Life Ore Death - DC Feruchemy [Young Justice]

Well. Gaia being interested in what went down is definitely interesting, as is the implication that she has a cure for Renka. I think Gaia is intrigued by Renka's magic, based on her interest here and not in canon.

The weight of GAEA's gaze drove Diana to the ground.

You spelled it as "Gaia" everywhere else, so there's an error somewhere.

he felt far better than when she had went to sleep, though, and on the bedside dresser were the leaves of the odd herb she had seen grown, so she knew.

Well thats intresting... She has grown in divinity? Spirit? Domain? A mix of all of the above?
Either way she just got stronger and may grow stronger still.
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Well thats intresting... She has grown in divinity? Spirit? Domain? A mix of all of the above?
Either way she just got stronger and may grow stronger still.

In the comics she attained divinity post mortem when killed by Neron, becoming the Greek Goddess of Truth.

She was then stripped of her divinity for interfering too much, but she retained Olympian style invulnerability, so she was now invulnerable to bullets.
In the comics she attained divinity post mortem when killed by Neron, becoming the Greek Goddess of Truth.

She was then stripped of her divinity for interfering too much, but she retained Olympian style invulnerability, so she was now invulnerable to bullets.
She might even keepp it in this continuity.
Elsewhere - C
Life Ore Death

"For speaking, the Commands used for Awakening spoken out loud have to be said in a single pulmonary breath, but attaching your Connection to a different location's Identity will let you speak the Command in a different language," Renka murmured, making marks on a glass & crystalline wall as though it were a chalkboard. Around her, images swirled in the silver fog, fading in and out of focus. "Then…."

Senna appeared to have exhausted as much of the borrowed initiative as she was willing to, and was sitting back, easily watching.

"Adhesion?" she eventually murmured as the mildest of prompts. Renka nodded sharply and flicked it away to display another surface.

"Adhesion is interesting: it is rather an artificial form of Connection in the Spiritual aspect. Similar to Hemalurgy, it can create artificial connections by having them spiritually stuck together. Gravitation and Tension both pull things together, but Adhesion is what connect two things to be pulled, and using either of those… The non-Physical aspects of those powers are both incredible. A Windrunner's ability to pull other existences into his 'gravitational well,' and to adhere humans secondarily to his Nahel Bond as squires…."

"You really believe it is possible to repair a splintered Shard?" Senna pressed; she seemed slightly stressed under the effort of just asking.

"Absolutely. If it is possible to be a Radiant of more than one order, or for one of the right Radiants to also wield the right Honorblade… I could potentially fake it with Hemalurgy, just as the people from Sel would've used Devotion's methods to connect to Preservation, but I would prefer to have the bonds be genuine."

"It would require… to be appropriately bonded to Honor's investiture directly, the Bondsmith would need to be sworn to the Stormfather in specific," Senna observed airily. Renka shook her head to disagree.

"A Bondsmith sworn to the Stormfather who could then swear the oaths of a Windrunner as well would… I agree it would work, but to be best I would recommend skipping the Bondsmith order entirely. A Windrunner with the Stoneward Honorblade, or a Stoneward with the Windrunner blade… It is the Stoneward Herald who has not broken the Oathpact, yes? If he is given the Windrunner blade when he returns, he would have a good chance of being able to merge the remaining splinters of Honor and ascend in place," Renka concluded.

"Is that so...?" the Shardholder mused softly.

Renka nodded. "It would need to be done during the Highstorm to get enough investiture either way, so the Stormfather would be involved and aware, but Gravitation would draw the remnants together as Tension pulled tighter what connections remained. Then Adhesion would stick them together but Cohesion would fuse them into a whole entirely. All four would be required for it to work best."

"I'll hold onto the information until someone comes to get it. This was never my specialty, but it seems able to work," Senna offered.

"Mm. I am able to contact Father, and as a cognitive shadow I'd be able to travel to Roshar," Renka pointed out. Senna only turned her head.

"Um, yeah, about that," a woman's voice interrupted. The fog parted as a new person appeared, and Renka stared in shock. "Hello again."

