Looking Glass (MLP)

Yes, except she didn't.

I'm rereading and nowhere did I find her asking if she was happy or that sort of thing. She asked where she was, what is she doing, and if her other encountered Trixie.

Trixie... who managed to wield the Alicorn Amulet... and is unaware of the tremendous magical potential she's hiding, unlike the other Twilight and Midnight.
Does that not amount to the same thing? If I was imprisoned I would be asking if my other self was, and what they were doing if they weren't to check they aren't doing something that would land them where I am. Starlight also called Trixie her best friend, and would want to know if other Trixie is also friends with her. Is their friendship a fluke, or does it hold across worlds?
Are you talking for this world or Page's world? Cause this world already lost the ability to use the Elements. Isn't that enough?
Watch again all the double episodes of MLP (end of season) and then answer that question.

No, it's not. Not only there isn't a solution to the absence of Midnight (and don't forget Harmony's influence), but Page is also juggling with too many problems.

And the Title of the story is about a story with Alice Through the Looking Glass influence.
My spell screamed through the air, a construct of pure force lashed out and the bottle exploded in a thousand pieces.

"Not bad," Shining Armor said as he looked at our improvised spell range. It was early, the sun setting towards the horizon but if we wanted to do this it was much easier when he could actually see.

"I was a bit to the left," I said with a small frown before I shrugged my wings, "...I'm a bit out of practice," I admitted.

It's been years since I had daily practice on this sort of thing. Paperwork and sitting on a throne thankfully didn't have much use for slinging combat spells around.

If that was a fortunate thing or not was up to the beholder however.

Shining nodded and magic shone from his horn as he sent his own spell across the range, a second bottle exploding, "You need to practice to keep your skills," he warned me, "I do mostly office style work now, but I still make sure to get a couple of hours a week."

Which was the reason for this entire thing. He was going to practice and to my surprise asked if I wanted to join.

"Time time time," I said and then smiled wryly, "If we ever get an alicorn of time, I will be so jealous. They might actually be able to squeeze enough of them into a night."

Shining grinned, "I know. I have hopes for Flurry, maybe I can mooch some of it if she does, but she's more likely to take after her mother."

"Not necessarily, maybe she'll be the alicorn of protection or something," I pointed out, "Shields and all that you know. Cutiemark themes tend to run in families. More or less."

Shining nodded, "That's true," he agreed, "But not necessarily. I mean, neither of my parents has anything to do with shields."

"Good point," I agreed and then shrugged my wings again, "Also, alicorn. Who knows how that works out with domains and such."

Shining made a sound of agreement and then sent a spear of fire at the last bottle, causing it to explode into fragments.

"Oh, nice one," I said, "I always had trouble with fire magic. Even now I can barely do a burst of it. Just keep getting away from me and... well... Twilight banned me from using it without supervision."

Shining grinned, "Didn't like when you smelled like burned mane, huh? Cady may have said something similar at some point."

"Yep. I'm better with ice magic for some reason."

He frowned, "But that's harder."

"I know, right!" I exclaimed and sighed, "And neither has anything to do with my domain either, so how that works, don't ask me."

"You have some training," he said, "Did you get as far as playing whip snap?"

That was a common training technique for guard unicorns.

I nodded, "Sure, my wife taught me when we worked on shields. Been a while though."

Shining nodded and walked some five meters away from me across the grass before turning to face me, "Ready?"

Facing him in turn, I gave him a nod.

Magic shone around his horn and a snap of magical energy flew towards my chest. I responded with a shield, the bolt hitting it with about the force of a hoof tap.

I dropped my shield and responded in kind and he brought up one of his own. Instead of my half sphere, his was the size of a diner plate, just intercepting the spell and nothing else.

That was the goal of this exercise, alternating shielding and casting spells as quickly and accurately as possible, the spell used just enough to let you know if you bucked up.

We slowly sped up as we got into it, and I had to say... Shining was good.

Really, bucking, good.

Small accurate shields took less energy to cast, but they took a lot more focus and concentration to manage.

Which meant that in a real fight, alicorn or not, he might be able to outlast me if it came to a spell to spell duel with no other tricks.

Of course, this wasn't. And it wouldn't have been.

"Try a smaller shield," Shining said, holding his spell.

"Never did manage that before," I warned him, "Not against spells anyway."

"It's why we practice."

Which was fair enough so I nodded.

He sent a spell flying at me and I focused, managing to bring a meter wide shield disk up before it just in time.

"Good," Shining said and blocked my return cast, "Don't try any smaller, focus on good form," he said before firing a spell back.

I brought a shield up again to block, "You miss being active guard?"

"Sometimes," Shining admitted and blocked my return spell, "But on the bright side, no more slogging through mud in the rain."

