Looking Glass (MLP)

"Is it always this quiet?" Luna asked from next to me on my throne. I lounged next to her, leaning against her.

I smiled and looked around the mostly empty throne room. The only pony in the room other than us was Flower, the small thestral working at a desk as she went through some paperwork.

"Not really," I admitted, "But I expected that tonight would be dead quiet after yesternight. Way too many ponies with hangovers."

I had been putting off every duty I could for more Luna time while she was here, but audience time was for my ponies directly, even if I didn't expect anyone to show up after that epic party. I'm just glad said epic party distracted Twilight and Midnight for long enough for their anger with me to calm down. Not to say Sparks had not made her annoyance known last morning, not that I minded, she's sexy when angry.

If also scary.

"And I also remember giving somepony else the night off," I then added, shooting Flower a firm look.

Flower finished writing something before spitting her pen out and sticking her tongue out at me, "If I did, who would get this done? Besides, I plan to skip out after lunch, Your Majesty."

Luna grinned and nosed at my ear, "Are we sure she's not related to Grey Velvet?" she murmured quietly.

I smiled at her and shrugged.

In all honesty, it wouldn't surprise me. I relied on Flower the same way Celestia relied on Velvet. Without her, I wouldn't even know my own schedule. Honestly, I have no idea where my schedule even is.

What night is it?

There was a knock on the door and Starlight poked her head in, "Prince Page, there is a collection of ponies here to see you."

I looked at her in surprise. I really hadn't expected anypony to show up today, "I see, well, let them in," I said.

Luna gave my ear a teasing lick before scooting off the throne to sit innocently on the floor next to it.

I startled but before I could or say anything, the door opened and a group of ponies entered.

Minx! I'll have my revenge!

They were a mixed group, three thestrals, a unicorn, a earth pony and a pegasus. At the front of the group was a thestral, her flame cutiemark standing out brightly against her grey coat.

Spicy Pepper walked up and then bowed deeply, her wings spreading, "Your Majesty," she said and then also bowed to Luna, "Princess Luna."

The rest of her group did the same but they all seemed content letting her do the talking. But there was something about their demeanor...

What are they up to?

"Pepper," I said with a smile, "What can I help you with?" I asked.

Ever since after the train crash, Pepper had really stepped up. She still ran her food stall, but now more local foods than just noodle dishes and she had become a bit of a community leader.

Pepper got up and brushed her mane back, "Actually, Prince Page," she said with a smile before lowering her hoof, "That is what we're here about."

Am I getting deposed? Can I be that lucky?

"In what way?" I asked, flicking one ear.

Pepper smiled, "...I'm not even going to pretend to be able to mimic the way you make speeches, your majesty, but everything you said about Princess Twilight and Princess Midnight last night applies to you ten times over."

I shifted slightly uncomfortable but didn't interrupt as she continued,

"It wasn't just last night we realized that, we have every since we arrived here," she said before she raised her hoof to intercept my protest, "I know you say we built this, not you, my Prince, but... without you, we never would have. We had been scattered across the lands, alone. Afraid. Even the year without the train was still better than when I grew up. None of us are rich, Nocturnis isn't a rich town, but everypony in town pooled some bits to get you something."

I didn't quite know what to say about that.

Pepper smiled and glanced back motioning for the earth pony, "Leaf?"

He nodded and stepped forward, reaching into his satchel and pulled out a polished wood box and passing it over to her. Pepper took it and then turned back to me, "We ordered this made custom by a jeweler in Canterlot," she said and turned it towards me, opening the box to reveal a silver circlet, "We wanted our Prince to have a crown."

Now I really didn't want to know what to say. I glanced at Luna only to see her smiling towards Pepper.

Then I moved down from the throne towards Pepper, "...Thank you," I told her, looking over her group, "I didn't expect to need one," I then admitted.

"You don't," one of the other thestrals said. I recognized her as well, Swift Dice, one of my guards, "You're our Prince, crown or no crown. But you deserve one."

I looked across them, meeting each of their eyes. Then I took half a step back and bowed to Pepper.

Moments later I felt the silver circlet settle onto my mane, resting just above my horn and I stood back up, "...Thank you," I said quietly before I smiled, "How do I look?"

Luna walked up next to me, smiling at the ponies before she looked at me, "Like a Prince."
That was really sweet. Nice to see Page getting some love from his subjects.

Gonna be funny if generations down the line ponies make note that their family held to forge (pay for) his crown.
That was absolutely sweet and he deserves it!

Still my Doom Meter is pinging like crazy and Discorda foot is still morsing "Not deep Enough" even though I have dug down an extra half mile.

Something Doomish be coming!
Sunset smiled at me, "I think it looks good. And Luna is right, you deserve it."

"Did you know about this?" I asked her before looking at Twilight. Twilight shook her head but Sunset smiled,

"Where do you think the measurement came from?" she said and then shrugged, "They felt more comfortable approaching me than an alicorn."

I sighed softly and lifted the circlet off my head, turning it in my magic, "...At least it fits then…"

"You don't seem happy," Luna said quietly as she jumped onto the couch next to me. I sighed and shrugged my wings, shifting to lean against her,

"It's not that," I said and glanced up at her, "I do appreciate the gesture, but this was expensive. I don't like ponies spending their bits on jewelry for me when they need it for… I don't know, food!"

Luna's magic took the circlet from mine and settled it back onto my head, "You're not just a pony, My Page. You're a symbol for these ponies and they need you to be. Let them."

I sighed softly.

