Life Ore Death - DC Feruchemy [Young Justice]

Oh dear. The cliff, it's real. :(
Yes, yes it is. I changed my mind--an interseason hiatus is no longer okay! Resolve the cliffhanger, please! :confused: (No, daily updates haven't spoiled me. What are you talking about?)

I'm thinking that the parting shot Klarion pulled there was with Renka's name.
Yes, and since the book was apparently destroyed in the process, it should no longer be an ongoing threat to her.

The light cut out, and FATE {That Which Should Be} was left struggling to stand. Rather than inflict damage on Renka's host body, it was Nabu who suffered the more serious harm as consequence.[...]
the light of the Silver City disapproved strenuously of its use by others, and the spiritual toll it inflicted was undeniable.
What is the Silver City or heaven in the DC universe? The crucifix makes me think there's an association with Christianity, but does that relate at all to the Atlantean pantheon? Or the Order/Chaos Lords? I guess I'm a little confused about how these powers interact. It's been stated that there are multiple planes of existence. Do these different diety-class entities all hail from different realms, then?

And the important question, how much damage did Nabu take and how long will it take to recover? Will he still be dramatically weakened when Zatara takes up the mantle?
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So, I suppose this leaves us wondering whether Ferris will stay dead.


On the one hand the team attacked alone because some deaths in the childs world were reversable when the world's merged. Which means that their is a way she could come back.

On the other hand she was an Adult who switched worlds and both burned away her life and tanked a curse backed by her true name. It really could go both ways.

I feel that she should die,
This ark was her choosing that killing Klarion was something worth her life even if she won. There were references to digging two graves and she used her power freely despite the cost. With both Fate and Klarion showing an understanding that she was dying throughout the fight and her acceptance of death it would be better for her to have the meaningful death that she wanted and let the butterfly's that she started control the rest of the story.

Living is of course an option but I would feel that for her sacrifice to mean what it did if she died. She couldn't just recover.

The only way I would be happy with her surviving would be if; order magic ate away at her life because it was the opposite of Ruin and calling on the heavens had the side effect of burning that taint away allowing her to keep the last three weeks of her life when Fate cast his last spells.

Klarions curse could then do something other then shooting someone who was already dying. Maybe a curse so that she couldn't recover.

Either way

Having the second season open with Zantanna putting on the helmet of Fate and appearing within the helmet to talk to Renka and Kent about why everything happoned. Renka might let Kent pass on and become the new helmet ghost.

Then the next chapter you see Fate finish the fight from Robin, Artimas or Wally because with Klarion dead there isn't really anyone who can fight him and the team start demanding him to let Zantanna go and blaming him for Renkas death.

The justice league arrives And then when Zatara proposes the switch Zantanna takes off the helmut and says that Fate is willing to let her go but she choose to be the next doctor Fate. She then puts the helmet back on.

Zantanna/Fate then becomes the new main character and if Renka is alive has the first ark of countering the curse and finding an apple of longjevity. If she is dead her first arc is regaining the trust of the team after accepting fate.
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Seasons' Hiatus and Omake offerings
Season Hiatus Announcement

So, depending on how my life goes there are three potential lengths the hiatus might until Season 2 starts. At worst, I guarantee I will begin posting Season 2 on Renka's birthday. At best it'll just be 16 days from now (two weeks then the next weekend). Or it could fall somewhere in-between.

I can't predict it, I'll honestly have to see how my life goes.

That said, if anyone really can't live without Renka for a while, I do write this out in advance. If you post an omake (it can be potential-canon or totally AU) I'll PM you one of the snippets from S2e1.

And no, they're not one-per-person, though I will draw a line at sending you too many.

I'll also still be available to answer questions and make comments.

Thank you all for being fans!
What is the Silver City or heaven in the DC universe? The crucifix makes me think there's an association with Christianity, but does that relate at all to the Atlantean pantheon? Or the Order/Chaos Lords? I guess I'm a little confused about how these powers interact. It's been stated that there are multiple planes of existence. Do these different diety-class entities all hail from different realms, then?
To the best of my (limited) knowledge, the Silver City is basically the biblical Heaven where angels live. It's a separate plane of existence all by itself I think, so the various pantheons aren't related to it. IIRC the Lords of Order and Chaos have their own personal pocket dimension thing, so I think the answer to your question is yes for the most part. I might be wrong, though.
Jesus what a climax. I kindof wish we had seen Fate use some nore of Ferris 's Feruchemy beyond zinc, but this was still quite gripping.
Jesus what a climax. I kindof wish we had seen Fate use some nore of Ferris 's Feruchemy beyond zinc, but this was still quite gripping.