"There is tha-ow!"

A spell slipped through and marked me in the shoulder. Damn, I forgot how much those sting. Felt like somebody had smacked me with a puppy sized bee.


I sent a spell back at him. He blocked it with a shield the size of a hoof, looking smugly at me.

I brought my shield up, the spell fizzling against the meter wide disk held before me.

Shining nodded, "Better," he said and raised his horn, "You're getting faster."

I nodded and rubbed my head right next to my horn, "Thanks. That takes so much more focus than shielding normally."

"And not something recommended in normal circumstances," Shining Armor agreed, "But it's very good shield practice," before glancing at the moon well above the horizon, "We should break for the night though."

"Some rest would be nice," I said and cracked my neck. It wasn't physically tiring using magic like this, but it was draining. Especially mentally when working on new stuff.

"Come on, let's find something to drink," Shining said and led the way towards the castle.

I could just nod in agreement as I joined in next to him, "Do you still train ponies? You're good at it."

"Not a lot, usually don't have time but I do try when I get the opportunity," he sighed softly before he smiled, "It's fun though."

"Maybe you should," I pointed out, "Prince or not, you have to take time for yourself or you'll burn out."

"Do you?" he asked with a raised eyebrow, "I have talked to Midnight, you know."

"I try," I protested, "And I try to make sure Sunny and Sparks do as well. Things should calm down a little now when the barrier is up over Nocturnis. Also, that's not the same thing, we're a newly formed colony in a hostile land. The Crystal Empire isn't."

Shining smiled, "We're in just as hostile land and with more than ten times your population. Trust me, plenty of things to do to go around for everypony. But I get your drift, Cady and I try to keep the evenings just for us if possible."


We walked in silence until we reached a sitting room where Shining dug around in a drawer for a second before holding up a bottle of amber liquid, "There."

"You found some?"

"Bought it earlier," he said with a grin as he floated up a pair of glasses as well before filling them and offering one to me.

I took it and had a taste. It burned like liquid ice.

Faint taste of apples.

"So what's up with today?" I asked and jumped onto one of the armchairs to settle down, taking another sip.

Shining settled down in the other chair and shrugged, "I don't know," he admitted.

"Trying to figure me out?"

"...A bit, you are dating my sister."

"No I'm not."

He waved one hoof, "Okay, fine. A different version of my sister. Still close enough that I want to check you out. And Twilight will be living in your town again when you leave."

I smiled and sipped my drink.

Couldn't blame him there, if our positions had been reversed I may have been tempted to check if things were safe too.

"And?" I finally asked.

He shrugged again, "Seems like a decent pony, she could do a lot worse," he admitted after taking a sip, "Fangs or not."

I flashed them at him and he rolled his eyes,

"It was interesting how well you handled the changelings though," he then added, "I didn't see a way for that to work out without ponies getting hurt."

"Changelings are easy to handle," I said and sipped my drink, "You just need to understand their priorities. Hive, Queen, Other Changelings, Themselves, anypony else."

"And that lets you work with them?"

I smiled, "No, but it helps. Really, they're not bad beings and may be the most loyal people in the world as long as you work within their frame of reference. Don't threaten the hive, help them find food and be friendly and they'll literally throw themselves in front of a spell for you."

Shining Armor frowned at his glass but didn't comment, just finishing it before refilling our glasses.

"So, any plans for tomorrow?" I asked.

He nodded, "Twilight is taking me and Cadance out for dinner with mom and dad," he said, "Pinkie Pie volunteered to foalsit."



"Are you certain of this, Spicy Pepper?" Celestia asked, looking at the thestral.

Spicy Pepper was terrified, I could see it. She stood before the four Princesses without her illusion, but she didn't look away.

Instead she set her jaw and nodded once.

Spicy Pepper didn't like Princess Celestia. Not in this world nor in this one. In fact, I was fairly sure she hated her on some level.

Be it from having to have been out in the bright light all her life or because she was the leader of Equestria or because of the Solar Guard or… because Celestia was a symbol of Equestria as a whole.

Could be a million reasons.

Some valid. Maybe… all of them. I love Celestia. But I understood why some thestrals disliked her. It would be difficult not to when she was a symbol of all that had been wrong in your life.

Midnight nodded and looked between Luna, Celestia and Cadance, "Everypony ready? I'll overview and assist in the casting, but you three are the primary casters. Everypony as we have practiced."

One by one they lit their horns and I backed away further next to where Futtershy was watching. She was wearing her illusion, but when I glanced at her…

Her eyes were slightly wide and she was stuff as a board. I reached out to touch my wing to her side but she didn't react at all, but I could feel her trembling slightly.

