Looking Glass (MLP)

I'm pretty sure Page's Cadence caught an earful of that at one point in the story and she didn't like it one bit.
I think it more shock plus being the opposite of what she thought was going on between them that led to her over the top reaction.
As one MLP:FIM fic Luna said "Our stallion percentage maybe small, but we've never had population issues."
I moved out of the way as Talon walked across his room, lighting my horn to catch a fallen comic, "Are you sure you need all this?" I asked, "I'm not sure if Midnight has a weight limit or not, but at least the comics I know Spike has to have a copy of."

Talon paused and smiled a bit sheepishly and put the tall stack down, "I guess you're right," he admitted before he looked around his room.

Flipping through the comic, I then closed it and put it at the top of the stack.

"I'll miss this place," Talon said and sighed as he looked around.

"The place or the ponies?" I asked with a small smile.

"...Both," he said and turned to me, "How much do you think we can pack?"

I shrugged my wings, "No clue, have to check with Midnight. But if it's a portal sucking us into the air like last time, it did lift two alicorns and a dragon right off the ground without problem, so... I can only assume one large bag each would be fine?"

He nodded and reached beneath his bed, digging around before pulling out a large bag, "Makes sense."

"You can pack a bag for me to carry too if you run out of space," I offered, "I don't have anything here to bring but some letters for some ponies."

"Thanks Page," he said and put his bag on the bed before he looked around, "...But I guess I don't have that much stuff either. Just..."

He walked over to his bedside table and opened it before picking out a gem, looking at it, "As long as I get to bring this."

He wrapped it up in a thick cloth and put it in his pack before he turned to me, "It was a gift."

I just nodded, "Those are important," I said and reached up to feathers by my ear.

Talon smiled and jumped up to sit on his bed, "...Page, have you thought any about me joining the guard?"

I shifted my wings and considered it while glancing up to make sure no new portals arrived, "I'm not sure, Talon," I said before raising my hoof to intercept his protest, "I know that by age, you are old enough to start training," I told him seriously, "But that's for ponies. Dragons age differently and for a dragon, you are still very young."

"I can do it."

"I know you can," I told him, "What concerns me isn't if you can do it but if it's fair to make you do it."

Talon frowned, "What do you mean?"

Sighing, I shook my head, "Talon, I have no worries about your capabilities. You're strong and tough and can handle at least as much as any earth pony. But what the guard does, especially in Nocturnis, is dangerous."

"I can handle it."

I smiled at him, "I know. And if it was just that, I would have no problem. But it's not what they do, but what they experience," before I sighed again, "Ponies, creatures getting hurt. Dying. Sometimes messily. Talon, I'm not worried about you getting hurt, as a dragon you're tougher than any earth pony, yet alone a thestral. I'm worried about you seeing others get hurt."

Talon seemed to get a bit thrown by that, "...Oh..." he said quietly.

"I saw how it hit Sunny finding those train engineers, and so did you," I told him quietly, "I don't want that to happen to you too. Even more, what if you happen to somehow get hurt? You are physically tougher than almost any pony but things happen. But what do you think that would do to Midnight?"

Talon looked down at his claws, nodding slightly, "I guess you're right," he said, "Didn't think of that."

Young dragon indeed.

"That said," I continued, "I am willing to allow it on some conditions."

Talon looked at me again, "What conditions?"

"That it's limited to part time training until you are old enough," I said and sat down on the floor, "No patrols outside the barrier until you are older. And that Midnight sign off that she is okay with this because if something happens to you, she'll kill me."

He considered that for several long moments before he nodded, "I guess that's fair," he finally said.

I smirked, "Don't be too happy about it. Because you know that Sunset is the pony in charge of the guard training. I've seen her run earth ponies into the ground, I'm fairly sure she'll take a dragon as a challenge."

"I can do it!" Talon said with a grin and jumped off the bed, "Thanks Page!"

"Don't forget that Midnight needs to sign off first," I said and then stood up, giving him a salute, "Trainee."

