Looking Glass (MLP)

Chrysalis looked down at me for another long moment before she picked the scroll open in her magic and slid the band off to unroll it.

I looked at her as she read it. She studied the scroll for several long moments, expression unreadable and her wings relaxed against her back.

Finally she dropped the scroll on the floor and looked at me again, "Yes."

Bucking finally. Now they can get to work on sending Page back to his Equestria.
Honestly as much as I like all the stuff that has happened in this series, I think what Hiver has done with the 'ling's is the best part. To me it is what canon should be.
Chrysalis stood inside the shield, facing off against the Princess of Fire without flinching. They watched each other from less than three hooves distance, separated only by Shining Armor's shield.

The sun was still high in the sky, but it was getting closer to the horizon.

Cadence and Midnight stood next to Chrysalis, Shining Armor next to Midnight, Cadence next to Chrysalis.

I stood by Chrysalis' other side. Everypony looked determined.

Well, most everypony. I was mostly annoyed.

"Now, if everypony is done posing, can we get this over with?" I asked, "I haven't slept for almost twenty four hours and I am about done with everything."

That got a reaction, Celestia's lips twitched slightly before she looked at me. Midnight facehooved.

Cadence shot me a slightly annoyed look. Chrysalis looked completely unbothered.

Finally Cadance sighed and looked to Celestia again, "We have… come to an agreement," she said and looked up at the larger alicorn, "Chrysalis has agreed to join Equestria as an ally. Changelings will be required to use their real forms, no hiding as anypony else. And in return for her changelings to be allowed to feed consensually from the love of ponies. They will also be allowed to graze from the love of the crystal heart at the outskirts of the crystal empire to make up any shortfall."

Which was basically exactly the same agreement we had in my world and which I suggested to begin with.

So exactly what we spent the last night and day doing was beyond me.

Everypony but me is an idiot.

Or I may just be grumpy because I needed a nap. Likely both to be honest.

Celestia frowned slightly at Cadance before she glanced to Chrysalis before looking back at Cadance and Midnight again, "Are you certain of this?"

Midnight nodded, "This is something very similar to what developed in the other world. It worked very well there. I'm not saying it will be easy for anypony or anyling, it will need real effort from all sides"

Cadence shifted her wings before she nodded as well, "It was the best we could come up with," she admitted and glanced at Chrysalis, "And… it won't harm the heart."

Chrysalis slowly smiled at Celestia, "A balance has been struck. You feed us and we help you. A most… harmonious agreement, don't you say?"

Celestia's wings rose in annoyance and I facehooved before I turned to her, stomping my hoof,

"Fucking damn it, Chrysalis. Can you stop being yourself for two minutes so we can get this shit done?" I asked and glared up at her, "I want to go sleep!"

The big bug actually cringed slightly before she looked at Celestia again, "The agreement we have come to is… acceptable," she said and scraped her hoof against the stone beneath her, "We will no longer capture ponies and we will release any already captured. We will build a new hive closer to Canterlot and the f-ponies."

Cadance nodded, "And will allow regular inspections to show that no ponies are harmed."

"Or other creatures," Midnight added.

Chrysalis bared her fangs for a moment before she nodded, "As agreed."

"And in return Equestria will assist in defending the hive against any that would harm it," Cadence continued and glanced at Chrysalis, "They will also assist in the defense of Equestria if we are attacked."

Celestia looked between Midnight and Cadance before looking to Chrysalis again, "I… want to believe you," she said, "But I know you."

"As I know you, Princess of Fire," Chrysalis said as she faced her squarely, "Because you will follow this agreement, my hive will be safe and flourish. None will dare touch us with the might of Equestria behind us."

"If you move against anypony else, any agreement would be void."

Chrysalis simply looked at her smuggly, "Why would we need to? We would have all the food we need right here. Why risk a confrontation?"

"If you can ever trust Chrysalis about something," I said, "Is that she will do what is the best for her hive. And this is too good of a deal for anypony to leave on the table. Safety and a steady access to food? Doesn't get much better."

Celestia slowly folded her long beautiful wings to regard Chrysalis for a long moment before she spoke up again, "Shining Armor. You may lower the shield."

Shining Armor lowered his head and the shield went down, fading away into nothing. You felt it in the air, the air suddenly flowing freely once more.

Celestia slowly held one hoof out.

Chrysalis looked at it before extending her own and taking it.
Wait. Page can reach across realities to express his ire against any author that did that to him? . . . . How often has he done that to you; and how does he do that?
The dream realm stretched out in every direction but I just relaxed, tightening my wings slightly around myself as I hung from my tail from a piece of stardust.