"Easy," I murmured quietly to her, "Deep, slow breaths, Fluttershy."

She squeezed her eyes closed and sucked in a slow and slightly hitching breath.

There was a flash of light and I shielded my eyes with a wing as Spicy Pepper disappeared in a sphere of brilliant light, beams of energy flowing into it from each of the alicorns surrounding her.

This was a refinement from the spells Twilight and Midnight started with. For one, it broke both the curse and blood magic at the same time, skipping the hours as a blood drinker in the middle.

Drawback is that it made it harder in the energy department to cast, not so much in the difficulty itself.

Not that it mattered, it took multiple alicorns worth of power to cast the first ones. Two alicorns could cast the first one, three the second if they weren't Twilight and Midnight. Or I suppose a ton of unicorns.

Couldn't reduce the power either. It took that much to cut through the spells.

"Breath. Slow breaths," I told Fluttershy quietly, focusing on her rather than the spell, her own eyes squeezed closed, "Easy. Calm."

The light stopped and I looked over, spotting Pepper laying on the floor, sprawled out. She looked… like I remembered her.

Midnight caught my eye and I nodded, slowly moving away from Fluttershy and approaching the thestral on the floor, scooting down next to her, "Pepper? Pepper, you awake?" I asked her gently.

Spicy Pepper slowly stirred, her eyes blinking open before squeezing closed against the light. I dropped a bubble of darkness across us and waited.

She very slowly pushed herself into a laying position, blinking her eyes as she struggled to raise her head, "P-prin-"

"Relax," I told her quietly but firmly, "It takes a lot out of a pony. Just close your eyes and take a nap. You'll feel better after, I promise."

Pepper slowly relaxed down, her eyes closing and she fell asleep almost instantly, resting her cheek against the crystal floor.

I moved out of the darkness bubble and smiled at Midnight, "Worked perfectly," I told her.

Midnight smiled and nodded to the rest, "You cast it perfectly. The thestral getting decursed is going to be exhausted and their magic system is going to be extremely stressed. For the next couple of days they will be unable to fly or cloudwalk."

"It's from the new curse breaking spell," I said, "the old ones were a bit gentler."

Midnight nodded in agreement, "Yes. But this one is safer for everypony involved. Some didn't handle the blood magic very well, despite the extra strain it's better to do it this way."

"S-she's really alright?" Fluttershy asked quietly.

I glanced back to see that she had dropped her illusion, walking up next to me.

I nodded, "Just tired," I confirmed, "She'll be asleep for the next day or so."

Fluttershy looked at her through the darkness bubble for several long moments, biting her lower lip before her ears slowly pressed against her head, she looked terrified.

Then she turned to Midnight and swallowed, "D-do me now."

Midnight looked at her in surprise, "Fluttershy, I… are you sure?" she asked gently and walked up to her, "You know that… if we do, you won't be able to hide your wings. Or eyes or ears or anything."

Fluttershy nodded, "I-I know. E-everypony will… know…" she said, her voice breaking before she took a deep breath, squeezing her eyes closed for a second before opening them to look at Midnight again, "But I can't let her do it alone… a-and… and I want foals at some point. Foals like me," she said gently but determinedly.

Midnight regarded her for several long seconds before she nodded and hugged her, "Give us a couple of hours to recover and we'll be ready."


You really are the bravest pony I know.
Blank Page really has all the worst possible work habits doesn't he? Workaholic and prone to believing himself responsible for everything that happens. And not inclined to listen to others either XD
The door closed, leaving Fluttershy and Pepper both asleep on a couch each in the small library and I turned away from the door, "Well done," I said, giving Midnight a smile.

She smiled back sadly and then glanced towards the closed door, "...They'll be okay," she said quietly, "Everypony will look after them."

I just nodded, "Get some rest you as well, I know it takes a lot out of you to cast those spells."

Letting a small sigh out, Midnight nodded, "I will. Goodnight, Page."

"Goodnight Midnight."

She left in the direction of her bedroom and I glanced back at the door again. No more hiding for them. This… this isn't the end for them, this is where the real difficulties start.

Turning away, I headed towards the closest tower.

I needed to clear my head, a flight would help a lot with that. Tomorrow will be a long day for everypony involved.

The least I could do was to be there for them.

Climbing the stairs, I pushed the door open to reveal the stars across the sky and the moonlight, but then I got a surprise.

Celestia stood on the tower, looking out across the village below, the light of the moon causing her white coat to almost glow with an inner light, her mane and tale glowing like the northern lights.

I hesitated for a second before I walked out onto the crystal roof, letting the door click closed behind me as I exited and walked up next to her, making sure to have my hoofsteps make sound.

Didn't feel like being hit by a sun today.

