Looking Glass (MLP)

To anyone confused about the 2% let me ask you a auestion: if there was a lottery with 2% chance you die, would you participate?
Honestly, not the best example anyway. The closer metaphor would be "if you joined a lottery where you had a 98% chance of winning the pot and a 2% chance of killing yourself, most of your friends and family, and a bunch of random strangers, wouldn't you understand why those people would be pissed at you for gambling their lives like that rather than just your own?"
More importantly she decide to do this in the middle of a population center instead of the middle of nowhere. Risking bystanders was entirely optional and she chose to do so.
I looked out over the village below. Lights shining softly in the night.

A couple of thestrals and an earth pony herded a group of what had to be twenty foals along one of the bridges connecting the trees.

School excursion.

To the guard training grounds from the direction they were heading. Survival lesson.

"I can't believe she…" Twilight said before she trailed off for the sixth time since we exited onto the balcony of the bedroom.

Sunset stroked her mane, "Twi, everything worked out alri-"

"That's not the point!" Twilight said and looked at her, "I can't believe 'I' would have done that in her place!"

"You can't know what," Sunset told her.

"I do know that!" Twilight said and pulled away from her, "She is me! If I had been in her place, I would have been her!"

I shook my head, "I'm not su-"

Twilight turned to me and apparently that had been the wrong thing to say from the glare she shot at me, "You know it is!"

I didn't back down though, instead I stepped forward, "Sparks, take a deep breath. You need to calm down."

"I do not ne-" Twilights started to answer angrily before she broke off and sighed, looking away, "...Sorry…"

Sunset put her side against Twilights, "Twi, I get why you're upset, but you're not the same pony."

"Actually," I said with a small sigh, "I think both may be right. You were the same pony, but ponies change all the time. I'm not the same pony I was two years ago. You may have started as the same pony, but you are both pretty different now."

Sunset frowned, "Sure, but the core of you are doesn't really ch-"

I shot her a small look and she broke off,

"I mean," Sunset quickly said, "Ponies do change all the time. Of course you and Midnight are different."

Twilight sighed softly and gave Sunset a kiss on the cheek, "Thanks, and I know how you mean," she said before she shook her head, "I know what you both mean. The thing is that… I'm not sure that I wouldn't do the same thing. To get back to you two if I had been the one that had been…"

I moved around to her other side, slipping my wing across her back, "Admittedly, it was a really a worst case scenario the big rift thing, right? Much more likely if something went wrong, we'd just have ended up on the wrong world, right?"

Twilight nodded, "...Yeah…"

She still looked depressed though as she leaned her head against the side of my neck. Sunset leaned against her in turn before glancing at the door, "Think Luna will be back soon?"

Twilight sighed, "Whenever she's done talking with Midnight. But she's been away for hours now."

"Should be anytime now," I said, stroking her back softly, "Don't worry, everything will be fine. After all, nothing did happen. We're fine, everypony else is fine."

Movement caught my eye and I smiled, "And there she is now," I said as Luna flew across the village over towards us.

"How did it go?" Twilight asked nervously as Luna landed next to us.

Luna folded her wings with a small sigh, "We talked," she said and then shook her head, "Midnight is upset and Tempest is angry with her, angrier than you were, Page. I'm going to talk with my sister about what to do, but… I'm not sure we will do anything. Not like it will ever happen again."

Twilight nodded and then stepped up to hug her. Luna sat down and pulled her tight into a hug, slipping her wings around her in turn., giving her forehead a small kiss next to her horn.

Sunset watched with a small smile, shifting to touch her side to mine before glancing at me, "...I'm curious about what happened to you," she said, "I know Twi's mane get all wavey when she's angry enough, but never seen it happen to you."

"The 'wavey' as you put it," Luna said as she stroked Twilight's back, "is a result of the high levels of ambient magic we put out. My sister and I intentionally do so with our manes and tails to focus that or it would be difficult to live among ponies even during normal levels of magic as keeping our domains contained would require constant concentration. My sister would be hot enough to melt gold and… pretty much any room I walked into would turn pitch black."

Twilight nodded and let go of the hug, "It's going to happen to each of us eventually," she said quietly and looked at me and Sunset, "Cadance, Me, Midnight, Page, even Flurry. As we get older, we get stronger and more in sync with our domains."

I looked at Luna, "You felt the dream realm around me?"

