Looking Glass (MLP)

Like, the thing is, by the numbers, Page is doing everything right. He's not holding back information, he's keeping everything legal and aboveboard, he's asking permission every step of the way, and what he's asking is definitely something that needs to happen eventually. The worst you can say he's doing is manipulating them by framing objective truth in specific ways to get people to do what he wants and needs them to do.

And yet, it still feels incredibly cruel as far as he's concerned, due to the weight he is asking for them to take on, and due to the weight they already bear just by being oppressed minorities. An undeniably good goal, at the cost of a lot of heavy responsibility being foisted on several people, some of whom didn't actually ask for the responsibility and aren't really prepared for it.
I left the small cottage as the sun set at the horizon, leaving Pepper and Fluttershy talking on the couch.

Yawning, I rubbed my eyes for a second before I lit my horn and wrapped myself in an invisibility spell and took to the sky.

I took to the skies and then I banked around, heading out over the Everfree forest. I needed somewhere to think away from everypony else.

Climbing higher, I flew as the sun set at the horizon and the moon rose, throwing a silver light across the forest.

The wind picked up slightly and I rested on my wings, sweeping silently across the forest as I let my spell fade away. Nopony here to see me.


My destination became visible at the horizon and I changed course slightly, heading towards the Castle of the Two sisters.

I would be able to be alone to think there.

A slight rumble at the horizon made me look and I almost smiled. Wild thunderheads, no ponies managing the weather here.

Reminded me of home.

But unless I wanted to fly in the rain, I would need to find somewhere with a roof. We might be able to handle getting wet better than any other sort of pony, except maybe sea ponies if they existed, but didn't mean I would enjoy getting rained on. Especially here where it was a lot cooler than back home.

Banking around, I circled the remains of the high towards before I beat my wings and then spiraled, pulling up before flying in through an open hole in the wall.

My hooves touched down on the stone floor and I looked around.

I had judged it right. It was Lunas room. Not… not my Lunas room. Or rather it was, just in a different timeline.

Luna here and my Luna was the same Luna, just split further back in the timeline. If I never appeared, this Luna would be my Luna. Or rather this would have been the only Luna.

To be frank, it gave me a headache.

I slowly looked around, careful not to touch anything. But I scowled when I spotted the evil book. I could feel its draw now when I had more experience.

A kind of oily dark aura whispering promises of power and shadows.

I sneered at it, grasped it in my magic before I threw it outside, sending a pair of my strongest blasting spells after it.

Not entirely sure if it completely destroyed it like Lunas spell had, but it went into pieces, falling towards the ring lake below..

Sighing softly, I looked around before I closed my eyes.




Home. Needed to go home. I had to get back to them, but… was what I was doing here the right thing?

This would cause upheaval. The revelation of bat ponies being… not common. But among ponies…

Not only that, but kicking things off and then fucking off back to my world, just leaving everything behind for somepony else to clean up.

I was tricking ponies to do it. Putting responsibility on the shoulders of ponies that deserved so much better.

Fluttershy alone… she would be exposed and this time with no Nocturnis to hide in away from everypony else.

Pepper… every bat pony would be relying on her.

Was it right? Did I have the right? If I didn't, was it too late to prevent it? Had I even a right to stop it?

It would improve the life of thousands of ponies. Prevent the extinction of an entire tribe of ponies and prevent so much suffering and pain before then.

The rain started to pour down outside with a crack of thunder. I looked towards it, walking over to put my hoof on a thick fallen stone, looking out towards the forest below.

A timberwolf howled somewhere in the distance.

It was too late to stop anyhow. Even if I had said nothing, reached out to nopony, just me arriving here would have put things into motion.

Luna. Celestia.

Just hearing my story put the bats on their radar again. Revealed their pain… and neither Luna nor Celestia would be able to leave that alone.

