@Thief of Words
If Taylor wants to go Rogue, after she learns a few Enlightened MA styles, she can always open her own Dojo.
Shifu: The Beginning
Taylor nervously walked into Ms Militia's office. Ms Militia was sitting behind her desk, typing on her computer.
"Hi Taylor." Ms Militia said, a little distractedly. "Give me just one minute."
Ms Militia used her mouse to click on something, and turned to Taylor.
"Sorry, had some paperwork I needed to finish up." Ms Militia said, Taylor could tell she was smiling behind her trademark American scarf. "What was it you wanted to see me about?"
"Well..." Taylor cleared her throat. "You know some of those old martial arts movies and TV shows? The ones where people basically are able to get powers just by special training?"
Ms Militia nodded. "Yes. I enjoy watching them occasionally."
"Well..." Taylor took a deep breath. "I can actually let people do that."
Ms Militia was visibly startled. "What do you mean, Taylor? Have you developed a Trump power to make people into Brutes and Movers, like Othala?"
Taylor shook her head.
"Icanturnpeopleintosuperhumanmartialartists." Taylor said, in a bit of a rush. She almost seemed to deflate after saying that.
"Taylor, could you repeat that a bit more slowly? I didn't quite get what you said." Ms Militia said with a bit of confusion.
Taylor took a deep breath to calm herself.
"I can turn people into superhuman martial artists." Taylor said.
Ms Militia stared at Taylor, and then sat up straight in her chair.
"I'm going to need you to explain that in a bit more detail."
Taylor nodded.
"You know how, in those stories, they're always talking about chi or ki or some kind of spiritual energy that lets them pull off those tricks?" Taylor said, a bit nervously.
Ms Militia nodded, cautiously.
"Well, I can awaken something like that in a person, and with some training, teach them how to use it to basically have powers."
Ms Militia pondered this for a moment.
"Would it work for anyone?"
Taylor shrugged her shoulders. "I think I can awaken the... energy in anyone, but without training, it's almost useless, and they need a certain amount of skill in martial arts before they could learn any of the techniques I could teach them."
Ms Militia thought for a moment.
"What kind of powers could you grant?"
"Uh..." Taylor had to think for a moment. "Mostly letting them punch or kick things really hard, or dodge or block stuff. Might let them hit Brutes or Tinkers wearing armor hard enough to take them down. Protect them from hits." Taylor knew she wasn't being very clear, but it wasn't a clear cut thing. It depended entirely on the techniques, and the abilities of the user.
Ms Militia settled back into her chair.
"Taylor, I trained in martial arts a bit during my early days as a Ward, and I think I can safely say that, if you could reliably do what you say you can, then you would have martial arts experts from around the world trying to line up at your door. Heck, announce you can reliably give permanent powers without needing a trigger event, and you'll have even more people wanting to learn from you." Ms Militia sighed. "This is a bit above my pay grade. We're going to need to take this up with Director Piggot."
With Taylor's nervously given permission, Ms Militia quickly called Director Piggot.
"Ms Militia here, I need to speak with Director Piggot, please." Ms Militia waited a moment. "Director? I have Ms Hebert here, and she says she can potentially teach people superhuman martial arts techniques... Director? Er, yes Director, we'll be right there."
Ms Militia put down her phone, and turned to Taylor.
"The Director wants us in her office, now."
Taylor gulped. Her encounters with Director Emily Piggot had been few, but not pleasant. She had heard Aegis and Ms Militia describe her as no-nonesense. Her father had called Director Piggot a hardass of the first order. Well, when he didn't think she was listening anyway.
Ms Militia quickly guided Taylor to the Director's office, where they were waved in the the Director's secretary.
Piggot looked up as soon as Taylor and Ms Militia entered the room. She pointed at the two chairs in front of her desk and said one word.
Taylor and Ms Militia sat down, and Ms Militia turned to Taylor, indicating it was her show.
Taylor nervously cleared her throat.
"I've discovered that, among my powers is an ability to awakening an energy within the bodies of people, parahumans and non-parahumans, and then teach them martial arts techniques that use this energy to allow them to perform superhuman feats, or at least ones that would require a person to be a trained acrobat and parkour expert."
Director Piggot seemed to contemplate what Taylor said.
"What requirements are there, and what effects would it have?" Piggot asked.
Taylor had to think on that.
"There aren't any real requirements on who I awaken the energy in, at least none that I can think of. It'll work better with those who are stronger willed, but that's pretty much it. As for effects... without training, the energy shouldn't have any real effect. Might make them luckier in some ways, and allow them to act like a hero from an action movie, maybe a low level Brute and Mover, a bit healthier and longer life, but that would be it."
Director Piggot nodded in thought. "And what requirements are there for the training?"
"I can't teach them the techniques unless they have a strong background, and thourough training in martial arts. However, once someone is sufficiently trained, and learns all the techniques..."
"You mean powers." Director Piggot interrupted.
"They're really techniques that let them have powers." Taylor said, shaking her head. "It's like in those old martial arts shows, I just teach them the techniques after I awaken their... energy. Once someone gets good enough, and learns all the techniques I can teach them, they can teach the techniques to other people who've had their energy awoken."
"You mean, they can teach others these skills, and you would just be needed for the energy?" Director Piggot asked, wanting to be sure of what was said.
"Yes." Taylor nodded.
Director Piggot leaned on her desk in heavy contemplation. Taylor was surprised, as she would have thought that the Director would have jumped at the chance to get more people who could fight capes one on one, even if it was low level stuff compared to people like Hookwolf or Lung, it was more power for their side.
"These techniques..." Director Piggot finally said. "I assume you can use them?"
Taylor nodded. "Yes."
"I want a detailed description of the entire process, of how you 'Awaken' this energy, and every 'technique' you will be teaching, ASAP. Then, I will want a demonstration of what you can do with it. If it meets with my satisfaction, I will ask for volunteers with the requisit martial arts training from the Protectorate, and PRT ranks, if we have such, as a test. If everything goes well, and checks out properly, we can see about increasing the numbers." Director Piggot said.
Taylor nodded. "Yes Ma'am."
"Now, get out."
Leaving it open for possible continuations and sequels.
Also, if others want to build omakes off of this, or inspired by it (such as Rogue Inferal!Taylor opening up a Dojo) I'm fine with it.