"H-h-how are you…? Uhhh! The Rusting universe is insane! Are you here the same way I arrived and returned?" Renka demanded.

Looking half-exhausted and a little un-confident, Death of the Endless offered a guilty smile.

"Eh, sort of? I'm not here in my entirety, and I've only done this a handful of times before, but it isn't beyond me." She staggered.

The black ribbons of Ruin's investiture whirled around Renka like a mistcloak as she strode forward and caught Death's arm.

"You are not supposed to be here," she assessed sharply. "Is this safe?" She asked with some concern, having surmised the arrival was stressful.

"It's a little tiring, but not as much as I make it look. I'm here to inform you that you're not entirely dead yet."

Renka was tempted to examine herself dramatically and announce 'obviously not,' as she was a cognitive shadow still, but she was intelligent enough to perceive what Death must have meant. It took her by slight surprise, and she offered a short sigh.

"I am still alive on Earth," she clarified flatly.

"A little, but I felt you should know you won't stay that way much longer. These types of connections aren't exactly good for keeping people alive and intact; your body is almost ready to let you go. If you want to go back, it should be fast, or not ever."

Renka heaved a heavy breath – for dramatic effect, as she knew she did not need to breathe – and asked, "Do they need me?"

Death shrugged. "Define 'need'. I mean, on the scales I usually operate at-,"

"I am under the impression that you are exponentially more powerful than any Shard," Renka replied shortly, "so I assume you can see the future. Will my presence make the difference between good and bad outcomes for people I care about on Earth?"

Death shrugged. "Knowing that is more my brother's area of expertise, sorry. But you need to be there if you want the chance to ever help at all. Or you can keep going as you are, and stay properly dead."

Renka closed her eyes in exasperation.

"…The universe just refuses to let me get good and dead," she muttered finally. "Since you are here, I assume I can return again, yes? Then the right thing to do is go back, I think, and not let my friends live with me dying let." She sighed. "And the adventure continues."

"You don't have to," Death observed. "You've done more than many people, and-,"

"I know. But if you came after me, there is, I expect, something I would want to do. And there are still mysteries to uncover."

Renka turned back to the glass table, began etching onto it with her finger, and then grabbed a book instead.

Senna and Death spoke softly about things she could not quite understand as she scribbled.

"If we had more time, I would want to hire you for an endeavor," Senna stated when Renka looked back up.

"If I am able I would and will," Renka replied. "Please deliver this to Father?"

"Delivery is difficult, but I can keep it here until he has occasion to come get it," Senna agreed. "You'll do the job?"

"In here, or on Earth?"

"It's on Earth, interestingly, and I'll see that you're contacted about it," Death answered, "but now we really have to be going."

Renka blinked. "I am very intrigued by this, and if you know each other, and how. …Okay, I am listening."

Death offered a wane smile. "Like I said, later. So." Death rolled her shoulders. "Renka, take my hand." Renka hesitated.

"Thank you for your involvement… Acceptance? Is that an accurate name for your Intent?" she asked, turning back to Senna.

Senna shrugged, and swept a strand of her silver hair behind an ear. "I don't especially care, but I believe the best name for it is Serenity."

"I see. Thank you, Shard of Serenity." Renka took Death's hand.

Serenity's sitting room filled with the beating of mighty wings.
Heh. Normally taking Death's hand has precisely the opposite effect.

On a vaguely related note, wonder what Renka'd make of Hob Gadling.
Zatara could have pressed his offer further.

"You understimate Zatanna's potential to be a force for good in her own right. Further, while you are correct that I would not actually go on strike, I cannot help but be distracted and impaired while you have my daughter. I expect she will be much more willing to cooperate with you in the future than I am, not to mention the improved relationship with the rest of the hero community. No, me in the helmet and her independent is the stronger combination.

"If you insist on holding my daughter nonetheless, how do you intend to educate her?"
I keep getting left behind whenever Renka and Senna are talking. Could someone explain it to me as if I were a particularly stupid five year old.

