Magical Girl Quest - The Fire That Burns

Analysis of the three Magical Girls:
-the one that has been bitching about the place getting damaged.
-has not shown any abilities or spells yet
-is the one giving the others orders
-find out more before engaging
-maybe see how she'll react to a couple thermal spears or thrown swords

MG Water:
-water manipulator
-can push others around with that water
-battle field control kit?
-find out more before seriously engaging.
-do some probing attacks

MG Vessel:
-the one who used the broadside
-broadside might not count as magical damage (scourge did not get healed but damaged by it)
-saw broadside completely fail to do damage against cerys. but that was only cause of daiyu's shield. uncertain if they noticed that.
-names of abilities seem to imply she has a way to protect her crew (A Safe Haven) and see attacks coming (Foresight)
-don't get hit by a broadside without a shield

The most important question however is:
Do we want to kill them?

They do not seem to be part of Clocktower so far.
They didn't mind the mage being collateral damage.
And only look to be interested in this battle, cause there was damage done to "their city".
Depending on how we treat them during this battle this might change though.
They also seem to be not as experienced in battle as our MGs.
Do we want to kill them?
We can either knock them out or fly away from the city, to its outskirts at least which they would disengage or deal with the armed forces.
In the end magical girls are rare so we should leave them alone until all hands on deck when the invasion hits and all magical girls are needed. Also I think they might be inexperienced.
So stop killing until we really need to!

We should move away from the city as best we can using city buildings as shield in such a way that Clocktower and Counterforce risks engaging with the magical trio which would be a big no no since they are important to both sides and risk ruining relations with them. Use the trio as shield for those vehicles and copters but I hesitate on those since those mages might kill them...
Say what city we're in?

So we should go a high speed run out of the city while making the mages chase us and avoid conflict with the trio and since the peace meeting is a Cery's bait we can avoid killing the mages hopefully, breaking bones or burn limbs could work. Ties both side by throwing the trio at them.

Off to bed, night.
"Didn't I kill you?"

The aged man just snorts, blowing his white hair out of his face. "As if I would die so easily, arrogance becomes you." He casts another layers of shields and you sigh. Not going to get you so easily this time am I?
More like Rukia used handwavium. :rofl: I doubt being dismembered and getting burnt to ashes all while being out of mana is survivable. And I remember Rukia saying that if we hadn't Halted him, he could have escaped. He failed.

Mother, we need to not be here right now. Trying, Tuxedo Mask over here is getting in the way.
Hardly. She already knew everything that was going to happen, she just want to see how we get out of this situation. Proof:
You frown, shaking your head as you look at Gaia. "I don't want her to come." You ignore Una's crestfallen look. "This isn't what I want for her." I don't want her to become like me. She doesn't need to kill. Her voice whispers into your ears. But you will need her before the day is out. You bite your lip, looking down at your sister. I don't want this. Do you want to live? You blink in surprise. You will need her before the day is out.
Most likely Una can trump one of our opponent's ability. The most likely opponent being the weirdo in tuxedo.

The poor bastard you had been wailing on is caught in the edges of the boom, the fires scorching his skin. He takes the opportunity to wiggle out from under you, making a desperate leap towards his allies as you shake off the ringing in your ears.
We need to get back our meatshield so we can protect ourselves from the random MGs. We should ask Sabina to cut his legs so we can make sure he can't run away anymore. Just to make sure Tuxedo can't help, we should Halt him (they don't know about total lockdown).

Daiyu can tank the missiles and the wanna-be Saruman.

+10xp A rival returned, The Undying Fortress
> Rival
I laughed. Cerys being an old man, confirmed.
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It could be that there's an MG out there that revived Undying...Or he's got some trick to bring himself back, given that 'Undying' portion of his name.
"The girl is of interest to me, she was the result of the second summoning." Mother presses heavily on the world around you, her body looking intently at the table. "She does not belong."
The door is completely smooth, not yielding even slightly when you push against it. Ok... Your barrier sneaks forwards, pushing up against the door and flowing off of it like water. What the fuck is this? No matter what you try, your barrier just doesn't touch it, staying just away from starting to degrade it. You can hear the girls panicked laughter through the keyhole, you can just about make out her voice. "Don't worry, there is no way they can get through that door."
The girl is obviously an eldritch abomination in disguise. Either that or a SI. Probably a SI since she is obviously not used to these kind of situation and has an OOC (somehow, the door is out of range from an ability able to destroy reality) ability.
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We should ask Sabina to cut his legs so we can make sure he can't run away anymore.
since that guy heals from spells and Sabina autocasts Sever, we should not let her near this guy.
This limits her to engaging the fortress guy, anything the army brings or the other MGs.