I mean, let's be honest here, aside from gold, what else might have had any bearing on the outcome, given Fate's immense power and the fact that he fights from a distance and Ferris fights up close?
If you see a question mark, it isn't set solidly in my plans, and I will happily take suggestions.
I've been thinking about the undetermined atium alloys. I've got a few ideas ready to share, and several more that need to settle a bit before they are worth presenting. You put your atium alloy info in spoiler boxes, so I'll do the same with my suggestions just to be safe.

Frst, names! What if Renka named different quadrants in themes around her teammates (or asked for their suggestions and decided they were funny enough to keep, at least informally). So Zatanna could name the physical quadrant and just say them backwards for their alloy (Nori, Leets, Nit, Retwep), since those are the most pronouncable in reverse. In honor of Robin she could have aster-minds, whelm-minds, and turbed-minds, each of which actually fit fairly well for some of what you are planning in the spiritual quadrant (e.g. Duralumin_Significance, which can over- or under-whelm the people around her). I haven't given as much thought to the contributions of the rest of the team, but I'll keep it in mind.
Renka's brass minds let her store and tap her own internal temperature. This has the side effect of letting her radiate or absorb heat (energy in the infrared region of the spectrum) to/from her surroundings. Brass-atium would instead alter her permeability to electromagnetic radiation. That is she would store and tap translucence.

When storing, Renka would absorb more light and radiation. X-ray machines couldn't see through her, she could shield others from harmful radiation, etc. This comes with the danger of overheating and/or suffering adverse effects from the increased dosage of X-rays, gamma rays, etc, so usually she could only safely store when inside the mountain or otherwise shielded from EM sources, and she should wear regular brass minds to regulate her temperature. You would need to decide whether visible light incident on her skin would be reflected as normal (simple opacity) or be absorbed more than usual, making her harder to see even in bright lights. (No effect on clothing or other gear, obviously).

When tapping brass-atium, Renka becomes increasingly translucent to all EM spectra. She probably can't achieve true invisibility, but she can get close. Once again, clothing and gear are unfortunately unaffected.

For pewter-atium you wanted something that physically changes the person. What if you apply the same principle from above to kinetic force. It's density/strength again, but this time along the lines of phasing like Martian Manhunter. (Or Megan? Can she do that?)

Storing would make her more solid, so hits impact harder but don't penetrate as deeply. That means it is not useful when being punched--unless the shot would otherwise damage an internal organ, but will blunt the damage from edged weapons. It will never be anywhere near as beneficial as tapping malatium for toughness, but since the solidity comes from storing instead of tapping it is a cheaper/more accessible effect, and might interact synergistically to make storing malatium easier.

I was worrying a little that these powers are starting to get a little OP, but that's just how feruchemy is, and we are leveraging the godmetals. Plus, then I remember that Earth-16 is Rusting terrifying, and just about everyone is OP. These just give Renka a fighting chance as she gradually levels up. She's not lacking in weaknesses (especially after this season finale), so I don't feel bad spotting her some more strengths.
Edit: lots of autocorrect errors that need to be fixed multiple times. Sorry for the persistent typos
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I just started reading this a little bit ago and it is fantastic. I caught up to current just in time to be spoiled by the daily updates, now I feel like I am going to go into withdrawal. You are a horrible person, well done. Renka is proud of you.

Anyways, I have also had some thoughts about the possible atium alloys but I hadn't thought you were still taking suggestions on them until I saw the above post and it's quote/link back to the informational post. Has there been any suggestions on the general theme you are going for with the alloys other than the discussion with Wally back in Amelioration Part 2? I read the story by going through the index so if it has been elaborated in discussion I missed it.
I just started reading this a little bit ago and it is fantastic. I caught up to current just in time to be spoiled by the daily updates, now I feel like I am going to go into withdrawal. You are a horrible person, well done. Renka is proud of you.

Anyways, I have also had some thoughts about the possible atium alloys but I hadn't thought you were still taking suggestions on them until I saw the above post and it's quote/link back to the informational post. Has there been any suggestions on the general theme you are going for with the alloys other than the discussion with Wally back in Amelioration Part 2? I read the story by going through the index so if it has been elaborated in discussion I missed it.

