Looking Glass (MLP)

'lu-inner' and 'di-eakfast', neither of which roll off the tongue and which I'd argue are actually less inherently funny to say than 'linner' and 'deakfast'."
Ignoring the humor value, as that is a subjective concern... linguistically, "luinner" and "dieakfast" are exactly the kind of words that would get smoothed out into "linner" and "deakfast" after a few years of natural speech.
The dream realm stretched out in every direction but I ignored it and the dreams in it. I just laid on my stomach with my head on my forelegs, my eyes closed.

I felt so…

…Alone. I would have to do something nice to the Pinkie on my side, I really had underestimated her. She really had found ponies that would accept a bat pony. Some a bit hesitantly like Big Mac, but…


What more that she might not know about was that Fluttershy was there and saw it all.

I can't say how thankful I am to her for that.

But the way they greeted me almost made it worse. I will leave soon. I trusted Midnight to get me home.

I trusted her to get me home.

But meeting all of those ponies just made me feel even more lonely.

I felt her presence almost instantly. It was amazing how much she felt like my Luna.

Identical even.

She didn't say anything, she just stood there.

Finally I opened my eyes and raised my head to look at her, "Princess Luna. My apologies if I'm intruding, but I don't dream normally anymore."

She looked exactly like Luna.

Because she was Luna... but she wasn't My Sky. It was the eyes. Same as with Celestia.

Luna nodded, "Twilight Sparkle said you were a dream walker, Prince Page," she said as she regarded me, "But I did not expect you to be this powerful."

I smiled faintly at her and climbed to my hooves, "Alicorn of Stories. Dreams are a more solid part of my realm than of yours. Drawback is that in the outer world, I am a lot less powerful."

Princess Luna nodded as she regarded me, one ear flicking once before she spoke again, "This must be strange to you," she finally said, "Twilight said you are married to the Luna on that world."

"We are," I said before I looked up at her, "And it is."

Luna smiled at me, "I would imagine so. If you wish, I can leave you alone."

"No, it's fine," I said and sighed, stretching my wings, "I just miss them. You look very much like her," I said before I looked up at her again, "...Other than the eyes."

"The eyes?"

I shook my head and folded my wings again, "No... maybe not the eyes. Just the way she looks at me."

Luna smiled a bit wider, "I would think so," she said and then motioned, "Walk with me?"

I moved up to walk next to her, "You have talked to your sister about my bats."

It wasn't a question.

"You read me that easily?" Luna said and glanced at me.

I smiled a bit, "You and My Sky aren't so different in that regard," I admitted and looked at a dream portal we walked past. Shiny blue shimmering silver.

Unicorn still asleep. Young, but not very young. Not sick.

Skipping school.

Good for her.

"I suppose not," Luna said before she nodded, "And yes, my sister and I have discussed the thestrals. You say there are many still left?"

"Several thousands," I said and sighed, "I wouldn't call that many."

"You would teach me how to find them?" Luna asked, "I can not differentiate between a pegasus and a thestral."

"I will," I and and frowned. If I did... she'd find out about Fluttershy. I had no right to expose her like that, "Before I leave."

Luna looked at me, "Twilight is working on a way back. But it took all of us to find her and open the portal. To do so in reverse..."

"I trust her and her galaxy sized brain," I said and smiled up at her, "I have no doubt she'll find me a way back home. Especially with Starlight on the case too. That mare is crazy good at magical theory. Besides, I'm fairly sure Sparks and the other Starlight is on the case back home."

Luna raised an eyebrow, "Sparks?"

"...Nickname for my Twilight."

"Twilight did say you were also involved with the other Twilight and Sunset Shimmer," Luna said with a small smile, "...I am curious, how close are your Twilight and Luna?"

I grinned, "Very," before I sighed, "When we're all together anyway. My Sky is in Canterlot, the rest of us are in Nocturnis. We meet in person... couple of weeks a year."

"I don't think she likes that."

"I don't think any of us likes that," I agreed and then eyed her, "Any reason you ask about my Luna and Twilight? Got your eyes on this one?"

Luna shifted her wings, "...Perhaps."

"I wish you luck but warn you to be careful. She left somepony on my side," I told her seriously, "Somepony she loved."

"Tempest Shadow."

I nodded, "What happened to her in this world? She used to work for the Storm King."

"Died. During the invasion attempt."


"I killed her."