In Sanderson's verse, there are a 16 shards of a great being, implied to have been God or the Creator. Each of those shards represents an individual concept or aspect of that divine being. Divine Wrath is Odium, and so the shard Odium is always judging, cruel and wrathful, because it lacks the Honor to reserve it for the deserving or the desire to Cultivate for the future.

Each Shard expends their influence on the world through Investiture, the local form of supernatural power. Lots of the things they were talking about were different forms of investiture.

The different Shards don't all like each other, and there are ways they can splinter each other, an act reminiscent of the original divine splintering. Honor was one of the splintered Shards. Renka is saying she thinks one of the Heralds, a group of ten heroes recruited by Honor when he realized he was going to die, could repair Honor using the right set of investiture.

Everything else was sort of specific to that, and only really matters if you're reading The Stormlight Archives and want to engage in theorycraft on it.
Everything else was sort of specific to that, and only really matters if you're reading The Stormlight Archives and want to engage in theorycraft on it.
I will note that Stormlight Archives aren't going to play a noticeable part in this story. The scene is meant to illustrate Renka's access to and new understanding of knowledge about the Cosmere in general, and how she'll be able to apply that on Earth-16 once she gets back, rather than so much greater an influence the Cosmere is going to have.

The question of how Earth-16 and the Cosmere are connected will be eventually adressed, in a long time from now, but it's not (as currently planned) going to be terribly plot-relevant for anything major that's immediately upcoming.

In short: the magic Cosmere details that I'm not explaining in the story are not important enough to the story to be worth explaining yet.
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The Hereafter - conclusion
Life Ore Death

* November 9 [Renka PoV]

Upon waking up, I unpleasantly discovered that I hurt, badly, in places I wasn't sure I had. I hadn't thought I had any of those left to explore or discover, unless my body had grown more such locations since the last time this had happened, but so it seemed.

Sore and stiff, I stirred under the bed's sheets, and a regular beeping entered my ears.

My weakened arms were weighted down and pierced in places, albeit not tied tightly, and plastic things covered my nose and mouth.

Other tubes were also present in other, less pleasant places, all the way down to my ankles.

I struggled and shifted in the dark, keeping my eyes closed against the brighter lights I felt on my face. I wasn't interested in any escape so much as I wanted to understand the extent of my situation. When I finally felt prepared, I opened my eyes.

It hurt.

The sterile florescent light stung like saltwater and vinegar, pricking my eyes as a dozen needles would my fingers.

With all the tubes in place around my face, I couldn't even breathe easily enough to vocalize a groan.

Another familiar light touched me.

"Be at ease, brave Ferris. Your injuries are not to be ignored."

With that help, my aches dulled slightly, and my eyes more quickly adjusted. I opened them all the way.

"Mmrrrh, mruh," I attempted to tell the Doctor Fate. He reached out a hand, and shortly thereafter I was disconnected from all but a quarter of the tubes, with my mouth unstopped.

"Fate is relieved that you have returned to the realm of the living, Renka," the Doctor Fate said. I tried to smile at him.

"How long was I out?" I croaked. My voice was not entirely an awful wreck, but it was off.

"A few minutes short of eighty-four hours; it is the morning of Tuesday, November ninth," I was informed.

"Ah. Is ev-,"

"The entirety of your teammates are largely uninjured. Your own wounds are far worse than all of theirs combined, due to your efforts."

"Our efforts, I think," I corrected gratefully. Something in my mouth cracked, and I licked my lips to wet them. "Is Klarion-?"

"The Witch Boy {Wicked} is banished from this plane, and perhaps urgently wounded as well. He should not appear here again."

"I am glad. Are-,"

"Fate estimates the total death toll must exceed eight-thousand, but not nine thousand. Without the actions of Captain Marvel, Robin, and Batman, the number would easily have passed one-hundred thousand in total, and increased by a third again with each hour."

"We did good," I rasped. I realized I was speaking Scadrese, but it did not surprise me that the Doctor Fate would understand it.