So no. There was no stopping or preventing it. Only helping and for that…

We needed ponies like Fluttershy and Pepper because I was right in my first thought in that everypony else would need some bats in on this to show them that they could trust Luna and Celestia.

…Though after a thousand years of having to live in the light of her sun, I'm not sure any of them will ever trust Celestia.

Even my ponies in Nocturnis didn't like Celestia. Some liked Luna, but most just tolerated her.


I felt bad about manipulating Celestia like that, using her hidden romantic side against her in such a way, especially when putting Equestria before family. I knew Celestia, either Celestia.

Their armor, their control was unbreakable.

But I knew them, I knew where that unbreakable armor had flaws. Open gaps if you knew where to look. And I felt horrible for taking advantage of it.

It hurt her.

I closed my eyes and took a slow and deep breath, taking in the scent of the rain and the night.


Sighing, I pulled away from the opening as the wind picked up and drops of water hit me from the outside.

No going back until the rain is done, might as well get some rest. It had been a long day.

Looking around, I then spread my wings and took to the rafters to hang from my tail, wrapping my wings around myself as I squeezed my eyes closed tight.

I hate being a prince. I never wanted this sort of responsibility.

…I just wanted to write books and curl up by Lunas fireplace…

What book was that?
Back in I think the second book (many years ago, haha), Page visited the castle with Skitter in an airship because Luna wanted some of her mementos. The book of dark magic was left open, ensnared Page to read it for hours until Skitter broke him out of it, and he later tested the dark magic to a resounding "meh". Let me see if I can find the relevant chapter to link... Found it, early in book 3.
Getting back up, I looked around. I had what I was looking for. A book on a desk by the inner wall drew my attention. Mostly because it was laying open like it had just been left there.

Walking over I peered at the pages. The language was old. Well, no surprise there, it was a thousand years old after all.

Frowning down at the page, I put my hoof on the desk as I tried to decipher the old faded text. It was something about using emotions to use your magic in different ways. In this case, anger.

That sounded... like dark magic to me. How about we don't do that.

...Then again...

I did meant to look into that. It affected Ponies' minds, but... I wasn't really a pony. Not where it mattered. The problem was that there was not a lot of information about dark magic and I didn't want to ask Luna about it.

Also, I really wanted to avoid turning into Dark Page. For one thing, I'm not sure I would look good in a lot of dark leather. Even more importantly it would hurt Luna. I couldn't do that.

But it wouldn't hurt to read a bit about it, would it?

Settling down, I carefully turned the pages back to start from the beginning.

"Page! Sir! Are you alright!?"

I looked up from the book, "Huh?" That was Skitter. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"You have been in there for hours." She yelled from outside the chambers, "Did you find what you were looking for?"

"Oh... Uhm yeah." I said and turned to look out at the sun. Crap, I really had been here for hours! It was almost mid day! Only felt like minutes.

I just got lost in my reading, even with the horribly antiquated language and hoof writing the book had been fascinating. Oh, what it was talking about seemed evil as all hell. It was not just using emotions in your magic, it also talked about draining energy from ponies and had some seriously nasty spells in it. Like spells to flay ponies.

Really Evil, but also fascinating. I had never even seen spells with calculations even close to those before, a completely different structure compared to most spells.

Also, really advanced, I wouldn't be able to cast half of the spells in that book even if I, for some twisted reason, wanted to. Not that I would ever even try most of those. They were just... wrong.

Shaking my head, I got up and closed the book and slit it into my pack before and heading back out to Skitter, "Sorry for making you wait, I got distracted by a book." I explained with a small cringe.
The next couple of days were interesting. Celestia stayed at the castle this time and so did Pepper.

I knew Midnight was taking tonight to have a sleepover with her friends, her parents were coming back to Ponyville tomorrow.

Cadence, Shining Armor were also on their way back, bringing Flurry this time.

Everypony was coming here and I couldn't help but think that they were somehow going to end up yelling at me about it.

