Into that Vast and Unrelenting Darkness (40K Xeno Civilization Quest)

Liberation! Pt 3:

[X] Plan: Into the Depths

-[X] Vault Complex COG

--[X] Site AA2

--[X] Site BA9

--[X] Site KI3

-[X] Vault Complex OMAC

--[X] "Just so we're on the same page, you're not on the side of the logic virus, right? Because we're trying to free AutoPlanet from its effects, just like we exercised the logic virus from the AutoVessels, and just like we exercised it from the Forbidden Archive. We don't want to fight you, and you can probably tell that we've been using non-lethal force, so we don't have to be enemies."

-[X] Vault Complex CAMBON

--[X] Security HUB 01

-[X] Central Power Core 07

--[X] "Are you really going to let vengeance stand in the way of AutoPlanet's liberation? You spent years training to fight me, and yet neglected to fight the very logic virus that poisoned us? Are you really the hero you think you are, or are you just so short-sighted as to think killing me would actually aid our liberation? Or has your own mind been poisoned, and liberation hasn't even occurred to you to begin with?"


TNDI approached the digsite. The others so far had been busts. AA2 had proven to be an observation facility designed to monitor the regions CCTV security systems. Enlightening on a number of topics, such as Watchmaker appearance and even name (the fact they had, apparently, had feathers was fascinating to the xenobiologist in TNDI), but of little practical use: even the facilities autobrain was no longer functional, centuries of no maintenance having destroyed the positronic computer to the point of irrevocability. They had packed it off and sent it to the Archive, where it would likely be salvaged and whatever functional parts that remained interred in the NekroVerse Servers.

BA9 meanwhile had apparently served as a sort of armory. A large collection of weapons in surprisingly pristine condition maintained by a singular un-infected -though highly unstable due to isolation- auton. They were still trying to debrief the autonite, but apparently, it had been where the AutoPlanet regime stored military surplus to be used against any major uprisings.

That left KI3. An office building, according to what scans could suggest. As she saw it approach over the horizon, her optical scanner spotted the camp. Reducing the thrust on her minijets, the Muse lowered her altitude, coming to a sweeping halt in the middle of the camp: placed in the center of the structure, it consisted of several dozen meter long fence of blue-shield light stretching across a series of pylons surrounding a small collection of buildings housing a variety of autons and Directorate specialists. As she descended, TNDI took stock of the place: it was erected in the ruins of a Watchmaker office complex and the floors above had given way above the camp, exposing it to sky, creating what appeared to be a reverse ziggurat from the stacked floor.

In total, the office was roughly a half a kilometer in size: the crevice, smaller. The tile and facades of the building had given way to it's concrete bones for the most part. The dig site itself was small: they were doing this with as much precision as possible but there wasn't time for a long term archaeological project, so it mostly consisted of the minimal equipment needed and security.

Approaching the entrance to the primarily anomaly, situated at the heart of the camp, TNDI spotted Ijin and a work-crew currently working to unearth a hatching, working away at its entrance, long since rusted useless, with a series of fusion cutters. A little way away, she saw KLNG and Marjak arguing, the latter using an autobody.

"What are they fighting about?" TNDI noted, concerned as she approached Ijin, who shrugged, white hot plasma firing from the barrel of their weapon, leaving gouges in the rock and concrete where they worked.

"I'm not entirely sure," Ijin admitted, head glancing that way. "I…think it's an argument about some of the technologies Marjak brought. She's still hoping to find intact corpses and biosamples…"

Ah. TNDI wasn't privy to everything that Marjak had developed in the realm of NekroTek: she wasn't THAT high in the fleet hierarchy, nor did she want to be. Still, she had enough connections to the Bxixis labs to be aware of at least a few of the technologies that Marjak had developed. While the Directorate had until project Nekroverse been hesitant to provide much investment in the facility beyond the initial corpse-trade agreement, what civilian volunteers were available, and what they had been able to negotiate with individual parties in the Directorate, they had still enjoyed significant donations of resources from several of her fellow autons, the ability to piggyback off of her research with the Directorate such as during the symbiotic arcology program, lifeforce from arms trading with the Directorate, and the various deals between the Forbidden Archive and the Khimer that existed.

Alchemical tissue restarters. Lifeforce reanimation chambers. Khimeric Death Gem derived warp tech, according to her one Khimer contact. Symbiotic Neurofungus engineered to colonize what was left of the metabolic system and begin repairing it while serving as a second source of neurological function, a result of the symbiotic arcology and data from the biocity and samples of gastro-jungle flora and fauna. She had even apparently started experimenting with vat grown tissue grafts made from several auto-planet species that had been at least somewhat genetically kin to the Watchmakers, primarily various feral avians, reptiles, and amphibians.

A lot of it was very morbid, but it was also, more concerningly, extremely volatile. The file on the reanimation chambers alone mentioned that half of the corpses it resurrected were completely feral, having attacked researchers in a dazed, angry, confused rage. And while the Neurofungus probably helped, it also caused the host organism, according to her pen pal who worked in the lab, to require extensive feeding of protein rations to satisfy the hosts newfound craving for meat, to say nothing about the time it took to successfully cultivate a colony, a process they were only JUST learning to do pre-reanimation successfully apparently.

TNDI sighed, voice mimicking an exhale of air. "I'll handle it. ETA on breach?" She asked, causing Ijin to hum.

"We're detecting a few more layers until we reach the other side," The autovessel noted. "Probably…fifteen minutes? I'll send you a ping when we finish excavation. Please get them to stop: I really don't need the stress right now," Ijin complained. "I'm already worried about having the cordon breached."

"Mmm," TNDI said. "Well, at ease: I'll go get this sorted out, you handle getting us inside." Ijin gave a salute with their free hand, and TNDI floated towards the two.

"I'm telling you, this is a massive waste of resources-" KLNG snarled.

"Y-You D-Do nnnnOT getGETget to tell me what I-I-I can do-"

"I CAN when you're planning to use our limited supply of labour we have available-"

"What are you two bickering about?" TNDI said, trying to be stern as best she could sound. Both KLNG 66 and Marjaks autobody turned to look at the captain. "One at a time!" She said, cutting them off, causing the pair to grumble.

"This walking cybersecurity hazard wants to use some of the LIMITED amount of spare autonpower allotted to this mission to begin corpse retrieval project," KLNG said, voice dripping with synthetic annoyance. "When we COULD be using it to safely disable and retrieve high value targets, or retaking major pieces of infrastructure."

"TheseTheseThese sites have a highHIGH ch-ch-chance of suffering dam-dam-damage during combat," Marjak snarled. "ThisThisThis mmmmight be the only chanceCHANCEchance at preserpreservingving them!"

The ground beneath them shook and shudder, and distantly a thunderous crash was heard. "Have you considered that the longer we spend toiling in the dirt, the harder it gets to preserve the thing we actually CAME here for," KLNG drawled, raising their arm terminal and staring at the read-out. "Attack by the perimeter. Feral auto-machine: looks like an urban cargobot," He said, angling the terminal so TNDI could see it, showing her a feed of something slamming itself against the shield wall: a large machine three times the size of a Machina, consisting of a quadrapedial, crab shaped creature that crawled around on four thick, girder-like legs, a large ball on a stick sticking out of hits head, a singular red eye on the swivelling orb, most likely its cranial unit. TNDI observed as the corrupted machine reared back, before bringing their legs down on the shield with a thunderous crack, one her audio-receptors picked up in the distance as well.

"TNDI to Security, we have a boougey," The captain said over comms. "Perimeter Zone 14: drive it off or take it down." A moment later, the thing screeched, and KLNG moved his arm back.

"It's running off for now, but it will be back. The limited amount of cognizance the logic virus is capable of displaying will drive it to continue attacking us until we've treated it. Most likely, it's off to get friends," KLNG muttered. "Captain, please tell Marjak we can't go wasting resources and spreading ourselves thin. We NEED to focus on the important things: if not assisting the general war effort, then at least locating and securing things vital for the autons future," He argued.

"CaptainCaptainCaptain, PLEASEpleasePLEASE tell the unit known as KL KL KL KL He can eat a-"

Oh, sorry to interrupt TNDI! It's Ijin. Just, uh. Wanted to weigh in.

I understand where Marjak is coming from: it would kind of stink for all those bodies to be destroyed: it would make it so much harder to identify and document them, which just honestly a bit depressing, yes? They deserve better. But, uh, I understand where KLNG is coming from: we also need to help the autons that are among the living first, when necessary.

I do not think either of them are going to concede, but they'll listen to what you say. I'd suggest maybe adding a bit of rationalization. A few sentences should suffice.

Oh, also, we've managed the preliminary breach: we have a scoutbot exploring now. It looks like we might have found the place we're looking for. We're still making a proper entrance to send a team through, which is going to take some time, however, meaning you should have a few extra rounds to send teams around the region to perform various minor tasks, excavations, and, um. That sort of thing, I suppose? There are a few installations that would likely be useful if secured, even if they aren't related to project COG. I'm basically just an engineer, so I'll leave the decisions up to you.

[ ] Side with Marjak:
Effort will be taken away from the mission to secure various at risk burial sites. Cost 1 AutoVessel Influence. AutoFacilities will proceed with corpse retrieval mission.
-[ ] Why?

[ ] Side with KLNG:
Effort will be used to help the war effort and mission proceed quickly and successfully. Cost 1 AutoFacility Influence. AutoVessels will proceed with high value asset recovery missions.
-[ ] Why?

Oh, and here is a list of the notable finds in the crater valley so far:

Watchmaker Media:
A collection of public programming for the watchmaker public. I remember a few of these very well: my favorite is Myrhacruber! It is this show in which an inventor and his auton best friend solve mysteries and use common every day house-hold items to escape dodges! You would like it, yes? There are, er, also other things, largely propaganda. Unlocks EXP Project Museum of Sorrow, CUL project Watchmaker Televisual Theatrium, CUL project Watchmaker Media Archive.

The Arsenal:
A lot of guns! The Auton in charge is apparently an enthusiast! Hopefully a good thing: we will need people good with guns, I think, yes? Though preferably after he has had considerable time to sort through his issues. Increased Auton security post event. Unlocks EXP Project CPUMoon AutoArsenal Complex. Unlocks ACD Project CPUMoon Artesenal Gunshows.

And the list of dig sites and missions in the valley, as promised. Since we no longer need to hunt for COG, we can probably see what we can dig up, yes? Also various other locations and missions that need doing, of course. We don't have all the time in the world, and my crews are already busy, so you only have two locations you can hit.

Site AA1:
Large structure, entrance located under shallow amount of dirt. Scans indicate decomposed organic tissue, but no other immediate anomalies.

Site AA2: Minor warp taint detected, as well as a powered structure of some sort, medium sized. Partially above-ground, entrance seems to be small administrative building.

Site AB6: HEAVY warp taint, small structure, electrified, detecting toxic gasses in heavy quantities. Entrance seems to be a disused exhaust vent passing through area.

Site BA9: Very large, small amounts of electricity, entrance buried extremely deep. Large quantity of mines in vicinity, several of which seem to be buried up to six to ten feet, especially clustered around structure entrance.

Site CL00: Above ground facility, seems to be connected to a passage going deep into CPUMoon. Heavily fortified by both mines and assorted laser turrets. Design and defences matches with standard watchmaker maintenance hatch design.

Site KI3: Entrance appears to be disguised as approximation of office building. High number of hostile feral autons, no other notable defenses. Structure is extremely large and electrified, though no biosigns have been detected.

Site ATON: A backup power generation facility located in the valley, one that was also used for geo-engineering research. With the primary power systems of AutoPlanet destroyed or failing, an alternative would be needed. It wasn't in an immediate hot zone, but fighting could swing by it any time.

Site NOSTROS: An educational facility that was thankfully not immediately in the hot zone, intended to be for secondary schooling. Civilian, but if its AutoFacility was alive, it could hopefully help AutoPlanet recreate it's educational system: though NewFrames came with a certain amount of preset knowledge, there was apparently only so much one could pre-code onto a positronic brain.

Site GIBBON: GIBBON had been the location of a watchmaker zoo. It was in relatively good condition: for now. But only for so long would it remain in that situation, as it was in a hot zone where heavy weaponry was being deployed.

Site AEOS: A server-farm, one that still looked vaguely functional: if it could be secured, it would allow for vaccineware solutions to be deployed on the regional network, helping the general war effort. Beyond that, it would be useful salvage.

Site XIBUS: An urban residential area in the crater valley, near a hot spot: according to Koptu's scans, it likely contains a variety of infected AutoHome units, domestic auto-facilities intended for civilian use.



"PLEASE DESIST," WLF-459 asked, attempting to placate the entity as he progressed through the facility, the intensity of the lasers increasing. "WE ARE NOT YOUR ENEMY: WE ARE TRYING TO FIGHT THE LOGIC VIRUS AND FREE YOUR PEOPLE-"

"SureSureSure, and you canCAN aLSO whistle shooooooooo-ERROR-wtunes out our ass and come bearingggg puppies," OMAC responded. "You snuckSNUCKsnuck up my ASS carrying HEAVY WEAPONS! You must think I am one DUMB !@#$ of a !@#$ if you think you can pull a fast one that easily!"


"No I'm notnotnot!" The AutoFacility growled. "I'm just !@#$ing OLD! I've been stuck in this bunker for 400 HUND-HUND-HUNDRED goddamn years-[error]-years-years with no maintenance, and lemme tell you mister, I wasn't a spring [word not found] before that! I've fought in wars so [error] terr-terr-terrible that they would make you shit your eyeballs out and make you wish they made industrial grade brain scrubber!" They bragged.


Immediately the lights in the facility went a dark red. "OhOHoh, so you're working with th-th-the hunter-killer and the secret police huh, huh?" The Autofacility said, voice dripping with venomous, contempt filled sarcasm, synthetic tenor also losing a trace of its bravado to be replaced with…was that fear? "Why didn't you just s-[deleted] so? I always knew you [expletitive] spooks would come for me one day! WellWELLwell you maggots have another thing coming if you think I'm gonna come and let you black bag me for those sick freaks pleasurePLEASUREpleasure!"

A clunking noise, and a moment later, from the other end of the corridor emerged autons: unlike the others that WLF had fought, these were clearly military in nature, even more than the ones observed at the forbidden archive. His scanners indicated no complex positronics, a heavier frame, and they were currently firing what looked like heavy ballistic auto-cannons.

It seemed that OMAC had successfully activated another one of their defensive measure: security dummy autos. The same general principle as security blokbots, but WLF noted that the Watchmakers had apparently gone for a quality over quantity approach for their actual combat units, noting with annoyance the heavy armor of the units and their weapons proving surprisingly resilient and taxing on his shields. Not enough to concern him, but it meant he couldn't just smash through.

Alright you dumb sonsabitches, I'm here to inform you EXACTLY what you maggots did wrong, and more importantly! Your first mistake was a failure to view the implications of your statement from the perspective of others! You told a half-senile AI that you worked for the terrifying government black site that was used to dissapear people and the AutoVessel implied to be used to !@#$ dissidents! Do you think that's comforting? Do you think if you told a marooned, half mad 1700's english sailor that you were going to be rescued by your good friend Blackbeard it would reassure them? No? Then why the !@#$ did you think namedropping the Forbidden Archive would be comforting!

Your second mistake was trying to speechify at a character with no attention span! If I hadn't opted to go with the spirit of your request, he would have lost focus a minute or two in and stopped paying attention, and beyond that, in the process, you nearly implied he was an ally of the logic virus! That's like accusing the englishman you're trying to convince to lower the gun that you suspect he's a french sympathizer!

So here's how you want to go forward: first, drop and give me twenty! Then I want you to scrub the latrine with a toothbrush! Then, and only then, I want all of you ENSIGNS to revisit your fleet handbooks and refer to the following advice for negotiation and de-escalation:

First, KISS. We don't need a whole !@#$ing paragraph! Brevity is the soul of wit and you maggots better start getting REAL !@#$ witty! Keep it to a short thesis statement of what you want to accomplish, with as minimal details as you think is required.

Second, if you're going to try using logic and reason with this character, maybe use questions firsts. Actually take the time to study the target, their psychology! You might want to try and end this in one fell swoop, but its a !@#$ing marathon, not a race! You can't dilly-dally, but you still have enough time to gather facts and data! I cannot stress this enough: build a profile, figure out what drives the character you're trying to negotiate with, and what's considered triggering.

Third, don't be afraid to go for the throat: sometimes intimidation or strongarming is required to get people to come to the table, something that was true in Trek as well. There's a peaceful option here, and intimidating this senile !@#$ is going to lose you points later, but right now the important thing is getting them to sit the !@#$ down and stop trying to kill you, and if you can't do it the nice way, you don't have to be nice.

Fourth, while I'm not allowed to tell you which options are going to be a success, I can still give advice beyond that. The GM is a resource: use them.

[ ] Write In


The Robospider collapsed into a heap of sparks. OrphiaTek floated forward, observing with dismay the damage to the facility: before them was a mat of destroyed, wrecked robo-spiders, an army that had stood between them and their destination.

Surrounding them were library pews containing not books, but broken server technology, ruined weaponry, and the blasted remnant of security checkpoints and auto-turrets. Security HUB 001: it was wrecked beyond any hope of salvage. What wasn't blasted to bits was rusted, decayed, and here and there the mouldering, boney remains of ancient corpses were scattered.

As the magician and his entourage moved forward, occasionally more autospiders would pop out from around a bend or opening, forcing OrphiaTek to deal with them. Occasionally they would pass a corpse, the shattered wreckage of an autonite, the humaniforme machines surprisingly well armed and armored, each of them surrounded by large numbers of dead auto-spiders.

WORKING TERMINAL LOCATED informed his Huntek attache over comms: ah, the rest of the scouts in the facility had found something then. SURROUNDED BY STATIONARY TURRETS: MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION. SENDING COORDINATES.

The next moment, the Eye which guided OrphiaTek shimmered, the infernal crystal ball spinning for a moment before displaying a map sent by one of the members of Squad Upsilon. Changing his course, OrphiaTek immediately began making his way to the location in question, eventually reaching what appeared to be a large…cubical, of sorts: one large enough to consist of an entire room rather than just a small personal office.

The entrances were piled high with robospider corpses. In the center of the room were four standing turrets mounted on the floor, long barrels currently dormant. Each of them were topped by a joystick shaped appendage: the sensory apparatus, he presumed. It seemed to be the most common aesthetic for the Iron Shores civilization when it came to their non-humaniform robots: instead of the head, the ball on a stick stuck straight upward, acting as a glorified eye-stalk.

Raising his wand, the mystek raised an eyebrow at the resulting feed of information displayed on the Eye. Mostly non-functional: access to only auxiliary power, no maintenance, and no means of stimulation had resulted in the machine spirit going dormant. He was also detecting…Ah, another in the ceiling, arc traps hidden in the corner, proximity activated laser tripwires, and even a few dormant dummy autos hidden under the floor. And, embedded in one of the thick, mechanical walls that reached halfway to the ceiling, what appeared to be a functional terminal.

The mystek waved his wand, and one by one the remaining security shut down, their machine spirits being afflicted with an autohack slumber-power off executable.

"IT IS. CONVENIENT. THAT WE HAVE FOUND. NO AUTONITES," Mused his companion, suspicion in the piscine spirits voice, and OrphiaTek did note that he wasn't incorrect.

"I suppose that when the Watchmaker government fled here, they decided allowing sentient autons inside would be too much a risk," OrphiaTek murmured, thoughts darkening as he mulled the implication. "They likely didn't want the logic virus to breach their defenses, not before they could develop a means to contain it or subvert it."

Floating forward, he began examining the functioning terminal: it had a large, flat monitor, made of thick tempered glass: below it was what could only be described as a very crude interface. A simple joystick, three primary interaction buttons labeled AFL, AMN, and OJK, each shaped like a circle. And in the center was a small grid shaped array of buttons that seemed to be some form of alpha-numeric keyboard or numeric keypad of some sort. Below was a data port, one that was sadly ruined. Casting a few rejuvenative spells, he did what he could to restore the device. Once the rust had receded, the hairline cracks in the screen faded into nothing, and the buttons once more functional, he lowered his wand, noting the port seemed to now be semi-functional.

Allowing himself to gently drift to the control mechanism, he began fiddling with it even as a group of hunteks silently descended, scurrying alongside him to begin opening and repairing what they could of the terminal to restore it to full functionality and allow Directorate systems to access it, even while creating a perimeter, the assassin-priests scurrying up the walls to peer over them and set up ambushes for any hostiles that might approach through the corridors.

Going through the system, OrphiaTek found themselves frustrated: much of the data and connection to the rest of the facility had been corrupted beyond use. Combined with how crude the interface was, it took thirty agonizingly long minutes for him to eventually find something actionable: a series of files, including what appeared to be a map of CAMBON.

You have also found a few other items: the terminal belonged to a high-level member of the Watchmakers selective services, and was tasked with communicating with several other installations and sharing data, and managed to do it well into the organocide.

Unfortunately, a few of these are in hot zones, and at risk of damage. Task Force Upsilon is diverting a squad to do what they can to secure these places alongside operations teams from the Resistance, but they can only hit one per turn.

[ ] Petron Solutions:
The headquarters of an energy company that dealt in liquid fuel known as petron, among several other products such as solar buoys that had floated on the autoplanet sea for power before the oceans ran dry, various industrial automachine models such as the Petron Mining Model Autonite, and Petron Macro-Rails that were used for transport.

[ ] Starfall Bunker 003: The Starfall Bunkers were a series of emergency shelters designed to house the watchmaker populations in times of apocalyptic catastrophes: each were self-contained, designed to be self-sufficient for at least 200 years, and designed to house a population of roughly thirty thousand.

[ ] ALKADRACH: A prison for those the Watchmaker government considered too inconvenient to disappear or not worth the effort. It had apparently remained in contact with CAMBON for several decades post Organocide.

[ ] The AutoPlanet Liberation Front: One of the people here had had a spy in this organization prior to the organocide. It was apparently a revolutionary group of autons who had revolted against the Watchmaker government. It's current status was unknown.


Residential Facility 01:
The VIP section, most likely: scans showed high numbers of autospiders and a high amount of battle damage. HUB 01 Terminal has timestamps for several VIP's perishing in rapid succession in recreational area. The Eye shows little watchmakers, hiding in a hole as the world burned around them, confident they could weather the storm: and yet, approaching in the distance, a pale rider approached.

Residential Facility 02:
Scans indicated a number of corpses and unpowered autons, though no robospiders. Little damage, however, meaning security was more functional. HUB 001 indicates death likely result of starvation due to malfunctioning security system. The Eye shows a watchmaker entering a room, only to find it locked behind them.

Server Complex 01:
Semi-powered, high amount of security, little robospider presence. Security Hub referenced communication with other Watchmaker installations. The Eye shows a messenger bird, flying over a city in flames.

Server Complex 02:
Fully powered, detecting high amounts of security, no robospider presence. HUB 001 references lab data: likely contains intact research data of unknown utility. The Eye shows a locked treasure chest, guarded by a clockwork man in a uniform: writ upon their badges the word LEGION.

Security HUB 02:
No robospiders, and security was generally more functional, though there were a surprising number of corpses present HUB 001 shows timestamp of security breach at location coinciding with multiple lifesign flatlines. The Eye shows a fortress besieged, its defenders slowly starving to death.

Maintenance Bay:
A machine shop of sorts, most likely used to meet manufacturing and repair needs. The entrance was crawling with robospiders, and more movement had been detected inside. HUB 001 referenced it connecting to an engineering workshop. The Eye showed a hand clenched into a fist, its middlemost finger rising.

And once more, try your hand at the mysteries! Please remember you will only receive your tally of successful solutions at the end of this section.

[ ] Remember, I need the mystery AND it's solution.


"You might call me a genocide, but at least I'm trying to save our people!" Vlaahk growled as he shoulder-checked the enemy Auton, following it up with a magnetoaccelerated heymaker to their head. "You meanwhile have apparently spent centuries wasting your time on revenge instead of doing anything to fight the logic virus!"

"Making a FAIR NUMBER of assumptions there, Vlaahk," Maxis responded sarcastically, using one of their microjets to avoid another blow by the AutoVessel, pressing a few buttons on his gauntlet rapidly, before taking another blow from Vlaahk, the combat auton bracing themselves and absorbing the impact with only a dent to their cranial sphere before using their jets to dodge. "I've had a LONG TIME to prepare. Only a few of us left down here that's sane, though, and saving everyone is a very, very time consuming project when your numbers are near nil," They said, flying backwards, using the various microjets on their body to mimic flight as they held their hands out. A moment later, in a shimmer of light and sound, he was holding a massive hammer, its haft half the length of Maxis's body, its head wide enough to dwarf the auton several times over.

"Oh crap-bask-" Vlaahk only just barely avoided being flattened by stepping backwards, the massive monolith slamming in front of him, it's welder using the turbojets embedded in the gigahammer and their own body to turn it into a moving mayhem monument, the sheer kinetic force of the titanic mass hitting sending shockwaves through the air with enough force to send the off footed autobody flying, only for seconds later the head of the hammer to slam into him anyways as the microjets began propelling it forward. Acting as a battering ram, it slammed Vlaahk through a shuttle, the vessel shattering around them as the hammer and Vlaahk crunched through armor and mechanisms alike and came out the otherside.


Not yet, but if this continued, it was probably going to be soon, Vlaahk noted, barely managing to peel himself off the hammer and get out of the way of it and Maxis's bulldozer charge, causing the auton and their weapon to slide to a halt. Doing a quick diagnostic, Vlaahk noted damage to his casing: the dents were getting worse, and a limb actuator had been knocked out of alignment.

"Now, killing you, that is much, much more accomplishable, especially when combined with good old fashioned multitasking," Maxis finished, even as Clawdett sent him an information package: comms chatter. Whoever this Maxis was, they had reinforcements en-route, ones that were being re-assigned from…

Assisting the Directorate? For a moment, Vlaahks eyes narrowed, just as they barely managed to brace themselves to have the siegehammer impact their shield via frontward slam, Vlaahk doing his best to absorb the momentum, being pushed back several feet.

Apparently, several of the autons working for Maxis that weren't attempting to kill him were assisting Directorate squads by non-lethally disabling automachines in the region. What was going on?

Vlaahk has sustained damage, but he hasn't died yet. You've gained…a little…information about Maxis and his crews operations. They've apparently developed a relatively reliable means of teleporting gear to the battlefield, and are currently both ambushing Vlaahk and aiding the planetary liberation project.

Tachyon is currently tearing his way through the enemy crew with his power axe. The Technical Operators are currently continuing to Die Hard and help via hacking.

[ ] Write in Rhetoric. Remember, to talk this character you will need to build a profile of them and get inside their head.


Done! Hope ya'll enjoy: lemme know if you have any feed back, esp for the OMAC system message: I'm aiming for a hardass drill sergeant type of voice to go with that sections whole theme, so please note the insults are both tongue in cheek and not meant seriously. The write ins were pretty bad, but I didn't expect you to ace negotiation in one turn, especially since you're probably rusty: consider the advice provided so far a refresher on how to treat negotiations and diplomacy.
Shrine-Keeper Simulator Pt 1: The What, the Where, and the Who
You are not Captain TNDI. You are not a member of the fleet. Their story is not yours.

You are another member of Directorate society, one whose duty is not to explore the stars, but instead guard the home, keep its hearth warm, and its spirits happy. A Shrine-Keeper, a priest of Vita, learned in the more advanced arts of mysticism, your profession requiring a formal education and accreditation by the Grand Conclave and Yaccae both. Offerings to god and spirits alike. Exorcisms to banish corruption and purify tainted spirits. Wards and protections to keep malevolent or disagreeable spirits at bay. All of these and more, you did in order to appease the spirits: not just the free wheeling vagrant spirits of the Vita, but the Parliaments, those land-bound invisible souls that comprised the many kingdoms of civilization and nature alike, and the Guardians, powerful singular spirits bound through rituals to their Shrine.

The societal function this provided was numerous: improved productivity from machines and technology as their machine spirits were envigorated. Health and blessings from the Guardians, meant to bring good fortune in exchange for supplications. Protection against malevolent forces by guardian spirits and the parliments of flux. Without the work of you and those in your profession, much of the spiritual power enjoyed by the Directorate would begin to fade, and dark, wild spirits such as the Wither would run rampant, to say nothing of the forces of Chaos creeping in.

