to secure our interests in Egypt and if you are successful, continued interests in India.
So the test of opening the second objective (of our mission) is secured French interests in Egypt. That second objective being secured continued interests in India.
The mission is assigned us knowing that we feel it is unworkable in it's current form and they admit that they are unable to change the plan this late. Malta is a far better port to fight the British from. and cuts their route to Egypt. Furthermore the safe anchorage for a substantial fleet under fortress guns would allow interdiction of the straits either side of Sicily.
A descent upon the southern coast could be the initial step in the conquest of Sicily. No hiding place for Ferdinand III. A good supply of sulphur (a flea fumigant when burned in houses as a prophylaxis against Bubonic plague) because of the largest volcano in Europe. A good supply of oranges and lemons for the navy. Escaping with an army from Sicily back to France is a lot more likely than from Egypt.
It just might get you into some deep shit.
Sending a smaller force on to Egypt from Sicily as an armed trade mission to keep the British out and combat the plague stands as much chance and is less wasteful. Trade the sulphur at a huge premium. Drop off scientists by establishing a consulate and trade fort
outside Alexandria?
Take Cyprus/Nicosia too? These are all steps on a more gradual consolidation of the Med. This being vital to
furthering our long term interests in Egypt to the point of a regular trade and supply route to India.
The side benefits are a more clement terrain for our troops, an easier prospect of retaining mobility and supply, control of access to the Eastern Med with a superb naval base and a means to secure any hold made on Naples from recapture/re-liberation.
Murat is an Admiral(!) and potential King of Naples and Sicily.
[-]De Lisle and ROAD TRIP
The academy can wait until the royal lad gains some perspective. A tour to broaden his mind.