So I had planned to make myself a bit scarce for the next couple of days.

But that was for a little bit later, right now I was exactly where I needed to be.

"It's going to be okay," I said quietly, "They're your friends and they love you."

Fluttershy swallowed, her eyes squeezed tightly closed but she nodded, "I-I know…"

"He's right, you know," Midnight told her gently from the other side, "I know, I don't care. They may have some questions, but they're our friends."

She looked between us, taking another deep breath before she nodded, "I-I know, it's just…" she said quietly before her voice trailed off.

"I know," Midnight said and gave Fluttershy a quick hug, "We're both here for you."

Fluttershy hugged back and then swallowed, "R-ready."

"Ready?" Midnight asked.

Fluttershy shook her head, "N-no. But I… I have to."

Then she stepped forward, walking towards the door before us to the room where the rest of the girls were.

I looked after her, "Fluttershy is the bravest pony I know," I said quietly so only Midnight could hear me, "She's terrified. But doing it anyway."

Midnight nodded and then moved to follow. I followed her in turn, stretching my wings for a moment.

"What's up, Fluttershy?" Rainbow asked from her place on the couch, a bottle of cider sitting next to her.

"Yeah, what's the big surprise?" Applejack asked from next to her.

Fluttershy swallowed, "I-I… I wanted to…" she said quietly, looking between them and then to Rarity, "I…"

Fluttershy was terrified.

She dropped her illusion anyway before she raised her head to look at them, "I-I'm a thestral."

Applejack and Rarity looked at her in shock but Rainbow smiled, "Like I didn't know that," and took a drink from her cider.

Fluttershy looked at her in surprise, "You did?"

"Flutters, we shared a room at flightschool for years," Rainbow said with a smile and jumped off the couch, "You're like awesome at hiding, but nopony is that good."

Wait what!? She thought I was a vamponie and… she thought Fluttershy was a vamponie and didn't tell anypony!?

Element of loyalty indeed.

Fluttershy stuttered something but seemed unable to speak and Rainbow took a step closer, pulling the thestral into a hug.

"Hold on a minute!" Applejack exclaimed and jumped off the couch, walking over to them, "yer a bat!?"

Fluttershy swallowed and broke the hug with Rainbow before she nodded, "Y-yes."

"That wasn't just some spell of Twilights?"

"Actually," Midnight interjected, "I did some research into that when I worked on the bloodcurse. My spell had some some of weird sympathetic reaction with th-

"Curse!? What curse?" Rarity exclaimed as she joined them, "Fluttershy, darling, what is she talking about?"

Fluttershy looked between them, "Y-you… you really…"

Rarity smiled at her, "It's a surprise, but why would we think any worse of you?"

Fluttershy looked like she was about to cry and Midnight pulled her into a hug, the rest of the girls quickly joining in.

I ducked out at that time. I knew Fluttershy would be alright, the elements were all good mares. I had not actually realized Rainbow had already known, but it wasn't surprising in retrospect.

But with everything alright, it was time for me to butt out.

This was their private time and I didn't belong, besides it was time for me to find somewhere to hole up for a couple of days until things calmed down again.

Because quite frankly, I didn't want to be yelled at right now. That and from what I seen, I had actually butterflied quite a bit when it came to book releases since I appeared.

I had located over a dozen books that I never even heard of before, fiction books released during the last couple of years.

I wanted to read them and hiding from everypony that was going to arrive for the next couple of days as the perfect excuse to do so.
The return ritual is going to have a weight limit and Page is going to weep big, heavy tears at having to choose between which books he's taking back with him.
I turned a page in the book, a grape floating up in my magic and I chewed it slowly, reading in the light of the candle sitting next to me.

My escape had been to the fourth library at one of the furthest corridors from the door in this larger on the inside crystal tree.

Midnight's castle had multiple libraries. Yes, I was surprised too, this is my surprised face. I don't think anypony has ever been so surprised before in the history of time. I had to sit down when I found out. I may never recover.

