Looking Glass (MLP)

Everypony was asleep and the castle was quiet, only a couple of guards patrolling.

It was too quiet, giving me much too much time to think and worry as I walked through those silent halls.

I considered switching to being awake during the day despite the fact that sunlight made me sleepy. But that would mean being around more ponies.

My ear perked up at a soft sound and I rounded the corner to see a door cracked open slightly, a slight light shining through the opening. Likely a candle or two.

Well, slight for a day pony, for me it might as well be a spotlight this close.

That was Midnight's bedroom. Bit strange that she was still up, it was the middle of the night. Should leave her alone.

Another soft sound drifted from the room and I froze.


I moved closer and peeked inside. Midnight was on her couch, a book laid before her in the light of the candles, but it was ignored as she sobbed quietly.

I felt like I should just leave her alone, but…

She looked so much like Sparks and she was a friend and… and seeing her like that tore into me. I knocked on the door and she gasped softly in surprise,


"It's Page," I said quietly, "Are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine."

I pushed the door open and poked my head in, "Can I come in?"

Midnight dried her eyes the best she could with a pastern before she nodded, "O-okay."

I frowned slightly and slipped inside, pushing the door closed behind me as I crossed the room, looking around slightly.

A comfortable looking room despite the crystal walls, a large soft bed and an overstuffed couch, everything else was covered with books.

"How do you do that?" Midnight asked with a small curious frown, her curiosity breaking through her sadness.

"Do what?" I asked and jumped onto the couch next to her.

"Walk so quietly on the stone floor."

"Oh," I said and then smiled, "Thestral magic. I only figured it out a couple of months ago. I actually think it's related to pegasus cloud magic, but when I focus magic to my hooves, my hoofsteps make no sound. I use it here so I don't wake anypony. And this place echoes a lot, my ears hate it."

Midnight blinked at me, "Has any other thestral tried it?"

I frowned, "No, haven't told anypony. I mean, it would be useful for the guard, but I haven't had the time yet. Why?"

"Because it might not be a thestral thing, it may be a 'you' thing," she said, "Illusions are part of your domain."

I had not considered that.

"Maybe," I admitted, "I'll have to test it. What about you, you notice anything?"

Midnight smiled, "Mostly that magic has been getting easier. It might just be practice, but some difficult spells I had to work for before, I can do easier now. Even teleporting is getting easier."


Midnight nodded, "At least when it's just me. Might still be practice, I'm teleporting a lot more in Nocturnis than when I lived anywhere else, but Tempest thinks tha-" she paused as her voice broke slightly and she sniffed, "...Sorry…"

I sighed softly and slipped my wing around her, "You miss her."

Midnight squeezed her eyes closed tight, nodding before she leaned against me, pressing her face against my neck.

I just held her softly as she shook in silent sobs.

"It'll be alright," I whispered softly, "We'll find a way for it to be alright."

Midnight shook her head, "It won't. I-I'll never see her again. A-and I talked to Luna."


"You will," I told her firmly, "You send me home and I'll talk to her. She'll want to come join you here."

Midnight shook her head again, looking at me, "S-she won't come. Page, she thinks her duty is in Nocturnis because you healed her horn. She takes that seriously."

I shook my head, "We'll find a way. Maybe if I order her to go?"

Midnight sighed softly, "...She'd come then, but she would be unhappy," she said quietly, "...and it's not just Tempest. It's everypony else we left too. Starry Night, Glide Slip, Steel Circlet, Twilight and Sunset and…"

Her voice broke again and I pulled her close as she started to cry again.

I didn't really know those first three, but I knew they were friends of hers in Nocturnis. I had met them of course, but I didn't know them.

I stroked her side gently with my wing as I just let her cry. She was right. There was no good solution here.

It took a long time, but she slowly started to fall asleep as she cried herself out.

"...I'm sorry," she mumbled softly, "...I got snot in your coat…"

"That's alright," I said quietly and stroked her back softly, "Just get some sleep. You'll feel better tomorrow. I'll stay until you fall asleep."

But it was already too late, she was already deep asleep.

Very carefully, I moved my wing from her and slipped off the couch. I looked at her for a second before looking around and moving to get her blanket.

Had to do it by hoof and mouth, didn't want to risk waking her by using magic knowing how sensitive she was to feeling it.

Settling the blanket over her, I then silently retreated and left the room.

Next time I see Discord, I'm going to punch him in the face.
The castle was quiet when I woke up.

Which was nice. Slowly stretching, I then yawned and then folded my wings around myself again, swaying slowly from the crystal rafter I had my tail wrapped around.

It really was more relaxing than a bed.

Blinking my eyes open, I looked around my room before sighing and closing them again as the things happening last night came back to me.

Poor Midnight.

I know how I would feel if I could never get to see Luna, Sparks or Sunny again. It… it would rip my heart out.

Everything about this situation sucks. It was good she got to go home, but everything else about it just sucked.

Talon was right.

I peeked an eye open, glancing towards the window. Early, the sun was still clearly visible above the horizon.

Well, I'm not getting any more sleep anyway so might as well get up.

Yawning once more, I then let go of the rafter and spread my wings, gliding down to the floor before stretching again.



