Let the fires of industry BURN! a WH40K manufactorum administrator quest

How to use perk point

  • 1) Use that spare perk point on your Planet generation

    Votes: 12 85.7%
  • 2) Use that point to pick a new perk from the perk list

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3) Use the point to evolve one of your current perks (Pos. or Neg.)

    Votes: 2 14.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Turn 10
As you sit in your office looking out onto your domain, all you feel is a numbness. You, Sabutai Torus, are the newest Sector Lord. Your not sure if its shock or just your general lack of emotion but you can't quite seem to process just how far you have come in so little time. Now you just have to survive another year before you can claim your title,

NOTE: Don't forget to assign your hero's to things

Industry: 2 Dice (Base) + 1 Dice per Unallocated Tech Priest Shift (8) + 1 per (4) unallocated Skilled Worker shifts (16/4=4 dice) + Pi-Tau 65: +1 Industry dice per 5 Tech Priest shifts (20/5 = 4 dice) = 18 Dice

[]Construct a new production line: You are in need of more production capacity, so now you need to commission a new line, one benefitting from modern advancements
0/250 Progress, 150 B-mats per dice. Reward 1 Modern Production line: 20 Production Capacity [1 Space]

[]Construct a new Warehouse: You are in need of more storage capacity, so now you need to commission a new warehouse, one better designed
0/150 Progress, 150 B-mats per dice. Reward: 1 Modern Warehouse: 7500 Storage Capacity [1 Space]

[]Construct a Vox Tower: You've finally gotten contact re-established, but now you need more channel's for your contacts
0/200 Progress, 200 B-mats & 10 A-Mats per dice. Reward: 1 Small Vox Tower: Opens 1 Contact slot [1 Space]

[]Construct a new Basic Workers quarters: You are in need of more housing capacity, so now you need to commission a new workers quarter
0/150 Progress, 150 B-mats per dice. Reward: 1 Workers Quarter: 20 Housing capacity [1 Space]

[]Construct a new Basic Workers Housing Complex: You are in need of a lot more housing capacity, so now you need to commission a new workers Complex
0/750 Progress, 150 B-mats per dice. Reward: 1 Workers Complex: 120 Housing capacity [5 Space]

[]Construct a new Comfortable (Insert worker type) quarters: You have decided that some of your workers deserve better accommodations than the rest of the riff raff, and as such have ordered better housing for them.
0/250 Progress, 200 B-mats & 5 A-mats per dice. Reward: 1 Comfortable Quarter: 10 Housing Capacity (Shifts housed here gain +10 to their rolls) [1 Space]

[]Construct a new Comfortable Housing Complex: You have decided that some of your workers deserve better accommodations than the rest of the riff raff, and as such have ordered better housing for them.
0/1250 Progress, 200 B-mats & 5 A-mats per dice. Reward: 1 Comfortable Housing Complex: 60 Housing Capacity (Shifts housed here gain +10 to their rolls) [5 Space]

[]Construct a new Luxury (Insert worker type) quarters: You have decided that some of your workers deserve only the best accommodations, so integral to your operations that they are, and as such have ordered only the best (non-noble) housing for them.
0/500 Progress, 300 B-mats & 20 A-Mats per dice. Reward: 1 Luxury Quarter: 5 Housing Capacity (Shifts housed here gain +25 to their rolls) [1 Space]

[]Construct a new Luxury Housing Complex: You have decided that some of your workers deserve only the best accommodations, so integral to your operations that they are, and as such have ordered only the best (non-noble) housing for them.
1677/2500 Progress, 300 B-mats & 20 A-Mats per dice. Reward: 1 Luxury Quarter: 30 Housing Capacity (Shifts housed here gain +25 to their rolls) [5 Space]

[]Construct a small/medium/large Forge Temple: Sooner or later you are going to need somewhere to house all the Tech Priests and store any tech you find, otherwise they might just leave or have your discoveries destroyed.
0/[200/600/1200] Progress, 400 B-mats & 20 A-mats per dice. Reward 1 small/medium/large Forge Temple: Houses 5/15/30 Tech-Priest Shifts, houses 20/60/120 artifacts, has 1/3/5 slots, gives a 2/5/10 % chance to unlock bonuses from slotted Artifacts, unlocks Learning, [1/2/4 space]

