Life Ore Death - DC Feruchemy [Young Justice]

Magic means it can be more than one thing at the same time, yes?
Now that we've seen Ruin is not simply a false positive but also overlaps at least partially with a fragment of Anti-Life Equation, I'm really wondering how Renka's nicrosil feruchemy would interact here. If she stores or taps her mantle as the Sliver of Entropy, will that alter her alignment / attunement with the ALE? Would tapping to enhance hey mantle give her a larger fragment of the ALE than otherwise, or just greater strength with the piece she already possesses?

I will admit I know nothing about the New Gods/Darkseid except for what I've been introduced to through this fic, so I have no idea how DC would address any of these questions, much less the careful interactions Obloquy had theory crafted for us.
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The Casualty Count - part 8b
Life Ore Death
* January 16 [Ferris PoV]

I pulled back and sat upright again.

But still, his words had only stirred up my worries about whether Darkseid would find me, and what could happen then.

I shoved the thoughts away, until later, and returned to the topic at hand.

"If the Anti-Life Equation allows the user to dominate free will…?" I prompted leadingly.

"More specifically, in its entirety the Anti-Life Equation could allow the one using it total control over ever other living being in existence, and perhaps even over the entire rest of the universe," the Highfather elaborated. I balked at accepting that.

"How in the Empire would you possibly know about that?" I had to ask, because, "I can only imagine that either some other being already once gained the entire equation, or you are extrapolating with some uncertainty from prior observations into assumptions…?"

"As the first would be problematic, given what we just discussed and the question of how such a being would then not have the equation anymore if your initial hypothesis were wrong," the Highfather answered, "you suspect it to be the second. Or a third option…?"

I paused and considered it.

A moment later, I really wanted to dramatically face-palm as it hit me.

"You have given me the explanation that is given by higher beings, like the Endless, to mortals or New Gods who have asked them."

"Quite so. It is, however, born out by our observations of the effects of fragments of the Anti-Life Equation, and mathematical extrapolations of the Anti-Life Equation's effects from what we have seen of its fragments," the Highfather assured me.

"Mm." 'I still have only half of the story, however, even though he treats this like the entire thing in explaining it… I wonder how he will explain the other half, then.' "Will you please explain the Life Equation and its effects?" I requested, shoving away worries about those 'observations'.

"Certainly. Perhaps you would care to guess at its effects first, based on what you understand so far?" he offered.

I flattened my lips into a grim line and made a show of huffing a deep breath. "Given that it is not called the Anti-Anti-Life Equation, no, I do not want to bother guessing which axes of a large number of options they might oppose each other on," I answered humorlessly, "especially as I still do not know or accept the entire, stated explanation of the Anti-Life Equation in the first place. Please. Answer."

The other three present stirred slightly at my demand—Motherbox may have reacted as well, but I did not notice her doing so—but they stayed as they were without interfering. The Highfather blinked at me for a moment, and I almost enjoyed having caught him off-guard.

'Assuming I actually caught him off-guard. It would be difficult to be too paranoid, although even his coming here suggests benevolence.'

"As you wish," he acceded. "If the Anti-Life Equation gives one total control over the entire rest of existence, then the Life Equation gives you total control over yourself, acting as a proof that life is worth living, with hope and freedom having meaning and existing."

"The skaa's steps are clinking," I said immediately, not changing my facial expression as I made the accusation.

There was a pause.

"You smell a rat?" the Superman asked, eyeing our visitors carefully. "Do you think they're lying to you, now?"

"No," I dismissed, also waving my hands to demonstrate that I had splayed my fingers and not made a thumb-in-my-fist, rescue-me signal.

"I do not have to be lying to be wrong," the Highfather finished.

"You do not," I agreed neutrally. 'Arrogant though it is to believe I know more about it than he does.' "Please, continue."

"As you wish. That really is most of the explanation of the Life Equation as far as you would understand it, at this moment. May I move on, and discuss the presence and effects of individual fragments, such as your own?"

"Please, do so," I instructed. He had come here thinking himself indebted to me, and I had no issue in using that, without abusing it.

"The fragments are… various. You might say that they are a mix themselves of two elements; half is the mental recognition and comprehension of part of a universal fundamental truth as the Equation in question describes it, and half is a large lump of appropriately polarized power in tune with the Equation in question. Both are required to truly possess a fragment, and practice is often needed to use it."

"I see," I said slowly, examining the implications in my mind. "As such, my investiture from Ruin is enough to qualify as polarized, and my philosophies or life experiences left me with an understanding of a part of it, you think?"

"A close enough explanation," he agreed, which was not good enough at all for me.

Echoes of nightmares howled in my skull. I looked up sharply, sneering at him in a surge of offense.

"Highfather, we are discussing my very essence, identity, soul, and Spirit-Web," I reprimanded him. "I would greatly appreciatemore than a 'close enough' understanding of what the Rusts is happening to me, if you still insist on wishing to make things right!"

Images and imaginings poured back through my mind again: nightmares of the ephemeral hand of Apokolips plucking me away, of what had happened to others I read of in the Green Lantern's records, of my ending my life only for him to follow me through the Dreaming-

I had woken from a nightmare that morning, my hands shaking too badly to leave my bed for half an hour.

I would not be so mild-mannered about this.

"That-!" Orion began, and began to stand.

The Highfather almost certainly would have stopped him, but I beat him to it.

"Do not dare!" I snarled at him. "This is serious enough that a Rusting group of New Gods attempted to assassinate me as a first response, and they may not be the only ones who will do so! My friends were injured in my defense, and I accept that, but if you, personally, believe in Freedom and free will and that life is valuable and worth living, then I have the right to know why my life was not worth living to them!

"I understand the horrors of Apokolips enough," I continued vehemently. "I have felt the Forever People's understanding of it, and I have read a few of the Green Lanterns' records of the horror Apokolips inflicted on innocent people, and on enemies. I know enough to expect that if Darkseid {Tyranny} wants the entire Anti-Life Equation, then he will want to come take it from me; I can forgive you for seeking my death, but he may leave me worse than dead, and he would end my friends' lives as well when he comes. What. Am. I. Dealing with!?"

My emotion was genuine, but something along those lines had been brewing in me ever since I read the Green Lanterns' records, and I had regulated my breathing as I shouted. I did not need to pant in exhaustion when I ended it.

But I wanted to. At least it would have punctuated the slow silence of-

"You do know that we will protect you from anything, don't you?" the Superman asked, his hand on my back as he stood behind me.

"That," I observed flatly, annoyed by his seeming inability to Rusting pay attention when I was speaking, "is exactly what I am afraid of.

"I have already spread Hemalurgy into the hands of people who will use it with wild abandon," I knotted down for the Superman. "I have already-," My voice broke, slightly, and I felt tears well up in my eyes again as I came face-to-face with and had to admit to what I had realized. "I have already done more harm than good upon my return here, and proven that I should have stayed dead after Roanoke," I reminded him. "Don't. Please. You said all of it before, the first time I told you this. Listen to me this time, C- Kal-El," I corrected. "Listen.

"The entire Green Lantern Corps went to war with Apokolips, all of them, and… I expect they may have had some help from New Genesis," I observed, turning to eye the Highfather for his reaction. He gave away nothing, so I turned back. "A race of aliens billions of years old and experienced, and still alive after all of that, and in functional effect, they lost the war. They invaded, they failed, and they were repelled.

"Apokolips, from the taste of it, prefers offense over defense. The Guardians were forced to make a treaty before the counter-attack. New Genesis," I gestured, "is filled with people ostensibly the equals of Apokolips, willing to risk their lives and fight to the finish for what is right, yet they formed a treaty with Apokolips. If that planet comes for us, for what I have… I have every faith that you and the entire Justice League will fight to your last breaths in my defense, and in defense of the innocents Apokolips would hurt for enjoyment.

"Not just that I believe and trust in your willingness to fight to your deaths," I emphasized, "but that you will do so. You will fight to your deaths, and it will not be enough, and I would rather die than let Apokolips take me, if half of what I understand about them is accurate. Death does not scare me. Kal-El, You would rather die than let a single innocent life be ended, and I feel similarly. That is the problem.

"Worse," I sighed, looking down at my lap because eye contact would no longer be of help to me here, "is what also will happen to everyone else if Apokolips takes me. I do not understand the Anti-Life Equation as it has been explained to me. I do not believe what I have been told about the power in its entirety. Even so, Darkseid {Tyranny} is doing terrible, horrible things to other people with only a part of the Anti-Life Equation, and I can give him even more of it. If I am taken, I will suffer horribly, and every other life in existence will suffer with me.

"Worse still…" Here I turned to Diana, because I was appealing to her experiences with me to make my reasoning clear. "Diana, you were with me when we crossed from the Dreaming into the Cognitive Realm of my original world. You have been taught how to travel back. I have no doubt that if he desired to, Darkseid could eventually also travel into the Dreaming, into the Cognitive Realm as we did, and find me.