Walking up next to her, I looked out over Ponyville below. The village was mostly empty barring the rare guard doing a patrol. The occasional window was still lit up, but most everypony down there was asleep.

"Do they all hate me?" Celestia asked quietly after several long moments.

"No," I answered truthfully.

"But she does," she continued. It wasn't a question.

I sighed softly, "Hate is too strong of a word. And… I'm not sure it's you specifically. Maybe you as a symbol. But she's not the biggest fan of Equestria. Or you."

"We really failed them."

I didn't answer, instead looking out over the village below, flicking one ear, "Yes," I said before I looked at her, "But nopony can do everything perfectly all the time. You and Princess Luna have done things for thousands of years. You didn't do this to them, it was ancient unicorns and the last thestral alicorn. You two bucked up in that you weren't able to help them, but that's just what it was. You bucked up. Everypony bucks up eventually."

Celestia turned her head to look at me, "But when we do it, ponies get hurt. A lot of ponies."

"I'll tell you what my Celestia told me," I said and turned to face her, "All anypony can possibly do is their best. Anypony can fail, failure is a part of life. Even for an alicorn. What matters is that we learn from our mistakes."

She regarded me for several long moments before she snorted softly and looked away, "Do you often tell her things like this?"

"When she bucks up? Damn right I call her on it," I said and looked out over the village, "As does she when I'm being an idiot."

Celestia shook her head slowly, "Keep doing so," she said before she looked at me again for several long moments, "Why did you ask Spicy Pepper when you knew her opinions? Why choose her?"

"Because she is what thestrals need, a point to gather around," I said firmly, "She is strong, a leader and somepony I think can handle it," I told her before I lowered my voice, "And because of that, I ruined her life."

Celestia didn't say anything, she looked out over Ponyville.

"She had a life," I said, "One where she was hiding, running her parents' noodle stand. She has a few friends, but… she had a life. I ripped her out of it, pushed her into the light and now in a way she will never be able to escape. And I know what that is like because that's what happened to me."

"That's what ruling is," Celestia told me, "Making decisions that other ponies end up paying for."

We looked out over the village for several long moments, the moon shining above.

Finally I sighed, "Our jobs really suck. For a pony to do this willingly, they must be so dumb."

That brought a small grin from the larger alicorn, "Very much so," she agreed, "So you do this willingly?" she asked.

I smiled and shook my head, "Buck no. I'm not entirely sure how I ended up here, I was just trying to help ponies and somehow…"

"I know what you mean," she agreed, "I-"

"You liked a colt and things go a bit out of hoof."

Celestia looked at me in surprise, "She told you that?"

I nodded before I looked at her, "Yes, why?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"...Nothing. It's just…" Celestia said before she shook her head, "I… only told a couple of ponies that in the past. Surprised me a little to hear that she told you."

"Hmm," I said and then stretched my wings, "I'm going to go on a flight. You should get some sleep."

"I will. Goodnight Page."

"Goodnight Celestia."
Feel bad for Celestia. She failed the thestrals yes, but it wasn't because she didn't try to help. She tried a lot. She was just busier for a much larger group than Page, and didn't know where to look
"I feel so strange," Pepper said and trotted in a small circle, stretching her wings as she frowned before doing a small jump, her wings spread, trying to catch some air despite the lack of magic to keep her flying.

Fluttershy nodded, "M-me too," she admitted where she was sitting on the floor, one wing spread as she studied it, slowly flexing it.

"It's the lack of curse," I said, "It countered the blood magic pretty well, but it had a bunch of side effects. Feel lighter?"

"Yes!" Pepper said and turned to me, "That's right! I feel lighter!"

I smiled at her, "You aren't actually lighter, I'm told it's from it's the lack of metaphysical pressure from the competing spells on you. Should feel easier to move too. Both of you should find it easier to fly in the future once your magic gets back into shape and you get used to your new wings."

They both nodded and I got up, "Now, try this," I said before I jumped onto a chair, followed by table then wardrobe before I hooked my hooves over a low rafter.

Swinging up, I wrapped my tail around it and let go with my hooves, going swinging slightly back and forth as I wrapped my wings around myself.

"Uhm…" Fluttershy said quietly, "I-I'm not sure I can do that. I-I can hang from my tail, but I can't move like that."

"...And I never could hang from my tail," Pepper admitted, "Mom can, but I never could. I can move it, but it's not strong enough."

I smiled at them, "Go on, try it."

They shared a look before Pepper glanced back at her tail before she nodded, "Okay…" she said and jumped onto the table and then the wardrobe.

She looked at me and the rafter before she jumped. She caught it and swung up, wrapping her tail around the rafter before letting go and going swinging, "I did it!"