I feel horribly happy to pick up a new fan. ;)

Preferentially, I would like if the atium-alloy traits had some oblique connection to the original metal's trait, but I'll take any fun ideas if you have them and they work. The traits don't have to be especially or obviously useful, since not all of the canon metal-minds are either, but I advise you to remember about storing toward zero, and remember that she can't store any traits she wouldn't have in the Cosmere.

If you have an idea for a cool scene, that'll also help, and even if I don't take a suggestion I've been willing to bounce around ideas and find something similar that does work.

I was half expecting Fate to summon angels until I remembered that they don't really do that in DC. Still, I'm loving the mystical aspects here; I wonder how that planned journey into the Dreaming with the Sandman and Wonder Woman will go now that Renka is... indisposed. That's in December right?

Also, I'm sure there's irony in the fact that random people can use the powers of Hell willy nilly while a literal Lord of Order is forced to pay a fairly steep toll for just using the light of Heaven to destroy demons, as in, Heaven's sworn enemies. You'd think it would be the other way around, or at least the Silver City would be happy to smite some hellspawn.
Its always been like that in almost any media you could possibly consume always easy to get some of the dark powers but when ever you need the help of the light its always extremely difficult and harder to get than darkness. It would make sense for them both to come easily in equal amounts but whenever its brought up its usually shown haven either doesn't care or is run by assholes.

The above are good observations, so I'll clarify the way it works in Life Ore Death:

1) Fate could have summoned an angel, but one angel wouldn't have necessarily been enough, and a proper summoning would take too much time, while an improper summoning would risk the angel being weak or injured on arrival and of less assistance. Also, if physically incarnate angels and demons of that level throw down, expect a few city blocks to get flattened.

For that matter, with demons running around an angel or six would've showed up eventually, but the Team would've been dead by then.​

2) Klarion isn't "Random people" he's a freaking Lord of Chaos, meaning he's equally or more powerful than most demons, he's practically second cousins with the Infernal, and he sacrificed a lifelong sinner and world-class wizard to fuel the summoning.

The Silver City is quite happy to smite the Infernal, as shown by the searing smite it delivered, but FATE suffered the after effects before the power's "will" knew what it was being used for, so to speak. Similarly, because FATE used it well, that "price" isn't going to stick around. It'll be less than a day before FATE heals back the damage done to Nabu's soul-structure, whereas if it had been used for petty or improper reasons the wound wouldn't heal. Ever.​

3) If it was just a matter of using the Silver City's power, that would be less a problem. FATE grabbed enough Silver City power of enough purity/density that it instant-killed some of its targets, as in one of those demons (the tentacle one) is utterly and eternally unmade now. FATE could have handled the power safely if he set up orderly preparations or asked formal permission, just like someone could safely grab hot metal out of a furnace with the proper protective material, but this was an emergency.

Again, FATE could have pulled out enough to just scorch the demons or fend them off a bit without issue - heck, Zatanna would have been able to pull it off if she knew the lore about how to do it - but FATE needed an immediate and absolute solution, so overkill.​

4) Media in which it's like pulling teeth to get the help of the Good/Light as compared to the powers of Evil are usually the media where Good isn't Evil's equal and opposite, but its instant and utter destroyer. Similar to what was seen here, where that one burst of the Silver City's power flash fried chunks off of everyone on the bad side.

Out of universe, it needs to be more difficult for a protagonist's obvious use to maintain narrative dramatic tension. In-universe, at least on Earth-16 in my version, the Silver City isn't apathetic or evil, but what they do a lot of is either preventing the forces of Hell from showing up in the first place, or protecting innocent souls after death.

If one of those demons killed a Team member and tried to drag them off to Hell, said demon would've met a guardian angel along the way; one assigned to annihilate it for the audacity of taking an un-judged soul, and then escort said soul to the appropriate afterlife. But in comparison with eternity, (so to speak, though it's not an accurate explanation either) that brief stretch of life isn't always a top priority.​
If one of those demons killed a Team member and tried to drag them off to Hell, said demon would've met a guardian angel along the way; one assigned to annihilate it for the audacity of taking an un-judged soul, and then escort said soul to the appropriate afterlife. But in comparison with eternity, (so to speak, though it's not an accurate explanation either) that brief stretch of life isn't always a top priority.

Isn't it Death's job to guide souls? Like, I suppose that's not technically a big deal, because souls still sometimes end up going to the wrong place by hostile design (see Mona Doyle and Elaine Belloc), so she so her guidance isn't protection against a demon sending you to the wrong destination, but it's still Death taking you.
Isn't it Death's job to guide souls? Like, I suppose that's not technically a big deal, because souls still sometimes end up going to the wrong place by hostile design (see Mona Doyle and Elaine Belloc), so she so her guidance isn't protection against a demon sending you to the wrong destination, but it's still Death taking you.