Heading towards the door, I pushed it open before my right ear perked up and I frowned. Something sounded… off.

It was quiet, so it wasn't a sound that bothered me. I just couldn't put my hoof on what it could be.

Frowning, I looked around before shrugging my wings and heading towards the kitchen before I paused, one hoof half lifted.

It was quiet. Ponies should still be up and about. Couldn't hear any guard hoof steps, no murmur of voices.

This place echoed like crazy at times if you were in the right place, I should be catching something.

Silencing my hooves, I wrapped myself in an illusion spell and then took to the rafters to jump along them instead.

Paranoid, maybe. But something felt wrong.

I kept moving slowly before I froze as I heard a soft sound ahead and below around the corner. Another one.

A quiet hissing sound followed by very quiet hoofsteps.

I kept very still as a changeling drone slowly moved around the corner, scanning the corridor before she continued on, moving quietly.

I breathed quietly, keeping fully still and thinking empty thoughts. Do not think, do not get surprised or alarmed or anything like that or she might taste me.

I'm not here. I'm just an empty hole in space.

The drone continued down the hallway, walking past straight beneath me without even pausing to look up.

She poked her head into my bedroom and looked around before continuing on around the next corner.

Changelings. Here?

I looked after her for several long moments. This was not the hive I was used to dealing with. Well it was, she had the right colors, this was an actively hostile Chrysalis.

Needed to know more.

I quietly continued on, keeping to the rafters as much as I could. Ponies don't as a rule, look up. That even applied to changelings because their prey rarely went above eye level, even when it came to pegasi.

If Chrysalis was here, where wo-

Throne Room. Her ego wouldn't allow her to be anywhere else.

I carefully made my way there before pausing. Only way inside was a bit over pony sized doors. Would make it tricky to go unnoticed, they'd all be guarded if the Queen was in there. I'd need an alternate entrance. I then shifted course and headed out an open window. Flying up along the outside, I shot a look towards Ponyville.

Ponies were still out and about. So they were just in the castle so far. Not surprising, Chrysalis hive is big, but it's not really that big.

The invasion had been a desperate move. Buck, so was this likely. This was way more open than changelings liked.

Hooking my hooved over the open window, I pulled myself up to peer down into the throneroom. They were there, all of them.

Midnight and Cadance were contained in a pair of green cocoons hanging from the ceiling, everypony else was stuck to the walls with changeling resin. Some looked to be sleeping, but some others like Shining Armor were struggling against his binds whenever nopony looked in his direction, his horn covered with resin.

And there she was, Chrysalis lounged across Midnights throne, talking to one of the drones I didn't recognize.

What do I do?

Celestia… Luna?

Luna. She should still be asleep, I can alert her and she could alert Celestia and the rest of the guard.

But why would Chrysalis do this, what did she think she was accomplishing? Sure, she'd be able to drain their love and maybe replace them if she was lucky, but… buck, this was even more risky than when she did the entire wedding invasion and that had been a move of desperation.

Slowly letting go, I pushed off the wall and took wing, heading up to wrap my tail around the spire so I could go to sleep.

I need a plan, but in case it fails, ponies needed to know what was going on.

Might still be a way to fix this.


Fix this…
I opened my eyes.

I had half a day. We had that long before the solar guard descended on this place like the literal wrath of a goddess.


Maybe a little longer.

Kicking off from the roof, I let go with my tail and turned it into a flip as I spread my wings and caught the wind.

I could not take Chrysalis on my own, she was just stronger than me. But this entire thing hinges on Chrysalis being Chrysalis.

I swept around, dropping my invisibility spell as I folded my wings and dove through the open window before spreading my wings again, flaring a bit to lose speed not to run into the far wall, turning it into a circle.

There was a yell of alert but I ignored it as I banked around before coming in to land on the crystal map before Chrysalis.

She looked unbothered as drones surrounded the map, "There you are. I was told there was another alicorn somewhere," she said before she smirked, "Come to defeat me, little pony?"

"No," I said and settled down on the table, laying down as I met her eyes and folded my wings, crossing my forelegs on the table, "Just want to ask why you're acting like a desperate idiot."

That got a reaction from her, her eyes widening slightly and she barred her fangs, "What did you say?" she asked as the drones hissed.

"Come on, this?" I asked and looked around, "This is dumb, this draws attention and you know you can't defeat the ponies with force. You tried that with complete surprise when your last deception failed. Didn't work out for you then, won't this time and you're too smart to think it will now."

Chrysalis stared at me for a long moment before she spoke up, this time she shifted to sit up as she looked down at me, this time seeming more cautious, "Who are you?"

"My apologies," I said and stood up, giving her an elegant bow as I spread my wings, "I am Prince Blank Page of Nocturnis, slayer of Tirek, leader of the Thestrals, speaker of the hive. And a bunch of titles I can never keep straight."

"Hive?" Chrysalis asked with a small hiss, her eyes narrowing in suspicion "Which hive?"

I sat down and folded my wings again, "Check if you like."

Chrysalis hissed, "Hold him!"