Twilight nodded, leaning to look at me from across Luna, "She's right you know, Princess Cel-"

I sighed again as I rubbed my eyes with a fetlock, "I know, I had that speech too," I admitted.

Twilight smiled and jumped off the couch, stretching a bit, "So listen. Besides, don't you have a lesson around now?"

"I do," I admitted, "Thinking of canceling."

"Go," Luna said and nosed at my ear, "I need to patrol the dream realm as well."

"And I need to meet up with Midnight," Twilight said and looked towards Sunset, "Wanna come?"

Sunset sighed, "I would, but I have a meeting with Moon Glow. I can stop by later though if it finishes in time," she said and slipped off her chair, shooting Luna and me a smirk, "Behave now."

Luna, being the older and more mature pony, responded by slipping a wing around me and rolling me onto my back as she moved in for a kiss with a grin.


Eventually I found myself in the dream realm, looking at Celestia's dream portal. Instead of its usual silvery blue, the blue was now the cloudy black and whirling silver of a nightmare.

Not a Nightmare, just a regular bad dream.

Taking a deep breath, I then touched my horn to the agitated surface and stepped through into an almost pitch black forest. The wind was howling and it was raining hard enough that it was only moments until my coat and mane was completely soaked through.

The wind tore at the trees and the thickly falling rain, branches hitting branches and trees smashing together.

It was a really bad storm.

Where i-

I caught a flash of pink and white towards one side, curled up tight against the roots of an upturned tree, hiding the best she could in the limited protection it gave against the elements.

Moving closer, I saw a young Celestia. Alicorn, but very young. Middle teens if at that.

Well, enough of this.

I tapped my hoof against the forest floor, solidifying the dream and at the same time, I send a pulse of magic out into a shield bubble around where we were to keep the water and the wind away.

I couldn't actually cast that one in the real world, but here it was no problem at all.

Celestia flinched before she blinked and raised her head, looking around and brushing her soaked mane away, "Page?" she asked, her voice still a bit unsteady but quickly getting better.

"It's me," I confirmed and tapped my hoof, applying a bit of will to create a ready campfire before lighting it with a spark of my horn, "You doing okay there?"

Sunshine slowly unfolded herself and slowly stretched as water started to outright steam off her. I was meters away and I felt her heat stronger than I felt the fire.

She slowly relaxed again before frowning down at the previous grass beneath her, now ash. Frowning to herself she got up and scooted onto some fresh grass, "I'm fine," she said and sighed, giving me a small smile, "...Been ages since I had this dream. Almost forgot about this."

"What happened?" I asked and settled down next to her.

Celestia sighed, "I was being stupid and got caught out in a storm. It was before I really grew into my abilities."

"You could get cold? Even then?"

She shook her head, "No. But it wasn't fun being wet and afraid," she said and glanced out through the shield bubble at the storm, "I did manage to get back home the next day."

I nodded, "It wouldn't have been. Especially for a little filly."

Celestia smirked, "I'd have you know that at this time I am considered fully adult."

I shook my head and poked her side with my wing, "So… what's on the menu tonight, Sunshine?"

Celestia flicked one ear, "I was thinking about economics, but how about magic tonight? You have been wanting to practice your spell casting."

"Works for me," I agreed, "What scene would you like?"

"This one works, we'll work on your fire magic," she said before she smiled playfully, "I figure having things be covered with water is a good idea."

"Well, at least you're fireproof."
I took in the scent of the forest, gliding down through the quiet night, passing between the thick trees, banking around a heavy branch before my hooves landed on the ground.

Folding my wings, I took a deep breath, listening to the sounds of the animals, the brushing wind, the sound of the village above and in the distance.

I took the chance to get down to the ground to see how it felt while Luna was busy with a meeting with our small astronomers guild. Okay, so it was just one unicorn doing it so the guild might be stretching things a bit, but still.

Not to say that the ground levels were anything approaching safe, plenty of things the size of ponies that thought we would look tasty.

So solo excursions were still discouraged but I wanted to feel what it was like for a little bit.

In a couple of days survey work would start along the river. We could start expanding.

I took another deep breath, listening before I felt something and turned my head towards the left, "...Discord."

The draconequus poked his head out from behind a thick tree, "You noticed me!"

I smiled and nodded, "Heard you I think," I said and turned towards him.

Discord floated out from behind the tree, shrinking as he moved closer to keep looking the same size.

"Almost never had a pony notice me," he said, "Well, there is Pinkie Pie."

"She's a special case," he then continued, growing to full size, "I'm surprised my main monkey. You don't seem unhappy to see me?"

I shrugged my wings, "I know you've been around Nocturnis since the beginning."

Discord looked at me in surprise, his eyes growing several sizes, "You do!?"

I smiled at him, "Of course I do. Fluttershy lives here, I know you have been staying with her since she got her own place."


"Besides, nothing to be angry about," I said and looked at him again, "If our roles had been reversed, I'm not sure if I would have been as restrained about things. Seeing somepony we live afraid like that, needing to hide…"

Discord didn't say anything, he just watched me before he nodded, "Chaos magic is no longer working on you."

"I guessed that," I said and sighed, "The decursing, right?"

Discord nodded, "Yes," he said and floated up again before smiling, "This means I can stop hiding!"

"This is not a license to cause chaos for my ponies," I told him firmly, "They have enough difficulties as is. Fluttershy has found a place she's happy, don't ruin it for her."

He paused and then floated back down, "Oh."

