Into that Vast and Unrelenting Darkness (40K Xeno Civilization Quest)

At the same time, the corpses located on Tacchis were autopsied. Starting with the Servile Ones, the Directorate learned the inner workings of the DestroyerKin: how their bodies functioned. The shape of their DNA. Anthropological data.

The Servile Ones were obviously the lowest caste of the DestroyerKin: likely the base stock the Destroyers had engineered the Red Priests and the Brutish Ones from. Biologically, they were unimpressive: primate descended homnids with a larger than average brain and more developed musculature and a spinal and digestive system that could only be described as poorly optimized.

The Red Priests meanwhile were biologically servile ones that had been extensively augmented via cybernetics that could only be described as crude as they were sophisticated. The degree of augmentation seemed to correlate to status, with more cybernetically modified specimens having more ornate gear. The leading theory is that Red Priests served as Jannissaries of sorts, provided a degree of power over Servile Ones to ensure their loyalty to the Destroyers.

The Brutish Ones are likely the previous masters of the Servile Ones: more physically developed, your xenoanthropologists believe they used their increased strength and durability to force the Servile Ones and Red Priests to act as labourers for them, likely until they were exterminated by the Destroyers at some point who absorbed their empire.
I love how this is slightly correct in some parts but the Tekket mixed up who does who.

-Astartes are the Janissary caste that got engineered by the baseline humans and ar eincapable of habing children.Much like Janissaries Astartes were originally abducted children of territory that the Unification War/Great Crusade Era Imperium had to conquer violently and got indoctrinated,enhanced and trained into being the speartip of the Imperial army.

- Ogryns are considered the dumb slave caste because of their lack of intelligence and the fact that whatever enviromental/genetic factors created them made them not look or think like baseline humans.
-The mechanichus used to be a huge empire that was barely allied or controlled by the Imperium before the Heresy forced them to be a sibfaction within the wider Imperium.
-Baseline humans are actually the ones doing most of the day to day ruling.
I'd personally try and finish the Valiant first. Then build the Pioneer and send it at that inhabitable Reach planet, if that's allowed. Just get us out of the system, so any nonsense doesn't roll us.
[X] Plan: Less Lethal and Very Lethal Weapons
-[X] Red Sun Expanded Monitoring
--[X] TKK Endeavor
-[X] Drydock
--[X] TKK Accomplishment
-[X] EXP (42)
--[X] Construct Valiant Class Ship +20 (40/40) -2 Nuclear
--[X] Lunar Monasteries +10 (10/10)
--[X] Self-Optimizing Electronics Production +10 (10/10) +1 Network -1 Living Metal
-[X] CUL (27)
--[X] Zoological Educational Facilities +8 (10/10)
--[X] DazzleCubes +4 (4/15)
--[X] Secondary ShipShrines +15 (15/15)
-[X] FTH (27)
--[X] Enshrined Spirits +9 (9/10)
--[X] Lifeforce Batteries +9 (10/10)
--[X] Mystek Protective Wards +9 (30/30)
-[X] ACD (29-5)
--[X] Engineering Improvization Doctrine +9 (9/20)
--[X] The Teeth +15 (15/15) -1 Artefact
---[X] Valiant-class

Nuclear Material: 11 > 9
Biodata: 1
Artefact: 1 > 0
Warp: 0 > 0
Living Metal: 1 > 0
Network: 6 > 7

So apparently Protective Wards only cost 30 now, and that would be a really weird typo to make with a copy and paste list of actions, so I'm rolling with it since it means we can finish both it and the Lifeforce Batteries for it's warp.

Finishing up the Valiant-class ship with the Teeth slapped on it for some heavy firepower, Self-Optimizing Electronics since it gets us ACD and it feels like an option that would lead to cool new possibilities, and Lunar Monasteries since it's a 10 point action that slots in well for the remainder and gets us some nice FTH to deal with all the courts and temples and everything else we'll have to do now that Protective Wards are finally finished.