"Even if I successfully killed myself and returned to my home dimension before Darkseid could come for me, he could find me, I think. So you do not need to worry about me summarily committing suicide soon to escape," I reassured him tiredly, "because it may be less than a delaying tactic, and the Green Lanterns' records indicated that Darkseid is at least a billion years old. Is that correct?" I asked the Highfather.

"His age?" I nodded, though that lit my curiosity as to what he thought of my other estimations. "At least one billion, but less than two, and probably less than one-point-five," he affirmed to us. "We don't know much about his early years as Prince Uxas, to be honest."

"Mm," I hummed, drawing their attention back. "Worse, I do not know how much of the Anti-Life Equation is needed to equal or exceed a Shard's Investiture. I know that beings exist here, like the Endless, who can wholly surpass Shards. Now I know that my Investiture is at least a partly similar to the Anti-Life Equation. Moreover, Shards are explicitly transferable, which means Darkseid may take one if he tries for it.

"Thus is my situation: I have something attached to my soul that the New God of Tyranny wants to take. I have no reason to believe you will successfully stop him after everyone else has so far failed at it. I have every reason to believe that you will try anyway. I cannot justify the innocent lives lost, endangered, or abused for fun in the process of his overcoming our resistance. I cannot stomach going alive.

"If I resist, I will likely be taken all the same. If I am taken alive, I will wish I had died by the end of it, and Darkseid will use what he takes from me to grow more powerful and inflict more agonies upon existence. If I die, he may still pursue me, and he may take me all the same, and he may take a Shard or more and grow even stronger yet again. What are my options, really? So." I turned to the New Gods.

"I. Need. More. Information. Please," I insisted. "I am fully prepared to begin begging in ashes. I have no good options, and I am panicking.

"Good enough is not good enough unless I can find some alternative or loophole too attempt, or else I do not know what to do. Every option it seems to me will end in failure, because no matter what you try {You Can Always Fa- mmph!"

"Stop talking immediately!" the Highfather insisted urgently, having literally leapt across the distance between us to cover my mouth.

"That was-!" Orion realized, only now reacting, and uncertain what else to do. I felt much the same. I tried to move my mouth away-

"Stop, please," the Highfather insisted, though he did not press aggressively after me. I paused, and as my head cleared up a little, I began to realize what almost had occurred. My attempt to exhale first caused an odd blubbering noise against his hand, so I stopped that.

Instead, I used my nose, and turned over what I was thinking of the past few minutes again. I thought, and I breathed, and I remained.

Slowly, I raised my hand up to draw the others' eyes to it. I splayed my fingers once, significantly, and then I made a careful and obvious thumbs-up sign, with my thumb obviously visible, and my other hand almost flat on the armrest of my wheelchair.

The Highfather eyed me warily, even as my message got through to the other two, and they stepped back.

"Are you able to keep from speaking?" he asked me. "I mean it. Please, do not continue, and if you feel you must, make it known to me."

'…He definitely treats this as absolutely serious, and urgent, and a real danger to us. Certainly, he likely stopped me from hurting myself by voicing that, if nothing else, so I owe him more than a little in return… Would biting my tongue be enough? Only, I'd have to heal so slowly….'

Carefully and deliberately, I pressed my own hand against the back of his hand and kept it there. I did not attempt to pull away.

I even made a point to lean in against his hand a little more, for what good it did, if any.

With my other hand, I repeated the splayed-fingers-so-I-don't-need-a-rescue and the thumbs-up gestures to Clark and Diana.

Then I made the live-long-and-prosper gesture of Space Trek and rolled my wrist at the Superman, which was our Team's unspoken signal for the person in question to take the lead or start moving, etc.

"I think she's appointing me her representative until it's safe for her to speak again," he observed. I made a new thumbs-up at him. "Alright then." He stepped forward, put one supportive hand on my shoulder again, and said, "I suppose I should begin by asking why you stopped her from talking so suddenly, and when will it be safe for her to speak again?"

"Anti-Life may have a variety of effects when invoked, most of them unpleasant," the Highfather said. "Think of it as akin to shattering minds and blasting one's consciousness. Had she finished, she likely would have damaged herself and the two of you."

"And you?" the Wonder Woman inquired professionally, withholding any feelings she had about this. Her hand stayed by her sword hilt.

"I am mostly immune, or resistant, due to my own comprehension of the Life Equation's fragments," the Highfather explained. "Orion… should be similarly resistant, but it is largely untested; given his adverse reactions since we arrived here, I would rather not find out.

"Was it important? Yes," the Highfather insisted, and I could feel a thrum of certainty through the power in his flesh where it pressed against me. "Even emotional moods are enough to do small things, but short of weaponizing it in some synthetic or supernatural effect, speech is the single most effective and immediate method of activating and transmitting effects from the two Equations.

"Half of a fragment is an idea, and speech is the communication of ideas and intents from one mind to another. The other half is energy, and sound waves are vibrational energy, generated to act upon the world as they move through it, and to convey ideas between us.

"I do not blame you for this, Renka Tindwysra, and you should not blame yourself," he declared seriously. "You are young, even if you would insist that you are not a child, and you are comparatively inexperienced in this area, despite your vast accomplishments in life. I walked into our meeting expecting that you may even attempt to try out your burgeoning abilities intentionally, and I have been on guard to stop you, if I needed to. Having a mild breakdown from the stress of your exceptional circumstances is quite the pleasant surprise, instead.

"I would give you a compliment, but you have expressed a desire that I not use my mantle on you and I will respect that," he said warmly. The fact that he did not offer me the option of reconsidering was flattering, in its own way. I smiled against his hand, gave another thumbs-up, and allowed him to continue uninterrupted. "It is not uncommon for people unknowingly possessed of fragments from either Equation—and I assure you, I have met many of both in my lifetime—to have slips like this, and Anti-Life itself is notorious for wanting to get out.

"You have admirable… not control over it, but… well, it may be that it is weakened along with the rest of you, but I also expect that your interpretation of the understanding of its truth – the personal comprehension of it that you have – may be beneficial to your situation. And, your situation is less grim than you fear, I am pleased to announce. If I may address a few pertinent points, in order?" he offered gently.

'He… He is almost of some near-parity with Darkseid. He believed what he learned and came prepared. Of course he has possible solutions.'

I gave the Highfather a thumbs-up. I reached out and took hold of the Superman's hand, for moral support. Even so, I dared to hope.

"First, I must admit that New Genesis did not provide direct support to the Green Lantern Corps," he confessed unexpectedly. I blinked in confusion. "We did our usual supply runs and treatment of wounded, the same as with many, many other planets under assault by Apokolips indirectly, but so long as our treaty is in place I will not condone or encourage any action by my affiliates against Apokolips, at all."

"You would simply let them attack innocents?" the Wonder Woman demanded, sounding incensed. The Superman's grip was firm.

"A large part of our treaty is about restricting their ability to do so, and it continues to function as I intended. Make no mistake, the treaty was a victory for me, and one I still stand behind to this day," he asserted, "despite its cost. Darkseid's shadow wars, arming of local forces, and proxies are nothing next to the open assaults that once scoured entire planets across all the galaxy. That is all I will tell you of it, for now.

"Second, Darkseid is certain to be slower and more subtle than you may fear. It is entirely possible that your incident right now was a way of his pushing you, obliquely, through use of his understanding of Anti-Life and your link to it, although I find it unlikely. Ultimately, however, my point is that he will not quickly and openly come to take what you have of the equation from you, because it is useless for him to do so.

"Darkseid could drain away the your power, the energy associated with it, I suppose, but were he to do so without an understanding of what your fragment means, he would be subjecting himself to its effects more than he would be controlling it. He attempted that only once before, to my knowledge, and it left him inactive for more than a millennium. He is a coward, and he will greatly hesitate to do so again.

"Moreover, fragments of the Anti-Life Equation are not exclusive; it is entirely possible that you possess pieces of the equation which he has already attained and comprehended, in which case his interest in you will be limited. I have met many such people in the past, and many of them travel around now, unmolested; Darkseid seems to believe they are more likely to be of service to him in the course of their own quests for power, as many of them also end up seeking other fragments of the Anti-Life Equation-," I wrinkled my nose in distaste as several of my theories came back to me as to what it really was. "-some of which may be ones he lacks, whereupon he would take them."

I made the most dismissive hand gesture I could manage without implying it was aimed at them to indicate my opinion of this.

"I believe she is expressing a desire to not go looking for any of the rest of the Equation," the Superman translated.

"Sadly, slightly less than half the people I have had this conversation with have kept to that," the Highfather sighed. "Still, I hope."

"You and I both, Highfather. Please," the Superman asked of him, "can you tell me that her options are not… death, and those others?"

"Certainly. There is at least one option you have not accounted for, not that I blame you," the Highfather assured me. "And yes, I mean an option that is neither death, nor surrender, nor futile resistance."

'Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou.' "Mph?" What exactly I felt at that is not easily describable. It is easiest to not bother trying.

I can only hope few other people will ever need to be in a situation where they feel those many emotions mixed together in such a way.