A pair of drones jumped onto the table and grabbed my shoulders. I rolled my eyes but didn't move as Chrysalis approached me slowly and carefully before she sniffed the air by my mane before she jerked back, staring at me with wide eyes and taking half a step back, "You carry the mark of my hive! How!?"

I smiled at her, "If you know about me, you know I'm not from this world. Back in my world, I he-"

"Traitor! I know you couldn't be tr-"

"Excuse me," I told Chrysalis and ignited my horn, grabbing a chunk of changeling gunk from a drone that was using it to secure Talon firmer to the wall and threw it at Shinings mouth, making the rest turn into muffled sounds.

"Now," I continued and shrugged her drones off, "As I was saying, in my world your hive is allied with the ponies after the failed invasion. It was that or be destroyed. And because you did, your hive flourished."

Chrysalis hissed at me, baring her fangs as she took a full step back, her wings buzzing, "Impossible!"

Oh come on.

"Search your feelings, you know it to be true," I told her, holding my hoof out towards her, "With ponies willingly giving you love, even allowing you to harvest from the Crystal Heart, your hive is growing. Your Princess is growing nicely."

Chrysalis froze. Completely frozen, stopped moving completely, she didn't even seem to draw breath before she spoke up quietly, "Princess?"

"The reason you do all this," I said and stood up, walking to the edge of the table to meet her eyes, "You think you are getting old, that you need to gather enough love to get a Princess before you no longer have time to train her. Desperate for it, same reason you tried something as risky as what you did in Canterlot. Back home, Princess Skitter is a friend of mine. I have represented your hive several times to the other ponies."

Chrysalis still didn't move, her eyes still flicked around, "...You're lying. I would never pick Skitter as my Princess," she said quietly with a small hiss.

"Normally no," I said and met her eyes again levely, "But when the good health of your hive relies on good relations with your food source and not just try to steal it? I know you can taste my emotions from all the way over there. Am I lying? Have I said one untrue word since I landed?"


I smiled at her and changed to changeling, "Zazzikz zrzzikzz zirrkzz."
Hive over all. Or somewhat like it, similar meaning at least.

Her eyes went wide again, her jaw working slightly before she managed to speak, "You speak changeling?"

"Some," I admitted and cleared my throat, "As well as any pony can I think, but it hurts my throat and there are a lot of words I don't know or can't pronounce. I'm told my accent is awful."

"It is," Chrysalis said almost absentmindedly, looking towards the side before she turned to look at me again, "If what you say is true, you have a changeling name. What is it?"

I scowled, "I don't know, they refuse to tell me. But you mostly call me, 'my little predator'. Or if she's annoyed, Zezk-" I tried to say before I stopped and cleared my throat again, "...Yeah, still can't manage that word."

"Zeezzkekeezzkzk?" Chrysalis hiss clicked, her wings buzzing against her back.

"That's the one. Whatever it means."

Chrysalis looked at me closely for several long moments before she took a slow deep breath and looked to the drone next to me which was staring at me with wide eyes, "Release him. Then wake the Princess of Magic. We have plans to make."

"E-excuse me? Queen Chrysalis?"

Everypony turned to look at Talon where he hung on the wall contained in changeling resin.

"Yes, scaled one?" Chrysalis asked, looking up at him.

"Could you let me down as well? I can get everypony some food."

Chrysalis turned and looked at me for a moment and I nodded with a small smile,

"Should have some hot chocolate ready. Because Midnight will be pissed when she wakes up. This will go much better with a ready bribe. I trust him and so can you."

"You will be under guard. Behave as such," Chrysalis told Talon before looking at another drone, "release the little wyrmling first."
What followed was painful.

I had my ears folded flat against my head, unable to stop myself cringing slightly as Midnight dressed Chrysalis down. Midnight were standing on the crystal table with the changeling queen backed straight up against the throne behind her, watching the alicorn with wide eyes.

There were times thestral hearing was a bad thing.

The yelling alone likely had an effect on its own, but the wavy mane and glowing eyes likely helped as well.

So far the subjects had involved but weren't limited to 'we use our words', 'what do you think you are doing', 'how dare you' and 'this is not how you act around ponies'.

Nopony or noling had dared to interrupt her since she started and I'm not too much of a coward to admit I had taken cover behind one of the thrones.


I glanced back to spot two of the changelings behind me. He looked at me and then poked my back again before pointing around the throne towards Midnight. I quickly shook my head.

Poke poke!


I shook my head again before he and the other changeling hiding with me both put their hooves against my back to push me out into the open.


I shot them a glare and then took a deep breath and got to my hooves. They were right though, this couldn't continue, we needed to get things done before the solar guard leveled the place. Or worse, Celestia arrived in warmode.

Ignoring my sudden urge to run, I crossed over and stood between Midnight and Chrysalis, "Midnight," I said, meeting her eyes.

She broke off mid word to glare at me, "And you! What were you thinking com-"

"Yell at me later," I told her, "Right now we have a situation to get under hoof. The solar guard will reach us by sunrise and by then we." I said and half turned to meet Chrysalis eyes, "Need to have at least a preliminary agreement in place and all ponies released."

The Changeling Queen looked at me in surprise, "The solar guard!?"