I sighed and shook my head, "Discord, I'm not saying stop being you. Just don't riskponies' lives. This place is dangerous enough as is."

Discord flashed out of reality and I blinked before looking up to find him curled around my horn like a snake, "Ah, but wouldn't that be predictable?"

"Not really, you don't really hurt ponies," I said and then shook my head to shake him off, "Just consider if what you do will make Fluttershy sad or not."

He flashed back to his normal form, landing with a flip, applauds appearing from somewhere as he bowed.

"A good point, battsy!" Then he snapped his fingers and were gone, leaving me in the dark forest.


To say that he worried me wasn't even half of it. Yes, he was much better now, especially with Fluttershy around but…

…Fluttershy wouldn't be around forever.

Or maybe she would. If Discord had anything to say about it Fluttershy was likely to outlive all of us, Alicorns or not.

That'd be interesting.


I glanced up towards the direction of the village. If Discord could help Fluttershy, could he do so for Sunset as well?

I'd give him anything.

But it was all a theory. I had no real idea if he could do anything like that in the first place.

Pushing that thought from my mind, I took another deep breath, taking in the scent of the forest. Nothing dangerous, but…

Being on the ground like this definitely made me nervous. Quite a bit actually. I spread my wings and threw myself into the air and landed on a branch a couple of meters up.

That's better. I immediately felt safer.

I really hope that doesn't develop into a phobia or anything. That'd suck.

There was a buzzing of wings and Amber landed before me, "Sir."

"Amber," I said, giving her a nod, "I think I'm about ready to head back now. I didn't detect anything, nothing around."

Amber shook her head, "Nothing dangerous."

I had of course asked her to make sure the area was empty of predators before I went down. I'm not quite that dumb.
Where Discord Treks, there be Chaos afoot!

But seriously, he's likely going to do something that's going to make Page Tweak. You could tell by the way he is acting!

Page if you think he can make Sunset an Alicorn (or some other type of Immortal/trigger he transformation) then just Ask! He LIKES you!
I poked my head carefully into the lab. Glanced around, a shield at the ready.

Nothing exploded or looked like it would, "Is it clear?"

Midnight poked her head out from the other room where they kept the books, "is what clear?"

"The lab. Nothing will shrink me or explode me or something?"

Midnight stepped out in the main room, "No, just get in here," she said, rolling her eyes.

Pushing the door open, I slipped inside, "So, what's up?" I asked as I looked hesitant at a bottle of bubbling purple liquid sitting on the table.

"Don't worry, that's an experiment for enchanted wine," Midnight said, "It's to always keep carbonation."

"Oh," I said and relaxed, "So it worked?"

Midnight made a small sour face as she walked up next to me, "A little too well. It never loses carbonation."

"So, wasn't that the point?"

"Even after you drink it."


That sounded unhealthy.

…Wonder what they tested it on?

"Anyway, that's not what I wanted to talk to you about," Midnight said and ignited her horn, causing several scrolls with charts to float out of the book room, "I wanted to fill you in on the readings from the dome."

I looked at her in slight alarm, "Anything wrong?"

She shook her head, "No. It seems stable. But as Twi has been too busy to check up on it," she said, smiling at me, "I figured I should keep an eye on it and thought you would like a report."

"...Sorry, we kind of heaped all of that on you, didn't we?" I asked with a small frown and shifted my wings, "Sorry. Didn't mean to do that."

She stuck her tongue out at me, "Relax, you all have Luna visiting. You all deserve some time off."

"So do you."

"I have been. Cut most work other than checking the readings for the last couple of nights," Midnight admitted with a shrug, "But it's really fascinating. Getting a lot of things we didn't with the first smaller one."

"Oh? Like?"

She floated one of the scrolls onto the table and flattened it out, "Well, for one thing, the-"

The door opened to interrupt her and Talon walked in, carrying a stack of books, "Here are the books you wanted!"

"Thank you," Midnight said, shooting him a smile, "Put them on the table?"

"Sure thing!"

I looked after the dragon for a second, "I swear, he's a little bit taller everytime I look," I told her quietly.

"He's growing," Midnight answered softly, "Still a baby dragon, but... he's growing faster than I am now."

So was Spike.

Wonder how big they'd get, some dragons were absolutely massive.

Talon returned to the main room to join us, "...Page, you have a minute?" he asked as he got close.

"Sure," I said and smiled at him, "What's up, Talon?"

"I have been thinking," he said and glanced at Midnight, "I want to join the guard."

I blinked at him in surprise, "Really? Why?"

"Because I want to help my home," he said and then looked nervously at Midnight, "I know I help out around here, but I could do a lot more keeping the village safe there. I'm strong, not smart like you. All I can do here is fetch things and hold a wrench. I could do a lot of good in the guard."

I glanced at Midnight. She looked thoughtfully at him,

"...I don't know," she said after several long moments, "The guard can mostly fly, you don't have wings."

"Plenty of earth ponies and unicorns in the guard too. Neither do they."

Midnight didn't look happy, "It's dangerous."

"Everything here is dangerous!"

I felt a small tremble beneath my hooves and I glanced at Midnight. Nope, not her. No flowing mane nor glowing eyes.

Talon turned to me, "Please? You know I could do a lot of good there."

"Talon, you're not old enough to-" Midnight started to say before he interrupted her.

"I'm older than some of the ponies in the guard! I'm only six years younger than you!"

And that's my cue to duck out of this before it get wor-

The vibrations got worse before a giant blue whirling portal opened in the air above us.