"Indeed." The gold-robed figure paused, almost awkwardly. "Your own injuries are severe, but the state of your spirit was worst of all. With your return to us among the living, Fate sees that you shall recover in time. I expect that you could walk unaided, or fight for a short time if need be, but as a matter of safety Fate requires that you observe a week of bed rest."

"I understand." It was hardly the worst I could endure.

"Also, for at least the one week, and preferably another, you are to use no Feruchemy." I almost choked.

"Is that-?"

"It is entirely necessary," I was assured. "The wounds on your spirit are most severe. Storing anything, or disrupting your body's natural order by means of Feruchemy, is likely to inflict other damages."

"I cannot even tap-,"

"You have nothing to tap. Fate called upon and cannibalized every metal-mind store you left unused, as resources to succor your injuries. Were it not for this, you might have died, or you would need at least another month of bed rest. Even so, there are consequences."

"Ah," I said wisely. I yawned. "Thank you, Doctor Fate. My friend," I added, because it deserved to be said out loud.

The Doctor Fate hesitated. "Are those all your questions?"

"Mm… Consequences now?"

"The effects are not urgent, but they appear immutable. You have lived two decades of life thus far; do not expect to live two more." I hummed agreeably, as I had not. "It is unknown how this might interact with age, but after a decade, your end will again approach."

"That is fine and fine, so thank you. I am tired. Please tell me anything I need to know now, and I will fall asleep," I deflected.

"Very well. Klarion's apprentice was rescued, turned her coat, and has proved a wealth of willing information. Fate has theories on the creation of the koloss-," My eyes snapped wide open and I surged upward as the heart monitor began to sing. "-but there should be no more remaining, nor did the Witch Boy tell anyone of his methods or their origins. The search for Psimon is among Fate's highest priorities."

His gold-gloved hand firmly pushed me back down, and I wheezed out at the aches raised by contact. "…Oh," I finally managed.

"The koloss will wait until after your rest," the Doctor Fate finished firmly. He straightened up again. "…Fate once again has a host."

"So I observed," I noted, because I had no idea who was under the Helmet, but clearly someone was. "You could have stopped Klarion early. I am sorry no one else was willing until it was too late," I offered, because I had felt Nabu hate himself as much as any other for what occurred.

"I…yes. In the aftermath, when Klarion struck you down, Zatanna Zatara donned the mantle of Fate to fight the remaining warlocks. Later on, after undoing the Witch Boy's {Wicked} work on that ritual, I argued the unpleasant necessity of Fate's freedom and autonomy to the others of the Justice League. It was not an easy debate, but Giovanni Zatara has agreed to serve as Fate's new host. Zatanna Zatara… is somewhat overwrought, and has moved to reside fully in the Mountain in her father's absence."

Nodding hurt. "I will remain positive and gentle. Please convey my gratitude and admiration to the Zatara," I offered, understanding that it would not be easy to juggle his new preoccupations. Given what I remembered of Fate's backlogged responsibilities, he would be lucky to get a day to see her every week, and many of the other planes Fate would be active on were likely too dangerous to bring her along.

I knew Zatanna's mother was also dead, and now with her father undertaking new responsibilities, she would be upset and alone.

'I will do my best to keep her occupied, and so have discoveries and advancements to show her father when he has time,' I resolved.

"Fate... will do so," he assured me. "Rest well, Renka Tindwysra." I smiled to hear my newly extended name on another's lips.

Then I lowered my head, and I gratefully fell asleep.
"Mm… Consequences now?"

"The effects are not urgent, but they appear immutable. You have lived two decades of life thus far; do not expect to live two more." I hummed agreeably, as I had not. "It is unknown how this might interact with age, but after a decade, your end will again approach."

"That is fine and fine, so thank you.
I remember some time ago you said that at some point Renka would start dating again - even maybe consider marriage. How is that supposed to work, knowingly entering such a commitment, if she's going to die in such a short time?
Superheroes aren't the sort who should go in expecting any relationship to be longer than a decade or so tops before either one of them dies, both of them die, sudden and inexplicable drama breaks them up, or sudden and inexplicable technological/magical/whatever bullshit breaks them up. Renka's time limit just means that at least she and her prospective partner would be able to see it coming.
On a vaguely related note, wonder what Renka'd make of Hob Gadling.

