Looking Glass (MLP)

I started to wake up. There was a humming sound in the air and I pulled my wings tighter around myself, pressing my ears against.

The soft droning engine sound didn't go away.

Slowly my brain started to catch up with the rest of me and I slowly blinked my eyes open. Oh yeah airsh- Looked down at a changeling sitting beneath where I was hanging, looking up at me.

I blinked sleepily at him.

He blinked back.

"Good morning, Thorax," I said and suppressed another yawn, "...Actually, I have no idea what time it is anymore," I said and glanced at the window where sunlight was streaming in.

"Early afternoon, sir," he said, "Good afternoon."

"Good afternoon," I answered and yawned again, "Skitter wants to see me, I take it?"

He nodded, "No hurry, sir. She said when you had a moment."

I slowly stretched my wings before releasing with my tail and flapping down onto the floor, "Might as well now, on the way to food. Lead the way."

Thorax nodded and got up, "This way, sir," he said and headed for the door. Not that we needed to go very far, the changeling quarters were literally straight across the narrow hall.

He pushed it open and allowed me to enter, causing me to blink at the sight.

Well, they had been careful not to make a mess at least. But everything in the room that wasn't bolted down had been piled up in one corner and tied down. Someling had covered the porthole with a blanket and they had set up those small glowing balls of resin they favored for light. As close to one of their hives as you could get on an airship and without covering the entire place with resin.

Skitter was in the middle of the bed, surrounded by every drone that accompanied her, bar for Thorax. Six in total.

She looked up from talking to one of them when I walked in and smiled, "Good morning, sir."

"Good morning, Skitter," I said and suppressed another yawn, "...How are you guys doing? I know you don't like airships."

"We're good, sir," Skitter said and looked at me for a moment, "You taste better."

"I feel better too," I admitted, "had too much to drink last... night before last."

"Mhmm," she said with a small frown, "If you say so, sir."

"So what's on your mind, Skitter?" I asked and sat down, "Curious about Nocturnis?"

"...Yes, but not what I was thinking about," she admitted, "Wanted to know how you felt today."

I smiled at her, "Thank you," I said and sighed, "...And yeah, yesterday was not the best. But you don't need to worry," I said before I smiled at her, "And don't eat a large meal before we arrive or you'll turn into a princess twice from me meeting Luna, Sparks and Sunny again."

Skitter smiled at me, her wings making a small buzzing sound.

"Now, I think I'm going to go find something to ea-" I said and then paused, spotting Thorax getting to his hooves as well.

I sighed softly and looked at Skitter, "I don't need a guard here. And we're soon back to Nocturnis and Amber."

"Yes sir."

"...You're not going to stop are you."

"No sir."

I rolled my eyes and turned towards the door before I paused, "Skitter, what does Zeez...Zeezzke...That thing Chrysalis sometimes call me..."

"Zeezzkekeezzkzk?" Skitter asked, shifting slightly as she regarded me. Every changeling was looking at me.

"Yes, that," I said and turned back to her, "What does that mean? I never did find out."

Skitter looked down at her hooves, her wings doing another small buzz, "W-well... it's difficult to say really. Old changeling words take a lot from context and position and who the speaker and listener is so I'm not su-"

"Skitter, you're being evasive," I said with a small smile, "Is it something rude? I don't mind, I'm just curious."

She shook her head, "The most likely translation... there isn't a word for it in this language. In context it means something similar to... maybe... 'friendly queen of different hive'."

"Queen?" I asked and frowned, "Wait, old changeling don't have gendered words and I'm a royal so that tracks," I agreed before I raised my eyebrow, "Wait, wouldn't I be princess then? I guess you could argue Queen for Celestia or Luna, but I'm not sure it applies to me."

Skitter blinked at me in slight confusion.

Oh, hey, my headache is coming back.

I took a deep breath before slowly letting it back out, "What are the other possible translations to that word, Skitter?"

She considered it for a second, "Life giver, sister, lover, hunter of predators or honored daughter. It can also mean future enemy and largest threat in a political sense. Ancient changeling isn't the most precise language, it's a lot of emotion and context."

"Thanks Skitter," I said and headed for the door, "I'm going to get some breakfast now."