She nodded, "I did," she agreed, "I think that eventually you may be able to overlay the dream realm and the real world. At least in a very local effect."



"But there will be a while until then," Sunset said and looked between us, "I mean, Cadance haven't even started to do the mane thing yet."

"No," I said and sighed, "But it does mean I have to be careful not to get too angry."

Luna smiled and stepped forward, giving me a small kiss, "Luckily, I never known you to be somepony with an anger problem."

I kissed back and then sighed softly, "Well, not like I didn't know it would happen eventually. I have seen Midnight angry."

If I looked half as scary when I did it, I didn't blame them for putting a shield up.

Luna nodded and smiled before she looked out over the village, "I need to lower the moon soon, I should meet my sister before she wakes up."

Sunset smiled, "I'm a bit hungry actually, how about we all have a late dinner after the sun is up?"

My stomach strongly agreed. We never did eat anything because everything that happened.
Luna folded her wings with a small sigh, "We talked," she said and then shook her head, "Midnight is upset and Tempest is angry with her, angrier than you were, Page. I'm going to talk with my sister about what to do, but… I'm not sure we will do anything. Not like it will ever happen again."

I Heard That.

I looked at Luna, "You felt the dream realm around me?"

She nodded, "I did," she agreed, "I think that eventually you may be able to overlay the dream realm and the real world. At least in a very local effect."

Well, that's a bit worrying.
So since he can control dreams, merging the dream world and the real world would basically make him a reality warper?

He won the alicorn power lottery right there.
I still say Twilight had reason to be confident, she had Celestia on hand and probably Discord on backup, who would do anything to protect Fluttershy.
I still say Twilight had reason to be confident, she had Celestia on hand and probably Discord on backup, who would do anything to protect Fluttershy.

Agreed, I highly doubt Celestia or Discord would have let her do it if either thought the Risk was too great!

No I still think that it was blown out of proportion, the incursion that happened before was likely because of the Table and it's mass amount of magical power, Power attracts after all.
The sunlight filtered in through the darkness bubble from outside, shining in through the open balcony.

It was really warm today, even for a bat. The humidity was somewhere at the same level as the bottom of a lake.

I felt really sleepy, but I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about what-ifs. What if everything gone wrong, what if one of us had been sucked into the void. What if the entire town had. What if, what if, what if.

I should have asked more questions. I should have…

…But how could I have? I didn't understand what they did or how it worked. I looked straight at the math and while I did recognize a deteriorating series, I didn't put it together.

"Sparks?" I asked softly, "You awake?"

"Mmmm?" she mumbled quietly against my chest.

Luna was deep asleep already to my right, Sunset curled up a bit to the side beneath an enchanted cooling blanket to help stop her from turning into a liquid.

Normally it was fine, but extra warm days like this she found it hard to sleep, especially cuddled by somepony with wings.

The only pieces poking out from the cooling blanket was horn and tail.

"Midnight went back and forth in her fight with Starlight," I said quietly not to disturb Luna or Sunny, "Why didn't this… recurrence principle happen then?"

Sparks yawned softly and cuddled closer sleepily, "Not the same thing. That was timetravel, not world travel."

"...There is a difference?"

"Is complicated," she mumbled and shifted to nuzzled in beneath my chin, "go sleep."

I held her closer with a small sigh, shifting back a bit and Luna shifted in her sleep, her wing draping across us.

Closing my eyes, I cast a quick sleep spell over both of us. If not, I knew we'd both be awake for a good while longer and we still needed to get up early tonight.

Opening my eyes again, I saw the dream realm stretch out in all directions.

Luna was nowhere in sight, but easy to locate.

I stared at Midnight's dream portal. It was a blank silvery with small dark ripples going through it. She was talking with Luna.

I considered joining for a second before I turned away. It was better to let Luna handle it, I may lose my temper again and that would just be counter productive at this point.

So what to do?

A twitch of my hoof floated Sunsets and Twilight dreams up to me. Both were smooth, calm blue and silver.



Tempest's was a bit stormy so I calmed it down with a touch of my horn before sending it off to its normal spot.

Looking around, I considered things for a long moment before I reached out for the dream sphere.

I looked at it, it was the way I left it, a shimmering ball the size of a dream portal. Moving around it, I then touched my horn to it, stepping through.

