Looking Glass (MLP)

Unless you recall something specific that we do not, there has been no implication of human life expectancies, simply a finite life expectancy. The inevitability of death for mortals does not imply a specific timeframe in which it will happen. Furthermore, extrapolating similar fertility patterns based purely on lifespan is simply a flawed comparison regardless, especially with two species as wildly different as humans and Equestrian ponies. You might have a case if the two species were more closely related: for example, it would be reasonable to extrapolate from a lion's fertility patterns to estimate a tiger's. Comparing apes to equines, however, is a much further leap of logic. Finally, the existence of magic vastly changes the equation, as it is not out of the realm of possibility that magic has shaped pony biology in such a way that they would remain fertile for more (or less) of their lifespan, or that unicorn spells exist to extend fertility periods.
its been mentioned (atleast) when luna expected to have 60-80 year together with page and again when shiny asked page to look into cadence and flurrys life in 80 years when he would be dead
that seems very much like the age expectations are very similar to healthy humans

and yes the two races are very different, but occams razor tells us that if most things in a ponies life (be it life expectancy, school, etc) are like humans then its reasonable to expect that fertility is also the same as humanity and not the only outlier that is different

edit: in regards to magic affecting it, i would assume that like life extending spells, it falls under dark magic
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Y'all realize that thanks to comments from Granny Apple that Ponies can live for a very long time right?
Like alot longer than a human.
Err, just an FYI, every Pony, and quite a few more residents of the Equistrian world aside, do~ have human counterparts in the human world.

And before Twilight in Main Canon synched the two worlds, it typically ran at something like 5:1 ratio, or there abouts. (I forget how often the portal naturally aligned between Equistria and the Human world) Where Equistria was experiencing, at least, a month for, roughly, every week in the human world. We don't really get a time table for how long a season, much less a year, is in Equistria; nevermind a month. We just kinda assume it's the same as ours. And though there are indications that Human World follows our own, we don't really get any confirmation to that either. But~ assuming such, then a.) in a typical year we (RL) have 52 weeks in a year. Which, assuming a rough 4:1 ratio with Equistria, holding likewise 52 weeks in year, but did away with breaking the months into even and uneven days, and just did 13 months; Would mean there's four years in Equistria for every one in the Human World.

I vaguely recall it suggested being something like every ten years in Equestria for realignment, which just translates to like two and a half in the Human World; assuming the ratio is at all accurate.

All this means, that, in order for Equistrian Pony's just to match Human World life spans... they'd have to live for centuries if a single decade in Human world is four in Equistria. Easily two and a half centuries just for a single Human World person whom made it to 62 years old. Nearly three centuries for every Human World person that made it to 70. And so on. Now, this could be drastically reduced just by lowering the ratio even slightly. But that really all depends on how often the Mirror naturally realigned with Equistria, and how long Sunset spent in Human World before going villain.

(I'm just going off what I can remember, a 10 year cycle, and roughly two and a half years of Sunset losing her mind being alone in Human World, trebly so because I'm fairly certain that the writers were hoping to tease Sunset being a seventh element of Harmony if they could keep the show running, also explaining how Celestia was able to use all the elements to banish her sister (and only banish instead of curing) a second cumulative like Friendship, that also needed Friendship... Love)

{Edit} Even if we assume the quickest cycle possible, since we're shown a roughly full week synchronized positioning, ending up with a crescendoing pattern. I.E. 1st week 2:1, 2nd week 3:1, 3rd week back to 2:1, and resynchronizing with a 1:1 at the 4th week. That's seven weeks in Equistria, with a shared week in Human World, eight weeks total, in Equistria for every four in Human World. 8 x 13, 104 weeks, a year, so works out to a 2:1 per year, ratio. Much more reasonable. meaning a 70 year old Human World person's Pony counterpart is merely 140. With the portal opening every month in the human world, and approximately every 49 days in Equistria.

