues that are exposed by this initial hunt.


Incidentally up to 1100 words on the expedition and not even close to done.

You can do it! Don't give up! Slow and steady wins the race!

Also Niigata groups plotted vaguely now, the area is split between two groups with only minor conflict between them:
The Enlightened
The Magick Company

Each of these are pretty small groups though. On the scale of Kofu rather than you.

Interesting... still we'll have to reach out to them.

Okay. I already commented on how this impacts our economics, but this doesn't seem at all like the "evil empire" we've been assuming Nagoya to be. They might well be good guys, even though they're playing xcom.

I've never thought of them as "evil empire" but I do think of them as an unfriendly rival. I have not forgotten that they shot first and asked questions later. They could have easily killed Kyouko. Plus, they have a telepath w/o Taura's moral code. That's scary stuff.

Saving Tokyo is the far higher priority, but positioning ourselves to come out stronger afterwards is also a consideration.
I meant when Serena is untransformed, that vets around her still fight like vets. Do they also resist the demon despair/drain effect?
Do her friends fight as vets or elite level when she is transformed?
Somewhat above elite when she is transformed. Like most drug addictions after a lot of exposure you're less affected by it. So they aren't quite as intoxicated.
No. The opposite. The addictive qualities are much worse than we thought. 2 hours exposure max for magical girls, not 8 hours. Whether she is transformed or not does not effect addictiveness or safe exposure lengths.
You don't quite understand again. She keeps it down because resistance to her power is affected by morale. And magical girl life often sucks. So the average magical girl has a lower morale than the average human.

You can expect your girls to be significantly more resistant than her usual safety margin.
That's 2 hours for a typical morale 1-2 magical girl. I think morale 5 is close to typical for normal humans, so our exposure limit should be similar.
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Somewhat above elite when she is transformed. Like most drug addictions after a lot of exposure you're less affected by it. So they aren't quite as intoxicated.

Arggh... I see what is happening, my auto correct keeps "correcting" untransformed to transformed.

Sigh... I meant, at what level do Serena's friends fight when she is untransformed, vet or elite?