[Mafia] A Murder of Crows

We'll find out the actual shiny distribution soon enough anyway.
How about everyone self-votes and we dogpile the people shifting at the last second?

Anyway, Terra seems very opposed to the plan, which he likely would be as a jackdaw

[X] Peck Terrabrand
How about everyone self-votes and we dogpile the people shifting at the last second?

Anyway, Terra seems very opposed to the plan, which he likely would be as a jackdaw

[X] Peck Terrabrand
Lol. Hi scum!

No but seriously you're arguing that the dude who has spent most of the game day saying 'yeah it's probably objectively favorable to town mechanics wise but I don't like that style of play and I'm not gonna hard oppose it cause it helps me but I don't like it neither' is... Very opposed to the plan. Not, oh say, QT who actually came out hard swinging against it, and not -rosen who expressed very similar sentiments to me, and not Cyricubed who was also hard oppossed and morally opposed.

Just me. One of the only active players.

Have fun being my d1 lynch frend. Cause this is transparent as hell.

[X] Peck UnderlingMaster
Yeah, I have to agree with Terrabrand here. The only person who's been outright, no-holds-barred arguing against it has been QTesseract- and even they aren't unique in their opposition, just the extent to which they've argued against the plan. Terrabrand has, as they've said, been kind of wavering on the plan; not enthused by it, but also arguing against its effectiveness.

Also, the 'lets all vote for ourselves' suggestion, if meant seriously, is suspicious as hell. On the surface it seems like a reasonable idea, but it relies on getting actually everybody to vote- something we haven't even managed for the first anti-Jackdaw plan- and on enough people being around to react when the Jackdaws shift. Which is a long way from guaranteed.

I'm not changing my vote off just yet, as I'm still hoping we might be able to get the first anti-Jackdaw plan into play, but UM is definitely setting off a load of red flags with that post.
We feel UM's vote and plan poorly placed, might show signs of being misguided town though...gonna re-read
We should distribute the votes so we can find both Jackdaws

Incidentally, how many shiny things are there?

We found this to be their only other post past the start of the game. Even that throws me off because it's just not a good post. A lot of Us is saying rust/still a newer player...but at the same We should hold to the same standard.

[X] Peck UnderlingMaster
We should distribute the votes so we can find both Jackdaws

Incidentally, how many shiny things are there?
This post rubs me worse the longer I look at it. The number of shiny things is pretty prominent in the opening posts. It looks like an attempt to appear like you aren't paying attention, which provides cover for "mistakes" later. Or it is just a bad post. Either way, it is enough to get my vote.

[X] Peck UnderlingMaster
So I've mostly been skimming the thread but it seems like the majority (or at least the loudest voices) agree that a mechanics based strategy that requires nearly everyone to cooperate isn't likely to work. While it's likely at least one jackdaw is among the arguments against it, there seem to be enough potential points of failure in the plan that town is also likely to argue against it. On the side for the plan has been UnderlingMaster who was the first to post about it and then later suggested another high coordination plan and NSMS who has argued the hardest for it and it seems to me like he truly believes it could work. What really bugs me is how Underling suggested a plan, did nothing with it when people debated about it, and then posted another plan that has almost the exact same arguments against it from the start. This makes me think he's suggesting ideas not to help the town but to sow chaos. Two times isn't enough for a pattern but for Day 1 without any better targets it's enough for a vote.

[X] Peck UnderlingMaster
This game is strange to me, and I'm quite lost as to how to handle it. Everyone, even the town analogues, can steal, and iirc nobody has kill power. Plus there's the openness, a d the four factions of varying levels of threat.

Currently, I'm definitely feeling the suspicion other people are towards underlingmaster, and I think it's probably a decent vote and the best vote as of yet (for d1 lol), but I am somewhat worried about TB, although I'm not entirely sure why. I thiiiink it's my general suspicions towards them and town leaders in general, so until I have anything of value I'm going to say that it's a pretty baseless suspicion. Besides those two, I don't really have anyone who's sus to me at the moment, and TB is definitely a reach. So, given that I know there's no jester...

[X] Peck UnderlingMaster
Not loving that omgus, Terra.
Lol. Hi scum!