Death is a psychopomp, but apparently not the only psychopomp, since there are others. And if she got everyone, then no one else would get a turn.

Lucifer is a psychopomp, I remember that much from Lucifer.

In Green Lantern, Nekron runs the antechamber of the afterlife, his are all the souls who didn't get to the next phase yet. That might have been retconned now that he's part of the emotional spectrum thing though.

And in the Question, Question killed a psychopomp assassin who was hired to kill Superman and deliver him to a hell that doesn't do backsies.
Death is a psychopomp, but apparently not the only psychopomp, since there are others. And if she got everyone, then no one else would get a turn.

Lucifer is a psychopomp, I remember that much from Lucifer.

In Green Lantern, Nekron runs the antechamber of the afterlife, his are all the souls who didn't get to the next phase yet. That might have been retconned now that he's part of the emotional spectrum thing though.

And in the Question, Question killed a psychopomp assassin who was hired to kill Superman and deliver him to a hell that doesn't do backsies.

Lucifer is several steps beyond being just a psychopomp. He controls the death of everyone he has ever killed, going so far as to be able to undo it casually millennia later, and at no personal cost. But I never got the impression he actually guided souls, he simply owned the fate of those he killed.

In fact, it's pretty much impossible for him to be doing so, as he used that trick of his during a time when he had set aside all his powers and was surrounded by enemies. I think it's just a facet of how the universe works, rather then something he actively does. He is first created and endowed with the will the shape the universe, and he owns his actions.
Alright lets give these Atium Alloys a shot.
So the ones that don't have any effect listed yet are Copper, Zinc, and Chromium (or Memory, Acuity, and Fortune.)

Metal _ Trait - Name - Description

Copper _ Emotion/Impact - Emotium - Closely tied to its base metal, emotium deals with memory but in a greatly different way. Where copper allows a feruchemist to forget and recover an entire event, its atium alloy instead does the same to the memory's emotional impact, converting it from an episodic memory to a semantic memory turning experiences into emotionless facts. Theoretically, emotium could be used to leech the emotions from memory as it happens, allowing the user to view and react to stressful situations dispassionately without giving up their personality as with heavy aluminum storing. As with copper, it is still all or nothing and cannot be used lightly to simply "take the edge off." Tapping emotium effectively is much trickier, requiring the user to sacrifice a fresh happy memory to use as a later "pick me up" or perhaps tapping a trauma to suddenly share with an unwelcome telepath. Renka dislikes copper, she finds emotium to be equally distasteful and seductive, offering her the chance to give up all of her past trauma and grief at the cost of changing who she is. She does however acknowledge its potential short term use, as having it available would have helped with her flashback/breakdown after nearly killing Black Canary in their first spar. Or just while writing AARs. Also, when she finally succeeds in making un-keyed nicrosil, emotium could be used in conjunction to make a tool to treat PTSD in others willing to pay that price.

Zinc _ Mental Weight - Espium - The zinc-attium alloy controls how the user's mind interacts with those of others. While storing, it becomes increasingly difficult for telepaths and allomantic seekers to detect the user by decreasing the user's mental weight/strength/influence (these things get fuzzy in the Cognitive Realm), however this also makes the user easier to affect with un-targeted allomantic soothing and rioting. Tapping reverses these effects, making the user stand out like a beacon while being harder to move. However it also makes the mental weak-points resulting from hemalurgic spikes stand out equally vividly. On its own, espium does not grant any telepathic or mental abilities, only making the user a mental light- or heavy-weight in interactions that others initiate. The name was derived from a comment by Robin that it wasn't ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) but instead it was ESP (Extra Sensory Presence), Wally then took the joke and (predictably) ran with it.