Which would mean that Sunset was literally Celestia's student right before Twilight. Celestia really replaced Sunset real quick. Like less than a year, real quick. Because it took apparently most of Twilight's young Mare years to get to the point that Celestia was going to let Twilight adventure. And Twilight got the student position right before she stopped being a little Filly. And suddenly I see why Sunset ran away. Celestia would have to have had acquired Twilight before Sunset left, in order for this timing to work.

But if we even went one crescendoing week further, that'd make it just over 2 and half Equistrian years for every Human World years. Due to a month and a half opening pattern in Human World leaving 8 open cycles a year, times 15 weeks, 120 weeks, plus 12 more weeks from the last month of the year, 134 weeks; minus two years (104 weeks), so 2 years 7 months. So... Open portal in Human world every month and a half, open portal in Equistria every 97 to 98 days (depending on how important primes are in Equistrian Magic) That'd still make Sunset leaving because Celestia went and got a new student in Twilight, spending two and a half years in Human World slowly going insane, just in time for Twilight to grow up, become an Alicorn, and have her adventure in Human World... But that'd also put any Pony at two centuries for any 80 year old Human World person.
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"So this is what we have right now?" I asked Starlight.

It was early evening, the sun was close to the horizon outside and I had gone looking to see how they were doing. Midnight had been nowhere in sight which was understandable as her parents were still here. Didn't blame her for wanting to spend time with them.

But Starlight had still been working.

Starlight nodded, "in short, it's basically an effort to reverse the effect we used to bring Twilight back to here."

I looked at the blackboard filled with math looking scribbles. For all I knew, that could be the recipe for chocolate cookies and I wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

Celestia had taught me a lot about magical theory, but this was way above my level.

"And how's that going?" I asked.

Starlight brushed her mane back and looked up at the equations, "...Actually, fairly well. It's harder than we thought at first, but it's doable."

"Do we have any sort of time frame here?" I asked with a small frown.

Starlight shrugged a bit and then looked at me apologetically, "...Another couple of weeks at least. Sorry. We want to be sure it works… don't want to get it wrong and have you end up somewhere else."

I swallowed.

I had not even considered that possibility. Now I was and I really, really didn't want to.

"Please don't. Take any time you need."

Starlight smiled, "Don't worry, we'll figure it out. And I may have a letter for my counterpart for you to bring along."

"No plans for world domination."

Starlight mock pouted, "Never get to have any fun," she played along before she smiled, "And on that note, I'm heading to bed. It's been a long day. Good night, Prince Page."

"Good night, Starlight."

As she left, I took another look at the blackboard before I turned to head out as well. I really, really wished they didn't forget to carry the one somewhere.

I trust Midnight. I trust Midnight.

"Prince Page?"

I blinked and looked to the guard approaching, "Yes Private?"

The unicorn saluted, "Princess Twilight sent me to find you. She wanted you to know that a royal carriage has been spotted at the train station with the markings of the Crystal Empire."

"That's fast, they must have really hauled tail to get here in this quickly," I said with a small frown.

"Yes, sir. We didn't expect them for another two days."

I nodded, "Well, take me there."

Seriously, this place was like a maze. All echoing crystal surfaces, didn't like it that much to be honest.

He saluted again, "If you'd come with me, sir," he said and led the way.

I followed him to the map room to find a group of ponies gathered already. Midnight, her parents, Talon.

"Page!" Midnight said and turned to me, "Where have you been?"

"Asleep," I said as I crossed over to them before giving her parents a small bow, "Apologies for not greeting you earlier," I told them, "But I thought it was better to let you focus on your daughter without distractions."

Midnight turned to them, "Mom, dad, this is Prince Blank Page of Nocturnis. Page, my mother, Twilight Velvet and my father, Night Light."

I gave them another bow but Twilight Velvet stepped forward and pulled me into a hug and I almost startled. Sure, they never showed any hesitation back home, but that's when knowing I was dating their daughter and seen me at a distance multiple times.

Here I was a stranger.

"Thank you for keeping our daughter safe," she murmured quietly against my shoulder..

I hugged back, "It wasn't just me," I told her quietly, "But did what I could."

Twilight Velvet smiled and let go, taking a step back before the door opened and Shining Armor walked in, quickly followed by Cadance.


