Looking Glass (MLP)

I felt a lot better after getting almost a full day of sleep.

The sun was just about setting at the horizon and the changelings were all gathered in one part of the castle. Everypony else in the rest of it, most of the royal guard had fucked off where they came from and the rest had set up camp next to the castle, fires lighting up their campsite.

Absolutely none of the above was my problem right now.

Instead, I was on the hunt. I didn't often get drunk, but tonight seemed like an excellent night to make a point to do so. Because last night had been a bitch and a half.

However, that posed a problem.

I couldn't just pop into Ponyville to buy some. For one thing, it was closed. For the other, I would need to disguise myself or ponies would be running around in fear.

Also, I had no bits.

Midnight being Midnight, I didn't exactly expect a big stash in the castle, but there had to be some around here somewhere.

If nothing else, she was friends with Applejack.

There had to be cider or something like it somewhere around here.

So I moved through the castle on silent hooves and wings. The kitchen had been a bust(well, they had mango, so not completely), and I had moved on from there.

...Of course I could just ask somepony, but where was the fun in that.

I spotted a glimmer of light through a slightly open door and peered inside only to see Shining Armor standing and looking out the window towards the guard camp, the room lit mostly by the firelight outside.

I hesitated for a second before I deliberately pulled the magic from my hooves to cause hoofsteps as I pushed the root open, "Sorry, I saw light," I said as Shining Armor startled, "Am I disturbing you?"

Shining shook his head, "No, it's fine," he said and turned back to the window.

Crossing the room, I stood next to him, looking out at the camp, "Miss it?" I asked after a moment.

"The guard?" he asked and at my nod he shrugged, "Sometimes," he admitted, "I'm still technically in the guard and I am in charge of the crystal guard."

"But it's not the same."

"It's not the same," he agreed before he sighed, "...Sorry about what I said before, I know now what you were trying to do."

"Don't worry about it. Was actually pretty helpful," I said with a small shrug, "And I know you don't like changelings."

He snorted and flicked his ears, "You can say that. I'm still not happy about any of this but... at least nopony got hurt."

"Sometimes that's the best we can hope for."

He made a small sound of agreement.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked, "I would have thought you'd be spending time with your parents and Midnight?"

Shining smiled slightly, "Our parents are asleep and Cadance banished me while she talked to my sister."

I raised an eyebrow, "Banished?"

"Apparently it was not for my ears," he said and shrugged, "So what are you up to?"

"Looking for something to get drunk with," I admitted, "Yesterday was that sort of.. oh, buck, it was still earlier today."

That got a grin, "I'm with you there," before he shook his head, "Not sure it's a good idea though, we still have a bunch of changelings."

"Oh, it's definitely not. Wanna join?"

Shining laughed and nodded, "If I thought Twily had anything home, I'd be way ahead of you already. Check the kitchen?"

"Yeah, most I found was a small bottle of cooking wine," I admitted, "Any plans now?"

"Going to tour the guard camp I think," he said and smirked, "I may not be an active guard, but I still have my rank and can't have them get too comfortable. Wanna come?"

I considered it for a second before I shook my head, "I think I'll take a flight, stretch my wings a bit. Some fresh air would be nice right about now."


I rested on my wings before slowly banking around, looking down towards Fluttershy's cottage. The windows still shone through with light, somepony down there was still awake.

Banking around again, I considered things for a moment before mentaly shrugging. As good of a time as possible.

Silently coming in for landing, my hooves touched ground at the edge of Fluttershy's garden before I walked over to the door.

I listened hard. No voices so no company over. Fairly certain it was safe, I raised my hoof and knocked on the door.

There were no sound for a second inside before I heard quiet hoofsteps approaching the door before it opened a small crack to reveal a yellow coat and a bit of pink mane, "P-Prince Page?"

"Lady Fluttershy," I said, giving her a small bow, "My apologies for disrupting you this late, but there is something I need to talk to you about. Would you have a moment?"

She was silent for a moment before she nodded, "...O-okay..." she said and backed away, opening the door, "Come on. C-could I offer a cup of tea?"

"That would be very nice, thank you," I admitted with a smile as I entered.

A white bunny jumped up to sit before me, looking up at me before looking back at Fluttershy, making a clicking sound.

Fluttershy went beet red from the tips of her ears, "Angel Bunny!" she gasped and scooped him up before rushing to the kitchen.

I blinked after them in slight confusion and then gave the door a small kick with my hoof, causing it to swing closed behind me.

Then I looked around. Fluttershy's cottage was fairly small, all seemingly centered around the living room with a couch, a fireplace where a small fire crackled away and a few bookshelves. the room lit up by the fire and candles. And a crapload of animals.

A skunk peered at me from a box at the other side of the room and I lifted my hoof to avoid stepping on a family of mice crossing the room.

I knew she liked animals, but I knew she didn't keep as many in Nocturnis. Was it for company or something else. The Fluttershy I knew wasn't exactly a social butterfly, but I did know she was friendly with a lot of ponies in Nocturnis.

Moving over to the couch, I carefully checked that I wouldn't sit on anything before I jumped onto it and settled down to wait.

It didn't take long before Fluttershy returned, balancing a tray in one wing. Like that first time I saw it, I saw her true self through her illusion almost like double vision. I saw her fluffy ears, cute fangs and bat wings. But I also saw the pegasus everypony thought she was.

She set the tray on the table, glancing at me nervously as she poured me a cup before offering it.

"Thank you," I said and took it by hoof. It was impolite to take food by magic if offered by hoof. Part of the things Sunshines lessons have taught me, "Again, sorry for bothering you this late," I said.

"I-it's alright."

Seeing her this anxious, this... shy... once more...