I smiled at her, "The curse suppresses some natural thestral abilities for some ponies as well, not just blood magic related. This is one of them," I said before I looked at Fluttershy, "I'm not entirely sure if it's the lack of curse and blood magic interference or if bats are more agile than pegasi, but we manage this kind of thing fairly easily in general, such as jumping between branches in trees. Thestrals may be the smallest kind of pony, even smaller than pegasi in general, but we seem the best at jumping and climbing. Go on, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy looked up at us on the way up before she swallowed and nodded firmly. She clambered onto the table from the chair before jumping onto the wardrobe and hesitating.

"Don't worry," I said, "If you miss, I'll catch you with my magic."

Fluttershy nodded and hesitated for another second before she jumped. Her hooves hit the rafter and she squeaked as she started to slip.

I lit my horn and grabbed her, giving her a small push upwards until she got a good hold. She breathed heavily and then got swinging, grabbing with her tail and letting go, hanging down by my other side.

"Well done."

"T-thank you," Fluttershy said quietly, wrapping herself in her wings.

"This is actually pretty comfortable," Pepper admitted from my other side, pulling her legs to herself, wrapping herself up in her wings.

I smiled, "It is," I agreed, "And pretty practical. While some do choose to sleep like this full time, even if you don't have any non-thestral family I can't recommend getting rid of the bed even if it does clear out quite a lot of space. Sometimes it's nice to stretch out. Besides, beds are much more practical for… other activities."

Fluttershy nodded, "Makes sense," she agreed quietly while Pepper turned red to the tips of her ears before she nodded as well.

"Now," I continued, "For something else. Let's try this," I said and let out a sharp chirp.

Both mares went still, ears perked.

"I-I heard the room!" Fluttershy exclaimed after a second, "I never could do that before!"

"I didn't even know that was a thing!" Pepper said, looking at her surprised, "We can do that?!"

Fluttershy looked at her, "I never could, but my mom can," she said, "I-at least I thought I couldn't?"

I grinned at her, "Give it a try," I said, "It's not a throaty sound, it's up by your nose almost. Like this," I said and let out another high chirp.

She took a breath and gave it a try before she frowned, "No, wait, that's not right."

"Higher," I confirmed, "It's a very high sound, non-thestrals can't even hear it at all. High as you can and you're not far wrong."

Fluttershy nodded and took a deep breath before letting out a loud chirp. It bounced nicely, letting me hear the shape of the room. Not quite clearly, she was a bit off.

"Better, but it takes practice, try not to force it," I said, "Don't worry, you'll get it quickly," before I turned to look at Pepper.

Pepper bit her lower lip and took a breath before letting out a sharp chirp.

"Almost," I said, "Too forced. Relax your throat, if you make it too sharp, it causes interference in the soundwave. Try again."

She nodded and chirped again. This time the room resolved clearly.

"Well done."

The door opened and Midnight walked inside. She blinked and looked around before looking up. Spotting us, she rolled her eyes, "...Bats," she said before she smiled, "I should have figured. How's it going?"

"Well," I said, "We're done with the tail and we're practicing echolocation. Flying will have to wait for a couple of days until their magic is back to normal."

Midnight nodded, "You can continue that later, it's time for dinner," before she smiled, "Talon came through in his Canterlot expedition."

I grinned at her, "Really!? That's awesome," I said and dropped down, letting go from the rafters and flying down before lighting my horn and helping Pepper and Fluttershy down.

"W-what is it?" Fluttershy asked as I put her onto her hooves.

"Lunch! Thestral style."
The meal had been interesting.

Pepper and Fluttershy had been introduced to salmon. Pepper looked a bit green even after tasting it, but Fluttershy seemed just fine with it funnily enough.

Or maybe not. She likely prepared fish and such for some of her animals all the time.

But the food was long gone and both Pepper and Fluttershy were out on the balcony, talking quietly with Princess Luna. Shining Armor and Cadance had joined them a moment ago.

I fully admit that I did my best to avoid her. Seeing her was... difficult.

Midnight walked up and sat down next to me, a cup of that heretical brew floating in her magic, "It's done," she said quietly.

I blinked at her over the rim of my teacup, "What's done?"

"The spell. I can cast it anytime we're ready."

"But... I thought it would take another week at least," I said, "Especially with you having to take time to teach the others the decursing spell."

Midnight shrugged her wings, "Got an idea after the decursing spell and spent the night working on it. It worked out. It's done."

"That's amazing," I said before I frowned at her expression, "Isn't it?"

She nodded and sighed, "I... yes."

"You're debating staying," I said and glanced towards the rest of the girls where they were talking with Princess Celestia.

