Into that Vast and Unrelenting Darkness (40K Xeno Civilization Quest)

maybe the c'tan don't want a slave race anymore after what happened with the last one when they rebelled and think they can gain more by working with us. I know this is unlikely but it still a possibility

Really it's the unkowns, we have no idea who these three are and what they want, they seem to have a handle on their Necrons so they might be full C'Tan, or they could be Shards that have a very good combined grip on a bunch of them. Really the fact only one is actually interacting with us on a normal basis is kinda a good thing, Mother aside, the other two seem content to do their own thing.

Maybe these three are like Minor C'Tan or ones that have no desire to have the same thing happen again. But as said, we don't know if they mean us ill will or just are doing a good thing for the weird furret people that live above them.
As good as what we've been able to do, we're running low on resources. Prioritizing more sustainable projects to get those reserves back in the green (High Energy Physics Lab and Regenerative Nuclear Material) should hopefully shore these things up for latter. Sphere 001 has the most clear-cut drawbacks, which makes their option the safest.

Fleets: 1/1
Expansions: 15/17(15)
Culture: 7/9(7)
Faith: 11/13(11)
Academy: 11/13(11)

[] Plan: Resource Resurgence
-[] Sphere 001, Offering Strength
-[] Fleet Actions
--[] Survey Mal'Ket Configuration
---[] TKK Endeavor
-[] Expansion Projects
--[] High Energy Physics Lab (0/10 --> 10/10) -2 Nuclear, +2 Network
--[] BlokTek Arcologies (4/20 --> 9/20)
-[] Culture Projects
--[] Nuclear Engineering For Kits (6/10 --> 10/10) -1 Nuclear
--[] Zoological Educational Facilities (0/10 --> 3/10)
-[] Faith Projects
--[] TekCrypts (0/15 --> 4/15)
--[] TekGrimoire (8/15 --> 15/15)
-[] Academy Actions
--[] Regenerative Nuclear Material (0/10 --> 10/10) +5 Nuclear, -1 Living Metal
--[] Deep Crust Scanner (4/10 --> 5/10)

Nuclear Material: 1 --> 3
Living Metal: 1 --> 0
Network: 1 --> 3
I like your plan except for trying to study the Mal'ket Configuration. It's almost certainly a Warp Storm and trying to study those never end well. Plus this is 40k. Some choices will be schmuck baits/bad choices.

Surveying something else would be a better idea imo.
Honestly of the three I like Sphere 001 the most.
Mother can potentially push us down a rather nasty path and Yaldabaoth's 'already paid price' is rather worrying.

Meanwhile Sphere's stuff doesn't have any real string attached aside from feeding his hunger and we can get more points.
if the ctan meant us ill will or great harm they would have done it already instead of saving our entire civilization then most of them going underground to sleep, staying above to either in mother case help/guide us or go off to do there own thing. They are noted to like as a whole.
but they seem to have a great deal of affection for your species:
The ctan aren't manvolent toward us this is clearly a case of where the great difference between our 2 groups or even between ctan means a ideal solution in there mind to this will have some unintended likely negative consequence for us.
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Nice. Well, depending on what happens next turn I'd like to do both religion options, or at least folk beliefs, since it would kinda suck to completely ignore what likely contains tekket cultural practices. We'll also be having a nice cushion that should advert horrible zealotry or chaos worship. From my understanding a lot of chaos worship originates from chaos sinking its teeth into people who are vulnerable and in need, living horrible lives, etc. The Imperium of Man being what it is and a-

reads the update

I like your plan except for trying to study the Mal'ket Configuration. It's almost certainly a Warp Storm and trying to study those never end well. Plus this is 40k. Some choices will be schmuck baits/bad choices.

Surveying something else would be a better idea imo.
I can make a second version that does Luna instead; "limited time" just always gets to me.
I can make a second version that does Luna instead; "limited time" just always gets to me.
Given this is 40k and with the precedent of Eve I bet there is almost certainly a equivalent to Second Apocalypse mechanic where certain choices- especially limited time choices- will lead to disaster if taken.