The night was dark all around, soft wind blew through the tall trees around the clearing, the three large moons in the sky leaving the silvery grass covering the clearing in a shimmering silver light.

A clear stream glittered across the middle of the clearing, cool and clean.

The night was comfortably warm and the stars shimmered above.

No animals. No insects. I had not added anything like them yet. Not sure I would ever add insects and if I did, it would be none of the annoying ones.

Maybe bumblebees. Bumblebees were cute. And butterflies. Maybe crickets, I like the chirping. Oh, fireflies.

They were pretty.

Bees! Honey was awesome.

But right now it was nothing but the sound of the wind and shifting trees in the night. I let out a soft sigh, slowly letting my breath out as I sank down onto the soft and slightly cool grass, the slight dew of the grass comfortably chilling without being cold.

This… bubble. This world…

I just needed to add some animals and it would be a nice place away from everything, somewhere to relax once dream patrols were done.

Somewhere I could get away from everything. At least when asleep.

Just the right climate, no need for shelter, no need for civilization. Somewhere without… responsibility. Somewhere I could just get away from pressures.

Just fly or hunt for fruit or… even just lay in the soft grass, looking at the stars.

The only things I was missing were the ponies I loved. I could show it to Luna, but Sunset, Twilight or… or Celestia…


Or maybe there was a way? Maybe it was possible. It was only dangerous for them if it wasn't their dream. Was it possible to link their dreams into this one?

Something to think about for later. When it's finished.

But It wasn't done to show yet anyway, I needed to do more world building first.
Sparks yawned softly and cuddled closer sleepily, "Not the same thing. That was timetravel, not world travel."

I am going to assume this was just a quick answer to get Page to let her sleep, because if not I have lost all Respect for Twilight as an academic.

What Midnight and Starlight did was at first, yes, was Timetravel but once Starlight started making changes and altering events it became World Travel.

When you make a change to an event in a Timeline that has already happened, the Change forces a split that spins it off into its own timeline which is effectively its own world.

Effectively you are "Making a decision that alters events" or if you want to be fancy "every decision has its consequences and thus, it's own timelines world" meaning that each time Starlight attempted to stop the Rainboom a new world was made.

To insure that the Prime Timeline is maintained, the Equestria that they left from is "Equestria Prime" and all others are the results of Starlights interference.

So No what they did wasn't just "Timetravel" like she says.
I am going to assume this was just a quick answer to get Page to let her sleep, because if not I have lost all Respect for Twilight as an academic.

What Midnight and Starlight did was at first, yes, was Timetravel but once Starlight started making changes and altering events it became World Travel.

When you make a change to an event in a Timeline that has already happened, the Change forces a split that spins it off into its own timeline which is effectively its own world.

Effectively you are "Making a decision that alters events" or if you want to be fancy "every decision has its consequences and thus, it's own timelines world" meaning that each time Starlight attempted to stop the Rainboom a new world was made.

To insure that the Prime Timeline is maintained, the Equestria that they left from is "Equestria Prime" and all others are the results of Starlights interference.

So No what they did wasn't just "Timetravel" like she says.
Depends on what set of rules for time travel you are operating on. Not all settings use the divergent timelines version.
The moon shone outside the open sides of the throne room as the door pushed open and I looked away from my conversation with Luna, "Yes Flower?"

"Princess Midnight would like to speak with you, your majesty," Flower said a bit nervously.

Luna looked at me, "I'll be back later," she said and brushed her wing against mine, "I should patrol tonight's dreams."

I nodded, "Okay. See you for lunch?"

"Of course, My Page," Luna said with a small smile, "And…"

"I know," I said, giving her a small reassuring smile back.

Luna gave me a small kiss before she turned and walked to take wing out into the night. We had only a couple nights more before she left for Canterlot so as much as I hated to spend unnecessary time away from her, this was necessary.

I needed to speak to Midnight.

"Send her in, please Flower. And if we could get some ice tea, that would be nice. Lemon if possible?"

Flower smiled and nodded, "I'll arrange some," she said and gave a small bow before ducking out, closing the door behind her.

Sighing softly, I walked out onto the balcony to look out over the village below. Market day today and the square usually used for announcements and speeches below were full with stalls set up.

Unusually lit up too, both torches and light crystals.

Things looked busy today, but then again several local fruits just came into season and I took in the scent of grilled meat. Somepony down there were cooking something.