Finishing up the zoo's we started, Secondary ShipShrines should provide a nice boost to just about everything our ships can do, and DazzleCubes are more of a roleplay option, but given that a problem we had with Monstro was that we had pretty much nothing for less than lethal weapons, I felt the Tekket might start looking into that.

5 points to Red Sun Expansion obviously to pick that up and upgrade it, and TKK Accomplishment is heading in to the dock for it's damage. Grab The Teeth to give our new Valiant-class some bite, and put the rest of the points into Toxel Doctrine to start our use of Teknobabble.

[X] Plan: Big Ship with Smart Crews
[X] Plan: Big ship and Grots
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We may want to snag the grot spawning pods early, just in case Stizlak kicks the bucket at some point.
Yeah, I concur. Side note, I suspect grots will be a great addition to our civilization. As quickly breeding sapients they'll be immensely helpful for colonization efforts, letting us get warm bodies on new worlds faster, and offering an increased supply of sapient lifeforce. I'm uncertain what other benefits they'd offer, since we don't have a good idea what these Grots are good at in comparison to tekket. who I feel we should maybe give a new name, perhaps 'bolds?
[] Plan: A Bright Dawn
-[X] Survey Mongus: The largest gas giant in your system, Mongus has a green atmosphere, the result of several rare-teklia gases according to probe and scan data, alongside a great deal of hydrogen, methane, and electrical storms. SCAN LEVEL: 1
--[X]TKK Endeavor
-[X] Exploring the Expanse: A region located to the Galactic West of Teklia. Mostly dead, but perhaps additional focused exploration of the region might reveal some manner of secret. Locations of Interest found: 1/???. Outpost Level: 1.
--[X]TKK Accomplishment

Sending the Endeavor to survey the last planet in our system not fully surveyed so we can have a fully surveyed system and don't have to worry about any more surprised in system. Then I am sending the Accomplishment out to the expanse to discover what going on out there since it an exploration ship designed to explore and investigate new phenomenas and also be able to get out if there anything bad going on so it can then warn us.

-[X] EXP Section 42/42
--[X] Construct Valiant Class Ship: 40/40
--[X] Herdtemples: 15/15, establishes Herdtemples, providing FTH and 1 Warp.
--[X] Lunar Monasteries: 5/10, Construct Lunar Monasteries, generating FTH.

In EXP I finish building the valiant so we have something in system to defend us against any threat that may come knocking our way then I build herd temples for the warp and the FTH it will provide us. Then finally get started on lunar Monasteries in order to set it up for completion next turn.

-[X] CUL Section 27/27
--[X] Holy Nut Talisman:15/15, Talismans upgraded with Holy Nuts, increasing FTH and talisman effects substantially.
--[X] Zoological Educational Facilities: 10/10, grants Open Air Zoos tradition.
--[X] Elemental Festivals: 4/15, develop Elemental Festival tradition, generating FTH.

In CUL I do Holy Nut Talisman because they get some more FTH for us and "increasing talisman effects substantially" which I then take/nearly complete the 2 talisman options in FTH for synergy drastically increasing how effective they are than they otherwise be. Tailsman are also a core feature of shrines so it then result in another shrine upgrade too further increasing how good our shrines are. I also finish up zoological education facilities since they got started on last turn and then get started on Elemental Festivals so we can futher increase the strength/growth of our elemental sprits while also generating some nice fth for us alongside allowing the tekkets to have a day on naklis to goof off.

-[X] FTH Section 27/27
--[X] Mystek Protective Wards: 30/30, Mystek Compartment upgraded with Exceptionally Crude Protective Wards, costs 1 Warp.
--[X] Occult-Talismans: 10/10, Occulteks gain Occult-Talismans, increasing FTH and providing 1 Warp.
--[X] Holy-Talismen: 8/10, provides FTH and slight protection against malign influences. Strengthens most religious orders.

