La Chanson de la Victoire (The Song of Victory): La Petite Arpenteuse (Non, SV, you are a General of France in the Napoleonic War!)

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Yeah because who wants an independent state of cultural and nationalistic minorities whose land they conquered nearly a century prior, forcing tens of thousands into exile, attempting to destroy their cultural heritage and... generally being dicks about the whole thing.

What could go wrong when that nation could arm, supply and field an army for itself and are very very angry at their former overlords?

Hint lots of blood feuds that make the Austrian one we have look like a petty rivalry.

Perhaps, in a feat of pure cold-blooded realpolitik, Napoleon decides to throw the Poles under the bus precisely for a longer lasting peace with Russia, Therese probably wouldn't be happy with that.
I'll put that +15 on Render unto Auclair @Plausitivity
Another +10 from myself @Plausitivity

Do the study actions have a dice check?
So +25 (15 AvidFicReader, 10 Tjakari) to Render unto Auclair and +10 to Study (Charisma?
When will we get the Quarterly News? Update after the next one?
Yep, tomorrow.
Assuming the recruitment succeeds, we may be looking at 50,000 soldiers. I suggest we go on the offensive knock the other Germans states out before Prussia regains her balance. She still has another army near the Rhine, correct? Then we go for a Decisive Battle with them.

Knowing France's luck, we'll probably need to go to Italy to save Kellerman's ass.
Assuming the recruitment succeeds, we may be looking at 50,000 soldiers. I suggest we go on the offensive knock the other Germans states out before Prussia regains her balance. She still has another army near the Rhine, correct? Then we go for a Decisive Battle with them.

Knowing France's luck, we'll probably need to go to Italy to save Kellerman's ass.
One step at a time, first we liberate the Lowlands then we reclaim France's


B O R D E R S.
One step at a time, first we liberate the Lowlands then we reclaim France's


B O R D E R S.
Well Dumoriez and Jourdan are handling that sector. Though, I prefer what OTL Napeleon did, clear the way to Vienna from Metz. They would then either pull back from the Netherlands or risk occupation.
Write Me A Song, de Lisle! (AvidFicReader)
Sing Write Me A Song, de Lisle!

"Severin, stop being ridiculous! I haven't the time to write more songs, what with all of the orders for new uniforms, equipment and muskets for the levied troops."

"And yet I'm not the one drinking, de Lisle. Think, man! Most of these new men will be conscripts! They'll have been plucked from their fields and told to come to Metz to become soldiers. The original troops of the Army of the Rhine were at least militia that had been scraped together and organized into a formal unit. These men will be lacking in morale and esprit de corps, so what better way to inspire them than with songs of the victories of L'armee du Rhin?"

"Much as I might appreciate your enthusiasm, Severin, not all of us have the limitless energy you are possessed of, and I, for one, would like to spend my evening in relaxation. Do you even know the word, you madman?"

"My friend," says Severin as he slings an arm over de Lisle's shoulder, "you must certainly enjoy writing music, considering you wrote that wonderful march for our victorious army. Why don't I sing it for you to jog your memory. The men certainly like it, they start singing along as soon as they hear it sung!"

Clenched tightly under Severin's crushing grip, de Lisle begins to nervously sweat as he recalls that Severin's version of singing, as with much else the man did, was carried along more by enthusiasm than pure skill. "Alright, alright! No need to burst into song here and now! So how do you propose going about writing songs of our 'glorious victories,' Severin?"

"Aren't you the songwright, de Lisle? But let's start with Mayence. Certainly, we must mention the battles at the bridges. Glorious stands, the both of them. La Generale certainly held better in the North, than I in the South. Oh, but that counter-charge, that's one for the ages!" Severin pauses, then mutters under his breath, "Best not to mention that damned hat, though."

"So, perhaps we start with the Prussians aiming to crush Mayence beneath their jackbooted heels, only to be intercepted by L'armee du Rhin. Oh, and write Brunswick and his lackey as uncreative lackwits, though menacing and imposing at the head of a vast column of tin soldiers."

"Now you're getting into the spirit, de Lisle! But, er, how much into the spirits have you gotten? That bottle looked a lot fuller when I got here. Anyway! Maybe make a pun on gendered nouns? In German, bridges are feminine, what with being supple and supportive and such, but in French, bridges are masculine, vaulting and erect. The men love bawdy imagery, and bawdy puns all the more! And perhaps something about Brunswick going a bridge too far, because he might have been able to force the issue with sheer attrition and weight of numbers if he had focused on one bridge."

"Right, right, bawdy puns, sexual undertones and old Brunny being over-ambitious. 'Man's reach exceeding his grasp' kind of thing, but also blowing his load too soon. Haha! The Germans are always on about the sanctity of the Rhine frontier, but isn't this also France's natural border as well?"

"Yes, this will be wonderful! I can't wait to hear it sung. Well, maybe I'd best be off. You seem to have things well in hand, try not to have too much fun, de Lisle!"

Severin exits de Lisle's tent to the parting words of "Vive L'armee du Rhin!" a chorus taken up by the men within earshot. Severin returns to his own tent to write up a new duty roster and assign the Chasseurs and some signalmen to 'detached sentry duty' in the near future.