"Of course, did you think I came in here without a backup plan?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

She regarded me for a moment, climbing back onto her hooves, "...I am starting to understand my counterparts choice in names," she said with a small hiss before she looked to Midnight who's mane had started to settle down, "What say you, pony?"

Midnight took a deep breath and closed her eyes before she nodded firmly, "Let everypony go first and we'll talk. Nopony or ling is getting hurt today."

Chrysalis shook her head, "The Princess of Food and her consort will disrupt any possible discussions."

Midnight didn't look happy and stomped her hoof, "No. They will be released with everypony else," she said and then looked over at Shining Armor, "They will behave like everypony else. Right!?"

Shining Armor visibly swallowed and then nodded.

"May I suggest everypony but Shining Armor and Midnight leave the chamber before Cadance is released?" I suggested, "Just to avoid trouble."

"No!" Chrysalis quickly said, "Together the Princess of Food and the male can eject every Changeling in the castle from the Ponyville!"

Oh for...

"Fine," I said and rubbed my forehead with a hoof, "Everypony but Midnight and Talon leaves the throne room for-"

"I'm not leaving Cadance with any of you! You're all mind controlled!"

Two guesses who that was. Guess they removed the gunk from his muzzle by now.

I looked to Midnight, "Is it too late to put him in a pod?"

"Sadly yes," she grumbled and jumped off the table to trot off to talk to him.

I looked at Chrysalis, "Just so you know, part of this is going to involve apologies and offers of reparations to the Princess of Food and her consort," I told her.

Chrysalis bared her fangs at me, "Absolutely not, we do not apologize to food."

"You do if you want the food to cooperate," I told her firmly, "And if you want the food not to exterminate you. I don't give a buck if you mean it or not, what's important is that they believe it. Are you a changeling or not?"

She hissed at me, wings vibrating on her back, "I could turn you into a mushy spot on the wall. I defeated the Princess of Fire once!"

"Oh yeah?" I asked and stepped forward, almost nose to nose as I looked up at her, "Try me. See how things end up if you win."

Chrysalis hissed before she looked to the side.

"You find me infuriating," I told her quietly, "But I am the only pony here that's somewhat on your side of things and you can taste it. I will never lie to you and you know that as well. You need me for this to work."

She was quiet for a long moment, "...I will apologize to the food. We have nothing for reparations," she finally answered.

"We can work with that."
I had a strong sense of deja vu.

Chrysalis glared across the table at Cadance, Shining Armor and Midnight.

Cadance, Shining Armor and Midnight glared at Chrysalis.

Very few words that weren't veiled or not so veiled insults had been said so far and we had been here for almost two hours, the sun was long down outside.

I felt a headache coming on.

I slowly felt my head sink down until my forehead rested against the crystal table, my horn doing a small click, click, click sound as I slowly thumped against it.

Oh just kiss already and be done with it.

"Excuse me!?"

That was Cadance. Wait, did I say that out loud?

I raised my head and looked at her tiredly, "We have three or so hours to hammer this down in principle at least," I said, "So if you don't mind, I want to get this over with. Chrysalis, apologize."

The Changeling Queen glared at me.

I looked at her levely until she looked away over at Cadance and Shining Armor,

"...I apologize for what I did," she said after another long moment, "It was for my hive."

"I don't give a buck abo-"

I stood up and my hoof on the table, "Princess Cadance," I said as I cut her off, "You may not ever forgive Queen Chrysalis, but would you condemn every changeling in the hive for it? For not wanting to starve, for following their Queen. Their mother?"

She stared at me, "I..." she started and looked at the drone next to Chrysalis. Skitter had the good timing to look back at her and I would have sworn used some changeling transformation to make her eyes bigger, "...No," she admitted and rubbed her forehead.

"Because if you refuse to negotiate here, it's what you do," I told her before turning my gaze back to Chrysalis, "And you could at least pretend to want to cooperate. Everypony out of here, take a ten minute breather and think, really think about what you can accept when it comes to this. Then we continue."

"I-" Chrysalis started to say and I cut her off, slamming my hoof against the table,


She closed her mouth with a small click of teeth. She glared at me for several moments before she got up and turned, walking out through one of the doors, the two changelings in the room following along closely.

"Page, I-" Cadance started to say.


She flinched back but then turned and walked out the other direction, Shining Armor following behind her.

I let my head drop down against the table.

"Going to yell at me too?" Midnight asked and walked around it to sit next to me.

"Would you vaporize me if I did?" I grumbled before I sighed and raised my head again, rubbing the side of it, "...I thought I was done with this. Seriously, I did this once before. It sucked then and it sucks now."

Midnight nodded and smiled a bit wryly at me, "You are pretty good at it. But I'm not sure treating them like naughty foals is the best idea."

"Well, if they act like it," I sighed and then shrugged my wings and rubbed my head again, "...Headache," I admitted, "not helping."

"I have no idea how you do it," Midnight admitted, "I'm the princess of friendship and... I have no idea how you deal with changelings like that."

"Can't treat them like ponies," I said and cracked my neck, ignoring Midnight's shudder of disgust, "They're not ponies. In some way they are a lot more straightforward, just in a way that's a lot different from the usual pony mindset. But I have practice."