I had hidden in the smallest one furthest away from everypony else.

But apparently not well enough as the door opened and Shining Armor poked his head inside, looking around as he spotted me.

"Page," he said and pushed the door open, walking inside, "Am I disturbing?"

I looked at him warily, "...Depends, are you going to yell at me?"

He actually smiled as he answered, "Should I?"

"I really rather you didn't," I admitted, "I really did try to talk her out of it."

Shining nodded and crossed over to jump onto the chair across from my couch, "I know," he said as he sat down, "She told me. Didn't work, did it?"

"Not really," I admitted and shrugged my wings, "Your sister can be stubborn."

He grinned, "You don't say," he agreed before he sighed, "...She will be leaving a lot behind."

"She would do that either way," I pointed out with a small sigh.

He nodded, "Her marefriend, Tempest. I know, Cadance told me before we even got her message."

Cadance, huh. Was this really Cadance's idea originally? Intentionally? Well, she was the Princess of Love, so that tracked.

"So, not here to yell at me," I said, "What's up?"

Shining hesitated before he shrugged, "...I don't know," he admitted, "I guess I'm just curious and... if she does decide to go..."

"Look after her," I said, nodding, "I would anyway. Midnight is a friend and the sister of my marefriend, if something gets to her it's because I'm bleeding on the floor already with pieces missing."

He grinned briefly at that, "I guess we have that in common. Take it your marefriends are as happy about that as my Cady is?"

"Yeeeep," I agreed and shook my head, "Curious about Tempest?" I asked.

Shining nodded again, "And of this Nocturnis. Her friends there. Tell me about your Twilight?"

I considered that for a moment, "...You know, I might be able to do one better if you trust me," I said and closed my book.

"Like what?"

"You know I'm good with dream magic," I said, "I could make you a dream where you get to meet a dream copy of Tempest and she could show you around Nocturnis. It wouldn't be perfect, just a dream image based on the Tempest I know, but a lot closer than me just telling you about them."

He hesitated before he nodded, "What would I need to do?" he asked.

I jumped off the couch, "Here, lay down."

Slipping off his chair, Shining Armor jumped onto the couch and laid down, "Now what?"

"Get comfortable and relax, then don't speak, need to focus," I said and closed my eyes, channeling magic as I focused on forming the dream and dream image.

This was difficult. Making a dream without being in the dream was hard. Making it while also out in the real world made it twenty times harder.

But finally I opened my eyes and bent down, tapping my horn against Shining Armor's forehead.

He collapsed into sleep, snoring softly.

Taking a deep breath, I took half a step back before I nodded.

There. That worked.

He's going to be out for a couple of hours at least. I moved to gather up my snacks and book before I headed towards the door, pushing it closed behind me before I always ran into Cadance.

"Page," she said, "Have you seen Shining?"

"Actually," I said, "I have. He's on the couch inside, talking to Tempest."

Cadance looked at me in surprise, "Tempest? As in Twilights marefriend?"

I nodded before I shrugged, "Uhm, well almost anyway," I said, "He wanted me to tell him about her and I offered to show her to him in a dream. The dream image is showing him around Nocturnis right now."

Cadance looked thoughtful before she nodded, "...Could you show me too?"

"Sure, there's more room on the couch."
Celestia is going to come in and see passed out ponies all over with Page standing over them, bat wings flaring.

Celestia: "... To the moo--"
Blank Page: "Wait, this isn't what it looks like, I swear!"
I wonder who will replace Twilight as the Element of Friendship in this world
Err... well... mind... these observations are just what I've been able to pull from snippets that seem to imply the original direction of Gen 4 getting split up into a two part series. The "Introduction" and the "Resolution" portions. But, uh... the basically being shoehorned into the roles of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and Diamond Tiara... were heavily teasing that the Elements can be passed on, while the entirety of the first series was all about establishing that the Elements are part of the soul, and not the actual gem stones.