It tore my heart out. I knew she could be much more, feel much better about herself and the ponies around her. She deserved so much more than to constantly be worried and afraid.

I took in the scent of the green tea to give her a second to collect herself before I spoke, "I'm sure Midnight, that is to say, your Twilight, has told you about Nocturnis?" I asked and looked at her.

Fluttershy nodded and hid slightly behind her mane, "It sounds...nice."

I nodded, "I can't make anything like it here," I said with a small sigh, "But Princess Luna has expressed an interest in doing what she can for any bat ponies in Equestria. I found all bats with the help of dream magic, but if I teach her how to find thestrals..."

Fluttershy went very, very still. If I couldn't hear her heart thumping hard, I would have sworn she had turned into a statue.

I didn't say anything, I just sipped my tea and looked towards the fireplace. It took several long moments before her ears slowly drooped slightly and she looked down at her cup of tea.

"...It would help a lot of ponies..." she said and I could barely make it out, she was so quiet.

"It would," I confirmed gently, "But I wanted to ask you what you wanted me to do. You deserve better than to just have your secret yanked out into the open. If you tell me not to teach her, I won't. But if I do... she will find you."

Fluttershy took a slow breath before she looked at me and for a split second, I saw who she was. Who she could be. The beautiful and strong thestral that stood in my throne room, facing down half a dozen ponies about the best way to expand the village because doing it in that tree would disrupt a family of monkeys.

The pony that I had not heard a stutter from in over a year. The pony that no longer hid behind her mane.

"I-I want you to do it," she said quietly but in the firmest voice I heard from her here, "I... there are colts and fillies that..."

She broke off and looked down at her tea again, "...Don't want them to..."

"Didn't know about any other bats than your mother until I arrived, did you?" I asked gently.

She shook her head and swallowed, "Twilight told me. So many. I... I have my friends. I have my home. Many... many don't even have that," she said, her voice growing more steady as she spoke before she met my eyes for the first time and her illusion flashed away, leaving her fully in her real form, "And I won't be the pony that say they can't have better!"

Fluttershy was a good pony.

A good strong pony with strong ethics and morals and I had taken advantage of all of that several times to get Nocturnis built. And here I was doing it again. Except this time I would leave and drop even more onto her shoulders.

Fluttershy was a good pony.

I was not.

I nodded and put my half finished cup down on the table, "I will teach her before I leave," I said and then looked at her, "Maybe tell your friends before that. Midnight will be with you the entire way, know that."

Fluttershy visibly swallowed, her eyes shining in sudden fear but she still nodded firmly.

I gave her a small bow, "Good Night, Lady Fluttershy," I said before I turned to leave, feeling like a monster.
The sun was up and it was late morning, but I was still awake, blinking against the glare

The changelings were gathered outside the castle, the solar guards in a group towards the side. Celestia was back, facing Chrysalis between the two groups.

I was to the side with the rest, standing next to Midnight, Cadence and Shining Armor standing by her other side. Her parents were somewhere in the castle.

"You could just get some sunglasses, you know," Midnight murmured to me.

"Yeah, yeah," I grumbled.

Sure, the light didn't help, but I was tired too.

"So we're agreed?" Celestia asked Chrysalis.

Chrysalis nodded, "We are agreed. We will move and dig a hive at the other side of the mountain, like discussed. At the agreed site our scouts located."

Celestia shifted her wings and nodded in return.

With that, Chrysalis spread her wings and took to the sky, every changeling there taking to the air and following and so did a squad of pegasi, taking an escort formation to the side of the group.

The entire group circled once and then headed towards Canterlot.

Celesita looked after them for a long moment before she turned and crossed over towards us, golden shoes clicking softly against the stone path, "Well done, everypony," she said quietly with a small smile.

"All thanks to Page," Midnight said and smiled at me.

I shook my head, "No. All I did was get everypony talking. It was Cadance and you," I told her and then smiled at them, "You were the ones to convince her in the end."

Midnight eyed me for a second and then turned back to Celestia, "Chrysalis is sneaky, she'll have to be watched closely."

"And we will do so," Celestia agreed, "But turning an enemy into a friend is the best way to defeat them. This is a good start and one I never thought possible with Chrysalis."

Cadance snorted, "Friend might be pushing it."

"Perhaps," Celestia agreed, "But it is a start. I should return to Canterlot, there is much I need to discuss with my sister and the nobility."

I snorted at that last part.

Midnight suppressed a smirk as she glanced at me before she looked up at Celestia again, "A good idea," she agreed.

"Yes, best go deal with the matter of the useless parasites," I said, nodding and looking up at Celestia, "And then likely prepare something for Chrysalis' visit as well."

Celestia's usual polite mask broke. Not a lot, but her lips twitched and humor shone in her eyes, "Indeed," she agreed, "Be well, all of you."

With that, she moved to get onto the royal carriage and it took off towards Canterlot, a honor guard of pegasi pulling a dozen more carriages with guards joining her.

As the carriages pulled back, the leader, a unicorn general I didn't recognize, raised his voice, "Alright colts! Get your tails moving! We don't get paid to laze about!"

That got everypony moving and the guard got moving. You could actually see the chain of command as yells replicated down the chain and ponies got ponies going to start to pull their camp down.

"Well, if the circus has left the town, I'm going to go sleep," I said and suppressed a yawn.

Midnight nodded, "Go get some rest," she agreed, "Come see me tonight, we'll go through what we have so far when it comes to getting back."

"Sounds like a plan," I agreed and rubbed my eyes with a pastern, "Good morning," I said and headed back towards the castle, going by hoof.

Wasn't in a hurry and flying was more tiring than walking when you couldn't glide. Flat ground sucks, trees is definitely where it's at.