Talon got to something approaching attention and saluted me, "Your Majesty!"

I held it for a second before I smiled and dropped it, "Get to finish packing, the goodbye party is going to start soon. Don't want to miss it."

Tomorrow. Leaving tomorrow.

Talon quickly nodded.
Should ask if there's a actual weight/mass limit.
It's still his stuff even if he could get a similar copy over there.
The party was in full swing.

Okay, party might be a bit understating it, it was closer to a full on carnival or full on town market. I'm not sure who(Pinkie) had set it up, but the entire town of ponyville and half of Canterlot seemed to have showed up.

There were food stalls. Games.


Somepony(Pinkie) had set up and organized this in… what, a week? This power is beyond that of an alicorn.

When I get back home, I'm going to see if I can hire her as a general organizer. Because anypony that good at herding cats(ponies), is wasted on just parties.

I had not planned to get involved, it was their goodbye party and a thestral alicorn in the middle of it would attract too much attention from Midnight and Talon. I didn't want that.

I didn't hide, but I kept to the outskirts, relaxing on the grass next to one of the trees. Besides, I wasn't a big fan of crowds in the best of times.

But Pepper… Pepper and Fluttershy was in the middle of it all, keeping close to the Princesses. Letting Ponies see them, see that they were accepted.

I knew how Fluttershy felt about it, she was terrified. But she did it anyway.

Bravest pony I knew, indeed.

The sound of hooves on grass approached and I looked over in the light of the setting sun and to my surprise I saw Applejack approaching.

She carried a pair of bottles in one hoof, stopping a couple of steps away, giving me a small bow, "Your Highness."

"Applejack," I said and gave her a nod back, "But you don't need to bow to me. What can I help you with?"

She approached and laid down on the grass next to me, pulling the corks out of them with her teeth before passing one over.

I took it and took a sip, "Apple family cider," I said, "It's good, I can't afford this very often."

Applejack looked at me, raising an eyebrow, "Can't afford it? Yer a Prince."

I smiled faintly and took a sip, "Nocturnis isn't a rich village, Applejack. I have donated most of my own bits to it as well. The bits it would cost to import a cask or bottles all the way to Nocturnis would buy a family of unicorns, earth ponies or pegasi hay, rice or grain for a week or two. Importing luxuries are low on my list of priorities."

"I see."

"Thestrals may be good on fruit and other local food," I said, "But almost twenty percent of Nocturnis isn't thestrals and need imported food to be healthy."

Applejack nodded, "Can't live on nothing but apples," she admitted, "Need hay or grain to stay healthy."

I nodded and took another sip before glancing down at it, "but this is definitely on the import list as soon as we can afford it," I said before I looked at her, "You want to talk about Midnight."

Applejack shook her head, "Nah, she knows what she wants to do. Ah get it, she has a mare back in Nocturnis. Friends. Family. Ah wanted to ask ye about Fluttershy."

"What about?" I asked and flicked one ear.

"Anything special she needs now?" Applejack asked, "Ah'm not sure anypony else has asked."

Nodding, I looked down towards the rest of the party, "Well," I said, "They will need more fruit in the mix than grains, but mostly they can eat like any other tribe. With one difference."

"The… fish," Applejack said, shifting a bit uncomfortable, "Ah remember the dinner. Pepper did not look like a fan."

"Takes some getting used to for some ponies," I agreed, "But we really do need it to be at our best. Not a lot, but we need some. That or some special kinds of beans works as well."

I sipped the cider again with a small smile. It really was nice… it wasn't quite as difficult to get in Nocturnis as I had implied. Nopony would raise an eyebrow if I imported a cask of it from time to time, in fact I was strangely certain my ponies would insist if I mentioned I liked it, but it still felt wrong.

Maybe now with the barrier up, when things had stabilized a bit. Or maybe we could make our own, we did have plenty of fruit.