Apple Bloom was... kinda being teased as either Generosity, or Loyalty. Sweetie Bell was a hard tease on Laughter, with a touch of Honesty. Scootaloo was being waffled between Generosity, Laughter, and Kindness. Diamond Tiara was getting a hard sell on Honesty, with some hints at Generosity. I... think, Cosy Glow was going to be another mini villain allá Babs, but got repurposed into a final season over arcing villain. And likely was getting set up as Replacement Love... which... really. Hints at Babs getting a redemption arc and becoming Replacement Friendship.
Err... well... mind... these observations are just what I've been able to pull from snippets that seem to imply the original direction of Gen 4 getting split up into a two part series. The "Introduction" and the "Resolution" portions. But, uh... the basically being shoehorned into the roles of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and Diamond Tiara... were heavily teasing that the Elements can be passed on, while the entirety of the first series was all about establishing that the Elements are part of the soul, and not the actual gem stones.

Apple Bloom was... kinda being teased as either Generosity, or Loyalty. Sweetie Bell was a hard tease on Laughter, with a touch of Honesty. Scootaloo was being waffled between Generosity, Laughter, and Kindness. Diamond Tiara was getting a hard sell on Honesty, with some hints at Generosity. I... think, Cosy Glow was going to be another mini villain allá Babs, but got repurposed into a final season over arcing villain. And likely was getting set up as Replacement Love... which... really. Hints at Babs getting a redemption arc and becoming Replacement Friendship.
So you think the current element users will lose their place without Twilight and have another group step into their place? And you are missing Loyalty unless Apple Bloom double wields, which is implied as possible
I think that the original plan was that the current Element users would have, eventually, "passed on the torch" and the "next Gen" element users would wind up taking the place of the older ones as they "aged."

Here... not an F'ing clue how it'd end up working. Also, so called "double wields" were only possible by reciprocal unifying elements. Celestia, aka Element of Love was able to use more than just Love, and was able to wield all seven, at a significantly reduced strength to banish Nightmare Moon for a millennia to the moon. Just like Luna was able to use more than just Friendship. And how Twilight could use both Love and Friendship when she and her friends cured Nightmare Moon back to Luna, or anytime Twilight wielded any other elements from her group. But the important part, is that it was always a unifying element, which was by nature a reciprocal, that ended up "duel wielding."

Also, as was very explicit. The writers were still finalizing things when the series was cancelled. Cosy Glow was a concept character that got wheeled out as a final season villain, just like Tempest was wheeled out for the theatrical movie. Both were characters that were clearly already in the concept phase for the story, but were drug out ahead of schedule, and were likely going to get adapted later on to either fulfill their intended roles, or take up other character roles while new characters were brought in to fulfill the original role. As such, I don't think they had a clear character for the next gen Loyalty Element as of the time of the end of the series as it stands.

{EDIT} You know... I'm just now realizing that the writers of Gen 4 seem to have a big thing about putting important characters through redemption stories. I mean, even Twilight had a redemption story when she made up with Moon Dancer. And that Librarian with whom she unwittingly "stole" from the Library of.
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Sorry for the double post, though it's been over half a day... but. Seriously, I'm noticing a trend here folks. You don't have to agree, or even talk about my observations on the canonical source material to keep up discussion in this thread. So, by all means, even if you don't agree with what I post, then ignore it and continue discussing things in thread. Because I'm starting think people are avoiding me with how I post something and thread goes dead until, and/or unless the OP posts again.
I found Pepper at one of the upper balconies. Her illusion up like always as she looked up at the stars.

"You talked to Princess Luna," I said as I walked up next to her.

Pepper startled slightly and then nodded, "I-I did," she agreed, "...Fluttershy accompanied me."

"That's good," I said and floated an apple from my satchel before splitting it in half with my magic, offering her one half.

