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maybe the c'tan don't want a slave race anymore after what happened with the last one when they rebelled and think they can gain more by working with us. I know this is unlikely but it still a possibility
Really it's the unkowns, we have no idea who these three are and what they want, they seem to have a handle on their Necrons so they might be full C'Tan, or they could be Shards that have a very good combined grip on a bunch of them. Really the fact only one is actually interacting with us on a normal basis is kinda a good thing, Mother aside, the other two seem content to do their own thing.
Maybe these three are like Minor C'Tan or ones that have no desire to have the same thing happen again. But as said, we don't know if they mean us ill will or just are doing a good thing for the weird furret people that live above them.