I could just as easily have bundled up a bit to make it soft and squishy to lay on, but this really was relaxing.

"I spoke with my sister," a voice said, drifting in from in front of me.

Opening my eyes, I looked at Princess Luna, "Princess Luna," I said in greeting, "Good evening."

"Good evening, Prince Page," she greeted me in turn with a nod, "I spoke with my sister," she repeated.

"So you know that peace has been restored," I said, "Harmony once more in Equestria."

As long as you don't look too deeply beneath the surface anyway.

"You trust Chrysalis so hold to her word?" Luna asked, one eyebrow raising, "We thought you were saner than this."

I smiled faintly, "No, I trust Chrysalis to do whatever is best for Chrysalis. Free defense against opponents, free food security, free travel... a deal that's hard to give up. I have no doubt she'd break it in a second if there was a better deal to be found, but who could give that?"

Luna looked thoughtful, "Perhaps the Griffons..."

"No," I said and shook my head, "Not in their character. A griffin will stab you in the back, sure, but if they do, it's while you're facing them and armed."

Luna looked puzzled for a second before she smiled, looking almost like My Sky for a split second, "That is a very good description."

"Thank you," I said and sighed, "The point is that as long as the deal is better than whatever the cuddlebugs can find elsewhere, they will stick to it."

Luna frowned slightly.

"Don't get me wrong," I said and sighed, "She's still Chrysalis. She will plan and plot and push you. She may threaten and manipulate. She'll keep you on your hooves," I said with a small smile, "But she'll stick to the deal."

Luna regarded me for several seconds, "...You admire her."

I grinned briefly, "I'm not sure I'd go that far. But she is one of the brightest people I know. Underhooved and manipulative yes, but in raw bright intelligence? I'm not sure if she or your sister is the smartest in Equestria."

That earned me a raised eyebrow, "My self or Princess Twilight is not in the running?"

I smiled slightly at her, "Not the same thing. Intelligence is one thing, brightness is another. Nopony I know beats Midnight or Sparks in intelligence, given time they'll outthink anypony. But being realistic, they don't have that... snap."


"The ability to change their plans in a split second," I said and held my wings a bit tighter around myself, "Look at Chrysalis. Her plan was to capture everypony important as hostages and take what she needed. Things changed and instead of trying to keep things on plan like somepony like Midnight would have, she twisted and let it change her plans to something completely different."

Luna scraped a hoof against the floor with a thoughtful look on her face, "That does sound like my sister," she admitted.

I nodded and sighed, "One of the reasons I suspect your and my wife's rebellion didn't succeed that long ago. You're a smart pony, as smart as your sister."

Luna frowned slightly, "But I can't do that..." she said quietly.

I smiled, "Wrong. You definitely can, I saw it in my wife. But you're also too damn stubborn to take advantage of it a lot of the time."

That drew a smile from her and she sighed, "A fair point."

"Not a lot of ponies have that," I said and held my wings around myself.

"Do you?"

I grinned, "Me? No."

As demonstrated by me always ending up doing what Celestia wants me to. Somehow. It has to be trickery of some sort. Not that she's really pretty, has really nice wings and were difficult to say no to.

Luna watched me for a second before glancing up at my tail, "That can not be comfortable."

"Oh, it most definitely is," I argued, "Nightvision, hearing, silent flight... the real pro of being a batpony is the ability to sleep like this."

Luna looked slightly dubious, one eyebrow raised before she shook her head, "You really think this treaty will succeed?"

I sighed and looked at her, "...I don't know..." I admitted, "I know it can work. It has at home. But I also know it has been a lot of hard work on all sides to make sure it does. It's going to be difficult. There will be moments you want to throw them all out. But it's worth it."

Luna looked down, thoughtful before she nodded, "Very well. we shall try."

"Do or do not. There is no try."

Luna frowned in thought as she looked at me again, "That makes very little sense."

"Try is something you do when you expect to fail."
I felt a lot better after getting almost a full day of sleep.

The sun was just about setting at the horizon and the changelings were all gathered in one part of the castle. Everypony else in the rest of it, most of the royal guard had fucked off where they came from and the rest had set up camp next to the castle, fires lighting up their campsite.

Absolutely none of the above was my problem right now.

Instead, I was on the hunt. I didn't often get drunk, but tonight seemed like an excellent night to make a point to do so. Because last night had been a bitch and a half.

However, that posed a problem.