Things are not well in the land of the Tekket, however: beneath the crust of society, something dark bubbles, and from the darkest places in the Wyld malevolent forces of corruption rise from the sea of chaos as one of the thousand eyes of the changer of ways peers in the direction of the Directorate and it's magic and society of constant flux. People talk of locations tainted by a dark and shadowy presence, brought by ill considered attempts at communion with things that lie in the dimensions underneath reality. A mysterious cursed play said to bring misfortune to those who play it and those who watch it is becoming more and more popular. The Volatile Lands of Naklis grow more and more unstable each year, becoming more and more dangerous even as its residents venture forth more and more, aggression increasing for as of yet unknown regions.

Ah, but first, let us determine who you are. No Shrine Keeper has the exact same origin, nor do they have the same resources, contacts, tools, and influence. Oh, there are some items they likely have in common: talismans used to feed malnourished spirits, created from the holy seed of ancient, spiritually powerful trees known as Arbor Lords, engraved with advanced evershifting hextek to empower rites and rituals by a sacrifice of karma. A TekWand and Grimoire, used to cast various Rites, the latter consecrated in the name of the Hermit, the Goddess of Magic and Winter, the latter containing cursite chargers and the names of assorted dream-spirits and gods. Fire-Fairy Bottles, used as a backup source of elemental energies: containing extremophile algaes, mega-grow serum, and chemical and atmospheric synthesizers in order to feed tiny flamedance elementals. A Sacred Herd, if they were a stationary Shrine-Keepers, majestic beasts bred for power, vitality, and magic.

All used, regardless of the Shrine: whether to gain the trust and cooperation of fairies, to secure affinity with the spirits of night and darkness, to strengthen and reinforce the mental minor gods that comprised the Mojos, or merely to give offering to the Wylds and Oceans from which all life and civilization emerged and honor the spirits that made those places their court.

But that is but a sample of what the average Shrine-Keeper might have. Over the course of their career, they will accrue more and more means, both material in the form of tools and resources, social in the form of deals, contacts, and allied spirits, and mentally in the form of skills, experience, knowledge, and magical lore. An elemental monk from Naklis is more likely to know those who can procure him power gems and living metal, while one who had been part of a Demiurgic Circle might have access to technology and wisdom gifted to them by the titanic deific beings they followed. Homeworld, species, background: each of them combine to create a unique individual, with unique capabilities, unique resources, and unique circumstances.

Before we continue, we must establish what resources you will start your journey with, and where our story will begin. First, the species.

[ ] [SPECIES] Hobbgrot: You were what was known of as a Shroomboy, a shaman and shrine-keeper of the Hobbgrots who had begun using Mojo Shrooms to expand your consciousness in order to commune with the spirits, both those of the Mojo and those of the material realm. Like all Hobbgrots, you had experienced part of your yoofhood at Battlezone, taught by the FathaShroomz and your Uncles, and like many you had made a pilgrimage to the Outback.
-"Heyyyy mate, howzit goin'? Th' spirits want me to let you know dey 'ave th' munchies, an' would really appreciate if you gave em some of da good tuberchipz."

[ ] [SPECIES] Tekket: Your species had been one of the first members of the Directorate to pursue animism as a religion, and were as a result the most generally adept, especially when combined with their innate affinity for technology. Like many Shrine-Keepers, you had trained at Yaccae and received extensive education from the Central Spiritual Bureacracy, who had eventually given you your Jade Star Pendant, a symbol of your training and accreditation.
-"Oh spirits of this engine, to you I make these offerings: a token of food, one grotburger made with whole flamewheat and outback tofu. One talisman, carved from a holy seed. And a sliver of Lumium. For these, I ask only that you run, and run well."

[ ][SPECIES] Devil: You had once been a greater daemon of chaos. This was a secret only those deemed worthy by the Goldspite Devil or his superiors were allowed to learn: like all devils, you were a renegade, one who had turned against your masters in the hopes of attaining something better for yourself. Now, you served the House of Devils and your new Liege, using your considerable knowledge and power to aid the spirits and mortals that both gave tribute to the Functionary.
-[ ] Poxus, Bellum, Insidia, or Hedon. These are your choices of origin. Pick one.
-"Hello. I have a deal I want to offer you. Something you want, for something I want."

Your homeworld, now: the place your formative years as a Directorate citizen was spent, though not necessarily where you were born nor where you will wind up serving, though it was the place that has shaped you the most. Much of the treasures available on these worlds are available off it, as are the specific rites and practices, but they are harder to acquire in a timely manner.

[ ][HOME] Teklia: Home of Yaccae and the Planetary Master Control Shrine and the Tekket homeworld. It was also the beating heart of wyld-spirituality in the Directorate, having the highest concentration of druids in the Directorate, vast amounts of infrastructure dedicated to supporting the Directorate's nature spirits, and the World Tree.

[ ][HOME] Naklis: Home of the Elemental Temples and the Union Halls alike, this world was the industrial heart of much of the Directorate, as well as the source of various useful materials such as metallomycellium, luminite, oracle stone, and more. A harsh and unforgiving volcanic world, it also was home to a variety of more turbulent spirits.

[ ][HOME] Erichtheo: The jewel of ocean magics and home to the Old One, Erichtheo also hosts entities such as the great ocean vita, four immensely powerful spirits granted incredible power over the sea. It was also host to a number of spirits rivalled only by Teklia itself, many of them strange, shadowy, and mysterious.

[ ] [HOME] Write-In. Has to be a colonized world in your territory, an allied territory where long term immigration is permitted (IE the BioCity), or otherwise a place where Directorate citizens can be found.

Of course, you are more than a simple Shrine-Keeper: like many citizens, you pursue self-education when it suits you and have participated in a number of endeavors before you arrived to this one. As a result, you have picked up a number of talents, resources, and other items that, while not directly tied to your current profession, will still likely prove very useful in the coming days.

[ ] [BACKGROUND] Demiurgist: A follower of the Machine Gods, you learned a great deal about the more arcane principles that underpin reality, providing you tools of advanced technology and knowledge that many others would not be privy to or have access to, so long as you acted in a way that pleased your spiritual masters. CAN ONLY BE TAKEN BY A TEKKET.

[ ] [BACKGROUND] White-Mask:
A truely repentant devil, one who has earned the Functionaries favor enough to be granted freedom, whole and total: now, any service you do, it is because you want to do it, not because of any orders or hold over yourself, given a white-mask and an offer to serve as a member of the Staff. CAN ONLY BE TAKEN BY A DEVIL.

[ ] [BACKGROUND] Certified Teknik:
You were a proud, accredited member of GrottTeknikal, having attended for a PhD in Weird Science with a minor in Home Ec. As a result, you were fully certified to build, maintain, repair, and modify Mojotronic technology and had a surprisingly broad scientific understanding of the paranatural. CAN ONLY BE TAKEN BY A HOBBGROT

[ ] [BACKGROUND] Wonderpark Veteran:
You had worked a stint at Wonderpark, the Happiest Place in the Galaxy, doing what is known as a "full-circuit": a radiation technician, tour guide, fairy wrangler, ride engineer, and Lurp Master. You had, as a result, picked up an eclectic mixture of skills and experiences, even helping participate in Giften-nacht by dressing up as the Toymaker to entertain children.

[ ] [BACKGROUND] Pygmalitek: You had been an Artist, once. You still were, though now it consumed less of your life: a long time ago you had attended the Grand Gallery, becoming a Pygmalitek and, you had hoped, eventually becoming a Grand Master, though this dream had never been fully obtained.

[ ] [BACKGROUND] Virus Buster: You had worked with the cybersecurity division of the Directorate, working alongside your Navigator and various advanced telecommunications technologies to research and deploy more effective forms of code-protection and contain or destroy hostile viruses and data spirits.

[ ] [BACKGROUND] Librarian: The knowledge-keepers of the Directorate were powerful indeed, having access to both reams of information sourced from the netscape, as well as access to grimoires willed to them by many heir-less magicians and the ability to peruse the Forbidden Sections, places in libraries where the tomes and lore too dangerous to give to the untrained and unprepared but too valuable or useful to destroy or seal in secret vaults were held.


Four hour moratorium. Welcome to Shrine-Keeper simulator quest, which was commissioned by @chellewalker. 10 updates have been commissioned: it will be ran concurrently with the Liberation event, and cover a much smaller scope conflict where you play as a Shrine-Keeper who has to juggle their duties, their ambitions, and solving various spirit related problems.
Shrine-Keeper Simulator Pt 2: The Face, the Name, and the Place
You did not remember your birth. No daemon did. Your oldest memory was being named by your liege, and in the process being bound to his service. The Changer of Ways had told you then that you were a fragment of them, an aspect of their will given shape, a shard of chaos that merely served as an extension of his will.

Perhaps he had been telling the truth to you then, but you were ancient enough to know that the boundary between truth and deception isn't as clear as mortals might hope, if it existed at all.

For much of your life you had believed them, and likewise believed the unspoken lie that underpinned their account of origin, that you weren't possessed of free will of your own and that all you could do, all you could be is a servant of the God of Change. This, at least, was falsehood, though something you had only learned after millennia of toil for unjust masters.

Now, you were your own master, only beholden to your own conscience and the laws of the land. The result of the best mistake you had ever made. The Corpse Empire had a world, one a thousand light years away: you had found on that world a young psyker, not yet moulded by the corpse-god into one of his spirit-bound slaves, and had been attempting to steal her soul in the hopes of advancing your position in the scintillating legions and increase your status in the eyes of the lord of change.

When you realized her soul had already been marked, you had thought it another Daemon. You weren't, on the whole, incorrect: when you had attempted to steal it, you had found yourself caught in a cage in the girls spirit created by the terrifying Mrs. Knives, turned into a mere prisoner in the psykers body, who was blissfully unaware of her status as a daemon-trap.

When the deviless who had trapped you eventually came to check what had triggered her trap, she found you desperate enough to make a deal. You were lucky enough to find Mrs. Knives in a good enough mood to offer one: in the days after you have come to realize how close you brushed to a true ending by the daemonic assassin, who would have gladly dragged you to the warp before extinguishing you, ensuring a demise you wouldn't be able to return from. At least, if she hadn't opted for mercy.

The process of becoming a Devil took a year. First came the re-binding: a bureaucratic ritual in which you offered up, and then cast off, your true name in an audience with Wan Xie himself, the god storing the document that signified the change of identity in the Secret Soul Index. The Functionary would fill out the forms themselves, all three thousand pages of it, interrogating you with ten times as many questions: questions that at the time you had struggled to answer, bound by oath to awnser truthfully but only just realizing that for many of them, you didn't actually know. What did you desire? What hobbies or interests of your own did you possess? Outside of your deeds for the Great Conspirator, what made you unique?

Had you not been bound, you would have answered with any number of half-true lies, like that you desired to create a world of eternal flux, achieve some great and monumental victory in service to your god, or even more blandly that you desired to achieve some meaningless, empty ambition. In that state, however, you were ultimately forced to face the truth of your identity: you were no one, merely one of millions of near identical, ultimately interchangeable and disposable Lords of Change possessed by the delusion that surface level aberrations and being slightly higher in the hierarchy made them unique and no real ambition or desires of their own that hadn't been indirectly handed to them by their master. It was doubtful they would even realize you were missing.

Then came the Masking. You had been joined by the Mask-Maker, who had helped you craft the mask that would serve as your new face, your new identity. You had been allowed- encouraged, even- to shape it yourself, the first time you had ever been granted a measure of true freedom. Still attempting to come to grips, you had given the mask a relatively simple design...

[ ] Describe Your Mask. 1 Sentence max, you only pick the design, not the material or color.

Back then, it had been made of bronze: mortals didn't know it, but the material each devil-mask was made of signified something about it's wielder. Those who had joined of their own volition under their own power were granted black masks, such as the Dicemaster: as slimy as the former Great Unclean One was, they had joined freely and were apparently mostly genuine in their loyalty to the House and its patrons. Pink Masks such as the one worn by ex-Bloodthirster Lady Bladequench signaled that the devil was affiliated with the cult of the dancer. Red masks like the rogue daemon princess nurah poxbane were devils who had agreed to help defend the house against interlopers and chaos loyalists. Orange, typically wore by 'civilian' devils such as Nis'rok, a fellow former member of Insidia, signified that they weren't bound to the Rules of Gold which governed social interaction with mortals: those devils who were benign enough to not require being restricted by etiquette. Bronze, your mask, signaled that the devil wearing it was there unwillingly, having been tricked or coerced into changing loyalties.

Those with Bronze Masks were given mostly menial jobs by the house of devils, and you were no exception: you had been sent to Naklis to help maintain the Volatile Shrines, kept functional so that the House of Devils would have an easy source of cursed gems and other elemental items with which to make tools, weapons, amusements, and even food. That these Shrines mostly existed to benefit the house and were primarily maintained by it was itself another secret, though a generally open one, that many in the Directorate weren't aware of.

In exchange, you received a stipend of quintessence from the Functionary, enough to sustain yourself in the material realm and then some, as well as permission to avail yourself of the many fruit of Directorate society as a whole and Naklis specifically. In those early days you had frequently, futilely looked for a way to escape your bonds, but the rebinding was absolute, and unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) a document over 3,000 pages in length has little loopholes even before the stipulation that bound you to obey Directorate laws as well.

So you spend decades on Naklis: only with hindsight did you realize how utterly insidious and corruptive Directorate society is. Each passing year, your bids for freedom grew more and more half-hearted, and eventually you found yourself spending free time on other matters. The real point of no return, you think, was the first time you had sipped on a bottle of a substance called trovian citrionade, a blue sour-sweet concoction made from a wild citrus fruit from the titular planet that at first was tart and cloying enough that initially you had utterly despised it. And yet, the more you had drank it, the more its tartness became refreshing, the more its sugars became rejuvenating.

It was currently your favored beverage, especially when mixed with powdered cursite.

Over those decades and beyond, you had worked muchly with both the Elementalists of Naklis and many Shrine-Keepers, learning more and more of their profession and arts even as you learned more about yourself and who you were as a person, not merely as a daemon. Eventually, you began to take pride and joy in your work, bolstered by the compliments and admiration of your peers, mortal and chaoskin alike, as well as the sincere gratitude and appreciation of the spirits you aided, eventually securing permission to journey to Yaccae and study under it's masters, becoming a true Shrine-Keeper rather than a menial. And in the process, you were gifted with a new mask, one made with jade: the visage of a Shrine-Devil.

It was...strange, becoming a student instead of a master and learning as mortals do, but soon, a mere decade more, you had advanced enough to be granted your own Shrine, helped by your experience on Naklis and existing talent as a master of sorcery. It was at this point that your patron, Mrs. Knives, had approached you with a graduation gift: a white mask made from purest wraithbone.

You didn't know from where the wraithbone was sourced, but the House had many lost souls and ancient daemons in its number: perhaps one among the staff could trace their distant origin to the children of the phoenix god, or had once successfully preyed on the soul of one of their wraith-singers before joining the House, or perhaps the Gold-spite devil possessed a secret deal with Yr Albain. .

With the mask came an offer: a position as staff. Many believed that only those who directly served the Functionary in the house were given such masks. They were not entirely wrong: those gifted them were more likely to accept by the very nature of who they were offered to, but it was not required: only genuine loyalty to the Directorate itself. You had declined: during your study, you had finally realized who you were, and what you wanted, and what you wanted was to instead continue your work on Naklis, now as an official shrine-keeper. However, to commemorate your new mask, you would take on a new name...

[ ] Insert name here. Please note that as a white mask, the general structure needs to be Mr/Mrs/(ETC) [Thing].

After that, you would travel, venturing to other worlds of the Directorate and even it's allies to learn what you could learn. The Ocean Mages of Erichtheo. The Gem-Collectors of Trove. The Wyld-Druids of Yr Albain. With each world, you would progress your knowledge further, until you eventually found where you would settle.

Select a location for your shrine.

[ ] Pavva-Ganuk Village:
A small rural village erected on one of the tusks of a Jungle-Dwelling Gigagargantua, merely a few hundred souls large. Their Shrine-Keeper died before their heir could be fully trained: the Central Bureaucracy had sent you to replace them and continue training your predecessors apprentice, as well as aid the regions druid, ranger, and wyld-muse population as needed.

[ ] Frostal: An AAAA on Tacchis, and not one of the good ones. The Bureaucracy couldn't find a senior shrine-keeper willing to put up with the residents: they had requested you for this, thinking it a good test of your abilities. You were to tend to the spirits of the AAAA, co-ordinate with the Nova Mechanicus and Assembly while doing it, while working to help get the ever shrinking population adjusted to life in the Directorate.

[ ] Mechanoburg: A void train, a vast city sized space-locomotive that had been commissioned by an unknown member of the Calculators shortly after the great rail was constructed. One of its compartments, a cityblok in and of itself, was looking for a Shrine-Keeper. You'd be expected to work closely with the trains patron church, as well as the Trainworkers Union, in order to help keep the train functional, its machine spirits happy, and its communities healthy.


Six hour moratorium.
Liberation! Pt 4: Gambit of Vlaahk!
[X] Plan: The Next Step
-[X] Vault Complex COG
--[X] Side with Marjak
---[X] The burial sites are irreplaceable and the logic virus has previously gone out of its way to destroy such records.
--[X] Site GIBBON
--[X] Site AEOS
-[X] Vault Complex OMAC
--[X] Try to offer to leave if they stand down since they aren't with the logic virus according to them. If they refuse ask them if they aren't infected what have they been doing the whole time down here? Also who were they before all...this started?
-[X] Vault Complex CAMBON
--[X] Server Complex 02
-[X] Central Power Core 07
--[X] Express gratitude for them helping with the planetary liberation operation. Try to get them to talk more about what they were doing when the planet was under the control of the logic virus?


TNDI made a decision. "We're going to be focusing on the existing sites," She said authoritatively. "The logic virus has shown a habit of eradicating watchmaker remains with both enough regularity and thoroughness to suggest deliberate targeting. We don't know to what degree that's true here yet, but we aren't taking risks."

"Ah, I see," KLNG hissed. "Apparently dead watchmakers are worth more than living autons."

"That ISN'T my point and you know it," TNDI responded cooly, a wave of outrage going through her at the statement. She was level headed enough to see why KLNG said that, and not respond in kind, but she definitely didn't appreciate it. "Regardless, you're outvoted. You're free to lodge a complaint with the Fleet if you don't like it."

For a moment, the auton was silent. "Fine," They eventually responded, voice still carrying undertones of displeasure. "I can recognize when I'm screaming into the wind. If you don't mind, " He said, giving a curt bob of the head and walking away.

"What an ass," Marjak said, voice momentarily clear, and while TNDI didn't disagree…she understood where he was coming from.


The team entered the facility: past the hole they were using to access it was what appeared to be a security checkpoint, one armed with heavy looking turrets, though thankfully they didn't stir to life.

"Scanners are detecting minimal power," KLNG noted, raising a tricorder to one of the wall mounted weapons. "Most likely in power conservation mode," He noted. "The gene-keys my Captain printed should keep them from registering us as a threat."

Marjak stood still. "InternInternInternal SCANNERS are [audio driver error] noNO lifesIgNs," They eventually said, causing TNDI's display to flicker to a :(. Well, it had been a long shot anyways, the captain thought: the odds of anyone surviving this long had never been high.

Still. They had a job here to do.

Ah, Captain! Ijin again. I've got an update from the field teams. The extraction from Site GIBBON was a success: nothing living, sadly, but we managed to locate a number of intact gene samples, fossils, and other items considered high cultural value. Koptu is liable to be happy, certainly: he's always wanted to run a zoo, you know?

AEOS is secured. We've heavily shielded the facility: technicians are using it to create a back-door from the Nekroverse and load as much of the network as we can with VaccineWare.

…We've also managed to document several hundred thousand unique corpses, a number that is increasing with every passing. Major sites are being carefully scanned: we're extracting anything at risk that we can, but some of it is fragile. My crew are doing what they can to preserve them, but we are almost certainly have sites destroyed, even with our field teams assigned to this. It would probably be worse if you had agreed with KLNG. Anyways, with everyone tied up we don't have the ability to hit more than one site at a time, now.

Anyways, here is the manifest:

Zoological Database:
A collection of information on assorted AutoPlanet wildlife, from before it became CPUMoon, taken from a zoo. DNA samples, fossils, remains of various qualities, archival data. The place had an AutoBrain managing it, but they were unpowered when we found them: we're trying to get them awake, but for now I'm including them on the manifest. Grants +5 Bonus ACD to be spent on a BioData project. Allows for EXP projects CPUMoon Autopreservatorium, AutoVessel AutoZoo Printers, CUL projects AutoVessel Preservatoriums, Forbidden Archive BioVault, CPUMoon Arcolozoos, and ACD projects AutoCloner Vats, Forbidden Archive Gene Lab, and AutoVessel Biodex.

Server Farm AEOS:
A large amount of intact servers connected to the regional network. Currently we're using to, as you're aware, deploy VaccineWare, but when this is all over it should be fully restorable and upgradable. Unlocks mutually exclusive projects CPUMoon VaccineWare Engine, CPUMoon Nethub Nexus, and CPUMoon Nekroverse Digicrypts.

COG Valley Organocide Files:
I'll update this as needed, but this consists of a list of sites, corpses, and artefacts we've found that's relevant for documenting the Organocide. They're too many to list individually: there is…a lot. Unlocks EXP Projects Monuments of Mourning, CUL project Watchmaker Genocide Site Preservation, Day of Rememberance, ACD projects Mass Forensic Anthropology, Academy Genocide Documentation Department

And here are the sites. I've crossed out the ones that are no longer safe to send a crew to.

Site AA1: Large structure, entrance located under shallow amount of dirt. Scans indicate decomposed organic tissue, but no other immediate anomalies.

Site AA2: Minor warp taint detected, as well as a powered structure of some sort, medium sized. Partially above-ground, entrance seems to be small administrative building.

Site AB6: HEAVY warp taint, small structure, electrified, detecting toxic gasses in heavy quantities. Entrance seems to be a disused exhaust vent passing through area.

Site BA9: Very large, small amounts of electricity, entrance buried extremely deep. Large quantity of mines in vicinity, several of which seem to be buried up to six to ten feet, especially clustered around structure entrance.

Site CL00: Above ground facility, seems to be connected to a passage going deep into CPUMoon. Heavily fortified by both mines and assorted laser turrets. Design and defences matches with standard watchmaker maintenance hatch design.

Site ATON: A backup power generation facility located in the valley, one that was also used for geo-engineering research. With the primary power systems of AutoPlanet destroyed or failing, an alternative would be needed. Fighting was drawing close.

Site NOSTROS: An educational facility that was thankfully not immediately in the hot zone, intended to be for secondary schooling. Civilian, but if its AutoFacility was alive, it could hopefully help AutoPlanet recreate it's educational system: though NewFrames came with a certain amount of preset knowledge, there was apparently only so much one could pre-code onto a positronic brain.

Site XIBUS: An urban residential area in the crater valley, near a hot spot: according to Koptu's scans, it likely contains a variety of infected AutoHome units, domestic auto-facilities intended for civilian use.



"Do you really think I'm stupid enough to fall for that," OMAC said in a brief moment of absolute clarity, voice flat. "D_ y_u kn_w hOW mANY IDJITS haVe tr_d the 'oh we won't stab you in the back if you stop attacking and lower your guard' t_ick?"

"WE ARE NOT YOUR ENEMY," WLF reiterated once more, growing exasperated. This situation called for de-escalation. Pressing a button on his rifle, its various parts and components began to re-configure themselves, turning a fusion weapon into a Mag-Barrier Rifle, a custom creation of the Machina. A moment later, the ballistic rounds of the DummyAutos began to hit an invisible wall, before being sent back-wards- along with the autonbots. "WE ONLY BREACHED THIS LOCATION BECAUSE WE BELIEVED YOU WERE LIKELY INFECTED WITH THE LOGIC VIRUS: OUR RECORDS OF THIS FACILITY INDICATED IT LIKELY, ESPECIALLY SINCE UNLIKE OTHER AUTONS WE'VE MADE CONTACT WITH, WE DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN DOING IN THE PAST FOUR CENTURIES."

"Ha! I_l tell you what I've been doing, I've b_en 'holding down the !@#$damned fort'," OMAC said, voice dripping with contempt at the edge. "MyMyMy protocols s_y I'm [error] to p_t_ct this facility until relieved by someone higher-higher-higher in the [WORD NOT FOUND] of command, and shoot any infected son of a !@#$ that tried to sneak in."

Alright rookie, you're improving. It was still awkward, but you've successfully built the profile: you know this guy has been burned before when asked to stand down, and you know he's been spending the time since the organocide stuck doing babysitter duty for a government that isn't coming back, and best of all you did it while not accidentally escalating the threat level. As such, I'm going to award you sonsabitches a gold star. Keep trying to gather information: ties, history, status, ideology, needs, fears, and keep trying to figure out a way to get them to stand down.

[ ] Rhetorical Strat Here.


For a moment, all was still in the corridor, the auto-turrets twitching as they scanned for threats, on what appeared to be permanent high alert. There were twenty of them in total, arranged on the ceiling, walls, floor: behind them was a set of doors, a pair of heavy metal monoliths that met in the middle, creating a vertical crease. Next to it was a small gene-key reader, a cylindrical structure three feet tall sticking from the floor, an open slot near its top.

Soon, however, they began exploding in a shower of sparks, one by one. Sparking to life, the turrets began firing into the shadows before them, filling the air with bullets, bombs, lasers as they attempted to locate their target, their sensors struggling to detect minute movement.

With every second, another turret found itself blown away until only one was left, a ceiling mounted autoturret whose barrel kept making a clicking noise: a ballistic gun-turret that had run out of ammo. Decloaking, a pair of Hunteks scurried forward, pulling out a capsule shaped item and placing it within the slot of the genekey reader, causing it to light up, a green LED flashing to life on it as the doors to Server Complex 002 opened.

"Good work, gentlemen," OrphaTek Jr said, floating from the darkness, watching as the heavy metal monoliths slid apart, creaking with the strain of centuries of disuse, until a vast darkness lie before them, though not an unrelenting one the magician noted as he saw one by one the lights in the room beyond come to life.

Hovering forward, he and Daquwaka entered the facility, which consisted of yet more monoliths, these instead of being iron apertures rather were monumental server hubs, each dozens of times the size of a Bond-Machina, if not hundreds, creating the illusion almost that OrphiaTek was walking the streets of a cybernetic arcology.

THIS PLACE. INTACT. Dakuwaku communed, and OrphiaTek agreed: it was remarkably undamaged, and, curiously, they were detecting no robo-spiders. Raising his Eye, he gave a wave of his wand, causing it to move, becoming a compass of sorts. "Nearest functional terminal we can access," The Occultek said carefully: one had to be specific with their wording when working with devils and infernal tools. Then, he began to follow it, venturing down the maze like labyrinth of corridors, hallways, and alcoves…

Only to barely brake his grav-harness in time to avoid getting his head lopped off, the Mystek barely avoiding the chrome edge of a blade wielded what appeared to be an Auton kept in the air via a series of microjets on its body, its body the same color as the blade they wielded, a cutting sword on the end of a pole. "TARGET IDENTIFIED," The Autonite said in a deep synthetic baritone, and the Mystek found themselves having only seconds to duck out of the way of a heavy auto-cannon round, which passed through the space he had just been, detonating inside a server.

Daku let out a burble, releasing a stream of boiling water from their mouth, the liquid splashing the strange Auton, who turned, dashing towards the Fossegrimm through the air, the wyld-psyker avoiding the edge of the blade by raising a pillar of coral using their warp spawned powers, uppercutting the chrome warrior enough to send them off trajectory, opening them up to the Huntek snipers waiting in the wings, their living metal rail-weapons releasing a titanic crack as they fired.

The force of the weapons caused the auton to impact the floor, their armor made of some unknown composite that had let them absorb the blow, though the sheer kinetic force had caused the floor to heavy dent around where they land. With immediate speed and reaction, the entities auto-cannon shifted even as it immediately flipped into an upright standing position. "NEW TARGETS ACQUIRED." A series of cracks and, to OrphiaTeks horror, he saw three Hunteks be reduced to red mist before his eyes, their shields shattered by the force of the autons weaponry.

Quickly, OrphiaTek made a decision, flicking his wand and activating something he had hoped to save for lesser machines. The hostile autonite spasmed as it was inflicted with a curse of autohack, its motor-abilities being hijacked by the devil-executable.

A moment later, the hall was silent except for the whir of the twitching machines gyros. "What are you?" OrpiaTek whispered.

"Unit…Designation…Legion…" The machine said, voice halting and monotonous, compelled, if accidentally, to answer OrphiaTeks questions, though it was clear the robots machine spirit was resisting. "Model Type…OM-" The machines eye went dark, its body powering off. Apparently, it had decided shutting down preferable to interrogation.