But most of the local stuff tended to be more towards either wine or hard liquor, not cider. Wonder if Applejack has a cousin or not that wouldn't mind moving?

"Many earth ponies in Nocturnis?" Applejack asked after a moment.

I raised an eyebrow at her, "Uhm," I said and then frowned, thinking for a moment, "...Sev-no, six families. Two of them merged a month ago. Well, two months now. Twenty three in total, counting foals. Most ponies in Nocturnis have wings, but we do have a small but growing population of earth ponies and unicorns. With the barrier up, it will get easier for them when we can move some construction to the ground level."

"Ah'm not sure I could live in trees," Applejack agreed and poked at the grass with her hoof, "I prefer to keep my hooves on the ground."

"As do most ponies without wings," I said before I smiled, "Admittedly for very understandable reasons."

Applejack laughed softly and nodded, "As ye say," she said and slowly got onto her hooves, "Come, Twilight would like ye down there with them."

"I think that would be a bit too distracting for everypony else."

Applejack frowned at me before she raised an eyebrow.

I sighed and climbed to my hooves, "...That and I'm worried about something going wrong on the way back. I don't need hundreds of ponis staring at me, I don't like the attention."

She nodded, "Ah understand. But it would mean a lot for them."

"I'll come," I said with a small sigh, joining her and walking down the small hill towards the party.

Applejack smiled as she led the way, "There's more cider down there," she teased.

I couldn't help but grin, "There is that."
How dare Page threaten taking Pinkie away from her parties XD
She'll just party his serious stuff up. And when she sees how gloomy it can be down there she'll make Nocturnis a party town.
Hey isn't there a Pinkie clone running around? Nocturnis is far enough away she could probably hide forever down there.

Is there a fic with MLP:FIM and Bolo cross? I've been imagining Pinkie taking her party canon concept and upping it up to a Bolotank level.

Edit: Think planet wide party.
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She'll just party his serious stuff up. And when she sees how gloomy it can be down there she'll make Nocturnis a party town.
Hey isn't there a Pinkie clone running around? Nocturnis is far enough away she could probably hide forever down there.

Is there a fic with MLP:FIM and Bolo cross? I've been imagining Pinkie taking her party canon concept and upping it up to a Bolotank level.
nocturnis would become the equestria version of rio de janeiro with pinkie in the administration:evil:
"You'll do fine," I told Pepper and Fluttershy quietly, "You have all the alicorns with you. Princess Luna will help you."

Spicy Pepper swallowed visible before she nodded, "I-I know," she said, "We'll be fine," she said and glanced at Fluttershy.

Fluttershy nodded firmly before surprising me by taking a step forward to hug me.

I hugged back, "Remember, you're not alone," I told her quietly, "trust your friends."

Fluttershy nodded and stepped back, "B-be careful," she said and then rushed over to Midnight and the rest of the group around her.

Everypony was gathered in the throne room around the map table.

It was time.

"You too," I then told Spicy Pepper quietly, "There will be ponies that will react with fear. Use Celestia."

Pepper glanced away.

"Trust me on this," I said and moved to catch her eyes, "She's a genius on this. I know you don't like her, and I'm not asking you to, but I need you to rise over that or you won't get anywhere."

Spicy Pepper met my eyes before she nodded, "...I'll try."

I smiled, "Keep your ears about you, Pepper. It will be tough, but worth it."

Then I looked over to where Midnight was hugging her parents before turning back to her, "I need to go now. Be well, Spicy Pepper."

"Safe travels, your majesty," she said and bowed to me.

I bowed back before turning away and walking over to stand next to the bags. Talon hugged Night Light firmly and then let go and walking up to me,

"Ready?" he asked, his voice slightly unsteady.

I touched his shoulder with my hoof, "Ready," I said, "You sure of this?"

Talon closed his eyes and then nodded firmly.

He didn't look certain, but there really wasn't a good choice here. Whichever they chose, it sucked.

