If you insist upon doing the elite training, what do you think of having Taya spend some of her time doing the training? 0.5 Taya and 0.5 Mami perhaps? I still think it's a bit of a waste, but it's not a deal-breaker.
I'd prefer Taya on as much scouting and patrolling as possible, to take advantage of her innate bonus. If we're doing any of that at all (and we're doing a fair bit of it here), she ought to be in there.
On the elite training, I like the idea of keeping Mami on that for Kaoru, as that seems to fit Kaoru's probable learning patterns better (plus, omake). Technically we can postpone it without penalty, yes, so if we
need those two extra bodies, that would be the next place I'd pull from. However I'd want to be very sure of the value of whatever we're redirecting things to.
The research I'd be most willing to drop is the technology research. It doesn't help with the kevlar cover-up plan and it costs $2k over 2 months.
Yeah. It could conceivably be used for things like magically altering computer records the police may have, but it wouldn't be done in time to really be useful.
For current turn allocations, the top three things that have been proposed that I see as 'droppable' are therapy, techno research, and elite training. I dropped the first two, but held onto the third. Haman dropped the first two, as well as the duration research.
I suppose to make a better decision, we'd want to look at what freedom we'd gain on the turn following this one. For example, would we be able to drop down to just one or two units for diplomacy/scouting, or would there be the regular push for "as much as possible"? If diplomacy allocations aren't going down, we have less freedom to adjust other options.
Also, Therapy is likely to become an upkeep item. Once started, we can't really drop it. Are we willing to permanently set aside a unit for that (and thus, not Mami)? What are you willing to trade for that?