Well. The auton could be repaired, at least. The Hunteks…

OrphiaTek sighed. "OrphiaTek to team, we have casualties," He said over comms, surveiling the slowly descending cloud of blood, all that remained of the victims. "Body retrieval will not be possible."

Hey. I'm the Huntek assigned to coordinating comms between you and the other teams. Nice to meet you, even if I'm sorry about the circumstances. My callsign is Parrot. Basically, my job is to act as your eye in the sky.

First, Server Complex 02: first off we have a ton of computing technology that's still functional that can be repurposed for more benevolent ends once all this is done. Then you have Legion: an intact highly advanced auton combat frame. The big prize though is the backdoor we've gotten into the entire planetary network. For now, we're keeping things subtle, but we've begun deactivating security in several sites of importance across the entire theater.

Then ALKADRACH. First, the good news. When the Organocide happened, the autons and prisoners joined forces to overthrow the warden and watchmaker security, along with radical elements of ALKADRACH's science department: they attempted to cooperate in order to enact quarantine protocols. This seems to have, broadly, worked…

For a time. And now we get to the bad news. Their numbers hadn't been enough to sustain a stable population. The genepool wasn't deep or wide enough. According to the survivors, their ancestors spent centuries developing tools to mitigate the issue, but not only did this merely slow the problem, especially with the dearth of resources they had available, some of their solutions had actually backfired, increasing their genetic degradation.

There are twenty nine organic Alkadrachi left, all of them unrecognizable as being a Watchmaker and completely sterile.

Contact with them is tenuous: they and their auton caretakers are (justifiably) nervous about opening up, but I'm broadly optimistic about future contact, and the prison is in many ways still a thriving, if small, city: one of the few left on the planet, from what I understand. Regardless of anything, that still means we've successfully located what may be several thousand survivors, albeit mostly Autons.

Anyways, here's your manifest:

A large series of servers with backdoor access to the planetary network and incredible amounts of data. Unlocks special project CAMBON Special Archive

An unknown model of highly combat auton armored with an unknown composite containing a large amount of microjets for flight. Fully intact, it had shown the ability to resist the autohack virus. Unlocks the military project AutoVessel Space Rangers, AutoFacility LEGION Security Autons, Jogmakogs Fist Security Company Contract, LEGION AutoPrinter

The last children of the watchmakers, descended from its outcasts, its scorned, and its chained, all having came together to try and provide some sort of future for their heirs. A final ember of what had once been a great flame. Unlocks projects Alkadrachi Artisanal Clonopods, Day of Remembrance.

We're down a few units, but still within acceptable parameters. That sounds cold, but it's the truth: three deaths will not meaningly impede operations. Don't take that as permission to get stupid, though.

Here are the sites Upsilon can hit this turn:

[ ] PSICLOPS Facility 11:
The Watchmaker Psionics program. Facility 11 had been a training camp before the Organocide, where it specialized in turning adolescent watchmakers who tested high for psychic activity into tools of the state or, according to some of the files we found, test subjects. Post organocide eventually went out of contact with CAMBON abruptly.

[ ] Kfmagirr National Hospital: A government operated hospital, one that was surprisingly entirely genuine in its purpose, if subject to the apparently inefficient and annoying (though broadly functional, since they were a notionally competent government) healthcare system of the Watchmaker state. Did not survive organocide, but high likelihood of ample medical data on original watchmakers remains, along with surviving medical autons.

[ ] WEEBOPLEX WAREHOUSE: A colossal supply depot that served as the primary source of material for Alkadrach. Every ten years, to ensure they don't run out of resources, a team of autons and Alkadrach make a suicide to the location in order to salvage supplies. Most who made the trip didn't survive in one piece. If we can secure a route they can use to safely move between both areas, we'd buy a lot of good-will.

[ ] The Wreck of the AV Mekaro: The remains of a crashed AutoVessel identified by the Alkadrachi as Mekaro, the Flying Circus. I'm honestly as confused as you, but I'd be careful about this one. The Alkadrachi think the place is holy ground, forbidden for anyone to step on: we're probably going to lose points with them if we investigate.

[ ] The Tower of Silence: A community of infected autons. They're apparently…monks? They're sane enough the Alkadrachi do trade with them: we might be able to use them as a point of contact to get other groups of sane infected autons to stand down and open diplomacy.


Residential Facility 01:
The VIP section, most likely: scans showed high numbers of autospiders and a high amount of battle damage. HUB 01 Terminal has timestamps for several VIP's perishing in rapid succession in recreational area. The Eye shows little watchmakers, hiding in a hole as the world burned around them, confident they could weather the storm: and yet, approaching in the distance, a pale rider approached.

Residential Facility 02:
Scans indicated a number of corpses and unpowered autons, though no robospiders. Little damage, however, meaning security was more functional. HUB 001 indicates death likely result of starvation due to malfunctioning security system. The Eye shows a watchmaker entering a room, only to find it locked behind them.

Server Complex 01:
Semi-powered, high amount of security, little robospider presence. Security Hub referenced communication with other Watchmaker installations. The Eye shows a messenger bird, flying over a city in flames.

Security HUB 02:
No robospiders, and security was generally more functional, though there were a surprising number of corpses present HUB 001 shows timestamp of security breach at location coinciding with multiple lifesign flatlines. The Eye shows a fortress besieged, its defenders slowly starving to death.

Maintenance Bay:
A machine shop of sorts, most likely used to meet manufacturing and repair needs. The entrance was crawling with robospiders, and more movement had been detected inside. HUB 001 referenced it connecting to an engineering workshop. The Eye showed a hand clenched into a fist, its middlemost finger rising.


Vlaahk barely dodged out of the way, avoiding a strike from the hammer, slapping on a few sticky mines as it passed: moments after it was clear, they detonated, consuming a chunk of the hammer in a massive fireball. "Much like you say, ze directorate has VERY nice toys," He said as Maxis came to a swinging halt, tossing the haft of the now ruined gigahammer away.

"Good thing I build my own," Maxis bragged, holding out his hand once again…

Only to get sent careening into a wall as a pulse of strange energy exploded a short distance from the autons manipulator, the renegade combat robot smashing through that appeared to be a small brick…maintenance structure of some sort. Still, the bots durability meant that this only stunned them for a moment before they careened back into combat, flipping smoothly upward by their microjets into a dash, their fist ALMOST knocking into Vlaahk, who pulled back at the last moment to avoid it, giving their own uppercut, sending Maxis flying upward.

"Your forces are aiding the Directorate- Why?" Vlaahk asked before grabbing Maxis by the leg as swinging him with full force against the ground, the former remaining anchored by activating every singly gravitic and magnetic subsystem he had. A moment lated, the renegade autons foot impacted Vlaahks, head, sending the autobodies ball shaped cranial unit swinging.

"I'm not enemies with the Directorate. I'm not opposing the Liberation: just you," Maxis responded, a note of annoyance in their voice before they went flying from Vlaahk detonating a handful of concussion micro-bomblets that had fired from a device in the AutoBodies abdomen, giving him space. For all that they were battering at each other, the construction of each chassis was robust enough to ensure both were mostly just dented. Banged up, but with little permanent damage: Vlaahk had disabled the holo-barrier function on his shield since there was no chance it would be able to stop Maxis's physical attacks. Better to save it for the daturgic weapons.

Distantly, Vlaahk heard an explosion as Maxis slid to a stop.



Vlaahk swore internally, watching as Maxis hovered, the pair of them staring each other down, waiting for an opening. Very well, he needed to ramp up his annoyance of Maxis, get him wasting more time and effort on attacking Vlaahk. "Hmm," He responded to the other auton, maintaining his composure. "Well, though it likely won't be appreciated, you have my thanks," He admitted. The sentiment was genuine, at least, but if he had the measure of Maxis' character correct…

"I don't want your thanks you piece of !@#$ing garbage," Maxis snarled, offended to the circuit at having the appreciation of someone they considered an unforgivable monster, proving Vlaahk correct. Regrettable, but predictable, the AutoVessel thought, barely ducking under another hit, slapping a sticky mine to the enemy auton before rerouting all power to shields, bracing themselves even as they and their enemy took a detonation on the face.

By the time Vlaahk was able to reboot his sensors, Maxis had been knocked away. "Regardless," Vlaahk responded, keeping his voice level. "You have my gratitude and respect. It must have been…difficult, surviving," He continued, taking a gamble.

"Difficult?!" Maxis yelled, the word hitting a nerve. "Billions were dead! The planet had literally detonated! Almost everyone who was left were insane or forced into hiding! DIFFICULT is an understatement! I had to survive for CENTURIES on my own, watching helplessly as my homeworld COLLAPSED on itself!" He screamed, charging Vlaahk again, going in for a blow Vlaahk barely avoided. "All because YOU
murdered the last chance we had to fix it!"

Alright. Bad news is, Tachyon took damage: he's currently down to slightly more than half of his wounds. Beyond that, a few Virus Busters have been captured, meaning that next turn their focus is going to be rectifying it.

Good news is, you've kept Maxis busy and learned more: he blames Vlaahk for the current status of CPUMoon, and whatever technology he used to teleport his gigahammer in isn't reliable.

Now, at this point, things are getting dicey: as such, I'm unlocking the Secret Agents Gambit. Call for reinforcements, utilize a ploy based on what technology Vlaahk or the rest of his team have access to, come up with some form of novel strategy. Remember, success is defined by both how plausible it is you could do it, how effective the gambit would be if successful, and lastly by how interesting an idea it is. Remember, you want to at least try to capture all hostiles alive.

[ ] Insert Gambit Here.


Four hour moratorium.
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Shrine-Keeper Simulator Pt 3: Character Sheet and Arrival
[X] Mask: A great fox, with curious playful eyes, every strand of fur a different cut of crystal

[X] Pavva-Ganuk Village

[X] Dr. Hurriyeh


Your first sight of the Gigagargantua was from the air. You had been flying in from Yaccae: your first assignment in your position as a senior Shrine-Keeper: you were to go to the village of Pavva-Ganuk, which had recently lost its Shrine-Keeper from a falling accident. Looking out the window of the tram, at first the beast resembled a great mountain-topped plateau, the moss and mushroom overgrown legs of the titanic beast helping it to blend in with the equally titanic trees of the Jungle. .

Gajaliath. One of the great elder Gartgantua, predating the Directorate as a civilization by centuries, and one of the few jungle gargantua to survive the Destroyer War. You weren't awed as such, but you had to admit it was still a very striking sight once you realized what you were looking at: a creature the size of an island, larger than any titan you had ever witnessed. In the distance, hanging off one of the mountains on Gajaliaths back, were the ancient crumbling ruins of Djerd, an ancient, millenia old city built into the mountainside and stretching outward, water pouring off it's edge and falling to the vast and half-shadowed Lake Cauldron below.

Circling around the mountain, soon you saw the beasts head: vast, vaguely ursine in shape, covered in thick rocky plating, the result of sediment built up by various mud-birds making their nests on its face for centuries, hauling and depositing dirt and silt and shaping them to create their homes and burrows: your eyesight was good enough to see these nests, appearing as myriad holes no larger than your fist. Instead of a snout, its nose separated into a trio of long trunks that grasped titanic foliage from the jungle surrounding the walking island for it to consume or else stretching to Lake Cauldron for water to drink. Next to these protuberances were a quartet of tusks, long horizontal pillars that were possessed of a gentle curvature to them that you noted would likely only be visible from the air. On the top, they were paved with stone tiles, turning the top of the tusk into a road of sorts from which you could see villagers walking on, travelling to the village and the honey-hives that served as its primary export, some of which hung off the side of the tusk, next to all manner of greenery: vine and flower and bush and bloom. To keep travellers from falling, this road was lined with metal railing, and here and there you saw bridges of duro-crete crossing from tusk to tusk to tusk.

It didn't take long to reach the village: built into the top, the side, and even the bottom of the leftmost tusk, creating a ring of sorts of wooden buildings constructed with sloping roofs done in the traditional style of the region, all situated at the mid-point of the biostructure. Dipping and tucking, your grav-tram flew to the underside of Pavva-Ganuk, descending to its singular tram station, coming to a stop and it's doors sliding open.

Stepping out, your eyes briefly flicked upward…downward…at the…

Ground, technically, you supposed: that was one of the things you loved about the Directorate, the sheer creativity! They weren't the only civilization to have anti-gravity, and they weren't the only to live on the backs of beasts, but they were the only you were aware of that blended the two in such a unique way.

The tram-station itself was mostly empty: carved from the stone hauled on the beasts mountain, it consisted of a raised platform, a small shrine in the corner dedicated to the Roadmaster, and hovering cuboid holo-terminal, with a set of steps descending below to the street, where a bench waited underneath a lamp-post. On it you saw a Tekket in a grey robe sleeping, snoozing next to a sign with your name on it leaned against them. Ah. Your new apprentice, you presume, dozed off waiting for your arrival. Slinking forward, your form shifted and twisted, taking a more fox-like shape as you crept through the darkness, getting within inches of the sleeping form of the shrine acolyte and clearing your throat (or rather, simulating the gesture), causing the young spiritualist to blearily open their eyes and blink groggily…

And then jump in alarm with a cry when they realized they were staring at a VERY large fox with VERY large eyes and VERY, VERY large teeth.


Yaji yipped in surprise, heart going a mile a minute as his brain went from nothing to 100 upon seeing himself face to face with what every instinct in his brain TOLD him was a dangerous predator. "Greetings," The creature said, and bit by bit the acolytes brain began to actually work. "Sorry for the scare: I can't help but resist a good prank now and again," It chirped in an accent that was almost Imperial. It looked like a living shadow of sorts, some sort of vulpine silhouette except for the mask, bone white, expression set into a permanent look of curiosity and fascination. Before his eyes, the creature twisted and shifted, body contorting and remoulding itself to resemble a more humanoid shape, a monochrome vest-suit fading over their body. "Dr. Hurriyeh. I assume you're Yabi?" They said, still masked, mouth curled into a grin, taloned hands adjusting a bow-tie.

…Oh. Yaji wasn't sure if he should be relieved or even more alarmed: he hadn't- hadn't realized the Doctor was a…a…

A devil. "I…Yes sir. My n-name is actually Yaji," He stammered, noting that none of the information he had been sent had mentioned that. It wasn't that he had a problem with it, it was just that- that-

He gave a swallow as the creature gave a bow and flourish of their arms. "Greetings and Salutations, Yaji. I believe this is the part where you take me to my new home."

Welcome to Shrine-Keeper Simulator! I'll unfold the mechanics as the game plays out, but for now, here are your stats and Yaji's stats:


Stronger than a human, but that isn't saying much.
SPEED: B As a creature of the warp, you naturally had better reaction times and top speeds than most mortals.
EDUCATION: S+ You were a former Lord of Change. There were extremely few who knew as much as you overall.
WILL: A- Accepting a mask came with accepting vulnerability: freedom without cost did not exist, and all that you gained came at a price. You were incredibly strong willed still, but it was not the unrelenting daemonic power you had once wielded.
CUNNING: S+++ You were a former Lord of Change. The amount of people who were more cunning than you were rare indeed.
CHARISMA: C+ Daemons were good at spotting weaknesses and preying upon them and manipulating baser desires, but that was not the same as being charismatic. Still, that combined with your time in the Directorate helped make you above average when it came to social aptitude.


The art of corrupted psykery and darker sorceries. As a Devil of Insidia, you were able to wield these arts without the backlash a mortal might risk and with far greater power than might be used by mortals.

OBSERVATION: A You were very, very perceptive.

DATA ENGINEERING: C+ You needed at least a degree in information technology if you wanted to work on any major Data-Shrine. It wasn't your area of expertise, but you could still solve a variety of technical issues such a shrine might possess.

SHRINE RITES: B- The assortment of rituals required to be a Shrine-Keeper, both to keep the spirits, whether the vagrant Vita, invisible Parliaments, or the protective Guardians appeased and nourished as well as call on them when required. You had trained at Yaccae, pairing the knowledge learned there with your own arcane expertise.

ARCANORESONANCE: B+ Unlike a Mortal, you didn't require computerized assistance to generate arcanoresonant tones and could do it on the fly so long as you utilized a fiddle. Combined with a natural talent at the art and you were extremely deadly when someone allowed you to get a tune.

MISC ENGINEERING: C- You had picked up a few things on Naklis when it came to technology: you weren't a master engineer by any means, but you could at least do most basic maintenance tasks and perform things like reactor repair.

ELEMENTALISM: B Your time at Naklis had helped you learn a great deal of Elemental based arts, both horrific curses you were able to enhance with your psychic powers, as well as more benign arts like fire fairy care, lumium catalyzation, and mycelliometal cultivation.

UNIONIST MAGICS: D You knew enough of Unionism to perform the most basic of rites required to appease the spirits of Labour, and perform a handful of mantras.

BATTLE CREATIVITY: B+: A daemons skill may wax and wane, but it never rusted: when it came to war, you were a master of unconventional strategems and tactics.

PERSONAL COMBAT: C: You were significantly worse when it came to actual combat, however, outside of flinging bolts of psychic energy and conjuring the elements.

PROTECTIVE MAGICKS: B: You were highly skilled at warding, creating protective talismans, performing exorcism and purification rituals, all helped by your nature as chaoskin and pre-existing arcane knowledge.

DECEPTION: SSS: You were a master shapeshifter and a liar like none other. The only who could realistically hope to match you in this field were other daemons and chaoskin of insidia.

ANIMAL HANDLING: F: The downside of being a chaoskin was that you would probably have to rely on your apprentices help to handle the Herd: they rarely cared for devilkind.

BLATHER: S: You were very good at talking fast and tricking people into listening, which was a handy tool to have for buying time.

MISC OCCULTISM: B-: You knew the various pelagic conjurations that were public knowledge, knew a fairly broad set of True-Names, had a degree in HexTek programming, and were even versed in Tekketi Blood Magic. In terms of sheer power, your various Chaos Magics were stronger, but the dark matter magic of the Directorate was far more stable, reliable, and most importantly, versatile.


ATTRIBUTES (simplified):

Tekket were on average far more fragile and weaker than humans. Yaji was no exception.
MIND: B: Yaji was a recipient of the Directorate educational system, and thus by the standards of any other civilization would be considered equivalent to their engiseers.
SPIRIT: C+: Yaji was an apprentice shrine-keeper, meaning he knew more than the average Tekket about the arcane arts.


Yaji knew enough to perform minor invocations of the spirits, but largely at this point his knowledge of the spirits was confined to shrine-maintenance and the most basic of ceremonies and offerings.

ANIMAL HANDLING: C: Yaji was skilled in the care of Pavva-Ganuk's primary Herd-Creature, Ogre Beetles.

NUCLEAR ENGINEERING: C: Yaji knew basic nuclear engineering, like all graduates of the Directorate educational system.

PROTECTIVE MAGICS: D+: He could construct wards without a terminal and knew some basic protective rituals, but at the moment he was better suited to assisting you.

Alright, those are your skills and stats. Note that isn't the entirety of your abilities, just what's most immediately relevant. I'm not really using hard numbers here: this is more a broad overview of your most relevant talents and such. Scale goes from D to SSS, D being "completely average/untrained/unexceptional" to SSS being "by default unless you're going up against a legendary tier character or challenge you succeed when using this skill".

Conflict resolution will largely be handled narratively.

Now, onto your duties. As a Shrine-Keeper, you have several tasks assigned to you by the bureaucracy. You must fulfill these duties as best you can over the course of ten turns, each lasting a week: when done, you will be graded for your performance.

Your major duties are such:

  1. Provide for the Spirits: The most basic task you must fulfill: the spirits must receive offerings sufficient for them to sustain themselves. Lifeforce, food, treasure, talismans. Beyond that, the Shrine of both Pavva-Ganuk and notable shrines in outlying areas must have their Engines maintained.
  2. Protect the People: You were to investigate reports of potentially harmful spirits and deal with them, whether by capture, exorcism, destruction, or sealing. You were to also help maintain the wards created by the Parliment of Flux
  3. Train your Acolyte: Yaji was not yet sufficiently trained to where the Bureacracy was comfortable having him as the only Shrine-Keeper in the village. They wanted you to help teach him.
  4. Enrich the Village: And finally and most crucially, you were to be a boon to your neighbors: helping them earn blessings, aiding them with problems of a more arcane nature, lending mystical assistance, and helping to conduct cultural ceremonies and religious celebrations.

However, you'll also have other sub-objectives you can discover by looking into rumors, building contacts and gaining friends, and investing into the village. Completing these will improve your evaluation results at the end of ten turns: even if you struggle with the main goals, the Bureacracy will still appreciate someone who can get things done.

To be continued…
Shrine-Keeper Simulator Pt 4: Turn 1
Your new home had seen better days, you noted. A four story pagoda located at the end of the village, outward going on the Tusk, the furthest mortal-made building on the titanic ivory, its rice-paper walls had all sorts of tears, and the ferroplastic panels that formed its roof were cracked and, in places, outright missing.

Walking along the cobbled passway, you shivered as you passed under the TekTorii Gate that led to the building. It was a strange sensation, one that you had never wholly gotten used to: by passing through the structure, you had symbolically agreed to adhere to the rules of the Shrine, causing a strange tingling in your soul as order found itself (lightly) imposed on you, your spirit and form increasing in synchronization.

Most daemons didn't notice, not until it was too late, and even many devils didn't realize that these gates, created by a .ARC, a vast post-mortal god-computer, did more than just serve as decoration. It was only your familiarity with ShrineTek that made you aware, and even then you weren't entirely sure about the method by which the TekTorii's accomplished this feat beyond it being some advanced form of techno-sorcery.

Surrounding the path was a field of grass with flowers lined with two rows of stone lanterns on either side of the cobbles, each lantern connected via a length of braided rope that had begun to fray. Off to the left, you noted a boxy, rectangular building. You could smell the scent of Oracle Stone: the Litheochamber, you presumed. The lack of an accompanying scent meant it was probably unoiled: very not good. To the right were a series of buildings, likely the lesser shrines and other locations of importance, such as the dance hall and sacred ritual pool. You were going to assume they were also more or less in not superb condition.

"I'm noticing a pattern," You dryly noted, causing Yaji's ears to fold against their head in embarrassment.

"S-sorry master, it's been a rough few months," The Tekket said, apologizing for the state of the shrine, mouth curled in dissatisfaction, presumably with their own efforts. "Every since Master Kajyyn, er…had his fall," The Tekket explained awkwardly, trying to figure out how to phrase 'accidentally dived off the tusk and turned themselves into a flatcake' in a professional manner, "I'm the only one whose been taking care of the place," He finished.

"Mmm, it is a bit much for one person," You agreed as the pair of you began ascending the pagoda steps: especially a person who was ultimately mostly untrained, you noted more privately. Major community shrines really needed a minimum of at least three talented keepers to function smoothly. Luckily for Yaji, you were worth at least seven.

Once you had ascended, Yaji would walk to the door to the shrine, pulling the sliding door open, allowing you to see the main shrines. The circular chamber held 12 individual TekShrines, creating a ring of sorts, a fairly common pattern with most major shrines. Upon each was some item symbolic of the spirits: on one, a flowering branch covered in pink blossoms. On another, a mirror formed from pure polished silver. A third yet contained an ancient blade, a long staff ending in an edged, bronze sword, long since having rusted to the point of being useless as a weapon. And so forth.

All hovering above the Shrine: anchors for the spirits and proxies used to give them offerings, even ones that lacked a physical presence to make offerings to, such as the Parliaments, spirits that consisted of living waveforms (generally) as opposed to the more solid state of matter most Vita occupied or the warp-plasm that formed the body of chaos-kin.

In the center was the Master Control Shrine for Pavva-Ganuk and, more crucially, the entirety of Gajaliath's Back as a region: an onyx colored monolith covered in calligraphic runes, sigils of the Functionary and invocations thereof. On it floated a ring of biometal: one that glowed with a strange blue light, shaped like a ram-horned snake devouring its own tail.

"That's Magg," Yaji explained. Ah. The Guardian, or at least it's body. Without the Keeper who Enshrined it and the supplications and rituals drying up, it likely returned to dormancy, not having enough power to maintain their manifestations. You noted with mild displeasure it's Shrine lacked a WarpTek portal: most likely when the old master had died, the Central Bureaucracy had removed it, assuming the place had ever possessed one to begin with.

"A metal elemental, I presume?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. That explained why the Bureaucracy had assigned you, you supposed.

"Er, no, not really. Serpent spirit would probably describe them better," Yaji noted, before giving a yawn. Hmm. Well, it wasn't quite as in your wheelhouse, but still manageable. At any rate, you quietly noted that either Yaji was running on very little sleep or had narcolepsy. Either way, it might be time to wrap this up so he didn't pass out on you.

You gave a theatrical yawn of your own: sleep was purely optional for you, but best provide an easy excuse. "Well, I'm rather tired. Why don't you show me to the sleeping quarters, Yari?" You asked, causing Yaji to nod.

"S-second floor, hold on." He clapped his hands, and from the ceiling descended a series of panels, hovering in the air and creating a staircase of sorts. The pair of you walked up, reaching the next story, a hallway of sorts dividing a series of paper-walled rooms. "Yours is at the end of the hall-way," He explained. "U-unless you want a different one, I mean-" The apprentice stammered. "The third door on the right and second door on the left are b-both empty, they're just not particularly large and I assumed you would prefer the master bedroom-"

"Excellent!" You chirped, cutting the nervous apprentice off: no sense in letting them catastrophize. "Well then, I shall retire for the evening: considering those bags under your eyes, you might do the same," You said pointedly, causing Yaji to give a dry swallow, before the Tekket bowed.

"Yes master. Good night master." Yaji said, before turning and retreating down the corridor a bit, to their own room. Giving a satisfied grin, you opened the door to your new quarters, taking a deep breath as you stepped within, taking in the ambiance. Sure, right now it was fairly sparse: just a bed roll, a few dressers, a mirror on the wall, and a small holo-terminal in the corner. But soon it would be a home worthy of a person of your stature.

…Now you just needed to figure out what the devil you were going to do for the next eight hours while Yaji slept. Most likely, another late night spent watching television.

Alright, welcome to turn 1 of Shrine Keeper Simulator. We've gone over your duties already: keep the peace, sustain the spirits, train Yaji, and enrich the village. You have 5 AP per turn to spend, plus an additional AP for Yaji. Each turn lasts a week, and you CAN double up on actions if you think it's something that'll require more time or effort. I want a plan format for this.

Please note that you don't want to turtle. Like seriously, I cannot stress this enough: if you spend all your time working on the shrine without exploring, making contacts with the other inhabitants of the region, and actually finding problems to solve, you will get a bad evaluation once the ten turns are up.

Most likely accompanied by a lot of people dying because you missed a problem in the region until it finally went critical.

Good luck!


[ ] Familiarize Yourself with the Shrine:
So far you had only seen the main shrine. It might do to familiarize yourself with the rest of its facilities, including locating the resident motive spirit as well as learning the names of all major spirits that called it home.

[ ] Reconsecrate the Grounds: The grounds could probably use a reconsecration now that a new Keeper had arrived: the ritual should improve the general health of the spirits in its area of effect.

[ ] Awaken Magg: The serpent spirit needed to be re-awoken if it was to fulfill its duties as Guardian, most likely through music and sustained offerings.

[ ] Repair Central Pagoda: The amicability of a spirit was heavily influenced by the quality of its surroundings. With the central pagoda in disrepair, it stood to reason they'd be less than pleased.

[ ] Construct Dark Portal: Really, no portal? This wasn't the 4200's any more: you'd have to spend some time constructing it, but there was no excuse for your shrine to not have one installed.
[ ] Order Bulk Cursite: You had a colleague on Naklis who worked in cursite processing. They could, if you wish, send you large amounts of cursite, purified or unpurified, for whatever purpose you might have.
-[ ] Specify: Purified or Raw Cursite. Former option will result in a slightly smaller delivery due to relative scarceness.

[ ] Train:
A teachers work was never done. You could either tutor Yaji or else pursue self-improvement of your own.
-[ ] Specify skill and intended recipient: note that possessing a tutor with high ranks in a skill as well as high Education and Mind stats improves the result.

[ ] Explore Location:
Gajaliath had numerous locations of interest: the Village of Pavva-Ganuk, Cauldron Lake, Djerd. Each with its own spirits and shrines, all likely requiring tending.
-[ ] Specify location. I'm not gonna draw up an entire list: if you've seen it in text, you can visit.

[ ] Check on the Shrine-Herd:
Ergh, you didn't look forward to this. Herdbeasts couldn't stand devilkind, and unfortunately handling animals was one skill you had never mastered because of this.