And forget this conversation ever happened. I have to stop asking questions of changelings.
Heh, wouldn't be surprised if she means Lover as after all he is the only stallion that has seemed to match her in word play and playful insults. I can honestly ship it, both Chryssie and Celestia working in conjunction on the political front? Shudders they would be a monster of a team.

Also I think he is getting close to concluding this story as his Posting time has picked up.

On a side note, I am surprised we haven't seen the other nations of the world give their perspectives on the Equestrian-Changeling Alliance or the Reveal of a fourth tribe and a new Royal.
On a side note, I am surprised we haven't seen the other nations of the world give their perspectives on the Equestrian-Changeling Alliance or the Reveal of a fourth tribe and a new Royal.
most other nations don't know much about Changelings, as they tend to keep a low profile, and for a long time tended to partially disguise themselves when out in public (they'd keep the insectoid wings or something to show they are a CHangling while looking mostly pony=like. It was only recently that Page suggested having them just wander around as changelings to let Ponies get fully used to them.

We did get to see the Griffon's Alicorn Cult and what they thought of Page and the rest.
most other nations don't know much about Changelings, as they tend to keep a low profile, and for a long time tended to partially disguise themselves when out in public (they'd keep the insectoid wings or something to show they are a CHangling while looking mostly pony=like. It was only recently that Page suggested having them just wander around as changelings to let Ponies get fully used to them.

We did get to see the Griffon's Alicorn Cult and what they thought of Page and the rest.

True, but this is a Real shift in power. The Changelings and the Ponies hated each other, now that they are at even a tenuous peace and getting better? That has to be putting some massive pressure on the other nations.

We have only seen the Griffins tho, what about the Zebras? The Minotaurs? While news tends to travel fast, a fourth Tribe with a dedicated Royal? That had to be garnering Questions!
Nope, but I have a feeling it will come soon, after all they are close enough to Ponies that There is a possibility that Disguised Bats may have enervated and thus don't know what is going on in Equestria!
Theshtal generally disguise as pegasi, easier to disguise wings rather than try and impersonate unicorn telekinesis or Earth Pony strength/toughness. While I suppose they might be able to masqurade as a Zebra, why would they want to deny themselves the opprotunity toi fly? things are hard enough on them as it is.
Theshtal generally disguise as pegasi, easier to disguise wings rather than try and impersonate unicorn telekinesis or Earth Pony strength/toughness. While I suppose they might be able to masqurade as a Zebra, why would they want to deny themselves the opprotunity toi fly? things are hard enough on them as it is.

Just realized Autocorrect ate one of my words "Enervated = Emigrated"

But no I didn't mean disguise, I meant that some of them might have went to Zebrica so that they could better hide and or drop the Disguise in the large areas that are uninhabited from time to time.

Edit: from my understanding the "Vampony" bullshit is limited to Equestria anyway.
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The sound of the propellers hummed behind as I looked out over the planes below. At the horizon, in the light of my beloveds moon the ground was getting darker.

The plains were going over into thick shrubland and only a few kilometers after that... jungle.


Hoofsteps against the upper deck behind me and I glanced back, "Up to get some air?" I asked Midnight as she walked up next to me, a pair of nightseeing goggles on her head.

"Gets hot beneath deck," she admitted, "Even with cooling spells it gets a bit stuffy. You can tell we're almost home."

"Mmm," I agreed and sighed softly, giving her a small smile, "Vacation over, back to work."

That drew a small grin from her, "Vacation, right. Speaking of vacation, I may ask Tempest to join me for one soon."

"That sounds like an excellent idea," I agreed, "I'm thinking somewhere snowy, a wooden cabin and a hot fireplace, a snowstorm howling outside, hot mugs of cocoa or wine sitting by the fire..."

I might detest cold, but Sparks liked snow and so did Sunset. I can handle a chill for their sake. And cuddling by the fireplace sounds nice. Maybe we could even get Luna in on it too.


Midnight smiled, her wings shifting, "That sounds amazing," she said and then blushed, "But I was more thinking of an expensive manehattan hotel with room service."

"Ah yes, the kind where you go to your room and don't come out for two weeks, huh?" I teased with a grin.

She cleared her throat slightly and glanced away with a small blush.