She took it in one hoof as she looked at me, "...Why me?" she asked after a long moment, "I know you said but... it still doesn't make sense. I'm a nopony. I spend the evenings selling noodles. I'm not a hero, I'm not a princess."

I chewed slowly on a piece of apple before I sat down, "Very good noodles they are too. But that's who you are now," I said, "But that doesn't mean it's who you will always be. Things change, ponies change."

"But what you're asking of me-"

"Is a lot," I agreed when she trailed off, "More than I have any right to. Especially when I know that one pony can't change the world. No single pony, be they thestral, unicorn or alicorn can change the world."

Spicy Pepper looked at me in surprise, "But... isn't that what you want me to do?"

I smiled sadly and shook my head, "No, Pepper. Changing the world is impossible. The most any pony can do is change themselves and that's all I really ask. But that's harder than anything else."

She frowned in thought for several long minutes, looking out over the dark countryside before she shook her head, "Not sure I get it."

I smiled, "Don't try to change the world, Pepper. That's too much pressure, too much for anypony. All you can do is be the change you want."

"You want me to go unillusioned."

"Yes. And go through the decursing process."

Pepper took a deep breath, "If I... If I do... I talked to Princess Twilight. If I do, I won't be able to hide again."

I nodded, "That's right. To be an example to the other bats to do the same. You can't change the world, Pepper. But you can show others how to."

She took a deep breath, rubbing her eyes with a pastern, "I... I don't know if I can."

"You wouldn't be alone. Fluttershy is with you. You will have the official and full support of all the Princesses."

Pepper took another deep breath, "...I'm a nopony."

I sighed softly and took a step closer, "Pepper, I'll let you in on a secret. Nopony is a nopony. Everypony is somepony, with dreams, thoughts, fears and hopes. Everypony is important. Do you know what I did before I became an Alicorn?"

She shook her head.

I smiled and sat down, "I worked in a bookstore for a bit, but then I started to write books. Just a regular unicorn."

Pepper looked at me in surprise, "You weren't a thestral?"

I shook my head, "Not originally," and I raised my wings, looking back at them, "...Do you have any idea how hard it is to learn to sleep comfortably when you're not used to wings?"

That drew a small giggle from her, shaking her head, "Not really," she admitted with a small smile.

"Well, let me tell you, it took a bit," I said and stretched my wings to the side before folding them again, "But look at me now."

She shook her head, "That's different."


"...You may have been a unicorn before, but you're an alicorn now. I'm not, I never will be."

I sighed softly, "Pepper, alicorn or not does not matter. I have a horn, big deal. My wings may have helped me discover what was wrong easier, but I would still be doing what I could to help."

She frowned at me, "But..."

"Me being a bat helps more than me being an alicorn," I told her quietly but seriously, "Would you have listened to a random unicorn?"

Pepper was silent for several long moments before she shook her head.

"The only thing that matters, Pepper," I said and put my hoof on her shoulder, "is you. Yes, you being a bat will help get others to listen, but it's not why I chose to ask you. I chose to ask you because I think this is something you can handle. You are a very capable pony, Pepper."

She looked up at me and shook her head, "I don't know if anypony can do what you want of me."

"Maybe," I admitted, "Maybe you're right. Maybe nopony can ever make things right, here or in my world. But... don't you want to try? If we don't, in a few hundred years there may be no more bats left. An entire tribe of ponies gone forever. Isn't it worth trying?"

Pepper was silent for several long moments before she set her jaw and looked up, meeting my eyes and nodding once.


I found a bath!

As it turned out, the crystal castle had a similar bath as the castle in Canterlot, a large chamber beneath the castle itself, seemingly cut out of the crystal itself filled with warm water.

Dunking myself beneath the hot water, I then stood back up, shaking my mane and wings. This was something we didn't have in Nocturnis.

But it is something we should build as soon as possible. I think a public bathhouse would be good for ponies.

It worked for the Romans after all.