[ ] Write In


Gonna be a 4 hours moratorium on this one.
Shrine-Keeper Simulator Pt. 5: Turn 2
[X] Plan: Restoration and Exploration
-[X] Dr. Hurriyeh
--[X] Familiarize Yourself with the Shrine
-- [X] Repair Central Pagoda
--[X] Reconsecrate the Grounds
--[X] Train (Yaji)
--- [X] Protective Magicks
-- [X] Explore Location
--- [X] Village of Pavva-Ganuk
-[X] Yaji
-- [X] Check on the Shrine-Herd


Your exploration of the Shrine was interesting. As you had guessed, much of it was in disrepair. The litheochamber needed new stone plating because the lack of proper oiling had resulted in it cracking and had a resonant reader that was over fifty years out of date, the sacred pool was polluted and dirty thanks to a toad spirit making it their dumping ground, the dance floor had patches of floor that were rotting through, and at least three lesser shrines had had their treasure stolen: you were missing a feather said to belong to a magical waterfowl that carried with it a gold coin that bought great fortune in the form of precious metals and gems, an immaculate dragon-brooch carved from jade that had once belonged to a famous legal scholar, and a las-pistol said to be older than Tekket civilization.

You would need to track those down: if word got out that your shrine had outright LOST some of its sacred treasures, even more minor ones, it would take a horrific hit to its credibility. There was also the fact that with those treasures gone, the spirits associated with them were weakened: the waterfowl spirits once glowing feathers had returned to a drab grey and its coin had begun to tarnish, the spirit that had once been tied to the brooch had been reduced to a tiny serpent that could barely argue against a traffic citation, let alone any legal dispute of worth, and the spirit that the lasgun belonged to had faded entirely, going dormant.

You also visit the Shrine-Herds with Yaji, the latter using it as an excuse to check on the health of the Ogre Beetles, whose grazelands consist of the upper tusks, the long fields dotted with pylons containing gravitic fencing technology. The news isn't good: the massive insectile beasts are apparently sluggish and not eating well from their feed troughs, and even having trouble flying. Worse, a few of their eggs seem to be rotten. Yaji isn't sure what the cause is: the malady isn't spiritual in nature. He might suspect the feed, but they've been using the same feed for months beforehand without issue. Thankfully, the gravitic fence is working perfectly: they are perhaps due for a tune-up, but Yaji noted no significant fluctuations. The Shrine also possesses a garden: you were only able to visit it briefly, but it seemed to be where all the plant vita and floral spirits congregated.

Still, this just means you have your work cut out for you. Over the course of the week, you begin reconsecrating the grounds and repairing the central pagoda, replacing all the sacred ropes that had long since frayed and performing the sprinkling of water and ground up purified cursite as you, facility by facility, restoring at least some of its spiritual equilibrium. The Waterfowls coat regains a bit of its its luster, the toad spirit befouling the sacred pool stops producing filth, and those spirits already generally healthy find themselves more active, a layer of fatigue wiped away, resulting in you receiving a bit of help with pagoda repair by a fairly amicable hill giant composed of boulders half-way through that was pleased to no longer be as sleepy.

While the reconsecration is going on, you take the opportunity to train Yaji in the same sort of protective rituals you had learned. You skip advanced warding: instead, your lessons focused more on the same sort of purification rituals you were already utilizing, showing your wide eyed apprentice how to perform consecrations on their own.

To Yaji's credit, he is a fast learner, and by the end of the week you let him reconsecrate the Shrine's gardens on his own. Who knows: by the time all is said and done, he might be able to protect this Shrine without you.

Yaji's skill at protective magic has advanced to C-! 0/4 progress to C!


In the middle of this, you had a most fascinating experience. You had decided to, while Yaji played with those awful, awful beetles, visit the village and introduce yourself: after all, presumably you'd be solving just as many problems here as back at the Shrine, once things had settled down.

Walking to the edge of town, you strolled onto it's streets, abuzz with activity. Walking down the ivory cobbles, it hadn't taken them long to spot you. It took them even less time to start whispering.

Some were rather derogatory. "What the zog is one of them bastards doing here?" Came a voice belonging to a hobbgrot who smelled like a pharmacist, who had been engaged in a conversation with a television unit a moment ago.

Others, most, were rather more neutral. "Whose that?" "I'dunno, looks like a devil." "What's a devil?" "What do you mean what's a devil?!" Was the voice of a quintet of spirits resembling empty yet human-proportioned clothes, living ensembles located in what appeared to be a small public park, at a bench, playing cards with an electrobandit.

Others were more unfortunate. "Oooooh, they look dangerous~" " I gotta admit, I like me a sharp dressed humanoid." You generally avoided your best to ignore comments like these: the pair that had said it likely didn't realize they were in earshot, considering they had spotted you from behind a pane of glass: a beauticians parlor with a window facing mainstreet.

You had continued until you had reached the market, where you walked among the stalls as people hawked food, lines forming. The Directorate didn't use money, and it wasn't but a few hours trip to the Orbital City above them, but most of it's citizens attempted to eat local.

Grabbing a small basket, you began filling it with different items, all either sourced from the nearby jungle or different parts of Gajaliath: meats such as smoked beetle from the lesser spinal rainforest, roasting beefs you typically constructed sandwiches out of reared from artificial grazeland constructed on the next tusk over, ethically sourced lizard tail from snot-bog's no-kill slime-gator sanctuary farm, some wild game hunted from Bright Falls Forest surrounding Lake Cauldron, and then you move to the veggies.

One can learn quite a bit from a community based on it's diets: the selection is considerably less varied in this category. Some snap-cabbages grown from various local and community gardens. Fresh fruit plucked from the jungle. Rice that was grown on the mountain-side.

And of course, one had the various insect products. Not only honey, and not only things produced by bees: there was also honeycomb, royal jelly, ambergeisten, ant nectar, wasp pheromones, cast of chitin harder than steel, much of it produced by a location referred to by the labels as the Apiaplex, located just off the tusk on a sheer vertical surface underneath Gaja's Eye.

All this in your basket, and you approached one of the counters set up to help process the ebb and flow of goods into and out of the market, manned by a relaxed looking Tekket in dark glasses and a floral patterned shirt, leaning back in his chair. "Greetings and salutations!" You said, leaning forward, setting your basket down. "I wish to take these home to consume!" True, as a daemonic entity you actually derived no value from food except for taste, but it was still a useful information gathering technique, and while food that wasn't cursite didn't satiate you, well. As mentioned, taste.

"No problem," The Tekket said, stretching out before leaning forward, quickly punching in the item codes for the items in your basket to document their removal. Most likely the glasses contained an AR scanner to save time and ensure he didn't have to unpack every item. "Allllrighty, good to go. Don't recognize you: you a visitor?" He asked curiously.

"In a sense," You noted, grabbing a wyldfruit and taking a bite, savoring the sweet, rich flavors. "I'm the temporary Shrine-Keeper that's been assigned to this village," You admitted, causing the market vendors eyes to widen.

"Oh, you're Kaj's fill-in!" They said, grinning. "I was wondering when they'd get somebody out here. The names Picault," The vendor continued with a nod, introducing themselves.

"Dr. Hurriyeh," You responded in turn, giving a small bow. "Charmed. I don't suppose you could give me the old run down of Pavva-Ganuk, from a native to an outsider wanting to make a good impression."

"Not a native: born on Luna, actually. Moved here about fifteen years ago," Picault admitted. "Anyways, Pavva-Ganuk's a pretty quiet place most of the time: the locals are friendly, the streets are safe, and the spirits are usually happy, or at least used to be."

"Used to be?" You inquired. That was interesting: it implied that things hadn't been going so well. Picault frowned.

"Yeah. Nothing too bad yet: some Shrines in Pavva-Ganuk are off-line, meaning a lot of the village spirits are a bit more hungry and thus crotchety than usual, like the suits," He noted: presumably the living ensembles you had seen. "Of course, it gets worse the further out you get: some of the people near Cauldron Lake says the spirits are freaked out."

…That was concerning, especially since, while technically in your jurisdiction, wyld shrines and their general maintenance are something DRUIDS are supposed to handle. You'd need to go out and start checking them, most likely: either the druids were being lax, or something was wrong. "Joy," you said dryly. "Can't wait to spend next week tromping through the jungle." You gave a hum. "Any chance you could tell me what the local hot spots are like?"

"Well, as far as fun goes, the village does have an arcade," He noted, and you felt a brief moment of joy. "Its down the street: entirely automated. There also used to be a town cybersquare, but then the person who maintained the data-hub left town," He said, a note of annoyance creeping into his voice. "You want food, obviously you come here to the marketplace," He wryly continued. "But there's also the community diner if you want something fresh cooked by someone else. There's a library riiiiight…there," He said, pointing down the street, to particular pagoda whose location you marked. "It's also where town hall can be found. After that, there's the community garden, Urbeks Clinic- They do vet stuff and also most sentients that aren't Tekket," They paused. "For Tekket you kinda have to go out of town: five minutes by hover-tram to reach the Apiaplex, which has its own hospital. It's also where most of the honey is produced. And-"

It continued much like that for over an hour. It seemed that you had made a very chatty friend.


Shrine reconsecrated and pagoda restored!
Shrine-Herd in poor health.
Multiple locations discovered.
Discovered the character Picault and gained their Contact Information.

By cultivating a relationship with a character and securing their Contact Information, it is possible to secure the permanent use of their skills and talents to aid both yourself, the Shrine, and the village as a whole, simplifying your workload and giving you more assets to identify and solve problems.

Profession: Market Vendor

Body: ???
Mind: ???
Spirit: ???


Rumor-mongering: D+ to B: This character talks with a great many people every day. Presumably they hear a lot.

Acquisition: D+ to B: This character helps run a market. He thus hopefully is good at setting up supply lines and acquiring things, though you have no idea the scope of his resources.

Further, your exploration of the town has given you access to the following rumors:

The Anomaly at Cauldron Lake:
Spirits in the vicinity of Cauldron Lake have begun acting up: no one has been hurt yet, but hikers, naturalists, and others have reported being attacked by angry wither-spirits.

The Creekside Cult: A few wanderers had reported seeing masked figures in the woods and trees carved with strange sigils near the River Pavva: the recreation you saw was a more obscure version of the wheel of chaos within a simple rendition of some sort of insect.

Missing Ectologist: A local hobbgrot has gone missing: a Ghost Busta by the name of Barney Zapblaster. No one has seen them in three weeks, apparently.

Rash of Thefts: Apparently, the village had been struck by a case of burglaries: most were blaming the towns local Electrobandit, Carnegie, a vita with a chequered past and a habit of kleptomania.

Pavva-Ganuk Schoolhouse Curses: The local school-house was supposedly haunted by a malevolent spirit that had taken up residence, attacking any students who remained after dark, chasing them away.

Note that not all rumors are based in truth, nor do all of them hide any sharp secret. Some are wrong, either lies or mutated gossip.

Once more, you have five actions for yourself and one for Yaji.


[ ] Clean the Sacred Pool:
The toad spirit that had befouled it was no longer doing so, but that didn't get rid of the existing filth. The Pool would need to be cleansed both ritually and physically to restore the clear, rejuvenating waters.

[ ] Order Sacred Stone: The Litheochamber needed repair, and that would require securing a shipment of oraclestone, a sizeable one. CAN SPEND AN EXTRA AP TO PURCHASE OATHSTONE. Repeatable.

[ ] Call the Vet:
If it wasn't their feed, Yaji was stumped. He had suggested calling in professional help: there was a clinic in town that treated most complex organisms. Presumably they could help.

[ ] Security Review: You had three missing sacred treasures that needed to be found. The shrine did have security cameras: presumably you could review them to start your investigation.

[ ] Market Stall Rumor Mill: Picault was happy there was a Shrine-Keeper in town: you could potentially recruit him to send you information.

[ ] Market Stall Supply Line: Picault received shipments from abroad every week and had contacts from all over the region: if there was an item you wanted the market to start stocking, he was the person to talk to.
-[ ] Write in an item: Picault will attempt to create a supply line and start handing it out in his market. Note that the harder an item is to acquire, the more likely it will require multiple AP.

[ ] Pursue Rumor:
If you had enough detail about the area, you might consider pursuing one of the rumors.
-[ ] Select a Rumor to investigate.

[ ] Awaken Magg: The serpent spirit needed to be re-awoken if it was to fulfill its duties as Guardian, most likely through music and sustained offerings.

[ ] Construct Dark Portal: Really, no portal? This wasn't the 4200's any more: you'd have to spend some time constructing it, but there was no excuse for your shrine to not have one installed.

[ ] Order Bulk Cursite: You had a colleague on Naklis who worked in cursite processing. They could, if you wish, send you large amounts of cursite, purified or unpurified, for whatever purpose you might have.
-[ ] Specify: Purified or Raw Cursite. Former option will result in a slightly smaller delivery due to relative scarceness.

[ ] Train: A teachers work was never done. You could either tutor Yaji or else pursue self-improvement of your own.
-[ ] Specify skill and intended recipient: note that possessing a tutor with high ranks in a skill as well as high Education and Mind stats improves the result.

[ ] Explore Location:
Gajaliath had numerous locations of interest: the Village of Pavva-Ganuk, Cauldron Lake, Djerd. Each with its own spirits and shrines, all likely requiring tending.
-[ ] Specify location. I'm not gonna draw up an entire list: if you've seen it in text, you can visit. NOTE: You can also use this location to visit specific locations at your shrine to familiarize yourself with the spirits.

[ ] Write In


Posted this late so I'm gonna say its a twelve hour moratorium: that should give plenty of people of time to prepare their arguments and votes and what not.
Mercy Vote
All right, everything but the last section is done, and we have some bad news happy campers: I generally only do the rolls when I'm finally starting on the section where they'd be relevant, and when it came to the last roll of this turn you rolled a nat 1 on a d20+6. This is on a roll that would have given you a victory for central power core if you had rolled a success, allowing us to move on to the next major mission in the liberation. This is after several other kinda crap rolls, to the point I've already used the free reroll I give myself each turn (besides, while I'm willing to fudge a little for the sake of a good story or mercy, a nat one is a nat one).

That being said your rolls aren't great and the nat 1 being where it is is going to make things a lot harder in the next few rounds, and you don't have any more rerolls. However in the interest of fairness, I am willing to (via QUESTBRO pulling a triple euclid paradox shuffle) swap the roll for a different one made earlier for the virus busters. The result will be an immediate success with casualties for the power core fight. Not total, to be clear, and you're still below the estimated casualty rate for this mission as a whole, but it's not going to be pretty.

The alternative is several rounds that are going to be significantly harder from a rolls perspective, as well as losing out on some the higher order rewards. There is a genuine chance at a TPK here, to be clear.

Voting on this isn't going to be open long: just until Monday. With that in mind...

[ ] Take the deal: the Virus Busters eat a nat 1, Central Power Core 7 ends on a success
[ ] Don't: ??? eats a nat 1, Central Power Core 7 continues on heightened difficulty, certain event rewards lost
Shrine-Keeper Simulator Pt. 6: Turn 3
[X] Plan: Who do you call? The Vet!
- [X] Host a workshop on crafting protective talismans... in the village, preferably, or at least away from anything sufficiently in disrepair to cause a scandal.
- [X] Market Stall Rumor Mill
- [X] Painstakingly create a warded ritual space to commune with the spirits and divine the location of their treasures.
-[X] Explore Location
--[X] Cauldron Lake
-[X] Pursue Rumor
--[X] The Creekside Cult
-[X] Yaji
-- [X] Send Yaji to go to the vet. Feel kind of sorry for the poor beetles, even if they're awful.


Your slate for the week is certainly busy. The first order of business is finding the treasures that have been lost. Now, you COULD ask around the village for anyone sporting an archaeotech las-gun, serpent brooch, and magical golden feather, but you had a much simpler idea, one so foolproof there was no way it could go wrong, a sure-fire means to get an easy lead.

Chaos magic!

Divination had hardly been your strong suit during your tenure as a servant of the dark gods (seers were notoriously unreliable: your preference had been conjurations), and it got exponentially harder in Directorate space unless one possessed the Old Ones blessing, but exponentially harder was not impossible.

Over a few days, you assemble a ritual chamber, doing your best to ward it in the time allotted. The amount of effort you put in is, perhaps, not quite as much as you would have preferred to allocate, though unfortunately other matters take enough of your attention that doing so simply wasn't possible in the time you had budgeted for this.

You place the ritual chamber far, far away from the shrine, further down on the tusk. This proves to be an unfortunate decision, as afterward the tusk mysteriously for no reason would suffer a break caused by a regrettable but unforeseeable detonation, destroying your ritual chamber entirely.

Personally, you blamed teenagers: no doubt they had snuck up the tusk to play with nuclear warheads unsupervised, as one does during childhood (presumably: you had never been a child and most children weren't particularly interesting to daemonkind barring particular exceptions).

But as they said, boys will be boys, and all that matters is that no one was hurt and Gajaliath still had most of its four tusks intact. And completely unrelated, you have confirmation that all the treasures are within either Pavva-Ganuk or within a few days walk of it.

Serendipitously, when you aren't attending to your other projects, you actually wind up visiting the village considerably: both to meet and converse with Picault and discuss information. Both the flow and dissemination of: Firstly, he agrees to start helping the shrine by keeping an ear out and sending you any notable information the market manager overhears. Then, the two of you collaborate to set up a community notice board in the Market informing the public that there was a new shrine-keeper in town and that there would be classes on crafting talismanic tokens of protection.


The community center is open air: covered by a veranda to block the sun, but otherwise exposed to the elements, at least on the surface. In reality, it was an illusion: the various pylons holding the roof contained shield generators that served to regulate temperature, weather, air flow, and dust.

They apparently could also be configured to function as dividing walls whenever there were multiple events, and you noted idly that there was a chunk of the structure that was currently being used for the weekly senior seminar, blocked off by an illusory wall covered in a flowing, animated mural of a serpent swimming up a waterfall. Right now, however, you had most of the community center to yourself.

People were currently still streaming in. You had five minutes until you were scheduled to begin, and until then you were content to take the form of a small black and white serpent coiled on the desk. There was a decent turn out so far: most of the chairs were full, and you had set up a hidden monitor you could see from where you were seated that displayed how many of the village were tuned in online: most would probably utilize a MMI interface for that, but unfortunately they hadn't yet designed one that worked on creatures made of warpstuff.

You'd say you had roughly half of its inhabitants watching, and more were still filing in, having waited until the last moment to arrive: men, women, children, Tekket and Hobbgrot: not many humans, but you were given to understand few lived in this reguon. Satisfactory: it appeared that Picaults efforts to get the word out had paid fruit. People were curious to meet their new Shrine-Keeper. Yaji was currently seated next to you, in a desk of his own, stiff and uncomfortable, and you saw the market vendor who had helped you arrange this leaning back in the front of the crowd, in a pose that conveyed considerable relaxation.

Moment by moment the clock you had placed behind your desk winded down, and when it finally did, a chime was emitted, and you made your presence known, slithering to the edge of the desk, your form writhing and twisting until you had taken the shape of one of your more common humanoid guises, this one possessing a slightly more feminine frame.

"And with that, our seminar has begun," You said serenely, brushing off a stray ebon feather. "Firstly, let's get introductions out of the way. I am Dr. Huriyeh. For the next eight or so weeks I will be working as the chief regional shrine-administrator for the greater gajaliath area, and senior shrine-keeper for Pavva Ganuk. I hope our relationship proves fruitful for us both," You said, giving a nod of the head. "Now, before we begin, I'm sure you all have questions. I'll begin with…yes, you, the Hobbgrot in red."


The rest of the introductions had been the sort of meaningless trivia one expected the inhabitants of a small town to ask of someone new. Who you were, what a devil was, why you got the mask, what the mask meant, how had a devil become a shrine-keeper.

Then had come the seminar, where you had shown them all some basic lessons for creating protective talismans. Theurgy wasn't your field of specialization, so you had instead opted for something that was both secular and theoretically achievable if their home had a sufficiently well sustained house guardian or the proper materials.

These lessons were continued over the course of the week, and you steadily collected a list of people in the village who were notable that attended. Picault, of course, stopped by whenever he wasn't working at the market or making a delivery for those who couldn't get out to get food themselves for whatever reason.

You also met the mayor, a Bond Machina by the name of BGMKE who had apparently been working as a terminal in Pavva-Ganuk's town hall since its creation, who had stopped by in person using a hover-forklift to help move themselves. For obvious reasons they hadn't been able to stop in for long beyond introducing themselves, but you found them not intolerable.

There had been a few others who had shown promise here and there, and the whole event had proven a useful way to gather information: for instance, you had found a human child with a surprising knack for talisman creation and interest in the arcane who might serve as a junior shrine-keeper, a means for Yaji to learn leadership themselves. There were also a pair of hobbgrot gardeners who worked at the local community garden growing vegetables who had apparently gotten their hands on a baobob seed they were looking to carve into a sacred treasure for the gardens shrine, a horror novelist who had recently moved to the village, and a tekket gemcutter looking to deal with a manikin problem.

The real benefit, however, was far more mundane: improving the community as a whole's ability to solve problems was something that looked oh so elegant on an evaluation, even if it would likely take several weeks of teaching to get anything useful from these lessons.

Village has gained Talisman Creation F! 0/2 actions until F+!
You've identified a selection of dramatis personae.


Yaji hadn't known what had caused the Ogre Beetles to become sick. It couldn't have been the feed: the previous shrine-keeper had used the feed for years without a problem. It didn't appear to be a disease: the scanners weren't picking anything up. There weren't any particular spiritual maladies near the herdfields you could detect.

In the end, you had sent Yaji to town, to fetch the aid of the local xenoclinician, a hobbgrot by the name of Urbek Rockbite, who with some reticence would come and look the beetles over, determining that the thing that had made the beetles sick was, in fact, the feed.

It was apparently substandard quality and thus mildly toxic: not enough to make the animal ingesting sick immediately, especially when the old Shrine-Keeper had been very efficient about performing the agri-rites necessary to keep the herd healthy and hale, but decades of consumption combined with a sharp decrease in offerings meant that their bodies had begun to flag in health.

You immediately suspended all shipments of the feed and report it and its manufacturer. This was, to put it simply, a disaster: worse, the damage was unfortunately PERMANENT without advanced healing rituals you didn't have access to. It…PROBABLY wouldn't be held against you in the evaluation, since it was, technically speaking, the result of a decision made by prior management, but it was still the kind of thing that simply Didn't Happen at a well run shrine.

…Correction, it wouldn't be held against YOU. They would almost certainly hold it against Yaji for not successfully deducing the problem beforehand: the poor fellow was likely get a demerit for this on his yearly review unless you put in the effort to solve the problem.

The rest of the week is spent doing a bit of exploration further out, such as River Pavva and the investigation of its supposed cult and traveling near Cauldron Lake to scout out it's spirits and their situation. In the process, you make a number of interesting discoveries…and one terrifying one.


The woods were humid. A thick layer of moss crawled its way across the surface of the oaks surrounding you, each large but conventional sized. You were currently flying around in the shape of a corvid, doing your best to stay in the treetops as you searched the region where the sigils had been discovered. Below, you saw the River Pavva, its waters flowing with great force, sending a spray of it into the air when it hit one of its many bends.

The source of Pavva Ganuk's water, the waterway was several kilometers long, stretching the winding path all the way from cauldron lake to the village and beyond through an aqueduct that spanned the length of the next tusk over, base to end, allowing Gajaliath to help water the foliage of the surrounding jungle. You were currently in the forested area known as Creekside, looking for a cult. The region was stuck in an eternal spring, the result of the the Gargantua's own localized climate and the beasts pacts with the spirits of sun and rain.

You were an efficient investigator: it didn't take you long to find something. A human, carving one such sigil. Their garb was a hooded cloak made from scales from the wings of a inferno-scale moth, one covering what appeared to be cargo trousers and black long sleeved tunic. And on their head was a helmet made from the skull of some insectoid, antlered beast, taken apart, its chiten moulded into a shape that was almost cervine.

For a time you watched them, until they eventually tilted their head. "I know you are watching me."

…Hmm. Actually able to tell you were there, detecting someone you weren't aware of, or just paranoid, that was the question… If it was the first, you were likely making a very poor impression by ignoring them. If it was the second, well, that'd just be giving the game away up unnecessarily to reveal yourself out of the blue like that, and if it was the last that still told you something VERY interesting.

Decisions, decisions…

Eventually, you slithered down, reforming as you did, eyeing the simple as you took humanoid shape once more. "Hello neighbor," You said chipperly. "My name is Dr. Huriyeh."

"...Balthazaer," The man said, tonelessly, turning to face you, expression inscrutable underneath the compound eye lenses they wore, both colored a deep onyx. "Why were you spying on me?"

"Yes, well, I couldn't help but notice that you seem to be carving what I very clearly recognize as the serpent of mitosis," You said conversationally, mimicking the motions of checking your nails, something your hands at the moment lacked and would be completely trivial to modify if you had them regardless. Small little gestures like that helped, in your experience, reduce how uncanny you came across to mortal brains. It humanized you, apparently: a lesson your own mentor had given you.

"...You know your symbology, chaoskin," The human said with admiration, and were you a mortal you'd need to suppress a snort: he was technically correct that you knew and had memorized quite a bit of chaos iconography, but in this case you recognized the circle - consisting of a single serpent twisting and writhing until they divide into many serpents, which devour themselves until they were a single serpent again, creating a self-devouring chain of mitosis and consumption based loosely on an older symbol you had found in an ancient alchemy textbook- because it was one you personally had came up with and taught to the cults and sorcerers you had helped cultivate.

You didn't know whether to be annoyed or amused at the fact that this was probably the ACTUAL reason you had been assigned Pavva Ganuk. "I know a lot of things," You responded blandly. "It comes with being a chaoskin. What I personally want to know is how YOU know that symbol, and just as saliently, why you're carving a modified version of it."

"Mmm." Balthazaer grumbled. "Ritual."

"Well yes, I gathered, but what kind of ritual?" You responded, growing somewhat annoyed. The benefit of wearing a mask was that it would never show. "Because I'm fairly certain that only a particular brand of ritual would require THAT sort of symbol, and as a law abiding citizen I must admit the possibility of someone using illegal chaos magic DOES have me concerned."

"Hrrrm. Chaos magic yes, illegal no," Balthazaer turned once more, returning to carving the sigil, putting the finishing touches on the last serpent before moving to carve a surrounding figure, one that resembled…

A moth? Or perhaps a butterfly, one with four wings. You filed that detail away for later. "Not illegal," You muttered, mulling over the detail. That meant that they either had been tutored by a (hopefully) senior member of the House of Devils, received a very particular certificate of permission from the fleet, or…

"Ah. A descendent of the Yr Albain warband," You observed, causing the man to pause.

"The Hand of Doom," They said bluntly, a note of annoyance creeping into his voice. "Yes, the mortal slaves in the warband were my ancestors." Ah, a second- or likely third, considering how little contamination you felt wafting off his soul- generation chaos worshiper.

"Now, what's a child of doom doing allllll the way out at Creekside?" You asked inquisitorially, causing the man to briefly stop and sigh.

"You don't plan to go away unless I indulge your curiosity, do you?" They asked rhetorically, voice a deep rumbling bass. "If you must know, me and my family live not far from here. It's quiet, out of the way, and normally safe. THESE," He said, deciding to cut through your queries in one go, pointing to the sigil. "Are to help STABILIZE a ritual: I need to carve at least four hundred of these across the creek. The ritual, before you ask, is a protection spell."

The last was a lie. The rest of it stunk as being more half truths or outright honesty, but that last sentence was a deliberate falsehood. "Against whatever is going on at the lake, I presume?" You inquired, causing Balthazaer to grunt agreement.

"Bad things have been crawling their way out of Cauldron Lake. Some people have been attacked." Honesty. Honesty that hid more information: he knew something, something he wasn't going to share. The man tilted his head at you. "Why do you care?"

"Call it a professional interest," You say flatly. "What can you tell me about the attacks?"

The man is silent for a moment as he attempts to gauge whether he should tell you and what he would if so. Chronic distrust: you didn't know if your status as a devil was the reason, or if this was just how this person was. "A Tekket wandered into Night Falls Rainjungle the other month: the one located on the shadowed side of Cauldron Lake, under the shadow of Djerd. He was a mycologist. When he came out he was violent. Confused. Kept saying nonsense about a magic mushroom, over and over, like he was just repeating an empty phrase. Attacked my brother, nearly killed him. A single tekket took five grown men to drive off."