"I suppose you do," Midnight said and then stood up, "I'll go talk to Talon, see if we can get some refreshment in here."

"Oh, good idea. Let's get them drunk. Either they end up in bed or kill each other and either way, problem solved."

Midnight rolled her eyes, "There are times I question Twilight's taste," she said and headed towards the third door.

I looked after her in amusement for a second before I looked at the table again.

Three hours.

Three hours to make Cadance and Chrysalis not want to outright kill each other at first chance they got.

I want to go home.
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You could hear a pin drop. Even a day pony could hear a pin drop.

Chrysalis glared at Cadance and Shining Armor. Cadance and Shining Armor glared at Chrysalis.

Midnight looked frustrated.

"Break time," I said with a sigh and took off my silver circlet to rub my aching head with a hoof, "Everypony to your corners."

This time nopony argued. Chrysalis just got up and stalked out.

Was not trading insults and just silently glaring an improvement? At least then they had been talking.

Cadance slowly got up and spared me a portion of her glares, "This will never work with that monster," she said before she swept out the other side of the room, Shining Armor following behind.

I put my circlet on the table, my hoof drifting to the two feathers in my mane before I let my head drop to the table.

We were running out of time.

Okay, new plan.

"Midnight, can you put a dome over the castle to keep everypony out? Because this will take more time than we have."

Midnight moved across the table from me, "I could, but not as well as Shining. But I'm not sure this will work."

"...Okay, new tactic," I said and looked at her, "You talk to them. I'll talk to Chrysalis."

Midnight frowned slightly before letting her breath out in a small sigh and nodded, "I'll try, Page... but I'm not as comfortable around changelings as you are. I know they can behave, but... they still feed on ponies."

"Right now all we need is behaving," I said and stood up, putting my circlet back onto my head and turned to head out the door Chrysalis had left from.

I let the door close behind me and Chrysalis turned to look at me when I got closer,

"What d-"

"You should leave," I said, interrupting her.

That got her full attention, "What?" she asked, turning fully towards me, "What do you mean, pony?"

"Because we have like an hour until the Solar Guard arrives," I said, "And then it's too late. We're not getting anywhere here and she's too stubborn and you're too dumb to bend so you should just take the hive and leave."

She hissed at me, her wings doing a buzzing sound, "You think yu-"

I stepped up, put my hoof against her chest and thought of Luna. Sparks. Sunny.


Chrysalis stopped talking, her eyes drifting half closed and I could feel my hoof growing slightly cold as the energy left me. I pulled my hoof back and looked up at her, "I assumed you would be as brilliant as your counterpart in my world. Maybe I was wrong."

Chrysalis' eyes opened again and for a split second before her usual look of superiority returned she looked tired. Exhausted even, "What do you want from me?" she asked quietly.

"Do what your kind always does," I told her quietly, "Adapt. Blend in. Do whatever it takes to make sure the hive survives. And right now the best bet is to cooperate with the ponies to whatever degree can be accepted."

She hissed and took a step back, pacing a couple of steps back and forth before she turned to me again, "If you had not called in the Solar Guard, it wouldn't be a problem!"

"Like you, I have to look after my hive."

She bared her fangs for a second with a small hiss before she looked aside. Then she turned back to me, "This is your plan!" she said, baring her fangs, stepping forward, "To trap us here until the guards catch us! I will no-"

I stepped forward, looking into her eyes until my nose almost touched hers, "You can taste what I'm feeling. Is there any deception?"

Chrysalis growled and stepped back, "...No."

"Then be the brilliant Queen I know you can be," I told her, "Do what your hive requires. Work with the ponies."

"You," Chrysalis said slowly, "Are infuriating."

"Oh, I know," I agreed with a small smile, "But I'm also the closest you and your hive has to somepony on your side here. So what will it be? Time ticks away."

Chrysalis closed her eyes, her wings stilling for a second, "...I could still win. Defeat everypony here, capture you all and use you as leverage against the Princess of Fire."

"And then what?" I asked as I looked up at her.

She was quiet for a long moment before she walked past me towards the door. I moved to follow and returned to my seat at the table as Chrysalis settled down as well.

Didn't take long, maybe thirty seconds before Midnight, Cadance and Shining Armor returned as well.

Midnight looked annoyed while Cadance looked sullen. Shining Armor looked pissed but didn't say anything or look at anypony.

They got seated.

Silence dragged out before Chrysalis spoke up at last, "If my death would secure the safety of my hive, it is yours, Princess of Food."

Cadance looked horrified.

I facehooved.

Stupid dramatic bug.
I looked out the window at the shimmering pink bubble covering the castle, the sunlight outside filtering in, giving everything a pink hue to it. Outside of which seemed to be a couple of thousand guardsponies, the rest of the Elements gathered to the side.

And Princess Celestia herself.

Midnight were facing her through the shield bubble, explaining what was going on.

I turned to look away from the window to where Cadance and Chrysalis were still facing off across the table. But they were talking now.

Quietly with flashes of anger and snarls from each side, but talking.

Shining Armor was to the side, looking out the window as his magic shimmered slightly around his horn.