Seems like I hit the nail on the head there. The idea was very tempting too, just close the doors of the so-called palace back home, tell everypony to buzz off and spend a couple of weeks with Luna, Sparks and Sunny and see how many neighbors we could make move away due to noise disturbances.

Too bad that'd never happen.

"What's that?" I asked with a small frown into the darkness as movement in the sky drew my attention.

"What's what?"

"Something is flying," I said with a frown, "A pair of dots."

Midnight glanced at me and then squinted behind her goggles, "I can't see anything. Pegasi?"

"I can't tell, it's too far away. But I don't think so," I said wearily, "But they look too big to be a pegasus."

"I'll alert the guard."

I stopped her with my wing, "No, wait," I said, "Hold on for a bit, not like we can't blast whatever it is from the sky if it starts to get belligerent."

Slowly the shapes started to grow and I caught small flashes of metal in the moonlight as they approached, slowly turning into a pair of sky chariots.

They were heading straight for us and I could see that instead of two pegasi pulling each, there were four and they were all wearing Nocturnis armor.

Circling around to line up beside us, they expertly avoided the turbulence of the propellers to set down on the upper deck behind us.

The pegasi were heaving for breath, not even looking at us as they sank down, first onto their knees and the to lay down, clearly completely exhausted.

"Good work, everypony," Moon Glow said and jumped off the first chariot, the pegasi, followed by a dozen guard ponies, five with her and six in the other chariot.

She trotted up to me, pushing a pair of nightseeing goggles down from her eyes to hang around her neck before she saluted, "Welcome back, your majesty," she said.

"Thank you, Glow," I said and then looked behind her as the guards that weren't laying on the deck formed up smartly at attention. A good portion of which were thestrals, but two of them were unicorns, "May I ask what's all this is about?"

"We departed as soon as we got word you were returning," she said seriously, "To ensure your safety during transit over the jungle. We don't want a repeat of the last time."

We were half way, which meant they would have needed to fly hard to reach us this quickly.

Which explained the exhausted pegasi.

"Thank you," I said quietly, "Let's hope things go a bit smoother than that however. I appreciate it, but you may stand down now and get some rest, you have had a hard journey to get here."

She saluted again and then glanced back, "Star Stripe, Star Strike, get the carriages strapped down! I need to go talk with the captain. Everypony else, get some rest."

The two unicorn twins saluted and moved to start strapping the carriages down and releasing the pegasi from the pulling harnesses.

I sighed softly, "Amber," I said and turned away to spot the changeling where she was standing behind me.

She blinked, "...How did you know I were here, sir?" she asked.

I smiled, "Because I know you," I said and gave her a quick hug, "Missed you, bug."

"Missed you too, sir," she said and hugged back.

"Go down say hi to Skitter, she and some more lings are along for the ride."

"No, sir. My task is to guard you."

I shook my head and gave her another quick hug with my wing before letting go and looking out over the approaching jungle before us.

Didn't even get back before pushed back into my role.

My bucking life, I swear.

Looking to the side, I spotted Midnight watching me. I raised one eyebrow at her.

She smiled softly and touched my shoulder with her hoof for a second before she turned around and walked back inside.

Turning around, I followed her inside.

Might as well get some writing done, needed to clear my head.
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yup close to the end of this story, but it's getting good anyway.

Page, why did you have to knock on wood and Tempt the All Mighty Merphy?

Does anyone know what he is currently writing? I can't remember if he said it in a previous chapter or not?

Amber and Skitter (I still laugh at the reference) are the sweetest pair of Buggos I know, I honestly hope they jump into this herd at some point!
The airship lowered towards the docking tower below.

"Relax," Midnight murmured quietly to me.

"I am relaxed," I murmured back quietly, "I'm just…"

"Your ear keeps twitching, it only does that when you're tense."

I glanced at her, "How do you know that?"

Midnight smiled a bit, "Twilight. And I have eyes."

Sighing softly I nodded and forced my ear to stop. I wanted to teleport from the ship and just get down there, but… it wouldn't look right.

So I waited with Midnight, Talon and Skitter as the airships crew did their job and got us down to dock like a good pony.

The ramp lowered and the guards moved past us to take position along the bottom of the ramp before Moon Light gave us a nod.