They both ran forward and gathered Midnight into a tight three way hug. Twilight sniffed and hugged back tightly.

I took a step back as Night Light and Twilight Velvet joined into the hug. I looked down at Talon, "Home isn't a place," I told him quietly, "It's people."

He nodded and walked to join the hug.
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"Prince Page?"

I looked away from the moon, turning around on the balcony to look at the approaching Shining Armor, a pair of glasses held in his magic, "Just Page is fine, Shining Armor."

"Shining then," he said and offered me a glass.

I took it and had a taste. Apple cider, "Thank you."

He nodded and sipped his own, "Twilight said your village is in the southern jungles," he said after a moment, looking out over the village below.

"It is," I agreed, "Perfect climate for bat ponies. Warm, just the right amount of humidity and as long as you stay beneath the canopy, not even too bright during the day."

"Twilight said it was a bit dangerous, but I feel like she's hiding the real dangers," Shining said and then looked at me, "How dangerous is it really?"

I took a deep breath before letting it out again, "Somewhat," I admitted, "But it was mitigated by moving the village into the trees."

"You knew it wasn't safe and you dragged her out there anyway?"

I raised an eyebrow at him, "I doubt anypony can 'drag' Midnight anywhere she doesn't want to go. Besides, she knew the dangers as well as anypony else could, she had been there before."

Shining glared at me, "Her name is Twilight!"

"And when she ask me to call her that instead of the name she asked me to call her, I will do so," I told him, refusing to escalate, "I'm not sure why you are out here picking a fight with me when your newly returned sister is in there, but if you want to have a go, we shouldn't do it where they can hear. Because Midnight would be mad at us and she gets scary when she's mad."

Shining Armor stared at me for a second before he snorted and nodded, looking away, "...You're right. I'm sorry, I just..."

"You've been worried about her for years," I told him seriously, "And you have nopony else to be mad at."

He closed his eyes tight for a second before he nodded again, "How do you know that?"

"Because I know you," I told him with a small smile, "Or rather, the Shining Armor on my world. I'm dating his sister, we're friends."

Shining snorted and then took another sip of cider, "This has to be strange for you," he admitted after several long moments.

"Very," I agreed, "And to be honest, if I didn't trust Midnight and her abilities completely in finding a way to get me home, I would be running around in little circles panicking right now."

He looked at me for several long moments before he nodded and looked away, "I'm not sure what I would do," he admitted before rubbing his eyes with a pastern, "...Oh Celestia, it's exactly what Twily went through. Alone in a new world."

I knew some about what that was like.

"Not all alone," I told him quietly, "She had Talon. She had our Twilight. Our Spike. Celestia and Luna. Our Cadence and Shining Armor. She met ponies, made friends. Fell in love with a scary unicorn."

Shining sighed and leaned against the railing, "And now she left everypony she knew there behind."

I moved to stand next to him, putting my hoof on the railing as I looked out over ponyville, "She's going through it all over again. She's hiding it, but I can read her almost as easily as I can my Twilight. Go in and be there for her, she needs you."

He looked at me, "So why are you out here?"

"I'm not family. That's what she needs right now. I would be intruding."

"Not to her," Shining sighed, "She talks about your Twilight as a sister. And even if that didn't count, to her you are family. She needs ponies that love her right now and even if I don't like it, that includes you."

I hesitated before I nodded, "Okay," I finally agreed before I frowned, "...so why did you come out here picking a fight with me?"

"Because I can't yell at her right now for moving to your crazy cult town," he said with a snort and turned around, walking back inside.

I glared after him.

Nocturnis is not a cult. Just because we live a bit isolated in the middle of the jungle and ponies followed me personally there and reject part of the rest of Equestrian cultu-

I paused and frowned. That... did kind of sound a bit cultish, if taken in a vacuum.

But no, that's not what Nocturnis was. It was a sanctuary for bat ponies and anypony... anycreature actually... that wanted to settle down there and start a new life.

...Nope, still sounded a bit like a cult compound.