"New Genesis will give you shelter, Lady Sliver. I do not think you will need it immediately," he clarified, "but we will always have the option open for you. Before you ask, I will not confirm how many people currently or previously have been in our care this way, but we can do this."

"You still haven't told us when it will be safe for her to talk again," the Superman observed.

The Highfather thought about it. He looked me in the eyes.

As I had no clue what he was or was not looking for, and no unusual desire to unduly harm anyone present, I let him look without fidgeting.

"If she thinks she will not speak the words of her understanding, like they were alive and writhing to leap from her throat-,"

'Rusts, and isn't that a pleasant image. …Which reminds me of the Harry Potter movie, number 2, & what happened with those slugs?'

"-then she should be as safe as she will ever be, which is safer than she was before this meeting told her what to look for," he finished.

The Highfather then gave me a probing look. I gave him a thumbs-up, which was becoming a touch monotonous to repeat, but whatever.

I felt somewhat happy for… it had not been too long a while, there had been moments, but they had not run so deep as this did.

I had hope again.

We both removed our hands.

'I am extremely tempted to joke, but I am also worried about it going wrong.' "Testing, testing, one two three," I quoted instead.

Nothing horrible happened.

In an unexpected whirl I was suddenly subjected to dizzying vertigo and couldn't brea-… 'Actually, no, I can breathe just fine. Huh.'

"Please try to stop scaring us like that," the Superman requested, lowering me back into the wheelchair and unwrapping his arms.

"I…" 'There are so many pithy comments I can make, and none of them sound right. I will make no such promises? I hope I don't have to? Better a scare than real suffering?' "…have no clue how to answer that. Mm. I promise I will keep letting you help me?" I tried.

"I'll take what I can get," he sighed, and ruffled my hair like he had Robin's a few times. I hummed faux-irately at him for it.

"Well?" the Highfather asked. "What do you all think?"

I turned to answer him, or ask for clarification on the question, and I realized he was not speaking to me.

A bandolier with seven Motherboxes was now laid across a table, face-up and facing us.

<Willing if most appropriate. >
<Preference for better uses of engagement. >
<Willing and interested. >
<Willing. >
<Preference for distance from Anti-Life. >
<Willing. >
<Willing if most appropriate. >
<Preference occupied but otherwise willing, > chimed the Motherbox on Orion's belt along with them.

"Excellent," the Highfather said, considering. "Renka Tindwysra… even a gilded cage will grow tiresome, and we do not know that you face any true threat as of yet. The simplest way to keep you safer, in body and in spirit, is to take with you a Motherbox, as Orion does.

"Each Motherbox is an individual, and aware in their own way, with different specialties between them. Perhaps I could ask you to describe yourself in the ways you think are important, and then they will describe their specialties, and together we may find the right fit?"

"Mm…" It was a lot of rapid change and events and information to wrap my head around. Finally, though it still felt a little separate to me from reality, I got up the gumption to roll with it and accept - and explore any consequences at a later date if I had to - unless others objected. "Kal-El, Diana? I think this is safe and intended to help. Do you have any issues to raise?"

"It would be very helpful if any or all of the Motherboxes could attempt to trace the Boom Tube used on New Year's Eve," the Wonder Woman answered neutrally. "Beyond that, I can think of no particular objection."

"I would like to know more about Apokolips, and more about what else you may have been keeping bottled up," the Superman told me with evident concern. I did my best to look apologetic, because I hadn't quite realized how muchthe ideas botheredme until they burst out. "Beyond that… I still don't know quite what the Motherboxes are, other than 'living computers,' and I would like to know a little more about what and whom you may be letting into your life from this point on. However, I generally respect your judgment," he assured me.

I quirked a little smile. "So long as it is not a life or death situation?"

"So long as you don't decide that death is a good answer," he corrected, patting my shoulder amicably. "I trust you in life situations."

I laughed appreciatively and leaned my head against his hand.

* January 16 [Lois Lane PoV]

"Four hot chocolates, they'll share a molten chocolate eruption cake, and we'll have the traditional sundae with chopped peanuts, but wait a bit on that one," I ordered. "Smallville and I are taking a walk over to Lingman and Fifth, to see if they still have that tree up."

"Loser pays for dinner," Clark/Kal-El/Smallville/Superman/Kent chuckled, standing up as well. "Don't let them pay, please."

"Mm," Ferris/Renka hummed, rolling her eyes at him.

Jimmy just said, "Aww, gee thanks, guys. Go find some mistletoe!"

'Oh, you little-! You're not getting away with that, even if we are.' I leaned down, pursed my lips, glared, and said, "Leslie. Lowe."

"I'll behave, Miss Lane. Terribly sorry to tease you," he babbled immediately, eyes shooting to his curious dinner partner.

The gold-eyed Terriswoman just hummed, tilted her head, and finger-waved a good-bye at us.

Clark—he was Clark and he was dressed like Clark and he really was Smallville under all the Superman stuff, so I was calling him that for now—waited until we were outside in our coats, our breath fogging white around us, before he asked, "What was that all about?"

"Haven't you-? Oh, right, Jimmy mentioned he was lining his disguise trunk with lead," I remembered. 'Still cracks me up inside.'

"Oh, was that an alias of his? I only really remember running across 'Julie,'" he reflected.

"Yeah. Don't worry your Boy Scout heart, I wouldn't actually out him as ending up in drag every two or three months on an infiltration; well, not during his first date with the girl," I assured him. "I just figured the threat would remind him of my endless blackmail supply."

"Well, we are taking a romantic walk after dinner in the snow," he observed, and I was no longer nearly so certain as I'd once been whether Clark was sarcastic or serious. "It's not a baseless assumption to make." A few flake drifted down around us in the streetlamps.

I slipped my hand onto his elbow, genteel escort style, but pursed my lips and said, "Small- Clark, sorry. Clark, I don't need mistletoe to kiss you. If I decide to lay one on you, I'm going to damn well do it, no excuses. Besides," I continued, but I cut off.

'Hell. How on Earth am I supposed to admit…?'

"…Lois?" he asked gently. "I was reading your signals right, wasn't I? The 'get me out of here' one, and your muttering?"

"Yes," I answered, and decided to start with the least severe but most surprising thing tonight. "Did you have any idea they would hit it off that well? I was expecting just idle chatting about nothing, so I'm totally gobsmacked," I admitted, though that was a bit of an exaggeration.

"Renka is well-mannered enough that it's hard to tell with her, sometimes, what is honest interest or just politeness," he demurred.

"Hard for humans, or hard for the guy who can hear heartbeats and see body heat?" I accused.

"Lois," he half-whined, sounding pained. I whirled on him, shoving – even though it was only a useless gesture – his chest to stop him cold.

"No, Kent, we are damn well talking about this, and we might as well do it now, without anyone around. You want me to date Clark Kent instead of the cape and shield? Fine. That's no different from me wanting to date a guy who appreciates Lois Lane the black belt who grew up an army brat and gets her nose into everything, instead Lois the famous writer who looks good in heels.

"But," I snapped, "if I'm dating Clark Kent, then I'm dating Clark. Joseph. Kent. That's the Clark Kent who doesn't own any oven mitts because hot pots won't burn his hands, did you know? He can spot weld his father's tractor with his eyes when it breaks down, tow a crashed car away under his own power, and hammer nails into new posts for his family farm's fence without any tools. The Clark Kent who can hear what people say about him from half a mile away, and who has faked surprise to my face for his past dozen birthdays because I never wrapped any of his presents in lead foil. Not the clumsy hayseed who drops his notes everywhere and goes back for them."

He opened his mouth.

He closed his mouth.

"I suppose I'm not surprised that this has bothered you. I deserve it. Thank you, Lois," he said sincerely, "for being honest with me."

"Okay," I said sourly, giving an imperial sniff and fervently hoping I wouldn't cry, and than my shoulders didn't shake. "Your turn."

"My turn?" he asked. I twitched at him.

"Clark, we're dealing with not just a decade of lies between us, but a decade of lies interspersed with moments of pure honesty, risks to our lives, panic, mistaken assumptions, and we've had so many conversations about work that I don't think we would have lasted until our entrees if you hadn't made this a double-date to give us wingmen. Every facet I've seen of y-you-," My voice choked off.

"Lois?" he pressed gently, pulling me into a hug.

'I will not cry, I'm a damn grown woman, I will not cry, I've come through bad shit okay and I will not cry, dammit,' I begged silently.

"Clark, I need you to think hard and be honest. Do you think there's something wrong with me?" I asked. "A traumatized, twenty-year-old child soldier from a third-world country was just doing this dinner date thing better than I was. My last relationship that didn't end badly was a four-night-stand with your best friend, who is perhaps the most emotionally repressed asshole in the hemisphere. You have the excuse of having a differently wired brain when you mess up things, but what am I supposed to say about my wreck of a love life?"

There was a long, quiet pause as he held me. "Well, you could say, I'm sorry for rubbing your race in your face, Smallville," he suggested.