We shouldn't expect anyone to survive Sabina. She isn't one to hold back.
I propose we grab the scourge guy use him as a human shield, and then destroy that fucking AA gun with either plasma sphere, JW, or the thermal spears we built up does that sound good? And I think we only need to kill the clockwork guys, and at most rough up the other magical girls a bit. Finally use alpha and omega on the impenetrable fortress make sure there is nothing left.

Edit 1: On second thought we should use alpha and omega on all the clockwork guys and make sure there is nothing left.
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Tell the MGs that the only reason we're still in their city is because of Tuxedo Jerkface stopping us from leaving, and they're welcome to help us kill him if they want us gone faster.

While continuing to dismantle The Scourge, of course.

To kill Fortress-kun, all we need to do is set fire to the air around his shield and wait for him to asphyxiate.

Maybe ask Gaia if she can push some gold up from the mantle to the surface or something? Pirates love gold, and that should cover the costs of the damage we've done to the city.
(Infinity Edge: +2520 Base Damage, +787 Dice = 3397 Total Damage
The Scourge: +100 Base Resilience, +83 Dice, -137 Juggernaut, -183 Completely Vulnerable = 137 Additional Damage

The Scourge Health: 38,552 - 3534 = 35,018

Infinity Edge: +2520 Base Damage, +489 Dice = 3009 Total Damage
The Scourge: +100 Base Resilience, +507 Dice, -455 Juggernaut, -607 Completely Vulnerable = 455 Additional Damage

The Scourge Health: 35,018 - 3464 = 31,554

Infinity Edge: +2520 Base Damage, +514 Dice = 3034 Total Damage
The Scourge: +100 Base Resilience, +179 Dice, -209 Juggernaut, -279 Completely Vulnerable = 209 Additional Damage

The Scourge Health: 31,554 - 3243 = 28,311

Why didn't we use crush here?
currently we are between them all, let's change that.

[] Plan: let's get into cover
-[] the Shika-Anti Air is aiming at you right now, let's try getting into some cover. (Should help a little against those Helis we heard too)
--[] there was a building we ran out of, there are other buildings we shouldn't have trouble finding or creating an entrance to.
--[] we have two people who can sense through walls. The other MGs likely have none. The soldies might have infrared or sth like it though.
-[] the priority is killing Neverthere, if that somehow becomes possible, do it. This plan defines targeting the Scourge first only because he is an obstacle to killing the other guy.
-[] see if you can maneuver in some way so they'll have to be mindful of the other MGs as well. We shouldn't make this us vs them all.
-[] Daiyu is, as always on defensive duty. She gets to intercept attacks whenever we do not manage to get into cover.
--[] Ofc she will replenish her shields as she is able to.
--[] Given that the Scourge will be busy with Cerys this mostly means protecting from that Fortress Guy,
-[] Sabina gets to dissuade the crew of the Shika-Anti Air, and likely future stuff they send. with deadly force.
--[] Sabina should stay away from Sir Neverthere, cause he likely was brought in as a counter for her specifically.
--[] She gets to kill any Clocktower forces not protected by Neverthere that try to butt in.
-[] Cerys gets to hack up the Scourge of Magic with Melee Attacks
--[] Did you have to give him a whole JW to eat? :(
--[] If the Scourge somehow manages to avoid Melee combat, we can send a flying sword after him.
--[] hold back on spells as long as Scourge might eat them, only use them if he can't get to them
---[] he seems to mostly protect Neverthere and Fortress, using them on others is more likely to work.
--[] If Neverthere somehow is stupid enough to get close to Cerys, use Halt on him and bisect him.
--[] If a spell comes flying at us while we do not have a shield from Daiyu, we can use A&O to reduce it's damage or sometimes fully eat it
-[] Una gets to cast Infinite Advance on Cerys, buffing Cerys' Base Damage.
--[] on a good roll Cerys might get to onehit Scourge, even a 2 will make her take vastly less time to kill him.
--[] after that Una gets to cast Paradox at the Fortresses shields to force him to keep moving.
-[] In regards to the other MGs
--[] try to avoid fighting them as much as possible, they seemed willing enough to attack both parties, if it's the other guys that's only good for us.
--[] if you get the chance say that you do want to be gone, but Neverthere is blocking your teleport out. Might add that Karen is a promise-breaking bitch if you get to talk that long.
--[] Should still keep an eye on them, as much as that is possible during chaotic battle conditions, cause they will try to hurt us.
--[] Don't kill them if you can avoid it.