"Page, one moment?" Cadance said and trotted up next to me, "I can walk with you as we talk."

I blinked and paused, nodding to her, "Of course, Princess," I said before I continued on towards the castle, "What did you wish to speak to me about?" I asked and ignited my horn, pulling the gate open and allowing her inside before following.

Cadance paused and let the door close, "Shining and I are heading to Canterlot by train tomorrow," she said, "I'm not sure we will be able to speak again before you leave back to your world."

I nodded, "I hope you don't mind if I say that I hope so. Because the alternative is that Midnight and Starlight have been unable to figure it out. And I want to go home."

Cadance smiled and nodded, "I was wondering if you would mind if I asked you to carry a letter for the Cadance of your world?"

"Of course not," I agreed before I smiled, "And I doubt you will be the only one."

"I'll write it before we leave," she assured me before she regarded me for several moments.

"What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

She smiled, "Nothing, just looking at your feathers," she said and nodded towards the two feathers in my mane, "Curious who's idea that was, Luna and Twilight. Your Twilight I mean, I never knew either to be overly sentimental about such things."

"You'd be surprised," I told her with a smile and shifted my wings, reaching up to touch Lunas with my hoof, "And it was Twilight actually."

Cadance nodded with a smile, "I like it. Hope you don't mind, but I may introduce the custom to Shining."

I grinned, "I don't. He might."

She smirked playfully, "I may be able to convince him," she said and then looked closer, "It's not fully traditional though," she then added, "Not sure I ever seen anypony carry a lock of mane like that."

"Well," I admitted and touched the small braid holding the feathers that had some red braided through it, "Sunset doesn't have feathers, being a unicorn. We considered a horn ring, but Sunset wanted to marry Twilight first and Twilight doesn't feel ready for marriage yet. And with Sparks and My Sky marking me with their feathers, she wanted something to add to it too."

"Sunset Shimmer," Cadance said, nodding a bit before she smiled, "And speaking of unicorns… what could you tell me of Tempest Shadow?"

"Not as much as Midnight," I admitted, "We're friends, but not quite close. But I suspect it's painful for her to talk about her. Come, let's find something to drink and I'll tell you what I know. Maybe… maybe it'll help Midnight," I then added, feeling my ears droop slightly.

I have no idea how she did it, if I had been cut away from Luna… Sparks or Sunny… like she was from Twilight…

If I didn't trust Midnight completely in finding me a way back…

I'd be a wreck.

Cadance nodded, "I'll do what I can."
The dream realm stretched out in all directions and I peered at the portal before me. It was dark and stormy, rippling with silver.

"Prince Page."

"Princess Luna," I said and looked back to her as she joined me.

She stepped up next to me, "There is a Nightmare in there," she said and then looked to me, "You're not helping her?"

I sighed, "...This is not my world. I would like to, but not without asking you for permission. On this world, this is your realm."

Luna frowned slightly and then nodded, "You would leave a pony in danger?"

"Hardly danger," I said and looked up at her, "Nightmares are scary, yes, but ponies managed without anypony to guard their dreams for a millenium. They are scary, yes, but not really dangerous."

Luna sighed softly, "They can be," she said quietly, "They can still kill a weak pony, an elderly or sick pony may die of fright."

"And this is a healthy baker in his twenties," I told her as I got up, "Not in danger. Would you like me to join you in the hunt?"

Nodding, Luna stepped forward, "If you would like," she said, moving into the portal.

I got up and touched my horn to the portal, following her into the dream. The dream formed around us, leaving us in a larger than life kitchen. The counters stretching up like mountains above our heads.

A earth pony with blonde mane and grey coat and with a bread cutiemark were running for his life on the floor, being chased by a massive rat the size of a dozen ponies.

I raised my eyebrow and walked up next to Luna as I watched the scene as he scrambled, just barely able to avoid the rat chasing him, "Remind me not to buy anything from his bakery," I commented.

Luna glanced at me, "Indeed," she commented and turned back, "Would you like to battle the Nightmare?"

"I would," I agreed and spread my wings, taking to the sky before I twisted through the air. It liked playing cat and mouse, huh?

I can play that too.

Wrapping the fabric of the dream around myself, forging it into a different shape before I pounced in the form of a tabby cat.

I slammed down on the Nightmare, smashing the rat to the floor, claws extended as I went for the back of the neck with my fangs.

The Nightmare let out a very rat like squeak before dissolving into sparkles and I drank them in, feeling the usual rush of energy from it.

I met the baker's eyes as he looked back at me before I tapped my paw, changing the dream around us. Everything shuddered and shifted in a ripple from my paw.

Suddenly the baker was at the right size compared to his kitchen, a different pony faced him across the counter, the unicorn holding a paper in her magic as she talked to him about health violations.

I returned to my actual form but kept the small size as I took wing and flew over to Luna, landing before her.

"An interesting change of dream," Luna said and looked up towards the two ponies, "And I can't help but notice that you made sure he will remember this part."

"Maybe it will do him good," I said and sighed, "Not the calming dream I usually leave behind, but if he really has a rat problem bad enough for a Nightmare to latch onto as a subject, this may save some ponies from getting sick in the future."

Luna turned to regard me again, "Your mastery of dream magic is quite remarkable."

I smiled at her, "I had a very good teacher," I told her and then shrugged, "Your realm is the night, the moon, the stars. Mine is… imagination. Stories. Much tighter bound to dreams than even yours are. It makes it easy for me."

"Even so," Luna said, "It's not an easy subject even for a pony skilled in it. I have known two other ponies able to use the most rudimentary dream magic from their special talents. I have never known a pony able to do it like you. Not even myself."

I shook my head, "I'm not as good as you are," I said and then smiled at her, "Not yet."