I couldn't just pop into Ponyville to buy some. For one thing, it was closed. For the other, I would need to disguise myself or ponies would be running around in fear.

Also, I had no bits.

Midnight being Midnight, I didn't exactly expect a big stash in the castle, but there had to be some around here somewhere.

If nothing else, she was friends with Applejack.

There had to be cider or something like it somewhere around here.

So I moved through the castle on silent hooves and wings. The kitchen had been a bust(well, they had mango, so not completely), and I had moved on from there.

...Of course I could just ask somepony, but where was the fun in that.

I spotted a glimmer of light through a slightly open door and peered inside only to see Shining Armor standing and looking out the window towards the guard camp, the room lit mostly by the firelight outside.

I hesitated for a second before I deliberately pulled the magic from my hooves to cause hoofsteps as I pushed the root open, "Sorry, I saw light," I said as Shining Armor startled, "Am I disturbing you?"

Shining shook his head, "No, it's fine," he said and turned back to the window.

Crossing the room, I stood next to him, looking out at the camp, "Miss it?" I asked after a moment.

"The guard?" he asked and at my nod he shrugged, "Sometimes," he admitted, "I'm still technically in the guard and I am in charge of the crystal guard."

"But it's not the same."

"It's not the same," he agreed before he sighed, "...Sorry about what I said before, I know now what you were trying to do."

"Don't worry about it. Was actually pretty helpful," I said with a small shrug, "And I know you don't like changelings."

He snorted and flicked his ears, "You can say that. I'm still not happy about any of this but... at least nopony got hurt."

"Sometimes that's the best we can hope for."

He made a small sound of agreement.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked, "I would have thought you'd be spending time with your parents and Midnight?"

Shining smiled slightly, "Our parents are asleep and Cadance banished me while she talked to my sister."

I raised an eyebrow, "Banished?"

"Apparently it was not for my ears," he said and shrugged, "So what are you up to?"

"Looking for something to get drunk with," I admitted, "Yesterday was that sort of.. oh, buck, it was still earlier today."

That got a grin, "I'm with you there," before he shook his head, "Not sure it's a good idea though, we still have a bunch of changelings."

"Oh, it's definitely not. Wanna join?"

Shining laughed and nodded, "If I thought Twily had anything home, I'd be way ahead of you already. Check the kitchen?"

"Yeah, most I found was a small bottle of cooking wine," I admitted, "Any plans now?"

"Going to tour the guard camp I think," he said and smirked, "I may not be an active guard, but I still have my rank and can't have them get too comfortable. Wanna come?"

I considered it for a second before I shook my head, "I think I'll take a flight, stretch my wings a bit. Some fresh air would be nice right about now."


I rested on my wings before slowly banking around, looking down towards Fluttershy's cottage. The windows still shone through with light, somepony down there was still awake.

Banking around again, I considered things for a moment before mentaly shrugging. As good of a time as possible.

Silently coming in for landing, my hooves touched ground at the edge of Fluttershy's garden before I walked over to the door.

I listened hard. No voices so no company over. Fairly certain it was safe, I raised my hoof and knocked on the door.

There were no sound for a second inside before I heard quiet hoofsteps approaching the door before it opened a small crack to reveal a yellow coat and a bit of pink mane, "P-Prince Page?"

"Lady Fluttershy," I said, giving her a small bow, "My apologies for disrupting you this late, but there is something I need to talk to you about. Would you have a moment?"

She was silent for a moment before she nodded, "...O-okay..." she said and backed away, opening the door, "Come on. C-could I offer a cup of tea?"

"That would be very nice, thank you," I admitted with a smile as I entered.

A white bunny jumped up to sit before me, looking up at me before looking back at Fluttershy, making a clicking sound.

Fluttershy went beet red from the tips of her ears, "Angel Bunny!" she gasped and scooped him up before rushing to the kitchen.

I blinked after them in slight confusion and then gave the door a small kick with my hoof, causing it to swing closed behind me.

Then I looked around. Fluttershy's cottage was fairly small, all seemingly centered around the living room with a couch, a fireplace where a small fire crackled away and a few bookshelves. the room lit up by the fire and candles. And a crapload of animals.

A skunk peered at me from a box at the other side of the room and I lifted my hoof to avoid stepping on a family of mice crossing the room.

I knew she liked animals, but I knew she didn't keep as many in Nocturnis. Was it for company or something else. The Fluttershy I knew wasn't exactly a social butterfly, but I did know she was friendly with a lot of ponies in Nocturnis.