And in 40k you do not mess with Warp Storms. You just don't unless you want to die.
here a plan that does moon instead of warpstorm since people are worried about

[] Plan: Panic Is Illogical + MOOON
-[] MOTHER, Offering Guidance:
-[] Luna
---[] TKK Endeavor
-[] Orbital Shipyard (10/10)
-[] BlokTek Arcologies: 11/20 generates EXP, pre-emptively prevents urbanification of Teklian wilderness.
-[] Wargames: 5/5 grants the Wargamer tradition, slightly increasing the general survivability of your forces and increasing recruitment.
-[] Nuclear Engineering For Kits: 10/10 grants Nukes for Kits, increasing EXP and ACD points, costs 1 NK
-[] God-Machine Cults: 5/5, establishes God-Machine Cult.
-[] Folk Religion Revival: 5/5, Re-establishes various folk religions in Tekketi Civilization.
-[] TekGrimoire: 15/15, Develop TekGrimoire Artifact, increasing FTH. Unlocks TekDaemonism, TekOccultism, and TekAnimism Rites.
-[] Regenerative Nuclear Material: 10/10, Develop Perpetunite technology, increases Nuclear Materials by 5. Costs 1 Living Metal.
-[] Security Bots: 5/5, unlocks PowerBlok technology, increasing EXP Points and allowing for deployment of Fusion Rockets on vehicles. Costs One Nuclear Material.

link to reason for choices in previous post

Into that Vast and Unrelenting Darkness (40K Xeno Civilization Quest) Mature - Sci-Fi - Fantasy

[] Plan: Panic Is Illogical -[] MOTHER, Offering Guidance: of these three options I think I like the mother one the most she been the one for a lack of a bette word good to us? been kind, not allof, the most conversational with us, the most approachable, the most tekket, the one who views us...
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what I find weird is they haven't been acting like c'tan till now they haven't tried to get us to do anything, gather resources build blackstone plyons you know their whole thing is hating the warp and wanting to eat it
We'll also be having a nice cushion that should advert horrible zealotry or chaos worship. From my understanding a lot of chaos worship originates from chaos sinking its teeth into people who are vulnerable and in need, living horrible lives,

I don't really see how Folk Religion helps with that.

If we want to reduce zealotry, government backing for a specific set of religions seems counter intuitive; if we want to fight chaos worship, then establishing any theology, or lack of it, without actually understanding how the ruinous four operate will not help.
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what I find weird is they haven't been acting like c'tan till now they haven't tried to get us to do anything, gather resources build blackstone plyons you know their whole thing is hating the warp and wanting to eat it
I'd aruge they aren't even acting like C'tan now really if they were acting like ctan they just take over our civilization and enact there plan which they could quite easily do. These are either radically different group of ctan perhaps put in prison by there asshole brethen for not wanting to go with the plan or straight up different group from the one in warhamers or something happened to these ctan that changed there entire worldview to not be assholes
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Actually, yknow what, would everybody be okay if the update was left as is? I'd basically have to rewrite a huge chunk of it entirely because of a simple tally malfunction and that'd be a big PITA.

That's fine as long as the taly error is corrected and we have the options we should have for the current turn.
I don't really see how Folk Religion helps with that.

If we want to reduce zealotry, government backing for a specific set of religions seems counter intuitive; if we want to fight chaos worship, then establishing any theology, or lack of it, without actually understanding how the ruinous four operate will not help.
What will help is improving therapy and thereby improving the mental health and stability of the Tekket. It won't stop direct Chaos corruption but it will help against the low level influence of the Four since it'll mean less unstable or desperate people for the Four to passively sink their claws into.