"Not yet," she agreed before she smiled, "But I do have an advantage in practice. Before I was as good as you are now it took me… hundreds of years. How long have you been practicing it?"

"Not anywhere near as long," I admitted, "My wife started to teach me before I got my wings, but even so…"

Luna nodded, "As I thought," she said before she smiled slightly, "...I wonder where the you of this world is."

I shook my head, "I'm not. I'm from a different world entirely," I told her, "I'm not sure if Midnight told you of that…"

"She did," Luna said and frowned, "And you have no idea how you ended up there?"

"No," I admitted and then shrugged my wings, "But it seems to be the split of the timeline from this one as far as we'd been able to determine."

Luna nodded, "So when we met, it really was a version of me you met."

I smiled and sighed, "This must be almost as strange to you as it is to me."

"Not so strange as for you," Luna admitted, "Just… thinking. Would you be willing to bring a message to your wife from me?"

"Of course, but at this rate you may have to loan me a postal satchel."
I looked at the two blackboards covered in complicated spell calculations and diagrams before I turned to Midnight, raising one eyebrow, "I am better at this stuff than I used to be," I told her, "But I'm still at the two plus two stage. Can you explain this to me in small words?"

Midnight stuck her tongue out at me, "Basically, we almost have it," she said, "I had an idea during the negotiations that seemed to have worked."

"You did math during the negotiations?" I asked and glanced at the blackboard.

She frowned, "What did you think I was doing while nopony was talking?"

"...Okay, dumb question," I admitted. I had spent the time being bored and annoyed.

I mentally ratcheted Midnight and Twilight's estimated intelligence up another couple of notches above myself, "So what do we have?"

"If this pans out," Starlight said from across the table, a pen floating in her magic, "We might have a castable spell ready in a few days to a week."

"That's great news!" I said with a smile, "I thought it would take a lot longer!"

"If this pans out," Midnight cautioned me, "But it's looking good so far, we'll be able to go back soon."

I blinked at that, looking at her, "...You mean I will be able to go back soon."

Midnight shook her head and let out a small sigh, "Page... we're all going home. Me, You, Talon. Because he was right. This was home and it's been amazing seeing everypony again. But this isn't home anymore."

"Starlight, leave the room," I said quietly.

The unicorn almost ran for the door, closing it behind her.

Midnight looked at me as I turned fully to her, "You can't," I told her firmly.

"Can't?" she asked, one eyebrow raising, "I can't?"

"You can't come," I said and sighed, "Ponies here need you."

Midnight stepped forward, her nose almost touching mine, "Ponies? Or Bat Ponies?"

I flinched slightly and took half a step back, "...Both," I said quietly, "What if something happens, they will need the element of magic."

"But that's not what you were thinking of," she said, taking another step forward.

This time I didn't back off, "Don't make it invalid," I told her seriously, "And I might not be able to follow that entire thing," I said and nodded towards the blackboards, "But even I can follow a degrading magical stability ratio. There are only so many times you can do this trip without safely."

Midnight sighed softly and nodded, taking half a step, moving between me and the blackboard before she sat down, "We might never be able to come back here again safely."

I shook my head, "It's a bad idea," I told her seriously, "Forget the thestrals here, what if they do need your element?"

"Then another will step forward," Midnight said and looked at me, "Page, I'm the element of magic because I was in the right place at the right time with the right ponies. Not because I'm unique."

I sighed, "Fine, what about the bat ponies here, without decursing-"

"A spell any pair of alicorns can do," Midnight told me, "It's not that difficult-"

"Yes it is."

"...Okay, fine. It's relatively not that difficult," she admitted, "It just needs a lot of power behind it to burn through the blood magic. I can teach it to Cadance and Luna. And Celestia."

"Your friends," I said and shook my head, "Your family."

Midnight's ears drooped and nodded, "I will miss them," she said, "I will miss everypony here. But I'd miss everypony at home more."

I shook my head and lowered my voice, "Midnight... Tempest won't last forever," I told her quietly, "And when she's gone..."

"When she's gone," Midnight said firmly, "I will have treasured every second I had with her. And that also applies to everypony here but Cadance, Flurry, Luna and Celestia."

I rubbed my forehead with my hoof. Arguing with any of the Sparkle twins was just an effort in futility. They always had ready answers and often with supporting footnotes. And charts. Not even the lazy ones like pie charts.

But while I found it sexy in Sparks, with Midnight it was just infuriating for some reason.

Shaking my head, I frowned, "What is this coming from, you were... you came down on Talon pretty hard for wanting to go back."

Midnight sighed and then smiled sadly, "I talked to Cadance."

Princess of Love.

I see, yeah that would do it. Fucking damn it, Pink. You just had to, couldn't help yourself, could you?

"Are you sure?" I asked her quietly, "Because once we go... there might not be a safe way back again."

Midnight nodded, "I know."

"You will have to tell everypony and with me well away from any blast radius. Because I just know I will get blamed for this. Somehow."

"I know," Midnight repeated.

"For the record, I think this is a bad idea," I said before I sighed and looked away, "...But it's not my choice to make. I'll support you whatever choice you do."

Midnight got up and pulled me into a hug.

I hugged back, "...You know, if you two do go back, Talon is likely going to join the guard," I said quietly.

"...Yeah," Midnight admitted and then broke the hug to smile sadly with a small sigh, "Everypony eventually grows up. Even baby dragons."

AN// Apologies, postings will be unreliable for the next week or so as I'm moving countries.I will attempt to post regularly, but it may not be possible.

Sorry about that.
Rainbow Dash better never find out about this. I had made a monumental discovery and the blue pegasus better not find out about it or she'll never forgive me.