Chromium _ Understanding - Rubium - Naturally, chromium is Fortune: subconsciously looking into the Spiritual Realm (a 'place' where time and space have no meaning) and then taking actions based on their results, good or bad depending on how it is being used. It is the feruchemical metal closest to allomantic atium. However, adding atium to it reverses its effect from 'how to make something happen' to 'how did this come to be.' Since the effect is focused solely on the user, it nearly useless. Storing in rubium causes a sense of confusion as the feruchemist loses their ability to understand why they are doing something. As what they are doing is storing in the metalmind, they then stop doing so. This can be overcome with practice or by tapping electrum for determination to continue even if they don't understand why. Pushing storage to extreme levels, they can no longer grasp the concept of cause and effect. Tapping rubium instead grants them a certainty (with no supporting evidence) of the root cause that has led them to be in their current situation. Tapping more can give them the cause of the cause, and its cause, ad nauseam. For example: tapping rubium while taking cover from a bunch of gangsters shooting at her, Renka might receive that she it taking cover because she doesn't want to be shot, because being shot hurts, and pain is bad. Alternatively the same situation might result in: they are shooting her because she was spying on them, because Batman told her to, which the followed because she enjoys being on the team, because companionship is good. As a group, the Earth natives decided that naming it after a Rube Goldberg machine was much better than naming it "two-year-old-ium" for repeatedly asking "why?"
If you think these are any good I will try coming up with other options for the alloy effects that are only maybes.
Welcome, Sequal. Glad to have another fan joining the discussion. I also recently caught up, and the comments after the chapters have only added to the experience.

Chromium _ Understanding - Rubium
Perhaps this was your intention, but I think this effect has been overly limited in a few ways. You've switched subconscious to conscious, which I like, and future to past, which is good but possibly unnecessary. It may just be the example you gave, but it seems to me that the knowledge she gains is too focused--there's no breadth, and what you describe feels like what she could get by tapping zinc and tracing events backwards.

Beyond tracing the sequence of cause and effect, it seemed that Rubium should also give her a sense of relative weight for each cause, helping her to recognize pivot points or pressure points in how cause and effect have lead to each other. She would see which events or decisions had the strongest influence. Essentially it's identifying the points where a gold shadow would diverge.

So in the example you gave, tapping Rubium would tell her "I'm hiding here because thug 3 noticed something about me when I was sneaking." Tapping further tells her "That was because I helped Miss Martian cook those onion-garlic-mustard pork chops, so I must have a recognizable scent right now." Sort of like what you were describing where she sees the Rube Goldberg machine that made her personal history track the way it did, but it focuses on the pieces that would have altered the outcome if they had been different.

For example, tapping Rubium while she's on her way to duel Sportsmaster would tell her, "I'm entertaining this idea because I dug deeply into my duralumin minds at these three points." That might be enough to clue her in to the fact that she's been manipulated.

Alternatively, if you didn't switch past and future, Rubium could help her identify the actions that could make the most difference now. Tapping while in the fight you described could tell her, "I can have the greatest impact on the outcome of this situation if I do one of these things:
  1. Shoot out the lights
  2. Attack the thug fighting Aqualad
  3. Punch Miss Martian
  4. Set off the fire sprinklers"
It doesn't tell her which of those lead to good or bad outcomes, just that they would make things diverge. Thus, it will be more useful in fights where she is losing, unless she's looking for things NOT to do. And if she is choosing between the options Rubium gives her, tapping regular chromium is probably a good idea--with the usual caveat that a good outcome for Renka is not necessarily a good outcome for her team or mission.

Anyway, good idea and I love the name you picked for it.
Quick question: what is going on with Renka's understanding of Sphere?

Most of the time it seems like she is the only one to hear meaning behind the beeps, but back in Matriarchy there is a scene where Captain Marvel and Kid Flash both understand words from Sphere. Either way, it appears to happen for Renka independent of any storing or tapping, so it's not obviously related to her other language tricks.

Anyone feel like clarifying?
<Disapproval. Deception. Loneliness. >

Ferris sighed and pulled her hand away from that awesome talking Sphere because it didn't want to let her pet it goodbye, and then she got on the ship.

"That seems to be a theme with a lot of people, today," Kid Flash said

<bwooeep. >

"Hey there, boy. Girl. Hey, Superboy, is Sphere a boy or a girl? And, sprocket wrench?" I requested.

"Here." M'gann passed it telekinetically into my hand.

"Thanks, sweet-cheeks." I didn't look up from the bike but I knew she was blushing. There'd been no repeats of our one kiss, but now she knew I was serious as well as interested. It was only a matter of time.

I focused back on the bike.

<bweedle-leeep. >

"Girl. Pretty sure Sphere's a girl," Superboy suggested.

"So, you hear words from Sphere when she beeps?" I checked, because learning that part had been a bit surprising.

"Yes, and I did not realize you all do not," she said, shaking her head. "Not long sentences, but words, yes. And she can become-?"
"He knew what he was doing," she said sharply, only to hesitate after. "You can… understand me?"