[] Exp Plan
-[] Infinity Edge 15 -> 18 (480 EXP)

Here, have a first draft for discussion.
The new MGs seem to be tied to this city, not to the Clocktower, and clearly aren't familiar with our abilities.

That means that it's extremely unlikely that they have any special countermeasures to just getting KO'd by Thermal Control.

They'll probably be somewhat resistant to Thermal Control like everything magical has been, but it should still work against them.
one tall with a bit of a bear, the other shorter and clean shaven,
He has a large animal on his body? That's a lot of hair!
currently we are between them all, let's change that.

[] Plan: let's get into cover
-[] the Shika-Anti Air is aiming at you right now, let's try getting into some cover. (Should help a little against those Helis we heard too)
--[] there was a building we ran out of, there are other buildings we shouldn't have trouble finding or creating an entrance to.
--[] we have two people who can sense through walls. The other MGs likely have none. The soldies might have infrared or sth like it though.
-[] the priority is killing Neverthere, if that somehow becomes possible, do it. This plan defines targeting the Scourge first only because he is an obstacle to killing the other guy.
-[] see if you can maneuver in some way so they'll have to be mindful of the other MGs as well. We shouldn't make this us vs them all.
-[] Daiyu is, as always on defensive duty. She gets to intercept attacks whenever we do not manage to get into cover.
--[] Ofc she will replenish her shields as she is able to.
--[] Given that the Scourge will be busy with Cerys this mostly means protecting from that Fortress Guy,
-[] Sabina gets to dissuade the crew of the Shika-Anti Air, and likely future stuff they send. with deadly force.
--[] Sabina should stay away from Sir Neverthere, cause he likely was brought in as a counter for her specifically.
--[] She gets to kill any Clocktower forces not protected by Neverthere that try to butt in.
-[] Cerys gets to hack up the Scourge of Magic with Melee Attacks
--[] Did you have to give him a whole JW to eat? :(
--[] If the Scourge somehow manages to avoid Melee combat, we can send a flying sword after him.
--[] hold back on spells as long as Scourge might eat them, only use them if he can't get to them
---[] he seems to mostly protect Neverthere and Fortress, using them on others is more likely to work.
--[] If Neverthere somehow is stupid enough to get close to Cerys, use Halt on him and bisect him.
--[] If a spell comes flying at us while we do not have a shield from Daiyu, we can use A&O to reduce it's damage or sometimes fully eat it
-[] Una gets to cast Infinite Advance on Cerys, buffing Cerys' Base Damage.
--[] on a good roll Cerys might get to onehit Scourge, even a 2 will make her take vastly less time to kill him.
--[] after that Una gets to cast Paradox at the Fortresses shields to force him to keep moving.
-[] In regards to the other MGs
--[] try to avoid fighting them as much as possible, they seemed willing enough to attack both parties, if it's the other guys that's only good for us.
--[] if you get the chance say that you do want to be gone, but Neverthere is blocking your teleport out. Might add that Karen is a promise-breaking bitch if you get to talk that long.
--[] Should still keep an eye on them, as much as that is possible during chaotic battle conditions, cause they will try to hurt us.
--[] Don't kill them if you can avoid it.

[] Exp Plan
-[] Infinity Edge 15 -> 18 (480 EXP)

Here, have a first draft for discussion.

Could you maybe include something about using A&O to make sure there is nothing left of the scourge, the fortress, and neverthere?
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The new MGs seem to be tied to this city, not to the Clocktower, and clearly aren't familiar with our abilities.

That means that it's extremely unlikely that they have any special countermeasures to just getting KO'd by Thermal Control.