My existence had butterflied away a Daring Do book.

Daring Do and the Prancing Mummy.

What's even worse, it was pretty damn good. Might be one of her best ones actually. Yeah, she'd be pissed if she ever found out.

On the other hoof… maybe I should bring a copy for her. That'd earn me some major points, that could be useful.

If nothing else, hearth's warming present.

…Does bringing a book from a different universe and publishing it in one where the original author still exist but has not written that book specifically count as plagiarism, fanfiction or copyright?

I bet Daring Do would like one though. Bring two. One for Rainbow and one for Daring. Surely it's not piracy if Daring publishes her own book.

I turned the page and kept reading in the light of the light of my horn, the moon high in the sky outside the window.

The door suddenly opened sharply. It didn't quite slam open but it was definitely not a polite opening of doors.

Princess Celestia didn't quite storm inside, but her shoes clicked against the floor in a decidedly annoyed way, "Prince Blank Page," she said as the doors closed behind her, not quite hiding the two guards taking position outside, "We have matters to discuss."

"Oh thank Celestia," I said and closed the book and looked up at her, "Can you please talk some sense into her!"

Celestia paused and blinked at me in surprise, "What?"

I put the book down and jumped off the couch, "Midnight! She wants to come back to my world, tell her she can't!"

"You… don't want her to come?"

"No!" I said and sighed, "Damn it, I knew I would be blamed for this! No, I don't want her to come. It's too important that she stays here!"

Celestia frowned slightly, "You think so?"

I sighed and nodded, "I think so," I said and shook my head, "...It's too important. The elements need her, the… the thestrals need decursing. Her friends, her family…"

Celestia regarded me for a long moment, "She said you supported her."


"I do," I sighed and stomped by hoof, "I have to, she's my friend. I want her to be happy. Her staying here… she won't be. Not at first. And a lot of ponies back home will miss her. Tempest… buck, Tempest… what the buck will I tell her..."

"Her marefriend."

Ready strike.

I nodded and shifted my wings, looking out the window, "Yes," I said, "...Damn. Tempest… that mare got knocked down when she was a little filly and life had done nothing but kick her while she was down until she met Midnight."

Celestia didn't answer for several long moments, turning to look out towards the moon before she looked at me again, "And you still wish for me to talk her into staying."

Taking a deep breath, I then let it out and walked up to stand next to her, looking up at the moon, "Yes."


"Because the happiness of a few ponies is nothing against the safety of a world," I told her as I looked up at the light of the moon, "Even if it's ponies I know."

"That's a cold way of viewing things."

I looked up at her with a slight smile, "It's what you taught me."

Chink in unbreakable armor, angle blade, slip through guard.

Celestia didn't quite flinch. Instead she turned her head and looked up towards the moon again.

She didn't say anything for several long moments, "Tell me about Tempest Shadow?" she finally asked.

Heart pierced.

So I did. I told her of how she joined us after the invasion. How she and Midnight got closer. How they moved in together when we moved to Nocturnis. Of her honor and sense of duty.

How life had absolutely bucked her in the face at every turn. That she had still gotten back onto her hooves and refused to back down.

Celestia mostly just listened, just asking the occasional question. Finally she nodded, "Thank you, Page," she said, "but it is getting late."

I nodded, "Good night, Princess. Sweet dreams," I said, giving her a small bow.

"Good night, Page," Celestia said quietly and left, the door closing behind her.

I took a deep breath before letting it out. It was a dangerous game to play with Celestia this way. Any Celestia. They were too damn good. But for My Ponies, I'd use any advantage I had and those included Midnight and Tempest. And the Yetis didn't call me the Prince of Lies for nothing.

Because Midnight was right. They didn't strictly need her here.

What they needed, what my bats here needed, was a point to gather around, to help gather them and in a way I didn't think even Luna could.

After this long, they wouldn't trust anypony but another bat.

So it's time I ready another weapon and ruin the life of another pony to do it.
"What are you up to?"

I blinked, trying to force the sleep from my eyes as I slowly swung from my tail, rotating towards the voice, "Huh?" I asked smartly.

Midnight stood a couple of hooves width from my muzzle, "What are you up to?"

I was going to answer, but instead I yawned and rubbed my eyes with a pastern,"...What time is it?" I grumbled, squeezing my eyes closed against the bright lights.

"It's noon. And answer the question, bat. Why do I have a pegasus here to see you and why did Princess Celestia come back this morning to tell me that I had her blessing if I wanted to leave?"

"Noon?" I didn't quite whine and squeezed my eyes closed, wrapping myself tighter in my wings.

"Gah!" was the next sound from me as a violet and somewhat violent aura surrounded me and pulled me down from the perch, shaking me in place, "Iiiii caaaaaannnnnt aaaaannnnswwweeerr wwwwhhiiiilllleeee yyyyooouuu sssssshhhhhaaaaakeeeee mmeeeee!"

Midnight turned me around and plopped me down on my hooves, "Well?"

Yep, that's her 'I'm not kidding' face. Sparks had one too, and when she did that you best be good.

I took a breath and tried to get my head to stop spinning, "I simply talked with Celestia. And the pegas-"

"I'm not blind, I recognize Spicy Pepper even in her disguise," Midnight said firmly, "Why and how is she here?"

Robbing my eyes again, I suppressed a yawn, "She's here to talk to me," I told her.

"You're up to something."


"You're being evasive," Midnight said and poked my chest with her hoof, "And I don't believe for a moment Twilight would put up with it and you're sleeping with her so, so why do you think I will? Spill."

I glowered sleepily at her, "Any reason we couldn't do this at a reasonable hour?"

Midnight glowered at me, "Be glad I didn't teleport us outside. Now stop evading, I'm not playing."