[]Construct a small/medium/large armory: While nothing and no-one has breached your defense's yet, you think it might be time to set up a secure storage for your military gear, one that can help with maintenance for your Security as well
0/[100/300/500], 100 B-mats & 20 A-mats per dice. Reward 1 small/medium/large armory: Store 100/200/300 units of military grade goods, Any attempt for hostile forces to destroy them suffer a - 30/50/70, 0/1/2 [Space]

[]Reinforce the (Insert Wall Here): With your newly expanded territory stretching quite far, you'll need another defensive wall to protect it
0/(300/600), 200 B-mats per dice. Reward: Heavily reinforced wall/Bastion wall -40/-60 from hostile attack rolls

[]Construct a small/medium/large Sim Pod training area: Now that you've given the AdMech their due, you can put that STC to use
0/(500/1000/2000), 200 B-mats & 100 A-mats. Reward 1 small/medium/large Sim Pod training area: Sec. units assigned to the sim pods increase 2 levels of training per turn up to [Solar Aux] level (Assigned units are unavailable until they either finish or are removed). Space for 2/4/8 units. 1/2/4 [Space]

Production: 37/80 Capacity used

[]Allocate capacity based on Production Items

Stewardship: 2 Dice (Base)

[]Send out scavenger parties: There is an untold number of resources out there, you (or more accurately, you workers) just need to go out there and bring them back. Your recent successes have regrettably picked all the nearby places clean.
Assign Shifts to this action and choose 2/3/4/5 turns for the expedition. Longer expeditions roll more for rewards but roll more for dangers

[]Construct a small maintenance workshop: You would rather not have your Manufactorum collapse back into its original state, so you'll set aside some resources and cog boys to do basic maintenance.
0/200 Progress, 100 B-mats per dice. Reward: 1 small maintenance workshop: -100 B-mats a turn, 1 Allocated Tech-Priest shift, 5 [Space] worth of maintenance per turn

[]Construct a large maintenance workshop: You would REALLY rather not have your Manufactorum collapse back into its original state, so you'll set aside a lot of resources and cog boys to do intensive maintenance. (LOCKED OUT)
0/500 Progress, 100 B-mats per dice. Reward 1 large maintenance workshop: -200 B-mats per turn & -20 A-mats per turn, 3 Allocated Tech-Priest shifts, 20 [Space] of maintenance per turn

[]Hire Menials: You're going to need more and more workers as you expand your production, might as well put the word out you're hiring
DC 60/120/180 5,000 Thrones per dice Reward: 5/10/15 [Menial] Shifts

[]Hire Skilled Workers: You're going to need more and more workers as you expand your production, might as well put the word out you're hiring
DC 75/150/225 10,000 Thrones per dice Reward: 3/6/9 [Skilled] Shifts

[]Send equipment to the Red Viper Protectorate: Might as well start arming them with actual gear, not whatever scraps they clunk together
-[]Insert type and units of equipment being sent

Marshal: Assign security shifts to chosen option, every shift adds 1 dice

[]Assign Sec. shifts to outposts: You might need to move your security teams around as needs arise
Assign/Remove [Sec] shifts to/from an outpost.
(Note: Up to 10 [Skitarii] shifts may be assigned to outposts. Outposts in the Bedrock layer are free while Outposts anywhere else requires a diplo roll at a DC of 50)

[]Secure an elevator shaft at (Insert Hive Level): You're going to need to make sure nothing happens to your only reliable method of moving resources
DC 50/100. 100 B-mats & 10 A-mats per dice Reward: gain Elevator FOB: must have at least 1 Sec. Shift assigned, anything attempting to use or obstruct this elevator entrance must defeat assigned Sec. Shifts

[]Reinforce one of your outposts: You think you might need to beef up an outpost, so you'll set your security to the task
DC ? (Depends on current level of outpost)

[]Clear the surrounding ruins: You need more space to expand your holdings, so your going to need to clear out the surrounding ruins
DC 100/200/ect.. 10,000 Thrones per dice Reward: 5/10 [space] (May be taken more than once per turn)