The invasion happened while Midnight was in Pages universe.

How is that possible? Midnight had only been in Pages Equestria for what? Three years? Assuming there is a one to one time difference, which doesn't seem possible as indications suggest that for every year that has passed in Pages Equestria only 3-4 months have passed in Midnights, then Midnight should have been back well within time!

Shit, has anyone told Midnight that Her Tempest is dead yet? That just seems like more motivation to go back to Pages Equestria! Ad it stands I doubt Talon will be willing to stay.
How is that possible? Midnight had only been in Pages Equestria for what? Three years? Assuming there is a one to one time difference, which doesn't seem possible as indications suggest that for every year that has passed in Pages Equestria only 3-4 months have passed in Midnights, then Midnight should have been back well within time!
How'd you come up with that?
The invasion happened while Midnight was in Pages universe.
How'd the invasion go with 1 element bearer down? Did the sisters actually train their army?
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so, twilight missing, means no festival of friendship, and heightened caution from missing major element. And the pony who nearly destroyed time itself. Yeah, I can see the princesses not holding back
How is that possible? Midnight had only been in Pages Equestria for what? Three years? Assuming there is a one to one time difference, which doesn't seem possible as indications suggest that for every year that has passed in Pages Equestria only 3-4 months have passed in Midnights, then Midnight should have been back well within time!

Shit, has anyone told Midnight that Her Tempest is dead yet? That just seems like more motivation to go back to Pages Equestria! Ad it stands I doubt Talon will be willing to stay.
Where did you get the time difference from? As far as I was aware time was one to one and Midnight showed up in Pages Equestria right when Page's Equestria would have been facing the whole issue. Except since Starlight was successfully captured and rehabilitated it didn't happen in Pages Equestria. So when Tempest attacked, she was attacking in both timelines. Back in Complications, Midnight was even worried that Tempest would attack and she wouldn't be there to help.
Why are you acting surprised, this is the woman that was leading an INVASION force. Of course she died, especially since there is no longer the deus ex machina of the elements around at the time. Equestria is sunshine and rainbows now but hiding behind that is a planet that could be considered Catchacans younger brother, and you threaten the people that forged a peaceful utopian kingdom from that?!?

That's what's called a Darwin Award kid!
I slowly blinked awake, yawning before rolling onto my stomach, looking blearingy at the evil, evil light shining in through the colored crystal window.

It was early.

Sun wasn't even down yet. But I couldn't sleep anymore, no matter how bright it was outside.

Yawning, I slipped out of bed and headed towards the door, pausing to rub my eyes. I thought about seeking out Midnight to ask how the research was going but…

Her family would have arrived today. She had not seen them for years.

I wanted to go home, but I wouldn't bother her now. If she had figured it out, she'd tell me. I doubt anything happened on that front anyway, she would have wanted to spend time with her parents.

That I understood.

Pushing the door open, I went off in search of the kitchen. Tea. Need. Tea.

The place was empty when I arrived and the lights were off, but didn't bother me, a little bit of light filtered in through the small high window was plenty for me to see by.


Tea. Tea…

…if I was tea, where would I be? I let out a small squeak of sonar and listened hard. Nope, didn't help.

All I got was a bunch of reflective hard surfaces.

D'uh, Kitchen.

Sniffing the air, I started to stalk through the kitchen. The scent of the holy leaves led me to a cupboard to the side and I pulled it open, peering inside.


Sniff. I could smell the leaves, but where is…

I poked my head in before pulling back out, holding a jar in my magic. I gave it a shake and sniffed at the seal.

Score! Black tea.

Hmm. Keemun or similar at least from the scent. Good thing these cupboards are magic sealed to keep things fresh or it'd be stale by now.

Now to find a kettle.

…Damn, I haven't done my own tea in ages. Well, it's not hard. Heat water, add leaves. Kettle… ah, there!

I lit my horn and filled it with water before putting it on the burner, activating it with a small zap of magic before putting the jar of tea down and looking around.

Should hunt down some food as well. I really felt like fish or something, but I doubt Midnight had any.

But should be apples or something around here somewhere at least, we're in ponyville after all. And it's a kitchen, has to be food around here somewhere.

Sniffing the air, I got back onto the hunt. Didn't take long until I found an entire basket of rich thick and red apples!

Apple family apples! Score!

Snatching one with my fangs, I started to pull back out of the cupboard.