"I can understand an alien robot who speaks in beeping sounds," I pointed out. Her appearance had reverted again in between.

Quick question: what is going on with Renka's understanding of Sphere?

Most of the time it seems like she is the only one to hear meaning behind the beeps, but back in Matriarchy there is a scene where Captain Marvel and Kid Flash both understand words from Sphere. Either way, it appears to happen for Renka independent of any storing or tapping, so it's not obviously related to her other language tricks.

Anyone feel like clarifying?
As one result of being a Sliver, Renka's spirit structure is enough like a New God's structure that she can comprehend Sphere's communications. She does it inherently, and it isn't until Episode 23 - Interactions part 1 when she realizes the rest of the Team do not hear rough words, etc., when Sphere beeps at them.

Captain Marvel can also understand the beeps. There may be multiple overlapping reasons for why he's able to, but the end result means his meta-physique is enough like a New God's to translate it.

Kid Flash cannot understand it, nor can anyone else on the Team, though between faint differences in pitch and some context Superboy or the others could put together a decent guess. In the scene in Matriarchy Kid Flash is commenting about another conversation he, Robin, and Aqualad were having because the first two felt betrayed that Aqualad had concealed the mole information from them. He is replying to a comment (maybe one that was in the canon conversation as well, IIRC,) made in that talk, unrelated to Ferris or Captain Marvel.

Captain Marvel came in partway because he was paying attention to Ferris & Sphere before that point and didn't listen to what the others said.

Isn't it Death's job to guide souls? Like, I suppose that's not technically a big deal, because souls still sometimes end up going to the wrong place by hostile design (see Mona Doyle and Elaine Belloc), so she so her guidance isn't protection against a demon sending you to the wrong destination, but it's still Death taking you.
My ruling as to LOD, at least, is: Death will show up to guide most or all deaths that don't have a prior claim by another specific afterlife, as well as sharing with some that do. For instance, in the rare occasion that one of the Amazons ends up dead, Death might show up and chat with them waiting for Hermes to appear and escort the Amazon to Erebus (the underworld). She'll also show up for the passing of other supernatural beings, like on those occasions a divinity or demon finally finishes all-the-way dying.

As with the other Endless, she can be reasoned with, she has some measure of free will in fulfilling her duties, and she can be fooled. Also as with the other Endless, she's an incredibly powerful passive reality warper by dint of being an Incarnate Personification with eons of existential experience and sensory perceptions most mortals can't imagine. Genuinely pulling one over her isn't easy unless she lets you.

She doesn't do every death in person, though she tries to do every sapient and aware individual's death as a way of showing she cares. She could get away with doing less as long as she did enough for the rest to stay 'automated' in the same way Destruction has his realm continuing on automatic, but she prefers not to.

As mentioned with Greta/Secret, dying isn't always a single jump, but a multi-step process; even if Death doesn't show up at the immediate first step (like if a demon drags your soul off to hell) she tries to show up somewhere along the way and provide counsel if she can.

Alright lets give these Atium Alloys a shot.
So the ones that don't have any effect listed yet are Copper, Zinc, and Chromium (or Memory, Acuity, and Fortune.)

Metal _ Trait - Name - Description

Copper _ Emotion/Impact - Emotium - Closely tied to its base metal, emotium deals with memory but in a greatly different way. Where copper allows a feruchemist to forget and recover an entire event, its atium alloy instead does the same to the memory's emotional impact, converting it from an episodic memory to a semantic memory turning experiences into emotionless facts. Theoretically, emotium could be used to leech the emotions from memory as it happens, allowing the user to view and react to stressful situations dispassionately without giving up their personality as with heavy aluminum storing. As with copper, it is still all or nothing and cannot be used lightly to simply "take the edge off." Tapping emotium effectively is much trickier, requiring the user to sacrifice a fresh happy memory to use as a later "pick me up" or perhaps tapping a trauma to suddenly share with an unwelcome telepath. Renka dislikes copper, she finds emotium to be equally distasteful and seductive, offering her the chance to give up all of her past trauma and grief at the cost of changing who she is. She does however acknowledge its potential short term use, as having it available would have helped with her flashback/breakdown after nearly killing Black Canary in their first spar. Or just while writing AARs. Also, when she finally succeeds in making un-keyed nicrosil, emotium could be used in conjunction to make a tool to treat PTSD in others willing to pay that price.