--Three Hours Later--

The Metz camp is awoken to an unearthly caterwauling in the early hours of the morning. The entire camp turns out at the cacophony, preparing to go into battle. 'Perhaps this is some godforsaken weapon brought to bear by the Prussians or Austrians, maybe the screeching of rockets?' As waking men rush to join the sentries at the perimeter, several officers rush to investigate the source of the sound.

"Mon Dieu! How could this be?" shouted Severin, as he came into view of the source of the cacophony.

There, braced against the doorpole of his tent, was a clearly sloshed de Lisle, himself the source of the cacaphony. Reeking of liquor and- is that supposed to be singing?- lyrics to the new song he had composed. Feeling remorse and not a small amount of responsibility for de Lisle's state, Severin takes charge in quieting down and sobering up the drunken captain.

"It's no wonder why de Lisle stuck to writing songs, rather than singing, if that's what he calls a singing voice. All right, lads, bring him an bucket of fresh water and an empty bucket. The capitan is in for a rought night."
[X] Rest & Recruitment

(although we really should be reading up the Military and Decorum stats and not worry about the kids and letters so much)
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Don't Go Daddy! (SzechuanSauce)
Alright, I'll see if I can get dad Brian correctly, his son is very adamant about something, hopefully this is good Frozen fanfiction.

Don't Go Daddy!

Brian Auclair was usually quite good at figuring out problems to solutions, very good at it actually, most people called him a genius for that, but he just chalked that off as flattery. But now, there was one problem he couldn't seem to solve.

"Are you gonna give me back my hat?"

A stubborn toddler with a tricorn hat behind his hands.

Agnarr didn't even think about his answer, he just turned his head up to him, as stubborn as anyone can be, "Nah."


"I don't want you to go."

At hearing this, Brian gave a sigh and rubbed his face, I don't want you to go. Brian didn't want to go himself, he liked his life the way it is, a good home, family, quiet, that's all he ever wanted, and he had it.

Of course, that good home was a giant palace in a foreign land, that family included a wife who had magical ice powers, a talking snowman, an iceman who talked to a reindeer, a hyperactive child in a grown woman's body, and to be fair, there wasn't much quiet with them, but still, he had it.

He knelt down to his son, put a hand to his shoulder and gave him a look, he looked so much like him, same hair, same face, same eyes, yet it seemed like he had inherited his mother's height, never the tallest person around, while also inheriting her love of chocolates, leaving him a bit pudgy.

"I have to go."


"Because..." "Because of complex geopolitical reasons including, but not limited to, the rise of Liberalism in Europe and the pushback against it by conservative forces, blood feuds created by our forefathers, the partition of a nation long opressed by its neighbors, Nationialism, and the humongous egos of the world leaders that prevent them from forgetting slights against their pride."

"Because I have to."

At that remark, Agnarr crossed his little arms together, the hat now visibly near his left arm, and he gave a pout, "I don't like it, me and mommy never see you."

"I don't like it as well, I hate having to go to war and leaving my family behind, I hate the uncertainty, the thought I'll never see them again." Brian thought to himself, at that, he held his son close and hugged him, after a few moments, he could feel him hugging back, and could hear sniffling, it seems his son was crying.

"Please, don't go, I don't want you to." His son said through tears, and at hearing his son cry, he held him even tighter. When he finally seemed to stop crying, he let go of his son and looked at him, "I'm sorry, but I have to, but, do you trust me?" Brian said to Agnarr, while helping to wipe away the remainder of his tears.

At that, Agnarr nodded his head, whatever else, he trusted his daddy, he could do anything.

"Well then, do you trust that I'll be back?"

After a few moments, Agnarr nodded his head, yes, he trusted him, but first, "Do you promise?" He asked his father.

"I promise."

Agnarr then extended a pinky to him, "Pinky promise?"

At this, Brian gave a smile, he extended his pinky across his son's pinky, "Pinky promise."

After they let each other go, Agnarr said, "Okay, I guess you can have your hat." While giving his father his tricorn back.

Brian then put his old hat back on his head, and gave one last look to his son, "Be good, okay?"


After this reassurance, Brian's thought went back to the war, "To Russia, either our soon to be greatest triumph or our soon to be greatest defeat. We shall either be hailed in our capitals, or corpses spread around the Russian countryside."

OOC: Hope you guys like it, sorry if its somewhat to extremely cheesy.
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Thus the drinking. Getting into the spirit of things with the help of some mighty powerful spirits.

@Plausitivity I'll put the +15 on Levee en Mass
Got it.
Here's a joke:
"Hoy, what's your faith, Pierre? You don't seem very religious at all."
"I'm highly spiritual, I'll have you know."
"Oh, like one of those Buddhist monks?"
"Like an alcoholic, Jacques."
Let France Decide: (A Speech By Thérèse Auclair) (Magoose)
Let France Decide: (A Speech By Thérèse Auclair)

People of France, Men of the Army of the Republic, lend me your ears and listen to me as I speak.

My Name is Thérèse Auclair, General of the Army of the Rhine, The Petite Arpenteuse, The Shield of Valmy, The Liberator of Mayence, And The Firefighter of France. But you know my name.