I better check with Starlight when I get back home, she was the expert in these things. I better not have accidentally started a cult.

Taking my cider, I followed Shining inside.
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Upon his return Page starts noticing everyone has the same 'nice necklaces' (amulets) and formulaic, one could perhaps even say ritualistic!, greetings.
Props on the self-awareness that he is very much treading the path that leads to cults and cultist behavior. How he faces that will be an interesting thing to see.
Everypony was asleep and the castle was quiet, only a couple of guards patrolling.

It was too quiet, giving me much too much time to think and worry as I walked through those silent halls.

I considered switching to being awake during the day despite the fact that sunlight made me sleepy. But that would mean being around more ponies.

My ear perked up at a soft sound and I rounded the corner to see a door cracked open slightly, a slight light shining through the opening. Likely a candle or two.

Well, slight for a day pony, for me it might as well be a spotlight this close.

That was Midnight's bedroom. Bit strange that she was still up, it was the middle of the night. Should leave her alone.

Another soft sound drifted from the room and I froze.


I moved closer and peeked inside. Midnight was on her couch, a book laid before her in the light of the candles, but it was ignored as she sobbed quietly.

I felt like I should just leave her alone, but…

She looked so much like Sparks and she was a friend and… and seeing her like that tore into me. I knocked on the door and she gasped softly in surprise,


"It's Page," I said quietly, "Are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine."

I pushed the door open and poked my head in, "Can I come in?"

Midnight dried her eyes the best she could with a pastern before she nodded, "O-okay."

I frowned slightly and slipped inside, pushing the door closed behind me as I crossed the room, looking around slightly.

A comfortable looking room despite the crystal walls, a large soft bed and an overstuffed couch, everything else was covered with books.

"How do you do that?" Midnight asked with a small curious frown, her curiosity breaking through her sadness.

"Do what?" I asked and jumped onto the couch next to her.

"Walk so quietly on the stone floor."

"Oh," I said and then smiled, "Thestral magic. I only figured it out a couple of months ago. I actually think it's related to pegasus cloud magic, but when I focus magic to my hooves, my hoofsteps make no sound. I use it here so I don't wake anypony. And this place echoes a lot, my ears hate it."

Midnight blinked at me, "Has any other thestral tried it?"

I frowned, "No, haven't told anypony. I mean, it would be useful for the guard, but I haven't had the time yet. Why?"

"Because it might not be a thestral thing, it may be a 'you' thing," she said, "Illusions are part of your domain."

I had not considered that.

"Maybe," I admitted, "I'll have to test it. What about you, you notice anything?"

Midnight smiled, "Mostly that magic has been getting easier. It might just be practice, but some difficult spells I had to work for before, I can do easier now. Even teleporting is getting easier."


Midnight nodded, "At least when it's just me. Might still be practice, I'm teleporting a lot more in Nocturnis than when I lived anywhere else, but Tempest thinks tha-" she paused as her voice broke slightly and she sniffed, "...Sorry…"

I sighed softly and slipped my wing around her, "You miss her."

Midnight squeezed her eyes closed tight, nodding before she leaned against me, pressing her face against my neck.

I just held her softly as she shook in silent sobs.

"It'll be alright," I whispered softly, "We'll find a way for it to be alright."

Midnight shook her head, "It won't. I-I'll never see her again. A-and I talked to Luna."


"You will," I told her firmly, "You send me home and I'll talk to her. She'll want to come join you here."

Midnight shook her head again, looking at me, "S-she won't come. Page, she thinks her duty is in Nocturnis because you healed her horn. She takes that seriously."

I shook my head, "We'll find a way. Maybe if I order her to go?"

Midnight sighed softly, "...She'd come then, but she would be unhappy," she said quietly, "...and it's not just Tempest. It's everypony else we left too. Starry Night, Glide Slip, Steel Circlet, Twilight and Sunset and…"

Her voice broke again and I pulled her close as she started to cry again.

I didn't really know those first three, but I knew they were friends of hers in Nocturnis. I had met them of course, but I didn't know them.