He was standing almost at attention, his face schooled in a carefully neutral expression I recognized from the royal guards.

He was not happy.

But I didn't need him to be happy, I needed him to keep the shield up. Not sure if it was Midnight or Cadance that talked him into it, but as long as he was doing it, it's fine.

I crossed over to him, "Shining Armor. How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine," he said tersely, looking out the window at the forces gathered below, "It's not the largest shield I cast."

"Not when I mean," I said, keeping my voice down, "Your counterpart from my world is a friend. I know how difficult it would be for him."

He didn't answer for a long moment before he spoke with a low voice, "...Now we're trapped in here. With these monsters."

"You're thinking about it all wrong," I told him with a small smile, "You're not trapped with them. They're trapped in here with you. Besides, if everything goes wrong, all changelings are in one place and fully surrounded by the royal guard."

Shining Armor looked at me before he frowned, glancing out the window for a second before he looked back at me, his eyes slightly wide, "...Did you plan that? From the start?" he asked in a whisper.

I smiled at him before I crossed over to Talon where he was sitting by the other end of the room, keeping an eye on things, "Ready?" I asked him.

He nodded, "Ready. Hope it still works," he said and jumped to his feet.

"Don't see why it shouldn't," I said and shrugged my wings, "It worked back home."

Talon nodded and reached to pick up his pen and parchment, "Ready."

I smiled at him and motioned for him to follow before I motioned for him to follow and we stepped outside, the door closing behind him.

I blinked as we were suddenly in the middle of a hive of a hundred changelings piled up just outside the room, "Excuse me," I told them, "We're just going to send a message and don't want to interrupt anyling inside."

"What message?" Amber asked suspiciously.

"You can hear it if you like," I told her with a smile, "Talon, take a message."


"Dear Princess Celestia,

Negotiations are going forward and I hope you take this message as a sign we have not all been mind controlled or replaced with a cuddlebug. Nopony but Spike or Talon would have the magic to send you a message in this way.

Of course, it doesn't prevent trickery, but I have yet to meet anypony or ling that could mind control a dragon.

Please, just sit tight and listen to Midnight.

Prince Blank Page of Equestria."

"Got it," Talon said as he finished before he looked up at me, "Want me to add the usual titles?"

I grumbled, "...Yes, we likely should, as pretentious as they feel."

Talon grinned quickly and then kept writing, "Alicorn of Stories, Prince of Equestria, Ruler of Nocturnis, Speaker of the Hive, Defender of Equestria, Warmage, Centaurs Bane"

"Okay, send it."

Talon rolled it up, tied a bow around it to keep it closed and then sent it away with a stream of green fire, "Sent."

"Thanks," I told him and sighed, "Hopefully that'll help Midnight convince everypony to chill for a bit."

Talon nodded, "I'll go get everypony some breakfast, this will take a while. Want anything?"

"Just some tea, please," I said and then slipped back into the room again.

Nopony had killed anypony while I was out. That's good.

Then again, the way Cadance and Chrysalis were glaring at each other I wasn't even sure either of them had even noticed I left.

I walked over to the window next to Shining Armor, looking down towards the Alicorns below. Celestia was floating a parchment in her magic.

Midnight stomped her hoof, her wings high as she was saying something.

Shining Armor frowned slightly and then glanced at me, "...Is it me or has my sister gotten more assertive while away?"

"Oh yeah," I agreed before I sighed, "...She's been through a lot. She may tell you, or she might not. But be patient, a lot if it is difficult for her to talk about."

He frowned, looking down before he nodded again.
Everypony had broken for some rest.

Every guard of the castle had gathered in or around the room and everypony else had been bundled inside so they could be easier to protect.

Across the hall was a second room with the changelings in it. The sun was high in the sky, filtering in through the shield bubble as I looked out the window.

I just wanted to sleep. But if I went to sleep, I knew that Princess Luna was there right now and…

…Okay, I was putting it off. I knew I should fill her in on what was going on, but it was so hard to talk to her.

I looked to the side to the couch where Shining Armor was out like a light and deep asleep. Not surprising, he had been awake even longer than I had.

So had Cadance and Midnight, but they were across the room on another couch side to side, talking quietly. Twilight Velvet and Night Light were asleep on one of the couches.

Starlight had skipped that and just curled up on a large pillow, bundled beneath what looked to be twenty blankets.

In fact, most ponies who weren't guards, were asleep by now. Not that Midnight's castle had a lot of staff. Couple of maids, a chef.

It had been a long night.

Talon was deep asleep curled up by the fireplace.

I felt my eyes start to drift closed and I forced them open again. It was dumb, I needed to sleep or I'd be useless when things start again. I knew it was dumb, but…

Buck. I might as well. Going to need to sooner or later.

Sighing, I looked around for a good spot to sleep. Could do the rafters, but that might be too alien for most ponies here and right now pointing out that I'm different would just increase tensions.

So overstuffed armchair it is. At least it would be large enough for me t-


I blinked and then crossed over to Midnight, "Yes?"

Cadence finished with a scroll and rolled it up, tying a band around it before she looked at me, "Could you bring this over to the changelings?" she said.