"...I went to her dream and told her she should seek out your castle," I said with only a slight grumbling, "I needed to talk to her because when we leave and when the great bat decursing start, the thestrals will need a strong central figure they trust that can help lead them."

Midnight paused slightly with a small frown, "...And you think that pony is Spicy Pepper?"

"You met her," I said and shrugged my wings, "She has a strong will and a strong personality with charisma. She cares about ponies and is a natural leader. If she can be convinced to assist Princess Luna in this, it will greatly increase the chance that things go smoothly."

"Why didn't you just say that?"

"Because somepony woke me in the middle of the day to yell at me."

Midnight rubbed her forehead next to her horn, "No, I mean why not send a letter like a normal pony?"

I blinked at her.

She stared at me, "...Letters didn't occur to you?"

"I have a lot on my mind, alright," I protested and shifted my ears in annoyance.

Midnight shook her head before she looked to me again, "And Celestia?"

I shrugged, "Nothing," I said before I smiled slightly, "I just told her of Tempest."


"See, nothing nefarious."

Midnight shook her head again and then frowned, "So why are you being so sneaky about it?"

"Because if I wasn't," I said and suppressed another yawn, "Celestia could have suspected that I was trying to convince her to let you leave instead of it being her idea. So I just told her what she wanted to know, when she wanted to know it."

Midnight raised an eyebrow, "And you think she didn't catch on?"

I smiled, "Oh, I'm sure she did, she's too smart and experienced not to be at least suspicious. But she's the one that asked the question and I told her nothing but the truth so she can't be certain enough about it to not take me at my word. Besides, guess who taught me how to do that?"

"Celestia," Midnight said and groaned softly as she looked at me, "I guess you took to those lessons more than I did," she admitted and rubbed her forehead again before she crossed over and hugged me, "...Thank you…"

I hugged back, "I still think it's a mistake," I said quietly, "But I said I would support you and I will."
I walked into the throneroom and Spicy Pepper turned around at the sound of my hooves.

She was in her guise of a pegasus and I had the usual double vision as I looked at her. For a moment, her eyes flicked to my wings, then to my eyes, then to my ears and finally landing on my horn.

Her jaw dropped for a second, then so did the rest of her as she bowed down so deeply she was basically laying down.

Oh damn it.

"My name is Blank Page," I told her, "You don't need to do that."

Spicy Pepper looked up at me and I saw hope in her eyes as her illusion faded away.

"I'm not here to save you."

The hope died.

Spicy Pepper slowly got up to sit, but somehow she just looked more collapsed than when she was on the floor, ears drooping and wings hanging down her back.

"I.." she said quietly, "I dreamed that a voice told me to come to..."

"That was me," I confirmed with a smile as I moved to sit before her, "But I'm not here to save you. You are."

Spicy Pepper looked at me, "W-what do you mean?"

"I mean that I can't do it for you," I said and held my hoof out for her, "But I can show you how."

Spicy Pepper slowly reached out and took my hoof, "Who are you?"

I smiled at her, "I am Prince Blank Page of Equestria. Just not this Equestria. If you are willing to listen, I have a story to tell you."

She nodded.

So I told her. I told her about the history of the thestrals, about the blood magic and the curse bound to it. About gathering every thestral that wanted to come, about founding Nocturnis. About the decursing.

Spicy Pepper didn't say a word, just just listened.

"Y-you're not from this world?" she asked as she stood up.

"I'm not. And I have to go back, but I can't leave without trying to do something to help," I said and stood up as well, stretching my wings for a moment, "And for that I need somepony here than can do the job instead."

Pepper gaped at me again for a second before she asked the very understandable question, "Why me?"

I smiled, "Because I know the you from my world. You're smart and a natural leader."

"I run my family's noodle stand! I'm not a hero or a princess or anything important!"

"And very good noodles they are," I agreed with a grin before I turned more serious, "But because that's who you are doesn't mean that who you always have to be. You wouldn't be alone, I know Princess Luna will assist you all the way, you wouldn't even need to do most of the heavy lifting. But thestrals need somepony of their own to show it's safe, to show it's true. To have somepony to look up to. Somepony to help lead them. And you are just plain wrong, everypony is important."

"But why me!?" she exclaimed, taking half a step back.

"Because I know you can do it," I said before I sighed, "But I would never force you into that position. If you say no, I will find somepony else."

"I... I..." she said and shook her head, "It's just so much."

I nodded, "I know," I answered softly, "And I do wish we had a lot of time. But I return to where I came from in a few weeks if all goes as planned."

Pepper flicked her ears, swallowing as she looked around.

"You don't have to decide now," I told her, "In fact, I encourage you to think about it. But in the meantime, I have somepony I want to introduce you to if you are willing to go for a walk with me."

Pepper shivered, her illusion flowing to cover her again before she looked at me, "Who?"

"A bat that lives in Ponyville. I talked to her earlier and she's willing to talk to you. I'd warn you though, she is a bit shy," I said before I ignited my horn, wrapping the illusion of how I looked as a unicorn around myself, "You don't know a lot of bats?"

Shaking her head, Pepper looked at me, "Three, including my mother."

"Before she met me, the only thestral she knew was her mother," I said sadly, "That's part of what I want to change. Would you like to meet her?"

Pepper nodded.
I left the small cottage as the sun set at the horizon, leaving Pepper and Fluttershy talking on the couch.

Yawning, I rubbed my eyes for a second before I lit my horn and wrapped myself in an invisibility spell and took to the sky.

I took to the skies and then I banked around, heading out over the Everfree forest. I needed somewhere to think away from everypony else.

Climbing higher, I flew as the sun set at the horizon and the moon rose, throwing a silver light across the forest.

