If teleport charms worked that way Nagoya would already be using them. That really just sounds to OP for the GM to allow.
Yeah no way. Maybe that's an effective technique against a muggle opponent, but a demon is a magical opponent that can stop a charm activating like a magical girl. That's how I'll explain it.
We had our one Elite with her +10% persuasive ability
Something to keep in mind there is that Mami's ability to be persuasive is just mundane. You still aren't quite aware of her true ability. And it's pretty hilariously strong.
which thanks to the rebalancing on Serena is completely impossible
That's more players running with a higher end interpretation than I ever intended than rebalancing.
but given the amount of goodwill they have probably generated with their long-term generosity, even if we did manage to clear Tokyo completely on our own, which thanks to the rebalancing on Serena is completely impossible, they're much more likely to win the peace than we are.
Something I've been trying to understand is why people seem to think that as huge an area as Tokyo is some sort of single binary result situation. Even in your wildest possible success you were never going to be able to hold all of it even if Nagoya didn't exist. And equally so Nagoya can't either. Some will favor the group that's been supporting them longer, some will favor those that finally made the situation better successfully rather than just continuously stalling.
This is not a binary situation. It's far more complex than that.
rather than the sort of crippled half-Legendary she is now
From the Incubator's perspective, she's every bit as strong as any of the others. She's just strangely hesitant to use that power. But this is kind of a get what you paid for thing as well. Serena was the easiest one to recruit, you had only to ask her and success was virtually guaranteed. The rest would have been far more difficult. Kesi was the one that you guys seemed next most inclined to go for, but you'd have had to negotiate some sort of peace agreement between a lot of groups that are still fighting each other. You correctly deduced you'd need to show that peace could be made and held, but several of the major groups in Japan are still warring with each other.
This is a hard mode quest.
Yeah. Nagoya's level of success seems really ridiculous.
They may or may not have started sooner as well, and/or with more Elites in their starter group to boot: they would kind of have to in order to survive a Class 3 around our Turn 12-16, as was indicated on our background info. I mean, a Class 3 at around that time would have wiped our group with barely a pause, but according to
@inverted_helix Nagoya fought off more than one around then.
What you fail to grasp is that in many senses the NM is the outlier. Nagoya started with around a dozen groups. The NM is so strong now because they were the lucky ones to
survive. Consider if you throw 10 groups into a meat grinder that will kill 90% of them, one group
does come out the other side. Is that one group that survived ridiculously successful? They survived against 10:1 odds? I don't really think so, because they didn't beat the odds, they were the 1 that proved the odds. Otherwise it would be 10:0.
And in many ways they lost against Class 3s early on. It's just that whereas for you if you lost half your vets you'd probably throw up your hands and quit, they ate the losses and carried on trying anyways.
Nagoya also sounds like it's a merger of several different groups. If the divides were less deep then they were in Tokyo it's possible Class 3 demons showing up would force enough of them to work together to conquer the rest of the city.
The NM is the merger of 4 groups that were able to put aside their differences when the city was falling to pieces around them and work together.
Like seriously
@inverted_helix, how are we supposed to compete with Nagoya right now? Because unless Madokami decides to turn on Nagisa and Sayaka's witch-form powers I can't see any way for us to do so. They can crush us like a goddamn bug and we can't do shit to them.
I'm not sure why you're do insistent on trying to fight them head on. We don't have to have a war.
This is something I don't get either. Aranfan has been claiming this whole time that you're a diplomacy focused group, but the moment you guys realize you aren't the biggest most powerful group around your response is despair that the military stick isn't useful for everything? Basically
every empire quest ever has rivals bigger and more powerful than you. The response is not "oh noes we lose gm is mean". Not everything comes down to who wields the biggest stick.
Diplomacy isn't only an option when you can crush the other side militarily. And just because you have the potential strength to win a fight with the other side doesn't mean that it's actually a good idea to fight them either. Diplomacy is there so that both sides can find a way to work together and both benefit.
I'm probably one of the most negative and pessimistic people you'd ever find. But this quest is all about the world being terrible and you guys finding a way to make it better. It's about the bringing out the best. And it's so frustrating sometimes when people get this way.