Midnight shared a hug with Princess Clestia before she stepped back and turned to walk over to Talon and me, "Let's get ready," she said quietly before she looked out over the group, "We're going to get ready. Everypony not going need to leave the room."

One by one the ponies left. Her parents were the last ones out, Twilight Velvet walking close to her husband and while the angle hid it from Midnight, I saw her start to cry as they left the room.

They were almost the last ones out, Starlight Glimmer remained for a second, looking at Midnight.

Midnight approached her and they talked quietly, too quietly for my ears even before they shared a hug.

Starlight stepped back and looked at Midnight, "You're sure?"

"I'm sure," Midnight said, "And I talked with Celestia."

"...What did she say?" Starlight asked nervously.

"A job and the ring off in a year if you prove you can be trusted," Midnight told her with a small smile, "I recommend doing it."

Starlight nodded, "I will," and gave her another hug, "Thank you."

Midnight hugged back, "Now you best leave or you'll end up coming along."

Nodding, Starlight let go and left, closing the door behind her.

"Just a few minutes, everypony onto the table," Midnight said and floated the bags onto it.

I jumped onto the table, careful not to step on the town as I turned to look at Talon and Midnight, "It's not too lat-"

"Shut up, Page," Midnight said firmly and jumped onto the table next to me before her expression softened, "I know what you mean and that you mean well. But we already made our choice, we're going home."

Talon nodded and climbed up next to her, "That's right."

I sighed softly and took half a step back, "I just want you to be sure," I said quietly.

Midnight stepped over a small town and gave me a hug, "I know. Thank you," she said before stepping back and floated a scroll out, "Everypony take hold of each other and hang on."

Taking a deep breath, I slipped one of Talon's bags onto my back and moved up next to Midnight, putting Talon between us as I wrapped a wing across her back, hers going across mine in turn, "Uhm... mind trying for a bit softer landing than last time?" I asked a bit warily, "Is it too late to ask for a helmet?"

"It absolutely is," Midnight said, her eyes starting to glow, magic flowing along her horn and across the scroll as power echoed through her voice.

The world seemed to shake and a blue glow appeared above us, exploding into a wide portal and wind started to flow.

Oh buck, here we go again!

My hooved left the ground and everything turned into colors, spinning and whirling before something green appeared and I smack-

Could be a red herring and the green is just a rexy (or whatever they called those big things) that's assaulting Nocturnis. Or it is a branch in Nocturnis. Or, my personal favourite, given Page's nightmares (What do you mean he can't dream? Those monsters still assault him every day!), the green is the top paper on the mound of paperwork that is waiting for his signature after he went AWOL.
Hopefully they go somewhere completely alien or back in time, forced character growth via trama is the best kind of character growth!
Ok my guesses are: (1) Red herring: they are back in their Nocturnis. (2) Time travel: We will get the "Darth Page In The Past" story we've all been waiting for. Or (3) Welcome to Humanity Midnight: They have ended up in the parallel world Sunset came from and have to wait for the portal to open to get back home.

I'm like 90% sure it's the first one but honestly either of the other two would be really cool to see. Any way it ends up going we probably will have to wait another 6 months to a year to see it wrap up since this kinda feels like the penultimate episode before Hiver leaves us with a cliffhanger as usual.
I groaned, slowly blinking my eyes open before quickly squeezing them closed again at the burning bright light.

There was another groan next to me, "...Page, you okay?" Midnight asked.

"...Damn it, what did I say about the landing," I groaned and slowly pushed myself up, carefully opening my eyes against the bright sunlight. We were... I could see Canterlot in the distance, smoke from the chimneys of a town in the distance.


"We should be in the same spot we were in when I cast the spell," Midnight said and looked around, helping Talon onto his feet, "Talon?"

"I'm good," he said and then looked at her, "did it work?"

Midnight got onto her hooves, lightning her horn and shining it around, "The magical signature matches," she said and looked at me.

"No castle," I said and shrugged, looking at Talon, "Give it a try?"