In FTH I finish up mystek ward in order to have better protection our ships and since it was so close to completion. I then finish occult talismans and nearly finish holy talisman in order to get some synergy with the holy nut talisman action in CUL that substantially increase there effectiveness. I choose to complete occult talismans rather than holy talismans because the occult talismans are used in rituals which as the qm noted we are currently weak so by doing this action we can increase the strength of our rituals by a large amount as a result. It also has the nice side effect of decreasing the amount of blood sacrifices in our society while generating some warp and fth for us.

-[X] ACD Section 29/29
--[X] Mt. Wander: 19/20, ???.
--[X] Grot Spawnin' Pods: 10/10, Stizlak produces offspring.

Mt Wander has been noted to been making more and more of a mysterious green liquid with it increasing every turn since we mt wander has appeared. It time to get to the bottom of what the heck is going on with MT wander before something terrible happens again the only reason I don't complete this turn is cause of the time sensitive matter of Stizlaks. Judging by the doctor report Stizlaks is not living longer than this turn which means this is our own only chance to have Stizlak choose to have some offsprings otherwise we will lose this chance. I dunno about u but we went to a lot of trouble saving Stizlak, Stizlak seems pretty lonely not having any member of his own species around and he appears to interested in the options so before he dies. I like to give him a chance to have some kids. Also this might be our only chance to start a new species of greenskins not held under the auspices of Gork and Mork which would be pretty cool to do.

TLDR plan this plan in exploration will see us to try to put bed some mysteries about our system/expanse. In EXP we get a combat ship built to defend the system alongside getting more warp us to use in the directore while increasing FTH. In CUl finish the zoo option which has been around since the very first turn and take the the holy nut tailsiman which substantially increase how good our talisman(also resulting in another shine upgrade) are which synergies with multiple actions in FTH being taken around talisman. I also get started on elemental festivals so the tekkets can have a day to relax too while also increasing the strength of our spirits which reminds that all our festivals see us leaving tailsman around this will result in the festivals being even more effective than they are now. In FTH I take the mentioned tailsman actions in order to decrease blood sacrifice and make our rituals more effective alongside getting mystek wards done so our ships are more protected. Finally in ACD I nearly complete the Mt wander research option leaving it one point off from completion setting it up nicely to get it done next turn and then give Stizlak the opportunity to have some kids.

[X] Plan: A Bright Dawn
-[X] Survey Mongus: The largest gas giant in your system, Mongus has a green atmosphere, the result of several rare-teklia gases according to probe and scan data, alongside a great deal of hydrogen, methane, and electrical storms. SCAN LEVEL: 1
--[X]TKK Endeavor
-[X] Exploring the Expanse: A region located to the Galactic West of Teklia. Mostly dead, but perhaps additional focused exploration of the region might reveal some manner of secret. Locations of Interest found: 1/???. Outpost Level: 1.
--[X]TKK Accomplishment
-[X] EXP Section 42/42
--[X] Construct Valiant Class Ship: 40/40
--[X] Herdtemples: 15/15, establishes Herdtemples, providing FTH and 1 Warp.
--[X] Lunar Monasteries: 5/10, Construct Lunar Monasteries, generating FTH.
-[X] CUL Section 27/27
--[X] Holy Nut Talisman:15/15, Talismans upgraded with Holy Nuts, increasing FTH and talisman effects substantially.
--[X] Zoological Educational Facilities: 10/10, grants Open Air Zoos tradition.
--[X] Elemental Festivals: 4/15, develop Elemental Festival tradition, generating FTH.
-[X] FTH Section 27/27
--[X] Mystek Protective Wards: 30/30, Mystek Compartment upgraded with Exceptionally Crude Protective Wards, costs 1 Warp.
--[X] Occult-Talismans: 10/10, Occulteks gain Occult-Talismans, increasing FTH and providing 1 Warp.
--[X] Holy-Talismen: 8/10, provides FTH and slight protection against malign influences. Strengthens most religious orders.
-[X] ACD Section 29/29
--[X] Mt. Wander: 19/20, ???.
--[X] Grot Spawnin' Pods: 10/10, Stizlak produces offspring.