They'll probably be somewhat resistant to Thermal Control like everything magical has been, but it should still work against them.
Magical Girls are usually more than just a little resistant to Control from the inside.
I don't think that'll work. Also, if it does work, getting Thermal Control'ed does not KO them, but cook them from the inside and kill them.
Something I am trying to avoid.
Magical Girls are usually more than just a little resistant to Control from the inside.
I don't think that'll work. Also, if it does work, getting Thermal Control'ed does not KO them, but cook them from the inside and kill them.
Something I am trying to avoid.
We've KO'd people in the past by simply adjusting their body temperature by a few degrees. It was our earliest form of non-lethal takedown, back when fighting non-magical humans was common.
More like Rukia used handwavium. :rofl: I doubt being dismembered and getting burnt to ashes all while being out of mana is survivable. And I remember Rukia saying that if we hadn't Halted him, he could have escaped. He failed.
That was me not knowing the actual facts myself. Also, he was not burned.

Why didn't we use crush here?
Because Cerys was on top of her opponent; that is not a position to take a large enough swing and also hit him properly. So no Crush.

We've KO'd people in the past by simply adjusting their body temperature by a few degrees. It was our earliest form of non-lethal takedown, back when fighting non-magical humans was common.
I can confirm that this is not the case. The only thing we ever did with that was killing a rabbit and trying to kill the Scrant dude.

Could we just do that thing we did with our magic back when we first met Morgan?
Which thing?

Also... in regards to larger plans like the one above, could everyone please leave a few empty lines at times so they become less of a large block?
Also Also... a tiny bit of advice here: to these girls, you came into their home and started fighting. Why do you think they would be hostile?
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That was me not knowing the actual facts myself. Also, he was not burned.

Because Cerys was on top of her opponent and not in a position to take a large enough swing and also hit him properly. So no Crush.

I can confirm that this is not the case. The only thing we ever did with that was killing a rabbit and trying to kill the Scrant dude.

Which thing?

Also... in regards to larger plans like the one above, could everyone please leave a few empty lines at times so they become less of a large block?
Also Also... a tiny bit of advice here: to these girls, you came into their home and started fighting. Why do you think they would be hostile?

The thing where grabbed ahold of her magic, at least I think that's what we did?
Alright, i have an idea, albeit a terrible one.
[]Plan declutter the battlefield.
-Ask Una to explain to the other girls that we're only here for the Scourge and Undying Fortress.
-Continue to fight Scourge&Undying-stick to focusing Scourge down-he's the more problematic, as Undying can get stuck in place by having Sabrina go to town on him.
-Daiyu stays on defense in case anything goes wrong.

The thing where grabbed ahold of her magic, at least I think that's what we did?
I... think that is not possible here.

For one, Cerys has metric tons of magic in comparison to Morgan where fellow Magical Girls and powerful War Mages are probably closer to her reserves.

Additionally, that might have been early installment weirdness. I am not sure if it is still viable at all.

On top of that, even if it were, trying to do it to half a dozen strong people at the same time might end badly; doing it to only a few would make the rest attack. Using it on non-magicals is obviously not possible.
Alright, i have an idea, albeit a terrible one.
[]Plan declutter the battlefield.
-Ask Una to explain to the other girls that we're only here for the Scourge and Undying Fortress.
-Continue to fight Scourge&Undying-stick to focusing Scourge down-he's the more problematic, as Undying can get stuck in place by having Sabrina go to town on him.
-Daiyu stays on defense in case anything goes wrong.

the only thing we are trying at the moment is to get away. our objective has been fulfilled.
Oh well in that case...Wait a tic.
So, we need to bail out. There's a vehicle in front of us with guns, and helicopters trained on us. Now, I figure the thing to do is fly away and hope Daiyu's barriers can hold long enough for us to get away from Scourge so we can thermal spear any helicopters that start getting in our path/Thermal Control detonate any missles sent our way. Don't have a great answer for bullets but I think those can be left to =Daiyu's barriers.
Una's job, is to use her Infinite Advance on us to make us either more resiliant or faster at running away.
Sabrina is to keep an eye out for Tuxedo and chop him in half if she can. If she can't we're just gonna have to lob a Plasma Sphere or maybe even a Juggernaut Wave to get rid of him-perferably not because space interdiction sounds like a great way to keep Earth out the War but eh, we should be able to win that fight if need be.