Zinc _ Mental Weight - Espium - The zinc-attium alloy controls how the user's mind interacts with those of others. While storing, it becomes increasingly difficult for telepaths and allomantic seekers to detect the user by decreasing the user's mental weight/strength/influence (these things get fuzzy in the Cognitive Realm), however this also makes the user easier to affect with un-targeted allomantic soothing and rioting. Tapping reverses these effects, making the user stand out like a beacon while being harder to move. However it also makes the mental weak-points resulting from hemalurgic spikes stand out equally vividly. On its own, espium does not grant any telepathic or mental abilities, only making the user a mental light- or heavy-weight in interactions that others initiate. The name was derived from a comment by Robin that it wasn't ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) but instead it was ESP (Extra Sensory Presence), Wally then took the joke and (predictably) ran with it.

Chromium _ Understanding - Rubium - Naturally, chromium is Fortune: subconsciously looking into the Spiritual Realm (a 'place' where time and space have no meaning) and then taking actions based on their results, good or bad depending on how it is being used. It is the feruchemical metal closest to allomantic atium. However, adding atium to it reverses its effect from 'how to make something happen' to 'how did this come to be.' Since the effect is focused solely on the user, it nearly useless. Storing in rubium causes a sense of confusion as the feruchemist loses their ability to understand why they are doing something. As what they are doing is storing in the metalmind, they then stop doing so. This can be overcome with practice or by tapping electrum for determination to continue even if they don't understand why. Pushing storage to extreme levels, they can no longer grasp the concept of cause and effect. Tapping rubium instead grants them a certainty (with no supporting evidence) of the root cause that has led them to be in their current situation. Tapping more can give them the cause of the cause, and its cause, ad nauseam. For example: tapping rubium while taking cover from a bunch of gangsters shooting at her, Renka might receive that she it taking cover because she doesn't want to be shot, because being shot hurts, and pain is bad. Alternatively the same situation might result in: they are shooting her because she was spying on them, because Batman told her to, which the followed because she enjoys being on the team, because companionship is good. As a group, the Earth natives decided that naming it after a Rube Goldberg machine was much better than naming it "two-year-old-ium" for repeatedly asking "why?"
If you think these are any good I will try coming up with other options for the alloy effects that are only maybes.
I think I'm stealing the Rubium name because I like it, though the effect is a little too close to my tin-atium idea.

Espium is an interesting idea, especially because it also fits with something from the Cosmere, where animals on one planet can hunt by sensing minds and some other birds can conceal minds from those senses. I think I want to fine-tune the exact meta-physics, and I'll contact you in PM when I get a chance (or you can PM me first), but I like it.

Copper-atium as Emotium... it's an idea, but in a lot of ways it's like what would happen combining copper-mind memory and tapping or storing aluminum-mind identity simultaneously, so she sort of already has that, albeit she doesn't use it. Probably not gonna run with this one, sorry.
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Presumably Renka understands Sphere because she is a Sliver of Entropy, which is similar to a New God?

Edit: ninja'd by author haha
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I looked up the New Gods on the wiki, and there wasn't much info at all. Is there anything I should know about them? It appears that their canon interaction with the Team has been circumvented, with just the one sighting-at-a-distance during the events of Old Wounds. (Unless some of it happened while Ferris was in China and didn't get mentioned?)
I looked up the New Gods on the wiki, and there wasn't much info at all. Is there anything I should know about them? It appears that their canon interaction with the Team has been circumvented, with just the one sighting-at-a-distance during the events of Old Wounds. (Unless some of it happened while Ferris was in China and didn't get mentioned?)

How impressive and divine a New God is suppose to be is... more then a little schizophrenic. Like, sometime they seem like they barely qualify as having superpowers, and other times they're potent giants who can only interact with us by using technology to limit themselves down to our level.

So the answer is... *shrug*
I looked up the New Gods on the wiki, and there wasn't much info at all. Is there anything I should know about them? It appears that their canon interaction with the Team has been circumvented, with just the one sighting-at-a-distance during the events of Old Wounds. (Unless some of it happened while Ferris was in China and didn't get mentioned?)

The New Gods are aliens with a multiple choice past.

The classic origin is that they are the the life that evolved when alien Norse Gods had Ragnarok, splitting the planet in two.

It was actually the ragnarok of the Marvel Norse gods, the writer was the Thor writer, but marvel didn't want to kill off Thor.

So if he had his druthers, Darkseid would probably have been the villain in the last Avengers movie.

They are gods, but DC doesn't use god as a power level but as racial description.

The innate powers all New Gods are supposed to have are about the same as the Amazon power set, except there are New Gods who seem to not have those supposedly innate powers.