"Of course," I said and took it in my magic before putting it beneath my wing, "Do we expect an answer?"

Cadence hesitated and then shook her head, "I don't know. Maybe."

I nodded and headed towards the door, lighting my horn and using a trickle of magic to force my tiredness away.

Not healthy, but when walking into a predator's nest, it does not pay to show weakness.

Pushing the door open, I exited into the corridor to see a pair quad of guards ponies facing off across their equal number of changelings across the corridor.

I looked around, giving the guards a nod before I crossed over to the changeling closer to the door, "Specter," I told him, "I need to talk to the Queen."

He blinked at me, "You know my name?"

"I do," I told him, "Will she speak with me?"

The changeling hesitated and then ducked in, closing the door behind him. I just stood and waited until the door opened again and the same changeling returned. He didn't say anything, just opened the door for me.

"Thank you," I said and walked past, brushing my wing across his side as I thought about Luna.

Never too late to start positive reinforcements to being helpful. Works on dogs, works on humans, works on timber wolves, works on ponies, works on 'lings.

The room had not been adapted with resin, too little time, but every ling in the hive was there, hundreds of them gathered in a room not a lot larger than the one across the hall. Meaning that there were lings covering every surface, including the walls and ceilings.

And in the middle of it all was Chrysalis.

Every step I had to carefully put my hooves down, often having to shift my course as I approached her to avoid stepping on a changeling on the floor.

Most were asleep, many were watching me.

Even not feeding, with this many changelings all around in this close proximity I could feel… it almost felt cold in a way. Drawing energy away from me. Not actively, just so many changelings tasting my emotions at once.

I stepped over the last sleeping changeling before I looked up at Chrysalis.

She studied me carefully from the armchair she was lying across, "...You really do not fear us, little bat?"

"Fear is born from ignorance," I told her, "And I know your kind, Chrysalis," before I pulled the scroll from beneath the wing to float over to her, "message from Princess Cadance."

She took the scroll with a hoof but put it down on the chair, ignoring it in favor of studying me.

I looked back up at her for a long moment before I reached down and slid a changeling to the side to have room to sit down.

I then raised an eyebrow at her in slight annoyance after another couple of seconds of staring.

Chrysalis looked down at me for another long moment before she picked the scroll open in her magic and slid the band off to unroll it.

I looked at her as she read it. She studied the scroll for several long moments, expression unreadable and her wings relaxed against her back.

Finally she dropped the scroll on the floor and looked at me again, "Yes."
Chrysalis stood inside the shield, facing off against the Princess of Fire without flinching. They watched each other from less than three hooves distance, separated only by Shining Armor's shield.

The sun was still high in the sky, but it was getting closer to the horizon.

Cadence and Midnight stood next to Chrysalis, Shining Armor next to Midnight, Cadence next to Chrysalis.

I stood by Chrysalis' other side. Everypony looked determined.

Well, most everypony. I was mostly annoyed.

"Now, if everypony is done posing, can we get this over with?" I asked, "I haven't slept for almost twenty four hours and I am about done with everything."

That got a reaction, Celestia's lips twitched slightly before she looked at me. Midnight facehooved.

Cadence shot me a slightly annoyed look. Chrysalis looked completely unbothered.

Finally Cadance sighed and looked to Celestia again, "We have… come to an agreement," she said and looked up at the larger alicorn, "Chrysalis has agreed to join Equestria as an ally. Changelings will be required to use their real forms, no hiding as anypony else. And in return for her changelings to be allowed to feed consensually from the love of ponies. They will also be allowed to graze from the love of the crystal heart at the outskirts of the crystal empire to make up any shortfall."

Which was basically exactly the same agreement we had in my world and which I suggested to begin with.

So exactly what we spent the last night and day doing was beyond me.

Everypony but me is an idiot.

Or I may just be grumpy because I needed a nap. Likely both to be honest.

Celestia frowned slightly at Cadance before she glanced to Chrysalis before looking back at Cadance and Midnight again, "Are you certain of this?"

Midnight nodded, "This is something very similar to what developed in the other world. It worked very well there. I'm not saying it will be easy for anypony or anyling, it will need real effort from all sides"

Cadence shifted her wings before she nodded as well, "It was the best we could come up with," she admitted and glanced at Chrysalis, "And… it won't harm the heart."

Chrysalis slowly smiled at Celestia, "A balance has been struck. You feed us and we help you. A most… harmonious agreement, don't you say?"

Celestia's wings rose in annoyance and I facehooved before I turned to her, stomping my hoof,

"Fucking damn it, Chrysalis. Can you stop being yourself for two minutes so we can get this shit done?" I asked and glared up at her, "I want to go sleep!"

The big bug actually cringed slightly before she looked at Celestia again, "The agreement we have come to is… acceptable," she said and scraped her hoof against the stone beneath her, "We will no longer capture ponies and we will release any already captured. We will build a new hive closer to Canterlot and the f-ponies."

Cadance nodded, "And will allow regular inspections to show that no ponies are harmed."

"Or other creatures," Midnight added.

Chrysalis bared her fangs for a moment before she nodded, "As agreed."