For the active corruption that's where the TekGrimoire tradition tree comes in. Recognizing the signs of hostile Warp being influence is very importwnt.
[] Plan: Mystek Serenity
-[] MOTHER, Offering Guidance:
-[] Luna
---[] TKK Endeavor
-[] Orbital Shipyard (10/10)
-[] BlokTek Arcologies: 10/20 generates EXP, pre-emptively prevents urbanification of Teklian wilderness.
-[] Wargames: 5/5 grants the Wargamer tradition, slightly increasing the general survivability of your forces and increasing recruitment.
-[] Nuclear Engineering For Kits: 10/10 grants Nukes for Kits, increasing EXP and ACD points, costs 1 NK
-[] TekShrines: 10/10, develop TekShrine Tradition, increasing EXP.
-[] TekGrimoire: 15/15, Develop TekGrimoire Artifact, increasing FTH. Unlocks TekDaemonism, TekOccultism, and TekAnimism Rites.
-[] NukeTek Miniaturization: 5/5, unlocks PowerBlok technology, increasing EXP Points and allowing for deployment of Fusion Rockets on vehicles. Costs One Nuclear Material.
-[] Deep Crust Scanner: 10/10
-[] Mammoth BlokBlots: 4/10, develop Mammoth Class BlokBots, heavy machines that generate EXP.

This plan is adapted from Woltaire's.

It maintains our government agnosticism, and spins up our industry with low hanging fruit while we still have the safety to pursue them.
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[ ] Plan: The Orbital Expansion Mk3, MOTHER's Gift
-[ ] Survey Mongus
--[ ] TKK Endeavor
-[ ] MOTHER, Offering Guidance
-[ ] EXP
--[ ] Orbital Shipyard (10/10)
--[ ] High Energy Physics Lab (10/10) -2 NK +2 Network (4 MOTHER points)
-[ ] CUL
--[ ] Wargames (5/5)
--[ ] Nuclear Engineering For Kits (10/10) -1 NK
-[ ] FTH
--[ ] God-Machine Cults (5/5)
--[ ] TekGrimoire (15/15)
--[ ] Bond-Machina (1/10)
-[ ] ACD
--[ ] Regenerative Nuclear Material (10/10) +5 NK
--[ ] Advanced NukeTek (3/10) (1 MOTHER point)

2 NK -2 -1 +5 = 4 NK
1 Network +2 = 3 Network

Updated plan to account for not having the Orbital Shipyard like I thought.

Most of it's the same: grab the cheaper Network option that doesn't cost 40 points. Wargames + Nuke Kits to train up for combat more and have the newest generation grow up learning more nuclear science to better work with Advanced NukeTek and NukeTek miniaturization next turn. Should hopefully take improved Ship to Ship nukes next turn with the upgraded NukeTek too. Regen NK to feed all of this with some left over, and Finishing up the Grimore before poking at the supercomputers.

Orbital Shipyard because we want that going really fast.
orbital shipyards are done fyi didn't get added in cause of confusion from last turn
I thought the QM just said they were leaving the update as is, with the plan version that didn't have the Orbital shipyards?

The tally didn't list the plan specifics and apparently the version I found in the thread hadn't been updated. I'll fix it in a few hours: with that in mind, you have 13 ACD and +1 EXP.
Actually, yknow what, would everybody be okay if the update was left as is? I'd basically have to rewrite a huge chunk of it entirely because of a simple tally malfunction and that'd be a big PITA.
Can we use the points that didn't get used last turn?
orbital shipyards are done fyi didn't get added in cause of confusion from last turn

What happened was a old plan got grabbed, so instead of orbital shipyards it did the data superhubs. (which costs the same points)

@The Bird , Even with the older plan It still got the deep crust scanners to 4 points. which I believe moving it to 4/10 from 2/10 wouldn't change anything because It didn't complete.
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So I looked over the three options and this is what I found
Mother will allow us to expand faster at the cost of her having a hand in our development she directly states that the tekket might not like what they become.
Yaldaboath will allow us to research far better tech but we retroactively pay a steep and unknown price.
Sphere will grant us bond machina an unknown rite and an unknown tech in return for resources.

In terms of deals I think Sphere has the least strings attached.
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