And it smelled amazing. Some ponies really threw themselves into the existence of brand new ingredients. Admittedly, a lot of the cooking and spices right now were leaning heavily on griffin cooking, especially when it came to meats.

The door opened behind me before closing again. I turned one ear to track the approaching hoofsteps but I didn't bother looking back.


"Midnight," I said and looked at her when she walked up to stand next to me.

She looked away before she turned to me, "Page, I-I'm sorry."

I met her eyes for a second before I nodded, "I know," I said and sighed, "I just wish you would have told me."

"I…" Midnight started to say before she sighed and nodded.

Shaking my head, I then turned to her, "Midnight, I'm not going to pretend that I wouldn't have been tempted to go. If you say the odds were low, I trust that they were low. But with the possible consequences, I would not been able to do it. I like to think so at least."

Midnight didn't say anything, she just met my eyes for several moments before looking down.

"I won't apologize for being angry with you," I told her gently but firmly, "But I do apologize for screaming at you."

"Don't," Midnight said gently before she looked at me again, "You were right to. You had all right to."

I looked at her for a moment before I sighed and put my hoof on her shoulder, "...How are you doing, Midnight?"

She shook her head, "...Tempest refuses to talk to me. Talon is even angrier than you were, he almost set my mane on fire. Luna wants me to come with her back to Canterlot when she leaves."

"Do you want to go?"

Midnight looked at me in surprise, "What do you mean?"

"Do you want to go to Canterlot?" I asked seriously, "Because if you want to stay, I will talk to Luna."

Midnight sniffed, staring at me for several moments before she answered, "I…" she started to say before she shook her head with a small sigh, "...There are moments where I understand Twilight…" she said before she trailed off and shook her head firmer and met my eyes, "No," she then said, "No, I will go to Canterlot. I need to talk to Princess Celestia. And… and it may be for the best if I stay away for a little bit."

"I understand," I said and let my hoof drop, "Well… whenever you decide you want to come back, there will always be a spot for you in Nocturnis."

She brushed her hoof past her eyes and shook her head before she pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back tightly, "It'll be alright, Midnight. Just take what time you need," I said before I pulled back to look at her, "...And give Tempest and Talon some time. They love you, they'll come around."

Midnight sighed softly and slowly let go, "Take care of them, Page. I may be gone for a while, I'm going to really need to think through some things."

"Of course," I said as I nodded, giving her a small smile, "Just make sure you come back to us at some point, Midnight. We need you."

She smiled back a bit weakly, "That's… one of the things I need to think about, Page. I might not belong here."

I nodded and touched her chest with my hoof, "Take all the time you need," I told her gently.

Midnight sniffed and rubbed across her eyes again before she looked at me, "...You said I might regret it if I came back here."

"Wasn't really what I had in mind," I admitted with a small sad smile, "Regretting it?"

She was silent for several long moments, looking out over the village and its shimmering lights before she shook her head, turning back to me, "Yes… and no. Coming back… no. The way we did it? Yes. Even though it may have been the only way."

"The only way?" I asked, "Or the only way without years having passed?"

Midnight wouldn't meet my eyes.
"The only way?" I asked, "Or the only way without years having passed?"

Don't bullshit Page, this was likely the only SAFE way. The likely only other way was to use an object of power and you have seen what THAT attracts!

No I am still firmly in the mindset that this was likely the only SAFE way to get back and waiting Years in the hope of a non-existent safer option would have been foolish.

If Tempest Leaves her over this bullshit then good riddance, it just means that she doesn't care enough to work out the situation.

Edit: and Talon can go right the fuck off, if he has that little faith in her then he needs to check his priorities as Family comes first above all else; even Anger.
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I am getting sick of the self righteous Page, he is supposed to be a leader and a ruler yet he constantly fails to look at the bigger picture. Hopefully this changes in the next story but I won't hold my breath.
Look midnight made a mistake in that she didn't take into account the fact that she willingly decided to risk causing mass destruction via otherworldly invasion just because she wanted to get back as soon as possible
A small risk but even a small risk is too much when even waiting just a few months to maybe a year or two would mitigate said risk into next to nothing
And did so without even discussing or even letting others know about it until it was done
She basically chose to risk everyone's lives all because she wanted to get back faster
Page made a mistake in overreacting and he apologised after calming down
He even did his best to let her know that while mad he still cares
He's a prince and she just risked the lives of everyone he cares for he has a right to be mad
And so does everyone else
Imagine if someone pressed a button that has a 1 in 10 chance to kill everyone around it and a 9 in 10 chance to restore everyone to perfect health
But if you waited a year it becomes a 1 in a 100 or 1000 chance to heal everyone
And then someone just goes and pushes it right away without consulting everyone
Tensions are high right now it's been like not even a full day since people found out she risked everyone lives
It takes time to cool flaring tempers
Y'all need to chill out for a bit
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The safe way, from my understanding, was to allow more time to elapse - on the scale of months to years - before punching additional holes in reality. That this would allow for more independent research to be conducted by people who understand what a healthy sleep schedule looks like is just an added bonus.