I stroked her side gently with my wing as I just let her cry. She was right. There was no good solution here.

It took a long time, but she slowly started to fall asleep as she cried herself out.

"...I'm sorry," she mumbled softly, "...I got snot in your coat…"

"That's alright," I said quietly and stroked her back softly, "Just get some sleep. You'll feel better tomorrow. I'll stay until you fall asleep."

But it was already too late, she was already deep asleep.

Very carefully, I moved my wing from her and slipped off the couch. I looked at her for a second before looking around and moving to get her blanket.

Had to do it by hoof and mouth, didn't want to risk waking her by using magic knowing how sensitive she was to feeling it.

Settling the blanket over her, I then silently retreated and left the room.

Next time I see Discord, I'm going to punch him in the face.
She might be a bit emotional, but I'm curious if she truly believes that there's no way of figuring out a situation where things are better. Since they already have a pull ritual and figuring out a send ritual, what's stopping them from essentially making an interdimensional teleport spell? Yeah, there might be a high magic cost, so it can't be don't too often, but that's still better than complete separation. Even if full on pony teleportation might be exhaustive, letters could possibly be sent and received.
Next time I see Discord, I'm going to punch him in the face.
Which one?:rofl:
She might be a bit emotional, but I'm curious if she truly believes that there's no way of figuring out a situation where things are better. Since they already have a pull ritual and figuring out a send ritual, what's stopping them from essentially making an interdimensional teleport spell? Yeah, there might be a high magic cost, so it can't be don't too often, but that's still better than complete separation. Even if full on pony teleportation might be exhaustive, letters could possibly be sent and received.
Not to mention no harder than the mirror or moving very far away.
We're thinking that the Discord on Page's side caused the problem, but the Discord on this side will help fix it. Midnight and this side's Shimmer will find the coordinates, and this side's Discord will provide the power to maintain a semi-permanent gate.

Is he actually capable of this? Has he got any willingness to do so? Who knows! But that's our current guess.
We're thinking that the Discord on Page's side caused the problem, but the Discord on this side will help fix it. Midnight and this side's Shimmer will find the coordinates, and this side's Discord will provide the power to maintain a semi-permanent gate.

Is he actually capable of this? Has he got any willingness to do so? Who knows! But that's our current guess.
If he thinks having a portal from Non-Page Ponyville to Nocturnis will help his Fluttershy feel better (being able to talk to other Thestrals/etc) he may be willing.
The castle was quiet when I woke up.

Which was nice. Slowly stretching, I then yawned and then folded my wings around myself again, swaying slowly from the crystal rafter I had my tail wrapped around.

It really was more relaxing than a bed.

Blinking my eyes open, I looked around my room before sighing and closing them again as the things happening last night came back to me.

Poor Midnight.

I know how I would feel if I could never get to see Luna, Sparks or Sunny again. It… it would rip my heart out.

Everything about this situation sucks. It was good she got to go home, but everything else about it just sucked.

Talon was right.

I peeked an eye open, glancing towards the window. Early, the sun was still clearly visible above the horizon.

Well, I'm not getting any more sleep anyway so might as well get up.

Yawning once more, I then let go of the rafter and spread my wings, gliding down to the floor before stretching again.



Heading towards the door, I pushed it open before my right ear perked up and I frowned. Something sounded… off.

It was quiet, so it wasn't a sound that bothered me. I just couldn't put my hoof on what it could be.

Frowning, I looked around before shrugging my wings and heading towards the kitchen before I paused, one hoof half lifted.

It was quiet. Ponies should still be up and about. Couldn't hear any guard hoof steps, no murmur of voices.

This place echoed like crazy at times if you were in the right place, I should be catching something.

Silencing my hooves, I wrapped myself in an illusion spell and then took to the rafters to jump along them instead.

Paranoid, maybe. But something felt wrong.

I kept moving slowly before I froze as I heard a soft sound ahead and below around the corner. Another one.

A quiet hissing sound followed by very quiet hoofsteps.

I kept very still as a changeling drone slowly moved around the corner, scanning the corridor before she continued on, moving quietly.