Moving over to the couch, I carefully checked that I wouldn't sit on anything before I jumped onto it and settled down to wait.

It didn't take long before Fluttershy returned, balancing a tray in one wing. Like that first time I saw it, I saw her true self through her illusion almost like double vision. I saw her fluffy ears, cute fangs and bat wings. But I also saw the pegasus everypony thought she was.

She set the tray on the table, glancing at me nervously as she poured me a cup before offering it.

"Thank you," I said and took it by hoof. It was impolite to take food by magic if offered by hoof. Part of the things Sunshines lessons have taught me, "Again, sorry for bothering you this late," I said.

"I-it's alright."

Seeing her this anxious, this... shy... once more...

It tore my heart out. I knew she could be much more, feel much better about herself and the ponies around her. She deserved so much more than to constantly be worried and afraid.

I took in the scent of the green tea to give her a second to collect herself before I spoke, "I'm sure Midnight, that is to say, your Twilight, has told you about Nocturnis?" I asked and looked at her.

Fluttershy nodded and hid slightly behind her mane, "It sounds...nice."

I nodded, "I can't make anything like it here," I said with a small sigh, "But Princess Luna has expressed an interest in doing what she can for any bat ponies in Equestria. I found all bats with the help of dream magic, but if I teach her how to find thestrals..."

Fluttershy went very, very still. If I couldn't hear her heart thumping hard, I would have sworn she had turned into a statue.

I didn't say anything, I just sipped my tea and looked towards the fireplace. It took several long moments before her ears slowly drooped slightly and she looked down at her cup of tea.

"...It would help a lot of ponies..." she said and I could barely make it out, she was so quiet.

"It would," I confirmed gently, "But I wanted to ask you what you wanted me to do. You deserve better than to just have your secret yanked out into the open. If you tell me not to teach her, I won't. But if I do... she will find you."

Fluttershy took a slow breath before she looked at me and for a split second, I saw who she was. Who she could be. The beautiful and strong thestral that stood in my throne room, facing down half a dozen ponies about the best way to expand the village because doing it in that tree would disrupt a family of monkeys.

The pony that I had not heard a stutter from in over a year. The pony that no longer hid behind her mane.

"I-I want you to do it," she said quietly but in the firmest voice I heard from her here, "I... there are colts and fillies that..."

She broke off and looked down at her tea again, "...Don't want them to..."

"Didn't know about any other bats than your mother until I arrived, did you?" I asked gently.

She shook her head and swallowed, "Twilight told me. So many. I... I have my friends. I have my home. Many... many don't even have that," she said, her voice growing more steady as she spoke before she met my eyes for the first time and her illusion flashed away, leaving her fully in her real form, "And I won't be the pony that say they can't have better!"

Fluttershy was a good pony.

A good strong pony with strong ethics and morals and I had taken advantage of all of that several times to get Nocturnis built. And here I was doing it again. Except this time I would leave and drop even more onto her shoulders.

Fluttershy was a good pony.

I was not.

I nodded and put my half finished cup down on the table, "I will teach her before I leave," I said and then looked at her, "Maybe tell your friends before that. Midnight will be with you the entire way, know that."

Fluttershy visibly swallowed, her eyes shining in sudden fear but she still nodded firmly.

I gave her a small bow, "Good Night, Lady Fluttershy," I said before I turned to leave, feeling like a monster.
The sun was up and it was late morning, but I was still awake, blinking against the glare

The changelings were gathered outside the castle, the solar guards in a group towards the side. Celestia was back, facing Chrysalis between the two groups.

I was to the side with the rest, standing next to Midnight, Cadence and Shining Armor standing by her other side. Her parents were somewhere in the castle.

"You could just get some sunglasses, you know," Midnight murmured to me.

"Yeah, yeah," I grumbled.

Sure, the light didn't help, but I was tired too.

"So we're agreed?" Celestia asked Chrysalis.

Chrysalis nodded, "We are agreed. We will move and dig a hive at the other side of the mountain, like discussed. At the agreed site our scouts located."

Celestia shifted her wings and nodded in return.

With that, Chrysalis spread her wings and took to the sky, every changeling there taking to the air and following and so did a squad of pegasi, taking an escort formation to the side of the group.

The entire group circled once and then headed towards Canterlot.

Celesita looked after them for a long moment before she turned and crossed over towards us, golden shoes clicking softly against the stone path, "Well done, everypony," she said quietly with a small smile.

"All thanks to Page," Midnight said and smiled at me.