There was a sound and I poked my head up above the counter, "Huh?"

There was a loud shriek and a pony scrambled backwards, her back hitting the door as it slammed closed behind her.

I flattened my ears against my head at the sound and dropped the apple before lighting my horn to light the kitchen up for Starlight as she hyperventilated.

"You okay?" I asked her with a frown.

She stared at me with wide eyes, breathing hard, "P-P-Prince Page?"

I smiled at her, making sure not to show too much fang, "That's right. I know the you from my world but we weren't properly introduced. Prince Blank Page, call me Page. Starlight Glimmer, right?"

Starlight seemed to get her heart back under control, slowly dropping back onto all four, "Y-yes," she said and took a deep breath, "...What are you doing in the dark?"

"Isn't dark for me," I said and then gave each of the crystals a small zap to make them light up the kitchen, "And I'm making breakfast. Could I get you a cup of tea?"

"Oh. Yes, please, thank you," she said and moved to sit down by the counter, still looking a bit shook.

I got busy getting some cups ready before floating one over to her along with a horn sliced apple before moving to sit across from her, glancing up at the anti-magic ring around her horn, "They think you're a flight risk?" I asked.

Starlight sighed and her ears drooped, "Part of my work release," she mumbled, "Not allowed to use magic outside controlled circumstances, got me out of the dungeon at least. I can't believe my counterpart in your world just walks around freely."

"Well… she didn't almost end the world," I pointed out and blew softly on my tea before nibbling on some apple.

Starlight sighed again, "...I suppose that's fair," she admitted and then sipped her tea, "But having to use my mouth or hooves all the time gets old quickly. I don't know how pegasi or earth ponies does it."

"That it would," I agreed and peered at the ring, "Wonder if it can be adjusted to allow telekinesis at least. Midnight might be able to adjust to it. I'll ask her if you like," I said before I frowned, "Oh and with Midnight I mean Twilight. It is what she went by in the other world to keep confusion down."

"I know, she told me," Starlight said and then smiled softly, "...And thank you, that would be nice."
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"That doesn't match the chronological timeframe, though. Something midway between breakfast and dinner in that order is just lunch, y'know? Don't need a new term for that. Whereas something between dinner and breakfast in that order is more around the timeframe of a midnight snack, but obviously more substantial since it's a full-fledged meal rather than just a snack. That's something that actually doesn't have a specific word already to describe it. Hence, 'deakfast', assuming you're following the pattern of brunch and replacing the first phoneme of the second meal with the first phoneme of the first meal. I mean, you could follow the also-existing pattern of doing it with the first two letters as you said, but then you end up with 'lu-inner' and 'di-eakfast', neither of which roll off the tongue and which I'd argue are actually less inherently funny to say than 'linner' and 'deakfast'."

Sincerely, I don't get any of the proposed terms: breakfast it is the first meal of the day/cycle, because you 'break' the 'fasting' you have done while sleeping. A nocturnal species would have breakfast at evening, lunch at midnight, and have dinner/supper at sunrise as the latest. No need for new terms this way.

The main problem with this is than in english there is no word for morning meal that does not carry too the notion of first meal of the day/cycle. There is not synonyms for 'breakfast' that do not imply 'breaking' 'fast'. The same happens in spanish: desayuno => 'des-' + 'ayuno' : literally 'undo' 'fasting'.

If you want to keep the name of the meals tied to the hours, you would need to introduce a midnight meal or shift supper from late dinner to midnight lunch: morning/breakfast, midday/lunch, evening/dinner, midnight/supper. The you could use any way to mix them like usual: breakfast+lunch = brunch; dinner+supper=>dipper.
Sincerely, I don't get any of the proposed terms: breakfast it is the first meal of the day/cycle, because you 'break' the 'fasting' you have done while sleeping. A nocturnal species would have breakfast at evening, lunch at midnight, and have dinner/supper at sunrise as the latest. No need for new terms this way.

The main problem with this is than in english there is no word for morning meal that does not carry too the notion of first meal of the day/cycle. There is not synonyms for 'breakfast' that do not imply 'breaking' 'fast'. The same happens in spanish: desayuno => 'des-' + 'ayuno' : literally 'undo' 'fasting'.

If you want to keep the name of the meals tied to the hours, you would need to introduce a midnight meal or shift supper from late dinner to midnight lunch: morning/breakfast, midday/lunch, evening/dinner, midnight/supper. The you could use any way to mix them like usual: breakfast+lunch = brunch; dinner+supper=>dipper.