Adjusting my silver circlet and mane, I then walked forward towards the ramp and…

They were there.

Luna. Sunset. Twilight. All three smiling up towards me.

It took every drop of willpower I had left not to galop down the ramp to them and instead walk to meet them.

Luna smiled and stepped forward, "Welcome home," she said.

I just stepped forward and pulled her into a tight hug and that seemed to break something and I found myself in a three way hug.

Nopony said something for several long moments before Twilight sobbed silently against my neck, her tears soaking into my coat.

I shifted to press my nose against her mane, "It's alright, Sparks. We're home now, Twilight."

She shook her head and then looked up at me, her eyes filled with tears, "I… I tried so… I couldn't figure it out, I tr-"

"Hush," I said gently and rested my forehead against hers, crossing our horns and I could see how just exhausted she was even after what had to be a week of rest since we returned, "Everything turned out alright. We're here."

She pressed her face against my shoulder and I stroked her mane gently, looking up at Luna and Sunset.

Sunset moved around to hug Twilight, giving me a small smile, "...It's been a long month for everypony," she said and touched her horn to mine, "She took the throne while you were gone as well."

I blinked at her and then glanced at Luna.

Luna shook her head and sighed, stroking Twilight's mane softly, "Your thestrals would not have accepted me," she said softly, "But they did our Twilight. So she tried to do both."

My job and advanced magical research.

Oh Sparks.

I held her closer, resting my head against her mane as Luna's wings encircled us and I glanced up at Luna, "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked her quietly.

Luna smiled sadly, "You would just have worried, there was nothing you could do."


How many times had I used something like that line on her? I sighed softly and gave her a small nod, acknowledging the point.

"Page," Sunset said and nuzzled at my cheek, "It's time to go down, your ponies wait for you to address them."

"They can buck off," I said quietly against Twilight's mane, "You three are more important."

Twilight shook her head against me and then put a hoof against my chest, pulling back slightly and drying her eyes on her left pastern, "N-no. I'm a-alright, I promise," she said and smiled weakly, "It's important."

I frowned and touched her cheek with my hoof, "You're important."

Twilight smiled and dried her eyes again before she frowned at me, "Stand still," and her horn lit up and her magic ran across me, "There."

I met Sunset's eyes before I sighed softly, "Okay," I said quietly, "I suppose you're right."

Sunset smiled and moved a bit closer, kissing me softly before she smirked, "Of course I am," she said.

I smiled back and then took a step back, "...Many ponies down there waiting?" I asked Luna.

"Only half the village," she said with a small smile, running her magic through my mane and adjusting my silver circlet and the feathers behind my ear, "They just want to know their Prince is safe."

I nodded and spotted Flower Rain exiting onto the docking tower to approach and smiled at me,

"Welcome home, your majesty."

"Thank you, Flower," I said and smiled back, "Good to see you again."

She bowed and then frowned and shook her head as she moved over to Twilight, "Your highness, your mane…"

"Sorry Flower," Twilight said and reached up with her hoof, "Could you…"

"Of course, Princess!" Flower said and dug into her small satchel for a comb, "Stay still please."

Lunas wing settled across my back and she nosed at my ear, "Flower has been helping Twilight a lot," she murmured softly.

"She's getting another raise," I answered just as quietly.

She may be the highest paid pony in the village actually. Not that it said that much, we didn't have much bits to give out.

Or much to spend them on for that matter.

"There," Flower said and stepped back before looking at us, "Everypony ready?"

I glanced at the airship and for a split second I considered the idea of everypony getting onto it and just leaving.

Then I nodded instead, "We're ready, thank you, Flower."
It had taken a while, but we had finally managed to escape. The sun was filtering in from the outside, visible even through the bubble of darkness over the bed.

Sparks and Sunny were asleep, she and Sunset were curled up together on one side of the bed. Sparks really needed it and I'd make sure she got plenty of rest.

I didn't want to sleep yet. Luna was next to me, my head against the side of her neck and her head resting against my mane, her strong wing across my back.

"What are you thinking of, My Page?" Luna murmured quietly into my ear.

I sighed softly, "...Tonight."

"Ponies missed you," she said quietly, "We missed you."

"I know," I whispered and then sighed again, "But… am I selfish?"

