Looking Glass (MLP)

There was a ripping, cracking and the massive hundred meter trunk came crashing down with a roar. It hit the ground hard enough that I felt the impact through my hooves.

The sun shone bright above and I was wearing my goggles against it and I wasn't the only pony, every thestral with me had something similar.

But as most of our skilled woodcutters were earth ponies, it made sense this sort of work was done during the day.

The trees along the river were as massive as the ones we had built in and they took some work to bring down, this was just the third one. I didn't even want to think about getting the roots out of the ground and was so glad I wasn't in charge of that.

"What's our timeframe looking like, Flower?" I asked, glancing at my assistant.

She didn't bother looking it up in her notepad, just answering from memory, "They think they will be able to have the fields cleared before the rains come. We will be able to start sowing just after the rain period ends."

I nodded and looked as ponies below started to move back in to take the tree apart and get the trunk ready to roll into the river for transport to the train station.

Clear cutting part of the forest like this felt wrong. But…

We weren't humans and this wasn't earth. One problem we didn't have was climate change or running out of forests.

And we really needed the farmland if we were ever going to not be pouring bits into a massive hole importing so much food and ever have any chance of becoming cash positive.

Well, these fields wouldn't solve that problem. But they would be a proof of concept and combined with fishing in the river, it would help a lot.

Safe access to the forest floor alone would help us so much.

…Safeish anyway. The barrier only kept beings larger than ponies out. Plenty of predators of that size around in the forest, but that's what guards and the walls around any ground settlements would be for.

I settled down on the branch with a small sign, resting my head against it as I watched the work in the distance.

"...What are you thinking of, your majesty?" Flower asked from the next branch over.

"My wife," I said and pushed myself up again, giving her a small smile.

"She's leaving in the morning," Flower said with a small understanding smile in return.

I nodded and stretched my wings, "Which sucks."

"Look on the bright side," Flower said, "We're only six months from Hearths Warming."

"There is that," I agreed and stretched my wings, "And on that note, I should find Skitter before heading to bed. She's going back with Luna and Midnight."

We rarely managed to meet up at actual Hearts Warming, but we usually spent a week or so in Canterlot around that time.

I took to the skies on silent wings, heading back towards the village, rising higher into the air, the sun uncomfortably warm against my wings.

Not like Celestia, more like…

Too hot. Good thing we are mostly out at night or I may have to start using sunscreen on my wings.

But there was a different solution.

Shifting course, I sank lower and then smirked and glanced back at my guards.

Flower caught my eye, giving her head a small shake, "Prince Page…"

"Why don't you take the rest of the day off," I said, "in fact, it's really late. Take tonight off too if you like."

I didn't hear her answer as I folded my wings and dropped like a rock.

"Oh buck."

I did, however, hear Moon Glow curse and I couldn't suppress a grin as I dove straight through the upper canopy into the shade below, branches and trunks flying past me at great speed.

Carefully I eased my wings open, adjusting my course and I slowly, slowly started to spread them.

I couldn't just spread my wings, alicorn or not that might snap my wings like twigs at this speed. I wasn't Rainbow Dash.

Pull up.

Pull up!

Holding my legs tight to my body to avoid hitting the ground, I pulled up and banked through the forest. Left. Right. Left. Left. Right. Up. BRANCH! Down!

That last one brushed past my mane even as I pressed my ears tight to my head.

I pulled up, trading speed for altitude as I circled around the thick trunk of a tree holding up the village school.

Smiling, I continued along beneath the bridges and buildings. I banked around, ducking beneath the shade of the main market square before pulling up and looping around, ending it with a roll to put my hooves onto the railing of the balcony of the throneroom. Not a sound.

I'm awesome. My wings ached though, I need to get flying more often.

Skitter looked up from where she had been reading a small stack of papers before she smiled, "Good morning, sir."

I jumped down, "Good morning, Skitter," I said and stretched my slightly aching wings. Been a long while since I did anything like that. Folding my wings, I stretched my legs before trotting over to her, "Just wanted to check on you before tonight. Train leaves tomorrow morning."

"We're good, sir," Skitter said and got up before lightning her horn and picking a leaf from my mane, "But shouldn't you be sleeping?"

"I really should," I agreed, "And I am going to attach to a rafter as soon as I leave. But I wanted to check that you're okay, we haven't had much time to talk."

Skitter shook her head, "We're fine," she said, "and you have been busy, sir. I have decided to leave half the changelings with me at the village if that is okay? The population can easily handle them and they will be useful for you."

"They sure are," I agreed, "The ones already here are among our best scouts. Your hive is always welcome in Nocturnis."

There was a buzzing sound as Amber landed on the balcony, breathing hard and glaring in my direction.

I smiled and trotted over to give her a hug with my wing, "Sorry, but I have to keep my guards on their hooves," I told her quietly.

Her wings buzzed beneath mine before she grumbled something in ancient changelings beneath her breath and nodded.

"Take some time to relax," I told her with a smile, "I'm going to go sleep now."

"See you tomorrow, Skitter," I then added as I pulled my wing back and looked at her.

"Sweet dreams, sir."

"Sweet dreams," I said and gave her a small bow before heading towards the door.

I'm going to get a respectful earful about that little stunt from Moon Glow tonight, but it was worth it. Flying is still awesome, but it's rare I get to do something like that.

Silently pushing the door to the bedroom open, I glanced inside. The bed was covered with a bubble of darkness like expected and I approached on silent hooves to carefully climb onto the bed.

Luna was to the left, Twilight was curled up next to her with Luna's wing across her. Sunset in turn was cuddled against Twilight, Twilight's legs around her, their horns crossed almost at the base.

There were times I wished I had a camera.

I moved around carefully not to wake any of them before I scooted up to put my side against Lunas free side. Luna shifted slightly in her sleep, her wing shifting to drape across me and pulling me closer as she turned her head slightly in my direction but she didn't wake up.

Relaxing, I watched her sleepily.

So beautiful. My beautiful night sky, shining like the moon itself.

Finally I let my eyes drift close.

I just wished I could stay with her.

I hate my job.

AN// And with that, we're done for this time but the series about Page will continue in the future. But for next series, we're back to the derp dragon Atregos who manages to get even more lost. I will of course post the link to that story in this one and we'll start on it on Sunday. Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoyed:)
Is it bad I have found the pattern when Hiver gets close to the end of the story? I feel like I read to much of his work sometimes….. Then I just keep reading more :rofl:
Need more pony fics, binge read all of this from start. :D
Well... that's kinda to bad. Because you found this series just as Hiver moved on to one of his other stories in the que for posting. The average wait time for a new MLP Hiver arc, is something around six months... to as many as eight (that one time) So... you're in for a bit of a wait till the next arc. Tough luck.

[edit] . . . Why did I just get a visual of... someone, falling to their knees and letting loose a high pitched Vader "NOOOO!" ?
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Need more pony fics, binge read all of this from start. :D
Well, here's an older one merging MLP with the D&D setting of Mysteria

My(staria's) Little Ponies by John Biies (best known for his numerous Ranma 1/2 and anime crossover fanfics from the 90s/2000s)

My(stara's) Little Ponies: Friendship is Adventuring

The Mane Six. Typical D&D Adventurer Hijinx. As told by an adventurer rescued by them.

the main story is 7 Books (book 3 broken into three parts), and 6 short story sequels. Ranging in size from just over 11k words (short story #1) to nearly 69k words (book 5), though if you combine the parts of Book 3 they total a little over 73k words.

Edit: actually the whole series totals over 550k words. that should keep you going for a while :p
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