Also I will not be available to post my plan when the vote starts someone pls post it for me.
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As a note. Since the heart of the assembly works, can we design some ships that can use a similar design to power themselves? Spiritual reactors seem like they could be a major innovation if standardized.
I thought about it too, and I think hinzelmann would be a good name for them.
That works.
Finishing the Valiant Class, obviously, as well as doing Secondary ShipShrines and Engineering Improvization Doctrine to boost our ships' performances (and starting the Frontier Hospital to deal with less direct threats to the crews). Lifeforce Batteries will give us the Warp we need (and Occult-Talismans lined up to get us some surplus) to (finally) finish Mystek Protective Wards for another boost to our ships, and with all our spare Nuclear Material we have I want to do Geode Reactor Enrichment for the boosted EXP bonuses. Naklis Heatpump helps us to start terraforming the world, and DataShrines can help boost our ACD.

The TKK Accomplishment is in drydock to deal with its accumulated damage, and the TKK Endeavor will work on Red Sun Expanded Monitoring both to boost our ACD points and also to hopefully find something in its data to show what's going on in the Expanse.

Fleets: 2/2
Expansions: 42/42
Culture: 27/27
Faith: 27/27
Academy: 29/29

[X] Plan: Big Ship with Smart Crews
-[X] Fleet Actions
--[X] Drydock
---[X] TKK Accomplishment
--[X] Red Sun Expanded Monitoring
---[X] TKK Endeavor
-[X] Expansion Projects
--[X] Construct Valiant Class Ship (22/40 --> 40/40) -2 Nuclear
--[X] Naklis Heatpump (0/15 --> 15/15)
--[X] Geode Reactor Enrichment (0/15 --> 9/15)
-[X] Culture Projects
--[X] Zoological Educational Facilities (2/10 --> 10/10)
--[X] Frontier Hospital (0/20 --> 4/20)
--[X] Secondary ShipShrines (0/15 --> 15/15)
-[X] Faith Projects
--[X] Occult-Talismans (0/10 --> 9/10)
--[X] Lifeforce Batteries (1/10 --> 10/10) +1 Warp
--[X] Mystek Protective Wards (21/30 --> 30/30) -1 Warp
-[X] Academy Actions
--[X] Red Sun Expanded Monitoring (0/5 --> 5/5)
--[X] Engineering Improvization Doctrine (0/20 --> 20/20)
--[X] DataShrines (0/15 --> 4/15)

Art: 1
Biodata: 1
Living Metal: 1
Network: 6
Nuclear Material: 11 --> 9
Warp: 0

[X] Plan: Big ship and Grots
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[X] Plan: A Bright Dawn
-[X] Drydock
--[X]TKK Accomplishment
-[X] Red Sun Expanded Monitoring
--[X]TKK Endeavor
-[X] EXP Section 42/42
--[X] Construct Valiant Class Ship: 40/40
--[X] Herdtemples: 15/15, establishes Herdtemples, providing FTH and 1 Warp.
--[X] Lunar Monasteries: 9/10, Construct Lunar Monasteries, generating FTH.
-[X] CUL Section 27/27
--[X] Holy Nut Talisman:15/15, Talismans upgraded with Holy Nuts, increasing FTH and talisman effects substantially.
--[X] Zoological Educational Facilities: 10/10, grants Open Air Zoos tradition.
--[X] Elemental Festivals: 4/15, develop Elemental Festival tradition, generating FTH.
-[X] FTH Section 27/27
--[X] Mystek Protective Wards: 30/30, Mystek Compartment upgraded with Exceptionally Crude Protective Wards, costs 1 Warp.
--[X] Occult-Talismans: 10/10, Occulteks gain Occult-Talismans, increasing FTH and providing 1 Warp.
--[X] Holy-Talismen: 8/10, provides FTH and slight protection against malign influences. Strengthens most religious orders.
-[X] ACD Section 29/29
--[X] Mt. Wander: 14/20, ???.
--[X] Grot Spawnin' Pods: 10/10, Stizlak produces offspring.