Hard to say? Probably a bit of incomprehension. Lot's of people want to be immortal, but Ruin argues that it would ultimately be a burden or a cruelty. Hob Gadling only doesn't die so long as life is worthwhile to him. He lives so long as the habit of living is rewarding, but he hasn't always had an easy life. He's gone to dark places, and to bright, to luxury, and to deprivation, and has always find meaning and the will to go on in every one of them.
Longer term there should probably be a Fate rota. Zatara might be the strongest single candidate at the moment but both the Atlanteans and the Amazons have trained, trustworthy, tough, adult magic users. Find a couple of each and then it's 2 months on, 8 months off which should be a sustainable pattern.
Each Shard expends their influence on the world through Investiture, the local form of supernatural power. Lots of the things they were talking about were different forms of investiture.

And arguably is the same as DC superpowers if one uses the Godwave storyline in Genesis, so effectively all (or the vast majority of DC superpowers) are essentially Source investiture.

And makes the likes of Parasite make more sense- He's draining the investiture out of people, like temporary non lethal Hemalurgy.

If Oblo wants to go there, of course.

I understand Genesis isn't the most popular storyline, apparently lots of fans felt DC didn't need a meta-origin for everyone.
Cosmere Stuff
I keep getting left behind whenever Renka and Senna are talking. Could someone explain it to me as if I were a particularly stupid five year old.

The scene is meant to illustrate Renka's access to and new understanding of knowledge about the Cosmere in general, and how she'll be able to apply that on Earth-16 once she gets back [...]

In short: the magic Cosmere details that I'm not explaining in the story are not important enough to the story to be worth explaining yet.

As Oblo says, the cosmere magic that pops up in Renka's conversation with Senna doesn't matter to the story. I'll expand that answer in two ways:

First, you should feel safe treating all of this as technobabble that illustrates Ferris is making connections and intuiting magical interactions. Nearly everything she says is non-canon theorycrafting or extrapolation of esoteric points. It's stuff fans talk about but that largely hasn't shown up directly in the books. Senna herself is a huge mystery at this point, and everything about her is (plausible) invention for LOD.

Second, here is my simplified interpretation of that technobabble, adapted for non-cosmere fans:

Each series in the cosmere takes place on a different planet. Each planet has its own magic and its own gods (Shards). Originally there were 16. As discussed in Renka's backstory, the two Shards on her home planet of Scadrial (Ruin and Preservation) killed each other and Renka's "father" Sazed took up their combined power to become Harmony. It is particularly easy to get lost in Renka's conversation if you aren't familiar with the cosmere because she uses both the Shardic name (e.g. Harmony) and the vessel name (e.g. Sazed) for all of these gods. I've put a list at the end, in case that helps. In the big picture, one Shard named Odium has killed at least four of the others and is gunning for the rest.

In her conversation with Senna in Elsewhere B, Renka recognizes that the dream-powered board game Zatara got (way back in Misdirection) was based on the magic of the planet Roshar, which is where the Stormlight Archive books take place. She wonders about the significance of the magical structure, since physical reality and human perception of reality affect each other in complicated ways in the cosmere. (Was it designed that way by whoever made the magic, or did it end up that way because humans categorized it?) She then ponders the relationships between Rosharan magic and the magic that occurs on "neighboring" planets.

She brings up Nalthis, the planet of Warbreaker, where the magic is fueled by color, and makes conclusions about which elements of the magic are essential versus accessory. Then she makes comparisons to Sel, the planet where Elantris takes place, where the magic is based on glyphs, and thinks about the reasons those glyphs are so heavily location-dependent in their use.

Renka also speculates about the motivations of the Shards in choosing their various planets, and about what magic might have existed before the Shards came to be (which happened in an event known as "the shattering" and involved the death of a deity called Adonalsium). Then she and Senna talk a bit about the personalities of some of the Shards and discuss Odium's actions in destroying some of them.

