I do fully understand why the staff doesn't like Matthew. His impulse control is zero on a good day, and his general reaction to being pissed off is to Nope whoever he wants gone. If anything I'm amazed no one has actually directly talked to him about it considered everything.

Her teacher won't take a second student, and won't allow her to do so until she masters puppetry to her standards.

Is this in reference to Touko or whatever her name is from Tsukhime i think it is?
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So Ritsuka is a Tohsaka and probably Rin's kid?

I'm giving Ritsuka a whole backstory. Salient points I made this chapter: name, he has a sorcery trait, strained relationship with father, a sister existing, and his mom is Doing Her Best to varying success.

I do fully understand why the staff doesn't like Matthew. His impulse control is zero on a good day, and his general reaction to being pissed off is to Nope whoever he wants gone. If anything I'm amazed no one has actually directly talked to him about it considered everything.

Is this in reference to Touko or whatever her name is from Tsukhime i think it is?

Da Vinci doesn't care enough to try so long as he's corralled, Roman kind of can't because he knows he'll be ignored, Ritsuka isn't aware yet...

Mash doesn't know how. She knows she's safe, but she doesn't know how to get him to truly listen.

And for the A-Team? Hinako and Matthew are kindred spirits, or would be if Hinako felt free to act like him. Pepe and Kadoc, meanwhile, took the approach of gently sanding off the broken edges so he'd be less temperamental. He's not as bad as he used to be.

Again, Roman fought his ass off for Matthew to live and handed him to Da Vinci. Matthew is a product of systemic abuse coupled with his main positive influence being a Faerie Queen who loves humans and only barely gets them. There's reasons for him being the way he is, but that doesn't excuse his more violent actions.

And yes, in this timeline Sakura did get to be raised by Touko Aozaki instead of Zouken. She is much better off for it.
I do fully understand why the staff doesn't like Matthew. His impulse control is zero on a good day, and his general reaction to being pissed off is to Nope whoever he wants gone. If anything I'm amazed no one has actually directly talked to him about it considered everything.

The only ones he'd listen to were Da Vinci (who's flighty enough not to care about propriety and exasperated enough at Magi culture to keep him on a leash) and Mash (who's still pretty timid). The A-Team he was friends with might have started working on him before Gut derailed him, but as Magi themselves, they may not have been able to get through to him enough to matter.

As to his impulse control- Matthew has fully internalized the 'fact' that he has only a few years to live. He hasn't quite caught onto all the hints his mum and other have dropped around him, and I'd wager he actively draws ire since he believes his own death is already inevitable. He has the vigor of a 20 year old, combined with the 'I'm dead anyway, why should I care what they think' attitude of an 80 year old. I suspect true neutral might become 'Neutral Good' eventually, when the gets the chance to interact with some non-magi people.

And yes, in this timeline Sakura did get to be raised by Touko Aozaki instead of Zouken. She is much better off for it.
So wait- are you saying Rits is a theoretical third Toshaka child, Rin's son, or Sakura's second child?
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I like this chapter a lot. I think I might have posted this before, but you do a great job of keeping the time between singularities spicy without the drama feeling like too much.
He's not as bad as he used to be.
That both relieves me and makes me somewhat morbidly curious to see it.

Is Matthew's attitude on the entire incident "I did nothing wrong"? And what was the A-team's thoughts on it?
As to his impulse control- Matthew has fully internalized the 'fact' that he has only a few years to live. He hasn't quite caught onto all the hints his mum and other have dropped around him, and I'd wager he actively draws ire since he believes his own death is already inevitable. He has the vigor of a 20 year old, combined with the 'I'm dead anyway, why should I care what they think' attitude of an 80 year old. I suspect true neutral might become 'Neutral Good' eventually, when the gets the chance to interact with some non-magi people.
Yeah, was thinking it at leased upgrade to neutral good. Although at this point all signs are beginning to point to Matthew biting off more than he can chew eventually.
He's Rin's boy. His sister Gudako Asako is the heir, as alluded in the 'whispers'.