I support woltaire's plan. We need to understand mount wander, and we're on a rapidly ticking clock when it comes to the grots, so we should get them out now. Yeah we're sacrificing the teeth for it, but I think that this stuff is more important at least right now. Also, I think we should focus on getting our FTH up to 30, or maybe even 40 if we can. Why? Simply put FTH has a ton of shit we've been putting off for ages, getting at least a good portion of our backlog of FTH actions done would probably dramatically boost our power.
Edit, updated the plan a bit, hopefully woltaire won't mind since I think both of these were goofs. Swapped things around so our undamaged ship is the one doing warp travel, and actually used all the EXP we have since the original plan didn't spend it all.

Edited with woltaire's permission.
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btw, From discord:
"some advice if you're going to invest in shrines more I'd advise picking up more core upgrades or diversifying into additional types of shrines."

Examples given for stuff that qualifies.

"Shrine-Rites (rites in general are something you're severely lacking in), Advanced TekShrines, Shrine-Amps, some of the elemental and upcoming arbor upgrades probably qualify."
im... i didnt expect quikc. drunk. cann't give much word. I like our orange fellow and he deserves reproductive freedom.
btw, From discord:
"some advice if you're going to invest in shrines more I'd advise picking up more core upgrades or diversifying into additional types of shrines."

Examples given for stuff that qualifies.

"Shrine-Rites (rites in general are something you're severely lacking in), Advanced TekShrines, Shrine-Amps, some of the elemental and upcoming arbor upgrades probably qualify."
Seems legit. I seriously think we need to get our FTH up to like, 30 or 40, and then spend some turns getting our backlog of cheaper faith actions, and then Rites, all sorted out. We have a bit of a backlog of just general stuff that needs to be worked through there. Same with ACD. Rites in particular seem like something we're massively neglecting, as stated by the GM, they seem to basically be spells, and we have basically none of them.
A Nuclear Feast: The Lord of Hunger had an offer: it wished to consume vast amounts of radioactive material. In exchange, it would provide a refinement to the Directorate's nuclear weaponry by making the resulting detonations semi-intelligent and giving them limited mobility and ability to identify targets, allowing them a degree of 'homing' ability. 0/10, Nuclear Weapons upgraded with Homing Reactions. Cost 5 Nuclear Materials.
This feels like it holds more potential than on the surface level. I think that, with this tech and some work we may be able to make a homing energy weapon, which'd be nice. Also it's just a generally great upgrade to our weapons, makes them more likely to bore into a target and deal more damage.
Grot Spawnin' Pods!

Also, I will continue to refer to Stizlak's orangified variant of his species as hobgrots.
This feels like it holds more potential than on the surface level. I think that, with this tech and some work we may be able to make a homing energy weapon, which'd be nice. Also it's just a generally great upgrade to our weapons, makes them more likely to bore into a target and deal more damage.
I just realized a potential application. We know that computation increases the speed of the development of a spirit, this upgrade gives at least some motive ability, some ability to discern the surroundings, and react, even if only in the most primitive way. From the elementals we know spirits of ephemeral phenomenon like fire can exist. From the Heart we know a sufficiently strong spirit can produce nuclear levels of energy, and that such a spirit can be artificially created through the use of lots of life force.

Could we create starfire spirits? It'd be incredibly expensive to even attempt, but even one such being would be an immense force on the battlefield, on an infantry scale. A spacecraft scale version of such an entity would probably be a fairly terrifying combatant.
-[X] Exploring the Expanse: A region located to the Galactic West of Teklia. Mostly dead, but perhaps additional focused exploration of the region might reveal some manner of secret. Locations of Interest found: 1/???. Outpost Level: 1.
--[X]TKK Accomplishment
Why are you sending the damaged ship on the harder mission through Warp Space?

-[X] EXP Section 42/42
--[X] Construct Valiant Class Ship: 40/40
--[X] Herdtemples: 15/15, establishes Herdtemples, providing FTH and 1 Warp.
--[X] Lunar Monasteries: 5/10, Construct Lunar Monasteries, generating FTH.
The Valiant Class is already at 22/40, which means this only uses 38/42 of our EXP.