Luna shifted to frown at me, "How do you mean?"

"During that speech, during the journey here," I said and then looked up into her eyes, "All I could think of was you three. I just wanted everypony else to buck off and they were just glad to see me."

Luna sighed softly and bumped her nose softly against mine, "Page, you're an idiot."

"You and your sister are in agreement on that," I said and shifted a bit closer, "Nothing new there."

"Of course you were looking forward to seeing us," Luna said and pressed her nose against my ear, "Silly Page. Nothing wrong with that."

"It's not just that," I said quietly, "I wanted to leave again. While I was away I didn't have any responsibility, I just… it was like when you and I were becoming friends. I was worried about getting back home, but…"

"Nopony was expecting anything of you," Luna said and brushed her wing across my back.

I nodded against her neck, "Yes. I just… and now…"

Luna sighed softly and gave my ear a small kiss, "I know," she said and hugged me with her wing, "You deserve better."

I shook my head and looked up at her, "No, that's not… " I said and rolled onto my back, looking up at her, "It's so many things. I just feel stuck sometimes," I told her, keeping my voice down not to wake Sunny and Sparks, "This is what I will be doing tomorrow. This is what I will be doing in a thousand years. I never wanted to be a prince, I never wanted to rule. Now ponies rely on me, rely on me making decisions and if I get it wrong ponies may lose their livelihoods, get hurt or even die."

Luna shifted down to rest her head against my chest, not saying anything as I put my forelegs around her,

"What's even worse," I told her quietly, "If I for some reason managed to avoid that responsibility, all it would do would be to heap all of it onto somepony else, likely somepony I love. I even feel bad complaining about it considering how long you and Sunshine have done it."

Shifting up, Luna nuzzled in beneath my chin the same way as Sparks usually likes to do, "We have not been very nice to you, My Page," she said quietly after a long moment.

I shook my head, stroking her mane, "It's not your fault, My Sky. Not yours, not Sunshine's," I said before I chuckled softly, "The worst thing? Every single thing about it is my own bucking fault. I fell for you, I fought that fucking centaur, I made the deal with Discord, I chose to involve myself with my bats, I… did this to myself and I have nopony but myself to blame."

"Falling for me started it?" Luna said softly, "What would you have done if not?"

"...Likely still working in a bookstore, trying to get a book printed," I admitted before I smiled and sighed, "No, you know what, I blame Sunshine for all of it. She introduced us after all."

Luna chuckled softly and shifted up to look down into my eyes, "Well, if we're doing that, shouldn't it be my fault? After all, she introduced me because I just came back after my failed rebellion and exile."

I stuck my tongue out at her, "That's silly."

"You're silly," Luna said and brushed her lips against mine, "I can stay in Nocturnis," she said softly.

I kissed back and then shook my head and brushed her star filled mane, "No," I said with a small sigh, "You can't. That would leave Sunshine alone in Canterlot… and I know you, my beautiful moon. You would never do that to her."

"Again," Luna sighed, "Never do that to her again," she answered quietly before she put her head back down against my chest.

"You're as trapped as I am," I whispered and ran my hoof along her soft feathered wing, "Funny that. Ponies assume alicorns have so much power."

Luna shook her head, "We don't. Not really," she said quietly before she sighed and cuddled closer, "Try to get some sleep, My Page. It's been a long night for everypony."

Nodding, I closed my eyes with a small sigh.

I should just stop complaining. I have three mares that love me and that I love. I led a growing village full of ponies whose lives are becoming better by the week. They deserved for me to be the pony they needed me to be.

Drifting off to the dream realm, I found my Luna waiting for me.

"Thank you, My Sky," I said and moved up to her, "I-"

Luna stepped up and pulled me close, "We'll figure something out," she said, interrupting me, "I promise you we will."

"Luna, I-" I started to say before she touched her nose to mine,

"You deserve to be happy," she said, looking into my eyes, "Same as everypony else. You may have responsibilities, same as everypony else. But nopony expects you to do them in a way that makes you unhappy."

I shook my head, "Luna, let's not exaggerate, I didn't mean it like that, it's not as bad as it sounded."

Luna sighed softly and smiled gently at me as she shifted to brush her wing across my back, "Let's get some sleep."