You bet I'm gonna get some mileage out of that aspect of the protag's power being uncontrolled friend.
Who was the dad, then? And why does his dad dislike him? I can't imagine Shirou being that distant unless there was something really messed up there...

Yeah, was thinking it at leased upgrade to neutral good. Although at this point all signs are beginning to point to Matthew biting off more than he can chew eventually.
Don't all fledgling heroes do that at least once?
Don't all fledgling heroes do that at least once?
Yeah. Betting on it happening in endgame London for right now.

Edit: also it's interesting that most of the servants and Ritsuka have really only heard Matthew's side of events. I can see Roman talking to Ritsuka about it in the future though or something

Edit 2: I don't think the father's Shirou. The events of FSN didn't occur in this timeline so I don't think they would have ended up with the relationships that happened in those events.
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That both relieves me and makes me somewhat morbidly curious to see it.

Is Matthew's attitude on the entire incident "I did nothing wrong"? And what was the A-team's thoughts on it?

Yeah, was thinking it at leased upgrade to neutral good. Although at this point all signs are beginning to point to Matthew biting off more than he can chew eventually.

Caspan was not far off the mark when he said Matthew was kind of feral. Angy Faerie Child. -gremlin noises intensify-

Matthew's stance is 'I'd feel guilty if it was anyone else, but MARISBILLY RAGE'. He knows it's morally 'bad' but isn't committed to being good at the expense of his own wishes.

Who was the dad, then? And why does his dad dislike him? I can't imagine Shirou being that distant unless there was something really messed up there...

Well, in any timeline without the Great Fire, Shirou doesn't exist. He has his old name, his home, and his parents. He is also utterly unconnected to the moonlit world.

Assuming he did marry a magus, he would be locked out of the loop depending on circumstances, while any child with talent would need training. That could, in theory, cause estrangement if the spouse was unwilling to bend on cluing him in, if only for his own protection.

I see.

...to change the subject, is it possible to see what would happen if a certain 'Trinket' were summoned into this Chaldea? Grail would tip everything on its head in short order, and likely adopt Matthew within 20 seconds or so.
New chapter yay! And yeah looks like the three muskerteers are going to defend Matthew from Gilgamesh's advance's poor boy will need all the help he can get with that guy.
I see.

...to change the subject, is it possible to see what would happen if a certain 'Trinket' were summoned into this Chaldea? Grail would tip everything on its head in short order, and likely adopt Matthew within 20 seconds or so.

Considering as I pointed out early on Mattias and Matthew are likely dimensional counterparts, I'd say quite likely, though if Mattias could simply use the water of the grail to heal Matthew whenever he speaks the Universal Language he wouldn't learn not to be reckless, though it would likely take care of the lifespan issue
I see.

...to change the subject, is it possible to see what would happen if a certain 'Trinket' were summoned into this Chaldea? Grail would tip everything on its head in short order, and likely adopt Matthew within 20 seconds or so.

Whew. Well, there would definitely be a fight over who got Cu Chulainn, for starters. Gilgamesh would get a fresh boot up his ass. Morgan would gladly be a new BFF, and in equally short order the Wormverse cast would tag along and Goetia and Manaka would hang up their hats and go home. Then it's time to start a jumpchain because let's be real, the entire setting gets upended with that guy around.

As Shade said, yes omake, but the story would tank.
Also not surprised that Matthew has a twisted morality given his upbringing. Still A wonderful chapter I kind of want to see Artoria, Emiya and Matthew acting like a pseudo-family unit now.
"Hm… Perhaps it's time to say hello to my dear Bradamante. I'm sure she'd love a knight's errand to protect a tender youth in the throes of love from a predatory older man! It's just like one of my manga!"
Merlin, do we need to have Fou restrict your reading material again? I know he has a new "book confiscator" from Grail-kun Viy that he would love to test on your stuff.
"We owe you a debt that we cannot repay," d'Eon said softly. "Should your hour of need come, we will answer without fail."