Time that likely wouldn't have lowered the Risk at all anyway, when it comes to breaching the very FABRIC of reality you get into some serious Chaotic Bullshit that would make even Discord hesitate!

Midnight would have been better off staying in her home world where she'd be supported and loved

Maybe, but I don't doubt that she would have been miserable.

Look midnight made a mistake in that she didn't take into account the fact that she willingly decided to risk causing mass destruction via otherworldly invasion just because she wanted to get back as soon as possible
A small risk but even a small risk is too much when even waiting just a few months to maybe a year or two would mitigate said risk into next to nothing
And did so without even discussing or even letting others know about it until it was done
She basically chose to risk everyone's lives all because she wanted to get back faster
Page made a mistake in overreacting and he apologised after calming down
He even did his best to let her know that while mad he still cares
He's a prince and she just risked the lives of everyone he cares for he has a right to be mad
And so does everyone else
Imagine if someone pressed a button that has a 1 in 10 chance to kill everyone around it and a 9 in 10 chance to restore everyone to perfect health
But if you waited a year it becomes a 1 in a 100 or 1000 chance to heal everyone
And then someone just goes and pushes it right away without consulting everyone
Tensions are high right now it's been like not even a full day since people found out she risked everyone lives
It takes time to cool flaring tempers
Y'all need to chill out for a bit

I think we are all forgetting that is wasn't MIDNIGHT that was desperate to get back, it was PAGE and that put the screws on Midnight to get it done as soon as possible, so who is really to blame here? Who would have blood on their hooves if it went wrong? Hint: it's not Midnight.
Time that likely wouldn't have lowered the Risk at all anyway, when it comes to breaching the very FABRIC of reality you get into some serious Chaotic Bullshit that would make even Discord hesitate!

Maybe, but I don't doubt that she would have been miserable.

I think we are all forgetting that is wasn't MIDNIGHT that was desperate to get back, it was PAGE and that put the screws on Midnight to get it done as soon as possible, so who is really to blame here? Who would have blood on their hooves if it went wrong? Hint: it's not Midnight.
She didn't even discuss it with him
So no it wouldn't be page who has the blood on his hooves
Midnight was the one who made the decision to cast the spell without a second thought to maybe ask page about waiting and the risks involved with using the spell so soon
Page is perfectly capable of patience if it's needed for the safety of both midnight who was also at risk if the spell went wrong and others in the danger zone
I love how peoples try to write off the fact that it was said that just waiting more before another world jump would have reduced the risks, what is a year more spend near her family that she will probably never see again, time during which she could have thought about others solutions and even if she didn't would have been enough for things to calm down a bit….but no, readers are suddenly experts in dimensional travel and know better then what was said in the story.
Time that likely wouldn't have lowered the Risk at all anyway,
Please note the bolded:
"Dangerous how?" I asked, glancing at Midnight who were looking away.

Luna frowned, "It's not a linear progression. Your appearance in Equestria for example had almost no risk as it was your first trip. But the danger increases exponentially, especially when done in short order," she said seriously, "Such as only a month having passed, especially when it's so many of you."
Hopping between worlds is made more dangerous when done repeatedly in (relatively) quick succession. It follows that allowing more time to pass makes it less dangerous. I'll admit nothing is stated about waiting making the techniques used perfectly safe, but making it safer is still desirable, especially given the poorly understood but potentially cataclysmic failure state.

it was PAGE and that put the screws on Midnight to get it done as soon as possible,
I recall Page turning the screws on everyone who wasn't Midnight Sparkle, actually. Not knowing his timetable made it imperative to push people out of their comfort zones while he was still in position to set matters in motion regarding thestral welfare.