The wind picked up slightly and I rested on my wings, sweeping silently across the forest as I let my spell fade away. Nopony here to see me.


My destination became visible at the horizon and I changed course slightly, heading towards the Castle of the Two sisters.

I would be able to be alone to think there.

A slight rumble at the horizon made me look and I almost smiled. Wild thunderheads, no ponies managing the weather here.

Reminded me of home.

But unless I wanted to fly in the rain, I would need to find somewhere with a roof. We might be able to handle getting wet better than any other sort of pony, except maybe sea ponies if they existed, but didn't mean I would enjoy getting rained on. Especially here where it was a lot cooler than back home.

Banking around, I circled the remains of the high towards before I beat my wings and then spiraled, pulling up before flying in through an open hole in the wall.

My hooves touched down on the stone floor and I looked around.

I had judged it right. It was Lunas room. Not… not my Lunas room. Or rather it was, just in a different timeline.

Luna here and my Luna was the same Luna, just split further back in the timeline. If I never appeared, this Luna would be my Luna. Or rather this would have been the only Luna.

To be frank, it gave me a headache.

I slowly looked around, careful not to touch anything. But I scowled when I spotted the evil book. I could feel its draw now when I had more experience.

A kind of oily dark aura whispering promises of power and shadows.

I sneered at it, grasped it in my magic before I threw it outside, sending a pair of my strongest blasting spells after it.

Not entirely sure if it completely destroyed it like Lunas spell had, but it went into pieces, falling towards the ring lake below..

Sighing softly, I looked around before I closed my eyes.




Home. Needed to go home. I had to get back to them, but… was what I was doing here the right thing?

This would cause upheaval. The revelation of bat ponies being… not common. But among ponies…

Not only that, but kicking things off and then fucking off back to my world, just leaving everything behind for somepony else to clean up.

I was tricking ponies to do it. Putting responsibility on the shoulders of ponies that deserved so much better.

Fluttershy alone… she would be exposed and this time with no Nocturnis to hide in away from everypony else.

Pepper… every bat pony would be relying on her.

Was it right? Did I have the right? If I didn't, was it too late to prevent it? Had I even a right to stop it?

It would improve the life of thousands of ponies. Prevent the extinction of an entire tribe of ponies and prevent so much suffering and pain before then.

The rain started to pour down outside with a crack of thunder. I looked towards it, walking over to put my hoof on a thick fallen stone, looking out towards the forest below.

A timberwolf howled somewhere in the distance.

It was too late to stop anyhow. Even if I had said nothing, reached out to nopony, just me arriving here would have put things into motion.

Luna. Celestia.

Just hearing my story put the bats on their radar again. Revealed their pain… and neither Luna nor Celestia would be able to leave that alone.

So no. There was no stopping or preventing it. Only helping and for that…

We needed ponies like Fluttershy and Pepper because I was right in my first thought in that everypony else would need some bats in on this to show them that they could trust Luna and Celestia.

…Though after a thousand years of having to live in the light of her sun, I'm not sure any of them will ever trust Celestia.

Even my ponies in Nocturnis didn't like Celestia. Some liked Luna, but most just tolerated her.


I felt bad about manipulating Celestia like that, using her hidden romantic side against her in such a way, especially when putting Equestria before family. I knew Celestia, either Celestia.

Their armor, their control was unbreakable.

But I knew them, I knew where that unbreakable armor had flaws. Open gaps if you knew where to look. And I felt horrible for taking advantage of it.

It hurt her.

I closed my eyes and took a slow and deep breath, taking in the scent of the rain and the night.


Sighing, I pulled away from the opening as the wind picked up and drops of water hit me from the outside.

No going back until the rain is done, might as well get some rest. It had been a long day.

Looking around, I then spread my wings and took to the rafters to hang from my tail, wrapping my wings around myself as I squeezed my eyes closed tight.

I hate being a prince. I never wanted this sort of responsibility.

…I just wanted to write books and curl up by Lunas fireplace…
The next couple of days were interesting. Celestia stayed at the castle this time and so did Pepper.

I knew Midnight was taking tonight to have a sleepover with her friends, her parents were coming back to Ponyville tomorrow.

Cadence, Shining Armor were also on their way back, bringing Flurry this time.

Everypony was coming here and I couldn't help but think that they were somehow going to end up yelling at me about it.

So I had planned to make myself a bit scarce for the next couple of days.

But that was for a little bit later, right now I was exactly where I needed to be.

"It's going to be okay," I said quietly, "They're your friends and they love you."

Fluttershy swallowed, her eyes squeezed tightly closed but she nodded, "I-I know…"

"He's right, you know," Midnight told her gently from the other side, "I know, I don't care. They may have some questions, but they're our friends."

She looked between us, taking another deep breath before she nodded, "I-I know, it's just…" she said quietly before her voice trailed off.

"I know," Midnight said and gave Fluttershy a quick hug, "We're both here for you."

Fluttershy hugged back and then swallowed, "R-ready."

"Ready?" Midnight asked.

Fluttershy shook her head, "N-no. But I… I have to."

Then she stepped forward, walking towards the door before us to the room where the rest of the girls were.

I looked after her, "Fluttershy is the bravest pony I know," I said quietly so only Midnight could hear me, "She's terrified. But doing it anyway."

Midnight nodded and then moved to follow. I followed her in turn, stretching my wings for a moment.

"What's up, Fluttershy?" Rainbow asked from her place on the couch, a bottle of cider sitting next to her.

"Yeah, what's the big surprise?" Applejack asked from next to her.

Fluttershy swallowed, "I-I… I wanted to…" she said quietly, looking between them and then to Rarity, "I…"

Fluttershy was terrified.