"Okay," I agreed and leaned against her soft side.

That did sound nice.
Page, one word: seneschal they can step in and run things so you can have times to rest, relax and go on vacation!

Also Hiver, you are Evil! I was about to go to sleep!
I slowly drifted out of sleep.

I kept my eyes closed though and just buried my nose into the mane pressed against it, I knew that scent and I took a deep breath.


She clung a bit tighter and slowly stirred, shifting to nuzzle in beneath my chin.

Then we didn't move again, just stayed still.

The bed shifted beneath us as I felt Luna climb back onto it, scooting close to press her side against my back.

"Moon's up?" Sunset whispered from across from Twilight.

Luna must have nodded as I didn't hear her answer. Twilight was awake, I knew that much. She knew I was awake too, pretty sure.

Neither of us seemed to feel the need to point it out to either of the others.

Luna shifted in to nose at my ear, "Sneak," she whispered softly and I smiled against Sparks' mane, pulling her a bit closer.

Sparks make a small groan of protest at the movement and I stroked her coat softly,

"Sleep, you earned it," I murmured to her.

"Missed this," Twilight mumbled against my neck.

Sunset shifted to stroke my mane, "Cuddlebug," she teased and nosed at Twilight's closest ear. Twilight just nodded and relaxed between us as Luna's soft wing moved to rest across all three of us.

I may eventually have drifted off again as next thing I knew, Sparks and I were alone on the bed.

I slowly blinked my eyes open and yawned softly. Sparks slowly shifted and looked at me sleepily, "Mmm… hey…"

"Hey," I said quietly and suppressed a yawn of my own, "...Where is everypony."

She smiled sleepily, "Sunset thought that somepony should make sure nopony panicked about us taking the night off. Luna went along."

"Long ago?"

Twilight shook her head and scooted close, nuzzling in beneath my chin again, "Twenty minutes or so. Woke up when Sunset pulled away, they told me to go back to sleep."

"Still sleepy?" I asked and stroked her back, hoof brushing her wing as I nosed at her mane.

She shook her head slightly, but didn't move.

"Me neither," I said and then smiled as I heard a soft rumble, "...But hungry I think, unless there is thunder on the way."

Sparks suppressed a small giggle before she nodded, "...Yes…" she admitted.

"Me too," I said and then slowly started to shift to let go, rolling onto my stomach and stretching with a groan. It felt like every joint I had made a clicking sound and I felt stiff all over.

Did I really not move all day or something? Sure felt like it.

Twilight yawned and pushed herself up to sit, yawning again before she rubbed her eyes, blinking sleepily in the darkness before she lit her horn.

I let out a small but manly sound of protest and quickly covered my eyes with a foreleg as the blinding light burned a hole straight through my head.

"Sorry, but I couldn't see a thing," Sparks said with a smile, brushing my mane, "Not everypony can see in the dark, Page."

I smiled at her and pushed myself up as well as I risked opening my eyes slightly, adjusting against the slight glare.

"Well, guess that's what I get for loving such a bright girl."

Sparks smiled a bit shyly and then jumped off the bed, stretching with her wings held high before she glanced at me, finding me admiring the view. She blushed and shifted her wings again, folding them, "...So, breakfast?"

"Breakfast," I agreed and followed her towards the door, glancing out the open balcony door as we walked past.

Moon was almost at zenit. Buck, we went to bed at sunrise, we must have slept like… at least twelve hours if not more.

Out in the livingroom, there was a tray sitting on the table loaded with sandwiches and fruit with a large pitcher of ice tea.

Twilight lit some candles with her horn before letting go of her light spell and picking up a sandwich, happily taking a bite, "Oh! Cucumbers and bell peppers!" she exclaimed happily before she smiled, "I thought we didn't have either!"

"We bought a bunch of fresh vegetables," I said and shrugged my wings, "...Mostly spices, but some fresh stuff too."

She smiled and took another bite, "Thank you."

Sparks was a princess, an alicorn princess. My marefriend. I couldn't even get her cucumbers whenever she wanted them.

Well, that's going to change. If I so had to grow them myself.

"You look better," I said with a smile, "I think we all were pretty tired last night."