"And in return Equestria will assist in defending the hive against any that would harm it," Cadence continued and glanced at Chrysalis, "They will also assist in the defense of Equestria if we are attacked."

Celestia looked between Midnight and Cadance before looking to Chrysalis again, "I… want to believe you," she said, "But I know you."

"As I know you, Princess of Fire," Chrysalis said as she faced her squarely, "Because you will follow this agreement, my hive will be safe and flourish. None will dare touch us with the might of Equestria behind us."

"If you move against anypony else, any agreement would be void."

Chrysalis simply looked at her smuggly, "Why would we need to? We would have all the food we need right here. Why risk a confrontation?"

"If you can ever trust Chrysalis about something," I said, "Is that she will do what is the best for her hive. And this is too good of a deal for anypony to leave on the table. Safety and a steady access to food? Doesn't get much better."

Celestia slowly folded her long beautiful wings to regard Chrysalis for a long moment before she spoke up again, "Shining Armor. You may lower the shield."

Shining Armor lowered his head and the shield went down, fading away into nothing. You felt it in the air, the air suddenly flowing freely once more.

Celestia slowly held one hoof out.

Chrysalis looked at it before extending her own and taking it.
The dream realm stretched out in every direction but I just relaxed, tightening my wings slightly around myself as I hung from my tail from a piece of stardust.

I could just as easily have bundled up a bit to make it soft and squishy to lay on, but this really was relaxing.

"I spoke with my sister," a voice said, drifting in from in front of me.

Opening my eyes, I looked at Princess Luna, "Princess Luna," I said in greeting, "Good evening."

"Good evening, Prince Page," she greeted me in turn with a nod, "I spoke with my sister," she repeated.

"So you know that peace has been restored," I said, "Harmony once more in Equestria."

As long as you don't look too deeply beneath the surface anyway.

"You trust Chrysalis so hold to her word?" Luna asked, one eyebrow raising, "We thought you were saner than this."

I smiled faintly, "No, I trust Chrysalis to do whatever is best for Chrysalis. Free defense against opponents, free food security, free travel... a deal that's hard to give up. I have no doubt she'd break it in a second if there was a better deal to be found, but who could give that?"

Luna looked thoughtful, "Perhaps the Griffons..."

"No," I said and shook my head, "Not in their character. A griffin will stab you in the back, sure, but if they do, it's while you're facing them and armed."

Luna looked puzzled for a second before she smiled, looking almost like My Sky for a split second, "That is a very good description."

"Thank you," I said and sighed, "The point is that as long as the deal is better than whatever the cuddlebugs can find elsewhere, they will stick to it."

Luna frowned slightly.

"Don't get me wrong," I said and sighed, "She's still Chrysalis. She will plan and plot and push you. She may threaten and manipulate. She'll keep you on your hooves," I said with a small smile, "But she'll stick to the deal."

Luna regarded me for several seconds, "...You admire her."

I grinned briefly, "I'm not sure I'd go that far. But she is one of the brightest people I know. Underhooved and manipulative yes, but in raw bright intelligence? I'm not sure if she or your sister is the smartest in Equestria."

That earned me a raised eyebrow, "My self or Princess Twilight is not in the running?"

I smiled slightly at her, "Not the same thing. Intelligence is one thing, brightness is another. Nopony I know beats Midnight or Sparks in intelligence, given time they'll outthink anypony. But being realistic, they don't have that... snap."


"The ability to change their plans in a split second," I said and held my wings a bit tighter around myself, "Look at Chrysalis. Her plan was to capture everypony important as hostages and take what she needed. Things changed and instead of trying to keep things on plan like somepony like Midnight would have, she twisted and let it change her plans to something completely different."

Luna scraped a hoof against the floor with a thoughtful look on her face, "That does sound like my sister," she admitted.

I nodded and sighed, "One of the reasons I suspect your and my wife's rebellion didn't succeed that long ago. You're a smart pony, as smart as your sister."

Luna frowned slightly, "But I can't do that..." she said quietly.

I smiled, "Wrong. You definitely can, I saw it in my wife. But you're also too damn stubborn to take advantage of it a lot of the time."

That drew a smile from her and she sighed, "A fair point."

"Not a lot of ponies have that," I said and held my wings around myself.

"Do you?"

I grinned, "Me? No."

As demonstrated by me always ending up doing what Celestia wants me to. Somehow. It has to be trickery of some sort. Not that she's really pretty, has really nice wings and were difficult to say no to.

Luna watched me for a second before glancing up at my tail, "That can not be comfortable."

"Oh, it most definitely is," I argued, "Nightvision, hearing, silent flight... the real pro of being a batpony is the ability to sleep like this."

Luna looked slightly dubious, one eyebrow raised before she shook her head, "You really think this treaty will succeed?"

I sighed and looked at her, "...I don't know..." I admitted, "I know it can work. It has at home. But I also know it has been a lot of hard work on all sides to make sure it does. It's going to be difficult. There will be moments you want to throw them all out. But it's worth it."

Luna looked down, thoughtful before she nodded, "Very well. we shall try."

"Do or do not. There is no try."

Luna frowned in thought as she looked at me again, "That makes very little sense."

"Try is something you do when you expect to fail."