I had just enough time to look up in surprise before it sucked us in.
"Don't worry, that's an experiment for enchanted wine," Midnight said, "It's to always keep carbonation."

"Oh," I said and relaxed, "So it worked?"

Midnight made a small sour face as she walked up next to me, "A little too well. It never loses carbonation."

"So, wasn't that the point?"

"Even after you drink it."


That sounded unhealthy.

Depends. If they can make the bubbles go down instead of up, they may have just discovered frobscottle!

The vibrations got worse before a giant blue whirling portal opened in the air above us.

I had just enough time to look up in surprise before it sucked us in.

Oh, looks like Midnight gets to go home finally! Too bad Page is along for the ride...
I slowly started to come too. I was laying on something hard and my head hurt.

Slowly I forced my eyes open against the glaring light.

To nopony's surprise, this didn't help my headache and I squeezed my eyes shut tight again.

I heard... crying. And I was somewhere glittering and purple. And laying on the cool hard floor.

What the hell happened, last I remembered was visiting Midnight to talk about the shield and then...

What the buck happened. Damn it, Midnight you said nothing would explode me!

I slowly pushed myself onto my hooves to look arou-

"Vamponie!" somepony yelled and then something fast and heavy hit me from the side.

I didn't have time to resist or do anything really. Or even understand what was going on.

I hit the floor, bounced off something hard and then came to a rolling halt, my head ringing.

"Rainbow! No!"

My vision blurred, threatening to darken at the edges.

Something touched my back, "Page! Page! Are you alright!?"

"Not so loud," I managed to answer, "Think... I hit my head. Or my head hit me."

I blinked my eyes slowly but firmly. Focus, damn you!

Slowly the world came back into focus and I slowly started to push myself back up.

A hoof rested on my back, "Stay down," Midnight said firmly, "Fluttershy, get some water."

Fluttershy, why were sh-

Rainbow. Midnight has said Rainbow. Rainbow was not in Nocturnis... which meant either was I out for a long time or we had moved somewhere.

I turned my head, spotting a familiar Crystal table taking up the middle of most of the room. I could see... Luna and Celestia. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and The Pink One.

Puzzle pieces fell into place with a resounding thunk as my hamster climbed back onto its little wheel and went back to running.

"We're in your world," I told her quietly, looking up at Midnight.

Midnight nodded and then looked over at Celestia and the rest, "We are," she said seriously.

"We just managed to find you," Celestia said and moved a bit to the side, revealing Starlight Glimmer. The unicorn looked tired and wore a magic suppressor ring around her horn, "Starlight came to her senses and decided to assist us."

"Twilight, who is that?" Applejack asked and looked at me.

Midnight rubbed her forehead with her hoof, "This is Prince Blank Page of Equestria," she said with a tired sigh, "Which is who you just assaulted, Rainbow."

I slowly pushed myself up onto my hooves to sit. My head felt like it was splitting apart. My vision was blurry.

"Oh Celestia, you're bleeding," Midnight said and I felt a hoof press against the side of my head. I almost wobbled.

I groaned and tried my best not to pass out, "You know," I said, "I can't help but think I got the worst deal when it came to landings here."

"Just lay down again," Midnight said, "We'll figure this out and get you back, I promise. Just focus on not hurting yourself, okay?"

I should be feeling worried about being in a different universe or timeline or whatever, but I just couldn't gather the energy for it.

But my head felt like it was splitting in two and my mind felt like it was stuffed with cotton clouds.

Letting Midnight guide me to lay down again, my eyes felt heavier than the sun and I floated off into darkness.


I slowly started to wake up, forcing my eyes open and looking out over the richly decorated room. The walls shimmered softly in the moonlight coming in through the window.

My head hurt.

Where... am I? How did I get here?

Last thing I remembered was... I was talking with Midnight in her lab, Talon wanted to join the guard and then... I woke up here.

Slowly I pushed myself up to sit.

My head hurt, but it didn't get any worse. I reached up with a hoof to feel it. I had bandages around my head. Oh. Head injury.

Would explain the memory loss, yes.

Still had no idea where I was though. Didn't look like a cell of some sort, that window was glass and didn't have bars on it. It looked more like an expensive hotel room or guest room. Somewhere rich.


But where? Hmm. Crystals. Crystal Empire?

Prisoner or rescued?

The lack of bars leaned towards being rescued, but could be political prisoner and they were just polite. Could be magically warded.

Carefully and quietly I climbed off the bed and moved over towards the window as silently as I could before I reared up to reach and look out.

That's... that's Canterlot at the horizon. I could literally see Canterlot through the window.

This angle would put me in... Ponyville? Or thereabout?

Ponyville doesn't have a structure like this.

I slowly sank down to sit.

But I knew of a Ponyville that does have a structure like this. Midnight had told me all about it. Her Ponyville in her universe had a crystal castle.

I was in Midnight's home universe.

Oh buck.

My mouth suddenly felt very dry and I closed my eyes tight, forcing my breathing to remain even. Don't panic. You're not stuck. She got from here to our place and now somehow they got at least me here. Likely her as well.

If they can do that, they can send me back home too.

I'm not stuck. I'll see everypony again.

I'm not stuck. Don't panic.

Panicking never helps anyway.

I put my hoof on my chest, taking a slow deep breath before extencing it as I breathed out. Sparks' calming down technique helped a little.

I did it again.

Then I put my hoof back down and stood up. Okay. I knew where I was. Where I was didn't mean I was safe, no way to know yet who was in control here, for all I knew it could be... okay, not evil Celestia, it was way too dark for that.