'Shit. Shitshitshit.' "Sorry for… rubbing your race in your face, Smallville. Race, biology, species… Yeah," I muttered, "not cool of me."

"Thank you, Lois," he said more warmly. "To answer your other question: no, I don't think there is anything wrong with you. At all. Nothing. We've known each other for twelve years, now, and our work has always been a large part of both our lives. We work together, so we know most of it already without having to discuss it over dinner. Most of the other things – and I admit, after your comment about wrapping presents in lead, you should be comfortable asking me about my powers from now on – but they aren't exactly restaurant conversation."

"What is?" I laughed. "When Jimmy went after 'Big Monte' McGraw while you were at your Fortress last week, and dressed up as a showgirl to get in the door? That story would sort of defeat the point of making him look good in front of his date."

"I don't suppose it would matter, so long as we left out who he was undercover as," Clark teased. "Although, now that you mention it, I doubt Ferris would mind very much. You know who has taught Robbie some similar tricks, and Renka said Robert did her make-up for tonight."

"B-Bruce, really?" I cackled, trying to imagine it. "And he makes-? He taught-!"

"He did indeed," Clark chuckled, and I just had to laugh.

"Perfect! I will find some way to make that stick up his ass twitch thanks to this," I vowed.

"Juuust make sure you don't get Robert caught in the crossfire, please. He's young enough to still be a bit sensitive, especially…."

"Oh? Especially? No, don't dangle something that juicy in front of me, Smallville. You have to follow through!" I whacked his arm.

"But we should get to the tree and see if it's still there," he pretended to complain. Amused, even cackling a bit again, I started to drag him. "Lois. Lois," he laughed, "you do realize that I know it's gone, and I was already planning to pay for dinner?"

I shot him a triumphant smirk. "You do realize I slipped the hostess a hundred, with instructions that it cover our bill and tip?"

He looked surprised, which was difficult. "No, I didn't." Inside my head, I pumped a fist in success.

"I did," I confirmed smugly. "I even did it via note before you got there, just so you wouldn't overhear me. Surprise," I teased.

He laughed. "Impressive." Then he said, "Oh, that's interesting. Jimmy's describing a horror movie to her. Friday the Thirteenth?"

"Really? They've so far covered alien gods, public parks, gangs, rom-coms, role-playing games, zoos, Shakespeare, and now horror movies?"

"It sounds eclectic when you put it like that," Clark conceded, "but I think he's stumbled onto the secret of keeping her attention."

"Which would be…?" I pressed as we turned a corner and jaywalked across an empty street, snow crunching beneath our feet.

"I'm not sure if you've noticed, but Renka has a bit of a taste for the gruesome." Clark twitched his head again. "Now it's The Mummy."

"Think they'll do Dracula next? Or Frankenstein?"

"I'll tell you when they get there," he promised, and I leaned a bit more against him as the wind blew. "Right now Jimmy's describing the curse of immortality, where they sealed Imhotep into a sarcophagus full of beetles-,"

"Scarabs, specifically carnivorous ones," I corrected. "I remember: they would eat his flesh, and he would presumably eat theirs when he got hungry enough, and that dark mockery of the circle of life would continue indefinitely in the curse to make him immortal."

"Yes. Renka is commenting- that's disturbing," Clark sighed, but affectionately. "She was commenting on the possible ways that method wouldn't work properly, like if they ate too much of him or he thrashed around and crushed them before they ate him, or running out of air, but now she's segued into ways that the curse could work, if you accounted for certain things. Especially if it was fueled by an Egyptian god."

'The things that come up in my life.' "Well, I guess she'd know. Actually, remind me, wasn't there some rumor we dug up about something-?"

"That was a report about where Kent Nelson originally found the Helmet of Fate. I may have maybe fudged it a little to preserve his privacy and the secrecy of the location," Clark admitted guiltily, "but it wasn't quite the story lead you were looking for when we went digging."

"Oh." 'Well. Huh.' "Do you do that very often?" I asked. I tried to sound casual about it, like it didn't matter.

I should've known better than to lie to him.

Clark stepped around in front of me, looked me in the eye, and said, "No, Lois, and I'm deeply, truly sorry to have ever done it at all. I promise, I will be more honest with you about things in the future; if you'll give me a day or two, I can probably dig up a list of every time-,"

"It's okay, Smallville," I interrupted, because he looked so damn guilty. "I understand, and I forgive you. The list is a nice offer, though," I added, because I have this infuriating itch to know everything, and it was bugging me now that I knew about it. I kissed his cheek.

"Tomorrow or the next day," he promised. I hoped he would kiss me back, but he didn't. "Oh my."

"What's that?" I asked. 'Looks like he's listening in again on something. I'm just realizing how often he gets that expression on his face....'

"Jimmy got to talking about movie history and remakes, and on top of Renka never seeing The Mummy, neither of them has ever seen the original movie from 1932; Jimmy's just telling her about Boris Karloff, and now they're making plans to either invite him to a Team movie night, or invite her over to his apartment to see it, some time in the next week."

I whistled. "Way to move fast, Olsen." 'Wait, movie night at his apartment, would she be sleeping over there…?' "You think they're going to need some adult supervision? Don't give me that look; you were thinking it too, Smallville. I don't think either of us knows how they'd navigate spending the night like that, but she's got some unpleasant history…?"

"I imagine she would just say 'no' if he pressed her about anything, but I can't imagine Jimmy pressing her, either," Clark replied.

I snorted. "Yeah, he's a goody two-shoes, just like you, Clark." 'Wait a minute.' "You know, I'm remembering that we were worried about you knocking me up. Not that I'd want any kids for another few years," I demurred, "but was your saying you didn't want to sleep with me during our first flop at dating a morals thing, Smallville, or was it because there's some alien anatomy that'd give the game away?"

He cringed. "Lois, do you really want to start this conversation now," he pleaded again, "when we've almost circled back to the restaurant? Their cake is here and they're sharing it while they wait for us. Jimmy's teasing will only be worse if we wait much longer."

"Fine," I sighed, "but we should hash this out before you drop me at my doorstep tonight, because I wouldn't mind inviting you up for coffee and ending this over breakfast, Clark." I smirked and pushed ahead of him to the door, so that he couldn't see my face, or vice-versa, because as confident as I felt, this was still really forward of me. 'Nothing ventured…' "We do have a decade of history to make up for, after all."
Great as usual!

I quirked a little smile. "So long as it is not a life or death situation?"
Or rather, a Life Ore Death situation ;)

"But," I snapped, "if I'm dating Clark Kent, then I'm dating Clark. Joseph. Kent. That's the Clark Kent who doesn't own any oven mitts because hot pots won't burn his hands, did you know? He can spot weld his father's tractor with his eyes when it breaks down, tow a crashed car away under his own power, and hammer nails into new posts for his family farm's fence without any tools.
I remember those posts

Not the clumsy hayseed who drops his notes everywhere and goes back for them."
I smirked and pushed ahead of him to the door, so that he couldn't see my face, or vice-versa, because as confident as I felt, this was still really forward of me. 'Nothing ventured…' "We do have a decade of history to make up for, after all."​
I'm imagining their faces right now :rofl:
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"I would give you a compliment, but you have expressed a desire that I not use my mantle on you and I will respect that,"
Is that not itself a compliment? ;)
<Preference for better uses of engagement. >
<Preference for distance from Anti-Life. >
Why did they bring these two? Surely they were asked before they got brought to earth right? Are their specialities that relevant/useful?
(Vague spoilers for season 3 below)

I got Abhorsen trilogy vibes from the bandolier of seven magical objects, not sure if that influenced writing the Mother Boxes in this update.
I did enjoy their presence and actual individual personalities, even if it was just a paragraph; I don't think any other adaptation I'm familiar with, canonical or fan fiction, has really done that beyond generic 'good' and 'evil'.
I'm a sucker for characters expanding their repertoire especially with magic or metaphysical attributes, so I look forward to more.
Not sure if any season 3 canon applies to this fic (excluding obvious stuff like Barda) but it could be useful to pick Highfather's brain on the topic of the Light; he might plausibly know something since it does indirectly pertain to Darkseid seeking the Anti-Life Equation.
Sees two enormous chapters in a row, both in short succession. @Obloquy you realize that you don't get overtime right? :p Blink twice if you're chained to your writing desk.

but it could be useful to pick Highfather's brain on the topic of the Light; he might plausibly know something since it does indirectly pertain to Darkseid seeking the Anti-Life Equation.
I just got the impression the the Light was just another Darksied fueled proxy/shadow war rather than him directly working towards achieving the ALE.
I quirked a little smile. "So long as it is not a life or death situation?"

"So long as you don't decide that death is a good answer," he corrected, patting my shoulder amicably. "I trust you in life situations."

The title drop is cute, but I really love this response more? It's very affirming, and I"m glad that Renka is getting surrounded by friends who understand her and how to support her.

"Juuust make sure you don't get Robert caught in the crossfire, please. He's young enough to still be a bit sensitive, especially…."