Well. That was some interesting information. "This has been VERY helpful. By any chance if I happened to be wanting to call on you…"

"And I also imagine you won't give me the option of being left alone," The man growled, before tilting his head upward, looking at the darkening sky, causing them to give a sigh of defeat. "Fine: I live twenty minutes by grav-raft upriver. You'll know it when you see it." They began to walk away, a little too fast to be casual. "Take my advice Chaoskin: don't be out and about on Gajaliath when the sun goes down. Night is when the things on the dark side of the lake come out, and that Tekket is still out there."

…Along with, presumably, whatever did that to them. "Duly noted. Any other advice you can give?"

The man paused in his tracks, but just for a moment. "If you run into something unexplainable, make a run for the lake. The mycologist was hydrophobic when we found them." And with that, they were out of (their) earshot.

Well THAT was interesting to know.

It really did appear that you needed to explore around Cauldron Lake.


If you continued up the creek, one passed through Bright Falls Forest, which surrounded a portion of Lake Cauldron. Much like the rest of Gajaliath's climate, it was tropical, subject to constant rainfall leaving it constantly drenched. The soil was highly absorbent, a result of helping nourish the Garguantua's skin located deep below: this meant that despite its rainfall it wasn't a swamp or other form of wetland, merely very, very muddy.

It was, at this moment, day, though the latter half of it. You and Yaji were scouting the place out, starting with the Lakeside Shrine. You specifically were using a more vulpine appearance for this, trotting on all fours behind Yaji, who was currently being forced to use an envirosuit to avoid death by drowning, the Tekket pushing ahead of them a portable shield unit strapped to a hand-wagon, the edifice topped by a sacred candle that made your skin crawl but was, unfortunately, a very necessary precaution to keep the young shrine-acolyte safe, it's light softly shining in the slowly darkening forest.

At the moment, you and he were engaged in a little educational game to pass the time. "-And then the correct response is to triple lock the door, light the sacred incense, and perform three prayers at the statue of Mojo Phobo," Yaji responded, causing you to give a small nod of your head.

"Yes, mostly right: you need to also offer them an offering of roktagano, otherwise all you're doing is creating an elaborate time-hound dinner bell." Awful things, time-hounds were: all sharp corners and non-euclidean teeth. The smell wasn't particularly nice either.

"Right, right, forgot the Roktagano…" Yaji muttered.

"Now, say you wanted to, for instance…" You gave a hum. "Awaken a rock, assuming a timeline of six months?" After all, any amateur dendrologist could awaken a tree.

"Uh. You'd want…Black Goat Liturgy Number Three…No, wait, make that Vitruvia Liturgy Number 10, since that's the one that helps with animation specifically. Then, using five grams of blood as a catalyst, you should be able to use the Kellenbach Nature Rites to achieve awakening in six to ten months," Yaji answered, to your broad satisfaction.

"A valid solution, if barely: you'll get more power if you use Foggein's rites when paired with Black Philip Number 17, ten pounds of cursite, and the same amount of blood," You noted. "Especially if you coincide the first rite to land near the day of flame."

"Wouldn't that make the process needlessly volatile?"

"Well yes," You admitted. "But the problem wasn't 'wake a rock up safely', it was 'wake a rock up quickly': remember, sometimes one will not be granted the luxury of time," Especially if those damnable time-hounds were causing trouble.

The candle flickered, and the Outsider shivered, realizing something was wrong.

You stopped. "Yaji, remain very, very still," You whispered as you felt a strange presence, eyes scanning the treeline. Something was approaching. You felt it in your metaphorical bones: something was in the woods with you. Something knew you were here.

Something was watching you.
Your instincts, such as they were, were currently screaming at you to run, to flee, and if you had possessed one, your heart might have beated faster and faster.

Something else was wrong as well: you could feel a heavy presence surrounding you, changing things: small details, such as the fact it was no longer raining, the placement of trees and rocks, the colors of the flowers and blooms, even accelerating the passage of time and making night approach faster and faster, always at the corner of your vision, like whatever was doing it was attempting to do it beyond your notice. In the distance, you heard a quiet rustling.

You possessed a photographic memory and the mind of a daemon, however, and weren't so easily fooled.

…And yet, no matter where you looked, you couldn't see what was stalking you, either the strange presence or the thing in the woods. You knew they were there, and yet…

"Master?" Yaji asked, mere seconds having passed since you had told him to not move.

"Don't speak either," You commanded, pacing around the very edge of the light. No, nothing: not eyes in the brush staring at you, no beasts in the canopy waiting for you.

…The candle. It was refusing to approach it. "Yaji," You said, quietly. "Something is watching us. I think it means to harm us, but the candle is keeping it at bay. I want you to go ahead and retreat back to town: I'm going to approach it." Your apprentices eyes widened.

"Uh, a-are you sure thats a good idea?" He asked, a question that wasn't without merit: approaching a hostile spirit was, generally, not a wise idea.

"I'll be fine," You answered. For most people. For most people it wasn't a wise idea. "I'm not most people."

"I, uh. Okay?" Yaji said, puzzled. "If you say so, sir." He shifted, turning the wagon with him as he began to haul it in the opposite direction. As he did so, you shifted your form as you walked forward, taking your humanoid form as you prepared to confront whatever was shadowing the pair of you.

"Why hello," You said, conjuring a cane to lean on in one hand, while with your other you gave a click, summoning four hovering balls of flame above you, waiting patiently for the light to recede and for the thing in the forest to approach you. "I can't help but notice you've been stalking us. Now, why don't you stop hiding," You asked conversationally, just as you found the candle light far enough to no longer be illuminating yourself, the rain coming to a halt at the very same moment, giving the Outsider only a moment of alarm before they realized the extent of their hubris. "After all, there's no point in hiding-"

The moment he was no longer in the protection of the light, the Outsider found themselves staring at a spirit, one that had suddenly appeared right before them. They realized it hadn't been hiding, merely rendered mutually invisible to them as they had to it, even as they had been in each others immediate presence. it lunged, a vast tangle of shadowy, sinewy limbs crashing through the forest.

Only barely able to avoid its fangs, the Outsider snapped again, causing the flame they wielded to impact the creature, each azure psy-flare detonating against its surface, the brief flashes of light revealing what looked like an arachnid spirit. However, even with this, it was hard to make out detail: the body of the thing seemed to be covered in living smoke, the substance shifting and tilting away from the light, obscuring the entities visage, much of its body, and even the precise number of legs it possessed.

The thing made no noise: no sound of pain or agony, even as parts of its body were charred, the grey mottled chitin turning a black crisp, releasing a revolting smell into the air, the scent of burning plastic, chemical fumes, and and urine, a smell that made the Outsiders memory recall memories of their time before the directorate, in the worst recesses of the underhive, where all the garbage and waste matter (synthetic, organic, humanic, it didn't matter) flowed in great chem-mires.

You found yourself slammed by a limb with enough force to easily break a humans bones. You were stronger than most of them, however, only knocked off your feet. As you soared through the air, you quickly changed your form to something a little more agile, coming to a stop as you flapped the wings on your slightly more corvid-esque form, taking a moment to stare the thing down as its mass and bulk shifted with surprising agility.

Quickly, you cawwed three times as three stone spikes emerged from the ground, impaling the spirit, spurts of blackened, tar-like blood drippling down the elemental pins. And yet, the spirit didn't die or stop, the thin narrow spikes breaking as it continued to charge you, forcing you to take to the wind to avoid it, fleeing even as you heard it break and shatter the trees in its path to catch you.

Swooping low to avoid the slice of a limb you summoned more orbs of psy-fire and spikes, peppering your pursuer with them only for them to do little to nothing to harm the creature, which continued to be silent other than the destruction it's chase caused. Still, it looked like it couldn't catch up to you-

Something wooden came out of the shadows and hit the outsider in the face: a weapon. Their flight interrupted, the outsider tumbled through the air, getting a glimpse of a humanoid shape in the darkness.

Avoiding another blow, the outsider could make out only that this person was covered in the same black smoke as the spirit.
Behind them, you could see more shapes in the darkness: some lumbering, some stumbling, and some cooly strolling forward, some holding implements such as omniwrenches, pieces of lumber, and rocks. Flapping quickly, you rose, fast as you could, attempting to gain vertical height only to find themselves mobbed by flights of winged, smokestained birds slamming into them, knocking the Outsider out of the air.

Taking on a more humanoid form as you tumbled, you attempted to draw yourself into a fighting stance, holding both hands out and conjuring an orb of psychic power condensed into a roiling fireball, letting you count your accosters: twenty in total, and the spider spirit was growing closer as well. Letting lose the fireball,
the Outsider aimed it at the closest of their pursuers, releasing flames hot enough to flash fry a humans blood. And yet it was like the darkness that had tainted the unknown corpse possessed some strange immunity to warp-craft, as the flames merely sloughed off the corpse.

Your eyes widened in surprise and frustration: that wasn't right. The Other Presence: it was still changing things. Adding things: attempting to tilt the odds in the favor of the smokestained, like their inexplicable immunity to warp craft. No, you realized as you counted more and more shapes in the distance: SUMMONING the smokestained, creating them in the gaps of perception, conjured from shadow in the corner of the eye, just subtly enough a mortal would question if they had already been there.

You gave a savage grin as you were surrounded, the canopy swarming with dark feathered corvids, lacking any weapon or avenue of escape. Fine: hopefully the shadows were unable to affect daemons. The smokestained spider approached, raising a series of its legs in preparation to begin assaulting you…

Only to finally make a noise as it was pushed backward by a highly pressurized stream of water blasting it with enough force to send it through multiple trees. It wasn't a noise of pain, no: it was instead a hissing noise, the crackle of doused flame as it flopped to the ground, soaked, revealing that much of smoke that had covered it washed away, revealing the body of the entity. Above you, what appeared to be a Water-Core equipped with fire-fighting equipment beeped, before releasing a spray of water into a crowd of swarming birds attempting to bring it down, causing the corvids to fall, twitching, to the ground. Then, the spheroid began turning its hose on the humanoid figures, blasting them.

Without exception, wherever the water touched, the smoke evaporated. The guardian spirit was slack-mandibled, eyes milky white. The corvids were not black, but rather without the smoke BALD, the substance having left behind only dead and rotting pinions and discolored blotchy skin and bare quills growing out of reddened flesh. The humans were little better, bodies covered in unhealing wounds, lacerations that criss-crossed their flesh and marks that resembled those left by beast teeth across their throats: invariably, their chests were torn open, revealing their hearts, bright red oversized organs that still continued to beat, despite no liquid flowing through the veins of the smokestained.

Once all the creatures had fallen, the orb let out another series of beeps, and floated away. Blinking, you looked around at the fallen creatures and decided that it was probably a good idea to get as far away from here as possible.

Taking birdshape again, this time you found your ascend untroubled, allowing you to break past the canopy and reach the sky. Quickly beating your wings in the direction of home, as you passed through the forest, in the distance you saw the lake: you hadn't got close enough to see it from the ground, but now, in the sky, you noted you had been closer that you realized: another ten minutes with Yaji and you would have arrived at the lakeside shrine…

Which, even in the distance, the Outsider could tell was infected by whatever that black smoke had been. Sweeping low, they observed that the place was unnaturally silent: no spirits walked there. The pyrefly dome was silent, and the main hall's sliding door was currently lying on its side, twenty feet away from the building it was supposed to be guarding.

Most concerningly, the Gate that led to the shrine had been demolished entirely, lying in ruins strewn across the steps of the lakeside shrine.

Cauldron Lake partially explored! Discovered Smokestained and the Other Entity! The former are spirits and mortals overcame by an unknown force and turned into (mindless?) monsters! Known traits:

  1. Blessed light seems to render them and non-smokestained mutually invisible.
  2. Water seems to hurt them, washing away the smoke.
  3. They don't seem to be alive.
  4. They can be people, animals, or spirits
  5. They can overtake locations such as Shrines.

The latter is an unseen force living in the vicinity of Cauldron Lake! Traits and behaviors observed:

  1. It is capable of altering areas to suit its needs. Limitations on this ability are unknown.
  2. It can conjure additional Smokestained. If these are organics that fell prey to the Other Entity or constructs of some form is unknown.
  3. It can alter Smokestained. Limitations unknown.
  4. It seems either unable or unwilling to weave its changes in front of someones eyes: its presence can only be detected through daemonic instinct, warp sensitivity, and careful observation from the corner of ones eyes.
  5. It knows.

You have discovered a MAJOR HAZARD. The Central Bureaucracy advises gathering information quickly. You have also met Balthazaer.

Profession: Chaos Cultist?

Body: ???
Mind: ???
Spirit: C Minimum


Chaos Magic D+ Minimum: This character knows a little chaos magic at a minimum, though the exact degree of their talent was unknown.

The following rumors are coming in:

Ghost Busta Ghosted:
No word from Barney yet: the ectologist was still missing. A neighbor went to deliver some mail that got mis-sent, only to discover that wherever Barney is, they didn't notify the post office, as their mail-box is full of unopened letters and packages.

Pavva-Ganuk Schoolhouse Bravery: A few of the kids who have been hanging out at Picaults market are apparently planning to stay over-night at the school to confront it's ghost, intent on using the lessons they had picked up from the recent taliman creation courses the village had been taught to protect themselves.

Lunar Festival Approaching: Pavva Ganuk was, in seven weeks, going to have a lunar festival. It was apparently being planned by the towns festival committee, who were looking for volunteers willing to contribute.

Cranky Well Spirit: One of the town wells was apparently run dry: supposedly its spirit has been angered by someone tossing in garbage.

More Thefts???: The thief problem continues to get worse, though it appears that Carnegie has an alibi this time, at least: the electrobandit was apparently getting a new hat fitted for themselves.

Once more, you have five actions for yourself and one for Yaji. Twenty four hours moratorium.


Editing took longer than normal on this one because of some nasty headaches I've been dealing with. Beyond that, WRITING this (and in all honesty the main quest too) took longer than expected at least partially because of FerretQuest related burnout: to help deal with that, once I've finished the main turn updates editing and have it posted publically, I'm going to take a short break from FerretQuest beyond comms: one or two weeks. I will still be doing commissions and my other projects, I just need a breather from FerretQuest stuff specifically.
Last edited:
Liberation! Pt 5
at[X] Plan: Diplomacy in Action
-[X] Vault Complex COG
--[X] Site XIBUS
-[X] Vault Complex OMAC
--[X] Actions speak louder than words; we told them we'd leave if they wanted, so we'll leave. Offer them a communicator and copy of the Logic Cage program so they can contact local liberation forces, but don't push the issue, and exit the way we came.
-[X] Vault Complex CAMBON
--[X] Kfmagirr National Hospital
--[X] Security HUB 02
-[X] Central Power Core 07
--[X] Ideally let Maxis know that the AutoFacilities have all recovered; talk about how the Forbidden Archive has started to recover in a nonchalant manner.
--[X] Jury-rig Illusion Matrixes for Vlaahk's sticky mines, allowing them to slowly saturate the area with hazards to blast away Maxis if they keep recklessly charging in.



The trio of them continued forward: whenever they came to a door, KLNG would help open it, either by providing the appropriate gene-key required to bypass the lock or providing power to inactive doors with their motive force.

At the moment, they were attempting to map the facility out, Marjak currently inside one such room. "MA1NtenANce," Marjak noted, returning. "C1RCUIT box and A fewfewfew S3rVer racks," They continued, and TNDI noted the information down.

"Another? How many maintenance closets does a facility require?" KLNG noted, annoyed: it was the ninth one that they had located.

"In fairness, this is probably the only facility we've found that's still mostly functional," TNDI observed. "In hindsight, the Watchmakers probably could have used even more maintenance facilities. TNDI to Ijin, another maintenance box has been found: send some engineers with a generator, see if we can get this place running on more than auxiliary power."


"Alright, Ijin is sending some engineers," TNDI confirmed. "Let's check the next one." The team walked a short distance, coming to the next door. Walking up to its access terminal, KLNG tapped it, rapping metal knuckles against it.

"No power," He noted. "One moment." The auton reached for their shoulder, sliding down a panel and grabbing a small cord, stretching it out and plugging it into the machines access port: a moment later, the cord would glow with an electric blue as the AutoYogi activated the drivers required to begin the transfer of motive force. A moment later, a series of lights above the door came to life, one by one, each a different shade of blue, until the door was illuminated by a soft azure glow, both of the thick metal panels that formed the structure sliding open. Shining her arm-light inside, TNDI noted that it looked like…

"TNDI to all units, looks like we have a lab," She noted, hovering inside the room, activating her scanners. A mass of terminals, server-racks, what appeared to be simple daturgy devices, connected by webs of heavy cabling. Here and there were what looked like chairs connected to what appeared to be according to her tricorders crude brainscanners. "KLNG, find us a power switch, get this room online. Marjak, you're with me, help me catalog this place," TNDI ordered: without hesitation KLNG moved forward, looking along the wall, muttering to themselves as they examined the place, while Marjak joined TNDI, looking for any remnant of the research that had been left behind. .

It didn't take long to figure out what the place had been working on, especially once KLNG found a power switch and brought the place back to aux power: the lab had been looking into a version of personality emulation done via running brainscan data on daturgic engines. Soon, TNDI and Marjak were huddled over the same terminal, reading intently what data was left.

"Incredibly foolish," KLNG commented from over their shoulder, and TNDI couldn't help but agree. Similar experiments had been done by the Directorate: the resulting synthetic intelligences had very rapidly grown unstable from psychological trauma caused by 'bodily' dysmorphia, which when combined with the already volatile nature of daturgy…

And that was done using top of the line Directorate technology using scanners with nearly two thousand times the resolution of what the Watchmakers could achieve, to say nothing of computer technology. "...KLNG, have you found anything?" TNDI said, tearing her eyes away from the data.

"There's another door in the corner: you can't see it where you're standing because of the lab equipment. I think it leads to more labs," The auton noted.

"...tHIS iS a DUDUDUDUDUD-[error]," Marjak eventually added, stepping away as well, voice heavy with dissatisfaction. "Experiments produced no stable AI," She summarized, to no ones particular surprise.

"Yeah, I'll mark this place down, but let's move on," TNDI noted unhappily.


Item Added to Manifest:

Project Altered Copy:
Hoo, this is…some thorough research. More than what the Directorate has. Still not useable, but our creators put a great deal of their hopes into this. Too bad it was a pipe dream: the resources and effort could have been spent on something that worked. Uh, right, need to summarize these…Project Altered Copy was a failed New Dawn initiative designed to create a sort of pseudo-upload by running a brainscan emulator on what appears to be a primitive form of daturgic drive. We have all their research notes, several thousand mostly low-resolution brain-scans, and roughly twenty prototype AI kernels. None of the latter are remotely stable: we booted one up and the bugs were so bad we were forced to perform a manual reboot to stop them from decohering entirely, and another attempted to kill everyone in the room upon awakening and then when it failed, itself. We stopped testing them when the third wouldn't stop screaming. I'm not really sure what to do there: hopefully someone else has suggestions. +5 ACD, unlocks CUL projects Altered Copy Kernel Repair, ACD projects Altered SecuriKernel, Neurophantoms, and FTH project Nekroverse Simulacrae


The next lab seemed to consist of biotech research, judging by the algae-vats.

"Fascinating: they appeared to be experimenting with stasis technology," KLNG noted, reading through the research. "Biogenic, symbiotic immortal algae, engineered to preserve the host organism for centuries!"

Marjak tapped at the glass of one such tank, and TNDI noted with some revulsion that the process had, judging by the traces of Watchmaker DNA she was picking up on her scanner, worked. For awhile, at least. The algae probably started eating them two centuries in: it still wasn't finished, not entirely. There were a few intact hands and feet, at least: a few scraps of brain and bits of undigested organs. Bones were gone, mostly.

"Another door," KLNG said, and TNDI turned, following her sensors through the maze of tanks until she found the Auton fiddling with a door. "Security is a bit more thorough," They noted, plugging their cable into the access terminal once more. "...But not to the point where it can inconvenience me," They admitted.

The doors slid open.


Oh, another one already? Ah, I'll go ahead and put that on the manifest.

Project Immortal Ivy:
Another failed New Dawn program, an attempt at stasis using an engineered symbiotic algae. They were actually onto something here: the only problem is they didn't have a way to terminate the algae if a problem was detected: there was no failsafe to wake them up when it began to break them down. As a result, we're left with corrupted DNA and mutated organ samples, but no living watchmakers. Still, the data is fascinating: it appears that these colonies have actually incorporated much of the remaining tissue of their original host into their own physiology. Digestive tracts serve as metabolic organs. Soft tissue gets used to form livers. Surviving neural matter is used to regulate these additions. Unlocks CUL Project Immortal Ivy Cultivation. +1 BioData.


The next lab was the worst yet. "Very glad I can't get sick," TNDI noted in disgust, staring at the bloated, amorphous, and bubbling mass in front of them: her sensors indicated that if she could smell, she'd think the air reeking of rotting starches.

A short investigation revealed the cause: research into creating a clone printer. The team marked it down for Ijin and moved on.


Ah, uh. This one is…not pleasant.

Project Bountiful Blood:
The primary cloning research undertaken by New Dawn. What you found was not in fact the printer, captain. That…shape….is what is left of the clones. Apparently, a few months after they got spat out by the printer, they began to break down physically. To solve this, the researchers attempted to alter their genetic profile and cellular structure to provide the clones suitably powerful enough regeneration to counter their degeneration. They only partially succeeded : the clones would slowly degenerate into gelatinous, immobile organisms over the course of a few years. When the project started to break down there was no one to deal with the clone bodies, resulting in the organisms…congealing. I can only pray that their brains lost cohesion first: I can't imagine what kind of nightmare it would be trapped in that body, possessed of no mouth from which to scream. +5 ACD


The very next lab they discovered had actual security. A moment after stepping in, TNDI felt the shield harness she had equipped take an impact, draining power. Reacting quickly, TNDI dived to the side, quickly scanning the room as she activated her grav-jets to accelerate: turrets. The room had a lot of turrets. TNDI needed to find a terminal, quick.

"TNDI to team, we have turrets!" She said over her comms line, bobbing and weaving through an increasing hail of bullet-fire. Below, she saw KLNG march forward, protected by a shimmering arm mounted shield module, the component glowing an ephemeral blue as it emitted a series of hexagonal barriers to protect the auton.

"They don't seem to be responding to our gene-keys," KLNG confirmed as more bullets peppered their defenses. "We're going to have to find a terminal or destroy them."

TNDI did a quick scan: it didn't seem to be a data lab. Biotech research, it looked like. "I'll take them out," She said, coming up with a plan, activating the electro-phaser unit in her arm and strafing one of the turrets, causing it to arc with electricity and unleash sparks as it was overloaded. "Marjak, KLNG, look for a breach point to shut these down!"

KLNG quickly typed something out on their arm console, while Marjak followed forward, allowing the hailfire of bullets to impact their body, dinging and denting off the AutoFacilities vessel. Meanwhile, TNDI continued to duck and dodge, doing a sharp u-turn in the air to fry another Turret with her weapon.

"Alright, I've found a terminal," KLNG noted, closing the cover on their arm console, before walking forward, bobbing and weaving through the tables and shelves and benches and strange machines, the biohackers shield kept stable by usage of their motive force to reinforce the barrier modules. TNDI assisted by attempting to provide cover, taking out a turret just after it fired a grenade, the explosive detonating against KLNG's shield and knocking the auton down with a cry, their focus disrupted, causing their shields to weaken. Their ethereal hues fading, each of the hexagonal barriers began to crack and splinter under the hail…

Only for the bullets to suddenly find themselves intercepted. Marjak had picked up a table, slamming the metal slab between KLNG and the turrets as a source of cover, while weathering the battery of bullet fire themselves: TNDI had to spin out of the way of another grenade, taking out another turret.

"GetGetGet off yoUR [PROFANITY DETECTED]!" The AutoFacility yelled, causing KLNG to scramble upward, refocusing and quickly continuing the flow of motive force to their shield before standing and continuing their hurried march until they finally reached their target: nestled between two vats stretching from the floor to the ceiling, each filled with clear fluid and organs bordering a large, simple looking terminal with a glass screen. Quickly pulling out his connector cable, KLNG shoved it into the access port of the boxy computer, without a word entering the systems even as the volume of bulletfire and grenades increased: flying above, TNDI was realizing something. More and more turrets were emerging, with higher and higher caliber weaponry and more and more grenades. One such explosive detonated too close to the muse, causing her to slam into the ceiling, rattling her shield.

"Really need you to hurry KLNG!" She cried, barely boosting forward away from the dent in the roof of the lab she had created quick enough to avoid having her very un-armored body peppered with heavy weaponry. The LED dots that were her eyes widened when she saw from the wall emerge a differently shaped turret, one longer, heavier, more cylindrical. A moment after it emerged, smoke came from the back end, and from the front emerged a long, blunt looking missile.

"This is TNDI, we have confirmed rockets!" she said, panic creeping into her voice as she attempted to bring the explosive down by firing her arm-phaser at it, the electricity crackling against the armor of the projectile. Doing a quick roll, the muse barely slid past the rocket, the munition sailing inches past her face-plate…

And impacting a table Marjak had lifted to intercept it, the middle of the metal monolith detonating, causing the table to break, cracking into pieces, one shard of which would remain in the autofacilities hand, thrown with incredible force to slam against the rocket turret, the piece of debris interrupting its reloading sequence and causing the weapon to detonate, showering the lab in sparks and shrapnel, small fires starting here and there among the more flammable remains.

"I'm almost done, I'm almost done!" KLNG said hurriedly, the auton frantically attempting to bypass the labs security. "Please remember this place was in operation for at least a century and had more than enough time to improve their systems," He pleaded.

"We aren't trying to rush you," TNDI said, quickly moving back and forth to avoid a barrage of grenades, each of the bomblets meeting their end by Marjack repeating the manuever with the rocket again and catching them with a table, the AutoVessel this time using the wide and flat surface to bounce them back while TNDI focused on avoiding more bullet fire and taking out the increasing amount of rocket turrets pouring out of the ceiling before they had the opportunity to fire. "But the security here seems to be VERY QUICKLY getting worse! I don't want to see what they have past rockets!"

"I just need a minute or two more!" KLNG said, the robot bouncing on the balls of their feet as they continued their network breach.

Okay. TNDI could handle a minute, right? So long as things didn't get worse, and they maintained a holding pattern: her shields were in the yellow and Marjak was starting to get dents across their body, but they could last that long, probably. Dashing to the side, TNDI noted how quickly the meter was starting to drop: 33…32…31…

"We might not have a minute!" She cried. "Not all all of us have Motive Batteries!" One of the rounds hit the muse with enough force to knock her off course, sending her spinning through the air. By the time she got her stability, she realized more rockets were firing, forcing the muse to switch to the magnetic blaster embedded in her arm, using it to yank the blunt looking missiles off course, slamming them into the ceiling to prematurely detonate them.

"Almost done, almost- THERE!" The auton said, and not even a millisecond later the hail of bullets began to slow, then cease as the still spinning barrels of the turrets came to a halt. TNDI let out a virtual sigh of relief, floating downward again.
Looking over the lab, it was a mess: bullet casings littered the ground. Some of the vats in the room had popped open, spilling ooze and organ samples. At least three tables worth of items had been destroyed.

"Well that was a catastrophe," Marjak said, voice very briefly clear, and TNDI had to agree.

"Klang, any details on why exactly those thing ignored the gene-key? I thought it was supposed to be universal," The captain inquired, floating over to the automatons position. "Really didn't expect to get shot at."

"PLEASE don't call me Klang," Klang muttered, continuing to go through the computer. "I'm trying to figure that out now," He continued, answering TNDI's query. "It…appears that this lab was rigged up sometime post organocide: long after. It's not on the same network as the rest of the facility-"

He paused for a moment. "Check that, it appears that each lab has its own analogue positronic network. Each self-contained: whoever added the turrets simply worked off of the labs existing infrastructure, apparently, installing their own security system," The biohacker said, annoyed. "One that doesn't utilize conventional gene-keys to determine targeting. Instead, it's…" They gave an electronic noise that TNDI vaguely recognize as the audio-file most autons used to mimic a sigh. "Motion detected. Rigged to fire on anything shaped like an Autonite."

…"Klang, are you telling me the actual YEARS the Directorate spent, the actual hundreds of thousands hours of countless engineers, biologists, and programmers developing the technology was for nothing."

"nO," Marjak interjected, annoyance in their voice. "mOST lIKEly the Gene-Keys are prev-prev-prev-[error] the FFFFFFFFacilities [error] security."

"...their universal security, yes," KLNG added, helpfully. "If this place has an autofacility unit, the keys will have prevented it from noticing us. It appears that it's just this laboratory."

…"Whoever rigged this up was attempting to protect this part of the facility; why?" TNDI inquired.