But it could be Nightmare Moon, The Storm King or even Chrysalis. Okay, not Chrysalis, then I would have been glued to a wall or in a pod. So Changeling takeover was unlikely.

Closing my eyes, I listened hard before letting out a chirp of echolocation. It was inaudible to a non-thestral, but it gave me a map of the room I was in. All the walls felt equally solid, the door sounded like some kind of crystal and through it I could hear a pair of muddled spots.

Couldn't see through walls with it, but if somebody stood just outside, I could usually detect it from the dampening of the echo.

I was under guard.

Under guard, but is the place magically warded? Teleporting with an injured head was not a good idea.

Could I risk a short teleport, just outside?

Going to have to, had to know what was going on before anypony realized I was awake.

Moving as close to the window I could, I cast a quick teleport spell and disappeared from the room.
Yup, Called it! It's never a bland day when it comes to Page!

Wonder if there are Thestrals in this version of Equestria? Being able to bring them back to his Version of the timeline would definitely help!

You know, I wonder if his ever present shadow got sucked into the portal too? That would be interesting, I pity the Ponies that try to Harm Skitter.
I spread my wings as I appeared in the empty night air. It smelled faintly of recent rain and the grass below glittered in the moonlight, but the sky was clear.

It was a summer night and I rose on silent wings towards the top of the castle as I put an invisibility spell around myself. Every cast of magic caused my head to throb ominous and that last one made my vision kind of wobble.

So no more magic for me.

I circled up to land on the highest spire, setting down soundlessly before I looked around. I could see Ponyville a couple of hundred meters from the castle. Dark and asleep. Good little ponies slept during the night. Which if this was Nightmare Moon wouldn't happen. It would all be night.

Scratch one off the list.

No banners. No occupying soldiers on the streets.

Not the Storm King.

...Nor any invading army actually. Most would have done that sort of thing to keep control. Evil Cadance could maybe do it anyway. All will love me and despair and all that.

Best not let my guard down too quickly.

There was one spot of light I could see, a balcony about half way up on one of the outer towers. Somepony was still awake.

Spreading my wings, I quietly took to the skies once more, circling down to land on the railing of the balcony, keeping close to the wall. Invisibility or not, best keep out of sight if possible.

"-en the Storm King sent an envoy to Canterlot to negotiate our surrender if you can believe it-"


..Or I suppose here she would just be Twilight. No, too confusing, she'll stay Midnight in my head. Until she says otherwise.

"Did he truly expect that to work?"


...No. Not Luna.

At least not my Luna. My Sky. She was far away. So far away.

I felt my ears droop, but I took a slow and deep breath, forcing them back up again. I can do that later, I need to focus now.

...And lay down, my head really hurt.

Buck it, if Midnight was comfortable enough to be telling the other Luna about what happened while she was away, things couldn't be too bad. I quickly moved quietly across the crystal towards the open door and looked inside. Luna, Celestia and Midnight were all on a large and overstuffed couch by the fireplace.

I quietly entered the room and jumped up onto the armchair to the side, settling to lay down and letting my invisibility spell fade away.

Nopony noticed.

"Agnelia almost ran back to her ship after Page talked to her," Midnight explained, "He refused to say what he told her, but apparently it was effective."

"It was nothing special," I said, "Mostly I just explained what would happen if they kept threatening Equestria."

Oh, hey.

I didn't get smacked with a sun this time. Didn't even consider that possibility until afterwards. Glad that didn't happen.

What I got instead was three funnily identical startled squeaks and everypony in the room spun to look in my direction.

"Page!" Midnight exclaimed and jumped off the couch, quickly moving over to me, "You should be resting!"

"I'm fine," I said, "just a headache."

"You were bleeding from the head and have a severe concussion!" Midnight said firmly before she hesitated, "...Page, what do-"

"We're in your home universe," I told her, "Already figured that much out. I just had to lay down before it happened involuntarily."

Midnight nodded and frowned, "You haven't eaten anything since we arrived, you should eat."


"No caffeine," she said firmly before she frowned, "We don't have any meat or fish, but we do have fruit. I'll have somepony get us some. Better for you than anything else we have right now."

I nodded, looking towards Luna and Celestia, forcing a small smile, "Blank Page. Nice to meet you."

Celestia nodded, "The honor is ours. Twilight has been telling us of your world, it sounds amazing."

"Thanks," I said and shifted a bit against the chair, "...Would you mind if I sleep a bit? So tired."

"Sleep," Midnight said, brushing a feathered wing across my bandaged head, "I'll have some food for when you wake up."

"Mango. Or salmon."

Midnight giggled softly, "Maybe, I'll try. Now try to get some sleep."

Dreamless sleep followed.
The worse part is... these "chapters" are just so. Da$%ed. Short.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that you're practically updating roughly once a day... it's just frustrating that most updates barely, if that, crack 500 words. The occasional 1,000 words in a blue moon.

. . . . I do thank you, Hiver, for the story/updates... I just really would like less deliberate cliff hangers. They make me want to violently shake... someone, until a new chapter/the follow up context/content, pops out.
Yeah, feels like it would be better if it posted once a week, there would be more to comment on, as is I struggle to come up with anything and just end up with giving a like which doesn't feel as good as commenting.
I personally like the short chapters, it's easier to keep up with, I'm only disappointed that I didn't notice this story come up sooner
I like the short chapters because I have more fics that I'm following that update with 15-20k word chapters than I have time to read most days.
Once I woke up again, it was significantly later.

