:: SIDEBAR - Embrace the darkness, Yakai::
For the purposes of all Ebon Dragon Charms whose functionality changes in direct illumination, other characters unable to perceive light or who are blind treat themselves and the Infernal as being in a state of no visibility. This specifically refers to light; characters who can act as if they are not blind through superhuman hearing or some other mechanism are still treated as being blind. The Infernal does not take account of their own capacity to see, as their Essence recoils from the light whether or not they can perceive it. However, their own anima does not count as illumination for the purposes of Ebon Dragon Charms, unless specified otherwise.
::SIDEBAR - The Doomed and the Damned::
It is written in the most ancient of texts which talk of the Shadow of All Things that he loves the doomed and dying, especially those who in their death will change the world. Perhaps that is the reason that he invented the concept of Fate - to fill Creation, as he sees it, with beauty. For the purposes of Ebon Dragon Charms, the following categories of being count as Doomed;
Those whose purpose in life is steadily slipping into shadow, dreams and wishes accented by ignorance and ash; this describes characters whose Motivations have been rendered impossible, but have yet to acquire a new one, or whose Motivations are opposed by their Destiny, or who have negative Intimacies towards themselves. Those who have a majority of their Intimacies directed toward doomed or destroyed things also count, as do those who are in a mental state such that they would accept Unacceptable Orders.
Those whose own vitality is ebbing away, their life made rarer and more valuable by the moment; characters suffering from terminal Sickness qualify, as do those who have been reduced to -4 health levels. Characters suffering from Poison that deals enough damage to potentially kill them with the current dosage are also considered doomed, as are those under the effects of any of the Ebon Dragon's nocturnal venoms. Ghosts and other creatures of death are automatically considered doomed.
Those who are frustrated in their efforts, desperation that is beautiful only as long as it remains futile; this covers characters suffering from any kind of long-term penalty (i.e. one expected to last at least a scene) that reduces her dice pools or rolled successes by at least -4. If this penalty is internal, it qualifies the character even if they manage to ignore it through magic or other methods.
The condition which puts a doomed character in that state is referred to as their doom; alleviating a doom involves removing the root condition rather than the symptoms. For example if a character is at a -4 wound penalty and has an open wound, healing the character or preventing them from bleeding to death would be alleviating the doom, but providing pain relief would not be.
Storytellers may, at their discretion, declare that other beings may count as doomed despite not technically falling into one of these groups; for example, a young Solar Exalt who labours to acquire the love of a great musician, unaware that his heart has gone to another, and who - when she discovers this - will try to throw her life away in battle may be judged to be doomed.
Doomed To Die
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Compulsion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: None
The Ebon Dragon is a creature of forbidden knowledge and dark secrets, a lover of those whose passing will change the world. He cares for those who fall under his domain with the same tender care with which his shadow protects the natives of Malfeas from the light of Ligier. This Charm permanently modifies the Infernal in the following ways;
The Infernal adds their Essence in automatic successes to rolls to the following ends; to determine the nature of a Sickness or Poison affecting a character, to diagnose injury, and to understand the cause of heartbreak or distress. Explicitly, this bonus may not be used to alleviate any of the above. In addition, it also applies to astrology rolls and to Awareness rolls against doomed characters.
Positive Intimacies towards doomed characters do not count towards the character's limit of (Willpower + Compassion). The Infernal may maintain such Intimacies even if other Charms would forbid them from possessing Intimacies.
The Infernal only requires a scene of interaction or persuasion to build a positive Intimacy towards doomed characters.
The sight of those whom Fate has condemned is beautiful in the eyes of the Infernal, and they are reluctant to avert it. They treat doomed characters as having a minimum Appearance of three in social combat. The Infernal is also under a Compulsion not to help alleviate the doom of another doomed character. This can be resisted for a day with the expenditure of two willpower.
Hidden Springs Sips
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Doomed to Die
Even before his captivity, the Shadow of All Things ventured deep into the lightless heart of Creation, and drank from darkened springs which no being should sup from, in a quest to learn all he could about that which has always fascinated him. He could tell many things of the origin of the Well of Udr, though those are secrets he keeps in his hollow heart. A successful Awareness-based roll against a doomed character while this Charm is active makes their doom Obvious to the Infernal, and in addition, if they are a ghost, each degree of success on the roll reveals one Passion. When this Charm is active, the Infernal is capable of seeing, hearing, smelling and feeling - but not touching - immaterial doomed characters, rendering them valid targets for Awareness actions. They are perceived as tenebral, colourless figures, wan and yet fair.