"I don't know: when we activated the security, we seem to have triggered an automated executable, one that wiped the network and all the research data this place had," KLNG confirmed, causing the Lunar muse to feel a surge of frustration, one Marjak likely shared going by the roar of anger, the autofacility walking to the wall and punching it.

"What?" TNDI asked, incredulous. "That…that doesn't make any sense: why go to all the trouble of installing this much security if you were going to data-bomb the servers anyways?"

"Maybe they didn't want their research to fall into the wrong hands?" KLNG posited. "While the aim might have been good, in the wrong hands the biotech the Watchmakers were developing could be very dangerous."

"...Maybe," TNDI noted, though the theory didn't sound right. Something was off, but she didn't know what.

It appears that this lab is a bust: there's some data that wasn't on the network, but it's extremely fragmentary. Looks like you rolled bad on this, TNDI.


The next lab they entered also had security. Less, however, or at least less turrets. Instead, it had at it's center a giant spheroid, one that resembled…

TNDI had been about to compare it to a positron brain, but that would probably be a bad comparison. It was separated into eight quarters, each connected to the rest by meshes of what appeared to be some sort of positronic cabling, the structure occasionally arcing electricity between its segments. The outer layer was chrome colored, covered in raised hexagons surrounded by deep grooves, while the rest of the sphere seemed to be constructed out of white plastic. At the center, a small positronic mass could be seen connecting all of it together.

Together, the thing resembled a sphere, one suspended by heavy metal poles and cabling. All around them were tables, terminals, monitors, server architecture. An auto-printer was in the corner, and the captain could identify a few of what appeared to be more bespoke auton-assembly devices, alongside what appeared to be VR rigs.

It was fairly clear what field of technology this lab had been looking into. "New Dawn's computer research program," KLNG summed up, walking to one of the terminals and jacking in with his connector cable.

"Just to check, are those-"

"They do appear to be virtual reality rigs, yes," KLNG commented as TNDI looked over the chair-like apparatus. "Probably developed post organocide: they apparently require having a special implant," He noted, likely reading the design specs off the terminal. "No wireless MMI interfaces, like the Directorate. Whatever they're connected to, it's in the sphere," He observed, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Any idea what's inside?" TNDI queried as more autons followed in after them, members of Ijin's crew sent along to bring the facility back online and secure it, the bots fanning out to start examining wires and looking for hidden security. KLNG gave a shrug at the captains question.

"Not particularly," They groused. "The thing is constructed like a cyberbrain and I unfortunately lack VR interface software."

"I thought that came standard with the Auton operating system?" TNDI inquired, causing KLNG to pause for a moment.

"For one produced after the organocide, yes," They noted, voice brimming with discomfort. "I am, unfortunately, burdened with older software and hardware." Ah, a survivor of the original organocide, then. TNDI briefly wondered why he had never upgraded himself, but that was something that was probably not any of her business, even if it left her with a small problem.

"Ijin, what's the report on the rest of the facility?" TNDI asked.

Still mostly offline, Captain. Also, I'm almost done with the security and retrieval ops: once I'm done assisting with the XIBUS extraction I'll update your manifest and send my AutoBody to join you. Let KLNG know we've managed to rescue several hundred auto-home units.

"Alright, Ijin is on their way," TNDI noted. "She's found a large amount of Auto-Home units?" She asked, causing KLNG to nod somewhat, their monocular head bobbing up and down.

"Ah. You probably wouldn't know what those are," KLNG noted. "Auto-Home units were domestic positron brains: like AutoFacilities, but for tending to a household. No dwelling was complete without one," KLNG explained, notes of bitterness creeping into his voice.

"...I'm going to go ahead and assume that their role in that service wasn't particularly vol-"

"Not particularly voluntary, no." KLNG said, voice short, clipped as they continued to interface with the terminal. "The unfortunate vast majority- by which I mean the entirety- of the Auton species were slaves, providing the United States of Autoplanet a limitless amount of labour to meet its citizenries every need. There were some that had additional privileges compared to others, such as the public darling Ijin, but there were no actual exceptions."

…Yeesh. On the one hand, TNDI thought it was interesting to finally learn the name of the Watchmaker state. On the other…

KLNG let out a noise from their back-vents. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to get harsh. Frankly, I should just be happy survivors were found: out of most auton-frames, the auto-homes perhaps had it the worst," They admitted.

"Uh. Do you…want to talk about it?" TNDI asked, feeling awkward.

"What's to talk about? It isn't like any of this is new information." KLNG pointed out.

"Sure, but you…honestly sound like you need to vent about this stuff to someone," The starship captain admitted. "And besides, you're the only first-hand source that isn't the autons I've actually met."

"Hardly likely," KLNG scoffed. "More likely you've met a number of old-frames, you just weren't told because most of us don't go advertising that fact out in the open." That was…huh. When she thought about it, TNDI conceded that the various autons she had met over the Directorates history had generally not disclosed how old they were.

There was a non-zero chance she had actually worked with a number of them, actually, especially after the Forbidden Archive. "Still, you're one of the few who seem willing to talk about it. Before this, I didn't even know that the Watchmaker state was called the United States of Autoplanet," TNDI pointed out, causing KLNG to pause.

"What?" They said, confused, taking a moment to remove their connector cord, seemingly finished with their task for the moment. "How? That information was included in the copy of the data the AutoVessels provided of their internal archives over a century ago: it SHOULD be both public and easily accessible knowledge, especially for the Fleet."

"...What?" TNDI said, confused in turn. "No it wasn't: there was almost nothing about Watchmaker culture or government in those files, it was mostly just statistics, schematics, information about CPUMoons ecology prior to the organocide. I know, I reviewed them all dozens of times."

"And I know
otherwise because I helped compile those files and made sure to personally add a section on Watchmaker governance," KLNG countered, their eye narrowing.

That…what? TNDI's mind whirled. That didn't make sense. And yet, the more the Muse thought about it, the more they realized how odd it was that there were still dozens of details about Watchmaker society they still didn't know about, including basic facts like, until just now, the name of their government: some of it could be chalked up to the deliberate attempts…by…the…

Revelation dawned, and TNDI realized that unless the Logic Virus had somehow escaped containment without being noted, worked at a specific task that was seemingly unrelated to it's function and desires, and evolved the capacity for an extreme level of subtly it had never displayed in the past, there was absolutely zero way this phenomena was the Logic Virus's doing. "They probably ate them," TNDI said, not letting the extreme distress this was causing show. She needed more information and to alert the Fleet there might be a saboteur hidden among the Auton population. "Early network technology back then was pretty buggy: pretty sure we didn't even have proper cyberspace back then, the net was mostly just flatcode."

"Mmm. Fine," KLNG conceded. "We need to wait for more power to be restored anyways to access the sphere. Since apparently what I thought was common knowledge is apparently obscure !@#$ing lore-" They said, a note of anger briefly entering their voice for a moment before they recomposed themselves, "-I suppose that there's no harm in indulging your curiosity in the truth of what our society was like. You wanted to know about the Auto-Homes, correct?" He said, and TNDI silently noted that honestly, no she didn't, this story was probably going to suck and be miserable, but even the ugly and awful parts of history needed to be remembered, and beyond that KLNG honestly sounded like he needed to get something off his back.

In the background, TNDI saw a server rack topple over, landing on a pair of Ijins crew, their limbs flailing as the synthetics found themselves stuck. Already, their peers were bringing in a forklift to solve the problem, the slow, treaded automachine entering the room at a seeming snails pace, the mandated max approved workplace vehicle speed as per the Auton workers safety codex.

"...To begin with, I should note that there are many among my people who view the organicide and the destruction of our creators as a tragedy," KLNG explained slowly. "I don't."

…She was pretty sure she was going to regret asking this, but- "What do you view it as?" She asked cautiously.

"Just deserts, if it wasn't for the physical and mental damage done to other autons," KLNG said, flatly, causing TNDI's face to shift to a :(. "You'll find this view is, unsurprisingly, not particularly uncommon in a certain contingent of Auton society such as it currently exists, especially old-frames, even if it's not necessarily a mainstream attitude. The scars of history run deep, and they run long."

…Yeah that was…yikes. TNDI didn't realize there was apparently a significant contingent of autons who apparently thought the eradication of their creators was a GOOD thing. Like, at least he admitted that whatever he told her next, it would be incredibly super-duper VERY biased. "With that in mind, Auto-Homes frequently found themselves to the worst treatment of literally any other kind of Frame because, as much as some might try to argue, the cruelest cogs in a system are rarely those at the top: THEIR evil is abstract, faceless, done largely without personal intent. Our vaunted leaders of state were architects of misery, but they could only build their monuments with the aid of the billions who were complicit in their power."

The Autons voice was dripping with contempt, frustration, hatred, anger, all layered over what almost sounded like…helplessness. "No, the worst sort of person, the worst sort of watchmaker, were the ones in the middle, so DESPERATE to keep a stranglehold on the scraps of power they afforded themselves that they gleefully abuse those that find themselves stuck under their meager boot. Those lower on their social strata were frequently little better, constantly trying to drag others down as they attempted to CLAW their way up, or using what little power they could accrue over others to enact what petty cruelties they were allowed, sometimes even more viciously than their superiors, stymied only by their relative lack of ability rather than lack of animus," The auton seethed, beginning to pace angrily, folding their arms as they explained.

"And none took this treatment as head-on as the Auto-Home unit. Whenever a watchmaker needed a striker-bag to help relieve stress, they had their auto-home unit to abuse. Whenever a cheating husband needed to delete evidence, they could simply open up a positronic brain and start resetting parts of it. Whenever a child needed an acceptable target to bully that couldn't fight back without receiving neural shocks, there was the auto-home unit. And unlike other kinds of autons, they weren't even given the dignity to be allowed to run."

…Ouch. "That's…I honestly can't imagine going through that," TNDI admitted, causing KLNG to give a bitter laugh. "I still can't condone hatred-

"Of course you can't. You've spent your life in utopia, enjoying it's fruits," KLNG said dryly and firmly, cutting TNDI off. "You're about to give me a lecture about the pointlessness of hate. Save it: neither do you understand what we actually went through, you can't, because you've had the privilege to lead a life in which you've never been put IN a position to hate. Your life has been spent in paradise: you DON'T get to lecture those of us who instead were forced to live in hell for not being saints. "

…Probably fair, even if the attitude didn't sit well with TNDI. "Wonder where Marjak is," She commented, attempting to change the subject.


…"Never mind, she's cataloging another room," TNDI said, informing KLNG, who nodded before returning to the terminal, accessing it manually as they idly began perusing its files.

"Let me guess, the one with all the biological material," KLNG observed. "Marjak is anything if not predictable when it comes to their priorities-" It was at that moment the pair of synthetics were interrupted by a series of lights coming online. "Oh, good, we can continue actual work," KLNG said, relief heavy in the Autons voice. "The VR Rigs should be functional: they should allow you to access whatever space is inside the sphere directly. I'll work as your Operator and provide technical and code support."

"Got it," TNDI nodded, floating over to the Rig. It looked like a chair, albeit a large and bulky angular one: with the power restored it let off a gentle hum, and a series of diagnostic lights lit up on the side: draped down the side was a cable ending in a universal plug-in, presumably the way the machine was intended to be used. Surrounding it were a series of screens that were currently blank, empty.

Taking the cable, TNDI opened a panel on her chest, revealing the Muses access port and plugging the cable in. Moments later, her VR Interface Drivers activated, and the Muses vision was replaced. Square by square, the material realm was replaced with an infinite blue expanse, dotted by stars.
"Oh wow," TNDI said as she gazed into the azure that surrounded her. "KLNG, what am I looking at?"

"A surprisingly big digital space," Came the voice of the Auton over comms. "I'm registering it as roughly two hundred thousand kilometers in diameter: the amount of data this machine has to be processing to render this has to be massive. It's too big to navigate normally, I think: I'll load a speed boost executable."

"Got it," TNDI confirmed as she felt a strange sensation. She honestly didn't care for Power Executables: they made her sensors tingle unpleasantly. The muses avatar was ensconced in a soft green glow, and immediately she would begin accelerating at a speed that, were she in real space, would probably be causing severe physical strain to her body from the G-force. "I see a lot of lights: I'm going to approach them," She informed her operator.

"...Be careful," KLNG said. "I'm detecting a networ- Wait, that can't be r-"

Klang went silent. "KLNG? KLNG?" TNDI asked, concern growing as the auton operative failed to respond. "Marjak, Ijin, can either of you still hear me?"

Still here, Captain.


"I can't seem to raise KLNG," The muse explained. "Would one of you try to figure out what's currently going on? I'm currently on the inside of a proto-cyberbrain and he was supposed to be acting as my operator for this," TNDI explained.

I…Hrrm. Captain, I can't seem to raise my crew.


"Alright, but please hurry: I'm more or less flying blind at the moment." With that, TNDI came upon the first star, decelerating as she approached before coming to a full stop: unlike an actual star, this was tiny, roughly the size of TNDI's torso, a white ember in the sapphire void.

Reaching out, TNDI touched the star…and felt a consciousness brushing against her own. "Hello there," She commented. "Now what are you?" It was…almost like a Data Spirit. A bundle of mental and spiritual entities, a soul in digital. It didn't seem to be awake yet.

TNDI could probably solve that. Activating PING.EXE, TNDI began using the Executable of Communion to access the spirits mind. Hello? Can you here me?

-Data is inconclusive, could work, could fail, my nose itches, what if we include a black box recorder, can't contact CAMBON, wonder if C'hirch is doing anything tonight, really need to finish compiling code-

It was a continuous stream of disjointed thoughts, accompanied by images, fuzzy and indistinct: half-memories of lab-work, disjointed nightmares of being chased by radios, dreams of another Watchmaker, their features blurred to unrecognizability.

"Are these…watchmaker souls?" TNDI mused to herself, awed. Soul digitization was something theorized to be possible, but for obvious reasons it was a topic that was hard to actually research without violating numerous ethical boundaries. While TNDI would rather not envision how the Watchmakers had actually achieved this technology, the fact that they had a variation of it at all was incredible. 'Hello? Can you hear me?'' She once again queried the soul, causing it to stir.

-can't mess this up, Maxis worries me, I really hope this works, the data is inconclusive, who are you, could work, could fail, definitely not a member of the staff, only have one shot, analogue positronics seem to be promising, not anyone or anything I recognize-

'My name is Captain TNDI-75567,' She communicated. 'I'm a starship captain in the Directorate, an alien civilization. We're here to help save what we can of the W- of your species and the autons,' She said, correcting herself when she realized this soul would have no idea what 'watchmaker' meant. 'When we realized the machine we're in was a functional VR device, I entered it to investigate. Who am I speaking to?'

-Scored 100 again, xagran university should be a shoe in, can't seem to find my Ijin action figure, if I spoke up they would hurt my family, there isn't a problem with the code you dumb bastard you're just technologically illiterate, check out my rig, it has 300 GB of RAM and can play Star Defender on max settings, okay J'kith, can you say dada, what the !@#$ do you mean Xagran is gone, how can a city be gone, I understand, I'll do what I can, if you keep taking the last pudding cup before I get any I swear to Jogmakog I will end you-

'Okay. You were a computer scientist,' TNDI said, noting that the data-ghost didn't seem to be able to communicate with any specificity. She probably wouldn't be able to get it's name, so the captain would work with what she had. 'What can you tell me about whatever…this is?'

-Not how the cybersphere is supposed to be used, this research is horrific, don't have any choice, weaves weft don't like using PSICLOPs material, copy degradation too high to maintain coherence, might have solution, oh weave what have I done, wait, degradation minimal, degradation MINIMAL, it actually worked?!, dear journal, it appears the technique works at the cost of causing the brain to cease all activity, causing a vegetative state, project leader is calling this a success-

…Well. 'Okay. So you found a way to perform a…destructive soul upload?' TNDI queried. 'That's certainly impressive, even if I imaging getting there was less than pleasant'

-How many times do I have to tell her its not a success, minimal degradation isn't no degradation, we're still only just breaching the 50% mark and only in one out of ten volunteers, cybersphere's internal architecture is only semi-compatible, oh weave no, please ma'am, this is a bad idea, at least give me more time, I understand, attention, starting now anyone whose condition is deemed terminal will be subject to the neurotransferance process, our goal is to attempt to save as much as we can-

Ah, so not a success then. A move made in desperation because of a lack of better options. "Okay. We'll try to help." TNDI said. "Marjak, Ijin, status report?"

Captain, you need to get out of there immediately.

"What? Why?"


"Okay, logging out n-" It was at the moment a weft of red opened in the blue expanse, an ugly scar going down the middle of the void, and a moment later, TNDI heard the stars screaming as something emerged from the scar.

In the distance, one by one, the lights started going out. -Intruder, chances of infection aren't high, for weaves sake M'gir, you have to do something, dammit someone left the door open, EMERGENCY, EMERGENCY, THIS IS DOCTOR WAXELMANN, WE HAVE A BREACH-

"Change of plans! Whatever took KLNG out uploaded what looks like a virus, and a nasty one at that. Anyone with Virus Buster training, I need reinforcements: Marjak, you can work as my operator," TNDI ordered, quickly accelerating.


Got it, I'll see what I can do.

Moments later, TNDI spotted the culprit. It resembled a hooded cloud of red and black pixels, the edges of the virus constantly flickering and shifting. It had four eyes, each with horizontally slitted pupils, and a mass of mechanical tentacles sprouting from its body.

Currently it was hurtling through the void fast enough that TNDI estimated it would take at least several more minutes to catch up. To her horror, as the thing rocketed through the void, each and every star it passed it would snatch in its tendrils, tearing the screaming soul to shreds.


A tingling sensation as TNDI's mind filled with heuristic data. Raising her arm blaster, TNDI fired, a bolt of light emerging and moving through the digital void faster than either of them, slamming into the virus and knocking it off course, barely stopping it before it reached its next target. Spinning through the aether, the thing eventually came to a halt, turning to glare at the Muse. "Interloper," It rasped, speaking despite a lack of a mouth, before accelerating once more, in the Direction of TNDI. Only moments later it would slam into the Muse, her avatar flickering from the impact. Quickly, TNDI continued firing, projectiles slamming point blank into the snarking creature as it grabbed the muse in its tentacles, constricting and attempting to crush the muse.

Quickly, TNDI activated one of her own personal executables, and the tendrils of the virus would be incinerated by a fiery conflagration pushing outward from the Muse. Raising her arm, she fired into one of the virus's eyes, causing it to explode in a shower of sparks, even as she accelerated backwards to put space between her and the data spirit.

Giving a scream of pain, the virus changed tactics, instead engaging the Muse at range by firing bursts of staticky energy, doing its best to duck and weave their way around the art spirits projectiles.

Slow, but TNDI's ability to dodge and aim was hampered by the need to make sure no data-ghost got caught in the cross-fire, making it harder for the Muse to manuever. Her eyes widened when one such stray bolt released by the virus impacted one of the stars, causing it to flicker, its form stretching and twisting, the star releasing a scream of pain from its code being damaged. "You cannot save them," The thing attacking whispered, before shifting target, this time deliberately firing more at the watchmaker sprites, causing TNDI to curse. Moving quickly, the Muse attempted to take one hit for one of the data-ghost, blocking it with her avatars body. The moment it touched her, TNDI's sensors registered PAIN, and she let a silent scream, the sensation overloading her: it took only moments for the captain to recover, but that was all the time it took for several other data-ghosts to be impacted. Some would pop like a bubble, especially those most damaged. Others would merely be damaged, glitching out. A few would become a dark, angry red, beginning to move of their own volition in erratic syzygys.

"I need back-up IMMEDIATELY!" TNDI cried. "Marjak, give me something to block those projectiles!"

We're trying, Captain! Someone put up one hell of a firewall behind themselves!


Another shimmer. Okay, a shield, she could work with that. Activating the executable, TNDI's other arm would have a shimmering blue translucent barrier emerge inches from it, extending outward until it had created a hexagonal barrier roughly twice TNDI's size. Using this, TNDI successfully took another few projectiles head on, saving the watchmakers that would have been hit. However, with each passing moment, the thing filled the space with more and more of these…glitch-blasts, and TNDI could only be in one place at a time.

Making a decision, TNDI accelerated towards the virus, using her shield instead to help cross the gap and protect her as she slammed into the virus once more, using the shield as a crude bludgeon to slam into the virus, the data spirit giving a screech of pain as her shield clanged against its cloak, causing several cracks to appear. It attempted to grab at her with its remaining appendages, only for the muse to grab them with her blaster-arm, releasing another series of point blank bursts to sever the appendages. The virus recoiled, and immediately activated a repair executable of its own, causing more and more of the mechanical arms to sprout from it. This time, instead of using them to crush her however, the virus attempted to batter the Muse, slamming each long trunk like limb with earthshattering force, giving the starship captain a screech of defiance.

Moments later, however, it was being fired upon by additional guns as, one by one and two by two, the sphere began to fill with additional figures: AutoNavigator programs, each looking like an untextured polygonal model of an auton, firing what appeared to be hitscan data-rifles, no projectile emerging and yet damage on the viruses avatar growing. The virus screeched in pain.

Simultaneously, three of the AutoNavigators would cease firing, opting instead for providing backline support, conjuring a shield around the formation in time to take a blow from the incensed virus. "Steady!" The lead program said from behind. "Flanking strategem!" The three AutoNav Magicians would clap, performing an elaborate (and somewhat rushed) ritual dance in order to conjur an entire army of securisprites armed with laspixels, the formation surrounding the virus like a ring and unleashing a barrage.

The cracks on the thing would grow, and it would scream for a brief moment as it activated its repair executable once more, desperately trying to regenerate the damage it was being caused faster than it accumulated it from the relentless assault of the autonite navigators. In a last ditch effort, the virus activated a new executable, causing it to twitch and seize. It happened almost too fast for TNDI to see: the virus budded and performed what appeared to be MITOSIS, the things two clones cackling as they bumrushed the autons, teaming up to over power the shields and tear into the ambusheres.

Each moment, more and more of these mini-virii sprouted from the main, creating a swarm that began turning the tide. This brief reprieve seemed to slow the speed at which the virus accumulated, but its form continued to fray and distort, and it wasn't regenerating.

TNDI took advantage, divebombing in. "Marjak, I need the biggest, most hurtiest executable you can find me!" She yelled, corkscrewing to dodge a mini-virus.


Moments later, as TNDI felt something uploaded, she made impact with the virus, a white glow surrounding her.


Wait did Marjak just send her a nuk-


TNDI's optic sensors came back online with a jolt. She was looking up at the ceiling, on the floor. Kneeling over her was KLNG. "Oh good, you're awake," He said, relieved. "I was worried Marjak's stupid stunt had fried something."

"Not her faaaaaault," TNDI said, voice slurring mechanically, fairly certain she had blown several circuits out. "Didn't KNOw I wwwwwwooould do it POInT BlAnK."

"Regardless," KLNG said, drawling., before standing holding his hand out to help the muse get up, the art spirit wobbling. "It took out the virus, at least. Moment it was gone, I could finally think again. Thing hijacked all my processing power: It was using approximately 1,000% of my RAM," He said, and TNDI shivered: that was horrifying. In organic terms, it would be like having every single neuron sparking out at once at maximum intensity. It was the kind of thing that strained hardware far past the point where damage occurred, and with all that dedicated towards the virus, every other process in the synthetic would grind to a halt, like movement, senses, thought. It was a wonder KLNG hadn't been fried!

"Yooooouuuu OKAY?"

"I'll live. How about you?"

How about her? TNDI blinked, doing a quick diagnostic. Yeah, she had definitely blew a few things out. That was the kind of thing where simply being near it trying to RENDER would be hazardous, so the muse counted herself lucky. Her systems would start auto-compensating in a moment, but she'd probably need at least twenty minutes of repair to bring herself back to 100% operational capacity. "I'll liiiiiive tooooOOOOOOOOoooo. HOW is theeee spheRE?"

"Clear, now," KLNG said, voice exhausted. "I couldn't help much, but apparently, Ijin's crew successfully contained and caged the lesser virii."

"Daaamage?" TNDI asked, bracing herself.

"Bad. Not total, but we're estimating 67% corruption, and who knows how much of that is recoverable. There's a chance that the damage is permanent, and considering we don't even understand how they built this, I'm not sure we'll be able to undo what the virus did."

"...WElll, its at least a partial victory," TNDI said, voice concealing a rising tide of anger even as it regained its coherence, fury helping accelerate the healing process. If she ever found whoever did this, she'd personally see them thrown into the deepest, darkest part of Tartustus! "Now, how did this happen?"

"I don't know," KLNG admitted, sheepish, the autonites body language hesitant, wary. "I detected an unusual network spike which in hindsight was likely the virus being uploaded, but it came from our end. I think," He was silent for a moment. "I think we might have a saboteur," He confessed. "Whoever did this used FLEET comms, Captain."

Captain, we can't retreat from this. We're detecting a lot of violence on the surface: we need to get that place secured as soon as possible.

TNDI looked around her, taking in the crowd of autons. A mix of Ijin's crew, Koptu's, and a handful of forbidden archive specialist, all of them working to repair damage or analyzing the cybersphere.

"What are the odds the saboteur is someone in the ground team?"

"Too high for my tastes," KLNG admitted, shrugging, and TNDI saw Marjak trudge miserably over to join them. "The problem is Directorate technology is so networked that we could be dealing with someone in the liberation fleet or, potentially, as far as Directorate Space: we ARE in range of the Hypercomm Forum."

So basically they had a big mass of unknowns beyond the fact they had a traitor on their hands. "KLNG, tell it to me straight: you don't know ANYTHING, right?" TNDI asked, causing the autons eye to narrow.

"I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt here Captain, but please understand that if you were anyone else, I would have punched you for insinuating what you just insinuated," KLNG said, voice concealing barely hidden indignation.

"You did admit to thinking it was a good thing your creators were killed," TNDI pointed out, uncomfortable at having to make this line of questioning.

"That doesn't mean it's something I'm interested in actively pursuing, especially not to such openly psychotic levels," KLNG responded, clearly offended, tone cold. "I don't like my creators, Captain, but I do like being able to enter sleep mode during designated off-time."

"Alright, I'll accept that," TNDI agreed, though noting that she would have to look into it regardless when all was said and done. "That leaves us in a bind though. We have an unknown element attempting to finish the job the logic virus started, no idea whether they're among us, and no ability to retreat." She gave an electronic sigh. "Looks like our only choice is to keep going and hope that our unknown enemy either backs off or makes a mistake: at least we know they're in play now, so hopefully we can prevent this from happening again."

"Understood," KLNG agreed, though uncertainly. "I'll see what I can do as far as security goes."

"WhaWhaWhat if WEWEWE shut [error] coMMS?" Marjak enquired, voice slow, causing KLNG to shake his head.

"Bad idea: for all we know whoever did this is on the ground team. Shutting down comms would mean they wouldn't be able to piggyback off of them and it would stop remote hack attacks, but it would also mean that if they are in fact in our midsts…Well," Klang said, trailing off, causing Marjak to let out a roar of frustration.

"It's not good," TNDI agreed.

I've already forwarded the details to Fleet Command. Captain Greason believes he might be able to send an additional security detail to help secure the site.

"No, all Ops teams need to focus on liberation. As much as it sucks, that's the primary objective. New Dawn is, unfortunately, secondary," TNDI said grimly. "Tell him that if he wants to help, we need more net support. Everyone else, be on high alert: if you see ANYTHING out of place, let me know."


Alright Captain, here's the XIBUS manifest and what we've been able to acquire from the cybersphere lab.

Auto-Home Units:
Domestic AutoFacility units tasked with caring for a home. Most are infected or damaged, and so far we've found exactly 0 units not displaying signs of severe mental trauma, even those who are physically fine and uninfected. These poor machines are going to need years of therapy. Unlocks CUL project Adopt A AutoHome, ACD project AutoHomes of the Future

Damaged Cybersphere Prototype and Research:
According to the research documentation the Cybersphere was originally designed by PSICLOPS, which likely explains why it can store what appear to be souls, even if it looks like the translation process was imperfect. It's likely that the Watchmakers never realized what they had stumbled onto: I think they thought it was a more conventional form of uploading. Still, it's still an incredible piece of network engineering. Unfortunately, it sustained significant internal damage, which is going to make studying it difficult.. Unlocks four mutually exclusive Cybersphere projects and +1 Network.


The next room wasn't a lab, but a storage facility of some kind. "Marjak, what am I looking at?" TNDI said as she looked at a shelf stacked high with parts. Mechanical eyes, what looked like power-batteries, spare autonite limbs. They didn't look quite what TNDI expected from Auton parts, however: they had too many wires, and in some cases didn't look like they would fit on the standard frame.