Not sure how late. But late afternoon light streamed in through the open balcony doors.

I slowly blinked against the light. I felt stiff and groggy but the headache seemed to have mostly passed.

"Oh, hey! You're awake!"

Blinking, I turned my head to spot Talon sitting by the desk, "Talon," I said, "Morning?"

"Almost evening," he said and smiled, "Midn-...Twilight asked me to keep an eye on you."

I slowly unfolded myself from the chair, rolling carefully off it and onto my hooves.

Didn't feel like I was about to fall over, but I was still a little wobbly, "How long was I out?"

"All day," He said and jumped off his seat, frowning up at you, "Are you sure you should be walking about?"

"No," I admitted and forced a small smile, "Where's Midnight?"

"Downstairs. Everypony is here."


"You know, the girls."

I blinked at him.

"The elements."

"Ah," I said and nodded before I held my hoof out for him, "Thanks for keeping an eye on me. I know you want to see them too."

Talon smiled and bumped his knuckles against my hoof, "I told you I would do good in the guard."

"You would," I couldn't help but agree before I got a sudden sinking feeling.

Oh Celestia, Amber.

She had to be beside herself with worry. She was usually close enough to see me, so she likely saw what happened. She's known to tell Sparks and Sunset about it.

They would both recognize the portal description.

They'd know what would have happened.

"Talon, you wouldn't happen to be able to send a message to Spike, would you?" I asked, "I know Sparks linked your magic."

He frowned, "I don't know, I haven't tried," and felt around the desk for a piece of paper before he scribbled a message on it before burning it with a burst of fire.

He waited several seconds before he burped and the note reappeared. Talon shrugged, "Sorry."

"No worries, I thought so. But it was worth a try."

Talon nodded, "Come on, I'll show you down. Hungry?"

"Bit, yes," I admitted, "Think we can stop at the kitchen on the way?"

"Sure thing, this way."

I moved to follow him out into the corridor. Moving felt good. I was stiff all over, I had to have been laying still the entire time. And curled up in the chair like that...

It was too bright as well. Stupid light making me feel sleepy. I was asleep for the entire night and day!

Sparks and Sunny have to be so worried.


I took a deep breath and pushed that thought away for now. If I think about it, I'll panic and if I panic I can't function to fix it.

Talon led me to a kitchen, "Fruit and water?" he asked, "Midnight won't be happy if I give you tea without an okay."

"Fruit and water sounds nice," I admitted and my stomach growled, "Or anything you have."

Talon quickly returned with a plate of apple slices and a big pitcher of water.

"Thank you," I said and quickly dug in.

I just barely managed to restrain myself from devouring it all like a starved wolf.

"Come on," Talon said as I finished, "I'll take you to everypony."

I followed him from the kitchen, "So... you're home again," I told him, "How does that feel?"

"..Weird," He admitted, "Very weird."

I just nodded, "I get that."

I followed Talon into a large room centered around the crystal map, six thrones surrounding it.

Each throne was marked with the cutiemark of one of the elements.


Midnight jumped off her throne and quickly trotted over, "You shouldn't be up yet!"

"I feel a lot better," I admitted and touched the side of my head, "Somepony has mostly stopped playing drums in my head. Last time I had a headache like that I overstressed my horn, I really must have landed badly."

Midnight glanced back and Rainbow Dash shifted in her seat. Midnight then nodded and turned back to me, "Well, as long as you're feeling better," she said, "You remember?"

"Where we are, yes," I agreed and swallowed, "Midnight…"

"Don't worry," Midnight said and put her hoof against my chest, "We'll find a way to get you back," she said seriously, "I took a full reading, I have your signature."

"Find a way," I said quietly, "...So you don't have a way yet?"

"...Not yet," Midnight admitted, "But should only take a couple of weeks."

I swallowed and nodded, "I trust you."

Midnight stepped closer and hugged me softly, "I promise we'll get you back. I know exactly how you feel right now and I promise you, Page, I can do it."

I nodded and hugged back.

Midnight slowly pulled back and smiled, "Come on, I'll introduce you," she said and then guided me along to the rest, "Girls, this is Prince Blank Page. Page, you already know their names."

"I do," I said and did a small bow, "Nice to meet you all."

"A pleasure, your highness," Rarity said and slipped off her throne to do a small courtesy.

"Welcome to Ponyville and the canon world!" Pinkie cheered and bounced off her throne, bouncing in a circle around us before continuing out through the open door.

I stared after her for a long moment before I blinked at Midnight.

Midnight just shrugged her wings, "Pinkie."

"Okay then."

Applejack was next approaching slowly. She looked me over cautiously and I could feel her eyes rest on my fangs, ears, eyes and wings before she nodded to herself and offered me her hoof, "Applejack," she said.

"Blank Page," I answered and touched my hoof to hers.

"So how come you keep calling Twilight, Midnight?" she asked curiously.

I smiled a bit, "In my world there already was a Twilight."

"It got confusing quickly," Midnight supplied, "Spike and I picked new names."

Applejack nodded, "Makes sense," she admitted, "That had to be weird."

"Very," Midnight agreed.

Rainbow Dash moved to join us, "So… vampony, huh?"

"No," I said, "Batpony. Vampony is completely different, for one thing they are fictional," I told her.

Rainbow flicked her ears back, looking nervous for some reason before she nodded, "...Sorry about you getting hurt."

I shrugged one wing, "It's fine I just landed wrong, but thank you. It happens."