Painless Passing Caress
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Sorcerous, Obvious, Touch, Emotion
Duration: Lesser of (Until next sunrise) or (Essence + Compassion hours)
Prerequisites: Doomed to Die
A passing where pain does not obstruct the change one's final actions will have on the world; this is the mercy of the Ebon Dragon. In the place of agony is left emptiness, shadows seeping into flesh and hollowing out agony and distress. This Charm cancels up to (Essence) points of the target's internal penalties from Sickness, Poison, deprivation, exposure to environmental conditions, or injuries, and in addition grants them (Essence) temporary -0 health levels. Each scene spent with this Charm active counts as a scene towards building an Intimacy of "My Death (Calm Acceptance)" in the target. This Emotion can be resisted at a cost of one willpower a scene.
At Essence 3, this Charm can be repurchased to affect social units with a Magnitude no greater than (Essence) with a surcharge of +3m, 1wp. Activating the Charm in this way requires the Infernal to be leading the unit, or to touch the leader.
Last Days' Bequest
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Sorcerous, Compulsion
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisites: Doomed to Die
There are those is this world who are doomed, and yet do not fight their doom; accepting it and so choosing to use their ending to change the world. The Ebon Dragon looks upon them with great affection, and from within his jail will sometimes send his benefaction out to sit in the dark places behind their eyes. The Infernal may activate this Charm when they are within (Essence) yards of a living doomed character, which may not be themselves. Doing so sends a tiny sliver of shadowy essence wriggling out of the Infernal's mouth, which brushes against the lips of the target.
While under the effects of this Charm, the target does not need to sleep, and does not get fatigued. Their pains are numbed, halving all internal penalties due to wound penalties, sickness or poison. They receive an automatic success on all rolls, or a number equal to half the Infernal's Essence if the roll would bring them closer to death or further their Motivation. This counts as dice granted by Charms. However, they are also under a Compulsion to not attempt to avert their doom. This costs one willpower to resist for a scene (which suppresses the benefits of this Charm), or five willpower to throw off entirely, which must be paid all at once and which ends the Charm. The effects of this Charm automatically end if the target ceases to be doomed.
It is possible for the target to unconsciously reject the gift for a cost of one Willpower, thereby avoiding the blessing and its associated drawbacks. This effect is not Obvious, however, so
the target's player only knows the positive things this Charm grants, without learning anything about the source of the effect or the costs.
Existence Escaping Sinuation
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion, Obvious
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Cracked Cell Circumvention
The Ultimate Darkness does not exist, but he tells Nirguna he does, and the shinma is fooled. Sometimes he squirms free from his own lies, escaping from the petty confines of logic and reality. The Infernal rolls (Manipulation + Socialise) coaxing a horrified acknowledgement of her unreality from Nirguna. She counts as having Essence in automatic successes when she is not directly illuminated.. All colour fades from her form, and those who look closely can see the smoke-like effervescence of her translucent silhouette. Characters whose DMDV is exceeded by the Infernal's roll cannot overcome their instinctual refusal to acknowledge what they perceive. This Charm exerts an unnatural Illusion on anyone who sees the Infernal, removing all perception of her or her actions from the minds of those affected. Resisting this for a scene costs four willpower, or one if someone points the Infernal out to the target or she is directly illuminated. The Illusion also automatically passes into abeyance for a target if the Infernal interacts with them in any way, which lasts until they can no longer perceive the Infernal.
Characters who perceived the Infernal while this Charm was active remain under the effects of the Illusion. The mind flees from the horror of unbeing, and they will not remember what they truly saw without external prompting; even then, it costs four willpower to shed the comforting shadows the Dragon leaves behind.
All-Things Shadow
Cost: - (1wp); Minimum: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Loom Snarling Deception
The Ebon Dragon is the Shadow of All Things. Why would he be constrained to a single false face? This Charm permanently improves Loom Snarling Deception. With the expenditure of one willpower and a Simple action when Loom Snarling Deception is active, the Infernal may change their appearance as if they had just reactivated that Charm. Any upgrades which apply to Loom Snarling Deception also apply to reactivations of this Charm.
In addition, the Infernal gains the capacity, when activating Loom Snarling Deception, to shed the idea that they might tell just one lie about their nature. Instead, if activated in this modified way, their features, gender, Fate and every other feature which Loom Snarling Deception could affect shift constantly, unseen shadows reaching out to cloud the minds of men. This is Obviously supernatural, but means any attempts to mundanely draw conclusions about the true identity of the Infernal are invalid actions, and Charm-boosed attempts add the Infernal's (Essence + Socialise) in automatic successes to the Charm roll-off. The constant low-level changes to Fate this constant vandalism causes is not severe enough to count as a full Blasphemy, but the spiritual noise imposes a non-cumalative external penalty of -1 to all attempts to use astrology on any target who has been within (Essence)-hundred yards of an Infernal with this active in the past five days.