You stand here at a crossroads, with the Armies of the Ancient Regime trampling through France, our homeland, to install another King who would oppose every idea of Life, of Liberty and Fraternity that we have now, for the first time in History, are graced with.

We fight one another because we are too afraid to take the chance to live for ourselves, in the opportunity that we now have. We would soon rather take a king and a crown, because we know of it and are comforted by the notion of being ruled, instead of going on our own path.

We are at a crossroads in our history, where we can choose to live as one people, with one voice, as citizens of our great republic. Or will we live as subjects to a despot… one who may be wise, but not bound to his people, or subject to their laws, as we are to his will.

I look at you now, staring at me like a madwoman, speaking to you. Some might be calling for my head for daring to speak!

But that is the beauty of revolution, change can now be openly expressed in the streets, and can be openly interpreted in any way.

But I ask you all, to think, what has the Ancient Regime done for me and mine, while they ruled. Have they proven, time and time again, to be extravagant, decadent, weasels who use the coffers of the state to pay for their excesses.

Have any of you seen relief when the grain prices were skyrocketing and food became scarce? Did any of you hear of any plans to relieve us? To help us?

Or did they ignore us, as they always have, focusing on themselves?

I say we no longer bow down to the Ancient Regime! No longer bow to Kings and Despots and let the people decide the future of France!

Let France decide her destiny, as she always should!

AN: Enjoy a little speech.
I believe that this matter should be given some thought: What (if any?) allies do you think, we (France) should try to secure?

After all, it has been acknowledged in this thread, that France alone can't hold all of Europe.

However would it possible to hold it with the right allies?
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Huh, I'm still thinking of writing more of those Frozen Fanfictions, let's see if I got a good character list, description of who some of them are.

Brian Auclair- The current Prince-Consort of Arendelle, he has a loving relationship with his new family, especially his wife Elsa and his son Agnarr. He has a complicated relationship with his homeland, while he still loves France with all his heart and would always consider himself French, he has a rather cold relationship with Napoleon, still holding a grudge against him for crowning himself, seeing it as a betrayal of all the values he fought for, while also forcing him to get married and shipped of to a foreign land against his will, even though he has grown to love it. Yet, despite all that, he is still very willing to join in the fight in helping his old homeland, leading the soldiers of Arendelle himself, earning him the nicknames of "The French Viking" "The Second Coming of Carolus Rex", or to those who don't like being dragged into the chaos, "The Symbol of French Domination." "The Foreigner"

Prince Agnarr II- Son of Brian and Elsa, and heir to the throne. He is still very young, being around the age of a toddler, and has inherited his father's appearance, his mother's love of chocolate, and oddly seems to have inherited his Aunt Anna's height, and her mischevious personality. He has a somewhat strained relationship with Brian, while they both love each other dearly, he gets upset at his daddy for not being there when he wants him, due to the rigors of campaigns in Europe, while he has a better relationship with his mommy, her job being closer to home and therefore letting him spend more time with her.

Queen Elsa I- The Snow Queen of Arendelle, owing to her powers, she is more politically minded than Brian, being the one who handles politics while Brian busies himself in the less annoying job of administration and campaigning. Initially meeting Brian during her coronation, after an exciting sequence of events including her running away, and an uncovering of a plot by the British to overthrow her in favor of Prince Hans, they would not have any more meetings until Napoleon had them married to secure an alliance between the two nations, both of them unsure if they would be happy with each other, but after a period of courting, eventually cultivated a loving relationship with each other, and as rumored by the staff in the castle, a very "active" sexual relationship.

Therese Bonaparte nee Auclair- Older sister to Brian Auclair, and wife to Napoleon Bonaparte, she currently stands as Emperess of the French, one of the moderating forces of Napoleon, preventing him from totally going off the deep end, and is also known as the guardian of Louis and Charlotte Capet. She has a complicated relationship with her brother, he cannot help but feel betrayed by her acceptance of turning France into a monarchy once again, even after all the sacrifices they've done in the name of the republic, but despite that, they still love each other as only siblings can.
I believe that this matter should be given some thought: What (if any?) allies do you think, we (France) should try to secure?

After all, it has been acknowledged in this thread, that France alone can't hold all of Europe.

However would it possible to hold it with the right allies?
Potential could possibly include Poland, Hungary, Denmark as well as any other "Sister States" we might establish in Germany and Italy.
I believe that this matter should be given some thought: What (if any?) allies do you think, we (France) should try to secure?

After all, it has been acknowledged in this thread, that France alone can't hold all of Europe.

However would it possible to hold it with the right allies?


If these allies include UK and Russia, that should be very possible.

Now, getting these 2 into a long term stable alliance with France would be rather difficult.

With other european allies? possible but difficult, depending on which allies.

With only non-european allies (ottoman counting as european here)? I don't really see how.
Potential could possibly include Poland, Hungary, Denmark as well as any other "Sister States" we might establish in Germany and Italy.
Wanna really wreck the balance of power in Europe while also gaining Prussia's eternal Allience?

Dismantle the HRE, unify the German Princes, and found Germany.