"Your logic makes sense in a linguistic sense, but on the other hand, Page clearly isn't following that logic and is instead using the portmanteau method, so I don't think he'd accept that as his solution."
Sincerely, I don't get any of the proposed terms: breakfast it is the first meal of the day/cycle, because you 'break' the 'fasting' you have done while sleeping. A nocturnal species would have breakfast at evening, lunch at midnight, and have dinner/supper at sunrise as the latest. No need for new terms this way.

The main problem with this is than in english there is no word for morning meal that does not carry too the notion of first meal of the day/cycle. There is not synonyms for 'breakfast' that do not imply 'breaking' 'fast'. The same happens in spanish: desayuno => 'des-' + 'ayuno' : literally 'undo' 'fasting'.

If you want to keep the name of the meals tied to the hours, you would need to introduce a midnight meal or shift supper from late dinner to midnight lunch: morning/breakfast, midday/lunch, evening/dinner, midnight/supper. The you could use any way to mix them like usual: breakfast+lunch = brunch; dinner+supper=>dipper.
The thing is, what's being discussed isn't "what Page should call the first meal of the day". Because that's breakfast. Just ask anyone who works nights. The question is, what to call the meal that is between Dinner and Breakfast, in the same kind of way that "brunch" is a meal between Breakfast and Lunch. And that question does not care about any kind of connotations about when the meal is happening. It's purely about figuring out what is the best way to combine the words "Dinner" and "Breakfast".

Also, when combining words, the origins of the words being combined rarely has any relevance. What matters is what the words mean at the time they are merged, not how they came to be.
Everypony was asleep, the castle was quiet and the village below dark beneath the light of the half moon.

I moved on quiet hooves, exploring the halls.

Most guards had left with Celestia, but some remained, apparently assigned to Midnight and they were doing patrols, but none of them had any chance of spotting me.

Just keep out of the light, don't let my eyes reflect and when necessary, go to the rafters.

None of them had a clue I was even there.

Not that I had seen any of them for over an hour. Seriously, this place has to be bigger on the inside or something, I could have sworn I went through more corridors than could possibly fit inside by now.

From time to time I let out a small chirp of echolocation. It really was a very useful sense and so far, it had paid off.

I had found two hidden doors by the fact that that part of the wall sounded hollow. Both leading to fairly boring empty rooms, but the fact that this place had them kept me looking.

Because come on, who doesn't like hidden passageways?

A sound made my right ear perk up. Something scraping against crystal.

I heard it again. Not a hoofstep. Something sharp. Claws? A claw? Didn't sound like metal.

I let out another chirp, listening hard at the echoes around the corner.

Small shape, moving.

Small, moving, claws against stone. Two legs, not quadruped which limited things quite a lot unless we had been invaded by ostriches.


I walked around the corner, "Shouldn't you be asleep?" I asked the small dragon as he got closer.

He blinked in surprise, his eyes slightly luminous in the dark. He didn't have as good night vision as a bat, but he could see better than a day pony.

"Page... yeah, I couldn't sleep," he admitted and crossed his arms and sighed, "It's… not bright enough. And it's too quiet and too loud at the same time. And my bed feels too strange."

"I get that," I agreed and fell in beside him as he walked on, "Not an easy thing to do to turn things back around."

"Yeah, I guess."

I looked at him, "You're not glad to be back. I know it's tough, but-"

"Neither is Midnight," he said and stopped to look up at me, "...She cries, you know. When she think nopony sees."

I sighed and looked towards the side, "It's tough for both of you."

Talon was quiet for a long moment before he spoke up again, "When you leave, I'm going back with you."

I looked at him, "Talon, I'm not sure that's a good idea. I know you are getting to know a filly back home, but you may come to regret going in the future. And there might not be a way back here then, I have no idea how many times you can do that trip."

"Page, Nocturnis is my home," he said firmly, "Yes, I missed everypony here. I'm happy to see everypony again, especially Midnight's parents. But this is no longer where I belong."

The worst thing?

He wasn't wrong. Yes, it wasn't his original world, but he had helped build Nocturnis as much as any pony. He had any right to live there, just like anypony else.

Sighing, I nodded, "Even so, I think you should discuss it with Midnight. And her parents."

"I will. But this is my choice, Page," he said seriously.