Mozart smirked. "And hopefully we'll answer your call a bit faster than you answered ours. Ow!"
I really like the personality you give the servants. And your lack of hesitance to make them quite snarky.
The five of us stood in a star formation around Ritsuka's coffin, and the other five stood similarly around Kadoc's. Mash stood smugly at the head of Ritsuka's, though it was impossible to notice for those who didn't know her.
She's the Shielder: guards from the enemies on the battlefield, guards from the love rivals at home.
Sasaki inclined his head. "Bracing as that was, I think I'll retire for now." He made his way to the door.

And was promptly bowled over by Medea and Da Vinci, who made a beeline directly for me.

"I'll go on the tour!" Mash said quickly. She shot me an apologetic glance, then stepped next to Ritsuka… who had Joan very close to his other side.
I'm a bit shocked how fast Guda can seduce women, by the way. It's like the entire Singularity provided enough points to Bond Level 5 her.
"Miss," Artoria began.
Now, I think that either she was going to suggest that "maybe his Noble Phantasm works like mine?" sort since I don't think Excalibur can actually be fired with just one's internal reserves.

Or she was going to say "it's Morgan".

Because Morgan is BS.
Da Vinci held up a hand. "Do you know, we have readings on mana consumption not only from the Servants registered in our archives, but Servants from the Grail War? The one the former director fought in?"

I opened my mouth.

"I say this, of course, because of comparative mana consumption. Now, the passive abilities of your armor aren't that expensive. There's a consistent low-level drain that is easily offset by your natural mana production. Even the defensive measures only use up as much as Cu Chulainn's Gae Bolg in a decently long battle." Da Vinci's smile turned ghoulish. "But when you invoke the true name, and it absorbs and bolsters your Mystic Codes? The consumption is on par with the chariot of Achilles."
Now, would said Servants remember that and accidentally call out Roman's true identity?
Artoria's eyes flickered back to Medea. "I was unaware that the two of you were close… though admittedly I haven't been around so long as to observe it," she added.

Medea paused, then gave a sinister smile. "Oh yes! He's such a sweet boy. How many dresses have you modeled for me again?"

Artoria's eyes went wide as I tapped my chin. "You really liked the cocktail dress last time. Though I'm getting a little bored… maybe some suits next?"

"Oh, I think something can be arranged… will Cu Chulainn be joining us?" She got a glint in her eyes.
Give her a burger and an Iri, and you're set!
Medusa sighed through her nose before pulling off her blindfold - Breaker Gorgon. The sheen of the contacts I'd made her gleamed in the light. ...for some reason I'd assumed her eyes would be purple or something, rather than stone gray. Though the square pupils were neat.
That's probably from the contacts sealing her eyes better than the glasses?
"...you got a spare kilt somewhere in that shop of yours?"

"I'm Irish," Cu groaned loudly.

"Didn't you train in Scotland?"
What, the Yard?

I'll see myself out.
At that point, Artoria did turn purple, and either lost her composure or came out of shock. "Y-you…! You really are her child!"

Hm? My, my. I suppose some things really don't change across worlds!
In most of Morgan's fanart, I never see her ears.

Could she have elfin ears and be a lewd elf?
Slowly, Artoria lifted her empty hand wait that's not empty-

"He. Is. A. Child." Her growl was resonant.

"I'm eighteen!" I squawked.

She stared at me. Then at Cu Chulainn. "So you're the elder one?" she directed back to me in disbelief.


"Cu Chulainn went off to war at seventeen," Medea added in a gleeful tone.

The kind of seventeen who has a child with Aife.
"SIEEEEG! JEAAAANE!" Astolfo broke free with his idiot strength and bowled his friends over, the three of them laughing brightly.

Somehow, Fou pulled out a switchblade and aimed it at Joan.


"Oh, I think he got it from Viy. Isn't it cute?" Mash cooed.

Joan and Bradamante stared. Ritsuka was occupied with Charlie, and Astolfo, Jeanne, and Sieg were having their own second reunion.

"Fou, kyuu!"

This'll be great when I see Merlin again!

Or so Matthew would have heard. All anyone else heard was adorable squeaking. From a squirrel-dog with a spring-loaded pocketknife.

Such is Chaldea.
So Fou goes from an uppercut to a prison shanking?

I approve.