I glanced over her shoulder. Fluttershy were watching us. She seemed frozen in her seat, her eyes very wide.

Seeing her like this was… I had seen the progress she made in Nocturnis. Seeing her back this way was…

It made my soul hurt.

I slowly moved past Rainbow towards her and stopped a couple of meters away. I got the usual double vision I got of a disguised being, her real form overlaying with the illusion. Fluttershy was afraid.

I bowed to her, "I'm Blank Page. It's a pleasure to meet you, Fluttershy."

"Hey, back off!" Rainbow exclaimed, "Can you see yo-"

"Rainbow!" Midnight said firmly, "Let's go, we're leaving."

"What, bu-"

"No," Midnight told her and moved up, "Please Rainbow. Trust me."

Rarity walked up to look at Fluttershy and then myself. She looked thoughtful for several moments before she looked at Fluttershy, "Is that alright, darling?"

Fluttershy swallowed and tore her gaze away from me to her before she nodded slightly.

Rarity nodded, "We'll be right outside if you need us," she said and then turned to help herd Rainbow outside.
Okay, got some sleep, hopefully this... commentary, won't be as bitter.

So... it would seem that my hope at encouraging longer updates didn't take care of the main irritant.

I had, previously assumed, with all that that infers, that your tendency toward cliff hangers was due to your short writing style. Like a literary version of a verbal tic.

I see now, that that was not the case. That the cliff hangers are in actuality, fully intentional. And that you'll go out of your way to include them.

To that end, if you're unwilling to work without cliff hangers, then yes, I would prefer shorter updates.

We would get more of them, with less wait time in-between so as to see what happens next.

I do apologize for calling out the sizes of updates previously. Because, as I said, I had assumed that it was the update sizes that was leading to your habit of cliff hangers.

And I was trying to politely address the issues, without ranting about cliff hangers. As your insistence in using them, is quickly becoming a pet peeve of mine.

But, again, as stated, if you simply must continue to use cliff hangers, then I don't mind shorter, and thus more frequent, updates; so as to find out what happens next.
I don't care about the cliffhangers, I honestly prefer the Hard Stops at points where it's obvious the story would be crowded if it continued, over a chapter stopping dead at a point it makes it awkward.

1,000-1,500 words a chapter is long enough to make it interesting, but short enough that it doesn't feel like a chore to read. More so for stories like this that are broken into "Books" as it allows the Author to take time to work on something else so as not to burn out.

You do you Hiver, don't let people tell you different.
Normally I wouldn't have minded the cliff hangers either.

It's just, ever, single, update(!)

*Shaky inhale, fast exhale*

Right, that... yeah. Leaving it there for forum rules purposes. I don't know that I could, describe, it without tripping over one or two.... or four.
here's something I posted over on the SB thread:

I can see local Luna getting a surprise in a night or two, finding Page doing Nightmare patrol

heh, I wonder what Dash's (and the rest of the locals) reactions will be when they start hearing Page's backstory

"You beat Queen Chrysalis?" "Technically I just broke her concentration, at which point Sunbutt slammed her through the wall" "...Sunbutt?"

Dash: "So you're an author?"
Twilight: "An author with multiple best-selling novels"
Rarity: "Ooh, rich and an Alicorn"
Page: "Technically that was before I became an Alicorn."
Applejack: "How'd you manage that anyhow?"
Page: "well, I had just killed Tirek and was standing over his body when all the power he'd stolen exploded out of him passing through me on it's way back to it's rightful owners. When I came to, I had wings."
Dash: "... you killed Tirek?!?"
I sat down across from her and settled an illusion across myself, my thestral traits fading into those of a pegasus.

I looked at her with a small smile before letting them fade away again.

Fluttershy seemed to shrink in on herself, taking up as little space as possible in her throne but her illusion faded away as well as she hid behind her mane.

Seeing her like this…

It was honestly agonizing.

Lighting my horn, my headache increased but I ignored it as I cast a bubble of sound and sight around the entire room. "There," I finally said, "Now nopony can hear us. Anyone looking in, will just see us talking normally"

She just nodded slightly.

I took a deep breath, "I know the you in the other world," I told her quietly but seriously, "And so does Midn- Twilight."

"S-she… k-knows?"

"She knows," I confirmed, "And she doesn't care. You can talk to her, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy closed her eyes tightly, taking deep breaths before she let them out again and nodded, "I-I understand."

Thestrals lived like this here still. Afraid of discovery.

It made me…

Furious. More than furious.

"No pony else knows here," I said, "Well… Spike knows, but you can trust him to keep it a secret until you want it known."

Fluttershy's eyes went wide.

"Not that you have to unless you want to," I quickly said and stepped up, putting my hoof on her throne, looking up at her, "Fluttershy, you're not alone. There are thousands of batponies in Equestria."

That really got her attention and she met my eyes for the first time, "T-thousands?"

"Thousands," I told her seriously, "Where I'm from, we have joined together and formed a village. Nocturnis. A place where batponies can live in peace, without needing to hide."

Fluttershy swallowed and looked down at her hooves again, "That… sounds nice," she said quietly.

"I can also tell you that the Fluttershy I know there, all her friends know. None of them care either," I told her gently, "I don't think they would here, either."

Fluttershys illusion instantly went back up.


I took a small step back, "Just… know you're not alone, Fluttershy," I told her, "remember that. And that you can trust your friends with anything."

Then I turned to walk out.

"P-Prince Page?"