"Oh? Especially? No, don't dangle something that juicy in front of me, Smallville. You have to follow through!" I whacked his arm.

Why did they bring these two? Surely they were asked before they got brought to earth right? Are their specialities that relevant/useful?
For the first, it may have been fine with the purposes of this short trip/meeting, but not want to spend its time on an extended stay with Renka. For the second, that may again be due to a similar issue with timeframes. It seems wary of Anti-Life, so it may have appreciated being able to check in on a source of it in person to be assured that it will not be a threat, but not want to spend significant amounts of time around it.
Delicious, nothing compares to interesting characters growing closer while defining (as opposed to erasing) their respective flaws. Obloquoy Lois had better get an epilogue chapter at the end of this story! Who knows when another writer will show as much care for her as you?
And caught up. Got to say I loved Renka's sections post new year. And Highfather was an interesting character.
New Beginnings ___ Episode 38
Life Ore Death
** Episode 38 ___ New Beginnings

* January 22 [Ferris PoV]

"The process is complete," the Dr. Fate announced, dissipating the golden ring around the pedestal holding Motherbox. "There is an old soul, one intricately formed and potentially very powerful, but her will appears to be benevolent. Fate approves of her presence."

<Gratitude, respect, and recognition, > Motherbox chimed to him.

"Mm. I want to bounce another idea off of you," I said.

"Of course."

<Healing, restoring, regrowing, repairing is possible. >

"Exactly. That," I agreed. "Only, something I am remembering is making me feel that… it… might have other consequences. Terata… the principle of revision, or reversion… Is this tasting copper from blood?" I attempted.

"Terataya's Principle of the Ease of Achievement: outside of certain, specialized circumstances, the more quickly and easily an act is accomplished with supernatural power and the mystic arts, then the more easily it may then be reversed similarly."

"Yes, that. A large part of my life is, to some measure, functioning as an impromptu link of mystic rituals and events," I elaborated. "Motherbox says she can heal me comparatively quickly… but it is making me worried how well I would stay healed. No offense."

<Caution is sensible, and it is your final decision, > Motherbox reassured me.

"That is… not inconceivable," the Dr. Fate agreed.

"Mm. Motherbox also says she can monitor my healing, my abilities, and my recovery, and ensure that I will return to functionality in time. This would not, I think, have the same potential risks, and it would place less stress on me than a forced, immediate healing, yes?"

"Indubitably," my friend agreed. "Given what has happened in the past as a result of- Given what has happened in the past, as a result of your tendency to cannibalize your own well-being for your immediate aims, patience should prove beneficial."

"That is one way to phrase it," I agreed drily, well aware of my own characteristics in that way.

'Last year I was only marking time until I died again in a good cause, and I did that well enough, but it was ultimately all aimed at the short term in my actions. But I have come back, and I have gone and returned again, alive. I need to start spacing my efforts out. Pacing myself.'

'This is going to Rusting suck, isn't it.' I heaved an aggrieved sigh, blinked back the prickle of untimely tears, and tried to focus again.

<Peace and reassurance, > Motherbox sang, but did not press any influence into it.

"Mm, yes. Thank you," I said, tucking the sapient computer into a pouch/purse M'gann had got me for carrying her. "Mm. Atlantis?"

"This should suffice for your visits below," Nabu declared, pulling a length of gold and blue cloth from out of a floating cabinet door.

A long length of gold and blue cloth – it appeared to be three or four times as long as I was tall, and slightly wider than my forearm was long. I could not immediately detect any mystic runes or characteristics, but it was a woven mix of… 'Cloth identification is not my talent.'

"Thank you. How should I use it?" I inquired, not bothering with wondering whether or not it would be safe and effective for me to use; if it would not be in any way, Nabu likely would not give it to me, and if he did he would explain it of his own accord.

"Merely wrap it around your neck and torso, and keep it there. It is carefully enchanted to not directly affect you through use of its magic, so as to not deteriorate your situation. It will provide you with an artificial atmosphere while you wear it, to breathe underwater."

"Very effective," I complimented, telegraphing as I began wrapping it as described, in case I was supposed to not do so.

"You may wear it at any time," I was informed, "but it will only function in contact with the water, and as such it will not protect you from vacuum and toxic gas. It is possible to share its effects with others, but the air supplied shall diminish equivalently."

"I understand. Will I still float and swim in water?" 'As much as I need to keep in contact with the Queen Mera and explain the basics of Hemalurgy to her approved guards for opposing it, I would much rather visit if the water will support my weight enough to be out of this chair.'

"Mostly. You shall sink slowly if left unattended, but your arms alone should serve to support and propel you."

"I greatly appreciate this," I re-emphasized, stroking it appreciatively.

Nabu chuckled. "Then Fate will be interested to witness your reaction to this," he announced and produced-

"My earring!" 'Or so I assume; he would not flaunt the vial that had held it and raise my expectations, I think.'

"Indeed. It has been located, and it is not too greatly decayed, though it has lost between twelve and fifteen percent of its charge."

"Better than I expected," I assured him, twitching to grab the vial but reminding myself that I did not need to. "Will you keep it?"

"If you so desire, until you are well enough again to use it or bestow it," the Dr. Fate agreed.

"Thank you. Do you know… I've felt some mystic senses, and perhaps my mantle is returning now, so how is my Feruchemy?" I asked. 'Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease-,'

"For safety's sake, Fate would see you wait another fortnight or more before attempting any regular storage. However, Fate deems it acceptable for you to choose one metal-mind trait to store into and draw from, so long as it is not of the Spiritual quadrant. One metal type only, until you are approved," he insisted. "Do not store multiple traits, one at a time."

"I understand and I agree. Mm." 'The Spiritual quadrant is forbidden, so I cannot use identity or connection. I would be a moron to attempt to store gold, as I would likely reset my healing time to be much, much longer in the attempt. Speed and strength are almost useless to me now, until I fight again out of this chair, but sense are… I should not risk trying to judge whether multiple senses count as multiple traits,' I decided, 'so I will leave those be for now. Weight may be useful in maneuvering around Atlantis in the water. Breath may be useful if the worst occurs under the water and I need oxygen. Warmth would be comforting to me and perhaps a last-ditch defense of boiling steam….'

'No.' I shook my head ruefully. 'It is one of my three favorites anyway, and thinking is all- is what I am most suited for at the moment.'

"I will use my zinc-minds to store and tap acuity," I declared to Dr. Fate. "Is it acceptable?"

"Perfectly so. However… please wait until tomorrow to begin; today, Fate would have you search through memories, instead."

"Memories?" I inquired. It stirred something in my head, but I could not quite recall it.

"This," said Nabu, producing a copper ring. I hissed softly.

'I remember: that was more than a month ago, now. When I went to use the Sword of Beowulf, I found a copper-mind I did not remember making, even though Nabu had cannibalized all my existing metal-minds after Roanoke to use the excess investiture to help me heal.'

"What do I need to know about it? It should not be possible to store the memory of making a copper-mind, due to the loophole of remembering the act of ceasing storage, so the only option I could think of was that you missed it after Roanoke, but I remain uncertain."

"Fate did not miss this metal-mind, no," he disagreed. "Indeed, although you did not make it, it is sufficiently keyed to you that you may tap it. Only a very powerful being could arrange such a thing. However, all of Fate's investigations have said that it is safe. If you will?"

"Of course," I said firmly. I caught it after he tossed it lazily to me, feeling a flush of success at having kept many of my reflexes. 'Which was likely the point,' I realized, but I did not call him on it. 'While I am thinking of it…' "Harm, the Sword of Beowulf, and the House of Secrets shop," I said. "It is Abel's House of Secrets, I think. There is also Abel's House of Secrets in the Dreaming, and Cain's House of Mysteries."

"The two are almost certainly connected; it is far from unheard for powerful and obscure beings to keep a quiet foothold in the mortal world by which they may arrange contacts and influence the material plane. They would not necessarily need to rely on mortal avatars to remain present, as Fate does upon the Helmet and Host, but such would be useful for them, and a way of directly applying power through otherwise weakened channels. Wonder Woman has several times had to oppose Ares as he took the form of a warlord or weapon supplier to beget mischief, and Anubis works at a museum in the making and mounting of embalmed animals."

I blinked at the idea of that, although it also did not surprise me; I had known something along those lines, vaguely, in my mind.

<Growth of essence outside the flesh is a natural occurrence among the divine races, > Motherbox chimed.

"Thank you," I said idly, trying to parse all of the new information. "Mm. More details are private, yes?"

"You will undoubtedly have the opportunity to meet Hephaestus if you desire, as he lives with his daughter at the moment," Dr. Fate informed me, bringing back memories of my interesting afternoon spent with Kosmima on Themyscira.

'I had almost forgotten about her,' I realized a little guiltily. 'I should seek to resume contact.' "I intend to… before the end of February. Mm. I will need a new list of everyone I need to speak to again after our last meetings," I decided, my mind already whirring slightly.

"A later time, Fate advises. Mind the copper-mind," he reminded me.

I blinked, aborted a move to face-palm, and examined the copper ring in my hand again.