Midnight hesitated for a second before she shook her head, "No... not really," she said and sighed softly, "I'm just… going to miss everypony."

Sipping my tea, I watched her. Come or stay... Midnight will be an unhappy filly for quite a bit. Didn't blame her one bit for it, it would just suck.

"When do you want to do it?" I asked after several moments, letting her gather her thoughts.

Midnight hesitated, "...In a few days. I have..." she trailed off.

I nodded, "We have been here for most of a month, Midnight. Don't worry about it, take what time you need and don't forget, at any point up to when you cast that spell you can change your mind."

She looked at me, "Still want me to stay?"

I sighed, "...I think you staying would be the best for the most number of ponies," I told her quietly but seriously, "But I'm also your friend and want you to be happy. I know it's going to hurt ponies no matter what you pick, and you more than anypony else. What I want is for you to choose for yourself and not let anypony or anyponies' expectations to pressure you in either direction. Including me."

Midnight smiled weakly and pulled me into a hug, "Thank you," she murmured against my mane.

I hugged back, "Just make whichever choice you want to make," I said equally quietly, "I'll back you either way."

Nodding, Midnight broke the hug, "I will."

Glancing around I then frowned, "...Where are your parents by the way? I would have expected them to spend as much time with you as possible."

Midnight smiled, "I'll join them after this," she said, "They volunteered to watch Flurry for the evening and give Cadance and Shining a break."


Then I poked her with my wing and motioned towards her friends and Princess Celestia with my ear, "Go to them."

She nodded, "I will," she said, looking over at them with a small smile, "...I'll miss them."

"I know."

She slipped off her chair and onto her hooves before she looked at me for a second, seeming to want to say something before she shook her head and walked to join them.

I watched for a second before I took a deep breath and sipped my tea.


We're going home. I was happy about that of course. Luna. Twilight. Sunset. Everypony at home, I missed them.


But at the moment all I could worry about was the mess I was leaving behind.

Finishing my tea, I took another deep breath, blinked a couple of times before slipping off my chair and onto my hooves, moving towards the group of ponies with Princess Luna.

Least I could do was to be there while I could.

Even if it hurt to spend time around this Princess Luna.


Luna slowly looked around the dream portals floating all around us, "Truly... this many?"

"More," I said from next to her, looking over towards Fluttershy's dream portal. Smooth silvery pink.

Good for her.

"Only those that are asleep right now," I continued and sighed, "This is only a couple of thousand, there are over five thousand bats in total."

Luna turned to look at me, "And all moved to Nocturnis?"

I smiled and shook my head, "No, far from it. But they have the option, just knowing that if you want, there is somewhere safe to go... even if it's far away from home... hope is a powerful thing, Princess."

"So it is," she agreed quietly and looked around, "But I never thought it was so many."

"Hiding for thousands of years makes you very good at it," I pointed out while moving towards a dark and shimmering dream portal.

Flower Rain.

She was having a bad dream. Just a regular nightmare.

"You know this pony?" Luna asked as she walked up next to me, looking at the dark portal.

"Back home she is my assistant," I said and then smiled wryly, "Or perhaps I should say my keeper. I would never be able to do my job without her," I said and shook my head, "Without Flower Nocturnis would have failed the first month."

"She's a friend."

I nodded, "I like to think so," I said before I sighed softly, "Even if I think she is a bit too... she looks at me like I can solve everything."

"To her you did," Luna said softly and then touched the dream with her horn, causing it to calm down into a smooth silvery blue.

"Wish I did," I said and turned away, "But plenty of problems to go around."

"Perhaps," Luna said and walked next to me, "And there always will be."

I snorted in annoyance and nodded.

How did I end up doing this? I never wanted any of this, I never asked for any of this.

"Do you think they will listen?" Luna then asked before she trailed off, "Let us..."

I looked at Fluttershy's dream portal for a second before I answered, "Maybe. At first, maybe not a lot. Maybe only some, a few. With time, with proving you make things better, then maybe," I said before looking at her, "But know that with thestrals, being a princess will give you no leeway. You will have to prove to them that they can trust you, prove that you can do what you say you do."

Luna turned to me, her wings spreading, "You don't think we can do it?"

"I don't think any Princess can do it," I said firmly.

"Then why all this!?"

I took a step forward, "Because I believe you can do it."

Luna frowned, looking uncertain, taking half a step back, "We… We do not understand…"

I shook my head, "Princess, this is not something you can do. This is something they are going to do and you are going to assist them. If they ever feel like you are trying to take over, they are going to lose all trust. You can't do it, but I believe you all can, together. Don't be their Princess. Be a pony. They don't need a Princess, they need somepony that can help."