They have been given several so called power ups to stop people from noticing how pathetic they are, but for some reason DC is generally allergic to giving them a power up that actually makes a difference.

They were made giants who could use the Earth as a golf ball, but they use technology to shrink or grow things when they come too and fro, so that doesn't actually make any freaking difference.

In Anarky, Darkseid claimed to just be an avatar of the true, omnipotent Darkseid. But since "true Darkseid" never ever interacts with anyone, again, that makes no freaking difference.

Later, DC made the New Gods conceptual beings, except, you guessed it, that is useless puffery because that and $2.70 could get them a cup of coffee.

Some New Gods have personal powers, like Lightray having light powers, but most use hypertech. The leader of Darkseid's Female Furies, as an example, has electrified metal coils she uses as a whip.

Post Flashpoint, they were actually made godlike in power, killing Lanterns left and right like it was hunting season, but it only took DC over four decades to make them powerful as a race.

Humans can become New Gods, the Source made an African American wheelchair bound Viet Nam vet into the Black Racer, and at one point the origin of the Forever People was foundlings from Earth that New Genesis adopted.

Darkseid is the go to cosmic DC villain for the same reason that Joker is the go to Batman villain, they are allergic to actually making new villains rather than reusing old villains ad nauseum.

DC has gone back and forth as to whether their planets are, in the Green Lantern storyline in which the Green Lanterns invaded Apokalips, Apokalips is in the armpit of the universe, so far away from Oa, at the center of the universe, that the green lanterns had trouble recharging their rings. Later they made the planets in a different universe.

Darkseid's MO is to gather more power. Usually by acquiring the Anti-Life Equation, but he's also tried to steal the power of Heaven, invading Olympus, draining the mojo from other super villains, highlandering gods, etc, but he's also been known to try to recruit more powerful soldiers, usually involving Kryptonians or Kryptonian like beings, like recruiting Supergirl, conquering Daxam, or producing a clone army of Doomsdays.

For this story, I believe Oblo is going with they are spiritual beings whose powers will actually have something to do with what they are the god of, and that their power level will be somewhere between the OP lantern killing gods of post flashpoint and the generally useless schmucks they were before that.

DC once made the Hyper-Adapter that Darkseid sent after Batman responsible for the Lazarus Pits and Vandal Savage's immortality, but whether Oblo will use that connection remains to be seen.

And oh yes, the New Gods worship the Source, which as the name implies, is the source of everything.

The Source chose humans as the successors of the New Gods, so humanity is the New New Gods, making New Genesis and Apokalips the Fourth World, and Earth the Fifth World.
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I think I'm stealing the Rubium name because I like it, though the effect is a little too close to my tin-atium idea.

Espium is an interesting idea, especially because it also fits with something from the Cosmere, where animals on one planet can hunt by sensing minds and some other birds can conceal minds from those senses. I think I want to fine-tune the exact meta-physics, and I'll contact you in PM when I get a chance (or you can PM me first), but I like it.

Copper-atium as Emotium... it's an idea, but in a lot of ways it's like what would happen combining copper-mind memory and tapping or storing aluminum-mind identity simultaneously, so she sort of already has that, albeit she doesn't use it. Probably not gonna run with this one, sorry.
I guess I would call that 1.25 out of 3.

Honestly the name on Rubium was the part I was happiest with as well, I was struggling with dealing with a temporal/spiritual effect that both felt logical and not stupidly powerful, and you said you wanted some metals to be useless. Fortune itself is kinda wonky anyway because the way I view it storing should give you less guidance for your actions not bad guidance. In a way storing to zero with Fortune should give you absolute blind free will rather than bad things happening. Unless Fortune is passively constantly protecting everyone from misfortune and storing is forfeiting that protection... Maybe the atium alloy somehow taps into that Misfortune (which sounds a LOT like Ruin) force? But since feruchemy only affects the user that seems... bad. Storing diminishes natural Ruinous impulses and later tapping them for increased lethality in combat? I am down to randomly brainstorming on this now.

Anyway, Espium was derived from wondering what a 'stronger' mind would look like rather than a 'faster/better' one. When I started thinking about Realmatic Theory that incorporated a version of Iron's density shenanigans occurring on the Cognitive plane.

My other idea for copper was messing with the process of making/recalling memories; shifting from super forgetful to eidetic memory. That seemed to be too close/replacing copper itself so instead I tried to add a Ruinous tinge from the added atium of instead diminishing the memories. I'll take this one back to the drawing board as well.