[]Attack a ganger faction: You're going to put your boot down on one of the gangs, and it's going to be hard and fast
DC ? (Depends on gangs situation) Reward: Chosen gang suffers damage, possible loot Locked until you know what gangs exist (May be taken more than once per turn)

[]Hunt down some of the [Insert local wildlife here]: For either materials or to thin the herd, you are sending your forces out to hunt
DC 50/100/200 10,000 Thrones per dice. Reward 1d5/1d15/2d15 of corpses from selected animal/robot

[]Send the Red Viper Protectorate some trainers: See if you cant get them acting like actual competent combatants
DC 0, Temp. lose your PMC's skill training for 3 turns OR spend 200,000 Thrones to get the Avg. ganger to [PDF] level and the elites to [Imperial Guard] level

[] Send units to help with the Purge: Might as well do your part
-[]Assign units to help the purge (Will reveal all your new tech)

Diplomacy:2 Dice (Base)

[]Contact your PMC: The PMC you created will be a good source of troops. (+2 shifts per turn)
DC 20
11 [PDF] Sec. Shifts available (Max. 20 in reserve) for hire, 20,000 Thrones per shift
(If all [PDF] shifts hired option below becomes available, [Trained] Shifts reinforce first)
40 [Trained] Sec. Shifts available (Max. 40 in reserve) for hire, 10,000 Thrones per shift

[]Contact your Family: Your House and greatest ally, see how the family is doing
DC 30, Starts mini turn

[]Contact the Planetary Governors office: The office of the Planetary Governor, the pompous prick that he is
DC 40, Starts mini turn

[]Contact House Magnitum: The House responsible for most of the planets mineral extraction and refining, and a better seller for Materials than the Admin.
DC 40, Starts mini turn, Unlocks new trade options

[]Contact the Local PDF: The Planetary Defence Force, the "Proud" protectors of your world and more importantly a good buyer for military gear.
DC 40, Starts mini turn, Unlocks new trade options

[]Contact the Mechanicus: The resident cogboys, the masters of Imperial technology and whom you can trade many things
DC 40, Starts mini turn

[]Contact Sonia Kure-Qvund, Your Mechanicus contact: Your old friend acquaintance, whom you have long cooperated with and who you can sell tech and items without all the red tape slowing things down
DC 20, Starts mini turn

[]Contact the Red Viper Protectorate, your (only) subordinate organization: See what is happening with them
DC 0, Starts mini turn

Learning: 2 Dice (Base) + 1 dice per allocated Tech Priest shift (0) = 2 Dice

[] Insert Artifacts into the Forge Temple for study: Give one of your recovered artifacts to the Temple to study
Chose a relic(s) to fill slots in Forge Temple for study

[]Dissect a (Insert Biological wildlife here): You might as well see what you can find out from the local wildlife.
DC ? (Depends on creature and number of specimens), requires 1/5/10 corpses per choice

[]Have a (Insert mechanical wildlife here) disassembled: See if the priests can pull one of those machines apart and learn anything
DC ? (Depends on creature and number of specimens), requires 1/5/10 wrecks per choice

[]Exert additional focus on the artifacts: You would like to find out the secrets of this artifact NOW rather than later
DC 50/100/200/400, Reward: + 5/10/20/40 on deciphering roll for chosen artifact

Intrigue: 1 Dice + 1 Dice per unallocated Personal Servant Shift (1) = 2 Dice

[]Send out covert scouts (Factorum outskirts): You need to make sure that nothing is lurking close to you factory
DC 50/100/200 500 Thrones per dice. Reward: A general view on any nasty gribblies nearby, possibility of a rare find

[]Send out covert scouts (Factorum Far lands): You need to make sure that nothing is lurking farther out from your factory
DC 50/100/200 1000 Thrones per dice. Locks dice for 2 turns Reward: A general view on any nasty gribblies farther away, possibility of a rare find

[]Send out covert scouts (Underhive): You need to make sure that nothing is happening in the Underhive you should know about
DC 50/100/200 1500 Thrones per dice. Reward: A general view on any hostile groups, low possibility of a rare find

[]Send out covert scouts (Middle Hive): You need to make sure that nothing is happening in the Middle Hive you should know about
DC 50/100/200 1500 Thrones per dice. Reward: A general view on any hostile groups,

[]Set up informant rings in the (Insert hive level besides bedrock): It would probably be a good idea to set up informants in the other levels as to not be blindsided by new events
DC 60 20,000 Thrones per dice. Reward: Rumor mill in chosen level

[]Contact a Ganger Faction: Why not see if you can set up a little under the table deal with one of the various gangs that infest the hive
DC 50 5,000 Thrones per dice. Reward: Initiate diplomacy with a chosen gang Locked until you know what gangs exist

Policy: Choose up to 1

Military Equipment: What are you equipping your security with?
(Do you wish to update their loadouts?)