She regarded me for several long moments, eyes wide as her wings slowly folded, "I…" she started to say, trailing off before she shook her head, "...I'm not sure how."

"I know," I said, giving her a small smile, "Which is the reason I asked Pepper. Assist, advice, but allow her to take the lead on this with Fluttershy. She's strong enough to handle it and with yours, Celestias and Fluttershy's support… with the rest of the elements and Cadance backing them…"

Luna frowned slightly, "You truly planned that?"

"That's giving me a bit too much credit," I admitted and smiled at her, "But I know everypony involved and…" I trailed off as it struck me it wasn't my Luna I was talking to.

Maybe outright telling her that I know what threads to pull on with everypony involved might not be the best idea.

She looked at me for several long moments before she just nodded with a small sigh, looking away, "My sister trained you well. She always could get ponies to do what she wished."

"Midnight told you."

Luna nodded, "Celestia is a good teacher," she admitted and then looked at me, "Better than me."

"At some subjects," I agreed, "But you taught me how to fight, how to defend myself. That's something you are definitely better at."

That drew a smile from her, "You think so?"

"Oh, definitely. During the rebellion she had to resort to the elements to win despite being the technically stronger alicorn," I told Luna and looked up at her with a small smile back, "Celestia is a menace when it comes to tactics and strategy, but you're a better fighter."

Luna's hoof scraped against the not-ground beneath us and looked away, "...I wish I had been the Luna to meet you," she said quietly.

"You were," I told her gently, "The Luna that met me was you. I'm not sure where the timeline split, but Twilight and Midnight thinks it was when I arrived in this world. You arrived back on this world after that, we met for the first time at the castle and…that's where you deviated from this timeline. You are the same Luna I married. If I had not met you, this is who you would be."

She turned to look back at me again, taking a small step forward and kissed my forehead next to my horn, "Care for her, Page."

I smiled up at her, raising a hoof and put it against her chest as I looked into her eyes, "Find somepony, Luna. You may not feel like it, but you deserve somepony to love you," I said seriously before I smiled a bit wider, "If you don't believe me, ask Cadance. I'm sure she'd be happy to help."

That drew a laugh from her and she nodded, "I may do so."
I do not understand the difference between being a princess and doing what Page does as Prince of thestrals.

Also interested in when the "elements" will realize they no longer are without Midnight
"Prince Page?"

I opened an eye and looked down on Cadance before I opened my second one and yawned, "Princess Cadance," I said, "No, do come into my bedroom in the middle of the day. I don't mind at all being woken up at bucking noon."

I hate ponies.

The pink alicorn had the good manners to look a bit chagrined, "...My apologies," she said, "I didn't think of that. I wanted to talk to you."

The pink menace wasn't going away.

Suppressing a sigh, I let go with my tail as I spread my wings and flew down to land before her, "if we're going to be talking this early, I need tea."

Cadance nodded and followed along as I moved down to the kitchen, keeping quiet until I spoke up as I put some water on a burner,

"Well, what did you want to talk about?" I finally asked her as I dug out the box of tea.

Cadance sat down across the counter from me, "Twilight."

I nodded, "And you are worried that she's just going for Tempest."

Cadance frowned and then shook her head, "No, not that Twilight. The Twilight from your world."

"Oh," I said, "I see. What about?"

She shrugged a bit, "Mostly curious," she admitted, "And her relationship with you."

"Ah," I said, nodding and checking the water, "What would you like to know?"

Cadance put a hoof on the counter, "About your relationship," she said as she looked at me intensely, "because Twilight is like eighty percent into mares."

"...My Twilight or your Twilight?" I asked with a small frown.

She sighed and rolled her eyes, "...Midnight."

I smiled at her, "See, much easier."

She nodded, "Admittedly yes," she agreed, "So how did you get together with your Twilight?"

"Well, it was kind of a slow progress," I admitted and took the water of the heater, running my magic across it before putting it back on and measuring the tea up into a strainer. I filled the teapot with hot water and whirled it around, "And kind of a package deal to start with. I got together with Sunset Shimmer whom she's dating. It actually took years before Sparks and I got further than cuddles and even then it was always with Sunset. Us being a thing between us took a while."

Cadance nodded as I refilled the teapot, adding a strainer of tea to it, "How did that happen?"

I grinned and shook my mane back, raising my wings, "Because I'm a pretty batty pony."

"Pretty batty sounds about right," Cadance agreed with a teasing smile, "So, going to marry her?"

"Yes," I said firmly as I poured us a cup each, sliding one over to her, "But I know she wants to marry Sunset first and Sunset says she isn't ready yet."

She slowly nodded again and picked up her cup, "I see," she said quietly.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked and sipped my tea.