Skulking Shadow Shintai
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 7, DV-2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Form-Type
Duration: One scene
Prerequisites: Loom Snarling Deception, Bloodless Murk Evasion
In the dark places of the catacombs of Malfeas lurks the Ultimate Darkness, hidden away from the prideful gaze of Ligier. Those who think that they need only watch for the Ebon Dragon do not think to see what might be hidden right behind them. Upon activating this Charm, the Infernal and her possessions become a shadow of what they once were, flesh and matter shedding the temporary falsehood of solidity. She is rendered a featureless, tar-like mass of faintly translucent darkness; amorphous and somehow not quite of this world.
* Within his uttermost darkness, the Dragon is safe. Only harmful effects enhanced or created by Essence, or which are sources of light, have enough metaphysical potency to affect her, inflicting wounds in the form of disintegrated oozing sections of living shadow. Mundane weapons pass harmlessly through the shadows of the Infernal's form, mundane acid may not burn her, mundane poison or disease have no effect, she does not suffer from lack of food or water or air and so on. She is vulnerable to fire, however - a sword dipped in burning oil or a lit torch can do what bare hands could not - and an Exalt with an anima at the 7-10 mote level or higher always counts as a source of light. Her own anima does not count as light for the purposes of this Charm.
* This tenebral form is spun of Essence, and not subject to the limitations of solid form. She has no weight, and may freely move through any obstacle or barrier Bloodless Murk Evasion could be used to bypass. She may dodge freely without regard for having physical room to do so, may not physically clinch or be clinched, and may not be subjected to Blockade Movement, except by sources of light. She is mutable, and may lie flat against the ground to crawl in someone's shadow or stretch to cover a ceiling. She may still act normally despite this ephemeral form, as in the exact instant that the Infernal chooses to act, her shadow body takes on rough humanoid semblance to perform that action and exerts force as though solid.
* The shadow is left by all things and none. The Infernal's identity is impossible to determine. Should this effect be contested by other magic, the Infernal receives [Essence] bonus successes to contest it. In addition, she may always attempt to enter Stealth, regardless of any cover or lack thereof. If she is killed while in the form of the Skulking Shadow, she melts away in even the least light, leaving no corpse.
* The mind rebels to see a shadow without a light. While the Infernal is under the effects of this Charm, she enjoys the benefits of the Solar Stealth Charm Easily Overlooked Presence Method. This effect fails if fully illuminated, though stunting can allow the character to find dark places - such as the shadow of a target, or under the bed.
*The Skulking Shadow is a thing of the dark places of the world, and cannot bear to be illuminated; indeed, the world rejects it. The Infernal suffers a -2 internal penalty to all actions when fully illuminated, the painful light wracking her tenebral flesh. She is under a Compulsion to avoid direct illumination and retreat away from it. This Compulsion can be ignored for a scene by spending two willpower.
At Essence 4 this Charm automatically upgrades, its duration becoming Indefinite.
My Dark Lady
Cost: - ; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Witness to Darkness
To those whose eyes are opened under the Shadow of All Things, he is a thing of wonderful beauty. Erembour is said to be as fair as the Argent Madonna, and she comes by her looks as honestly as any soul of the Ebon Dragon can. When not in direct illumination, the Infernal doubles the maximum MDV bonus or penalty he can inflict or benefit from based on difference in Appearance. In addition, when under this effect his unwholesome beauty leads men and women to revel and indulge. All social attacks he makes designed to form Intimacies of love or infatuation (whether towards himself or another), or to prompt another to suppress Temperance, are unnatural mental influence. If both conditions apply, the social attack costs an additional willpower to resist.
Kersigame hax variant
Mins: Enlightenment 7
This Charm enhances the warlock's social actions when he is not directly illuminated. He treats all existing Principles towards him based on desire, fascination or attraction as if their rating was one higher, to a maximum of 5. Extended social actions to form or reinforce a Principle of love or infatuation towards any target or to weaken a Temperance Principle take one fewer scenes, to a minimum of one.
Darkling Grace Complete
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Obvious, Pantheon
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: My Dark Lady
The melancholy waltzes of the Ebon Dragon are accompanied by a clamour of instruments, played by ten thousand thousand soul-born shade-beasts spawned from his sun-obscuring majesty. When the Infernal is not fully illuminated, she counts as having the required tools for any performance where she dances, sings, or plays music. The Things Which Lurk in Corners born from her shadow play them for her, using her characteristics, and may be enhanced with Charms as usual. For any performance which might need a certain number of assistants, she counts the darkling-beasts of her shadow as (Essence) magnitude. The flickering creatures also obey her will to create tenebral images, Essence flares and other strange sensory effects within (Essence x 10) yards of her - the creativity of the Shadow of All Things allows these to be used to deceive or confuse others, with an appropriate stunt.