No but seriously you're arguing that the dude who has spent most of the game day saying 'yeah it's probably objectively favorable to town mechanics wise but I don't like that style of play and I'm not gonna hard oppose it cause it helps me but I don't like it neither' is... Very opposed to the plan. Not, oh say, QT who actually came out hard swinging against it, and not -rosen who expressed very similar sentiments to me, and not Cyricubed who was also hard oppossed and morally opposed.

Just me. One of the only active players.

Have fun being my d1 lynch frend. Cause this is transparent as hell.

[X] Peck UnderlingMaster

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I searched for posts written by Rosen, and Rosen never objected to the plan, and I got the impression that Cyri was objecting to it more on grounds of how it'd play out than just plain not wanting it to happen. That said, he might also be a jackdaw.

Nice omgus by the way.

Depending on how ties are resolved, my second plan might instantly reveal an entire faction.

Also, even if it fails, it still tells us something by how it fails.

If only one jackdaw selfs then we've still killed a jackdaw. If no jackdaw selfs, then we look among the pool that didn't vote for both jackdaws.

If for some reason they do both follow the plan, then we'll know by the tie.

Since d1 is usually a shot in the dark, following a plan seems better than the alternative.

Since the jackdaws could never support this plan, it is highly likely you are a jackdaw.
Not loving that omgus, Terra.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I searched for posts written by Rosen, and Rosen never objected to the plan, and I got the impression that Cyri was objecting to it more on grounds of how it'd play out than just plain not wanting it to happen. That said, he might also be a jackdaw.

Nice omgus by the way.

Depending on how ties are resolved, my second plan might instantly reveal an entire faction.

Also, even if it fails, it still tells us something by how it fails.

If only one jackdaw selfs then we've still killed a jackdaw. If no jackdaw selfs, then we look among the pool that didn't vote for both jackdaws.

If for some reason they do both follow the plan, then we'll know by the tie.

Since d1 is usually a shot in the dark, following a plan seems better than the alternative.

Since the jackdaws could never support this plan, it is highly likely you are a jackdaw.
>be me. Tell lurkers to shape up.

>lurker votes me for 'being scummy' on incredibly flimsy basis.

>lurker claims me and like four other people voting him for being scummy as fuck is omgus. having basically just omgus-ed me. And been in my lynch pool announced before he did it.

That sure is a compelling argument!

You are correct on one thing, however- I was misremembering. It wasn't -Rosen I was thinking of, it was;

I guess i can see the tradeoff between outing the Jackdaws and essentially surrendering the entire first lynch to them and honestly I think it has to be done earlier rather than later if we distinctly want to attempt this plan. But surrendering our only KP to them still gives me some bad vibes.
It still potentially reduces the amount of friendly steals though, like idk I think theres a sliding scale of results but I mean it's entirely possible that a mislynch just happens anyways D1 so realistically the outcomes are actually probably favorable.

[X] Peck NSMS


However, your incredibly flimsy attempt to claim me calling out your scummy play is because you were voting me, and not because your vote is being made under reasoning that calls for voting other than me and yet you're pretending it points solely at me, while several other people saw the same thing as me, stands as both transparently and feebly scummy.

I considered calling you out as omgus-ing in the first place. I decided against it because that aspect is the weakest part of my reason for voting you, and I decided it was just unnecessary and distracting to point out. But if you're gonna claim I'm doing what you are, I'm sure as heck gonna point out the added hypocrisy stacked atop using a logic for your vote that points at voting QT and not at voting me. Because, uh. Yeah, lying about why you're voting is scummy, and voting for someone who is less qualified a target by your express reasoning is also sus as hell.

The fact you're trying to spin this into a scum case on me and not going 'oh, did QT argue against it? I missed that' or something does make it even clearer you're probably scum and not misguided town, though! So thanks for that, assuming you are scum. (I'm gonna be annoyed if you're actually town, but this is too obvious for me to back off from without much more compelling reason)
Our greatest aim is not killing a specific scum role d1, but killing someone besides town.

Singling out the jackdaws increases our majority, while statistically a person chosen based on d1 reads will be a crow.

Even if the plan backfires, it can backfire on ravens and magpies.
>be me. Tell lurkers to shape up.

>lurker votes me for 'being scummy' on incredibly flimsy basis.

>lurker claims me and like four other people voting him for being scummy as fuck is omgus. having basically just omgus-ed me. And been in my lynch pool announced before he did it.

That sure is a compelling argument!