"It is," I agreed before smiling at him, "When did you start to grow up?"

"I am over the age of majority for a pony," Talon pointed out.

"Fair," I sighed, "But for a dragon that's not that old."

Talon shrugged, "I grew up among ponies," he said, "And spent the last years in Nocturnis."

I nodded. I didn't like it, but foals in Nocturnis learned very quickly that there were times to mess around and times where you didn't. And even when arriving, Talon had not been a foal. Young for a dragon yes, but not a hatchling.

"So what are your plans now?" I asked him, "I mean, tonight."

Talon shrugged, "Don't know. Might go for a walk, I need to think."

"Sounds good," I agreed, "I think I might take a flight too."
And there might not be a way back here then, I have no idea how many times you can do that trip."
The Twilights Sparkle: "Is that the sweet sound of a magical challenge I hear?" *cue mad cackling*

Midnight: "Nocturnis is going to be multi-dimensional by the time we're through!"

Twilight: "We're planning to put a flag up in the Dream Realm, eventually! No nightmare will be safe from us, in any universe!"
I rested on my wings before going down to land in the tree, beating my wings before folding them as my hooves touched down on the thickest branch I could find.

Settling down on the thick branch, I looked up towards the moon high in the sky.

I had never been this far away from Sparks, Luna and Sunny before. Even when on opposite ends of Equestria we could meet in dreams.

I had never been out of contact like this before and I missed them. Missed talking, missed cuddling, missed kissing. I missed the way Luna sounded when I…

All of it.

So much.

And Celestia. Funny that for somepony that was nocturnal to have somepony to light my day up like the way she smil-

I raised my head and listened hard, my ears slowly shifting.

I was on the Apple farm, close to the edge of the Everfree forest. It was the middle of the night, no way there would be a pony around here. It would give me some time to think alone, and hopefully far away from everypony else.

Including Pinkie. She meant well but I wanted to be alone.

I slowly slipped off the branch, wrapping my tail around it as I hung down, listening for the sound I heard.

Half closing my eyes to lower the chance to reflect light, I wrapped my wings around myself and listened hard.


Sound of scuffling towards the edge of the Everfree. Wood against wood, branches shifting. Snuffling sounds.

Those were the sounds of timber-wolves. I could hear… three of them. Sounds getting fainter as they moved off further into the forest.

Away from ponies which was good. They relarely liked to leave the forest, most of the time they avoided ponies unless they were really hungry.

I missed Fern too. Hope somepony play with him while I'm away. He likes Sunset, hope she take care of him. He didn't need feeding or anything, but he did like to play, hope she'd have the time.

…I rarely had the time to take care of him as I should. Maybe I should look into hiring a caretaker? It wasn't fair to him to not get as much attention as he need just because I'm busy.

I sniffed the air, carefully opening an eye to look to the side. Red. Full. Round. Apple.


But Apple family apples were really the best apples. Not as good as mango, but… still very nice and juicy.

But would be stealing.

Just an apple, but still… I didn't have any bits. And apples were literally how they made all their bits. And there was food back at the castle.

I didn't strictly need to take it.

I grumbled and then spread my wings, dropping before taking to the air again, climbing back into the night sky, flying up above the Everfree. Away from that round, sweet and tasty fruit of temptation.

Shifting my path slightly, I flew past above Fluttershy's cottage.

It was dark below, nopony awake. Banking around, I swept down lower, just above the grass as I headed for Ponyville before pulling up as I reached the outer most house I pulled up and landed on the chimney.

Nopony having a fire going this time of year.

This was actually pretty nice. I have to take the time to do more flights when I get back home. Just stretching my wings and doing pony things and not just being so busy.

You know, that's a good idea.

If nothing goes catastrophically wrong, I'm going to live for a very long time. To have all of it be duty and work would make it a very dull experience.

I love my ponies, I have duties to them. They looked up to me.

But it wouldn't matter if I turned to Darth Page in two hundred years from stress. I keep deciding to take more time to myself, but there is always something critical to do. Besides, I liked having legs and getting set on fire wasn't fun, so Darth Page wasn't something I would like to happen.

Though, admittedly… I think Luna and maybe Sunset may be into the entire Sith cosplay thing…

It's funny. I keep putting things on delegation but two more things seem to appear. Take one task down and two shall take its place. Like some kind of paper hydra.