There were no non-mystic marks of note on it, and other than the investiture… well, eventhe investiture seemed ordinary enough.

"I will tap in four, three, two, one," I counted, and tapped a metal-mind for the first time in a month and a half.

Information flooded into me as my mind retreated to another domain, of mostly fogginess and gray.

From out of nowhere in particular, Death appeared before me.

"Hiya, Renka! I hope this finds you well. We're really limited in what we can tell mortals except under certain circumstances and how we can safely interact with them, so I'm fudging this a bit with some help from Senna-holding-Serenity, 'kay?

"Do you remember how I mentioned I might have a job for you, or that she might? Here it is if you're interested.

"I'm not going to explain why, and I hope I won't ever have to, but I'm giving you a couple of files on… let's call them important kids in the future. I need you to check on them and, if possible, prevent anything horrible or wonderful… Well, that's not quite right either….

"Look, just read what's on the files and what circumstances you might meet them, and go with your gut on what they shouldn't go through, because they're kids, and they've got some rough times ahead of them.

"For each one you find in time to rescue them as appropriate, I'll pay you… with… something. Okay? Look, you're a good person – if you can't believe me on that, I admit my morality can be a bit screwy too, but you're trying to do good for people, so close enough – and if you see what we will have to handle here, you'll want to help out all the same.

"If you miss a few, it's not the end of the world. Probably. Not directly, at any rate. It just means that we won't know….

"Right, I can't tell you that at the moment. Look, I'll talk to you more later, and if you say no I won't blame you, okay?

"No judgment.

"No names, I'm afraid, but I've got a basic description of all of them and the circumstances we may want to roughly avoid.

"You're not the only one who'll be working on this, not exactly, but because you're sort of not from this universe I can mobilize you in ways I'm not allowed to do with the natives. So, do what you do and try to… okay, okay, I get it, time's up! Take care, girl!"

I snapped back to reality with the memorized "files" of five individuals in my head.

I recognized one of them already.

"Rusts," I spat.

"What is it?" the Dr. Fate inquired of me.

"Death of the Endless has asked me to do a job for her," I explained, "and she had to be a bit roundabout because of rules. Fuck. I already missed at least… wait…" I snapped my head back up. "I apologize, Nabu, but I think I need to return to the Mountain and speak with M'gann immediately. She interacted with a child who matches the description of one of the people I am supposed to search for, Garfield Logan, and the little bits of his situation in the description have me unable to tell if the worst has or has not occurred. Help me hurry, please."

* January 22 [M'gann PoV]

<Hello, you've reached the voicemail box of Marie Logan at the Logan Animal Sanctuary-, >

"It's the answering machine again," I declared grimly as we closed in on Marie and Garfield's home. It wasn't unusual for Marie to miss phone calls—she'd had her answering machine modified to record up to twenty messages, because sometimes she would be out in the borderland wilderness for two or three days with her work—but if something was agitating Renka it was probably bad news.

'Although, in this case I'd think it agitating her would be good news, almost,' I had to admit. My friend's agitation at the lack of news had plateaued after my second attempt at making a call, and now the new failures didn't bother her, from what I could feel. 'I think she's already written Marie off. Marie… and Garfield, too? She said he should be alive and… she said alive and intact, not alive and well. That's bad.'

[If it comes to a fight, what are we going to be up against?] Joey asked- No, wait, it was Jericho again since we were 'on the clock'.

I relayed the question to Renka- to Ferris, and she replied, "I do not know. I am not certain. Almost anything, but not… nothing big."

"Is it more likely to be magic, technology, meta-human abilities, or mundane human force of arms, do you believe?" Aqualad asked.

"I do not know. If the information is right- is correct, then I think Marie Logan died three days ago. Or four. Or more."

'Less than two weeks,' I repeated to myself in some vain attempt at hopefulness. 'Less than nine days, because I saw her last on Friday the 14th, and Garfield should have my phone number if he has to call for an emergency, as long as he-,' "We have visuals," I declared.

[Her truck is gone,] Jericho declared, being the next most familiar with the compound after Conner and me, since Garfield had insisted 'he's sorta my blood brother, too,' and I had brought Jericho back to visit with me a couple times.

Joey liked working with the animals, since he didn't have to talk to them, and Marie had tacked up two of his wildlife sketches on her wall.

"Her truck is gone, but I'm more concerned about the sports car parked there," I said out loud for Renka's benefit.

"That it is a car, rather than a military vehicle, strikes me as more promising," Aqualad opined.

I bit my lip nervously. 'I really hope he's right.' Thoughts of all the horrible things that could happen to- 'No, no, that's not helpful.'

We landed, and Ferris stayed in the cloaked bio-ship with her wheelchair and a communicator while the rest of us searched.

[There were definitely people here yesterday,] Jericho announced. [Fresh food scrapings are in the trash bin, and leftovers too.]

[Oh, wow, I never thought to look for that,] I realized, embarrassed. [I still have a lot to learn about Earth culture, don't I?]

[And I about the surface world,] Aqualad reflected, [as I did not think of it either. I have, however, located a guest bedroom.]

[I've stayed over in there twice,] I agreed, quickly lifting my weight off the ground and shifting slightly to fly through a window.

"Ferris, we have found fresh food, and a woman's clothes in the guest bedroom; I believe all is well," Aqualad reported.

<Mm, good. Thank you. I am glad it is okay. We should talk to Marie Logan to be safe, I think. >

"As long as I'm here, I definitely want to say hi. Give me a second," I called, sticking my head in the guest room long enough to confirm that some other woman's suitcase and stuff was set out there. "I think I know where she keeps her records… Got it!"

"This is different from a diary, I hope," Aqualad joked, some of the tension leaving us now that we knew they were okay.

"Very different," I said distractedly, my mind calling up the episode where someone read Megan's diary. My heart and chigloma both seemed so sore as I saw- "Oh, Rita Farr is here! She played Megan's best friend on the show, and she and Marie were best friends even before that; actually, it's a funny story, Rita was originally auditioning to play Megan," I babbled, "only she was really nervous so Marie co-auditioned with her to play Megan's friend after helping her practice and prepare and then they got each other's parts!"

<Mm. Interesting, > Ferris said, and I realized she probably missed at least half of that.

"Uh, sorry. I mean… it's not important right now. Ooh! There's coordinates for where she went last night, let's go!"

We took ten seconds to put things right, I locked up what needs to be locked (using the spare keys, because manipulating tumblers with telekinesis is tough enough when I can see them but so-far-impossible if I can't), and the bio-ship was up and off again a minute later.

There were certainly some words for what I felt when I saw Garfield cheerfully running around with a small monkey near Marie's truck, in Martian if not in English, but I was just too busy being relieved about seeing him feeling the other two minds in the tent to think of them.

I reached out carefully, and gently linked up to Marie's mind, avoiding the unfamiliar one and not yet tipping off Garfield.

Marie wasn't comfortable with my telepathy the way he was, so I mostly didn't use it with her, but I didn't know what she'd told Rita.

[Marie, it's M'gann,] I sent out carefully. [Can you hear me?] It wasn't strictly necessary, but the little theatricality helped her.

[M'gann? Yes, I can hear you. We're… Do you remember Rita Lee, from-?]

[Rita Farr is visiting you right now, I know, I checked your records. I'm really sorry to intrude,] I apologized at the twist of discomfort Marie wouldn't realize she was projecting, [but we got a tip-off that you and Garfield might be in a lot of danger, or worse. It looks like a false alarm, but I couldn't catch you on the phone to check, so we brought a squad over: me, Aqualad, Jericho, and Ferris. Should I go away?]

[…No, no. Actually, if you don't mind this could be beneficial. I'm not going to keep this from Rita… I should get her permission to help tell you the rest, but you might be able to help her out a lot. Your powers are shape shifting, telepathy, and telekinesis, correct?]

I got curious about the conversational… thing she used, rhetoric or whatever. I only really noticed it because of the time I'd spent with Ferris, but I knew that Marie knew full well what my powers were, and she'd used this just as a segue into discussing them specifically.

[Yes, and do you need me to do anything with them? Oh! Should I come down as Megan, or Miss Martian, or-?]

[If you can reveal your secret identity to Rita, that would be convenient. It's… you might want to ask permission about this….]

It took about another minute of hedging and haggling and Aqualad giving the okay for us to go down in our gear to get down.

"Hey, sis! Uh, wait, you should-,"

"I know Miss Rita is visiting, Marie told me," I fudged, scooping him up in my arms when he started flailing about us staying secret. 'What was that thing you're supposed to say…?' "Oof! You're really getting big, you know?" I told him. "Soon you'll be carrying me, I bet."

"Oh, yeah! I totally bet you I could," he babbled cheerfully. "Soon I'm gonna be bench pressing an oryx on each arm, and-,"

I didn't exactly tune him out after that, but I focused more on the images he was conveying of this movie he had watched while Rita was visiting—she was apparently his godmother, but hadn't been around for a while until she showed up to visit on January 16th—and used my telekinesis to help Ferris maneuver her wheelchair into a good enough place to get around.