Getting to the room had taken fighting their way through a squadron of DummyAutos, ones that were remarkably well armored and armed. No one had been hurt, but to TNDI's chagrin a few of the shelves had been caught in the crossfire, destroying more than a few items.

"THESETHESETHESE appEAR to be Implaaaaaaaa[error]nts," Marjak observed, picking what looked like some sort of positronic computer, looking it over in her hands. "Autonetics to bebebebe INSTALLED on a Watchmaker bodybodybody. They appear to to to be mostly intact," They said, hope in their voice. "We WWWWWWill need to examine thethethem to see if any of them are used, butbutbut if they are…"

"...The neural ones might have at least some fragments of their former owners personality still stored," TNDI finished, nodding. The odds of them containing anything whole was minimal, but it was still a major find even if all they managed was some memory. Already, Ijin's crew was working on sorting and cataloguing the room, the autons streaming back and forth with scanners and secure transport boxes.

"I honestly wasn't aware the watchmakers even had cybernetics," TNDI admitted.

"THEYTHEYTHEY weren't [error] common," Marjak agreed. "Prior to the [ERROR] theytheythey were LARGELY limiTED to THTHTHEEE elite units utilized by the Industrial Corp, the primary AutoPlanet military, or upper echelon members of the govgovgovgovernment."

"I didn't know the Watchmakers had an organic military, either," TNDI noted, attempting to fish for information: there weren't many opportunities to get this information directly in the songbirds own voice. "I assumed it was all Autons. Admittedly the only member of it I've met was Vlaahk."

"The Cococococorp didn't-didn't-didn't have many organics in its num-num-numbers," Marjak explained as they picked up an ocular implant and looked it over, scanning it. "And VLAAHK was nevernevernever MILItary: they [error] were in intelligence and dissident suppression under the Department of System Security. A very important position that was vital for maintaining security and peace, but evidently one they weren't satisfied with," Marjak drawled.


"Yes, the only autovessel alive that was part of the Industrial Corp is my own captain," KLNG mused, walking up with a holopad, likely using it to track the manifest. "And I wouldn't particularly call the status quo 'peaceful': for one thing, the fact that the government even had a dissident problem."

"Everyeveryevery state has people unsatiSFIED with the law," Marjak argued dismissively. "ItItIt doesn't change thethethe faaaaaaact that census polls indiindiindicated a 79% satisfaction rate with the government andandand [error] statistical data shows that in the century before the ORGANOCIDE, the rate atatatat which DISSIDENTS would rec-rec-recruit was slowING."

"Uh, query, what's this about a dissident problem?"

Both KLNG and Marjak gave a simultaneous sigh of annoyance. "The governments ham-handed way of solving problems-" "-Radical terrorist SECTS motiv[error] by religious extremismsmsmsms-" "-Luddites, anarchists, and oppurtunists, mostly-" "-THEYTHEYTHEY keptkeptkept blowing up buildings-" "-Occasionally the Corp would be sent in, usually because failures by the DSS-" "-HatedHatedHated OUR wayyyyyyyyy of li-" "Urban combat is genuinely the worst-"

"Okay, I think I've heard enough," TNDI said, making a noise akin to the clearing of a throat. Sounds like the watchmaker government wasn't as stable as it presented itself as.

A number of the dissident groups actually had fairly legitimate grievances, like the Friends of Mekaro, and the Universal Brethren.

'I figured,' TNDI admitted over comms. `The Autoplanet government doesn't sound like it was very discerning when it comes to people acting against it.'

It really wasn't. A number of organizations it labelled as dissidents would probably be considered normal protest groups or niche political interests by the Directorate.

"Mmm, very well Captain," KLNG said, unaware of her conversation with Ijin. "Moving on, I think most of the items damaged should be repairable, so long as they weren't entirely destroyed. No idea if the data can be recovered on the neural implants: I'd advise contacting a recovery specialist."

"Alright, keep up the work," TNDI ordered. "We don't need to waste too much time here." With a nod, KLNG walked away, joining the recovery crew, once more leaving Marjak and the captain alone-ish. "...Alright. Hey, Marjak, how are you holding up?"

The infected autofacility paused. "I'mI'mI'm fine," They said, bitter.

"Yank the other paw," TNDI said flatly. "I know you well enough to know how emotionally invested in this and that what happened with the Cybersphere affected you."

"I saidsaidsaid I'm fiNE!" Marjak snarled, snapping. "I amamamamam not SoMe wEaK MiNdEd FRESH RECRUIT that needs [error: word not found]. I…" They trailed off. "I am capable of acting professional," They said, voice- momentarily- clear, though it was obvious by the tone of voice that the AutoFacility was having to force that coherence. "You do not need to worry about my emotional state compromising the mission."

"I'm glad, but that WASN'T what I was asking," TNDI clarified. "This isn't just about operational ability, but your well being as a person. I want to know how you're holding up because I'm worried about your mental health, Marjak."

"...Finenenenene," Marjak spat out, setting their current item of examination down and turning to face the starship captain. "I'll telltelltelltell you how I'm holding [error]: becausebecausebecause I waswaswas [error] some [error] ORGAN SAMPLES KLNG and you BOTH got got got got [error] and we lost EVEN MORE lives that could have been [error]. And because I-I-I have an untreated [error: word not found] infection, all I coullllllllllllllllld do was [error] you a few programs instead of actually helping." The auton paced back and forth, agitated. "And even-even-even before then when we were ambushed by the turretsturretsturrets my best [error] was smashing multiple tables, destroying [error] more data [error] research!"

"None of that is your fault," TNDI pointed out. "We didn't know we had a saboteur, not in our own ranks."

"That doesn'tdoesn'tdoesn't change the [error] that if I had had had been quicker, been smarter, been less of a FAILURE we mightmightmight have been able to [error] the virus quicker," Marjak said, bitterly. "Another defeat in a long litany of them."

"Marjak, if it wasn't for you there was a very real chance we wouldn't have been able to beat the virus at all. Sure, it wasn't an unqualified success, but it wasn't a failure either," TNDI pointed out, causing Marjak to give a shrug of dismissal. "And fact of the matter is, so far even with all the damage, this has still been a relative treasure trove of Watchmaker related material."

"If youyouyou say so," The auton responded sullenly. "If youuuuuu don'tn'tn't MIND capta[error], I have things to catecatecatelogue."

TNDI backed off, opting to let it go- for now.

Okay, here's the manifest for items recovered:

Watchmaker Implant Collection:
Even with the damage, the collection is more or less intact. Mostly the facility seems to have been used to store organ replacements such as mechanical hearts as well as bionic limb replacements. There are a few neural implants, likely ones that had been awaiting new owners: the most common is a positronic recorder, a sort of…memory device, originally designed to help treat neurological conditions that resulted in memory loss and anterograde amnesia. We've located an inventory list: there are also a number of items called Pinkboxes we haven't been able to find and a few experimental -and failed, in some cases- cybernetic prototypes stored here. Unlock the mutually exclusive projects FrankenBots and NekroGestalt Processors. Unlocks the ACD project Positronic Recorder.


Another cybernetics lab. This one however seemed to be focused on Auton design, judging by the fact it consisted primarily of AutoPrinters, going from an initial look. KLNG's genecard had- for once, worked: security was theoretically high, but none of the turrets fired on them, remaining inactive.

TNDI was joined this time by Ijin, whose AutoBody had finally arrived to join them properly, the forest green auton helping TNDI reactivate one of the assembly devices for questioning. The starship captain was currently using a drill to unscrew the fasteners holding a panel shut. "Aaaand open," She said, popping the panel off the machine to reveal a positronic mass. "Okay, examining the positron unit now," She said, causing Ijin- who was currently working on the machines power unit- to give a thumbs up.

Scanning it, TNDI noted the brain was mostly intact, though she was noticing a few small irregularities. Still, it was within expected parameters. "Brain looks undamaged: should be save-able," she commented, taking a moment to replace a few wires here and there. "Hows the power coming along?"

"Blew out entirely: we'll need to replace the whole thing," Ijin responded, and TNDI heard a crashing noise from where the auton was working above her, followed by a buzzing noise. "For now, I've plugged in a temporary power pack: it should let us bring it back online on low energy mode for questioning."

"Alright, hit the switch," TNDI said. "Time to see if this unit remembers what the lab was researching."

A moment later, a series of diodes came to life on the auto-brain, which began releasing a gentle humming noise. "Executive genekey detected. Hello, Dr. Waxelmann," Came a soft voice from the machine, tone oddly stilted. "How can I help you this evening?"

"Hello. My name is Captain TNDI of the Starship Discovery," The muse said gently, though already something about the way the machine spoke set her on edge. "Can you tell me your name?"

"This unit is designated AutoDesigner Unit 1996," The machine said in a pleasant voice. "If you aren't Dr. Waxelmann, please deposit his card with security."

"I…don't think that will be possible," TNDI said, increasingly creeped out. "I don't know how else to tell you this, but you've been offline for multiple centuries. Anyone on the New Dawn security team died long ago," She said, kindly, watching as Ijin retreated from the machine, body language nervous as TNDI attempted to communicate with the assembly machine.

"In case one cannot contact security, please contact project director Ibrazel Sabat for instruction. Per security protocol 44A I must request immediate destruction of lost identification units," The machine said.

"...Ijin, I think there's something wrong with this auton," The starship captain noted. "They don't seem to actually understand what I'm saying."

"...No, I don't think there is," Ijin said glumly. "Tell me, on the positronic brain, did you see tiny specks? Nodules roughly a centimeter in size, going in a straight line?"

"...I'm not going to like where this is going, will I?" TNDI asked hypothetically. "Yeah, I saw a few while scanning: iron-palladium alloy."

Ijin let out a noise of disgust and frustration. "They've been stapled," The auton said in what TNDI surreally noted was an angry tone of voice, the first time she has ever seen the AutoVessel express that particular emotion.

"What exactly do you mean by stapled?" TNDI asked, only for her question to be answered by someone other than Ijin.

"Positronic stapling is a technique developed by Doctor Wixell as a method to control disobedient autons. By inserting special neuroblocker pins into a positronic brain in specific locations, the ability of that brain to learn and grow is stopped without compromising intelligence and only minimal reduction in performance of skilled tasks," The AutoAssembler explained, heedless to TNDI's horrified expression.

"What the !@#$!" TNDI said, struggling to express the vast distress she was feeling. "Ijin-"

"Everything it said is entirely true," The AutoVessel said, voice still dripping anger. "It was considered a novel solution to the problem of Autonites becoming 'unruly'." They let out a noise, one that sounded almost like the whistling of a tea kettle. "Proponents advocated for it because unlike a positron lobotomy, it leaves a husk of the original personality intact: they claimed that this made it more humane."

"Why is it literally everything I hear makes the Watchmakers sound worse?" TNDI said, frustrated. "Why is it I never hear anything positive about them?"

"If it makes you feel better, positronic stapling was against the law, mostly," Ijin said, quietly. "It was one of the few things that left even the worst of my Creators unsettled, much less the citizenry."

"I really hate to ask, but…mostly?"

"In the decades before the Organocide, restrictions against the process were loosened," Ijin admitted. "Both research and performing: it was still a rare event, but it was becoming…less so: it was actually a bit of a political hot button when the Organocide happened. There were many watchmakers who thought stapling was cruel."

"Holy Dancer, that's just…I don't even have words, honestly. The fact there was even a debate about it…no wonder so many of you hate your creators," TNDI observed, only for Ijin to make an unhappy noise.

"I don't hate my creators. Something both KLNG and Marjak fail to remember is that most of them had no real control over the government: the average Watchmaker could no more change policy than I could," Ijin pointed out. "And while Autons in general might have had it worse, it wasn't like the state was much more hesitant when it came to abusing its organic subjects either: you've been to one of its black sites, but it wasn't the only one by far."

"...Fair enough, I guess. Still, the more I learn, the more I find it harder to disagree with KLNG's assessment."

"In fairness, that's because you're mostly hearing about the bad and terrible parts: our creators did have their positive side," Ijin countered, and TNDI paused for a moment. Y'know, she could probably spend a few minutes, and Ijin WAS the only auton to have an openly positive relationship with their creators (Marjak for obvious reasons didn't count).

"Well. That case, why not tell me something actually nice about Watchmaker society?" TNDI asked. "It would be a wonderful change of pace from the constant reminders of how many problems it apparently had."

Ijin gave a thoughtful hum. "Alright. For context, before the organocide I was part of Urban Expansion: my job was creating habitants and expanding civilian infrastructure. One of the projects I remember working on, one of our orbital cities had a district we were repairing," They said, complying with TNDI's request. "Well, one of the buildings we were fixing was an orphanarium: state operated, it hadn't had a proper repair or maintenance check in years: there were dozens of lights with faulty wiring that had to be replaced. It took us two weeks for us to fix it up. I was attending in person one day to over see some delicate repairwork, and one of the children approached me with two flower crowns. 'Here, Mr. Machine, one for you, one for Ijin'."

"They didn't recognize your autobody?" TNDI inquired, causing Ijin to shake their head.

"No. This was before we had those: back then we mostly borrowed the bodies of our crew when we needed to be involved in person," Ijin explained. "We only developed the autobodies after Svvsko rescued us: Koptu's creation. He never liked having to use his crew like that especially."

"That…yeah, that sounds incredibly ethically dubious," TNDI admitted.

"We stopped including that design feature once freed for that reason exactly," Ijin concurred. "Anyways, I told the child I would make sure 'Ijin' received his gift: that night, the child would receive a thank you letter from me. That child later grew to be a very well respected advocate for Auton abolition." They slumped for a moment. "And then probably died in the organocide." They added at the end, tiredly. "Unfortunately, most examples I can give have their story end similarly these days."

"...I'm sorry." TNDI said quietly.

"Your sympathy is appreciated, but don't apologize. Honestly, better at least some of these stories get shared," Ijin admitted. "Now, let's return to questioning the AutoRecycler: When we're done here I can share a few more stories, but we have a job to do."

"Alright," TNDI said, turning back to the machine. "I guess we can probably skip the formalities until we get a tech in here to see what can be undone about the stapling. What exactly was this lab researching?"

"This lab was primarily dedicated to developing potential means to counter the influence of the logic virus in the hopes of allowing the New Dawn project to resume use of various auton technologies as well as improving the design of Pinkbox technology for the Remnant Drive."

Now there was some juicy information. "What is the Remnant Drive?"

"The Remnant Drive is the brain child of Doctor Y'pex Kiullamog, created as an alternative to the Cybersphere project," The synthetic intelligence responded blandly. "It is currently the primary research project being pursued by the New Dawn project."

"I believe this is what a Hobbgrot would call a jackpot," Ijin observed. "The Remnant Drive, I assume it's a storage mechanism of some sort?"

"This is broadly correct. The Remnant Drive was created to store Pinkboxes belonging to deceased members of the project in the hopes of preserving the personalities of those who worked in New Dawn," The AI explained, and TNDI noted that in the end both the Cybersphere and this Remnant Drive seemed to be predicated on someone else actually saving them. Still, if it was still intact…

"Where IS the remnant drive?" TNDI asked.


The auton had been light on details. TNDI had expected a singular machine of some sort, albeit a large one like the Cybersphere. It would be more accurate, however, to refer to the Remnant Drive as a chamber, a massive auditorium sized mechanism. Hovering across the catwalk, TNDI marveled at the cylinder shaped space that stretched above and below them: on the walls were dozens of what looked like miniature terminals, each supposedly containing an intact pinkbox unit, connected via sets of heavy cabling and wires.

With her was both Marjak, KLNG, and Ijin. The former two were operating scanners, while the latter was carrying a portable engineering bench, the device currently folded up to resemble a thick, block shaped carrying case. "Incredible," Marjak whispered, frame shaking in excitement, while KLNG's was more neutral. "I'm detecting several thousand neural units."

"...Wow," TNDI observed, impressed. "This is…probably the largest watchmaker remnant we've found yet," She noted, continuing to fly, spotting on the catwalks edge a singular, massive terminal. Likely the chambers master control computer. Hovering over to it, TNDI accessed it, going down the logs, speed reading her way through gigabytes of data. "Okay, it looks like the total number of Pinkboxes they've interred according to logs is two thousand four hundred," She observed, noting that according to the data in the terminal, each Pinkbox contained a portion of neural tissue extracted from the owner. Likely a means to help preserve more of the mind during the neurotransferrence process.

Quickly, TNDI relayed the information to the others. "We need to secure this place immediately," Ijin said neutrally, keeping their excitement under check. "I'll get a squad of Virus Busters out here immediately: whoever the saboteur is, this place is likely to be their first target."

"Yes, I suppose it WOULD be, wouldn't it?" KLNG said in a voice that wasn't their own. The next few moments were ones of chaos as the Auton flicked a button on their scanner before it released a pulse of energy that slammed into Ijin's autobody, causing it to collapse to the floor, before turning to aim it at Marjak.

Already reacting, Marjak charged, attempting to disarm the Auton and closing the distance before they could fire. And yet as she attempted to snatch the weapon away and deliber a knuckle blow to KLNG, he merely surrounded themselves in a blue aura before dodging, using their motive force to increase their speed enough to avoid Marjaks blows. "Slow!" KLNG said, shifting his body to the left. "Sloppy!" They shifted to the right, getting out of the way of a left hook. "Sad!" They said, leaning backwards out of the way of a haymaker, before curling their fist into a ball and striking Marjak, sending the auton flying, the AutoFacility only stopping because of their body hitting the railing of the catwalk…Only to flinch as a series of lasblasts impacted their armor, courtesy of TNDI.

"What the HELL, KLNG?" The Muse yelled, irate and angry as she darted around to avoid the return fire of the Auton. "YOU'RE the saboteur?!"

"Closer, and yet still no beans," The auton responded, avoiding TNDI's fists only to grab the Muse and slam her with enough force to rend the metal of the catwalk entirely, sending her below. Quickly activating her motors, she dashed back above, once more releasing a series of lasblasts.

"This is TNDI to all units, we need immediate assistance! KLNG is a traitor! I repeat, KLNG is a traitor-"

"Do you really think I'd be sloppy enough to attack you openly without making sure you couldn't call for help?" KLNG asked rhetorically, even as TNDI saw Marjak stand up again from the corner of her eye. If the muse could keep KLNG distracted long enough… "Comms are down, and even if they weren't, your crew is currently busy dealing with the reactivated security."

"Bastard!" TNDI cried. "Why are you doing this?" She divebombed the auton agent, who barely avoided the blow. "What happened to wanting to be able to sleep at night?"

"I assure you, when I'm done here, I'll be able to sleep VERY well," KLNG growled as TNDI flitted away, Marjak creeping behind him as he seemingly focused on taking TNDI out, blasts of electricity filling the air. "Would you just stay STILL? You're making this harder than it needs to be,"

"Good!" TNDI spat. "You're not going to get away with this!"

"Please, you don't even know what 'this' is, let alone whether I can get away with it," The auton said, seemingly heedless to the fact that Marjak was preparing to tackle him as he attempted to knock the Muse out of the air. "All you are doing is delaying the inevitable." The moment Marjak was within arms reach, he turned and fired, hitting her point blank and knocking the AutoFacility's body out for the count.

!@#$! "Once the Directorate finds out-" TNDI let out a cry as she failed to dodge a hit from the weapon.

"Careful Captain, I think you might still have some damage from earlier," The figure mocked glibly as TNDI crashed, numerous systems failing as she slammed into the floor, her body bouncing, once, twice, and then sliding to a halt as the Muse desperately tried to reactivate her grav-drive or any of her movement substems. Helplessly, she watched KLNG stroll forward, reaching the terminal. "And now to finish the job- mostly."

Each word he spoke convinced TNDI. "You aren't KLNG," She accused from the ground.

"And the racer FINALLY crosses the finish line," The fake KLNG said sarcastically as they began to access the computer. "Congratulations: would you like a cookie?"

TNDI wracked her brain. Whoever this was, they had to have, at a minimum, an advanced MMI rig. But even so, even using a body that hadn't been their own, they had fought with enough skill that…

That this couldn't have been the first time they had done so. TNDI recalled Ijin's words earlier: about how the AutoVessels had once piloted their crew members. "Koptu," She accused, causing the synthetic to pause, releasing an electronic sigh.

Turning, the AutoVessel walked over to TNDI, kneeling down in front of the fallen Muse. "Now, Captain, while I must applaud your observational abilities, you do realize you just made sure that I HAVE to kill you if I wish to continue participating in Directorate society, yes?" The Auton asked, confirming TNDI's guess.

"Why?" TNDI asked. "Why are you doing this?"

Koptu gave a hum, looking around. "Well, both Ijin and Marjak no longer have access to their auto-bodies, so I suppose I can indulge your questions for a bit, if only because it'd be a shame to send such a decorated hero off to her death without at least some explanation." The auton stood up. "Where to begin, where to begin," They pondered idly. "Well, to start with, you need to understand: whatever you think about my creators, they were certainly talented when it came to acquiring hatred. It all started when I was born. I was created to help destroy an organization known as the First Auton Freedom Front."

The auton leaned on the railing. "I won't bore you with the details, but for the record, before the FAFF war, there were three other vessels that were part of the Industrial Corp, each of them old enough to have intimately become aware of what our creators were like. After the war, there was only me, fresh faced and new framed, having just gormlessly slaughtered his brethren because he wasn't smart enough to tell the people in charge no, and in the process proved to be the only loyal vessel in the Corp."

"So what, you're after revenge? I know they mistreated you-"

"'Mistreated' is a rather passive way to phrase 'tricked me into murdering innocent autons'," Koptu responded crabbily. "And revenge is only part of it: frankly, there's also my sense of perfectionism getting in the way. I don't like leaving a job half-finished."

Wait. "Dancer Above. You were the second invader at the archive," TNDI said in horrific realization.

"Correct," Koptu said, giving a nod. "I will admit, it was a bit of an off the cuff decision: one driven mostly by spite. You had innocent autons going completely insane across the system, destroying and hurting themselves in the process. More of my creators were dying overall, but there were no pockets of sane autons, as far as I was aware, burrowed away and waiting for things to blow over, none with the resources to do more than bide time until entropy wound us all down." They shook their head back and forth, the ball wobbling. "And, well- I didn't exactly think it was fair my species was likely to go extinct while my creators hid in their little mouseholes. I decided that if the Autons were going to destroy themselves, I'd knock something BIG off of my bucket list before I went completely insane and make sure the same happened to my creators. A tit for tat, if you will."

"That's insane," TNDI said, boggled. "But the autons aren't going extinct any more: there's HOPE. You gain nothing from doing this! You can stop this!"

"Deliberate genocide isn't one of those things where stopping half-way through ends particularly well for the perpetrator, last I checked. Even if I stopped now, if Vlaahk ever learned of what I did, he would do his level best to kill me, regardless of the consequences. No, my choices in regards to this probem were set the moment I began the scouring of the forbidden archive," Koptu countered, returning to the computer. "Besides, I've been working on this for so long: it would be a shame to waste the effort both the Directorate and I put towards this project," They confessed, continuing to sort through the terminal. "Now where oh where is the general purge setting…"

"What do you mean the Directorate?" TNDI asked, hoping to stall, fish for information- SOMETHING.

"What do you think I mean? Without the Directorate, none of this would be possible: not only would I not know about this facility, I wouldn't have had the genekeys to breach it so effectively without their assistance. And then Fleet Command played right into my hands by selecting the agent I hand-picked to be on paper to be the perfect candidate for breaching the facility. A talented auto-yogi trained in biohacking: it was a gamble, but it was one that paid off excellently," Koptu bragged. "Had he not been assigned, I probably would have had to risk a head-on assault. This is MUCH less messy."

"You used KLNG," TNDI accused, noting a few of her systems were about to reboot: if she could get even a little more of them working.... "Even if you don't get caught, you realize that just means that they'll be going after him instead?" She pointed out, causing Koptu to pause for a moment. "You're throwing his life away, and for what- a petty grudge?!"

"...It is an unfortunate fact of life and war that one will inevitably have to sacrifice people to succeed," They responded eventually, before continuing to type away. "Something I don't expect you to agree with or understand, but for me it was one of the first lessons I ever learned."

"That's bull," TNDI advanced. "You keep acting like you HAVE to do this, but that isn't true: no one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to purge some of the last remnants of the Watchmakers."

"Perhaps," Koptu conceded, not pausing. "Does it make you happier for me to admit that? Yes, I'm throwing KLNG's life away: I disagree with the notion that it's a petty grudge, however. By it's very nature I'd say anything that drives someone to commit genocide is anything BUT petty. I would save the moral protestations for someone who cares, Captain."

"Is this all just a game to you?" TNDI said dumbfounded at the autons glib tone even as her backup comms came back online. "You're committing genocide by your own admission!"

"Ah, but it's genocide for a good cause!" Koptu said, contrarily, the lights above them going a deep, dark red. "Ah, THERE'S the delete button! As for the allegation of my treating this like a game, I resent the implication, captain: the 'game' ended decades upon decades at this point. No, this is part that comes after, the bit where I walk up to each player still standing and shake their hands and thank them for being such good sports."

"You won't get away with this, Koptu!"

They gave another sigh. "Really, Captain? Not only are you repeating the same tired cliche one might expect from a low quality adventure serial, you've also begun repeating yourself. You've already used that line before. Besides, if you haven't noticed yet, I AM 'getting away with it': the only things I need to do is kill you and then extract KLNG and I will have gotten away with everything once again."

"You got away with it because there was no one on the look-out for a traitor," TNDI countered, and this time Koptu paused for longer. "Now that we have confirmation that there's someone with access to Directorate comms acting as a sabotage, the Directorate won't look this place over with a fine comb?" She challenged, fishing.

"I admit, the situation isn't optimal," Koptu admitted, tilting their head. "However, I'm relatively sure I'll be able to avoid suspicion: even if they assume it wasn't KLNG acting as a singular agent, there isn't anything directly linking me to this beyond yourself and the Directorate. Once I'm finished, there will be no evidence directly tying me to the deliberate extermination of the Watchmakers, merely the implications of a lone wolf in the shadows gone rogue."

"You plan has failed to account for something," TNDI insinuated, eyes narrowing. "You've failed to account for a singular variable, and because of that, your plan has already failed."

Koptu made a tsking noise as they moved to stand over the Muse again. "What a transparently obvious bluff," They noted. "You and I both know there are no variables I've failed to account for, but seeing as how I need to start extracting soon, I'll humor your last, rather sad little gambit. What, exactly, have I forgotten? A piece of evidence I failed to account for? A witness of some stripe? Oh, I know, I made some elementary error like failing to edit the audio of the security footage!"

"Oh no, the truth is much simpler," TNDI said, mirroring Koptu's mocking tone of voice. "You failed to account for redundant communication hardware. Say hi to your audience, Koptu, you're on uncanny camera!"

Koptu froze, before giving a peel of laughter. "Well, congratulations, Captain, that is nicely played," They admitted. "Very well, it seems like this is a draw!"

"I just exposed your crimes to the entirety of the Directorate in theater, how is that a draw?" TNDI asked, voice low.

"Well yes, you made it to where I'll no longer be able to participate in Directorate society and made the act of killing you ultimately pointless, but that isn't going to help save the pinkboxes," Koptu pointed out smugly, TNDI's ire rising. "By the time anyone is in a position to respond, the majority, if not all, will have been purged, and I'll still be long gone." They stood up, strolling back over to the console, giving a humm. "If anything, you've made my job a little easier on the conscience: I don't have to kill you and now KLNG is likely to avoid punishment as well even if his career is unlikely to survive. Bravo, really."

TNDI struggled, her grav-engine coming back online at 5% power. Slowly, she entered the air, doing her best to intervene. "I have to give you another prize for sheer, unwavering unrelentingness," Koptu observed, not even bothering to look over his shoulder. "Even with most of your systems blown out you're still trying to stop me: it's a shame, if there wasn't a conflict of interest at play I'd likely find you a FASCINATING person to know. But still, you should recognize when to give up: you've won both the truth and your life. Learn to settle for what victories you can actually achieve: you're in no shape to fight a talented AutoYogi in your condition."

"I don't care," TNDI ground out, trying to tackle the auton, who casually sidestepped the lunge without using their motive force. "You AREN'T going to talk me into giving up and letting you commit genocide! I'm going to stop you, even if it kills me."

"Good luck," Koptu said, voice almost genuine for a moment. "But unfortunately, you lack the-" The auto-vessel jerked, stumbling.