You are correct on one thing, however- I was misremembering. It wasn't -Rosen I was thinking of, it was;


However, your incredibly flimsy attempt to claim me calling out your scummy play is because you were voting me, and not because your vote is being made under reasoning that calls for voting other than me and yet you're pretending it points solely at me, while several other people saw the same thing as me, stands as both transparently and feebly scummy.

I considered calling you out as omgus-ing in the first place. I decided against it because that aspect is the weakest part of my reason for voting you, and I decided it was just unnecessary and distracting to point out. But if you're gonna claim I'm doing what you are, I'm sure as heck gonna point out the added hypocrisy stacked atop using a logic for your vote that points at voting QT and not at voting me. Because, uh. Yeah, lying about why you're voting is scummy, and voting for someone who is less qualified a target by your express reasoning is also sus as hell.

The fact you're trying to spin this into a scum case on me and not going 'oh, did QT argue against it? I missed that' or something does make it even clearer you're probably scum and not misguided town, though! So thanks for that, assuming you are scum. (I'm gonna be annoyed if you're actually town, but this is too obvious for me to back off from without much more compelling reason)

You led the bandwagon on me, and cited me voting for such an active player (yourself) as one of the reasons.

My original vote on you was because you behaved exactly as is optimal for a jackdaw.

Plus, this post seems to rely on indignant ATE.
Our greatest aim is not killing a specific scum role d1, but killing someone besides town.

Singling out the jackdaws increases our majority, while statistically a person chosen based on d1 reads will be a crow.

Even if the plan backfires, it can backfire on ravens and magpies.
this is totally irrelevant to why you're blatant scum, which is going after me for opposing the plan when A I did not oppose the plan in the first place and B others opposed it much more stringently. If you're seriously saying that opposing the plan is an inherently Jackdaw trait, then the only legal vote for you to make is QT, who is literally the only player who went unconditionally to bat against the plan.

You instead voted me, and are now trying to use me calling you out on that shit to act like it further proves I'm a jackdaw, while outright ignoring that QT is the only player who went hard to bat against the plan as opposed to having doubts or playstyle reservations.

You continue to vote me, and give a bullshit reasoning of me being the first of several to vote you being omgus. Do you not see how incredibly scummy this looks?

In fact, this post clinches it; you're making a d1 read based vote against me and trying to back it up while saying THE PLAN is the best choice. Instead of trying to sway people around to it, you're doing exactly the thing you're saying the plan is better than because... I didn't oppose the plan but let's ignore that, lie, and say I did.

You led the bandwagon on me, and cited me voting for such an active player (yourself) as one of the reasons.

My original vote on you was because you behaved exactly as is optimal for a jackdaw.

Plus, this post seems to rely on indignant ATE.
there is no appeal to emotions. I'm calling your behavior blatantly shitty scum behavior that involves lying about who opposed the plan.

because it is.

I have not said one word about it being Dishonorable or Meatspace Being On My Case or anything that'd be an appeal to emotion. I called you out for blatantly trying to setup to lynch an active player on reasoning that would, per se, involve voting a less active player, and furthermore for doing so when you are one of the least active players and immediately in a response to a call for activity vote the guy calling for activity over people who actually did what you are claiming would be optimal for a jackdaw.

You are lying. Somewhere, in here, you are lying. You don't actually care about catching jackdaws for opposing the plan as A Jackdaw Trait. Because, if you did, I would not be your target, as I did not oppose the plan and others in fact actually did.
like. If I look at this from the false perspective that I'm actually a jackdaw (which, I reiterate, is wrong, but I have no proof of that) then this makes you the magpie. Because you are lying about your reasons, and picking me over people that they better apply to. If I was a jackdaw, that'd ring the alarm for 'magpie who is making after the fact justifications for what they know through role power'. As is, i'd bet on you as either a raven (trying to get towncred by going after a not them group) or a jackdaw yourself (trying to 'come to the defense' of the plan in a way that excuses you pushing a lynch that is... not the plan you are pushing as optimal play, thus creating a situation where you look like you're not fighting the plan while ensuring it fails thus letting you not get a jackdaw lynched).
I'm not sure if UM's continued arguments are desperate flailing to try and justify themselves or pushing some sort of agenda/plan, but the more they've posted the more suspicious they've gotten. To the point that, especially since the anti-Jackdaw plan seems a no-go anyway at this point, I'm willing to vote to peck them.