After that came a few semi-introductions, with Rita being really more withdrawn than I'd expected and Marie seeming to know why, and then Jericho volunteered to take Garfield out of earshot and show him 'some awesome kung-fu moves' as requested. I kept the link up with Garfield and Joey in it, just in case, but I let rest of us drop out to talk out loud, instead.

We briefly went through a talk about how Marie and I met and I saved Garfield—Marie didn't linger on my being the reason he was in trouble to start with, and I was too grateful to try 'self-flagellating' as Renka called my prior objections when she'd painted me looking too heroic in that fuster cluck—and a review of Rita being Garfield's godmother and an old friend before we got down to business.

"You said you had a tip that I was in danger? From who?" Marie asked seriously, her fingers clenching around a water bottle.

"I'm… not entirely certain," I said, turning my head toward Ferris. "Ferris reported the tip, and she was with Doctor Fate before that point, so I think it was something to do with magic? It wouldn't be the first time we got something vague like that, but this seemed urgent."

"Yes. Mm, sort of," Ferris started to explain with the hand-wiggle I'd taught her to use for 'sort of' situations. "I today got- received," she corrected self-consciously, "a magic… list, files, of some children in dangerous situations. Garfield matched most in one of the files. No names were in the files, but if the file was about him, you would… a few days ago you almost died, I think," she finished uncertainly.

"Oh. I don't… really know much of anything about magic," Marie deflected, though she'd asked me a few questions during my discussion about what we all did on Roanoke when it came up. "Is there anything I should know?"

"Now? No, I do not think you need to know or to do anything important new," Ferris demurred. "If I learn more I will speak to you."

"I always mostly wrote magic off as either met- as either meta-human powers or advanced technology with some theatricality," Rita said carefully. "Is there really a difference?"

"Rita was-," Marie cut off, and they exchanged a look expressive enough I could have imagined them having their own telepathy. "Rita was in an accident not too long ago, and she was in a coma for over a month until she woke up around the New Year."

"Don't bother to sugarcoat it, Marie," Rita said flatly. "I'm…" Her voice hitched, and she glanced between us. "The accident activated my meta-gene and gave me… well, I guess you could call them powers," she spat, "but it made me a freak."

I bristled at the word, as much in my friends' defense than at myself, after all the times I'd self-applied that label.

I was standing up with my palms smacked flat on the table before I even realized it; using my hands to support me as I leaned over the table to get in her face was pure theatricality, since my telepathy let me float just fine, but Joey, Robin, and Ferris had been giving me tips.


"M'gann, wait please," Marie interjected, waving her arm between us. It was almost enough to make me miss the way Rita… rippled as she drew back a bit. It gave me a pretty good guess about what her powers were. "She didn't mean it like that."

[Shape shifting, you think? You didn't miss that,] I checked with Kaldur, [did you?]

[I did not, and I expect you are right,] he agreed. [Also, you might back away a little; Ms. Farr is right to be emotionally distraught right now.]

[…Good point, it just hit an unpleasant trigger,] I agreed, moving back to my chair as Rita started talking again.

"I don't want to offend you; I'm not saying all meta-humans and other people like you," she clarified with a nod at the rest of us, "are freaks. Steve is- never mind about him," she sighed angrily. "I'm saying that even among all the weird meta-powers and abilities, I'm a freak."

"Mm. I know some very weird people with powers," Ferris observed drily, with a small smile. I wasn't sure how much I liked the look on her face as she leaned forward. Then, there was a brief prodding on my mind, and I opened the link.

[Ferris?] I checked, uncertain if it was safe, but willing to try it.

[I suggest you use your shape shifting to freeze your facial expression so you don't react to whatever disturbing thing she shows us.]

[I…] I would have responded to that, but Ferris had already dropped the link, and I saw her twitch with the signs of a suppressed headache. To Kaldur, I sent, [I'm going to do it, and you get ready too. You not reacting to my White Martian form meant a lot to me.]

[You have seen Blubber, Lagaan, and Topo, have you not? Many of my friends are odd in appearance, by surface standards.]

"You… look okay to me, at the moment," I said uncertainly. 'I'm pretty sure that'll provoke her into proving me wrong, I hope.'

Sure enough, Rita twitched. "Only when I'm focusing on it, and even then I've got a time-limit until I get tired. Do you want to see what I really look like now," she dared me, "when I stop shape-shifting to resemble how I used to look?"

'She wasn't even born whatever way she looks now. Wow, she must have worse… Great, now in my own head I agree about my having self-image issues,' I groaned mentally. 'Maybe I should start going around in White Martian form at scheduled times, like Renka suggested I do, just to get some work on this. I could sleep, or curl up during movie night with the lights off… Oh, that actually might help here.'

"Martians are shape-shifters too, you know?" I said challengingly, calling on the brash, competitive image I'd used when Rocket pretended to be part of a gang I'd have to impress to infiltrate the last time we'd last practiced our acting. "I'll show you mine if you show me yours?"

[A little less of a question in the future, although in this case it served as a superior taunt,] Kaldur advised. [Freeze your face, please.]

[Noted, and I am,] I sent back, pulling that mental trick to keep my expression frozen forcibly without it being obvious.

"Ha," Rita deadpanned, and sagged.

Literally, really: her skin swelled and sank in the space of a moment, folds of flab and loose flesh rolling to hang off of her bones-

'No, from the way she's sinking in her seat, even her bones are… It's almost like she's melting, about to end up as a puddle.'

I was really glad I had frozen my facial expression; I was in no position to call anyone ugly, but it was unexpected to see such a human form deform that way, when I had been expecting something more monstrous rather than… that. Gloppy.

"Kandra?" I heard Renka murmur in surprise, which brought me all the way back to an early meeting, and the time when I'd displayed my shape-shifting and she'd claimed to be comparing me to an angel equivalent to make me feel better.

'Of course, the cannibal shape-shifter is slightly more accurate than the angel comparison, but it was nice… You know, I think my White Martian form would look scary and carnivorous enough to count for most humans.' Then I realized I was a little too silent right now.

[Kaldur, I have no idea what to say! Reassurances, something funny like Wally, I need a hint!]

[I would advise you to not respond, save to ask Miss Farr how she thought you would react. I might also add that Ferris would likely advise you to "turn it around" and remember how you would want us to react – or Miss Farr – when revealing your form.]

[She might also say something to back up that Rita isn't a freak, however she looks,] Jericho sent vaguely from outside.

Almost simultaneously, Ferris said, "You should meet Sandy and ClayFace, I think. They have same problems."

'Oh shoot out of time I've been quiet too long,' I realized, and took control of my facial muscles again.

"I see why you have self-image issues," I said, trying to keep my voice even and not smile or let my eyes go wide or anything.

"I thought you would," Rita replied drily – 'Is the word snarkily? I can never remember.' – before she quivered, trying to pull back to her human form. She'd stopped melting like a puddle, at least, but unmelting was giving her some trouble.

Before I could say or do anything else, Renka poked at our telepathic link again. I let her in.

[Istelekinesisabletohelphershape?] Renka asked quickly, and dropped back out without an answer.

I considered it.

"Miss Farr," I offered, "I don't know if it would work, but I might be able to help you get back to looking normal with my powers."

A wave of something swept over her, both emotionally and physically.

"Borebuh?" she asked through loose lips, and I tried not to wince in sympathy. "Yuck. I mean, forever?" she asked.

I hesitated a moment too long, so I was really grateful when Renka picked up the slack just as Rita was about to sour on the idea.

"It will be needing long time to make something last all long time, I think," she said, which probably didn't make much sense to any of us. "Mm. M'gann can, I think, help you look good for a long time, but it will need long time to teach you, yes?" she checked with me, as though she hadn't been the one to suggest it. "Now she can telekinesis to you look good right now, I think."

"I can use my telekinesis to help, um, mold the way you look while I'm around, I think. Like pouring Jell-O into a mold?"

"I think that's worth a try," Marie said quickly, laying a hand on Rita's squishy shoulder. "Anything is better than nothing… Are you sure you can't teach her how to control her shape shifting the way you do?"

Rita folded her arms floppily, with what was probably a mean expression on her face.

"I doubt 'green-skinned alien space girl' has ebuh- ever had to worry about what I do," she sneered. "She's a child, what does-?"

I felt sorry for her, but… 'Okay, I've heard from at least three different sources something like, "happy people are all alike, but everyone is miserable in their own way." I'm not sure if its supposed to be about people making themselves miserable, but if it is, then she's Exhibit A.'

I felt sorry for her, but that didn't mean I was feeling nice, or at all sulted. Intentional or tentional, I felt very insulted.

'What's that thing the dangerous people do when they're really angry? Smile,' I remembered, and spread my lips accordingly.

I could feel enough of what Rita was feeling to really not like her at the moment, and was it wrong to want some damn respect?