At Essence 4+, the Infernal may, when not directly illuminated, freely stunt the appearance of her iconic anima banner, and may also make use of the spectrum of black colours invented by the Shadow of All Things, shifting its colour to darker shades (which does not change its mechanical effects).
Inebriating Coiling Waltz
Cost: 1wp; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Poison, Illusion
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: My Dark Lady
A waltz, a song, a beautiful song; ah! It takes very little for the passions within men to rise to the surface. This Charm can enhance an action to dance, sing, make music or otherwise entertain with the means beloved by the Yozis. The successes on the action should be compared to the target's dodge MDV. If it beats the MDV of the target, they are affected by a mind-cloying poison of the Ebon Dragon which has the statistics and psychological effects of mundane alcohol. The internal penalty from the poison becomes an external penalty for Virtue rolls, as an Illusion effect. When a roll is penalised in this way, the afflicted character sees for a moment the haze of shadows floating around them, their vision and judgement alike clouded.
A target can resist all penalties from this poison for a scene for one willpower. The penalty from this poison does not apply to actions to dance, sing, make music, or indulge in activities which would require a character with Temperance 3+ to suppress that virtue.
Melancholy Free Wildness
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Desecration, Obvious, Servitude, Social
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Inebriating Coiling Waltz
The dances of the Yozis are not those of mortal men, and among their number, the Ebon Dragon dances along, revelling in his love for those who are fated to meet their destruction. Men who see such dances cannot help but be caught up in them. This Charm supplements a Performance-based social attack where the Infernal dances, sings, or otherwise engages in spectacle. Her songs and dances are infused with a sad slowness, that seeps into the heart, twisting it. If the attack succeeds, the target's Motivation is temporarily suppressed and replaced by the new Motivation "To Indulge in pleasure and the darkness in the knowledge that you are doomed". Immediately and at any point following, the target may pay four Willpower to reassert her own Motivation, which need not be paid all at once. Alternatively, the target can change his own Motivation to accept the imposed purpose as a true change, which renders them a Creature of Darkness as a Desecration effect. Not only does this change not cost experience, but the sense of the freedom of the knowledge that one's fate is decided restores all spent Willpower the first time this happens in a scene.
Moral Chains Cast Off
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Illusion, Training, Desecration
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisites: Inebriating Coiling Waltz
In dark places the Ebon Dragon dances. There he offers those who join him freedom from the binds of the Virtues, and there they are enlightened. This Charm is a permanent modification to the Infernal's capabilities. While benefitting from My Dark Lady, all social attacks the Infernal makes where they dance, play music or promote revelry and indulgence are modified in the following way; an Illusion component is added into the social attack, which costs 0wp to resist.
Should the target not resist, a strange inversion comes across their Virtues until the Infernal's performance (or its enhancement) ceases, or they are exposed to direct illumination. While in this state of empty glee, they do not need to spend Willpower to suppress Virtues rated at 3+. Further, they receive a single point of Willpower the first time in a scene they act against the tenets of a Virtue, regardless of whether they had to suppress it or not, and it counts as (Virtue Rating) days towards training one of the following characteristics; Dexterity, Appearance, Manipulation, Socialise, Stealth, Performance, Larceny, or Willpower. This can also be used to train Ebon Dragon Charms. Characters who gain a dot in a characteristic from this Charm become Creatures of Darkness as a Desecration effect; any XP they gain from this must first go on paying off any XP debt they have accumulated. Characters may not Train if they are currently in XP debt.
Radiance Devouring Elegance
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Sorcerous, Obvious
Duration: Until the performance ceases
Prerequisites: My Dark Lady
When the Ebon Dragon raises his voice in broken-hearted lament, even the light of Ligier dims to hear such woeful beauty. Lesser flames are less hard-hearted, and join him in his song, partaking of his nature. This charm supplements an action to make music, dance, sing or otherwise perform in any of the ways beloved of the Yozis. The character rolls her (Manipulation + Performance), adding her Essence in automatic successes. Any non-magical light source within (Appearance x 10) yards joins in the performance, invalidating its Stealth as if it was a 7-9 anima banner, and inverts its nature, consuming light where once it shed it. The visibility conditions of affected light sources (Exalted, p135) are inverted - for example, a bonfire permits no visibility within ten yards, murky vision from ten to twenty yards, and clear vision (if there would have been sufficient light beforehand) at greater distances.
If the Infernal knows Darkling Grace Complete, the Things Which Lurk In Corners which dwell in her shadow may continue the performance for her. When activating this Charm, she may choose to instead make the Duration "Until next sunrise" for a surcharge of four motes and one willpower.
At Essence 3, the range automatically increases to (Appearance + Essence) times ten yards. At Essence 5, the multiplier is fifty, rather than ten.