She dropped her illusion anyway before she raised her head to look at them, "I-I'm a thestral."

Applejack and Rarity looked at her in shock but Rainbow smiled, "Like I didn't know that," and took a drink from her cider.

Fluttershy looked at her in surprise, "You did?"

"Flutters, we shared a room at flightschool for years," Rainbow said with a smile and jumped off the couch, "You're like awesome at hiding, but nopony is that good."

Wait what!? She thought I was a vamponie and… she thought Fluttershy was a vamponie and didn't tell anypony!?

Element of loyalty indeed.

Fluttershy stuttered something but seemed unable to speak and Rainbow took a step closer, pulling the thestral into a hug.

"Hold on a minute!" Applejack exclaimed and jumped off the couch, walking over to them, "yer a bat!?"

Fluttershy swallowed and broke the hug with Rainbow before she nodded, "Y-yes."

"That wasn't just some spell of Twilights?"

"Actually," Midnight interjected, "I did some research into that when I worked on the bloodcurse. My spell had some some of weird sympathetic reaction with th-

"Curse!? What curse?" Rarity exclaimed as she joined them, "Fluttershy, darling, what is she talking about?"

Fluttershy looked between them, "Y-you… you really…"

Rarity smiled at her, "It's a surprise, but why would we think any worse of you?"

Fluttershy looked like she was about to cry and Midnight pulled her into a hug, the rest of the girls quickly joining in.

I ducked out at that time. I knew Fluttershy would be alright, the elements were all good mares. I had not actually realized Rainbow had already known, but it wasn't surprising in retrospect.

But with everything alright, it was time for me to butt out.

This was their private time and I didn't belong, besides it was time for me to find somewhere to hole up for a couple of days until things calmed down again.

Because quite frankly, I didn't want to be yelled at right now. That and from what I seen, I had actually butterflied quite a bit when it came to book releases since I appeared.

I had located over a dozen books that I never even heard of before, fiction books released during the last couple of years.

I wanted to read them and hiding from everypony that was going to arrive for the next couple of days as the perfect excuse to do so.
I turned a page in the book, a grape floating up in my magic and I chewed it slowly, reading in the light of the candle sitting next to me.

My escape had been to the fourth library at one of the furthest corridors from the door in this larger on the inside crystal tree.

Midnight's castle had multiple libraries. Yes, I was surprised too, this is my surprised face. I don't think anypony has ever been so surprised before in the history of time. I had to sit down when I found out. I may never recover.

I had hidden in the smallest one furthest away from everypony else.

But apparently not well enough as the door opened and Shining Armor poked his head inside, looking around as he spotted me.

"Page," he said and pushed the door open, walking inside, "Am I disturbing?"

I looked at him warily, "...Depends, are you going to yell at me?"

He actually smiled as he answered, "Should I?"

"I really rather you didn't," I admitted, "I really did try to talk her out of it."

Shining nodded and crossed over to jump onto the chair across from my couch, "I know," he said as he sat down, "She told me. Didn't work, did it?"

"Not really," I admitted and shrugged my wings, "Your sister can be stubborn."

He grinned, "You don't say," he agreed before he sighed, "...She will be leaving a lot behind."

"She would do that either way," I pointed out with a small sigh.

He nodded, "Her marefriend, Tempest. I know, Cadance told me before we even got her message."

Cadance, huh. Was this really Cadance's idea originally? Intentionally? Well, she was the Princess of Love, so that tracked.

"So, not here to yell at me," I said, "What's up?"

Shining hesitated before he shrugged, "...I don't know," he admitted, "I guess I'm just curious and... if she does decide to go..."

"Look after her," I said, nodding, "I would anyway. Midnight is a friend and the sister of my marefriend, if something gets to her it's because I'm bleeding on the floor already with pieces missing."

He grinned briefly at that, "I guess we have that in common. Take it your marefriends are as happy about that as my Cady is?"

"Yeeeep," I agreed and shook my head, "Curious about Tempest?" I asked.

Shining nodded again, "And of this Nocturnis. Her friends there. Tell me about your Twilight?"

I considered that for a moment, "...You know, I might be able to do one better if you trust me," I said and closed my book.

"Like what?"

"You know I'm good with dream magic," I said, "I could make you a dream where you get to meet a dream copy of Tempest and she could show you around Nocturnis. It wouldn't be perfect, just a dream image based on the Tempest I know, but a lot closer than me just telling you about them."

He hesitated before he nodded, "What would I need to do?" he asked.

I jumped off the couch, "Here, lay down."

Slipping off his chair, Shining Armor jumped onto the couch and laid down, "Now what?"

"Get comfortable and relax, then don't speak, need to focus," I said and closed my eyes, channeling magic as I focused on forming the dream and dream image.

This was difficult. Making a dream without being in the dream was hard. Making it while also out in the real world made it twenty times harder.

But finally I opened my eyes and bent down, tapping my horn against Shining Armor's forehead.

He collapsed into sleep, snoring softly.

Taking a deep breath, I took half a step back before I nodded.

There. That worked.

He's going to be out for a couple of hours at least. I moved to gather up my snacks and book before I headed towards the door, pushing it closed behind me before I always ran into Cadance.

"Page," she said, "Have you seen Shining?"

"Actually," I said, "I have. He's on the couch inside, talking to Tempest."

Cadance looked at me in surprise, "Tempest? As in Twilights marefriend?"

I nodded before I shrugged, "Uhm, well almost anyway," I said, "He wanted me to tell him about her and I offered to show her to him in a dream. The dream image is showing him around Nocturnis right now."

Cadance looked thoughtful before she nodded, "...Could you show me too?"

"Sure, there's more room on the couch."