I breathed quietly, keeping fully still and thinking empty thoughts. Do not think, do not get surprised or alarmed or anything like that or she might taste me.

I'm not here. I'm just an empty hole in space.

The drone continued down the hallway, walking past straight beneath me without even pausing to look up.

She poked her head into my bedroom and looked around before continuing on around the next corner.

Changelings. Here?

I looked after her for several long moments. This was not the hive I was used to dealing with. Well it was, she had the right colors, this was an actively hostile Chrysalis.

Needed to know more.

I quietly continued on, keeping to the rafters as much as I could. Ponies don't as a rule, look up. That even applied to changelings because their prey rarely went above eye level, even when it came to pegasi.

If Chrysalis was here, where wo-

Throne Room. Her ego wouldn't allow her to be anywhere else.

I carefully made my way there before pausing. Only way inside was a bit over pony sized doors. Would make it tricky to go unnoticed, they'd all be guarded if the Queen was in there. I'd need an alternate entrance. I then shifted course and headed out an open window. Flying up along the outside, I shot a look towards Ponyville.

Ponies were still out and about. So they were just in the castle so far. Not surprising, Chrysalis hive is big, but it's not really that big.

The invasion had been a desperate move. Buck, so was this likely. This was way more open than changelings liked.

Hooking my hooved over the open window, I pulled myself up to peer down into the throneroom. They were there, all of them.

Midnight and Cadance were contained in a pair of green cocoons hanging from the ceiling, everypony else was stuck to the walls with changeling resin. Some looked to be sleeping, but some others like Shining Armor were struggling against his binds whenever nopony looked in his direction, his horn covered with resin.

And there she was, Chrysalis lounged across Midnights throne, talking to one of the drones I didn't recognize.

What do I do?

Celestia… Luna?

Luna. She should still be asleep, I can alert her and she could alert Celestia and the rest of the guard.

But why would Chrysalis do this, what did she think she was accomplishing? Sure, she'd be able to drain their love and maybe replace them if she was lucky, but… buck, this was even more risky than when she did the entire wedding invasion and that had been a move of desperation.

Slowly letting go, I pushed off the wall and took wing, heading up to wrap my tail around the spire so I could go to sleep.

I need a plan, but in case it fails, ponies needed to know what was going on.

Might still be a way to fix this.


Fix this…
Crazy Chrysalis, excellent

Can't be considered the canon universe anymore, not with Twilight having gone missing for years

This is just a guess, but I think Hiver wants to keep Blank Page as a leader? Suggestions on how to dump the job on someone else unwelcome?
I opened my eyes.

I had half a day. We had that long before the solar guard descended on this place like the literal wrath of a goddess.


Maybe a little longer.

Kicking off from the roof, I let go with my tail and turned it into a flip as I spread my wings and caught the wind.

I could not take Chrysalis on my own, she was just stronger than me. But this entire thing hinges on Chrysalis being Chrysalis.

I swept around, dropping my invisibility spell as I folded my wings and dove through the open window before spreading my wings again, flaring a bit to lose speed not to run into the far wall, turning it into a circle.

There was a yell of alert but I ignored it as I banked around before coming in to land on the crystal map before Chrysalis.

She looked unbothered as drones surrounded the map, "There you are. I was told there was another alicorn somewhere," she said before she smirked, "Come to defeat me, little pony?"

"No," I said and settled down on the table, laying down as I met her eyes and folded my wings, crossing my forelegs on the table, "Just want to ask why you're acting like a desperate idiot."

That got a reaction from her, her eyes widening slightly and she barred her fangs, "What did you say?" she asked as the drones hissed.

"Come on, this?" I asked and looked around, "This is dumb, this draws attention and you know you can't defeat the ponies with force. You tried that with complete surprise when your last deception failed. Didn't work out for you then, won't this time and you're too smart to think it will now."

Chrysalis stared at me for a long moment before she spoke up, this time she shifted to sit up as she looked down at me, this time seeming more cautious, "Who are you?"