He nodded and dug into the bag, pulling out a pre-prepared scroll. He held it out and sent it off with a burst of green fire.

He paused for a second before he grinned, "It didn't bounce back!"

Midnight nodded, "Which means there is a Spike at least," she said.

Only minutes later, Talon burped out a large spout of flame before catching a scroll from it, unrolling it. He read for a second as Midnight and I watched before he grinned widely, "We're home! It's Spike and Twilight, they're in Nocturnis. Twilight writes that Luna is still in Nocturnis and will be waiting in the dream realm for you Page."


I pulled both of them into a tight hug, "Thank you," I mumbled softly against Midnights mane.

She gave me a small squeeze before she smiled, "Sorry it took so long," she said and then let go, "Talon, the second scroll?"

He nodded and sent a new one, this time to Celestia. Midnight looked around, "We should head to the train. Make our way to Canterlot."

"I should meet Luna..." I said hesitantly.

Midnight nodded, "You should," she said and then smiled understandably, "But you can do that at the train or by the train station if we have a wait."


I finally nodded, "Okay," I admitted, "that's fair."

"Come on," Midnight said and poked my side with her wing, "I'm going to need to wait for weeks to see Tempest, you can handle twenty minutes more."

"...Okay..." I said again and walked along next to her, Talon walking by her other side.

Talon burped again and caught the incoming scroll before opening it, "It's from Princess Celestia. She's glad we're back and invites us to Canterlot. She says she has sent the guard with a sky carriage to get us."

"Well," I said, "that saves us some time."

Midnight smiled and nodded before she looked at me, "Come on," she said, "let's find a place where you can take a nap."

I gave her a small sheepish grin, "That obvious?"

"A bit, yes," Talon said with a grin.

Midnight led the way over to beneath the shade of a tree, "Go to sleep," she said, "We'll keep an eye out for the carriage. It will take a bit for it to get here anyway."

I gave them a thankful smile before sinking down into the soft grass in the shade, closing my eyes and lighting my horn for a quick sleeping spell.

The dream realm formed around me and I turned to find Luna already there.

Stars shimmered in her mane and she was just...

I met her eyes and didn't say anything, I just walked up to hug her tight. Luna sat down, forelegs and wings slipping around me, her cheek against my mane as I rested my head against her neck.

We just stayed like that for several long moments before I finally looked up at her, "I missed you."

"I missed you as well," she said quietly, "Amber told us what happened, Twilight figured out what it was. We have been working on a way to get you back since."

"I think Midnight had a bit of a leg up on that," I said and stroked her coat softly with my wing, "She had assistance from the mare that made the original spell. But I'll let her explain how they did it as I have no idea," I said and then kissed her softly.

Luna kissed back and then bumped her nose against mine, "Twilight has barely slept without magical help while you were gone. She kept working until Sunset and I pulled her away."

"And you didn't worry?" I asked and looked up into her eyes.

Luna smiled softly and nosed at my ear, "I did. But I know you would come back to us in some way, be it by us finding a way or you finding a way from your side. You are resourceful and you had Midnight with you. They came back with you, was it the wrong world?"

I flicked my ear and then looked up at her, "It was the right world," I said and shifted my wings, "But... they said this was their home now. They wanted to come back."

She pulled me closer, wings softly around me as she held me against her, "Come, let's go to their dreams. Twilight and Sunset will want to welcome you back."

I nodded and held her tighter, "I missed you, My Sky."

"I missed you as well, My Page," Luna murmured softly against my ear.
I don't see a reason for a big plot twist. This is a pretty cheerful story, it's about being happy and improving things, finding love, not politics or adventure
Plot twist is that he got all his mares got pregnant before he left.
pfft weak ^^ (or at least incomplete ;))

plot twist is that 1000 years have passed since the prince of the night was banished to his realm of shadows,
Old folks tale have it that he'll come back one day to ravish all the princesses(*)(**)(***).

appendices: censored by the "won't you think of the foals" coalition.
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