I looked back at her at the sound of her quiet voice, "Yes?"

"A-an entire village?"

I nodded, "An entire village," I confirmed, "We created one. Gathered every thestral that wanted to come. Thousands did."

Fluttershy swallowed and nodded, "T-thank you."

I smiled at her and then I left the bubble, canceling it as I did before pushing the door open to see everypony but Pinkie waiting there.

I paused and then shook my head, "Relax, I just let her look at me until she calmed down and answered any questions she had," I told them with a smile, "I know I can look scary."

"Oh," Rainbow said, "Why didn't you just say so!" and then trotted past me back inside.

Applejack and Rarity followed her but Midnight paused as she watched me, "Go on girls, "she said, "I'll catch up in a minute."

As they returned inside, Midnight wrapped us into a bubble of silence, "Are you okay?" she asked softly, putting her hoof on my shoulder..

I shook my head, "Not sure I am. Seeing her like that again… it hurts."

"I know," Midnight admitted, "I had gotten used to how she is at ho-"

She broke off and shook her head, "...When did I start thinking about it as home…"

"I'd say when you and Tempest became a thing," I told her quietly.

"Tempest," she said quietly and sniffed slightly, "She must be so worried."

I pulled her into a hug.


I looked out over Ponyville in the light of the moon, watching from a balcony facing the small village.

I was in a different universe. It was just starting to sink in.

This was… actually not a new experience for me, but this time there was a chance for me to go back so I didn't panic.

I trust Midnight.

I trust Midnight. I trust Midnight to find a way back because I sure as hell couldn't do it on my own.

I trust Midnight.

I closed my eyes tight. I trust Midnight. I'll see everypony again. I'll get back home.

I'll get back home.

I trust Midnight.

"Prince Page?"

Blinking my eyes open, I turned to look back to see Princess Celestia approach across the room. A pair of guards stopped outside as the door closed behind her.

It was… so strange. She was Celestia. She looked identical to Sunshine. But she wasn't. It was the eyes.

She didn't look at me like Sunshine did.

"Princess Celestia," I greeted her in turn, turning go give her a small bow, "I didn't think you were still in Ponyville."

"I was not, I returned just before sunset," Celestia said, "I wanted to meet you in person. When you are lucid."

I nodded and smiled up at her, "It's night," I said, "I would have expected Princess Luna."

Celestia smiled back sadly, "We decided I would meet you. Considering what Twilight said, meeting me would be easier for you than my sister. You are married to her in your world?"

"I am," I agreed, "And… you're right, thank you."

That would have been difficult. This was hard enough as is.

Celestia regarded me for a long moment, "...But not as much easier as I expected," she said quietly, "Your Celestia and you…"

"No," I said and took a deep breath, looking away, "Sunshine and I never… it's complicated."

"But you love her."

I shifted my wings before I looked up at her again, "It's complicated. We're so far apart, she is in Canterlot with Luna, I am in Nocturnis. She is of the day, I am of the night. Being that far away from my Luna is hard enough."

Celestia slowly nodded as she walked up to look out over the village next to me, "Twilight told me of your Thestrals," she said, "I… had no idea there were so many left. Do you believe there are so many here as well?"

"Nothing I've seen says otherwise," I said and turned to look out next to her.

She was silent for several long moments, "Is there something we can do to help them?"

I didn't answer for several long moments, putting my hoof on the railing before I looked up at her, "I think… that they may just want to get away from the light. They don't want your help. All they want is a place to feel safe, a place away from being afraid."

"You blame me."

"No," I told her, turning to look up at her, "I know you and Luna did everything in your power for everypony in Equestria, Thestrals or not. I don't even blame other ponies. It's just their nature to be fearful of those that are different. But I know many of my bats do."

Celestia looked at me for several moments, "Prince Page," she said a bit firmed this time, "I think you underestimat-"

"What would happen if I walked into Ponyville tomorrow?" I asked, cutting her off, meeting her eyes, "I may not know you, Princess, but I Know You. I know that the pony that forged Equestria despite the resistance, through steel, fire and willpower is not deluded enough to think there will be any other result than panic."

Princess Celestia, alicorn of the Sun, actually took a step back, flinching before she looked to the side.

I looked up at her. She looked so much like my Sunshine. But she wasn't.

But she had the same chinks in her armor and for my bats, I'd use every single one of them if I had to.

Celestia was quiet for several long moments, "...So what would you have us do?" she asked quietly as she turned to look at me again.

"Princess Luna," I told her, "Have her find them, talk to them. They tolerate her, if it's because she's of the night or because she was my wife, I don't know for certain, but it's the best I can suggest. Don't tell them what to do, ask them what they want. Find the strongest unicorns of the land, have Twilight teach them the decursing spells. Give them somewhere to live, not just somewhere to survive. They have been surviving so far. Living, not so much for most of them."

Celesita looked down at the floor, letting a small sigh out before she nodded, "I need to discuss matters with my sister."

"I understand," I said and then let my breath out, "...I'm sorry," I said, "I didn't mean to sound like I blamed you for any of it."

"But you should. It was my… mine and my sister's responsibility to see to the safety of all ponies in Equestria. And we have failed the thestrals," she said before she regarded me for several long moments, "I came here to see you, to get an idea of who you were. Twilight said you never wanted to be a prince, that you did all you could to avoid it actually. But that my counterpart made you one anyway… and I think I understand why now."

I scowled at her, "It was necessary at the time and now I'm stuck with it."

Celestia smiled sadly, "So are we all."