Twilight smiled back, "I really needed that," she admitted and jumped onto the couch next to me, shifting to lean against my side, "Let's eat and then find Sunset and Luna, they shouldn't need to handle everything on their own."


But for now, I slipped my wing across her back and pulled her closer, nosing softly at her ear.

Sparks shifted, cuddling closer, leaning against me.

We may have ended up a bit late.
The throne room was lit by the moon outside and softly glowing crystals, enough to let a daypony read but diffuse enough to not bother a thestral coming in from outside.

The sides were opened tonight and there was a slight breeze, not a rain cloud in sight. The sky stretching out towards the horizon, filled by glimmering stars.

Sunset was talking quietly to Moon Glow to one side, something about the guard schedule. Meanwhile Midnight and Twilight were discussing something out on the left balcony.

My Luna was laying on the throne right next to me.

I shifted slightly on my throne, resting my head on my forelegs as Flower looked at me expectantly, having just finished giving me a summarized report for the last month or so I had been away.

One rexasaurus sighting by a hunting team outside the barrier.

One train arrived with supplies and four more immigrants. A family.

The ground along the river was being surveyed for farming land and tree clearing were planned to start sometime next week assuming they got the go ahead.

Six foals had been born. Five of which were thestrals.

We really are going to need to start expanding the school. What we had now were plenty for the foals currently in Nocturnis, but since things had stabilized a bit there after the train had been repaired there might be turning into something of a population boom.

I raised my head after a second's thought and nodded, "Sounds good to me," I said with a nod, "We best be sure we don't over cut the trees, but we do need farmland. Do they know which crop they want to test first?"

Flower like I expected, didn't even check her clipboard, "They are discussing starting with rice, your majesty."

"Well, if they think that's our best bet," I said, nodding, "You can do a lot with rice."

Sushi for example.

Rice alone could prop up civilizations. Very useful crop.

Flower nodded and then glanced at the clipboard, "There has also been a suggestion from Gregar and Slipwing. Now when the ground is safe to inhabit, they want to start to raise animals for meat?" Flower said with a small frown, "Instead of just hunting for it."

She then looked at me, "Would that work?"

"Most likely," I said and nodded, "And might be a good idea, especially as our population grows. Did they say which beasts they had in mind?"

"They were impressed by those large turtles. About trying those?"

Which made a lot of sense. A lot of meat on one of those and there was a fuckton of other materials too.

Hell, I bet you could turn one of those shells into a house with a bit of work!

I nodded, "Don't see why we wouldn't let them try. Not sure how fast those things grow compared to how much they would have to eat, but worth a try I guess."

Turtle burgers for everypony? If not, masssssive eggs.

With some hope it will work out. I mean, not like we could use cows. Cows around here were people. Kinda anyway. Smart enough to talk which made it a big no.

Luna shifted a bit next to me and I smiled, glancing at her as she stuck her tongue out,

"Don't want a big piece of fire cooked meat?" I asked with a smile.

"Don't want any more kisses ever?" she countered with a smile of her own.

Flower hid her own smile behind her clipboard and waited a second before she spoke up again, "Also, a couple of the citizens have asked about Princess Skitter and if we are going to get more changelings."

"Hesitantly or curious?" I asked, raising one eyebrow.

Flower flicked one ear, "Mostly curious I think. Most ponies in nocturnis have nothing against changelings, they are really helpful when it comes to scouting in the forest."

I nodded and looked over to Skitter, "What do you think so far, Skitter?" I asked her.

Skitter turned away from where she had been looking out over the jungle, "About the village, sir?"

"Yeah," I said and smiled at her, "I know it's a bit too humid for most 'lings to be very comfortable most of the year. I know Amber especially dislikes the rain period."

"A bit," Skitter admitted and turned fully towards us, "But the temperature is pleasant and the ponies are nice."

Nice equals tasty I think. She clearly remembered her lessons with Celestia.

"Not that many ponies though," I said.

"...No," she admitted, "Could maybe support thirty to sixty or so drones without ponies feeling any sort of drain. We don't want to hurt anypony."

I smiled at her, "Don't worry, the village will grow."

Skitter smiled back, "Nocturnis is a good hive."


I looked along with everypony else in surprise at Twilight where she was staring aghast at Midnight who looked defiant.
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