In the next scene Elsewhere C, Renka makes another comment about the magic of Nalthis but quickly transitions to talking about the magic of Roshar again. She concludes that a certain combination of abilities on that planet, used in unconventional ways, would allow someone to reassemble the body of Honor, one of the Shards killed by Odium. Basically, she figured out a way to hack the magic system to resurrect a god, and left notes about that for the other gods to look at.

Then Death shows up and invites her back.
Names and locations of Shards

Ruin Ati Scadrial (dead) Mistborn
Preservation Leras Scadrial (dead) Mistborn
Harmony Sazed Scadrial   Mistborn
Devotion Aona Sel (dead) Elantris
Dominion Skai Sel (dead) Elantris
Endowment Edgli Nalthis   Warbreaker
Ambition Uli Da - (dead) Arcanum Unbounded
Autonomy Bavadin Taldain   White Sand
Honor Tanavast Roshar (dead) Stormlight
Cultivation ? Roshar   Stormlight
Odium Rayse Roshar*   Stormlight
Serenity** Senna -   Life Ore Death
*Odium has traveled around a lot, and is currently on the planet Braise, which is basically Mars if Roshar were Earth. It's close enough not to matter, especially for our purposes.
**In cosmere canon we have no idea who Senna is or if she is even a vessel for a Shard. Serenity is a great name, but don't expect it to be accurate outside of LOD
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Is it? I was assuming it was a reference to passiveness and the title granted to some princes.

"It's really not," Senna deadpanned flatly. Renka had to giggle at that, and Senna smiled faintly. She shifted posture a little, shook out the two long tails she'd bundled her silver hair into, and plucked a crystal glass from the table.

Usagi's twin-tails. All the silver and crystal. Serenity. And her dub name is Serena, within spitting distance of Senna. Senna is a canon character, in that he or she has like... one mention in the Cosmere. But this version of Senna has some pretty strong Neo-Queen Serenity coloring.
Interesting that Gaia confirmed the speed force to exist in this setting. YJ was agnostic on the issue.

Yes well since the YJ writers never bothered to make an alternative which would make the Flashes make any sense whatsoever, I guess Oblo sees no reason to reinvent the wheel.

As far as I can figure, speed force gets grief for being new.

Does making an object out of "goes fast" make sense? Not in the least. But pretending like makes sense is a factor in a setting in which boxing gloves get made out of pure determination makes even less sense.
Yes well since the YJ writers never bothered to make an alternative which would make the Flashes make any sense whatsoever, I guess Oblo sees no reason to reinvent the wheel.

As far as I can figure, speed force gets grief for being new.

Does making an object out of "goes fast" make sense? Not in the least. But pretending like makes sense is a factor in a setting in which boxing gloves get made out of pure determination makes even less sense.
To be fair, the boxing gloves are made by a clarketech supercomputer powered by determination. The speed force just happens to make pants.
To be fair, the boxing gloves are made by a clarketech supercomputer powered by determination. The speed force just happens to make pants.

Except the clarktech supercomputer has little to do with it, the rings are just computerized batteries.

The Guardians manipulate will because they are infected with bacteria.

Neon manipulates will because a power battery exploded in her face.

Purgatory controls will because Kyle gave him some energy and he then made a deal with Neron.

Ion controls will because it's the first life form that felt determination.

Priest, the former green lantern, can manipulate will through enlightenment. He got Hal to recharge his ring with his own willpower by tricking him with a fake power battery, and then fixed his real power battery with a wave of his hand.
Except the clarktech supercomputer has little to do with it, the rings are just computerized batteries.

The Guardians manipulate will because they are infected with bacteria.

Neon manipulates will because a power battery exploded in her face.

Purgatory controls will because Kyle gave him some energy and he then made a deal with Neron.

Ion controls will because it's the first life form that felt determination.

Priest, the former green lantern, can manipulate will through enlightenment. He got Hal to recharge his ring with his own willpower by tricking him with a fake power battery, and then fixed his real power battery with a wave of his hand.
The hell? Comics are even weirder than I thought.