"You," she said quietly and then sipped her tea before blinking and looking down at it in surprise.

I smirked at her, "What?"

"...This is good."

"Yes, it's good. It's tea," I told her, "Prepared properly and without being scorched by boiling water."

Cadance smiled a bit, "I only had tea like this with aunty Celestia. Though admittedly, I am much more for coffee."

I glowered at her with a small scowl, "So that's where Sparks learned that. Heretics, both of you."

Cadance laughed, "I suppose," she said and sipped her tea again before looking at me across the cup, "What about foals?"

Sipping my tea for a second to think, I then flicked my ears, "I know my Luna wants some," I said softly, "But we have been moving from crisis to crisis and then this entire thing with Nocturnis. It hasn't been good timing so we have been careful. Maybe… when things calms down a little."

"A small tip, it never calms down."

"Isn't that the truth," I sighed and looked at her, "But to be completely honest, none of us is even sure it's even possible. I mean, pure statistics means that Celestia should have dozens by now if it was possible."

Cadance smirked a bit, "You would think so," she said before she looked at me, "But you're an alicorn. They weren't."

"Odds seem poor."

"I did."

I rolled my eyes, "Well, you're a fertility goddess, fairly sure that's cheating."

"I am not!" Cadance exclaimed.

"Tell that to the Griffins," I teased, "They have statues and everything."

She gaped at me in horror, "They don't!"

"Oh yes, they do," I said with a grin, "Almost as big as Lunas."

Cadance sighed and rubbed her eyes, "...be as it may, my domain is love, not…"

"Well, it's definitely a lot closer than anypony else."

She shook her head, "My point is," she said, "Is that if you and your mares are looking for a foal, ask the me in your world. I can help."

I raised an eyebrow at her, "I'm not sure Sparks would be comfortable with your assistance like that. Then there is Shining and-"

"With spells!" Cadance exclaimed and facehooved as she blushed to the tips of her ears, "Spells, buck it. No wonder you're married with aunty Luna, you have the same sense of humor!"

"Ah," I said and nodded with a smile, "So that's it."

Cadance looked a bit guilty, "So you figured it out."

"Trying to figure out what I'm really like so you can help Luna," I said and nodded, "Makes sense. Want the most important tip?"


"Somepony that's not intimidated by her."

Cadance nodded, "Goes for most ponies."

"Yes, but it's even more important for us," I said seriously, "Especially for Luna and Celestia. Ponies are so used to revering alicorns and ponies looking up to them. They need somepony that doesn't give a buck about that. I'm sure Shining Armor wasn't afraid of you."

Cadance laughed, "You're kidding, right? He was terrified of me!" she said with a grin and sipped her tea, "But admittedly it was because I was a pretty mare, not because I was an alicorn. He grew out of it."

I smirked, "Sounds about right."

She smiled, "What of-" she started to say before she frowned slightly, "Wait, you said Shining and… and what? What were you going to say?"

"Well, your second stallion of course," I said and sipped my tea.

Her jaw dropped slightly, "What, who?" she asked in surprise.

"Oh? Does the Princess of Love need help with love?" I asked with a grin, "ironic."

She glowered at me, "Spill."


Cadance blinked in surprise, "...Sunburst," she then said thoughtfully, looking down onto her tea, "I guess I can see that."
Cadance sighed and rubbed her eyes, "...be as it may, my domain is love, not…"

"Well, it's definitely a lot closer than anypony else."
Cuz first comes love! Then comes marriage! THEN comes a baby in a baby carriage! Rolf!
Her jaw dropped slightly, "What, who?" she asked in surprise.

"Oh? Does the Princess of Love need help with love?" I asked with a grin, "ironic."

She glowered at me, "Spill."


Cadance blinked in surprise, "...Sunburst," she then said thoughtfully, looking down onto her tea, "I guess I can see that."
Aw come on. You could have strung her along for a good while! And Shining is ur boy! Don't you want him to covet her all to himself? At the very least right the name in a sealed envelope and give it to Shining. Tell him if he ever needs a once in a lifetime huge favor from Cady to trade that to her. And don't tell him what's inside.

"With spells!" Cadance exclaimed and facehooved as she blushed to the tips of her ears, "Spells, buck it. No wonder you're married with aunty Luna, you have the same sense of humor!"

Honey you should hear the filth that comes out of your Aunty C's mouth around Bat-Boy.
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Aw come on. You could have strung her along for a good while! And Shining is ur boy! Don't you want him to covet her all to himself? At the very least right the name in a sealed envelope and give it to Shining. Tell him if he ever needs a once in a lifetime huge favor from Cady to trade that to her. And don't tell him what's inside.
Bold of you to assume that Cadance is the one being shared in that relationship.