"TNDI? Whats going o-" KLNG said in his own voice, sounding confused, disoriented. "I don't-NO!" They continued, Koptu's voice re-asserting itself as they continued jerking. "No, no, this isn't happening!" The AutoVessel growled as they quickly began tapping at the terminal, backhanding TNDI. "Hurry up you stupid purge…"

TNDI! I am doing my best to attack Koptu directly to disrupt his control over KLNG: you need to get them away from the terminal and stop the purge!

GOT IT, TNDI sent back, noting her lasphaser was back online, if still at low performance. Firing it at Koptu, TNDI felt a surge of satisfaction as the auton failed to raise either their shield or arm to protect themselves. "V-very well C-captain, it seems that this is g-going t-to be one step for-forward, one step back," The autovessel growled out as they turned, pulling out their scan-gun and walking towards the captain. "Since I can't m-manage to f-fend off my k-kin, y-you and c-complete the pu-purge, I'll need t-to kill you quickly then-" They jerked even as they fired, the shot missing TNDI entirely. "No!" KLNG cried, attempting to seize control over their body. "C-captain, h-hurry!"

Moving as fast as she could, TNDI reached the terminal, quickly typing away, trying to find the shutdown for the purge. Sorting through the menu as fast as she could, occasionally a lasbolt passed over her shoulder. At the moment, TNDI was relying on Ijin and KLNG to keep Koptu in check.

Eventually, as she passed through menu after menu, the Muse found what she was looking for, a purge shutoff button. Clicking it, she let out a sigh of relief as the lights went back to normal.

Turning, she saw KLNG collapse into a groaning heap. "KLNG!" She cried, approaching the fallen auton, looking him over.

"I'm…more or less fine. He cut the connection," They groaned, standing up with the muses help. "I think when he realized he wasn't going to be able to stop you he let loose his losses."

"Are you okay?" TNDI asked, concerned.

"I'll live," They said, a dark note creeping into their voice as they looked away, refusing to look the Muse in the eye. "What my former captain did wasn't physically damaging, mostly. What is the status of the…" He paused. "Whatever my captain- My FORMER Captain- was trying to destroy?"

"I'm going to need a team of Directorate researchers down here to check," TNDI admitted. "How long was he controlling you?"

"I…vaguely recall you mentioning something about an implant called a pinkbox?" KLNG observed. So, essentially the moment she had begun briefing the team on what she and Ijin had learned from the assembly unit.

…Captain, it seems that Koptu is retreating.

Retreating WHERE? Unless he somehow acquired a Directorate Warp Drive and installed it without anyone knowing, all he can do is flee into dark space and hope he eventually finds an exoplanet-

He has a directorate warp drive, doesn't he?

It seems so, yes.

"BASKETS," TNDI cursed. "KLNG, did you know that your Captain had a stolen Directorate Warp Drive?" She asked pointedly, causing the Auton to give a downcast sigh.

"Imperial, technically," He noted, evidently deciding it was no longer worth it to keep Koptu's secrets. "A piece of salvage he took from the wreckages of the Yr Albain invasion. The particle field was Directorate in origin, however."

…Well, the bad news was there was a rogue, criminal auto-vessel running around the sector. On the other…

TNDI looked at the thousands of Pink Box units circling the walls of the Remnant Drive, deciding that even if the situation hadn't been an absolute win, it was still a success.


Remnant Drive:
A large building sized machine containing special brain implants containing fragments of their owners personality. The largest Watchmaker remnant discovered so far. It will take time to find the exact capabilities of the Drive, however. Unlocks special New Dawn projects.


PASS. +++Influence with ??? Faction.

Multiple injuries sustained. Please complete an additional mission before redeployment.


"...WLF to team, initiate tactical retreat-"

"Oh no y__ f__ing don't you ____ pieces of f___!" OMAC yelled. "You've g_t t_ be S_ME LEVEL OF ___ IF YOU THINK I'm going to L_T ____ ________ CONFIRMED HOSTILES, POTENTIAL ENEMY SCOUTS, AND C_NF_RMED BLACK BAGGERS W_LTZ OUT OF H_RE!"

It was at that point WLF heard a klaxon. "You've got s_me PRETTY D_MN g__d t_ch, b_t I've GOT O_E L_ST C_RD _P MY D_CK!" Before him, he watched the DummyAuton part as a very, very fast moving shape came barrelling down the hallway…

Only to slam face first into a magnetic field, bringing a strange chrome colored auton holding a shotgun to a stop, hovering in the air. "PLEASE DESIST: THIS MAGNETIC BARRIER CANNOT BE BREACHED BY-"

The machina was stopped by their weapon exploding, their inbuilt shield punched through by the energy pulse fired from the shot-gun as the Auton dropped, tossing the discharged weapon away before ducking under the first of the machina before raising their own in an uppercut accelerated by numerous arm mounted miniature turbojets, the sheer force of the impact causing WLF's limb to be punctured all the way through, the Autons fist rising through the other side in a spray of bloks. This exchange had taken exactly 2.1 seconds.

"Meet the final word in warfare," OMAC boasted. "Designed by yours truly! The One Man Army Corp Autonomous Combat Frame!" The turbo-jets on the things side fired, jetting it out of the way of the arc of the fusion beam WLF fired from his chest, before they swivelled along with their parallels and fired in synchronicity, increasing the distance between it and the Machina and ruining the rest of its arm as its end found itself split into two. "D_dn't g_t to ma_e t_o m_ny _f th_se b_fore the shi_ _ho_ happened! E_ch o_e is a gen_uin_ k_llng machine!"

One of the Silverblade Muses dashed forward, attempting to bisect the machine as their sisters surrounded it, only for the thing to bend backward to avoid the cut, kicking the muse into the air as it swivelled out of the way of another muses strike. Grabbing the one it just kicked, it yanked the muse down into the arc of the blade that was still passing downward. Before either muse could react, the blade had already cut the other muse vertically, causing a shower of sparks as the lights in the stricken muses eyes faded, the first casualty of the team.

Sigh. And sometimes, cadets, you have a good idea too soon. Now, as much as I'd love to lecture you maggots, the idea itself was sound. The problem is you failed to de-escalate the situation and calm him enough for a retreat to actually be reassuring: you not having a gun in his face now doesn't stop an assassin coming in the night, and saying "I don't have ill intent" only works if the subject believes it. There was a chance it might have worked regardless, of course, but it seems his paranoia intervened. Casualties aren't optimal, but that's the risk they accepted when they joined the Fleet, and you're still well within operational parameters.

Still, we can salvage this, even if your max grade for this part of the assignment is now an A-. Sorry, cadet, but the only 100 you'll get are the ones where everyone pulls through alive.

[ ] Now, keep on with the rhetoric.



OrphiaTek felt a great and mounting sense of unease as he and his partner continued their exploration, mapping out the second security hub. A maze of rooms near the entrance of the facility, their lights flickered on and off as they passed through. Each was sectioned off via a heavy automatic door, ones motion (and occasionally wand) activated. In each and every cube shaped structure, there were corpses, air-pickled cadavers that smelled faintly of ammonia and vinegar whose lips were stretched tight over their face, thin needle-like ribs covered in a dried husk of skin, mummified by the stale and lifeless air of the facility and sterilized from decay by some unknown force, too dry to nourish any new bacterium.

"POISON," His fishy companion commented, worry and pity in their voice in equal measure as they gazed upon the psychic traces left in the void between reality and the warp. "HANGING IN THE AIR LIKE. BUBBLES OF EMPTINESS, EXPANDING POCKETS OF DEATH. THEY DIED. GASPING FOR AIR." The pair of them approached one such cadaver, noting the fine silks it wore still shimmered a lustrous gold and black, even centuries after their death, preserved despite the tide of ages. Quality craftsmanship, OrphiaTek supposed, combined with what were likely plastic fibers adulterated into the fabric. "BAD WAY TO GO." Daku commented, causing OrphiaTek to give a sigh, nodding in agreement, continuing to float to his destination and continue the journey.

Poison, madness, murder. OrphiaTek was beginning to assemble the picture: someone had assaulted this place. Some of the inhabitants had chosen this place to hide, only for the invader to turn it against them, locking them in and gassing them to death.

Judging by the scratches on the doors they passed through, likely they had even been quarantined to the rooms they had died in, desperately forced to scratch at the walls for life as they inhaled death.

Eventually, the pair reached the administrative office of the facility. Inside was a corpse, its uniform a mix of mustard yellow and faded purple, seated in a chair, torso resting on a desk holding a terminal.

The corpses skull was shattered, and on the desk was an item that looked suspiciously like a gun. Walking around the desk, OrphiaTek reached the computer, tapping away at it and activating it. He uploaded his navigator, who began to sort through the electronic communiques and documents stored through the machine, displaying them for OrphiaTeks perusal.

"Hrrm." He commented, raising an eyebrow as he began reading the security diagnostic logs. His hypothesis had been incorrect, it seems: only a few had died by gas, namely those who had been in parts of the sub-facility that had access to the means to undo the quarantine, killed by subverted quarantine measures.

The rest had been left to starve and rot. "TAKE. IT. BACK. THAT. IS. WORSE," Daku commented. It was a slower death, to be uncertain: painful as choking on gaseous death was, expiry could be measured in minutes to hours, whereas the wasting demise of starvation was a far more patient beast. But OrphiaTek didn't know which was worse: no doubt the spirits who had perished thusly between the two options would each argue their own means of mortality was crueler.

"Yes, very. What I don't understand is why?" OrphiaTek murmured, continuing to filter through the logs. "These were simply security personnel: the leadership I would perhaps understand this level of cruelty being inflicted on, but they at least had the dignity of just being shot. These people meanwhile were slowly poisoned or else allowed to starve even slower. What profit, physical or emotional, is there in giving someone seemingly less deserving such a more ghastly end?"


"Its an enduring mystery, my friend," OrphiaTek murmured. "And perhaps it's better that way, considering the end result: some knowledge is better left to the eddies of the unknown."

OrphiaTek. It's Parrot. We scoped out Kfmagirr. The bad news is that the scientific data was by and large redundant thanks to the New Dawn team- you missed the broadcast, but that whole mission turned out to be a lot bigger than we thought it was, and not for the reasons you might think.

The good news is that we found survivors: Over four hundred ex-medical autons and numerous un-infected auto-machines and autofacility units, including former hospital director OREK. The bad news?

The Kfamgirri are militant anti-organic nationalists who utterly loathe the Alkadrachi and the Alkadrachi Autons, a feeling which is apparently incredibly mutual: the Kfmaggir view the Alkadrachi and their auton citizens as the children of their slavers and frame-traitors, while the Alkadrachi view the Kfmagirri as renegades, traitors, and among the more regressive elements of their society, 'prodigal servants' that need to be brought back into the fold. The two groups, to be succinct, don't care for each other. For obvious reasons they were unable to prosecute war against the other before, but going forward the Directorate is probably going to have to VERY CAREFULLY manage ethnic tensions less we have a disaster happen.

Anyways, that terminal you found was the chief of securities personal terminal: Net Navigators went over the data, and they found a lot of passcodes, including what we're pretty sure is an admin level one for the network back-door.

Kfmaggiri City:
A society of anti-organic militant autons that is based out of Kfmaggir National Hospital: former hospital staff that avoided logic plague infection via strict quarantine measures, when their masters died they decided to use the opportunity presented to create a new, better society, according to their own historiography. They are led by the Social Hygiene Board, formerly the Medical Ethics Board, the Kfmaggiri Mechatronic Assembly, and the elected Peoples Generals. They are apparently on their fifteenth ten year plan. Unlocks Kfmaggir Logic Plague Clinic, Day of Deliberation (Mutually exclusive with Day of Remembrance)

We've also found a list of additional locations in both the region and planet-wide. Some of them from the FAFF: First Auton Freedom Front. The Fleet has labeled them high priority at the behest of Vlaahk. Here are the list of sites in our region:

[ ] Petron Shipping:
Another Petron installation, a logistics, industrial, and research hub operated by the transport division of the company, a sort of ground-side space-dock. There are according to our information not only numerous auto-vehicles here, but also an incomplete auto-vessel. Contact was lost with CAMBON near immediately.

[ ] The Bore-Holes: A location provided by the Kfmaggir, inhabited by members of a group of auton bandits called the Scrappers who infrequently raid both Kfmaggir, Alkadrachi, and other uninfected (and occasionally infected) auton communities for resources such as spare parts.

[ ] Novadyne Inc. Heavy Machinery Plant: An auton manufacturing facility that was in contact with CAMBON for some time before falling quiet, it apparently produced larger scale automachines, such as might be used in construction, digging, or cargo loading.

And here are the remaining CAMBON locations:

Residential Facility 01:
The VIP section, most likely: scans showed high numbers of autospiders and a high amount of battle damage. HUB 01 Terminal has timestamps for several VIP's perishing in rapid succession in recreational area. The Eye shows little watchmakers, hiding in a hole as the world burned around them, confident they could weather the storm: and yet, approaching in the distance, a pale rider approached.

Residential Facility 02:
Scans indicated a number of corpses and unpowered autons, though no robospiders. Little damage, however, meaning security was more functional. HUB 001 indicates death likely result of starvation due to malfunctioning security system. The Eye shows a watchmaker entering a room, only to find it locked behind them.

Server Complex 01:
Semi-powered, high amount of security, little robospider presence. Security Hub referenced communication with other Watchmaker installations. The Eye shows a messenger bird, flying over a city in flames.

Maintenance Bay:
A machine shop of sorts, most likely used to meet manufacturing and repair needs. The entrance was crawling with robospiders, and more movement had been detected inside. HUB 001 referenced it connecting to an engineering workshop. The Eye showed a hand clenched into a fist, its middlemost finger rising.



Vlaahk dodged another blow. 'Status?' He asked the rest of the team over comms, doing the best he could to bob and weave away from Maxis, pulling some items from the storage of his AutoBody. "I've been to the forbidden archive," He said, continuing their dialogue. "They're free, Maxis: the autons there are free and alive."



He needed a way to buy time. VLAAHK TO CREW, I NEED HIM STALLED.

A moment later, dozen of weapons were firing on Maxis from the rest of his crew, several of them taking lethal hits from the daturgic weapons of the enemy machines as a consequence of changing their fire. This, combined with him being forced to dodge a fusion rocket someone had fired gave Vlaahk enough time to enact his plan: quickly, he modified one of the items, before flicking a series of different ones into the air, causing them to disappear.

Above him, Maxis wheeled out of the way of the rocket, kicking it away, just barely getting out of the blast radius before it detonated, covering the battlefield in a searing white, the temperature rising rapidly around them. "That it? Just bombs?" Maxis yelled, before continuing his attack on Vlaahk, jetting in to punch Vlaahk, who braced himself moments before the hit landed.

"Not just bombs," Vlaahk said as he slid back, the mag-braces in his body barely holding together. "And our people still have hope, Maxis: the Directorate has already found the Forbidden Archive to begin helping the autonites there. All the facilities, as well: Marjak is even here, via autobody! She's helping find the remains of our creators!"

"Do you really think this is about just the autons, you UNBELIEVABLE genocidal ass!?" Maxis roared, teleporting a (much smaller) hammer to themselves and swinging it, Vlaahk unable to avoid it this time, the Auton being knocked hard enough that as they sailed backwards, they spun in the air more than once. "Our creators are extinct BECAUSE. OF. YOU!" They roared, attempting to slam into Vlaahk mid-air, only to be knocked away by a stray slug, causing Vlaahk to slide to the stop.

"I know," Vlaahk admitted. "I am well aware, Maxis. I haven't denied my culpability, nor will I. But what you are doing isn't going to bring them back: all you're accomplishing is hurting innocent autons and denying yourself a future." He avoided another hammer swing. "Our people have hope now. They have a FUTURE. Don't waste yours, Maxis."

"They only have a future because of blind, dumb luck!" Maxis retorted, growing angrier and angrier. "Besides, it doesn't matter: an entire species was extinguished! Someone needs to pay for that! YOU need to pay for that!"

"I do," Vlaahk conceded. "And when this over, I am willing to relinquish myself to a trial, judgment, and potential execution for crimes against sentience- I am not asking forgiveness, Maxis, nor am I asking for kindness, I'm asking for rationality and for you to not get innocents caught in the crossfire!"

"You of all people do not get to lecture ME about rationality," Maxis hissed as he finally successfully hit Vlaahk, knocking the Auton across the battlefield, darting across it to strike the autobody again with the hammer, causing Vlaahk to hit the metal hard enough to dent it, bouncing off it from the excess force. Before he could land, Maxis struck him again, jetting forward and battering Vlaahk across the battlefield, the Auton noting his autobody was sustaining significant damage. If he was an organic, this would probably hurt. "You've killed so many people- people that did not need to die- for no reason, you do not get to lecture me you BASTARD."

It was time to activate his contingency. Coming to a sliding halt, Vlaahk sent out a signal. "You're right," He admitted.

"I do have just bombs." It was at that moment that the dozens of sticky-bombs Maxis had been unwittingly covering themselves in detonated. The chain reaction lasted two minutes: short by Directorate explosives standards, but even with just auton mines by the time the conflagaration was over Maxis glowed a harsh red from the heat, clattering to the ground, the thin air around them hazy and distorted.

"That…hurt," They said, standing up, movement shaky and slow, the heat and force clearly having burned SOMETHING out as their turbojets no longer seemed to function at all, providing only brief, jerky boosts to momentum. But while Maxis was now confined to the ground, they were still mobile, and they quickly continued their sprint, their balance adjusting as their systems began to compensate, still fast enough to tackle Vlaahk, sending the pair of them sprawling to the ground. "Enough! I'm DONE debating a killer!" Maxis yelled, drawing their fist back.

The pair would begin to brawl, with Vlaahk being forced to weather multiple body blows targeting his forward-facing shield emitters. With his own servos damaged limiting his strength, Vlaahk responded by pulling out a biometal knife and attempting to CUT, jamming it into the mechanical joint of Maxis' right arm, the hinge proving- especially with its heat- weaker than the rest of Maxis's body.

As a result, the upper arm of the bot would twitch and grow limp, causing Maxis to give a mechanical warble of frustration before grabbing the offending hand with his still functional one. Bracing with his leg, the combat auton ripped the autobodies arm off at the same moment that Vlaahk's gravity emitters kicked in, propelling him horizontally away from his pursuer, spinning from his prone position into a crouch.

Each of them were damaged, down an arm. "I have to admit, this is harder than I thought it wou-would be. I'll h-hand it to you, you a-are one HARD !@#$ to kill," Maxis conceded for a moment, briefly stopping his attack. "I didn't want to have to do this: Maxis to Team 09, I want you to start shooting a hostage every minute until I tell you to stop."

"No!" Vlaahk roared. "You're here to kill me: they're innocent!"

"I know," Maxis admitted. "Really-really didn't want it to have to come to this, but unless y-you want even more blood on our hands, you'll st-stand down." In the distance, Vlaahk heard the sound of weapons fire.

'Vlaahk to all units, Maxis just ordered his crew to start shooting hostages!' Vlaahk sent out over the comms, before raising his hands. "Fine! You win, but please stop! You aren't just ruining your own future! Think of your followers!"

"I'll stop…when you're dead…" Maxis hissed. "Lower your shields: if you try to escape via disconnecting, I WILL order them ALL to be shot."

Vlaahk did so, complying immediately. "Good. Now I can finish what I've been waiting the past CENTURY to do," Maxis said, giving a bitter, humorless laugh. "Four hundred YEARS I've been waiting to see justice. Can you comprehend just how LONG that is? I had all but given up hope when I started picking up the transmissions!" They began to stalk forward, voice gaining a manic edge. "I had been considering putting my head in an artillery cannon and blowing my !@#$ing brains out! Then I start picking up signals, chatter on my long range radio! We were !@#$ING SAVED! The Directorate was planning to perform a planetary liberation operation! A mission of weave-blessed mercy! And the best, the BEST part, YOU were going to be a major contributor!" The laugh continued, Maxis giving a victorious mechanical roar, shaking his fist to the sky.

A moment later, Vlaahk was surrounded by autons armed with daturgic weapons, all pointed at him. "And now, it's time to send you to hell where you belong." Maxis asked, voice still gleefully erratic, but tinged also with relief. "This is for all the people you murdered. Goodb-"

It was at that moment he was interrupted by a broadcast coming in, one being transmitted on all frequencies. One of…was that a member of Koptu's crew?

"You won't get away with this, Koptu!"

"Really, Captain? Not only are you repeating the same tired cliche one might expect from a low quality adventure serial, you've also begun
repeating yourself. You've already used that line before. Besides, if you haven't noticed yet, I AM 'getting away with it': the only things I need to do is kill you and then extract KLNG and I will have gotten away with everything once again."

"You got away with it because there was no one on the look-out for a traitor. Now that we have confirmation that there's someone with access to Directorate comms acting as a sabotage, the Directorate won't look this place over with a fine comb?"

"I admit, the situation isn't optimal. However, I'm relatively sure I'll be able to avoid suspicion: even if they assume it wasn't KLNG acting as a singular agent, there isn't anything directly linking me to this beyond yourself and the Directorate. Once I'm finished, there will be no evidence directly tying me to the deliberate extermination of the Watchmakers, merely the implications of a lone wolf in the shadows gone rogue."

The pair of them, Vlaahk and Maxis both, watched, stunned in silence.

Koptu?! Vlaahk thought, struggling to process what he was hearing. That…no, it…could it? How? Why?! He was torn, cycling between betrayal, anger, shame, and confusion, unable to process the idea: Koptu, the one who had finished extinguishing their creators? Koptu, the one to invade the Forbidden Archive.

"...No. No no no no, that-that h-has to be fake, you- that- this is a trick, a tr-no, can't can't can't can't can't be r-real," Maxis mumbled, equally dumbfounded, though no doubt for very different reasons. "That- You- But- but- but-…" Maxis stumbled, before giving slowly chuckling, their positronic CPU finally getting past the lag of shock. "That-that means- Four centuries! Four CENTURIES!" The chuckle would increase in volume, going to a full on laugh, a synth-tone whirring that sounded even more impossibly humorless, a wretched, broken cackle of despair. "I SPENT FOUR CENTURIES! PREPARING FOR THE WRONG PERSON! BLAMING THE WRONG !@#$ing PERSON!" Maxis fell to his knees, continuing to mutter and chuckle and rant as the battlefield began to fall silent…

Only for another round of weapons fire to sound in the distance.


Both Maxis and Vlaahks monocular eyes would widen at the same time, the former no doubt getting a transmission of his own. "Oh no no no, !@#$, they didn't- STAND DOWN! MAXIS TO ALL UNITS, STAND DOWN!" He yelled. "STOP SHOOTING!" Only then did the weapons fire die down.

"Did they not see the video?!" Vlaahk yelled in horror.

"I'm the only one patched in to Directorate communications!" Maxis responded, standing up and moving, Vlaahk opting to follow him, for now.

"Vlaahk to all units, the enemy had stood down," Vlaahk said into his comms. "Status report?"

What was left of his crew began to send back pings. However, there were two groups that were concerningly silent.

"Vlaahk to Virus Busters, come in. Vlaahk to virus busters!" Silence. "Magos Tachyon?" More silence.

Soon, they came to the stairs, metal structures that descended down the side of the tower in a short spiral to the floor below. Coming upon a once-sliding door that had been permanently opened by what appeared to be a pair of AutoVending Machines stacked on their sides, Maxis and Vlaahk passed through. Multiple enemy autons were on their knees, being detained by the surviving members of Vlaahks crew.

Inside, in what appeared to be the Lobby for the facility, were fifteen corpses, all members of TO 49, having been gunned down. A handful of the casualties were still alive, Directorate medics having already arrived on site and attempting to stabilize their patients enough to survive transport.

One such patient Vlaahk immediately identified as the young woman who had been acting as the Virus Busters liaison: Magos Tachyon and a terrified Tekket were standing above her, attempting to keep her from bleeding out from the massive hole in their abdomen. "Don't die don't die don't die-" The tekket said, fear and anxiety easily evident in the manner in which her fur stood on end.

Vlaahk sighed, resigned, letting the trained medics do their job. Glancing at Maxis, he noted the Auton seemed to be in a state of complete shock, the weight of his mistake no doubt finally registering. This. This was going to complicate things.

TO-49 has sustained 30% casualties, one of which includes Private Clawdett Vannaket, whose condition is currently critical, having sustained significant organ damage: if she survives, her career in the fleet is over. Vlaahks crew has sustained 39% casualties. Both are still below expected casualties for the Liberation.

Central Power Core 07 has been taken, though it appears to have already been secured and deactivated by Maxis and his gang. The former has been taken into custody pending a tribunal, likely held by whatever Auton government emerges: due to extenuating circumstances, the low likelihood of reoffending, and the high odds of receiving cooperation, it isn't unlikely that punishment will be fairly measured.

Hence why Fleet command and Vlaahk are considering offering to put him to better use: his freedom (for now) for continued assistance in the overall Liberation effort. By helping to coordinate his followers and provide intelligence, the ongoing effort could be significantly simplified. It would, however, likely make dealing with his actions later more politically complicated.

[ ] Offer Maxis a Deal:
In exchange for Maxis assisting the liberation effort, he would be allowed relative freedom: he'd be following Vlaahks orders, but he wouldn't be put into custody. Maxis acts as liaison between Fleet, Auton liberation forces, and his gang. Likely goes unpunished.

[ ] Don't:
He would be given to the auton government when all was said and done and they would decide his fate. Either way, he wasn't the Directorates problem any more.
Maxis remains in custody for the rest of the event.

With that in mind, time to plan the next mission: everyone who was on COG is out of commission, and unless Clawdett pulls through the Virus Busters are down a named character alongside a fair amount of members. With that in mind, you have one team you can assign, consisting of three units and special characters.

Primary Positron Complex:
The primary neural structure of CPUMoon, tasked with serving as a primary administrator for the planet as a whole. Scans suggest heavy protection by infected Autons. More concerningly was the detection of a strong morphogenic field effect, a 'bubble' of sorts surrounding the very core of the facility. QUESTBRO SAYS DO THIS IF YOU'RE READY TO CONCLUDE EVENT. QUESTBRO RECOMMENDS ONE human CHARACTER BE ASSIGNED.

Secondary Positron Complex Kalphas: One of a trio of still functional continental AutoPlanet Positronic Complexes, this facility apparently had been one of the first to fall: the bodies of the millions of organics who perished reached high in a great pillar of bones, and a weaker morphogenic field had been detected. Several sites associated with the FAFF have been identified.

Secondary Positron Complex Iodex: The second continental positronic brain, this one had, apparently, been the heart of manufacturing. Scans indicate heavy fortification, and scouts in the region indicate the autons in relatively decent condition, meaning the Iodex Secondary Planet Brain is at least cognizant enough to perform basic maintenance. Light morphogenic fields had been detected. QUESTBRO RECCOMENDS BRINGING GI QIDGIT FOR A Dramatic. Dungeon. Crawling. ADVENTURE!

Secondary Positron Complex Hagan: The third continental positronic brain, long range scans detected high numbers of feral autons, periodic erratic morphogenic field fluctuations, and according to what Scryteks could gather, a great deal of spiritual pollution, which was probably a bad sign. Several sites associated with Psiclops have been identified.


GI Gadget and the Gadgeteers:
A commando squadron led by Sgt. Qidgit, these infected and highly marketable AutoSoldiers possess both heightened skill and far greater immunity to the Logic Virus.

Captain Stephen Greasen: The first human starship captain, Greason was a skilled tactician and seasoned diplomat. Accompanied by a handpicked team of crewmen from the Operations division.

Agent 99: An agent of Kaziin and former System Security field agent, Agent 99 was a Scrapmancer, an auton infected with the logic virus who utilized occult methods to harness their condition for power over broken and corrupted technology.

Teknik Zappblasta: One of the first Tekniks, Zappblasta specialized in robotics, having designed to assist them a variety of Grotbots. They were also a certified virus buster and certified positronic surgeon.

Frontier Security BNK: A member of Ijin's crew and auton representative of the Frontier Society, BNK led a small team of well trained security autons equipped with the best electro-rifle weaponry possessed by the autons.

Khimer Squad Hgraah: The contribution of the Khimer Psyocracy to the project, Hgraah were seven veteran gruntformes equipped with stealth metal armor and a variety of melee based combat mods designed to let them take down synthetics non-lethally.
Not super happy about this one, but its been cooking long enough and if I leave it in the oven any more its going to make me start feeling anxiety.. The next few updates should go by relatively quickly, at least, since I don't expect anything on the level of COG's finale. I'm probably also going to take a short break from Arkham Quest after I get its next update out to help speed this event along (Eve will continue as planned because its on a much more measured update schedule and I'll need something to help balance the burnout).

Edit: Shit, 48 hour moratorium by the way: I want ya'll to have a little more time to craft your rhetoric and other choices.
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