Artoria folded her hands in front of her. "I will say this. You make me think of Merlin, assuming he was more innocent and open with his nature. Though you, at least, do not try to pretend you lack emotions."

"Is that bad?" I tilted my head.

"Not as such. You also seem less likely to append strange things to my body so I can sire an heir," she remarked dryly.

Wizard-boy did what now?

"Huh. Guess that didn't happen in Morgan's timeline," I mused. "Whatever it was."

"He decided I needed to make a child, so gave me male genitals. The end result of that was Mordred, when my Morgan stole my-" Artoria explained with a faintly disgusted look.

There was a faint scraping sound in my head as Emiya covered Artoria's mouth with an embarrassed look.

Sharpen, sharpen, make the knife nice and pointy~ Gonna teach that little pervert a less-on~

I glanced sideways. "...and now she's gearing up to go stab Merlin."
I like this Morgan. She's an overprotective older sister. No wonder she was compatible!
seeing Astolfo happily chattering at a pleased Medea was a surprise
He likes to wear whatever he wants. Clearly Medea has her first customer.
"You look like Astolfo that night after he found his way into a nunnery that one time," Charlie said with narrowed eyes. "And in which many vows were broken."
And Astolfo is one of those people. Looks pretty but leaves women wanting for more.
"Celts, man. Not even once." I grinned.
And now I'm waiting for Shishou to show up and join in.
Matthew, no, no, no-!

"Aunt Artoriaaaaa," I whined, blurring over to her and snatching her into a hug, lifting her away and pirouetting away from where Gilgamesh had reached to cup her chin. "Why didn't you warn me about your ex showing up!? Though based on first impressions, I don't blame the upgrade~!"

Gilgamesh's eyebrows raised. "Oh?"

"Yeah, you don't seem like the kind of guy who can cook to save his life." I gave a winsome smile.
But it wouldn't be a surprise to find the World's First Katsudon in his treasury.
"Hm… Perhaps it's time to say hello to my dear Bradamante. I'm sure she'd love a knight's errand to protect a tender youth in the throes of love from a predatory older man! It's just like one of my manga!"
What about Magi☆Mari? Where will Roman get his daily dose of energy from?
"And get grilled on whether you're fit to be Artoria's queen!" I chirped mischievously.
Please make a scene like that even if it's an omake, I want to know how Emyia got out of it.

"Prince-consort Shirou Pendragon… waiting at home with a fresh hot meal…" Artoria mused, a faint blush on her cheeks.
I feel that a certain ruler would be very excited about this news.
Poor Emyia.
I wonder if the Emiya family will also be summoned by Ritsuka.
So the only reason Matthew wasn't severely punished for his stunt was because he was a) Marsbilly's main thing, and b) how powerful he was right? And even then it took Romani's intervention

Also, I think I guessed correctly why Marsbilly sealed the incident. Especially since he probably still had enemies outside of Chaldea who would have happily jumped on the incident to discredit him.
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No matter what, if Rits is a Tohsaka, meeting Ishtar and Ereshkigal, or even Parvati for that matter, will be... interesting to say the very least.
So the only reason Matthew wasn't severely punished for his stunt was because he was a) Marsbilly's main thing, and b) how powerful he was right? And even then it took Romani's intervention

Also, I think I guessed correctly why Marsbilly sealed the incident. Especially since he probably still had enemies outside of Chaldea who would have happily jumped on the incident to discredit him.

Yep. Matthew's Item Creation is a massive force multiplier (which we don't really see with most other Casters for some reason), and the potential for Faerie Artifacts is just too good to let go. If he'd managed to actually kill someone, that would have been it, Roman being persuasive or no.

No matter what, if Rits is a Tohsaka, meeting Ishtar and Ereshkigal, or even Parvati for that matter, will be... interesting to say the very least.

Certain Servants are definitely going to have their relationships with him redefined, that's for sure.
Certain Servants are definitely going to have their relationships with him redefined, that's for sure.

And since hypothetical Shirou does not have the hypothetical surname Emiya, CG Emiya hypothetically has no idea that Rits is hypothetically his son, and there's no way for Rits to hypothetically recognize the name "Emiya Shirou".

All purely hypothetically of course.