"My apologies," I said and stood up, giving her an elegant bow as I spread my wings, "I am Prince Blank Page of Nocturnis, slayer of Tirek, leader of the Thestrals, speaker of the hive. And a bunch of titles I can never keep straight."

"Hive?" Chrysalis asked with a small hiss, her eyes narrowing in suspicion "Which hive?"

I sat down and folded my wings again, "Check if you like."

Chrysalis hissed, "Hold him!"

A pair of drones jumped onto the table and grabbed my shoulders. I rolled my eyes but didn't move as Chrysalis approached me slowly and carefully before she sniffed the air by my mane before she jerked back, staring at me with wide eyes and taking half a step back, "You carry the mark of my hive! How!?"

I smiled at her, "If you know about me, you know I'm not from this world. Back in my world, I he-"

"Traitor! I know you couldn't be tr-"

"Excuse me," I told Chrysalis and ignited my horn, grabbing a chunk of changeling gunk from a drone that was using it to secure Talon firmer to the wall and threw it at Shinings mouth, making the rest turn into muffled sounds.

"Now," I continued and shrugged her drones off, "As I was saying, in my world your hive is allied with the ponies after the failed invasion. It was that or be destroyed. And because you did, your hive flourished."

Chrysalis hissed at me, baring her fangs as she took a full step back, her wings buzzing, "Impossible!"

Oh come on.

"Search your feelings, you know it to be true," I told her, holding my hoof out towards her, "With ponies willingly giving you love, even allowing you to harvest from the Crystal Heart, your hive is growing. Your Princess is growing nicely."

Chrysalis froze. Completely frozen, stopped moving completely, she didn't even seem to draw breath before she spoke up quietly, "Princess?"

"The reason you do all this," I said and stood up, walking to the edge of the table to meet her eyes, "You think you are getting old, that you need to gather enough love to get a Princess before you no longer have time to train her. Desperate for it, same reason you tried something as risky as what you did in Canterlot. Back home, Princess Skitter is a friend of mine. I have represented your hive several times to the other ponies."

Chrysalis still didn't move, her eyes still flicked around, "...You're lying. I would never pick Skitter as my Princess," she said quietly with a small hiss.

"Normally no," I said and met her eyes again levely, "But when the good health of your hive relies on good relations with your food source and not just try to steal it? I know you can taste my emotions from all the way over there. Am I lying? Have I said one untrue word since I landed?"


I smiled at her and changed to changeling, "Zazzikz zrzzikzz zirrkzz."
Hive over all. Or somewhat like it, similar meaning at least.

Her eyes went wide again, her jaw working slightly before she managed to speak, "You speak changeling?"

"Some," I admitted and cleared my throat, "As well as any pony can I think, but it hurts my throat and there are a lot of words I don't know or can't pronounce. I'm told my accent is awful."

"It is," Chrysalis said almost absentmindedly, looking towards the side before she turned to look at me again, "If what you say is true, you have a changeling name. What is it?"

I scowled, "I don't know, they refuse to tell me. But you mostly call me, 'my little predator'. Or if she's annoyed, Zezk-" I tried to say before I stopped and cleared my throat again, "...Yeah, still can't manage that word."

"Zeezzkekeezzkzk?" Chrysalis hiss clicked, her wings buzzing against her back.

"That's the one. Whatever it means."

Chrysalis looked at me closely for several long moments before she took a slow deep breath and looked to the drone next to me which was staring at me with wide eyes, "Release him. Then wake the Princess of Magic. We have plans to make."

"E-excuse me? Queen Chrysalis?"

Everypony turned to look at Talon where he hung on the wall contained in changeling resin.

"Yes, scaled one?" Chrysalis asked, looking up at him.

"Could you let me down as well? I can get everypony some food."

Chrysalis turned and looked at me for a moment and I nodded with a small smile,

"Should have some hot chocolate ready. Because Midnight will be pissed when she wakes up. This will go much better with a ready bribe. I trust him and so can you."

"You will be under guard. Behave as such," Chrysalis told Talon before looking at another drone, "release the little wyrmling first."