Right now keeping clean was mostly rain based. Which was fine, but this was nicer.


I looked over to spot Starlight paused at the entrance, "Evening, Starlight," I said with a smile.

"Evening, Prince Page. Sorry to interrupt, I can-"

"Not at all," I told her, "This bath is for everypony in the castle, don't let me bother you."

Starlight hesitated for a second before she nodded and put her towel down before moving to the stairs into the water, hooves making a clip clop against the crystal of the bath.

"It's strange," I said as I looked at her, "You'd think wet crystal would be slippery for hooves."

She paused and looked down, rubbing a hoof at the crystal with a small frown, "...It should," she admitted and poked it for a second before she shrugged and continued into the hot water before she groaned softly and sank down to her nose.

I grinned, "Long week?"

"Mhmm," Starlight agreed.

I wanted to ask but I moved onto one of the other underwater benches before laying down instead, sinking down to my neck with a small sigh.

Yes. Public hot baths.


Especially as hard as the ponies of Nocturnis works, they deserve one.

…Admittedly, they would be the ones building the baths too…

How would we afford it anyway? Maybe it could be built from local rock, then it would be mostly labor. We had enough unicorns to manage heating crystals.

I ducked beneath the water again before shaking my mane again, relaxing against the wall of the bath.

Yep, worth it. Wouldn't be difficult to convince ponies about it either.

"We're almost done."

I blinked my eyes open and looked over towards Starlight, "Huh?"

"We're almost done," she said and stood back up, her horn lit as she worked her mane with her magic field, twisting water out of it, "The spell calculations, I mean."

"Almost ready?" I asked.

"...Almost," she agreed, "The calculations are almost finished, then we need to turn it into a spell. But that's the easy part."

I smiled, "We're going home soon."

Starlight nodded, "A week at most if all goes well," she said with a smile before she looked at me seriously, "But we might still end up having trouble with it. So it's not a strict time table."

I nodded, "I get it," I told her, "What you're doing isn't easy."

"Took me three years to get the original spell working," Starlight confirmed and then shrugged a bit, "And that one went to a spot in our own timestream."

"Difficult to say the least," I agreed.

Starlight sank back down to her neck, looking at me, "...I have a question about the other Starlight."


"Does she know a unicorn named Trixie? Trixie Lulamoon? Blue unicorn?"

"Trixie…" I said with a small frown, racking my memory, "...I don't know," I finally admitted, "Not that I know. Don't recognize the name, sorry."


I shrugged my wings, "Sorry. But Starlight has lived in Nocturnis since the start. If it's somepony you met during the last couple of years and she's not in Nocturnis, it's unlikely you met."

Starlight nodded, looking thoughtful.

"Somepony special to you?" I asked her.

"...I think so," she admitted quietly, "My best… my only friend actually. Only pony willing to talk to me with this thing on my horn," she said and motioned to the ring firmly around the base of her horn.

"I see," I said, "I'm sorry."

"It's not so bad anymore," Starlight admitted, "Princess Twilight changed it so that I can lift things now. Thank you."

"Not up to me," I told her, "I just suggested it, you're the one that earned it by showing you could be trusted with it."
Wait a minute...

Starlight Glimmer... Are you...?

Is she preparing to jump to the other Equestria to obtain what she didn't have here?

I'm just asking because of her asking about the other Trixie who doesn't know her...

Something isn't right here.
Do you really think so? I thought it was just idle curiosity about her other self. Everyone has asked about their other selves after all.

I wonder if Starlight will be Celestia's student until new Elements are found.
Everyone has asked about their other selves after all.
Yes, except she didn't.

I'm rereading and nowhere did I find her asking if she was happy or that sort of thing. She asked where she was, what is she doing, and if her other encountered Trixie.

Trixie... who managed to wield the Alicorn Amulet... and is unaware of the tremendous magical potential she's hiding, unlike the other Twilight and Midnight.