I shook my head, "No. All I did was get everypony talking. It was Cadance and you," I told her and then smiled at them, "You were the ones to convince her in the end."

Midnight eyed me for a second and then turned back to Celestia, "Chrysalis is sneaky, she'll have to be watched closely."

"And we will do so," Celestia agreed, "But turning an enemy into a friend is the best way to defeat them. This is a good start and one I never thought possible with Chrysalis."

Cadance snorted, "Friend might be pushing it."

"Perhaps," Celestia agreed, "But it is a start. I should return to Canterlot, there is much I need to discuss with my sister and the nobility."

I snorted at that last part.

Midnight suppressed a smirk as she glanced at me before she looked up at Celestia again, "A good idea," she agreed.

"Yes, best go deal with the matter of the useless parasites," I said, nodding and looking up at Celestia, "And then likely prepare something for Chrysalis' visit as well."

Celestia's usual polite mask broke. Not a lot, but her lips twitched and humor shone in her eyes, "Indeed," she agreed, "Be well, all of you."

With that, she moved to get onto the royal carriage and it took off towards Canterlot, a honor guard of pegasi pulling a dozen more carriages with guards joining her.

As the carriages pulled back, the leader, a unicorn general I didn't recognize, raised his voice, "Alright colts! Get your tails moving! We don't get paid to laze about!"

That got everypony moving and the guard got moving. You could actually see the chain of command as yells replicated down the chain and ponies got ponies going to start to pull their camp down.

"Well, if the circus has left the town, I'm going to go sleep," I said and suppressed a yawn.

Midnight nodded, "Go get some rest," she agreed, "Come see me tonight, we'll go through what we have so far when it comes to getting back."

"Sounds like a plan," I agreed and rubbed my eyes with a pastern, "Good morning," I said and headed back towards the castle, going by hoof.

Wasn't in a hurry and flying was more tiring than walking when you couldn't glide. Flat ground sucks, trees is definitely where it's at.

"Page, one moment?" Cadance said and trotted up next to me, "I can walk with you as we talk."

I blinked and paused, nodding to her, "Of course, Princess," I said before I continued on towards the castle, "What did you wish to speak to me about?" I asked and ignited my horn, pulling the gate open and allowing her inside before following.

Cadance paused and let the door close, "Shining and I are heading to Canterlot by train tomorrow," she said, "I'm not sure we will be able to speak again before you leave back to your world."

I nodded, "I hope you don't mind if I say that I hope so. Because the alternative is that Midnight and Starlight have been unable to figure it out. And I want to go home."

Cadance smiled and nodded, "I was wondering if you would mind if I asked you to carry a letter for the Cadance of your world?"

"Of course not," I agreed before I smiled, "And I doubt you will be the only one."

"I'll write it before we leave," she assured me before she regarded me for several moments.

"What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

She smiled, "Nothing, just looking at your feathers," she said and nodded towards the two feathers in my mane, "Curious who's idea that was, Luna and Twilight. Your Twilight I mean, I never knew either to be overly sentimental about such things."

"You'd be surprised," I told her with a smile and shifted my wings, reaching up to touch Lunas with my hoof, "And it was Twilight actually."

Cadance nodded with a smile, "I like it. Hope you don't mind, but I may introduce the custom to Shining."

I grinned, "I don't. He might."

She smirked playfully, "I may be able to convince him," she said and then looked closer, "It's not fully traditional though," she then added, "Not sure I ever seen anypony carry a lock of mane like that."

"Well," I admitted and touched the small braid holding the feathers that had some red braided through it, "Sunset doesn't have feathers, being a unicorn. We considered a horn ring, but Sunset wanted to marry Twilight first and Twilight doesn't feel ready for marriage yet. And with Sparks and My Sky marking me with their feathers, she wanted something to add to it too."

"Sunset Shimmer," Cadance said, nodding a bit before she smiled, "And speaking of unicorns… what could you tell me of Tempest Shadow?"

"Not as much as Midnight," I admitted, "We're friends, but not quite close. But I suspect it's painful for her to talk about her. Come, let's find something to drink and I'll tell you what I know. Maybe… maybe it'll help Midnight," I then added, feeling my ears droop slightly.

I have no idea how she did it, if I had been cut away from Luna… Sparks or Sunny… like she was from Twilight…

If I didn't trust Midnight completely in finding me a way back…

I'd be a wreck.

Cadance nodded, "I'll do what I can."
I'm sensing a future twist... Not sure what, but... Page might (might) go home but perhaps not alone or with an indirect path.