Worst thing? I already had Starlight and Flower on the job. They dealt with the worst of it. Seriously, how did we have so much paperwork? We weren't that many ponies! It didn't even slack off when we went a year between paper deliveries.

Where did they even get the paper from!?

Maybe I'll try banning it again. Not just banning, but outlawing. By threat of… carrots or something.

Or coffee. Something horrible.

Oh! Maybe decree it has to be on stone tablets! That would have to limit the amount of it! If nothing else, it should slow down the rate of production!

On that silly thought, I settled down on the roof, looking down at a pair of unicorn guards as they slowly moved along the main street, horns lit and shining lights around.

Which was sensible. Ponyville actually had a small garrison. Not large, only like ten ponies, but enough to keep the critters from the Everfree forest away. Mostly.

I watched them for a moment before glancing towards the castle in the distance. It was getting a bit late and the idea of that apple got me hungry.

Dinner time.

Silently getting up, I took to the skies.
It just occurred to me that this little unintended vacation is teaching the Nocturnis people how to run their city without Page (and probably Twilight and Sunset since they're most likely on a dimension travel research binge rn) so he (they) might end up having more free time on his return.
It just occurred to me that this little unintended vacation is teaching the Nocturnis people how to run their city without Page (and probably Twilight and Sunset since they're most likely on a dimension travel research binge rn) so he (they) might end up having more free time on his return.
and his guards to never leave page unattended, even or especially if its in a supposedly safe place (eg the loo)

on another note (assuming ponies have a similar life to humans) then sunset might soon her her biological clock ticking and not let page leave the bedroom till she is with foal

afterall she is in her mid 30s by now and if she wants children of her own body then she will need to start soonish, twi might decide to join her in the pudding club because she wants their children to grow up together (tough luna and celestia will likely wait till the portal between the two cities is functioning)

this in turn would cause a population boom in nocturnis because all families that held of on having children due to the unstable situation will see their prince deem it safe enough to have his own children and so will get busy themselves
afterall she is in her mid 30s by now and if she wants children of her own body then she will need to start soonish,

I feel as though projecting human fertility patterns onto cartoon ponies is not likely to be very accurate. Furthermore, while we are not an expert on the matter, some cursory research suggests that real-life ponies would likely already be infertile at this point and, more pressingly, that Sunset would be expected to die within five years and likely sooner. As this deadline is clearly not shown or even hinted at in the context of the story, I do not believe that is an accurate assessment of what to expect from Sunset's life cycle and fertility patterns either.

Consequently, it seems to me that we, as the audience, have no solid grounds with which to speculate how long it will be before Sunset becomes biologically incapable of having children, as there is no reason to expect human or real-world equine fertility patterns to apply in this universe.
I feel as though projecting human fertility patterns onto cartoon ponies is not likely to be very accurate. Furthermore, while we are not an expert on the matter, some cursory research suggests that real-life ponies would likely already be infertile at this point and, more pressingly, that Sunset would be expected to die within five years and likely sooner. As this deadline is clearly not shown or even hinted at in the context of the story, I do not believe that is an accurate assessment of what to expect from Sunset's life cycle and fertility patterns either.

Consequently, it seems to me that we, as the audience, have no solid grounds with which to speculate how long it will be before Sunset becomes biologically incapable of having children, as there is no reason to expect human or real-world equine fertility patterns to apply in this universe.
we know that they have a similar life expectancy to humans from the various comments made in regards to alicorns outliving their mortal lovers
so assuming that fertility patterns are similar too isnt that hard to imagine
we know that they have a similar life expectancy to humans from the various comments made in regards to alicorns outliving their mortal lovers
so assuming that fertility patterns are similar too isnt that hard to imagine

Unless you recall something specific that we do not, there has been no implication of human life expectancies, simply a finite life expectancy. The inevitability of death for mortals does not imply a specific timeframe in which it will happen. Furthermore, extrapolating similar fertility patterns based purely on lifespan is simply a flawed comparison regardless, especially with two species as wildly different as humans and Equestrian ponies. You might have a case if the two species were more closely related: for example, it would be reasonable to extrapolate from a lion's fertility patterns to estimate a tiger's. Comparing apes to equines, however, is a much further leap of logic. Finally, the existence of magic vastly changes the equation, as it is not out of the realm of possibility that magic has shaped pony biology in such a way that they would remain fertile for more (or less) of their lifespan, or that unicorn spells exist to extend fertility periods.