More options for Arms, Armor, and Vehicles will appear when you gain the requisite licenses

(All trades must be in whole units)

[]Buy (qty) of (good) from (seller)
-[]Buy (qty) of (good) from (seller) per turn

[]Sell (qty) of (good) to (buyer)
-[]Sell (qty) of (good) to (buyer) per turn
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We are going to need to build another Chimera line since we are in a deficit. We will be burning through our transport units, especially with our new obligation.

@Lord Necromancer

What are our production options for a Sentinel, a regular Leman Russ Tank, and an Impaler-enhanced Leman Russ? We got a lot of skilled labor for building more stuff.

I'm off to bed now, night.
Rumor mill 2
The Spires

PG's Office
Due to an utterly brain dead servant of House Von Grimm, the entire battleplan for the purge has been leaked to the whole hive through a series of unfortunate events. Count Olaf has used this to claim the inheritance of House Bodleaire.

+30 to all gangers combat rolls on the first purge turn

House Torus:29
Somehow (your brother, almost certainly) the knowledge that you have struck a major find down in the Underdark has spread through out the upper hive

+12% Knowledge to everyone but the gangers

House Magnitum:98
In a shocking turn of events, the earthquake that had collapsed some of their mines 6 months ago have revealed previously hidden veins of minerals. And not just normal veins but obscenely rich veins.

+400% minerals for sale for 6 turns

House Blum:56
They have begun to recover due to hiring new workers and the sudden increase of minerals, but it will take a few more months to get back to their previous levels of output

General Nobility:56
After the brief grudgematch, everything has returned to normal

Under Hive
aern't we going to have abunch more facoties on our new worlds anyway? Plus won't we still "technically" own the manufactorums in the underhive; just have someone run them for us?
The production of stuff is going to be different once you get a world as you will be operating on a planetary scale. And yes you will still own this manufactorum, but as I said you will start operating on a planetary scale, so even if you produced 80 capacity of Flack vests it wouldn't even register. I honestly was just going to convert it into a expedition base mechanically speaking
You must be new here, welcome. But to answer your questions yes he is (through the power of omake rewards) trying to marry his daughter to the PC, but the planets you are getting aren't in this sector at all so he has no reason to worry about you usurping him
yes but both he and our dad do not know this people think we are lord of the underdark and potential heir to one of the most politicly powerful family's on the planet and the office of the PG did huge mistake that will of cost political power I could see him trying even harder to marry us to his daughter so that power protects him and his power as PG
yes but both he and our dad do not know this people think we are lord of the underdark and potential heir to one of the most politicly powerful family's on the planet and the office of the PG did huge mistake that will of cost political power I could see him trying even harder to marry us to his daughter so that power protects him and his power as PG
I think I see the problem here. You are operating on a modern day timeframe of how things go. You see, yes you are seen as the future heir of a very powerful Noble family and he guesses you'll inherit... in about 100 years from now or so. That is A LOT of time for him to maneuver against you in his eyes so he really isn't worried. And that whole "Lord of the Underdark" title is (to him) an empty one since your the only real operation down there.
Your right but I was also thinking he might panic like he did when we got the lord of the underdark title in the first place as well as the 12% from the rumor mill he might think that with the space marine that he thinks are down here in the first place the mechanicus being down here for us he might think the admech called in space marines for what we found and try to get closer real fast as to get close to the guy who found a thing the admech called in space marines for although I can see him focusing on the leak more and missing that to
HAHAHAHA no this would almost never happen. The factions within the Imperium rarely cooperate like this
I could see a space marine chapter owing a favor the the admech for one reason or another and needing to if they want techmarines (I think they need to send them to get trained by the admech) but I could also see what you said but that just means what ever it is is interesting to both groups