"How about this?" I said, my voice taking on the tone used by at least five different TV show characters, including my quoting directly what Mrs. Trevor said when she was trying to see whether Megan, Rita, Jacob, or Hannah had cheated on her big test. "It's really not fair that you're the only one uncomfortable here, right? As long as you have to be stuck in an ugly an uncomfortable 'normal form,' I'll stay in my ugly and uncomfortable normal form to keep you company. When you get back to looking like a pretty human, I'll go back to looking pretty human. Will that make you more comfortable, Miss Farr?" Without waiting for an answer, I unwound my jf'recka and shifted to 'normal'.

Even through her drooping eyelids, I could see Rita's eyes get very wide, and the top of her goopy body tilted backward, like she was leaning away from me. I felt a little sorry for her, but not quite enough to stop.

[I know exactly what it's like to look like a freak, Rita,] I informed her. [I know what it's like to worry and obsess about your appearance all the time, and spend every hour of the day focusing frantically on what you look like, trying to keep your body under control. I know what it's like to hate how you look, and to have no idea why anyone else would ever feel any differently. I know what it's like to have to learn to control your body despite how distracting it is, and I know what to do to get you under control so that you stay the same way even in your sleep.]

[I'll accept the "girl" as a compliment and you get a free pass on "green-skinned," but I'm a year older than Marie and two years older than you. I've put my life on the line and I've almost lost people I care about. Do not dismiss me as a silly child,] I demanded, looming.

[So,] I asked, hoping I had switched my mental voice to 'sweet' from 'menacing,' [do you want my help or not, now?]

She quivered a moment, and I reached out with my telekinesis, shaping and supporting her folds of flesh back into something semi-human, even if it still had a long way to go. Rita started, and I saw her look over her only slightly misshapen body in surprise.

[Yes, please. Sorry,] she sent me contritely. I felt a little glow of satisfaction, and a slight twinge of guilt at Marie's disapproval.

[Apology accepted, and I'm sorry if I scared you,] I sent back. [You just… you sort of hit a sensitive subject for me. Now, let's get you looking good again, what do you say?] I didn't get an answer with words, but this time I could feel the hope thrumming through Rita.
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Is Rita an oc? And I take it Marie will survive for now. Although I do wonder why, I can't remember what happened to Q Bee here.
Is Rita an oc? And I take it Marie will survive for now. Although I do wonder why, I can't remember what happened to Q Bee here.
Rita Farr
Rita Farr was an actress and the godmother of Garfield Logan.

When she was a teenager, Rita played the best friend of Megan Wheeler, Rita Lee in Hello, Megan!.

Powers and abilities
  • Size Manipulation: Rita had the power to expand and shrink her body. Her powers of expansion allow her to become as large as a skyscraper or to become as small as mere inches in height. She initially had no control over this power, and considered herself to be a "freak".
    • Possible Regeneration: It is possible that Rita could have the power to regenerate portions of her body, as a Rita Farr from a different DC Earth could reconstruct a half-blown face or a torn leg and regrow severed limbs.
Background information
In the comics, Rita Farr was an actress, though she had to give up that career when she became Elasti-girl of the Doom Patrol. She is the adoptive mother of Beast Boy.
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'No.' I shook my head ruefully. 'It is one of my three favorites anyway, and thinking is all- is what I am most suited for at the moment.'
Damn right most suited for. You don't get to say its the only thing if you've kicked Red Arrows ass and crashed an active hostage situation with multiple hostages with that handicap.
and a way of directly applying powerful through otherwise weakened channels.
Was powerful meant to just be power?
"I'm not going to explain why, and I hope I won't ever have to, but I'm giving you a couple of files on… let's call them important kids in the future. I need you to check on them and, if possible, prevent anything horrible or wonderful… Well, that's not quite right either….

"Look, just read what's on the files and what circumstances you might meet them, and go with your gut on what they shouldn't go through, because they're kids, and they've got some rough times ahead of them.
Hey, is it the Century children?
It is almost looks like DC having an strange fascinations with pairing Actors and metamorphic powers... o_O

P.S. ClayFace used to be exactly that in Batman Animated Series.
Is Rita an oc? And I take it Marie will survive for now. Although I do wonder why, I can't remember what happened to Q Bee here.
Rita Farr
Rita Farr was an actress and the godmother of Garfield Logan.

When she was a teenager, Rita played the best friend of Megan Wheeler, Rita Lee in Hello, Megan!.

Powers and abilities
  • Size Manipulation: Rita had the power to expand and shrink her body. Her powers of expansion allow her to become as large as a skyscraper or to become as small as mere inches in height. She initially had no control over this power, and considered herself to be a "freak".
    • Possible Regeneration: It is possible that Rita could have the power to regenerate portions of her body, as a Rita Farr from a different DC Earth could reconstruct a half-blown face or a torn leg and regrow severed limbs.
Background information
In the comics, Rita Farr was an actress, though she had to give up that career when she became Elasti-girl of the Doom Patrol. She is the adoptive mother of Beast Boy.
Specifically, this version of Rita Farr seems to be drawing more from the Titans/Doom Patrol version.
It is almost looks like DC having an strange fascinations with pairing Actors and metamorphic powers... o_O

P.S. ClayFace used to be exactly that in Batman Animated Series.

Epitomized by Silverblade, the dad from Hello Megan!

In his comic, he's faded lord of cinema who gained the magical power to access the akashic records and turn into any of his movie roles, enabling him to turn into anything from a boxer to Satan from Paradise Lost.

Also friends with the ghost of Not George Reeves.
Life and Anti-Life Equations
Btw, in case it's helpful, and hopefully interesting for folks, here's what the Anti-Life Equation is supposed to be (to some degree, where the below () should be in this is a question)

⦁ loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemnation ÷ misunderstanding x guilt x shame x failure x judgment
⦁ n=y where y=hope and n=folly
⦁ love=lies
⦁ life=death
⦁ self=dark side (or Darkseid)

In essence, you have no worth or meaning, your life has no meaning, your actions have no meaning, you hopes are folly, love is a lie, life is death, your self is only dark seid... so you should simply let yourself be dark side (or Darkseid). That of course, is not his original name which is Uxas, but by taking Darkseid as his name, it makes it is part of his seeking the Anti-Life Equation, in essence his purpose and goal to be dark side in all beings, and by making the Anti-Life equation absolute, all begin and end in Darkseid.

As a counter point... to extrapolate The Life Equation, which means that everything has meaning, and the Anti-life Equation is a lie
⦁ companionship + understanding/wisdom + assurance/courage + hope/joy + (altruism/humility ÷ respect ÷ commendation ÷ sympathy) x( innocence x dignity x success x acceptance)
⦁ y=n where y=despair and n=caution
⦁ love=truth
⦁ death=rebirth(or new beginnings)
⦁ self=light side

Or, to put in in different words, all that is has purpose, love is true, be cautious and don't give into despair, for in death shall be rebirth, and your true self is your best self, for all that you do and all that you are is important and precious, and everything you do matters. So embrace understanding, companionship and hope and joy, and live your life in true freedom.

On an interesting note
Apokolips = Destruction
New Genesis = New Beginnings
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Gonna be honest, while I like the idea of the Anti-/Life Equation as a concept (and the philosophical implications on both being and free will that come with it), I personally dislike the way it's been codified in canon. I'd have preferred it to be more vague, some sort of lovecraftian insight into the nature and processes of reality sort-of-thing. Yes, 'equation' is in the name, but that sort of clashes with the inclusion of things like "love", "hope", and "despair" in the way it's done in canon. In essence the respective equations represent competing universal theories of everything (in a world with gods and magic, no less), and comprehending even parts of them should be so mind-shatteringly complex a task that you basically can't do it without said information fundamentally changing not just who you are as a person, but what position you occupy in the grand scheme of existence.

Like it does in canon. Which is cool.

So codifying it as [emotion] + [subjective concept] • [whatever else] just... really gets my goat. They shouldn't have tried to explain it, not that way. It's why people hate midichlorians.
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There's nothing wrong with midi-chlorians as a concept. People theorize about physical correlates to metaphysical phenomena all the time in our world; the Darth Plagueis novel did a lot of interesting things with the concept and Luke's notes in the Book of Sith describe the relationship between midi-chlorians, life, and the Force as evidence of the harmony of all life. The idea isn't even really a problem, except that the introduction of the concept in Phantom Menace is stilted and awkward. There's nothing inherently wrong with them as a concept, or with mixing sci-fi and fantasy elements in your worldbuilding.

Sorry for the digression, please go on.
The problem of course, is that in a comic book series, everything is going to be explained, somehow or someway in multiple ways thoughout the series, and people will come up with good and bad ideas to embrace. For decades, the green lanterns had the ridiculous weakness of yellow things, which is eventually is explained as the yellow fear entity being trappped within the core lantern... and for decades the green lanterns (and to some degree yellow) were the only ones out there, now we have entire spectrum of them, which has it's ups and downs.

In general, I like the concept of equations for Life and Anti-Life, but I also like the idea that understanding them is a much more involved process then knowing the equation is a combination of certain ideas.