[X] Peck UnderlingMaster
Coinflip toss, metaphorically, between Shadell and Underling Master for most vote worthy on activity basis atm.

The Jackdaw plan to regents us from building up anything to find ravens and is prone to manipulation so while I like playing the mechanics, I don't think it's actually beneficial for crows really, since it effectively wastes two days without scum hunting even if it works perfectly, and and magpies make out like bandits.

I figured doing nothing but being perfectly obtuse until I got negative attention to see how a wagon built could be useful, but UM mostly has taken on that responsibility.

Speaking of which, that post is scummy, but not necessarily due to scum. Not liking how quickly that's built. Also not liking the suggestion of a F1 inactivity lynch from Terra specifically, though there's been remarkably less to go on.
@Wiadi same as Tykan.

Two, technically, but you have a point. I'll try to be a bit more active but this has been a busy weekend. As I warned before game start my participation may be a bit low this game.
Since the jackdaws could never support this plan, it is highly likely you are a jackdaw.

Okay, this is a classic case of getting probabilities wrong - "it is overwhelmingly likely that a Jackdaw would oppose this plan; therefore it is overwhelmingly likely that those who oppose this plan are Jackdaws." Except no, a statement does not imply its converse, and indeed enough people oppose your plan that it is mathematically impossible for even half of them to be Jackdaws.

Anyway, UM is sus as all hell, but I'm also kind of concerned at how quickly this wagon has built against them. It's possible that it's just because we're short on other D1 suspicions so people are latching onto what they can find, though...I dunno.
like. If I look at this from the false perspective that I'm actually a jackdaw (which, I reiterate, is wrong, but I have no proof of that) then this makes you the magpie. Because you are lying about your reasons, and picking me over people that they better apply to. If I was a jackdaw, that'd ring the alarm for 'magpie who is making after the fact justifications for what they know through role power'. As is, i'd bet on you as either a raven (trying to get towncred by going after a not them group) or a jackdaw yourself (trying to 'come to the defense' of the plan in a way that excuses you pushing a lynch that is... not the plan you are pushing as optimal play, thus creating a situation where you look like you're not fighting the plan while ensuring it fails thus letting you not get a jackdaw lynched).

Why do you feel the need to include a perspective as a jackdaw?
Our greatest aim is not killing a specific scum role d1, but killing someone besides town.

Singling out the jackdaws increases our majority, while statistically a person chosen based on d1 reads will be a crow.

Even if the plan backfires, it can backfire on ravens and magpies.

This seems at odds with your so called plan, because essentially your trading control of a lynch to non town to out said non town entities which is completely flies in the face of it.

[X] Peck UnderlingMaster
The Jackdaw plan to regents us from building up anything to find ravens and is prone to manipulation so while I like playing the mechanics, I don't think it's actually beneficial for crows really, since it effectively wastes two days without scum hunting even if it works perfectly, and and magpies make out like bandits.

I figured doing nothing but being perfectly obtuse until I got negative attention to see how a wagon built could be useful, but UM mostly has taken on that responsibility.

Speaking of which, that post is scummy, but not necessarily due to scum. Not liking how quickly that's built. Also not liking the suggestion of a F1 inactivity lynch from Terra specifically, though there's been remarkably less to go on.
honestly I was hoping to push inactivity until we had activity and then vote... someone somewhere. You know, have a stronger reason.

I wouldn't have been surprised if we got an inactivity lynch with how little time is left. I wasn't expecting to get reason to vote outside the like. literally half the game that was all inactive, and with underling master being the scummiest my reservations of voting in that area are gone.

also note that nearly half the game is scum and not especially co aligned so even eg raven opportunism doesn't automatically mark one as a crow.

Why do you feel the need to include a perspective as a jackdaw?
I'll humor this, since it's an actually fair question. The point is, since I cannot prove I am not a jackdaw, even if you believe the UnderlingMaster case against me for proving I am a Jackdaw, it still doesn't mean you aren't scum and in fact if you are magically correct that I am a jackdaw, the most likely explanation given how bad your logic is, is that you are Public Enemy Number 1 aka the magpie.

if one assumes I am a jackdaw, I'd be making this post to finger you as the next for fucking me over. As I am not the jackdaw, it's to make it clear why I specifically think you probably aren't the magpie but without a clear magpie candidate I'll settle for the probably-a-Raven.